[295] Grelle and Sebastian rush at Undertaker for one final attack. [247] Awkwardly, Ciel denies it, and the Viscount does not press the matter any further. [267] Sebastian asks Grelle to let them pass; if she refuses, he will be compelled to use force. After comparing notes, Ciel decides that they will take action tonight. However, Ciel screams that he just wants to go home. Sebastian reveals it was Snake, who he has captured. [166][167], Soma thanks Ciel for winning, and Ciel claims he did it for himself. He asks Sebastian if he can defeat them all. Emerging from the smoke are Lau and Ran-Mao, who has broken the ceiling. [177][178], Back at the London townhouse, Ciel is irritated that Sebastian has signed him up for an entrance test to qualify for the circus. [198] But, Ciel and Sebastian are unimpressed. Sebastian arranges for another competition in the afternoon. After Sebastian has defeated all the Bizarre Dolls, Edward suddenly burst back into the garden. Elizabeth is overjoyed that he got it first, after all, and wishes that this Easter egg may bring him happiness. Nevertheless, Elizabeth is overjoyed that he decided to "surprise" them and come on the trip. After they leave this area, they enter the second boiler room. Smiling proudly and confidently, Ciel promises that he will definitely return. Alarmed, Sebastian rushes towards them, attacking Undertaker with his demon powers. Professor Michaelis shocks all the students by bringing Soma's elephant to help put out the fire. Ciel declares that the Phantomhive servants are his private army; they protect the Phantomhive family's secrets and pride so they will not go down easily. Ciel loudly issues his order to eradicate the Bizarre Dolls. As the game progresses, Ciel notes what a good cricket player Soma is. [176], Ciel and Sebastian then attend a circus show hosted by Noah's Ark Circus. [111] Sebastian removes his coat to protect Ciel from the rain, and he promises to make him hot milk when they return to the manor. On the way, Sieglinde, speaking in German, asks how old Ciel is. [294] Suddenly, cold water pours in, and Undertaker announces that this is goodbye. Ciel dismisses this claim, saying it was Sebastian's job to protect him, regardless of whether Ciel protected himself. When Arthur proves the impossibility of just one person committing the string of murders, an uproar occurs between the guests. Ciel explains the incident that involves East End, which Lau manages. He tells Ciel that everyone else has been evacuated. Lau suggests that they run away and start a new life at a country where they are not known, such as India or China. Soon after, Ciel reveals that he does not know anything about Sebastian's past, just like the rest of them. [213], Later Ciel, escorted by Tanaka, goes to Georg's room, where the other guests have already gathered. Tanaka then returns the badge of the Phantomhive head butler to Sebastian. He begins to grow dizzy, and his vision of the Viscount grows dimmer. [525], On Halloween, Sebastian welcomes Ciel home, and shows him the extravagantly decorated garden. [517], The doorbell sounds, and Agni leaves to get the door. Copy. [99], That evening, Angelina and Grelle attend the party as themselves, Ciel as a girl (respectively Madam Red's niece from the countryside), Sebastian as Ciel's home tutor, and Lau as Angelina's lover. Sebastian tells the headmaster to drop the actSebastian then draws his arm in front of Ciel as Undertaker reveals himself.[370]. Ciel is deeply agitated by the words, but does not address it, instead ordering Sebastian to have Sieglinde tend to Soma's injuries. He discovers that his fiance, Elizabeth Midford, is responsible for this. After a few minutes, Ciel tells Sebastian to let "them" in; he'll talk to them now. Sebastian replies that as per the contract, protecting Ciel's life is his top priority. This time, Ciel tells Sebastian to kill Druitt, but Sebastian responds that he understands, but they must wait. [218] When they find that Patrick has a strange wound, Arthur initially attributes it to a needle injecting poison. [66], One night, intruders invaded Phantomhive Manor. Ciel apologizes to his servants for losing his composure. In the forest, the household is trying to find Ciel. After the little adventure there, Ciel and Sebastian return with Sieglinde and Wolfram to the mansion. The group suddenly sees a village in the forest, and everyone disembarks from the carriages. Ciel curiously opens up the closet, and a multitude of cats that Sebastian had hidden rush out, eliciting Ciel's allergic reaction. When Sebastian tries again, Tanaka stops him. The lady then thanks the people in the room for waiting, and announces the arrival of the "Starlight Four," consisting of Herman, Lawrence, Edgar, and Gregory. He, then, volunteers to help Ciel distance himself from Sebastian, if he is unable to do so on his own. Ciel runs happily to Professor Michaelis and thanks him for his support. He thinks inwardly that "Ciel" is not here anymoreonly Earl Phantomhive exists. Ciel then reads in the newspaper how the Karnstein Hospital has found a way to bring people back to life. Sebastian then promises Ciel that he is completely devoted to his service. Later, while Elizabeth and Soma converse, Ciel sleeps peacefully. [329], The next day, with great fanfare, Soma arrives, majestically riding on an elephant. Ciel is the boy who will kill anyone that hurts you or is in his way. Gazing sorrowfully at Ciel, she states she wanted him to think of her as cute until the end. Ciel tells him that he has already sent his scout, Sebastian, after the other members he has selected. [450] Entering another room, they find it full of giant cylinders. [14] On the left side of his body is the mark of the "noble beast", which he was branded with during his time as a slave in a cult. Disgusted, Ciel insults Kelvin and pulls a gun on him; this causes Joker to lay a sword on Ciel, and Sebastian to put a knife against Joker. Ciel and the rest of guests toast in celebration to the resolution to the case. [83], Soon after, the snipers inform Azzurro via telephone that they have failed their assassination mission. Ciel's right eye gleams with the contract's seal, and he orders Sebastian to save him. Ciel declared that he wanted the power to take revenge on those who mistreated him. He then commanded him to kill his attackers; Sebastian then burnt down the building. Water starts pouring in, and the ship's workers yell at everyone to get escape before the watertight doors shut. Ciel is a short, slight teenage boy with grey-tinged, blue . Ciel warns Sieglinde to not carelessly open the door for anyone, even if it is him. The servants bid their farewells, and Ciel leaves the manor in their hands. . Even though Ciel does not like sports and even hates to walk, he is very fond of horseback riding. Sebastian asserts that the attendees are unwittingly paying for their food and entertainment at special events with their blood. Sieglinde says that collecting blood from a large number of people, which is what the music hall is doing, makes sense for a vast amount of data is needed to improve the accuracy of blood transfusion, and remarks that involving civilians in the unethical research is "vicious. [500], At the Buckingham Palace, Ciel gives a report to Queen Victoria about the Sphere Music Hall, saying that he will continue to investigate the closed door meetings. [404] Ciel starts by showing her some toys; after some time playing, she falls asleep. [520], At night, Sebastian delivers tea to Ciel, and gives his report: Soma is exceptionally talented, for he is not shy and picks up the dancing after being shown the steps only once. The doors rapidly shut before they can get out. After he narrates the entire story, Ciel cannot believe that his predecessor was in Blue House. Ciel instructs Sebastian to complete all of his fag assignments. [323] He plans to use Lawrence's fag to get closer to the P4. Hurriedly, McMillan tells Ciel that the dormitories have really intense rivalries. One of the engineers suddenly calls out to them; they all do the Phoenix pose to prove that they are one party. Ciel retorts evenly that there are some things that cannot return despite one's utmost efforts. When the children praise the quality of the bread and how nice the people there are, Ciel comes to a realization, and announces that he has figured something out. Afterward, Ciel gives Sebastian two weeks to invest in the abandoned theatre across the street from Sphere Music Hall, remodel it into Funtom Music Hall, and make preparations for the grand opening; they also establish the Phantom Five, a group that will rival Sphere Music Hall's Starlight Four, consisting of Soma, Edward, Cheslock, Clayton, and Joanne Harcourt. [128][129], Ciel overhears Arthur Randall yelling to Fred Abberline that Ciel is a brat who stole the glory of catching Jack the Ripper. Sebastian apologizes for not accommodating them earlier since he has no idea guests were coming, and he prepares them tea. Doll vows to not forgive him and attempts to stab him. As he reaches for Ciel's outstretched hand, their fingers barely touch before Undertaker impales Sebastian from behind-revealing his Cinematic Record. He has difficulty in dressing himself and doing household chores. Sebastian unexpectedly returns and teasingly asks Ciel what he's grinning about. In the process of the sacrifice, "Ciel" was stabbed in the chest and died. Box 4666, Ventura, CA 93007 Request a Quote: taurus 1911 45 acp extended magazine CSDA Santa Barbara County Chapter's General Contractor of the Year 2014! Lau confesses that he has always wanted to say it at least once, and Ciel berates him. Ciel is unnerved when "Ciel", suddenly cheerful, tells him that he is glad to be reunited with his family. Edward furiously tells Ciel to get outhe was an idiot to trust him. [564], Ciel mulls over the situation and determines that Sirius, the Blue Star and the cult leader of Sphere Music Hall, which was illegally harvesting blood, is "Ciel". [76] Sebastian reminds him that he cannot afford to turn Elizabeth down coldly since she is the daughter of the Midford family and his future wife. Affiliation [149] As West orders Agni to kick Soma out, in the hall Lau and Ciel speculate that this has to do with the black market. Ciel introduces them as his "good friends" who are visiting him to learn more about English culture. [274], Sebastian and Ciel encounter Viscount Druitt in the 1st Class Passenger Hallway. [118], They part ways, and Ciel and Sebastian go to speak to Undertaker. [20] The one on his right hand is a gold signet ring in the form of the Phantomhive crest, which he uses to stamp the wax seal ondocuments. [89] Sebastian prepares many treats; one of them is a diligently sculptured chocolate model of an earl, and Ciel secretly steals its head. They enter the house, and are astonished to find blood and rubble. The servants are determined to search outside, something Ciel cannot dissuade them from doing. However, she quickly recovers and announces she thought of a great idea; whoever is able to find the egg that she specially made will become the winner of the competition. black butler: ciel phantomhive Earl Grey and sweets - the perfect combination for afternoon tea, and the perfect descriptors for the infamous Earl. [545], When Ciel asks Soma if he is hurt, Soma hits him across the face. Maaya SakamotoMiyuki Sawashiro (First Drama CD) Sebastian, however, stops her and apologizes for failing as a butler and putting her through so much trouble; he adds that he will handle the rest. He admits he even let his own aunt die for the same reason. Placing his hand over his deep wounds, he states sorrowfully that even a Death Scythe's attacks are hard on him. He then allows Arthur to be in charge of their actions from there on out. The Sterling Silver rose was bred from the Peace rose and another unknown rose by Esther Gladys Fisher in 1957. [319] Out loud, Ciel mentions that he would find it difficult to play against his friend from the Scarlet Fox dormitory, Derrick Arden. After justifying his arrival, Jeremy takes over the investigation and asks for the corpses to be put in three separate rooms. Suddenly, Ronald Knox bursts in and uses his death scythe to smash her head. As Elizabeth praises the handicraft, Grey announces that he would like to join the competition, too. And owner of the Funtom company. "No. Ciel proposes that they get their fortunes told, quipping that Blavat would be no fraud if he can "divine the sorrows" of a demon. Ciel then discusses the Jack the Ripper case. Sebastian jumps out of the moving carriage to go compile a list of potential suspects as ordered by Ciel. [230], Sebastian then opts to start preparing for lunch. Subsequently, they hear a strange noise coming from Ciel's room, and enter it. [325], That night, Ciel goes to meet Sebastian aka Professor Michaelis in his room. Sebastian warns Ciel that he has been set up by "Ciel". Ciel points out that it is possible the song was made to be accessible in order to gather people together in one place so that business can be carried out. Coincidentally, in, Ciel's death date of August 26, 1889 is the historical date on which Queen Victoria signed the, Ciel uses rather foul language when he criticizes people he despises. When it is in flames, Ciel comments that it is now a moving oven; Sebastian agrees wholeheartedly. Leaving the red dress there, Ciel tells his aunt to rest in peace. Upon Ciel's request, the demon killed the cultists and recovered the blue Phantomhive ring from "Ciel"'s . Ciel asserts that he's sure Maurice's dirty because of his unhesitant, relaxed attitude. [211] After the guests have all gathered, Ciel goes to greet them. When Sebastian tries to get his fortune told, Blavat says that Sebastian does not have the divine protection of any star because he is not human, to Ciel's and Sebastian's astonishment. Ciel concedes that he lost, since she killed the sixteenth animal, and she commends him for his bravery. [332] Maurice has two quirksone, he gives flower-shaped cards to some of the boys. They go up to the bedroom where she was sleeping, and Agni explains that he went to check up on her, but she was gone when he arrived. The wounded are all treated; Mey-Rin and Tanaka offer to help since they are not injured. "My Lord, I hardly require a payment for doing exactly what is expected of a Phantomhive butler." It was no secret that Sebastian gained no pleasure from consuming human food. Ciel demands to know what he plans to achieve by bringing the dead back to life. Lau calls them over; he has already knocked out the guard personnel by rendering them asleep with a special technique, much to Soma's and Ciel's surprise. Ciel unexpectedly laughshe tells Sebastian to handle the situation and then make some tea. He is amazed by how fast humans can change. He does manage to tell her that his parents are dead. Sebastian asks them all to keep their secrets. At midnight, Ciel arrives at the given location. [484], Abruptly, an agitated Edward Midford rushes in, shouting Ciel's name. [35] With the Funtom Corporation, he is simultaneously striving for revenge and realizing his childhood dream, a move "Ciel Phantomhive" deems astute. [117], Outside, in the graveyard, Lau asks if Ciel told the Queen of Jack the Ripper's true identity, which Ciel responds that he found that to be unnecessary, as the Jack the Ripper killings had been stopped. Sebastian smiles and replies that it was an emergency. Sebastian softly comments that the sea is full of Bizarre DollsCiel is the only survivor left in the water. After Sebastian throws Finnian out of the room, he starts communicating with Ciel telepathically. High caffeine | Steep at 212 for 2 minutes. [534], Sebastian announces that Ciel's carriage is ready. Unconcerned about his condition, Ciel wants to follow it immediately, but Sebastian stops him. They resume fighting. Elizabeth wakes up as the Bizarre Dolls close in on her. Ciel retorts that he, the Aristocrat of Evil, took action when Fred, the "righteous police," could not. Sebastian admonishes him that he will get "2 Y's" for walking around at night. Sebastian states he was wondering where he went after the Campania incident and he closed his shop. [78] Ciel is horrified and attempts to slap Elizabeth, but Sebastian stops him. Sebastian responds that Ciel can recognize his own kind. She brandishes a knife, calls herself "the hunted," and states that there is only one path. [560], Abruptly, Scotland Yard, helmed by Fred, who is accompanied by Edward and Alexis burst inside, having received an an anonymous report detailing that Blavat, the mastermind of the Sphere Music Hall serial murders, and his conspirators are hiding at the manor. The one on his left thumb is an ornate silver piece that holds an emerald-cut deep-blue sapphire; it is a one-of-a-kind family heirloom that has been passed down for generations. Ciel proceeds through the ship and runs into Elizabeth, who states she was following him after he ran away from the dining hall. She takes her leave after informing Ciel that she will have the Grand Chamberlain's office send the authorization documents for the Royal Warrant to Ciel soon. Earl Ciel Phantomhive is the main protagonist of the Black Butler manga and anime franchise. Alias He has to be in order to be the president of "Funtom" and solve crimes for the queen. When Cheslock questions their choice of Clayton, Sebastian modifies Clayton's appearance, and they are all impressed with the result. Kuroshitsuji Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. [440] He adds that he wanted to thank her before leaving; he just wanted to offer her a chance to go to the outside world. However, Sebastian easily pulls a lever to reveal an elevator-style door. Ciel Phantomhive has hooked up with Sebastian Michaelis. Ciel rebukes Lau and Ran-Mao for searching his room, and he secretly suspects Lau because of the needle Lau had used outside Harold West Jeb's estate some time ago. When Fred suggests that they request aid from Queen Victoria, Ciel states that, by the word of law, she cannot intervene in domestic affairs, and assures him that he will handle it, as the Queen's Watchdog. Nevertheless, Ciel reassures him that everything will be all right. Arthur sums up the situation: Charles had tried to make Ciel out as the killer; Ciel and Sebastian made thorough preparations to clear any suspicion surrounding themselves, and even though they know that Grey is the killer, they made the innocent Karl into the culprit. [62], A year later, Ciel summoned Sebastian to his room, complaining of a wobbly tooth that was preventing him from eating his food properly. He has made tea and finished all the preparations. Jeremy reveals it to be a snake. Moreover, he is always against injustice. When Lau says "Yes, my Lord" alongside Sebastian, both Ciel and Sebastian are surprised. Ciel comments that their performance was nothing like any opera or ballet he has ever seen. The P4 arrive, and Edgar Redmond sees Ciel standing on the grass. Edward asks what it is that has enchanted her, and Ciel suggests that Blavat has brainwashed her, to which Edward admits is possible. However, Herman Greenhill silences everyone when he grabs Ciel's bruised and worn-out hand. [183], At their tent, Ciel gets the bottom bunk. Undertaker adds that there might be interesting developments lurking behind the "end credits." After the tooth's removal, Ciel threw an angry fit at Sebastian. While Ciel and Edward discuss Elizabeth and the other Londoners' infatuation with Sphere Music Hall, they hear a commotion downstairs, which drives Ciel to exit the room and snap at Agni and Soma. Elizabeth throws the ring on the floor forcefully, and it shatters into pieces. After calming down, Ciel picks up the shattered ring and tosses them out the window. [224] After dinner, Ciel has to lend his assistance to Jeremy, and he is required to take off his clothes and stay very still. [535], Later, Ciel and Sebastian confront Herman, Edgar, and Lawrence, who are hiding at a pub in Hyde Park. Quite the opposite, Ciel suspected. [155] Ciel decides to participate and obtain the Royal Warrant for the Funtom Corporation, even if they only have a week to prepare. Status [355], Ciel continues the game with his teammates. [299] Ciel is about to fall asleep, but Sebastian yells at him not to. Age [373] Aloud, he tells the P4 that he will explain the circumstances to the concerned parties; Sebastian smiles when he hears this. [32] He lies without compunction, particularly while he is undercover, and he is cynical and distrustful of the integrity of others. Kuroshitsuji: Phantom & Ghost
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