If you dont see the number you need below, call OHSUs main number: 503-494-8311. WPATH standards of care are used in therapy and letter writing. I work with families and individuals to explore the gender spectrum in support of exploration with who we are as unique human beings and how to navigate systems: society's idea of who we are (binary polarities) and other essential areas. PrEP, a once-a-day medication to prevent HIV transmission, might be a good choice for you if you are at risk for HIV transmission or want to add more peace of mind to your life. As a co-conspiritor, I honor your process-- YOU are the expert on YOU! The Meltzer Clinic, 7025 N. Scottsdale Rd., #302, Scottsdale, AZ, 85253, US. He operates at Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn Campus at the Greenbaum Surgery Center and also has privileges at Scottsdale Healthcare Shea Campus. I continuously increase my knowledge and skills for helping clients address Gender Dysphoria. By browsing TransHealthCare.org, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. The group meets quarterly to advise the program about programs and services. We dont charge for support, information or patient-education classes. Doernbecher offers psychological and psychiatric care. I want you to feel empowered to show up as your whole self, regardless of the context. We welcome concerns, success stories and anything else youd like to share. Flu vaccines are available. I received training conducting evaluations within a multidisciplinary transgender health clinic. My experience includes academic training as well as my personal experience. Gender affirmation surgery (previously gender confirmation surgery) for individuals looking to transition: transfeminine or transmasculine. Injections are only available with a minimum of one hour of electrolysis. As a nonbinary therapist, supporting folx in exploring their gender identity is some of the most rewarding work that I do. I wanted to belong. Gender identity is a persons internal sense of gender, or what a person feels their gender is. Finally, we werent hungry anymore and we were safe. Discuss your support network and access to mental health therapy. It is a great moment. Therapy may start earlier for reasons such as: Gender dysphoria: Appearing sexually immature in the mid- to late teens can worsen gender dysphoria. Contact the OHSU Transgender Health Program at: Parking is free for patients and their visitors. Your feedback: We value input from patients, providers and community members. For patients having Vaginoplasty, the Meltzer Clinic offers a spermatic cord anesthesia block prior to your electrolysis session. See our. We welcome concerns, success stories and anything else youd like to share. Learn more. When appropriate, we also offer virtual visits where you can . Commitment to inclusion: OHSU is dedicated to inclusive care and to offering welcoming facilities. We also provide treatment into young adulthood for some patients, and we help them move into adult care. It prevents the development of sex traits that may be hard or impossible to reverse later. WPATH-informed. You are invited to our quarterly Grand Rounds. The child has shown a long-term, intense pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria, whether suppressed or expressed. The OHSU Transgender Health Program can connect you with international leaders in care for the transgender and gender-nonconforming communities. Outreach care: We provide care for transgender and gender-nonconforming children and teens in seven cities across Oregon and southwest Washington. Over 10 years of experience working with trans and non-binary clients, providing transition related care and general life support beyond identity. Together, our 120,000 caregivers (all employees) serve in over 50 hospitals, over 1,000 clinics and a full range of health and social services across Alaska, California, Montana, New Mexico . I am a WPATH Standards of Care 7 (SOC7) Certified Member and a WPATH SOC7 Certified Mentor. Our pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine doctors and psychologists specialize in providing team-based care for children and teens. Puberty specialists who treat hundreds of patients a year. It's a national specialised service, based in London and Leeds, and is the only one of its kind in Great Britain. They treat hundreds of patients a year. One of the nations most comprehensive transgender health programs, with therapies not available elsewhere in the Northwest. Phone: 207-662-5093or 866-860-6277 Located inside the new Equality Community Center at 15 Casco St in Portland, ME, Safe Combinations is a project of MaineTransNet. To that end, I support all family members in the transitioning process to build understanding and deepen familty connection. One of the possible reasons an email can be . We give treatment to children and their families from childhood through adolescence." Maryland 19. Rates are: 15 minutes for $50, 30 minutes for $65, 45 minutes for $85 and 60 minutes for $135. Community involvement: We work with community partners taking part in health fairs and other events, for example to improve access to inclusive health care. Guide you through the consent process, which can be complex. I have taught masters level classes for other therapists on how to support clients around gender, and helping people explore their own gender identity is one of my favorite parts of being a therapist. Call us now. OHSU is an equal opportunity affirmative action institution. Let's work together to unpack the blocks to expressing yourself more fully. Outside In is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization (EIN: 93-0567549). This group is for parents and guardians of active patients at The Gender Clinic. They arent effective until then. It is a force than can be incredibly difficult to overcome and to stay attuned to oneself within. Adding your gender identity & preferred name to your health record helps your VA providers personalize your care. Transition desires: Most teens with gender dysphoria will carry it into adulthood. Community health workers and student nurses are available to address medical needs. Alexa Adams (she/her/hers) Licensed Marriage Family Therapist. When treatment starts: Medical treatment usually doesnt begin until puberty. We confer monthly with other transgender health programs. Q Center also serves as an information hub for friends, partners, community, and family members of LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals. The staff is helpful and amazing. Our clinic primarily provides gender-affirming medical care (such as puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones). offer you the chance to share your experience, help others, shape our program, and advance our mission. It's OK to ask for help. 5702 North 19th Avenue, Phoenix Arizona, 85015. I have extensive experience providing gender affirming care for transgender and gender diverse individuals. Gender expression is a passion of mine. Call us at 503-413-5600. You will then be scheduled for a 1-hour telehealth orientation appointment. 1132 SW 13th Ave, Portland, OR 97205 Contact 503.535.3860 transinfo@OutsideIn.org Clinic Hours *We are closed until 12:30 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. We can also provide you with follow-up materials and walk you through the process of how to change your name or gender-marker on other documents once you receive a judgment from the court changing your name or gender marker. Fax: 207-662-5528. Call 401-444-4712 to make an appointment. I hold a healing space where trans and nonbinary folx can enter into your healing work without having to explain yourself or make yourself smaller. Dr. Toby Meltzer, MD is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who has been performing Gender Reassignment Surgery since the early '90s. UnitedHealth Group will adhere to all federal . We are happy to meet with you and your child before that, though. Fertility services: Some treatments affect fertility. All adults, ages 15 and up (No guardian required)Ages 13 through 14 (with guardian), Outside In1132 SW 13th Ave, Portland, OR 97205. Injections into a muscle every three months. But great health care is simple: be trustworthy, kind and considerate. The Transgender Health Program THP for short provides support, information and advocacy. The Gender Clinic is dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of transgender, gender diverse and questioning people across Northern New England. 7025 N. Scottsdale Road #302. For more information about gender: The Gender Clinic Located on Powell Blvd in Portland, OR. I provide affirming space to explore sexuality and gender identity and to process how that may be implicated in relationships with family, friends, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. Portland, OR. Hormone therapy also affects people in different ways and at different rates. I love Outside In people. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ+) patients have historically been an underserved community with unique health . Sponsored by USD School of Law, Tom Homann LGBT Bar Association, and The Center. Small implants placed under the skin of the inner upper arm. Members apply to serve two-year terms. Doernbecher Childrens Hospital700S.W. Your child also may receive hormone treatments such as: Puberty produces hormones in pulses that spur development, but suppressants deliver a steady amount. The Gender Clinic at the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital in Maine says it is "dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of transgender, gender diverse and questioning youth across Northern New England. Research into improving treatments and outcomes. Twitter content To honor your privacy preferences, this content can only be viewed on the site it originates from. We also recommend that patients and their families get mental health support throughout transition. 2001-2022 Oregon Health & Science University. About 75% of my clients come to me with the primary presenting difficultly of gender dysphoria. And his wonderful staff did likewise. Patient who had Vaginoplasty, Facial Feminization and Breast Augmentation. I have worked with issues surrounding gender identity for the past three years. The THP and OHSUs. Patients can now choose between either Scottsdale or Portland for surgery dates. Every person deserves to live a life in their most congruent gender. I continue to provide affirmative care for the community and their families. Better turn it on! Doernbecher Gender Clinic locations offer a full range of services for transgender and gender-nonconforming children and teens. I'm competent at helping clients with sexual and relational concerns (including non-monogamy, kink and BDSM) as well as gender identity and expression. Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland has been . Often, in the flood of e-mail that we receive each week, something is invariably either lost or detained by our spam filters. To schedule a medical appointment, please call503.535.3860and select option 1. For example, several key staff members from The Meltzer Clinic are still based in Portland. I believe strongly that every person deserves to live healthy and full lives as their authentic selves. This is not to be confused with 4 treatments. Bellevue . He currently performs approximately 200 genital reconstruction surgery cases per year in Scottsdale, Arizona and Portland, Oregon. As more transgender children seek medical care, families confront many unknowns IN TREATMENT: Ryace Boyer, a 14-year-old high-school student, prepares to take the female hormone estrogen as part of. Gender Clinic The Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center is committed to caring for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria, gender fluidity or those who are questioning. What to expect: We usually do not prescribe medications during the first visit. Our team is focused on the entire well-being of each patient. My aim is to mitigate these barriers and pave the way for access to care. Estrogen: Estrogen can be given in a pill, skin patch or injection. Patients 18 and older can self-refer to the Gender Pathways Clinic they only need to call and set up an appointment. OHSU providers also speak nationally and internationally to expand access to gender-affirming treatment. This study was from a gender clinic in Dallas, Texas. Youll find: Referrals: Patients need a referral, usually from their pediatrician, to be seen at one of our Doernbecher Gender Clinic locations. Our medical system currently creates many barriers to gender-affirming care. 2236 SE Belmont St Portland, OR 97214 TriMet Stop ID: 408 SE Belmont & 23rd Eastbound Prism Health is a center of excellence for comprehensive, compassionate and culturally affirming healthcare for everyone with the aim of addressing long-standing health disparities in the LGBTQ+ community and promoting equitable access to healthcare. Health care professionals in the community can request training on providing affirming, welcoming care. Given my experience with Dr. Meltzer and his staff, there is absolutely no way I would have ever considered going to a different surgeon. Whether you're exploring your gender identity for the first time, need support coming out, or looking for referrals for gender affirming medical care, I can help! The CLEAR Clinic can help you file a petition to legally change your name or gender marker in court in Oregon. I also worked on a project with 29 brave individuals honoring their journey in gender expression. Deciding on suppressants involves weighing physical risks against the mental health risks of gender dysphoria, which can include: Long-term effects: Suppressants have been used for decades to treat children who start puberty too early. We believe that trying to change a persons gender identity is harmful. We take most health insurance, including OHP. Copyright TransHealthCare.org & Trans Media Network, 2011-2022. You were sensitive to our emotions and were willing to work with our crazy work schedulesThank you for helping make us so happy. Below are some resources available within our Moda and Kaiser plans. The Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) is the largest and oldest gender clinic in the UK, dating back to 1966. Surgery Requirements Dr. Meltzer follows WPATH guidelines for Gender Surgery: Financing & Insurance Dr. Meltzer accepts cash, credit cards and medical financing. You'll find: Puberty specialists who treat hundreds of patients a year. I have received academic training on working with gender non-conforming folks as well as my personal life experience. We offer treatment to patients of all ages with both pediatric and adult services. New York ACLU - Changing Your Name and Gender; Please contact the TYP clinic to speak with our social worker if you have any questions or concerns about this process. It gives adolescents time to explore their gender. Stepping into who you are and living (safely) from that place, is sometimes a delicate balance - and, in my eyes, essential to being home in ourselves. I have experience supporting individuals and families who are navigating the transition process and I'm able to write letters in support of your process as needed. This includes supportive therapy for children, adolescents, and adults who are in the early stages of exploring/questioning their gender identity, as well as assessment and letter-writing for clients pursuing hormones and/or surgery. . On this page Gender Affirming Care with Kaiser Permanente Gender Affirming Care with Moda Health Culturally Specific Resources for Moda Members Brief mental health support focused on family decision making and mental health documentation prior to initiating gender-affirming care is also available. Grand rounds for health care professionals: We work with community partners taking part in health fairs and other events, for example to improve access to inclusive health care. If you are a Kaiser Permanente Northwest provider, please refer transgender patients appropriate for Gender Pathways Clinic via Referral for Transgender Assessment. Our providers are highly-qualified and experienced in working with LGBTQIA+ folx and challenges of sexual, gender, and romantic minority (SGRM) communities. If you are not currently a Kaiser Permanente member and are interested in becoming one, please check out your options on. Gender Spectrum We are a Pediatric Surgery Clinic that specializes in Urology, ENT, General Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery. I continue to provide affirmative care for the community and their families. Locations at Doernbecher Childrens Hospital and at our Cornell West building in Beaverton, as well as outreach clinics. Call (503) 445-7699 to be connected to our answering service. Search by U.S. State, Procedure and Insurance Search by Country and Procedure Browse the Global Surgeon Maps. The Doernbecher Gender Clinic works with the, Call Doernbecher Pediatric Endocrinology at, Bridges Program (Pediatric Palliative Care), Childrens Palliative Care FAQ and Resources, Emotional Support and Preparation for Siblings, Facility Dogs and Animal-Assisted Therapy, Adolescent and Young Adult Hematology/Oncology, World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) guidelines for care. Transgender Health Program Community Advisory Board: This group is made up of transgender and gender-nonbinary people who have received program services or who represent served communities. We do not make appointments or directly provide health care. I also support folx to access medical transition like surgeries with low-barrier, single session, & sliding scale gender affirming consults. Consortium is an all volunteer organization, consisting of healthcare providers and researchers who work with gender diverse populations throughout the region. If you need to reach a specific OHSU clinic to check on your referral, for example, or because youre running late for your appointment, please call the clinic directly. Genetics may play a role in how fast changes happen, how big breasts get or how thick facial hair is. Learn more Resources for patients Help your child prepare for the many aspects of their transition. I've spent years supporting my clients to come more deeply into their true expression. Pediatric Specialty Care The Gender Clinic Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Endocrinology Diabetes Gastroenterology Genetics Infectious Disease Nephrology Pulmonary Medicine Contact Us Phone:207-662-5522 Toll Free: 866-860-6277 MaineHealth Maine Medical Partners Practices Pediatric Specialty Care Pediatric Specialty Care As a patient at Outside In, the dignity, compassion, and respect that I was shown by staff truly had a lasting impact on me and directly resulted in me wanting to get involved in helping my community. 2023 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest, Estrogen and anti-androgen hormone therapy, Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Counseling for gender-affirming medical care, Hair removal (coverage varies depending on insurance plan), Speech therapy/gender-affirming communication therapy. for details. The group meets quarterly to advise the program about programs and services. Appointments highly encouraged. My experience working with transgender individuals includes over 7 years of experience with over 100 individual and family clients. Gender Diversity Increases the awareness and understanding of the wide range of gender diversity in children, adolescents, and adults by providing family support, building community, increasing societal awareness and improving the well-being for people of all gender IDs. Outreach clinics: Call Doernbecher Pediatric Endocrinology at 503-494-3273 for information about care offered in other parts of Oregon and in southwest Washington. Jean Bryant, grateful that her worst fears about transitioning did not come true, now helps others. I have attended several specialized trainings for working with gender identity issues before and during that time. We appreciate your patience and will respond to you as soon as possible. Location & Hours 800 SW 13th Ave Portland, OR 97205 Downtown, Southwest Portland Get directions Edit business info Amenities and More Accepts Credit Cards Ask the Community Mabel Wadsworth Center offers a safe and affirming environment." Services include: Abortion Care Annual Wellness Exams Birth Control Cancer Screenings Colposcopy Infertility Consultation Intrauterine Insemination LGBTQ Healthcare Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Men's Health Menopause Consultation Mental Health Counseling Whether youre LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, facing health disparities, at the intersection of these identities, or just want a safe, non-judgmental health-care experience, we are here to help you Shine Brighter! Menu. Our services include: We make it easy and convenient for you to take good care of yourself and offer locations throughout the Portland metro area. Transgender Health Program Community meetings: We invite you and your allies to help shape our program. We work with community partners to provide advocacy, to shape policies and to train health care professionals. Many are also international experts who publish studies and who speak across the nation and overseas. Some changes, such as to fertility (the ability to have biological children) or chest development, may be permanent. We're all struggling. Milwaukie High School Health and Wellness Center, Mental Health and Substance Use Recovery Supports, Gender Affirming Hormones (GAH, also called HRT), Breast/chest health and preventative screenings, Pelvic wellness, including cervical cancer screenings, HIV/STI screening, treatment, and prevention (including PrEP), Behavioral health services and counseling resources, Information, advocacy and limited financial aid for obtaining legal name and/or gender changes. Transgender Law Center 1629 Telegraph Ave., Ste. Its really nice to have a doctor who makes house calls when one is recovering from surgery. Dr. Meltzer is board-certified in both General and Plastic Surgery. How they love us, care for us. We will: We will monitor your child throughout treatment. Contact Us Southern California Kaiser Permanente members can call the Transgender care line at 323-857-3818 Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 5:00 pm to speak to a nurse case coordinator. Our transgender health services are offered as part of our primary care clinic, where all our providers are trained to write referrals for gender-affirming surgeries as well as manage gender-affirming hormones (GAH).
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