So, today I will go over the precautions you can take as a buyer and a seller to lessen the chances of a scam happening to you on Depop! Write a clear and informative description for your item, including details about size, fabric and condition. Another quick question have you ever found any cheap clothes sources that you buy from and then resell for profit on depop? Extended: How To Create A Recession Proof Business As A Freelancer with Dorothy Hollabaugh, Ep. Vintage. P eer-to-peer app Depop was founded in 2011 to help people sell pre-loved clothes and to allow shoppers a circular way to indulge their love of fashion. If you need to ship your Xbox, whether because you're selling online, moving, or gifting, you may be wondering how you can ship it and what is the cheapest way to do it. Dont use WhatsApp, Instagram, or any other communication methods. Dont pay or accept bank transfers, cashiers checks, certified checks, or any other form of payment that is not through the app. I enjoy giving out likes, I feel its a great way to support other shops and get their items seen but it doesnt mean I want to buy the item. i have no messages or comments, and am a bit confused. barrierif scamming is your concern to decrease the chances of a scam on Depop Though we know waiting isn't ideal, if you are an iPhone user using version 2.3 or above of Depop, this label will expire in 30 days and when that happens both parties will be able to leave feedback. It might take 2-3 days for Depop to release this money into your account. This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer. And will Depop charge me a fee for this ? This can be better for the environment, and for your pocket, than buying brand new clothes and throwing the old ones away. Once all of that is done, youll finally be able to post your listing on Depop! Thankfully, The main photo of the product is very important, so please use a picture that shows off the best sides of the items that you are listing. Ive sold hundereds of packages on Depop and I conduct all my transactions via the app. at new information on your web site. just started my own depop, any tips on how to build up your followers to start, like whos best to follow x thanks, Hashtags can be great for helping people to find you as for following others I tend to search for items I like, follow the sellers if I like some of their other stuff (& theyre a similar size to me) then see who theyre following as theres a chance Ill like the same sellers as them xx, How do i DM someone a photo because there is no camera icon on the message , You cant send images on my site as far as I know but you can reach me with them on my instagram . is my step by step process that I use as a seller to make sure I do not get For example, they may say that the item is a factory piece, even if the brand does not sell a factory line like J.Crew and J.Crew Factory. If I see someone with nice bits but hardly any followers I always item so that my followers get a view also I hope maybe it helps them get more followers, I definitely see your point on this, I usually say to someone that if theyd like free shipping on the item to let me know as, most people dont fully read the captions (fair enough) so dont realise I offer free shipping if Ive messaged someone about shipping before & they didnt reply Id never message them again as thatd be seriously annoying! He wanted to leave a review but couldnt because it said it wasnt shipped yet. Do you use other apps to help manage your depop? Can I ask you about linking your Instagram to Depop? Paypals refund process isnt too hard to work with and even allows for partial refunds, although with a transaction made with your Depop store, any refund will likely be expected in full. You will not have any buyer protection. Understanding Depop's algorithm First, the algorithm scans the keywords entered and filters applied by the seller across the item name, description, category, brand and tags (e.g. "It's about the aesthetics." Your item title should be creative and original to stand out from the other items on Depop. There may be an issue with your internet connection, try to check out with just WiFi, or just mobile data Buying from an international seller? Once you're on your profile, you'll see listed all the items or listings you have created. Once you have your PayPal account set up, you can connect it to your Depop account. Sometimes you can get a feel for their personality. If youve bought off me on Depop before youll know that I add a personalised stamp to all of my envelopes & a note inside each one. They take 10% commission of every purchase done through the app. It pays to be creative and look for interesting places to pick up stock for your shop keep an eye out for events and sales in your community. Fake designer copies or even non-designer but trending items are often sold on wholesale websites. With millions of users, Depop has so many potential buyers for your shop, whether youre selling casual basics or rare designer items. A Forbes article even states that in 2018, Depop users were on track to sell $460 million so a 10% cut of that I is pretty good for a niche reselling app. Scammers are also creative so there may be other types of scams that we may not be aware of. Send it out. few sales via Depop payments. Sellers then resell them on Depop. However, please do not include things like AS IS or words/phrases in all caps since this is considered yelling on Depop. Then, tap on 'Set up your shop'. It is usually when you first list an item. You only get charged when the sale is made through Depop directly x. Hi, I have just started selling on Depop, and your advice is so helpful, so thank you for sharing with us! That is not to say that all sellers that say this are selling fakes. trust Depop does not want people on the It may be that the scammer is scamming both a buyer and a seller at the same time without their knowledge. You bio is also a great tool to carry that honesty where you can cite your selling and shipping terms. Youll have to now take 4 photos of the item youre planning on selling. Depop has a buyer protection policy so if you get a fake item that you thought was authentic and was not delivered as described you are covered and you can get refunded if that is the case. Do your research and select a price that makes your item extra enticing for a potential customer. After your logo has been selected, youll then need to write a bio for your shop and what its about and what you will be selling. recently this has changed and they have are rolling out Depop payments. Then buyers can browse your shop and if they see something they like, they can make a purchase. With your account created, youll want to get paid for any items you sell. 4. This app icon looks like a lowercase "d" on a red background. No refunds? Do you have a Instagram page just for Depop, and how do you link it so it takes you straight from Instagram back to Depop, so buyers can easily purchase the item? You have to have a considerable amount of trust with the person youre planning to trade with. If you ship on your own, rather than using Depops shipping, make sure you enter the tracking information on both Depop AND PayPal to protect yourself. To sign up on the app, youll need to download Depop from the App Store or Google Play. Only post once weekly? Or you might be able to help family and friends declutter their wardrobes. Whatever your style. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. No clue what's going on. Trainers. Make money Sell your clothes. And always make sure they are all high-quality photos! The best way to determine if Dont redirect shipments. Upload 4 photos for every item. The lesson here is dont deviate from conducting sales legitimately through the app, no matter someones story. Sweeten the deal by offering your customers a discount on your items, or else include free shipping in the item's price. They usually get removed by Depop. And avoid redirecting your package in any way. It might take 2-3 days for Depop to release this money into your account. You can see the shipping price that you added in the edit section of the item x. Once youve done that, youll be prompted to share a logo or picture that represents what your brand is. You can clean out your wardrobe and earn cash to fill it up with new-to-you clothes. r/Depop. Heres our step-by-step guide covering the key points you need to know about how to start selling clothes on Depop. Give as much information as possible about your product and how it was used and kept if you can. Jacklyn Wells runs her. I get people to pay for goods and services through a business account but a personal account is totally fine Im sure. Depop is the perfect solution for this problem. Hi Ive been selling on Depop a few months now and a buyer has asked me if I would reserve an item for them until they get paid. flakey person I video record my shipments, so that there is proof that it was Most people on Depop are final sale so return to sender is the passive aggressive way to send the package back to force the seller into a return. Depop is a legit and trustworthy business that has been in operating since 2011, so around nine years, so think about it in a social media age where one tweet can devastate a company or a person or galvinize a movement, a company as big as Depop with 13 million plus users would not be able to get away with a platform with a lot of scammers. Everyone who's into style is on Depop - so there's always something exciting to discover every time you open the app. As my mom says a quite priest never got a parish so, by that standard you need to use platforms that people check regularly to shout about whats happening on a platform that they dont. Youre not supposed to sell items that you dont physically have and if you were out of town, you can say that on your page.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'fulfilledmerchant_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'fulfilledmerchant_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',119,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'); .medrectangle-3-multi-119{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Now you know how to sell on Depops mobile app! Never direct payment through PayPal, whether that is via goods and services or friends and family. To reward these return buyers I often offer them a discount on items theyve liked after their first purchase which makes them happy & helps to finalise the sale, win win! if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-leader-1-0'); And then telling the seller to send the product elsewhere. This isnt by any means an exhaustive list but use it to get inspired by the types of clothing you can sell from your own wardrobe. For more information about shipping internationally, check out Depops Shipping and Return Policy page. Had to track this down after you posted on Instagram thanks very much for opening my eyes to this life hack! Depop Mobile app Marketplace and Deals Marketplace Etsy Information & communications . Why can't I check out? A 19-year-old vintage fashion dealer on Depop has hit back at critics who accused her of being "greedy" and "lazy" for marking up the prices of the clothes she resells. app. Any yellow tones that come through on these white background are then removed with the whitening feature on the photo editing app FaceTune this adds more work but the pieces are far more likely to sell. Once youve done that, youll be brought to a screen where you can input your email, username, and password of choice. Heres our complete guide on how to Depop and get up and running with selling clothes on the home of unique fashion. Hey hun, make sure youre using hashtags to make sure people can search for and find your items , Hey Steve, can you give context to your comment? But as with many other online marketplaces, scammers managed to get their way in. I have never had to use any of my footage but its my insurance to protect Requests for feedback on your shop, requests for item authentication, and posting milestones/achievements MUST BE POSTED IN THE DESIGNATED WEEKLY THREAD. x, Hey Kat, I think youre right to be worried & I would report the seller to Depop & cancel the payment on Paypal xx. I want Anyone else had this issue? Depop has become a popular buying and selling app for those looking for affordable and quality fashion. 2. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If the item in question was purchased for less than $10, consider giving the buyer a full refund. So the seller is left without the product and loses money. If for some reason there is a problem with the item being delivered, etc trust me the customer will contact you. It will take a while before PayPal receives a cleared payment from that buyer's bank account, then once PayPal is satisfied then PayPal cred. It. I know people can be fake sometimes online, but you can get a general idea of their responsiveness, attentiveness, etc. From a xoxo, Lets face it, we all have too much stuff in our closet, especially when it comes to clothes and shoes.
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