With the knowledge of the Summit War coming up, they get ready to embark to war, not knowing they'll end up tailing a very interesting man through the New World.Set from the Summit war arc onwards, and is canon-adjacent in a way. An undercover RA agent notices something on the battlefield of Marineford that shouldn't be there, something only she can see.She finds life where there should be none. The Gear 5 opens some unpredictable ways of interaction. Midoriya glanced at the angry man in front of him and then at the two heavily injured men (teens?) Move, Luffy inwardly screamed at himself, MOVE!. STRAW HAT IS MAKING HIS WAY THROUGH THE BATTLEFIELD! One fact that I think is interesting is how Shanks arrived late in Marineford (supposedly related to a skirmish with Kaido). Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. Adventures of a New Age! If he has the typhon fruit (king of monsters), then he likely has no problem taking on multiple people lower than him a bit like typhon did in greek mythology versus all the gods. No entanto, quando inserido corretamente, o potencial para criar algo fantstico torna-se maior do que nunca. Pre skip Luffy blitzed him already. Sabo was dead. About a year and a half after its deployment, it encounters a small, captainless crew with dreams each more impossible than the one before. #ace #yamato #portgasdace #luffy #wano #marineford #onepiece #onepieceedit #parati #viral #fyp #fyp". will thus lead to a bloodier and more intense war than what we saw in Marineford. pic.twitter.com/sTbsaitGVh, sandman (@sandman_AP) February 28, 2023. Of course, if the good doctor had his way, he wouldnt be dead forever. At least he has his advanced haki! Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. "It was the surety in Namis firm voice that finally seemed to tame Yamatos fears, at least a little bit. Ve meets lots of people gathering allies and enemies wherever she goes, always on the run from the navy. he ran like a b*tch. It puts him over a Whitebeard that should by all accounts already be dead, far above him in fact. Luffy gets a reward from Toki and he has a chance to save his brother! #29. But then, in a flash, his vision turned white, a searing light burning his eyes. And he seems to have a little more chance to turn Marinefords War into a successful mission. Deciding to take a chance, she takes a closer look, and that second glance changes everything. ATENO!O objetivo do site unir os fs de One Piece do Brasil e para manter um ambiente saudvel, atente-se s regras! As previously mentioned, he also can enlarge his entire body at once. Luffy would be at disadvantage. Kaido is not and was not implied to be stronger than WB. Also fun fact I wasnt really sure was relevant but thought Id throw in for the hell of it. and our Luffy high diff. And, he doesnt even need to blow air in his body. The user can fight exactly as he imagines. Kid wants to never be beholden to someone else again. Shanks has been waiting this entire time for Joy Boy to emerge, because he knows thats the only way he can get the One Piece which is why he had to save Luffy at any cost. It takes 3 Yonko crews to beat the Marines. Then he would have tried to take over WB territories. The fire on the battlefield extinguished. Esse fator ainda sublinhado nas palavras escritas nas ltimas horas pelo usurio Sandman, que nos acompanha quase diariamente na explorao das palavras de Oda e sua equipe ao longo dos anos. Garp lived long enough to see his beloved grandson achieve his dream. Kaido is not and was not implied to be stronger than WB. He should just trust his allies to have his back and believe in their abilities to do their assigned tasks. Soon, he's got several other people along for the ride, and the situation quickly spirals out of control. An undercover RA agent notices something on the battlefield of Marineford that shouldn't be there, something only she can see.She finds life where there should be none. : " ", " ", " " , . Kaido angry.". Luffy could never seen his brother dying, he could never see his brother losing, but here, right in front of him, his brother both lost and died and Luffy could do nothing to stop it at the time. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. "Sabo!" Zoro spoke. Luffy gets a reward from Toki and he has a chance to save his brother! Asides from that, some paramecia alterations have been detected in the Gear 5. He used the ground to send a Bolo Breath back to Kaido, by bending and turning it into rubber. And the one thing I am 100% sure of is that Shanks was waiting for Luffy, because he had to. Oda reveals the Full Backstory of the Kid Pirates, Odas promise of the imminent start of a Battle Royale is coming true. A hat shadowed the eyes of the Straw hat pirate's captain. "You heard the captain! Hell Big Mom looks better than Kaido right now. That Bastard was what Luffy decided on absentmindedly as he grasped the corners of the vivre card. At least, that's what the news had reported. JavaScript is disabled. The current Warlords stared up at the group in shock, surprise, interest, love (Boa Hancock), and neutral expressions as the group crashed into the water. Midoriya glanced at the angry man in front of him and then at the two heavily injured men (teens?) Assuming Kaidou and Shanks never crossed paths on his way to Marineford, that would be a whole different matter. the marines are absolutely terrified.). Insert Kaido for Wesley Snipes, WB Pirates for the armored vampires and Marco for the guy at the end. Set in an alternate universe where Marineford takes place after the Strawhats have already been to Wano and Yamato actually joins their crew. Luffy was able to transfer his rubber properties to inanimate objects, and even organic substances. Guns firing, swords clashing, blood spraying, and bodies falling. The same Ace that fought Jinbei for 5 days. On a further note, I also believe this is why Shanks went to Marineford, to ensure Luffys survival. For more information, please see our MF Teach with two devil fruits: yami & gura-gura, Ace died at MF but Teach make fun of him, so Luffy is bloodlusted. You tried to lowball WB by saying he belonged in a coffin, while that's true, he still had enough power to defeat Sakazuki with his brain hanging out. , , . perhaps, Protective Shirohige Kaizoku-dan | Whitebeard Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates & Trafalgar D. Water Law, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, characters and tags to be added as story progresses, Ace lives AU where he gets some disabilities and a lot of love, Logia fruit as a metaphor for self acceptance, ship may occur down the line it just depends, Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante & Trafalgar D. Water Law, These are scary tags but the fic itself is not scary. Despite his pure will and unyielding determination, Luffy was weak and failed to rescue Ace from execution. But, I wonder about their reaction when the Hito Hito no Mi, Model Nika User allegedly appears out of nowhere on the battlefield. As a long-time fan, its an honor to share my passion with you, a passion fueled by the One Piece series for nearly 15 years. he thought, Even though Luffy did not particularly like marines, he did in fact hate people who don't care for their comrades, Luffy swayed sideways barely avoiding the flaming hot fist that came his way, Luffy sighed and looked down, he had enough of this, The people froze, unable to move even a finger, The sound of sandals clicking against the frozen floor was heard throughout the entire battleground, A hat shadowed the eyes of the Straw hat pirate's captain, More than half of the people on Marineford collapsed. She had somehow escaped a buster call and genocide of her people. Terry? One Piece is a beloved manga and anime franchise that has captivated fans for over 20 years. What a waste of potential that would be). They would forget about the people, the accomplishments, and they would forget that the Sun God Nika destroyed everything in his path in his grief. Like a switch flipping in his mind, he immediately knew what he had to do.--------------------------------------------------------------Whitebeard had no idea who this new arrival was, much less where he came from. But, were counting on his regeneration skills. Top 30 One Piece Character Sizes Ranked, Top 10 Best Defensive Devil Fruits in One Piece, How Zoro learned his new ability over the course of Wano, Why Aokiji should be the Worlds Most Wanted Man. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. Shocking, isnt it? He also adopts a few children on the way, as a somewhat brother/uncle figure. But is it really over? ago. That would be too fast for BB to keep up with and he doesn't have the durability to take more than a couple of good hits. Luffy just wants adventure and fun and freedom. Portgas D. Ace keeps running, and instead of receiving a magma fist to the chest courtesy of Akainu, he gets to watch a blinding beam of light eradicate Monkey D. Luffy's heart while he stands less than two feet away. Battle waged around Garp. Looks like he's the target now, he thought dimly, as he saw Akainu switch positions and rush at him. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Guns firing, swords clashing, blood spraying, and bodies falling. TOP 10 Most Powerful Zoan Devil Fruits in One Piece, Top 10 Strongest Kick Fighters in One Piece, Top 10 Characters With The Most Physical Strength, All One Piece Villains Ranked from Least Evil to Most Evil, All 9 Confirmed Devil Fruit Users of The Blackbeard Pirates Crew. At 17 she sets out with Ace but goes her separate ways to learn more about the truth behind her wings and powers. He could if he was fast enough or durable enough to take more than a couple hits, hell, G2 Pre-timeskip Luffy already blitzed him. Portgas D. Ace keeps running, and instead of receiving a magma fist to the chest courtesy of Akainu, he gets to watch a blinding beam of light eradicate Monkey D. Luffy's heart while he stands less than two feet away. Kaido comes, sees , puts his tail between his legs & escape as fast as possible. Hes just been there, ready, at very crucial moments. Luffy knocked Kaido out of his dragon form . So, lets sail through the Sea of One Piece verse! And the Whitebeard Pirates most definitely didn't expect for a new, powerful trump card to form from of a battered, beaten body. At least he has his advanced haki! Everything should have been great. Well shit. He has closely been monitoring Luffy for a damn reason. Whitebeard's crew is protecting Luffy, and we need to return the favour! (or, a gear 5 fic where luffy goes batshit insane. He has his own aspirations and his own agenda and his own motivation and desire to achieve it. Its phantasmagorical to such an extent, he was able to stretch his arm to the size of Onigashima. A certain takeaway is the following: a Gear 5 Luffy is highly likely to save Ace if the Marineford events were to take place again. I just don't see how especially considering WB defeated the strongest admiral in that state while Kaido hasn't defeated anyone as powerful with a generic mace swing. Soon, he's got several other people along for the ride, and the situation quickly spirals out of control. Despite his pure will and unyielding determination, Luffy was weak and failed to rescue Ace from execution. Title says it all. D. Luffy, the captain of the Strawhat pirates and the main protagonist of the One Piece manga series, is known for. and that's not even me making shit up that's actually canon, Ivankov is his own warning and comes with mentions of non-consensual sex changes, he also gets his ass kicked by a lot of people because of this, Tenryuubito | Celestial Dragons | World Nobles, Marineford fix-it but Luffy Scares his Family Shitless: Wano Luffy Edition, Gear 5th is a menace to the world Government, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco & Monkey D. Luffy, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco & Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate. Here, you will discover answers about questions you ask yourself when you like one piece. And, the worst drawback is exhaustion, just like all unmastered Gears. Gear 5 is the awakened form of the mythical Zoan, the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika. You are massively underrating BB. Therefore, its existence was erased for years until it reappeared thanks to Shanks. BB cn take away luffy's immunity from blunt attacks with one hand and slam a quake in his face with the other while punching him with massive power. With the Gear 5 activated, Monkey D. Luffy can fight with his rubber body without any physical limitations and in a cartoonish manner. The smoke stopped. Ace, believing he'd died at Marineford, wakes up 10 years in the past, right in the middle of the Gray Terminal fire. All the statements made about Kaido (strongest creature, strongest pirate best at 1v1s) happened after WB's death which makes it unclear as to whether this included WB or not. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. behind him. In the arc of Wano Country, the exhaling confrontation between Luffy and the Strongest Creature Kaido led to the awakening of an incredible game-changer: Gear 5. And well, the answer has become very very clear, he was waiting for the emergence of Joy Boy. The snowy white wings sprouting from her back gave away her heritage. If Kaidou would have attacked the marines, then both he and the Whitebeard Pirates would have ended up all dead or severally crippled. He found himself in the middle of a bloody battlefield, surrounded on all sides as Danger Sense constantly sent pain shooting through his brain. On a further note, I also believe this is why Shanks went to Marineford, to ensure Luffy's survival. But at what cost? And the Whitebeard Pirates most definitely didn't expect for a new, powerful trump card to form from of a battered, beaten body. Well shit. The main thing that triggered this for me was asking myself a simple question: why on earth has Shanks been waiting so long? @krisbishop: didn't he match Sengoku's full budha shockwave punch with tremor fruit and then challenge both Sengoku and Old Garp? Therefore, the World Government unleashed the Admirals to proceed with the execution, no matter what. considering if he entered the war in full strength, then Akainu goes down pretty quickly. , . If Lufffy was going up against and Admiral and Vice Admiral. as of chapter 1,000 BB wipes the floor with Luffy. Vienna and Luffy face all the battles thrown at them head-on, even facing death to save their loved ones. Going by the scenario provided by the OP, Kaidou wouldn't have come to Marineford after "overpowering" Shanks. In summary, the Paramount War definitely didn't go as planned. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/LuffysMotherIsWho. Get The One Piece Manga: https://linktr.ee/OnePieceManga Join The King Pirates Elite: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjmLqiKod6y-Gm4j-NW_n5g/join My Ge. A flash of light, and then a sudden surge in heat.All accompanied by the smell of burning rubber. FarExamination9787 9 mo. Blackbeard was beaten by a Whitebeard that by all accounts belonged in a coffin, I don't really see how you can say he'd win here, especially since Luffy at this point has injured and evaded an attack from a Yonko who was in a much better condition than Whitebeard was even at the beginning of Marineford. He almost killed Ace with like 4 generic punches. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Apario de Shanks na Guerra de Marineford But there are other entities in the Wild with agendas of their own, and they don't care about what others want at all. A importncia de Law como personagem. Why now? half of them are OC because we don't know anything about that crew, Rouge was a pirate i will die on that ship, swearing because they're pirates not nuns. The only saving grace Blackbeard has is Whitebeard's devil fruit, but it matters little when he's slow and not very durable. The deadly trap for Luffy. And Ace just wants some goddamn agency for once. One Piece belongs to OdaCross posted on Wattpad under patz_paprika. He screamed out, The people around him watched in fascination as Luffy's eyes started glowing a gold color and light started emanating from the young teen, His arm started growing back by the second and all of the punctures he had through his body were being regenerated and healed, By the time the light stopped emanating, his wounds were completely healed, arm regrown with no sign that it was ripped off in the first place, "H-howw-what" Aokiji could not form a full sentence at the moment, he was in too much shock, Luffy ignored the shocked stares he was getting and just stretched, Aokiji eventually gave into exhaustion and fell unconscious, Nobody noticed the admiral falling onto the ground, No one could even form words at the moment, They couldn't believe the scene that had just played out in front of their eyes, They were so in shock that the majority of them didn't notice the rubber teen disappearing from where he was previously standing, Luffy sprinted through the battlefield towards the execution stand, Ace was still too in shock to notice that his little brother had started moving again, Akainu eventually snapped out of his shocked state and immediately started screaming, "WHAT ARE YOU BUFFOONS DOING?! Ace Thinks He's in Hell (He's Actually in The Past), Mentioned Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco, both very brief i'm almost unsure if I should tag them, I was unsure if i should mark it as teen or mature but i'm going with mature just to be safe, Like everyone I cannot accept Marineford so let's fix-it, been wanting to make a gear 5 luffy & marineford fic since oda released chap 1044, ( ), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Buggy, Bagi Kaizokudan | Buggy's Band of Pirates, In which the Roger Kaizoku get off their arses and intervene. Luffy wins this. Luffy ate Shanks' key to the One Piece. He watched as Akainu focused his attention from Ace to him. I mentioned the fight with Jnbei just in case you tried to downplay Ace's endurance nothing else. A different series of world events kick into motion, one of which is the unveiling of a new, unique human weapon under the designation ICARUS, or IX-0. Please consider turning it on! Armed with his Devil Fruit power and a regret/wish, he changes as much of the past as he can. Law treasured the words on his wrist, those little things that told him what his soulmate would be going through that day. We are not unaware of how broken Luffys Gear 5 is. With the above said it's not a stomp, Blackbeard will probably walk away hurt. behind him. With the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates and their allies at Zou, the Beast Pirates attack force led by Jack are routed in short order. And, the use of Haki would be a great asset too. Eiichiro Oda provou ter um gnio verdadeiramente grande em certos aspectos e um talento artstico que s vezes difcil de negar at mesmo por seus detratores. In the world of One Piece, there are many adventures that the heart yearns to explore. Akainu> Garp and Sengoku too? He wasn't sure what was going on, but it was clear that the group behind him was on the defensive while the group in front of him, all in some kind of uniform, was the aggressor. Perhaps his son wouldve been able to see Luffy grow into a fine young pirate. Sona D. Vienna was found by her adoptive mother Wendy on the shores of Dawn Island at only a year old. Judge Vinsmoke bites the dust after Sanji. Muitos fs de One Piece sabem bem como alguns detalhes presentes em One Piece no faziam parte da narrativa originalmente planejada por Eiichiro Oda. He is a brilliant tactician and we have witnessed him hard at work (often very cunning and creative) to achieve his own plans and his overall one true goal. Such a canvas would mean sticking his head in the lions den. Vazou o Zoro utilizando o Santoryu no live-action de One Piece! Thatch? Lets not pretend like that puts him over whitebeard in any quantifiable way. Armed with his Devil Fruit power and a regret/wish, he changes as much of the past as he can. and where the fuck where they during Marineford? Garp lived long enough to see his beloved grandson achieve his dream. Terrence? Ace, believing he'd died at Marineford, wakes up 10 years in the past, right in the middle of the Gray Terminal fire.
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