1150 0 obj <>stream Version 1 produced by JWFG 2018, Reviewed by JWFWG October 2020, Version 2 Approved at DMAG Nov 2020, Next review Nov 2022 Melolin/Melolite Biatain Silicone Lite (Melolite only available to secondary care via UrgoTul Absorb +/ Zetuvit Plus J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 2(2): 89-95 WoundReference allows you to easily share your formulary - share a link one time only and the other institutions would be able to always see the current version of your formulary within WoundReference. ?&)]1> qaq\\WP}#s ?4]M5~6(7O[ y+WGE.g*`& 0000001838 00000 n Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevention - Taking the Journey Forward - December, 2022, Lymphedema Assessment And Management Updates | Local Wound Care Formularies Made Easy - August, 2022, Enhanced Coding And Billing Toolkit for HBOT and Wound Care - June, 2022, 5 Tools To Streamline Patient Education In Wound Care and HBOT - April, 2022, Building a Successful Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in Wound Care | HBOT and Wound Care Ongoing Competencies - February, 2022, Limb Preservation: Step-by-Step | Skin Failure or Pressure Injury? 1 0 obj Wound Care Formulary | NI Formulary - HSCNI Setting up and/or optimizing a good wound care product formulary will save financial and human resources, decrease waste and reduce total treatment cost per episode of care for the following reasons.[1]. Changes to the 2020 formulary Each year in the NHS millions of pounds of savings need to be made. What features are important for each product type? Wound Care Management Formulary %PDF-1.4 % x=r7?[ \RTRm})JbE" `h`8DS h zG?x|_,oWW~{_Wg7bn.vzY5s'_SwV22zXxb&S,.Fgg7+FKAgLcBRRD7 IY4wtg D`X"Q*e\wn]9Pd m~l;gg~O~e_cea{hF]wgA ;xy Evidence based data associated with product usage. NHS Grampian Joint Wound Care Formulary Summary Chart (February 2023) Review: October 2024 . norfolk & Waveney CCG wound care Formulary companion and guide )VPpI' Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19 - World California Fiscal Focus - State Controller's Office, HOW COVID-19 IS CHANGING THE WORLD OF BEAUTY - MCKINSEY, Financial Allocations 2016/17 2020/21 - NHS England, PROPOSED NATIONAL PRIORITIES FOR HEALTH - PCORI, FAMILY PRACTITIONER NETWORK GUIDE 2019 - Sasolmed FP Network Guide, SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR 2018-2019 - Halton Catholic District School Board, Preparing for Life after High School - DELVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADE 12 - Delview Career Centre, IGNITE CURIOSITY PROGRAMMES FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS - Singapore Polytechnic, Local Listed Building Consent Order 01 For secondary glazing at the Tyntesfield estate - North Somerset Council. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2019) Cellulitis and erysipelas: antimicrobial prescribing (NG141). Costs associated with certain brands, usage patterns etc. As a result, stock rooms may be filled with stacks of unused products, many past their expiration dates, resulting in financial loss. @82Yj)(fT b*|A"D"Qd6H86h0.MbrPpF3I6Z^LUom')IDS5 ISiR99e4L2. Clinician preferences and usage patterns can help you determine baseline usage and costs before implementation of a formulary, and can provide ideas of what products clinicians might be more inclined to accept as being part of the Institutions formulary. If your patients are referred across the continuum of care, try to obtain formularies of the other settings you work with, and consider incorporating product brands they use into your formulary. 3 0 obj 0000002102 00000 n hn6_ ]g7yWYoH8 Wales NHS, UK Wound Dressing Formulary [Online]. %PDF-1.5 % The aim of this Formulary is to provide health care practitioners with up-to-date, evidence-based guidance on wound assessment and management. endobj The WoundReference Digital Formulary Module is available in all WoundReference plans, including the Free Basic Plan (see Plans). Available at: http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/documents/862/FOI-101b.pdf [Accessed: 5 April 2018]. Mf8Oa*C[&1d9J^. To replicate your formulary within WoundReference and confirm optimal product choice, follow steps described in Setting up your formulary, Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevention - Taking the Journey Forward, Lymphedema Assessment And Management Updates | Local Wound Care Formularies Made Easy, Enhanced Coding And Billing Toolkit for HBOT and Wound Care, 5 Tools To Streamline Patient Education In Wound Care and HBOT, Building a Successful Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in Wound Care | HBOT and Wound Care Ongoing Competencies. Intra-uterine progestogen-only device, 7.3.6 Delaying Menstruation During Holidays, 7.4.1 Drugs for voiding (obstructive) symptoms in men, 7.4.2 Drugs for urinary frequency, enuresis, and incontinence, 8.0 Malignant Disease and Immunosuppression, 9.1 Anaemias and some other blood disorders, 9.1.2 Drugs used in megaloblastic anaemias, 9.4.1 Step 1-Identification of nutritional risk, 9.4.2-Step 2-Underlying causes of malnutrition, 9.4.4-Step 4-Discuss Food First dietary advice, Supplementations in pregnancy/ pre-conception, 10.1 Drugs use in rheumatic diseases and gout, 10.1.3 Drugs that suppress the rheumatic disease process, 10.1.4 Gout and cytotoxic-induced hyperuricaemia, 10.1.5 Other drugs for rheumatic diseases, 10.2 Drugs used in neuromuscular disorders, 10.2.1 Drugs that enhance neuromuscular transmission, 10.3 Drugs used for the treatment of soft-tissue disorders and topical pain relief, 10.3.2 Rubefacients, topical NSAIDs, capsaicin, and poultices, Emollient bath and shower preparations, 13.3. endobj Wound Management Formulary, EGU Emergency Gynaecology Unit Referrals from Primary Care - Western Locality, Minor Injury's Units ( MIU's) in the Western locality (Outside of Plymouth) - Contact details, The Cumberland Centre - Minor Injury Unit - Western locality, UCNS Urgent Care Nursing Service - Western locality, UCR Urgent Crisis Response - Western locality, livewell.communitytissueviability@nhs.net, livewell.wellbeinglowerlimbservice@nhs.net, A written referral is required within UHPNT, Tissue Viability forms are available, and these need to be taken to Dermatology Level 6. 2020). : This is important so that you can proceed to the next step below Educate clinicians. endobj PDF Quick Reference Dressings Guide August 2020 update - Somerset CCG 43fi)CU;AQTQhdiqe\[$ 0000000016 00000 n The 3 C's - Chronic Wounds | COVID-19 | CROM, Arterial Ulcer Series | Wound Care Modules | Advanced Practice Providers & HBOT. 6.1 March 2020 Draft revised product inclusion and products removed that have been delisted 7.0 July 2020 Approved by ACE 7.1 April 2021 Draft revised product . Furthermore, clinicians frequently order products by brand name, not realizing the clinic already has similar products in stock, under a different brand name. 2 Wound Product Formulary 2.1 Skin Care / Barrier Products / Pressure Reducing Pads 6 2.2 Dressing Packs 9 2.3 Wound Cleansing / Debridement 11 2.4 Low Adherent Dressings 12 . | HBOT Patient Educationy, Investigational/Off-Label HBOT Indications | Peer-reviewed Diabetes Foot Ulcer Patient Education in English and Spanisy, Connecting with Patients: Peer-reviewed Wound Care and HBOT Patient Education in English and Spanish, 5 Digital Tools for Patient Education in Wound Care and HBOT | Telehealth Updatesh, When and How to Dismiss a Patient from a Wound and Hyperbaric Center | HBOT and Congestive Heart Failure, Mastering Debridement in Wound Management | Creating and Maintaining Safety in Hyperbaric Facilitiese, Simplifying Wound Care and HBOT Product Choices | Radiation-Induced Cutaneous Damage Updates. 0000010998 00000 n <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 20 0 R 21 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> [2]. Wound Care | NHS East and North Hertfordshire Clinical - enhertsccg PDF Wound Care Formulary Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust 2020 How to set up and optimize your wound care formulary Woundcare Formulary 2020 - Companion and guide Norwich, North, South Click on the following link to access the Gloucestershire Wound Management Formulary, Includes approved dressings and appliances, Nurse Formulary Order Form: https://ccglive.glos.nhs.uk/intranet/index.php/ccg-strategy/medicines-management/formularies/glos-dressing-formulary. $A!+EhJ1(@& 2n"KM^1uyc/ Qp38>]K5]rK]2KpD\`yfKI B7]~Z83MMhI\)rz~vt58X!:wgW=z\V2%01r*4hE?q)sSJCHs\J=>J7a2ZNK.PJ6I@1~7omi|577SC5waNVinl!j]jn*]6hNJ8p$jCgiH]=AZ]Uxp For formulary development, focus on more costly items (e.g., cellular and/or tissue products, dressings, etc) instead of relatively inexpensive items (e.g., syringes, gloves, etc). 0000011587 00000 n Adult Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines; Paediatric Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines; Fosfomycin - prescribing and supply; Penicillin allergy; Guidance on the Management of Proven or Suspected Staph. x[n7}0OLP6E@6(#W6q"g[&{@$O4!yN<={wnN8E"{zlNpg~Kc##C_mNAh||wC7m|qk=1_bRPh+O+nxC0\. The wound care formulary companion and guide provides clinical staff with comprehensive information on wound healing and wound care products. Without a formulary, choosing among thousands of wound care products can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Have you had your annual medication review? For a personalized demo, contact us. | Teaching About Chronic Wounds, 2021 Coding & Billing Toolkit for HBOT and Wound Care, Telehealth Evidence and Best Practices | 2021 Reimbursement and Quality Updates, HBOT for diabetic foot ulcers | Wound Care Billing Essentials | Patient-centered Telehealth, What's New? This article provides steps and tips on how to set up a formulary for your institution and how to optimize an existing formulary. | Venous Leg Ulcers Assessment and Management - What's New? Clinicians who are respected leaders and possess command of product usage/costs can serve as clinician champions to lead the change and facilitate the meetings. It will help clinicians use products from the formulary (see templates) [2], Educate clinicians to write orders by product type instead of brand name (e.g., alginate dressing as opposed to 3M Tegaderm Superabsorber dressing) and have a field to indicate which product brand the clinician should use. Your Medicines Effective Partnership in Care, Northern Ireland Formulary-the right medicine for you, Metered Dose Inhaler with Large Volume Spacer, Metered Dose Inhaler with Small Volume Spacer, Administration of Lansoprazole Orodispersible, Mental Health (including sleep and relaxation), Useful links from Royal Osteoporosis Society, Opioid Medicines and the Risk of Addiction, Managing Your Pain Effectively Using Over the Counter Medicines, Medication for Pain Patient Information Leaflets, Prescribing Guidance Editorial Group Meeting Dates 2023, Prescribing Guidance Editorial Group Meeting Minutes. We believe in strength of global idea sharing and the power of education, so we work and develop the ReadkonG to help people all over the world to find the answers and share the ideas they are interested in. %%EOF Aureus bacteraemia Hospital setting, Neutropenic sepsis - Antibiotic management, Paediatric antibiotic guidance for serious infections, Piperacillin tazobactam emergency antibiotic guidance, Influenza - Adult Prophylaxis (Prevention) of Influenza, Guidance on smoking cessation medicines and Smoking Cessation Services, Guidance on the use of insulin in Type 2 diabetes, Woundcare / Catheter product request and exception form, Care Home Dressing Prescription Request Form, Compression Bandaging Patient Information, Stoma Appliances and Accessories Guidance, Guidance for benzodiazepine prescribing in benzodiazepine dependence, Guidance for the Identification, Assessment and Management of Harmful Drinking and Alcohol Dependence, Uplanned Inpatient Management of Alcohol Withdrawal: Acute Service Guidance, Guidance for the use of unlicensed and off label medication within NHS Fife addiction services, Guidance for Assessment & Management of Opioid Dependence, COVID-19 NHS Fife Palliative Care Guidelines, Standard Operating Procedure for Supply and Use of JIC Boxes, Dose range anticipatory medication kardex, Appendix 2 Declaration Form of Staff Interests and Gifts/Hospitality, Rheumatology Blood Monitoring, GP and patient information sheets, Pathway for transition to General Practice, Managing Recommendations from Private ADHD Clinics, Drug Treatment of Acute Behavioural Disturbance. Version: 3.2 Ref: 936 Owner: Kerry Carmichael Page 4 of 28 Issued: 8.12.2022 Title: Wound Management Formulary (Adults) and Guidance Document 1. 0000002265 00000 n This page was printed from the South & West Devon Formulary and Referral site at var d=new Date(); document.write(d); Please ensure you are using the current version of this document, Home > 7: Obstetrics, gynaecology & urinary tract disorders, 17: Wound Management (Dressings) Formulary, 18: Continence and Urology Products (Adults), NICE Technology Appraisals / Highly Specialised Technologies Guidance, Join our Foundation Trust today and support our hospitals. Set up a Formulary User within WoundReference (see, Find out what products your service currently has in stock, Go through the supply room and group all wound care products already available, by brand and size, Establish an approval system for ordering products that are not on formulary, If desired: make a copy of this Google Form ", Work with your product supplier or distributor. [2], Hold a product demonstration session to show clinicians how to use products on the formulary. Bedfordshire & Luton Wound Care Formulary Requests. 0000004715 00000 n While Free Basic members can follow the steps described in this topic to set up and manage their formularies, PRO+HBO and PRO members benefit from full hands-on guidance from our specialists and advisory panel on creation, implementation and maintenance of their digital formularies. GGC Medicines: Non- medicines Formularies Practitioners are expected to use dressings that are listed in the Formulary or to have a valid rationale if another is chosen. Pan Dorset Wound Care Formulary . bG5^LM+bw;tUcg7@xQh;XM7z>vq&f]0:WI.0^Ts[Z=]47*vrp/ph[ >W@PqRL[Ph. Sign up today and stay up to date with the latest news and events. Chapters > <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Explore our Wound Care and Hyperbaric Solutions. Important: Only the version of this document available from . The Wound Care Guidelines have been written by the Tissue Viability Team and is based on a wide range of clinical evidence and peer reviews. Hydrofilm) may be appropriate. To replicate your formulary within WoundReference and confirm optimal product choice, follow steps described in Setting up your formulary. PDF Wound Formulary - GP Portal Effects of Neutrophil/Monocyte, Neutrophil/Lymphocyte, Neutrophil/Platelet Ratios and C-Reactive Protein Levels on the Mortality and Intensive Next Generation ACO Model - March 17, 201 5 Model Overview Presentation, 2021 Summary of Benefits for State of New Mexico Employees, Resource Guide for Renville County - Prepared by Renville County Human Services & Renville County Public Health April 2021, Health Care Reform without the Individual Mandate, Self-care, Health Promotion, and Independent Life, Select Features of State Pharmacist Collaborative Practice Laws, Pancreatic Enzymes Therapeutic Class Review (TCR) - Texas Health and Human Services, 3RD IBN SINA NATIONAL COLLEGE-ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Whanganui District Health Board System Level Measures Improvement Plan 2018-19, Devoted Health Dual Greater Jacksonville (HMO D-SNP) Plan - 2021 | SUMMARY OF BENEFITS. 5479 28 To access this premium feature and more, upgrade to a premium plan today. Your formulary will need specific product types, depending on factors such as type of conditions seen at your facility and interventions offered. 4: Central Nervous System. WoundReference is a clinical decision support platform for experienced and new wound care clinicians at the point-of-care. - Dec 6, 2019, New Technique to Seal Negative Pressure Wound Therapy on Exposed Dermis | HBOT for Decompression Illness and Arterial Gas Embolism - What's New? hA 04dj\GczC. Updated February 2020 Formulary status: Wound Care Category Description Size PIP Code Pk. stream Advantage Surgical and Wound Care was established in 2007 by Dr. Robert Marriott and now has grown from a handful of client nursing facilities in Southern California to over 700 across the U.S. today. Are there any clinicians at your facility who are considered experts by their peers? Primary Care Wound Management Formulary 2020. hb```f``d`a` @ 8p{M @Q[=;;+;L+ ^;@$ 66vuj3;2Qme({|47iwiF ~` |) Volume 13 - 2022; Volume 12 - 2021; Volume 14-2023; Volume 11 - 2020; Volume 10 - 2019; Volume 9 - 2018; Volume 8 - 2017; Volume 7 - 2016; Volume 6 - 2015; Volume 5 - 2014; Volume 4 - 2013; Volume 3 . Can we add product brands that are used by other institutions we refer patients to? <> Wound Care Management Formulary Amendment History VERSION DATE AMENDMENT HISTORY 4.0 December 2014 Previous version 5.0 September 2015 Comments - Additional products added and . The wound assessment must be completed by a registered nurse or | HBOT Patient Educationy - Sep 12, 2019, Investigational/Off-Label HBOT Indications | Peer-reviewed Diabetes Foot Ulcer Patient Education in English and Spanisy - Sep 5, 2019, Connecting with Patients: Peer-reviewed Wound Care and HBOT Patient Education in English and Spanish - Aug 29, 2019, 5 Digital Tools for Patient Education in Wound Care and HBOT | Telehealth Updatesh - Aug 22, 2019, When and How to Dismiss a Patient from a Wound and Hyperbaric Center | HBOT and Congestive Heart Failure - Aug 15, 2019, Mastering Debridement in Wound Management | Creating and Maintaining Safety in Hyperbaric Facilitiese - Aug 9, 2019, Simplifying Wound Care and HBOT Product Choices | Radiation-Induced Cutaneous Damage Updates - Aug 2, 2019. This guide is to aid wound assessment and management, and should 0000008106 00000 n DRESSINGS FORMULARY 2020 - Swansea Bay University Health Board There are no changes to how local residents access NHS frontline services in Hertfordshire and West Essex as part of these changes. The Formulary provides for a broad range of wound types, descriptions, treatment aims and advice on the most appropriate product (s) to use. endobj A group of district nurses, practice nurses, tissue viability nurses (TVN), clinical management and members of the Medicine Optimisation Team (MOT) have selected the dressings for the Wound Care Formulary. Increasing HBOT Referrals | Skin Essentials & Principles of Wound Healing | A Peek Into 2021 CMS Reimbursement, Skin Essentials | A Peek Into 2021 CMS Reimbursement, Patient Education For Successful Wound Care TeleVisits | Wound and HBOT Digital Tools Poster Gallery | Network With Colleagues, HBOT for Gas Gangrene CME/CE/Category A | Patient Education For Successful Wound TeleVisits | Wound and HBOT Digital Tools Poster Gallery, Telehealth Beyond COVID-19: Transforming Best Practice in Wound Care | HBOT for Compromised Grafts and Flaps, Updates and resources for wound care & HBOT during COVID-19 and beyond | Surgical Ostomies, WoundReference offers clinicians free use of the TeleVisit Tool, Offloading solved: how to select offloading devices for DFUs, Webinar - Unwrapping Venous Leg Ulcers (free CNE) | Offloading Devices - Evidence, Practice, Reimbursement | HBOT Category A Credits, More Online, Self-Paced Hyperbaric Category A Continuing Education | No More Tears Part 2 - Skin Tears Treatment and Prevention, Online, Self-Paced Hyperbaric Category A Continuing Education | Nutrition for Wound Healing - Patient Education. Ask the distributor to monitor and keep track of products being ordered so that reports can be shared with you. hTYhaVm1Bk4]I(HXT$BAF x >Vz5B]A. share this article with the institution you work with, Request for Non-Formulary Wound Care Product. PDF Pan Dorset Wound Care Formulary treat according to highest percentage M2kV=;G8o'?+zy$ioGuRHHg}Vt=`>Gs9{ bng9,Jusr1i,cSC'G\P'cYXUZG_ #dqc\-MPJ2'[.BMKjK,RAZn[N' <> be used in line with local policy/guidelines. | Venous Leg Ulcers Assessment and Management - What's New? When and How to Perform Wound Cultures | Engaging Your Patients | Hyperbaric Category A Credits, How to Screen, Assess and Manage Nutrition in Patients with Chronic Wounds, How Safe Is Your Hyperbaric Program? 1.1 Dyspepsia and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), 1.1.2 Compound alginates and proprietary indigestion preparations, 1.2 Antispasmodics and other drugs altering gut motility, 1.3 Antisecretory drugs and mucosal protectants, Acute Exacerbation of ulcerative colitis, Maintenance of remission of ulcerative colitis, 1.5.2 Corticosteroids inflammatory bowel disease, 1.5.3 Steroid-sparing treatment for inflammatory bowel disease, 1.7 Local preparations for anal and rectal disorders, 1.7.1 Soothing haemorrhoidal preparations, 1.7.2 Compound haemorrhoidal preparations with corticosteroids, 1.9 Drugs affecting intestinal secretions, 2.2.3 Potassium-sparing diuretics and aldosterone antagonists, 2.2.4 Potassium-sparing diuretics with other diuretics, 2.5.2 Centrally acting antihypertensive drugs, 2.5.5 Drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, Angiotensin-II receptor antagonists (AIIRAs/ARBs), 2.6 Nitrates, calcium-channel blockers and other antianginal drugs, 2.6.4 Peripheral vasodilators and related drugs, Treatment of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis and prevention of recurrent, Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in orthopaedics-specialist use in secondary care only, Prevention of Atherothrombotic events, 2.10 Stable angina, acute coronary syndromes and fibrinolysis, 2.11 Antifibrinolytic drugs and haemostatics, 3.1.4 Compound bronchodilator preparations, 3.1.5 Peak flow meters, inhaler devices and nebulisers, 3.2.1 Single agent inhalers [asthma only], 3.2.2 Compound ICS/LABA preparations [asthma], 3.2.3 Compound ICS/LABA preparations COPD, 3.3 Leukotriene receptor antagonists and phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitors, 3.3.3 Phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitors, 3.4 Antihistamines, hyposensitisation and allergic emergencies, 3.4.2 Allergen immunotherapy (desensitisation), 4.2 Drugs used in psychoses and related disorders, Management of agitation and aggression, Treatment of the acute phase of mania, Maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder with mood stabilisers, 4.3.1 Mild, moderate and severe depression, 4.3.2 Antidepressants for the treatment of anxiety disorders*, Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, 4.4 CNS stimulants and drugs used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 4.4.2 Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) in adults, 4.5 Drugs used in the treatment of obesity, 4.5.1 Anti-obesity drugs acting on the gastro-intestinal tract, 4.6.1 Drugs for the short-term treatment of nausea and vomiting, Treatment of acute migraine attack, Drug treatment of cluster headache, 4.9 Drugs used in parkinsonism and related disorders, 4.9.1 Dopaminergic drugs used in parkinsonism, Monoamine-oxidase-B (MAOB) inhibitors, Catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors (COMT inhibitors), 4.9.2 Antimuscarinic drugs used in parkinsonism, 4.9.4 Management of dementia in Parkinsons disease, 4.10 Medications used in substance use disorders, 4.10.3 Benzodiazepine and Z drug withdrawal, Interventions for the reduction of alcohol consumption, 4.11.1 Management of Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD), Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP-4 inhibitors), Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors, 6.1.6 Diagnostic and monitoring agents for diabetes mellitus, Summary of oral drug treatments for type 2 diabetes, 6.2 Thyroid and antithyroid drugs and parathyroid disease, Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopausal symptoms, Women who have not had a hysterectomy, Women who have had a hysterectomy or who have a Mirena Intra Uterine System (ISU) in situ, 6.5 Pituitary hormones and anti-oestrogens, 6.5.2 Posterior pituitary hormones and antagonists, Antidiuretic hormone antagonists, 6.6.1 Drugs for the treatment and management of osteoporosis, Other drug therapies used in osteoporosis, 7.0 Contraception, Gynaecology and Urinary Tract Disorders, 7.1.3 Endometriosis (previously diagnosed by laparoscopy), 7.2 Treatment of vaginal and vulval conditions, 7.2.1 Preparations for vaginal and vulval changes, Review copy of Review copy of 7.2.2 Vaginal and vulval infections, 7.3.1 Combined hormonal oral contraceptives, Oral progestogen-only contraceptives, Parenteral progestogen-only contraceptives,
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