The community laugh at what we have to live amongst at times, theres always a post on the caboolture community page about some scum that has stolen or broken into someones house. What pros and cons do you have about the riverbank estate area? Coincidence or not, we eventually left QLD for good. where not to live in caboolture. Afterwards their couch would say how surprised they were at how sporting and fair we played. The only problem with Cabooltire SHS is some negative teachers, though this is probably universal. We then knew that they were staying for good. I was not exaggerating. If you don't like Caboolture why don't you leave? Copyright 2023 Homely Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.Privacy PolicyTerms of Use, "So convenient, beautifully quiet, great neighbours! Saying that "you don't know till it's too late" is really just a cop-out for someone who didn't do their research first.About the dodgy parts of town, it was definitely not an understatement. June 8, 2022 where not to live in caboolture . I think all the Richie's in the area should buy one each and deck them out then jack the rent through the roof because there local to everything.. Tirbotojo Nice to see such a racist remark there, i am miving over there and i am another "kiwi" . The weir joined the SIPS scheme in 2016 but was previously stocked from other funding sources. I am currently retraining so I can be employed out of the city. My flowers got stolen at the front of my house, next door had an attempt break in, the local alcoholics gather at local park. DETROIT, MI - More than 212,000 utility customers are without power in Southeast Michigan after the snowstorm Friday. Good parks, surroundings, playgrounds etc. Its not terrible but its not great.apart from it sometimes being ghetto as anything. Play golf at Caboolture or Woodford Golf Clubs. The first thing they pulled out was the stereo sound system and they played very noisy music for hours while unpacking for hours - what an introduction to the neighbourhood! The units to my right are falling apart and the only reason 3 of the 6 units still have tenants is due to the fact they are paying half the market rental. Although a lot people here are not the wealthiest, a lot of them are very easy going. It happened to a few others and with these pests and their parents there is not a lot you can do unless you want to escalate the situation and risk your property and cars be damaged at night.Our other back neighbours (the block had a funny shape) were quite nice but they got separated and the house sold quickly to a Vietnamese family who were noisy with regular noisy karaoke until late. If you work, play and enjoy life in general you wont find too many things wrong with Caboolture, Bribie, Woodford etc. Up the sunny coast. We do drive to the beach. No need to comment about how you disagree on everyone elses. They are oldies looking in - we were those kids now grown up and I'm thankful every day I'm still alive. When he opend up, we couldn't believe that his toddler was sitting right there in that noise. The Caboolture Historical Village is situated on 4 hectares (about 12 acres) of land just north of Caboolture town centre on the old Bruce Highway. Some of the nicest thai, pizza and seafood places I have eaten in for a while. Soon after we had moved in there, we noticed loud music coming from our back neighbours. I have lived in Morayfield/Caboolture since I was 2 years old I'm now 26 years old. Our direct next door neighbours from England had enough (they were directly facing them) and sold, moving to small acreage. im really looking for an affordable place to raise my family seems this is the way to go. The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au. Yes it does get hot but the prices have gone up a lot in the last 6 months. It's a great place for families, but then there are areas which are good for retirees as well. Caboolture has good shopping even without the trip to Brisbane with a large shopping centre. It's just too much of a risk.We were very very lucky in the end by selling (it took 5 months to find a buyer, and this was in 2008).Caboolture has WAY too many properties, both second hand and newly built. How bad the flood? Use your discernment with the neighbours and the street. June 3, 2022; 1 min read; sinclairs of caithness down to errol; how to send pictures to inmates through snapfish; lsof is not recognized as an internal or external command; syracuse university email address; I have a low mortgage and I happily commute to Brisbane each day which you do get used to. It can have drama here and there but overall, stay out of it and you'll be fine everyone around are friendly and wouldn't mind recommending this place to others. After moving our children are excelling in every area getting awards for academics, spots and music and at the old school they were not even passing? What's the best place to live for a single young professional around Caboolture? Then there were neighbours to our very back who were drunk all the time, a young couple with a baby and he was abusing her vocally all the time. Give your kids a fighting chance and stay away. Carmody's pub was across the road where that god awful council building is now. I recommend anyone to purchase houses in Caboolture. Hannover Turismo Another neighbour two houses down put music up once or twice a week at very loud levels, even weeknights at midnight. ", "Great safe street for families with children", "I was hesitant about moving to the area but am still here 2 years later.", "Been here a while and other places and this is it.". The Estate was originally built for owner occupiers now a few rentals are here but it is a lovely neighbourhood. Some of the estates around Oakey Flat Rd in Morayfield are 3/4 acre and quite nice. (Constructively). We eventually came to the conclusion that it must be a "QLD thing" with the selfishness, the high level of bogans, the antisocial behaviour, the alcohol fuelled parties, the "need" for noise and "don't care your neighbour" mentality As we had never experienced any of this in Sydney (where we also lived in three different areas). I've been in Caboolture more than 4 years now and I bought a house in Caboolture recently. The residential push out of Brisbane has seen huge growth in and around Caboolture and it is a place where many families have decided to reside. We actually heard many horror stories of people living on acreage where people and their kids seem to live an even more carefree lifestylenaively thinking that due to more size they can be even noisier - yet you can hear noise hundreds of metres away if it's loud enough, what difference does it make if your next door house is 5 or 50m away? MacDonalds arrived in Morayfield Road about 1986 and, let's face it, a company/franchise like MacDonalds doesn't go anywhere where it can't make money. Originally a livestock station, Caboolture derived its name from cabul-tur, a phrase in a local Aboriginal language meaning "place of the carpet snake." Are you going to live in one side and rent out the other? I wouldn't walk the streets at night - its common sense, but that would be the same regardless of where I lived. Cab West where I am is good. So, just because the properties here are more affordable, dont rush in and take your time. If you get a bad gist, pull out of that contract. All low income smokers with too many kids, yelling at them and hitting them. I don't commit crime or take drugs so I just don't see it. Melbourne is NOTHING like Caboolture at all. This is the stigma most people have of the place. We chose Central Lakes Estate in Caboolture as it was a new estate with recycled water. Go for a drive to Mt Mee State Forest. Don't believe me then go to Caboolture train station and wonder why coppers ride trains from Caboolture to Narangba. Even in summer there isnt constant heat, its on and off. Central lakes estate whereabouts is the not so good area is stopford road good thank u, Copyright 2023 Homely Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.Privacy PolicyTerms of Use. We have been here just over a year now, and still haven't been able to find out the names of all our neighbours. I don't know if it's luck or the people but our neighbours are great so we haven't had any problems. 20. How about something a little more constructive and helpful next time? ALL Shopping Rod. I am a very strong kiwi woman so lets see how defaming you are away from your computer screen. I've been in Cabo and going on strong for about 5 years. Vic probsblu lijlike caboolture but with cold winf einter hot wind summer, little wayer 40 km ftom melbourbe. I will be moving. Maybe good for investing in rental property. Lovely and close to the new addition to the hospital, an entire hospital dedicated to mental health.It will defiantly attract a lovely crowd and is also where the local jail brings inmates who are hurt or not feeling the best.Perfect position directly across from a school.Grand "CABO". Burn outs yes all the time, drag racing yep, fights and drugs drugs drugs everywhere. I hope i see you there, id like to see if your a true blue "aussie" or just another "dero" as you put it. Iam out in a rural town though that I didnt want to come to but Im hoping to move to a bigger town in may. I live here in caboolture,moving here with friends in 2008, and i didnt research the place either. Thinking of moving to Caboolture, QLD - any advice? You can drive to the beach close enough. Caboolture, shire, southeastern Queensland, Australia, on the Caboolture River. Gotta chime in here re: "FanOf4510" 's remarks "If you work, play and enjoy life in general you wont find too many things wrong.." --> This helps obviously only where all your neighbours in your streets and those surrounding yours put the exact same meaning to these words, which obviously is rarely the case. The local butcher was on the diagonal corner, across the road from Morayfield Primary School where the picture framer is now and the local veterinarian had acerage about where Martin Jonkers is. While we were building, we were renting for one year in a different neighbourhood. I couldn't agree with you more. Like everywhere there's good and bad. It aint Sydney or Melbourne but the weather is fabulous, the Caboolture markets is great for cheap and fresh produce and there are plenty of alternative and eco friendly, organic services/markets in the area. So there was no need to go and start an argument against mine, I could easily argue yours but I have better things to do with my time.I am still in Caboolture and I'm am fine with living here. Although my old neighbours were from VIC and if I didn't know any better I would of sworn they were originally from QLD lol. It is easy to have you say on how you feel the place can improve. I'm pretty sure I live in the worst pocket of Caboolture. It seems this place is filled with people from the lower end of society.In the years that we lived there, there were petitions to put more police on the beat. I was born and lived in uk til I was 13 and I find anywhere here other than along the coast unbearable. Angel Well-Known Member. Cig butts everywhere and you certainly can't take your baby or toddler out in Caboolture without risking their health and safety. I have spent the last few years away from the area overseas and found that very depressing and taxing on ones mind and daily activities. There were too many estates built, there is still many estates being planned and lots of vacant land and new home and land for sale. There is riff raff here as there is in every place..stay away from that area and those people..There is entertainment happening here during the yearthere is always something to do and somewhere to go. Caboolture has a high rate of crime and the public schooling here is not great. I dont know, if the wheather wasnt so hot and there werent as many scums in general Id probably stay. I've heard all the stories about Cabo. Good yield and has grown about 10% in 3 years.) Caboolture Holiday Home: Bellmere on Richards - Luxury 4.5 Star Accommodation. If you want a place to help guide disaffected youth come to Caboolture, if you want a place for your kids to become corrupted by degenerates come to Caboolture. Look we have motorbikes and what Uey is winging about is noting compared to what really goes on in that town. If you want to invest in houses, then Caboolture is the place to go. The only child hood memory that still remains is the vacant block on the corner of Oakey Flat Rd and Morayfield Rd, soon to be developed I understand.There are actullay 6 McDonals in Cab/Morayfield 2 at the super servos, 1 on Morayfield Rd, 1 in the Morayfield Shopping Centre, 1 at Caboolture, 1 at the Sundowner. I have been looking at Burpengary. In 2017/18 16,000 Australian bass were stocked from SIPS permit sales. Hey all, looking to move here, can I get an honest appraisal of Caboolture , have 3 young boys 10 12 & 14. ET. This website isn't created to being debates, it is somewhere to post your own personal review. I choose to work in the city but I would never live in the city. It is affordable if you are looking to buy or rent. Caboolture is quite a large place know, yeah some compact areas of the CBD aren't too great but there are a lot more parts still technically in Caboolture which are lovely.If you think that the area is for the "lower demographic" then that is your opinion. We have lovely neighbours, the local kids are friendly and respectable. I wish I could love it here the way you do. Everyone keeps a eye out for each other. He holds a 1-0 record in pro MMA and holds a purple belt in Jiu-Jitsu. There are a lot of families looking for rentals and the prices for houses are starting to rise with the moving economy. It's just a shame people dont put as much effort into building a community they are proud of and filling the place with positivity as they do talking utter rubbish negatives online behind a computer screen, this shire has a phenominal rate of growth, excellent schools and a growing business portfolio, crime is actually dropping and returns for those with half a brain in realestate have been great. I actually still agree with my original review, the only place I see the area crowded is driving past the Centrelink and Morayfield Shopping Centre during school holidays. "It's a good town if you know where to avoid" ?? Above comments are all about bad experiences people have had but if people opened there eyes and there ears there is bad experiences to say about any and all areas. It's so close to everything anybody should need, including beautiful beaches at Bribie Island and lots of choices for shopping. Mary River cod are a no take species . There are nowhere near enough police to patrol an area that covers Caboolture, Morayfield, Upper Caboolture, Bellmere, Burpengary, Narangba, the highway, Bribie Island, Elimbah, Toorbul, Donnybrook, Wamuran, Woodford, Kilcoy and Moore and everything in between. Same goes for renters. Nice little place, not too crowded and everything you need is right here. You will make many friends who enjoy playing sport and this will help keep you active and occupied as Caboolture is a very sporting town. So you still have the nasty neighbour risk factor but 10x the work! Please help! from AU$249/night. Which means I can still easily do whatever I want, just not normally anything to do with Cabby. Visit the Abbey Museum. This sleepy, innocent town just got a wake up. UFC 285 happens tonight with the pay-per-view main card airing at 10 p.m. could you give me any information on the impacts of decreasing greenspace? where not to live in caboolture. Caboolture 4.5 Star Holiday Home at the Gateway to the Sunshine Coast in Qld. If theyre decent they will talk and you will get a feel. I got a job in Caboolture when I finished school and unlike many other parts of the country housing affordability has never really been an issue. Very nice place to live and raise a family. ), kids running multiple trail bikes around the dirt creating noise and dust towards you? So judgemental so easy to say such nasty things hiding behind a computer screen while glaring & silently judging others in real life. It sends me bonkers, Qld is hot year round but summer is relentless. If you engage with the community in a positive way you will reap the rewards of the seeds you plant. This is why it is crowded as !! Its a high crime area, as its the city and apparently drug users everywhere. Morayfield Road was beautifully untouched with bush along either side with the only shops being where Pat and Margaret Nicholls had the local corner store where the carpark is to Anaconda, down there at the intersection with Caboolture River Road. "Caboolture West will ultimately be a major regional urban centre that will support 17,000 jobs and have many social benefits including new health and education centres as well as sport and recreation facilities and plenty of new homes for Queenslanders," Mr Miles said. Caboolture- close to the work opportunities of the city, the beaches of the Sunshine Coast and Bribie Island. Well we have our locals and some reside among us and our lovely surrounding areas. In the last 6 months the prices have risen a lot. From here you can catch the train into Brisbane which makes it an easy commute if that is where you work. Caboolture ( / kbltr /) [2] is a town and suburb in Moreton Bay Region, Queensland, Australia. Narangba Valley is the best for family's and schools. Nothing changed. I woukd rayger have the cultire of lancashire and worse weather. There is a lot organised for families and being away from the city it is a great place to bring up a young family. Soon the mates follow because deals are still done in prison and old mate still wants things taken care off while he is on the inside. Life is too short to try and change an area for the better. We thought at first, what have we done, we left Sydney for this? Still some good mature age souls about but honestly I wouldn't raise a family here if you paid me the overpriced rent each week. There are a number of sporting field and many sports clubs for all ages to become involved with. The fact it is located midway between the GC/Brisbane and Noosa makes the weather amazing and only limits your weekend leisure time by your imagination. Upper Caboolture is peaceful yet you are so close to the main shopping centre, supermarkets, takeaways, sports and recreational parks, transport and schools. Central lakes Estate is great, lived here for 8 years, neighbors are friendly. It is not a good area. 5 bedroom house for sale at 22 Cadaga Place, Caboolture, QLD 4510, OFFERS OVER $649,000. Seems this area is going to be it for me when I'm ready to move! Hi Kimmy. I think Woodford is classed as a little town and Caboolture a mini city with over 50 traffic lights and over 35000 people living just in Morayfield / Caboolture not to mention the outside community's who do their business there everyday this little town jams up and it's very time consuming driving around in slow traffic. About Caboolture. Queensland Premier League. Ivo Silveira 8877, km. I have rented since moving here and have lived in 3 different areas of Caboolture (apart from the first 15 months I was here in share houses). There's a park directly across the road that my 3year old basically lives at, if he's not there he s riding his bike on the footpaths or quiet streets. Do a drive around the neighbourhood and observe. I believe that life cant just be about work, you need great facilities and good schools, you have to love where you live inturn creating a reason to pay your morgage that leaves you feeling good each month.. this is what we found in Caboolture and its surrounding towns. We have plenty of aussies at home and welcome them with open arms Why dont you try that. 17' sea squirt center console; naomi milgrom husband; jesse smith ink master portrait; is an irrevocable trust a . This area is undervalued but people will realise Caboolture is a good place to live in 5 years of time. Overall, Caboolture is not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. This one is going to be passed down to my kids. That's the problem you can't know, and you won't until it's "too late" (you already purchased). Caboolture is north of Brisbane as is probably considered a suburb. Now there are 5 of them. Fishing, camping, picnics, cruises, fine dining and a top shelf licenced watering holes 5 minutes in any direction make it almost impossible not to stumble into something you will enjoy. Area is more for families with bike tracks, walking paths, lakes, playgrounds, bbq facilities etc. just dance switch accuracy; community centre requirements; how can i tell if someone is faking cancer; the summerhouse wedding. Caboolture is like anywhere these days, it has its good and bad points. No need to leave town for shopping yet close enough to catch a train or drive into Brisbane if you wish. If you want to be a part of the community, signing up to a club is the best way to go. I Have lived in Caboolture for about 25 years now. There were young very nasty kids who were riding their push bikes through my new front garden bed WHILE I was working on it! There is always plenty of negatives about any aspect of life if you go looking for them, as there is with any area you live in. UFC 285 live stream. Friends lived at ningi and moved because it was quite isolated and whilst it is not far to the nearest decent shops, DIY stores etc it is a pain in the neck. This town started to go down hill when the prison was built out at Woodford and, well, the incarcerated needed somewhere for their families to live. It has its quirks we laughingly call it 'latenight theatre'. What pros and cons do you have about the riverbank estate area? Agree ..I moved up from an expensive area in Melbourne and purchased 3/4 acre in South Morayfield area and really love it here. Have being through 2011 and 2022 floods. I would never be buying in this environment. This used to be a sleepy town but no more. Lost Caboolture is a pictorial look back at Caboolture and all the people and places that made it the wonderful place it is today to live work. There is an outstanding amount of developments underway, So weather you are a first home buyer, Renting or a young family starting out the options are endless. Contempt breeds comtempt, and so the shallow gene pool flooded over, in a course of time. Nightlife in Caboolture is by no means vibrant, there's a few local bars to watch the footy at, wouldn't be taking the missus there on a date, but 20mins down the road is the Sandstone Point Hotel which is by far the classiest establishment in the area and well awarded(gets some great acts there).Eating out in Cabo is alright, there's a couple of nice cafes, some decent fish n chip shops/burger joints, the typical fast food places and we have a 24hr bakery, which after a 10hr killer night shift is bloody awesome.A growing CBD attracts lots of professionals during the day and there's further development to come to make the place better.In the end Cabo is Cabo, it'll always have the name, if you're looking for an affordable place to live to raise a family or get into the housing market then Cabo is right for you. It has good schooling, gotta be honest and say some are better than others. Hey, I am doing a school project on how crime rates badly affect the community in Caboolture and from the reviews, I can see there are pros and cons, but could you do me a big favour and tell me why you think crime rates are happening so frequently. The commute to Brissy every morning is about 45mins-1hr and Sunny Coast about 30mins. its for a school project. There were regular neighbourhood watch meetings but only a few of those concerned attended but most of those who should have attended didn't and of course the bad guys did not. This isn't just a low socio economic status area. Council has spent a lot of money to the parks in the area. Regardless of that i signed a contract for work on the 21st of Dec to start work 2 weeks later in januarymeanwhile they were happy to have me do some casual hours till then. Please note, I wrote this review 2 years ago now. It's not because of Burpengary or Narangba it's because ice addict parents let their children do as they please because the parents don't even know how to pass on values or morals. I grew up here and have lived in the area for 20+ years. I am a RN who recently started working at Caboolture hospital, I currently live a hours drive from the hospital and am looking to move closer. New development has been popping up around us and fast encroaching, I probably receive a letter from a developer about once a year. The median after-tax salary is $3284, which is enough to cover living expenses for 2 months.Ranked 1623rd (TOP 17%) in the list of best places to live in the world and 28th best city to live in . Hmmmm. The area has some new estates and it is definitely growing and changing, but you there are still a load of disengaged, highly dysfunctional people in this area. Just another bogandenile person form cabo lol. We introduced ourselves and kindly asked to turn down the volume. All these stereotypes about sirens heard at night, low income families running wild and getting mugged at night isn't true pr is a true tpo the next town. Pregnant Mums pushing a pram with no shoes smoking and slapping there kids about the head is normal. If you are keen they were trying to get rid of them for 100k a pop.
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