LGIS I would fix the erosion along our Northern beaches, especially San Remo. City of Armadale Generally, we'll be doing something that involves the waterways and then to finish the day perhaps take a picnic to the foreshore or get some fish and chips so we can stay outdoors a bit longer. City of Canning Woven by waterways, a city with a village heart. 2023 All contents copyright Government of Western Australia. Please note there is a volume restriction of 2m3which will be enforced. Upon returning to WA, I completed formal qualifications in events management. Address Search. Born in Pinjarra, my passion for community began in high school, where I was heavily involved in the high school's music program before moving into local theatre. What materials can I put out to be picked up in the junk and metal verge collection? Rockhampton Regional Council Mum and dad semi-retired to Mandurah in 2008, so my wife, four kids and I moved here in 2013 after 10 years working in various country locations. Have some questions you'd like us to ask them? If you received a $1 million grant to be used within the City an any way you wanted, what would you do with it? Shire of Northam Bouvard 6211; Clifton 6211; Coodanup 6210; Dawesville 6211; Dudley Park 6210;Erskine 6210; Falcon 6210; Greenfields 6210; Halls Head 6210; Herron 6211;Lakelands 6180; Madora Bay 6210; Mandurah 6210; Meadow Springs 6210;Parklands 6180; San Remo 6210; Silver Sands 6210; Wannanup 6210. Thomas Dambo Giants of Mandurah. I have managed a 10 million dollars budget with no challenges as the brand spoke for itself. Shire of York City of Belmont Amenities need improving, our parks and reserves need some TLC and our playgrounds need modernising. The City of Mandurah council has recommended significant changes be made to the $64 million Lakelands Train Station set to start construction in the coming weeks. Includes costs incurred in collecting rates, government grants and other revenue. Town of Cottesloe Their commitment to spreading joy and . I remember being so excited to be moving to the place that other people go for holidays (except for the pesky pelican on the foreshore that stole my meat pie on the day that we were moving down from Perth). Please note that there are volume restrictions for the verge collections. Our City Works team is looking for a self-motivated, hardworking and experienced individual to fill the position of Drainer, Construction. The City normally issues alerts and warning to the community prior to a major storm event, and any deviation to the normal verge collection requirements would be addressed through those alerts and warnings. Please update your current browser, or switch to a more recent alternative browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. I have been an Australian citizen for 19 years. Tamala Park Regional Council Bin collections. Runs a local business and a non-profit (Pride in Peel). I am 100 per cent committed and focused on ensuring that Mandurah is a wonderful place to live not just for now and for our children but for future generations to come. And one who doesn't have any political affiliations (directly or indirectly). We also need pedestrian crossing lights that allow the elderly to cross safely. Maybe some better areas for launching small watercraft like kayaks and small sailboats. Wearable Art Mandurah 2023 Exhibition. Updated October 12 2015 - 6:36pm, first published 2:51am. I'm passionate about education and believe in the power of a school community to change lives. Can you give us a brief description of your history living in the City? I have been proud to call Mandurah home for the last 28 years. Jackson McDonald The City of Mandurah is Western Australia's largest regional city and covers an area of 173.5km. When I was a teenager, I was chosen to spend a year in a strict eastern style monastery to be a priest. My work has me interacting with local government across the region. Travelled 109 countries for work, 25 years of working experience, local and global companies. Updated October 18 2022 - 8:13pm, first published October 17 2022 - 1:00am. Therefore, out of the $1M, I would like to allocate $400K towards the conservation and protection of our local dolphins and invest the other $600K on balancing our annual budget, which in turn will allow me to minimize and freeze rate increases for all. Add to this the funding for emergency relief, I, along with a small, dedicated group of local people, were able to provide a more comprehensive service to the growing number of less fortunate in the Peel region. Menu Community profile Social atlas Population forecast Economic profile Housing monitor community views Chairman of city's Audit and Risk committee and Committee of Council. 3 Peel Street, Mandurah WA 6210. Current mayor of four years, focus on fixing problem areas including economic stagnation, unemployment and homelessness, reactivating the CBD, protecting environment. Shire of East Pilbara It's great to see Mandurah' getting its fair share. Friday, March 3rd, 2023 8:55am. A simple walk in our beautiful surroundings with my family, which includes our fur-kids, is also not a bad way to pass time. I have three children and nine grandchildren. I'm currently principal at Greenfields PS and have been here since 2013. Litchfield Council More recreational outlets for young adults and senior citizens. My life is a constant juggling act anyway. I am the chaplain at Greenfields Primary School in East ward. General waste and junk, whitegoods (doors must be removed for safety reasons), scrap metal and timber products. How do I find out when the collection truck is picking up verge collection waste in my area? Channel Seven Mandurah Crab Fest; Community Christmas Pageant and Celebrations; New Year's Eve Celebrations; Australia Day Celebrations; Mandurah Arts Festival. These are Broome Cruises, Rottnest Cruises, Mandurah Cruises and South West Cruises. Belyuen Community Government Council In fact, out of $113 million operating revenue, I will not spend $46.6 million on employee costs, which is almost equal to material and contracts of $46.6 million on the 2019/2020 budget, for example. The CASM gallery is open Wednesdays to Sundays from 10am-4pm and has free entry. I have always been interested in helping my community and joining the council would allow me to do this. However, it requires strong lobbying and negotiation skills which is only possible with an independent mayor who has strong business-minded skills and effective negotiation strategies. Viewers will be able to appreciate the intricate details and craftmanship of the 2022 competition designers, who used materials ranging from phone books, packing foam and foraged branches to tea bags and book pages. A formal notice/fine will be issued to those residents not complying with the verge requirements. Budgets and auditing are within my area of expertise. Recently, I signed a volunteer agreement with the Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB) and attended training in Perth. Information for those that call the City of Mandurah home, There's always something happening, things to see and places to be in Mandurah, Examine our past, assess our present, and work towards our joint future, The heart of our economy, the places we work, and run our businesses, The processes and procedures that make this the place we choose to live, work and visit. Email. You can find out your verge collection dates by entering your property address into the Near Me map tool. Scheduling will be important, as will combining compatible activities where possible. "I support the motion for today and the future.". Primarily, walking alongside and advocating for families facing unemployment, homelessness, domestic violence situations, poverty, addiction issues, trauma cycles, grief and loss and those impacted by crime. Your local council may provide advice, services and resources to help you start, grow and develop your business. Free. I have a good understanding of the diverse needs of the area, whether this be in relation to services needed by residents, commercial/business interests or environmental needs. The green waste verge collections are held between May and August, and October and December each year. I have lived in the Coastal Ward for 22 years. The city is located in the Peel region, just beyond the southern boundary of metropolitan Perth, and lies about 75 kilometres (47 mi) south of the Perth . Since arriving in Mandurah I have served the community in one form or another. I have spent over half my life supporting our community. Mary Kartesz-Wardroper and Alan Wardroper have one of the most popular and well-known houses in Mandurah. There are two areas I would like the funds to be put towards: 1. Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands Initially providing the needy with food parcels, I progressed to all forms of emergency relief including cash payments. In my two years on Council, I have never given an appointment for residents to see me in my chamber, rather I go to their home or their preferred place, to meet with them and help out whenever possible. svg rectangle color City of Mandurah Community profile. I would however go back to part-time hours and I already work predominantly at home; but it would mean that I am accessible for the community. The information will only provide you with the week the collection is occurring in your area. The information provided on these maps is as a guide only. Mandurah has been my home for nearly 40 years. Many pieces show the hundreds of hours of craftsmanship dedicated by participating artists and designers. Local Government Reform - Summary of Proposed Reforms, LGA30120 Certificate III in Local Government, LGA50220 Diploma of Local Government Elected Member, Introduction to Local Government (eLearning), Induction for Local Government Workers (OHS). | A great place to live and work If you enjoy working in a challenging and dynamic environment and . Shire of Three Springs This position is a permanent fulltime role based in Sarina. Chief Executive Officer Mark Newman. Rivers Regional Council City of Bayswater Find out when pick-up is happening in your suburb from February to May. How do you/will you juggle your everyday life with the responsibilities of being a councillor? Shire of Leonora I have always been passionate and dedicated to my community roles and I would be honoured to represent the community as a councillor. I am joint Managing Director of Sea West, which operates 4 experience tourism brands across Western Australia. With a hope in finding long term tangible solutions. Some of the functionality of this site requires a modern browser to function correctly. We have a huge opportunity with Transform Mandurah which is aimed at building the economy and attracting new business. Focus on growing economy, protecting waterways, improving amenities, modernising playgrounds, greater seniors' discounts, more crosswalks and better community safety and crime prevention. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date. If you're having trouble paying rates the City has payment options designed to alleviate financial pressures. East Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC) The support group . I am actively working and volunteering within the East Ward community and have done so for many years. Town of East Fremantle I love Mandurah and would greatly value the opportunity to work towards improving our City and the lives of those in our community. "If we don't have rate increases to meet our intentions then we're not being honest - we are already not spending enough on assets to not put a burden on future generations and that's not the legacy I want to leave. Central Desert Regional Council Community safety and support programs that create and strengthen social connections and create a village response to isolation, anti-social behaviour and safety. Newsroom. Department of Local Government and Communities Email daniela.cooper@austcommunitymedia.com.au. Cr Darren Lee's spot on council is also vacant after he resigned earlier this year. This is a very broad question. Mid-Western Regional Council (MWRC) If you're running a business, or planning to start one, your local council may be able to give you information about accessing: . A Perth council wants all of its local roads to eventually be limited to 40km/h. On a day off in Mandurah, where can we find you, and what are you doing? In fact, since 2019, when I first nominated for the east ward, I've been continuing to build on the relationships I made with the community members. How do you/ will you juggle your everyday life with the responsibilities of being a councillor? I live with my partner, Ange, who runs a small local business. {{#if Id}}. As specified. Town of Bassendean "It would be easy to have a zero or 2.5 percent increase but we have to have increased rates otherwise it would be short sighted," he said. The is always a challenge that priorities will differ especially in a population of this size. Snapshot: 88,080 . Through my business I support more than 20 local businesses making me really eager and passionate for supporting growth in Mandurah's economy. Mary Kartesz-Wardroper and Alan Wardroper with Mayor Rhys Williams. In the City of Rockingham, Deb Hamblin secured the top job with 6386 votes, becoming the first female mayor. The garments have been curated at CASM to highlight the different forms, shapes and mediums used by designers. President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Sponsorship Manager Recruitment Officer Social Media Co-ordinator Marketing and Promotions officer Council Liason Officer Social Events Organiser Team Manager Database/I.T manager Sports & Coaches Manager Volunteer Co-ordinator First Aid Officer Safety . Bunbury Harvey Regional Council My two children attend the local high schools. Also, I would like to lobby for two wildlife officers to be stationed in Mandurah. We are charged with preserving our unique waterways and bushland for future generations and it is imperative that we devote a significant amount to ensure its ongoing sustainability. City of Cockburn The City of Mandurah council endorsed a rate rise of 4.43 percent as a part of its 2022/23 budget at the June council meeting. Email us at editor@mandurahmail.com.au. Place waste on other verges, as it will not be collected, Car bodies, vehicle parts,tyresor batteries, Waste must not be more than 1.5m wide or 1.2m high (two cubicmetres). Updated October 3 2021 - 9:31pm, first published September 29 2021 - 9:40pm. Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup Some of the functionality of this site requires a modern browser to function correctly. Shire of Yalgoo Shire of Brookton The junk verge collection is held between February and May. I'm usually out and about supporting our fantastic local businesses, whether it be coffee at The Hummingbird, a vino at Bar Therapy or a meal at Flic's Kitchen. Shire of Dundas I am passionate about our local environment and have been lucky enough to have been able to work my passion. Shire of Morawa Coordinating the creation of a long term plan for Social Infrastructure (community facilities / service delivery partnerships) for Mandurah which has a population of 74,000 people. I want to work with our community to create opportunities for everybody to feel safe and connected, to assist all residents to feel a sense of pride and belonging. Verge . There are many services in Mandurah for the young and the old, but people do not know about them; and I have found that local charities do not like to return phone calls. North Ward councillor of 8 years. These all intersect in some way and using the insights and passion of individuals working together I think we could have an amazing outcome. Some of the functionality of this site requires a modern browser to function correctly. Busselton Water Board City of Mandurah. Being my mother's carer and a mother of two teenagers and a student at the local TAFE, I am very good at time management. What do you feel is lacking, or neglected within the city, and how would you like to see it addressed by local government? People travel to Bunbury to do their pilot licenses. All right reserved. "Our rate payers are struggling and we shouldn't over burden them with excessive rate rises," he said. Shire of Chapman Valley City of Nedlands It's how to use it to benefit others. Shire of Kojonup Western Power Training Consultants Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Shire of Yilgarn Shire of Bruce Rock Joint Standing Committee City of Kwinana Town of Victoria Park, NT Council Public Bins Search. Shire of Laverton Having had many conversations since nominating for the first time in 2019, our community doesn't feel safe. My hope is that everybody would have the same opportunities to thrive. These issues include policing, the health system including our mental health system, drug and alcohol related issues and domestic violence. We need to emphasise on quality of life and economic opportunities. This has not been my experience, as on a couple of occasions I only got one or two responses from 12 councillors. Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku I would have rather discussed the 2021 council budget figures and its spending allocations on LIVE/podcast discussion instead. Please note that verge collections are not provided to commercial properties and vacant land. Shire of Narrogin That time in my childhood taught me the foundations of multiple disciplines. Although not a local government responsibility, a focus area of mine will be advocating to reduce the wait times for all health services, targeting mental health, trauma and abuse and housing availability and support. Select your Organisation We have a diverse array of social, sporting, environmental and other groups that do great things to build and sustain our communities. Cornerstone PerthNow - Central Central Local News. partnerships 2023-02-23. The final day of the exhibition, April 2, will feature a series of artist talks where designers will share their inspiration and creative processes behind their pieces. Mandurah is quickly losing the aspects that made it different from being just another suburb of Perth. I don't live in a dream world. Hitting the local cafe's and meeting with friends. The man responsible for overseeing some of the . City of Mandurah council elections are fast approaching, with in-person voting on October 16, and mail-in ballots already arriving in mailboxes. 31 December. Council & Committees. City of Perth As much as $1 million is a lot of money is does not provide a lot of hard infrastructure these days, but a million dollars invested wisely across a number of community organisations would have a great multiplier effect. Shire of Coolgardie Despite the recommendation, councillors support swung in the opposite direction with a 9-4 vote in favour of option one, with one councillor stating "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". 2023 All contents copyright Government of Western Australia. Shire of Carnamah With the right focus and support, the City can do some great work for our coastal environment. Shire of Coorow I'm fortunate that all my family still live in Mandurah. We need to promote our eco-tourism as well. Let us agree to add another two zeros into this amount and a team of 11 councillors, CEO and mayor, and that would be a question to be asked and discussed. Find out about your bin days, local councillors and facilities near you. I've previously been involved with the Tindale Reserve Bushcare group and am currently working with the Mandurah Environment and Heritage group. Cr Pember said it wasn't a pleasure to have to raise the rates but a "necessity to have a city that is great to live in and can welcome visitors. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering with Honours from USA in 1991. Ordinary Council Meeting Meets fourth Tuesday each month at 5:30pm. Although I have served on council for a number of years, I think we may be approaching a time where our core values may be tested. Credit . Contact Council. . We care about the protection of your data. Sunday is my only day off; where I slow down and take time to meditate, mend and recharge my spirituality. My list of voluntary roles is extensive, as is my involvement with local charity and non-profit organisations. One thing that residents have raised with me during the campaign is a lack of activities for teenagers that aren't sports or water-based. Ben Fagan and Peter Jackson did not reply. Shire of Cue Updated July 5 2022 - 6:39pm, first published June 30 2022 - 8:00pm. All waste must be placed on your front verge by 6am Monday, Do not put your waste on the verge more than seven days prior to scheduled collection date, Waste must not be more than 1.5m wide or 1.2m high, Late placement of waste will not be collected, Infringements may be issued where waste is placed on the verge more than seven days prior to the collection start date, or after the truck has passed. Club Name *. Shire of Plantagenet She is next due . Shire of Mount Marshall Nominations have closed for the City of Mandurah elections, with 17 candidates in the running for a position on the council. WALGA Wheatbelt NRM, WA Council The City of Mandurah provides two green waste and one junk and metals verge collection to each residential property on an annual basis. Katherine Town Council Focus on healthy and inclusive communities as well as communication and accountability. Gallery visitors can see the pieces up close, which have been created by international designers from countries including Germany, Romania, New Zealand and Ireland, as well as local, State and national designers. We're lacking many of the hallmarks of a City - botanical gardens, a proper museum, a town hall. There are many things are lacking and neglected within the City. Picture: File image. One of my proudest childhood memories was being an inaugural member of a Peel surf lifesaving club and helping the club grow into two well-known and funded clubs. I'm passionate about our nature and waterways, especially keeping our waterways litter free. City of Albany Robert Schmidt (2107 votes) won the votes in the Comet Bay ward. Tourism; fishing; light industry; retail; small business; construction. Fund infrastructure projects within the city, this is dependent on total cost, but would include things such as cycle ways and traffic flow around the Mary St boat ramp during busy periods; 2. Fees. City of Mandurah South West Catchments Council City of Mandurah | 2,689 followers on LinkedIn. He was refused bail and is next due to appear in the Perth Magistrates Court on 3 March 2023. Mandurah resident for over 11 years, family background of various entrepreneurs, worked for large national, international and corporate businesses. VOTER'S GUIDE: Mandurah council candidates 2021. Thursday, 2 March 2023. Focus on supporting local business, protecting environment and targeting wasteful spending. For this we need to change our ongoing trend of being a low socio-economic city. Drainer (Construction and Maintenance) City Of Mandurah. She has a passion for injustice; to be a voice for those who don't have one; to hold power to account; and to bring readers the news without fear. East Arnhem Regional Council Jun 2017 - Present5 years 10 months. On a day off in Mandurah, where can we find you and what are you doing? Obviously the state government takes care of things like policing, social welfare and sporting facilities etc. City of Busselton Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale Shire of Tammin You will receive a reminder notice one month prior to the due date for all instalments. Shire of Collie Pilbara Regional Council You will receive a link to create a new password. (08) 9550 3777. Garden prunings, tree loppings (less than 1.5 m in length and trunk diameter less than 30cm), palm leaves and tree limbs, branches and small logs (less than 1.5 m in length and trunk diameter less than 30cm). Justice and law have been a significant area of interest for a while now. I have worked in many different industries in different countries including farming, forestry, fishing, aquaculture, mining, construction, oil and gas, retail, hospitality and tourism. Amendment No. Shire of Irwin Yes, the City's verge collection contractor works on public holidays, so it is recommended that waste is placed on the verge the weekend prior to the collection commencing in your area. I'm nominating because I have a big vision for Mandurah and many people have encouraged me to nominate. HHG Legal Group For legal purposes, easements, dimensions and. Shire of Nungarin Resident of 40 years, worked locally as an engineer for nine years. Shire of Boddington For help and advice contact the rates team on 9550 3777. Topics. Please use these . Founder and former chief executive of WestAus Crisis & Welfare Services and founder of the Heathy Breakfast Club operating in 13 schools across Mandurah and Peel. Town of Cambridge Works have started to upgrade the City's Administration Building foyer. Shire of Dandaragan Land acquired by the City of Mandurah in 2014. Integranet Group I was educated locally, got my first press photographer job at the Mandurah Mail at 17 and am now raising my family in Dudley Park. Having come from a home where I witnessed firsthand the detrimental impacts of drug and alcohol misuse, my childhood led me to a career within the community sector where I have walked alongside people from all backgrounds. Has held positions on 33 boards/committees including 17 for non-profits. What we can do in a local sense is build on the relationships that have been formed, strengthen services that have been created and create a better understanding of what services are available and how they can complement each other. Shire of Corrigin Verge Collection Schedule - Junk and Metal (PDF - 108.4KB), Details about the different types of verge collections in your area, View, download and print the PDF waste guide. Roper Gulf Regional Council As the meeting got underway a petition was presented to the council, which was signed by 568 residents requesting the City to review the 4.43 percent rate increase. Some of the functionality of this site requires a modern browser to function correctly. I am doing my Juris Doctor degree, equivalent to a PhD in law, after completing postgraduate studies in business administration at Curtin University, besides a BA double major in finance and banking. Also finding ways to keep meeting with and communicating with residents will be a priority. I am going around to visit the homeless this week. The closing date for all submissions is Monday 21 October 2019. To find out residential & commercial rubbish tip fees & acceptable wastes, visit our website. Free. A 31-year-old Baldivis man has been charged with: - Possession of Stolen or Unlawfully Obtained Property I was the only member of the public to attend the council meeting where rates were raised this year. Other Organisation Kott Gunning Shire of Chittering Safety and security issue: Cyber security threats to our local government, privacy, advanced technology transaction application, like blockchain and big data analytics that saves time, effort and cost. Department of Training and Workforce Development Two years ago I brought my family across the Nullabor and moved to Mandurah. After 12 years I still have plenty left in me to keep doing the role; one that I truly love. Wednesday Mar 1 | 12:00 AM. What green waste can I put out to be picked up in the green waste verge collection? I just want to ensure that anyone who gets in will commit to representing their residents and ratepayers. Cr Zilani said the City should look at ways to reduce operating costs and rework capital works programs to prioritise the most impactful projects. I said four years ago that we essentially have a decade of really hard work to ensure we navigate through these challenges, and this work will define what Mandurah becomes. Shire of Kondinin Prioritisng people in planning for a rapidly . 2023 All contents copyright Government of Western Australia. Shire of Dumbleyung 1. He serves and loves unconditionally. I always learn to adapt to the task at hand, but don't worry I still make time for family and friends - life is about balance. We are a growing, diverse, thriving place to be and we can build on it and showcase it. Shire of Toodyay I'm also in the process of completing a masters degree part-time in the evenings, so there is a fair chance you might find me cramming for an upcoming assignment. That is why I am running for mayor. Mayor Rhys Williams (2025) Deputy Mayor Caroline Knight. Western Australia, Australia. Shire of Ravensthorpe Central Regional TAFE For further information on payments, arrangements, instalments or contact details Click Here. Focus on cost cuts, budget auditing, funding. Shire of Moora Mother of two teenagers. Shire of Meekatharra The easiest way is to use the Near Me tool on the Citys website. A balance between funding support for enhancing our business environment and funding towards coastal weed mitigation and dune rehabilitation.
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