Javascript not detected. Distance from Columbia, SC to Myrtle Beach, SC The capitals of Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia are recast as Canadian cities, never before as close together as here in the former Yugoslavia: Montreal, Halifax and Toronto. A quick Google of Seattle's coordinates show: So that means it is 47.6 north. Distance from Dallas, TX to Arlington, TX The Southernmost city in the world is Puerto Williams, Chile, and its nearly 10 degrees farther south than any other continents southern city. Latitude 100 most beautiful places in Russia the ultimate list. Drag and use mouse zoom to move map layers. Share. The link between each capital dot and its replacement city is that both places share the same latitude: black if the other city is in the northern hemisphere as well, blue if it is on the same latitude, but in the southern hemisphere. Distance from Louisville, KY to Cincinnati, OH Casablanca, in Morocco, is about the same latitude as Atlanta, while Miami is level with. Distance from Spokane to Seattle Distance from Boston to Washington, D.C. Distance from Milwaukee, WI to Chicago, IL France is positioned even farther north, with Paris at a higher latitude than Quebec or Maine. While much of the worth is solidly within hemisphere quadrants, there are many cities that straddle one of the zero points. To find cities on the same latitude, simply locate one city, then follow that latitude line eastwards or westwards until you encounter another city. Ontario's capital and the capital of Italy's Tuscany region are both at 43.7 degrees north latitude. There are 44 cities on the map that are closest to 0 longitude. How positive invironments support the development of young children learning outcome? -Sydney, Los Angeles, and Cape Town are at more or less the same latitude, -Jakarta is the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere, -Melbourne is further south than Auckland, -Portland, Oregon is halfway up (or halfway down). We have todays weather, high temperature, low temperature, rainfall, precipitation, snow, sun, clouds, humidity, and wind. A handful of antipodean cities dot the map: Istanbul becomes Puerto Montt, a Chilean port city that by comparison is both extremely young and tiny. This map from Mapmania below will answer your question. Scripts are disabled by your browser. Quiz: Can you tell these 16 cities by their skylines. Photos/Timelapse of Record-Breaking Sail Amsterdam Will Make You Want to Attend This Years Event, Rhino Poachers Eaten Alive By Pride Of Lions In South African Game Reserve, These Massive Tunnels Were Dug by a Giant Sloth That Lived 10,000 Years Ago in South America, Recently Discovered Dinosaur Mummy Is So Well-Preserved It Even Has The Skin And Guts Intact. The so-called Russian south is situated in the 43-45 latitudes: Sochi, Grozny, Vladikavkaz (as well as Vladivostok in the Far East) are on the same 43 latitude as Florence, Tuscany and Siena (Italy), as well as Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan), Varna (Bulgaria) and the city of Sapporo on Hokkaido Island (Japan). The climate of Seattle is temperate, classified in the Mediterranean zone by the main climatic classification ( Kppen: Csb) [2] [3] [4] but some sources put the city in the oceanic zone ( Cfb ). Such a view offers some unique insight into the architecture of our solar system . Distance from Boston to Montreal But this only works if theyre on the same hemisphere. Could the Eye of the Sahara Be the Lost City of Atlantis? Latitude increases as you go North, making the Northern Hemisphere positive latitude and the Southern Hemisphere negative latitude. Latitude runs between 90 degrees South (-90) and 90 degrees North, both extremes coming at the Earth's poles. Distance from Pittsburgh, PA to Philadelphia, PA Decimal coordinates Simple standard 47.60621, -122.33207 DD Coodinates Decimal Degrees 47.6062 N 122.3321 W DMS Coordinates Degrees, Minutes and Seconds 4736'22.4'' N 12219.924' W Distance from Nashville, TN to Atlanta, GA {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, Copy a link to the article entitled http://European%20Capitals%20Replaced%20by%20Cities%20with%20the%20Same%20Latitude, Breakthrough study discovers that psychedelics breach our neurons, Custom, 3D-printed heart replicas look and pump just like the real thing, We all get monkey mind and neuroscience supports the Buddhist solution, Tirzepatide: A novel obesity drug ushers in a new era of weight loss because this one works, The mystery of New Zealands Tamil Bell, an archaeological UFO, 10 reasons why you should march for science. Most Recent Searches On Compare Climate & Weather. Every city in the world has one thing in common: they each have a pair of coordinates, numbers that describe their location. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. In Europe, Norways Ny-lesund is over 78 degrees above the equator. Latitude and Longitude By States - find the latitude and longitude of all 50 states in the United States. Longitudinally, New York is around the same at 73 degrees West as most of the country of Chile. -Quiz: Can you tell these 16 cities by their skylines? Madrid is on the same latitude as New York. And Beijing (China), Philadelphia (U.S.) are, for example, on the 39th parallel, while San Francisco (U.S.) is on the 37th and Tokyo (Japan) on the 35th. Chicago is a lot colder than Rome, for example. Looking at a Mercator projection, it can be quite difficult to guess these equivalences without packing up your road trip gear and heading out to see for yourself. Distance from Eros, LA to Washington, DC Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? Surely New York City has a similar reality distortion field, causing it to appear better than other places of similar latitude? London is some 4 further north at 51.5. At 40 degrees North of the equator, the snowy-wintered New York is at a similar longitude to Portugal, Spain, and the rest of the beautiful Mediterranean. This website uses cookies. But Russia takes over a fair bit of Europe too. Get gps coordinates and map coordinates of all the states. wow India's further North than I would have expected. (Note that none of these maps providean exhaustive list of the world's countries). And, finally, here is the same map for Africa. There are no cities located within Chicago, therefore, there are Distance from South Lake Tahoe to San Francisco Alabama LatitudeAlaska LatitudeArizona LatitudeArkansas LatitudeCalifornia LatitudeColorado LatitudeConnecticut LatitudeDelaware LatitudeDistrict of Columbia LatitudeFlorida LatitudeGeorgia LatitudeHawaii LatitudeIdaho LatitudeIllinois LatitudeIndiana LatitudeIowa LatitudeKansas LatitudeKentucky LatitudeLouisiana LatitudeMaine LatitudeMaryland LatitudeMassachusetts LatitudeMichigan LatitudeMinnesota LatitudeMississippi LatitudeMissouri LatitudeMontana LatitudeNebraska LatitudeNevada LatitudeNew Hampshire LatitudeNew Jersey LatitudeNew Mexico LatitudeNew York LatitudeNorth Carolina LatitudeNorth Dakota LatitudeOhio LatitudeOklahoma LatitudeOregon LatitudePennsylvania LatitudeRhode Island LatitudeSouth Carolina LatitudeSouth Dakota LatitudeTennessee LatitudeTexas LatitudeUtah LatitudeVermont LatitudeVirginia LatitudeWashington LatitudeWest Virginia LatitudeWisconsin LatitudeWyoming Latitude Distance from Charlotte, NC to Winston-Salem, NC That is, the rest of Russia is much further north. Distance from Tucson, AZ to Phoenix, AZ Distance from Memphis, TN to Jackson, MS Distance from Milwaukee, WI to Chicago, IL, Distance from Austin, TX to San Antonio, TX, Distance from Miami, FL to Fort Lauderdale, FL, Distance from Houston, TX to San Antonio, TX, Distance from Memphis, TN to Nashville, TN, Distance from Denver, CO to Colorado Springs, CO, Distance from Charlotte, NC to Raleigh, NC, Distance from Louisville, KY to Lexington, KY, Distance from Cincinnati, OH to Columbus, OH, Distance from Dallas, TX to Arlington, TX, Distance from Louisville, KY to Cincinnati, OH, Distance from Pittsburgh, PA to Warrendale, PA, Distance from Atlanta, GA to Savannah, GA, Distance from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC, Distance from Baton Rouge, LA to New Orleans, LA, Distance from Nashville, TN to Atlanta, GA, Distance from Nashville, TN to Knoxville, TN, Distance from Mobile, AL to New Orleans, LA, Distance from Memphis, TN to Little Rock, AR, Distance from Birmingham, AL to Montgomery, AL, Distance from Lexington, KY to Louisville, KY, Distance from Houston, TX to Corpus Christi, TX, Distance from Raleigh, NC to Greensboro, NC, Distance from Clevelto, OH to Columbus, OH, Distance from Nashville, TN to Clarksville, TN, Distance from Atlanta, GA to Nashville, TN, Distance from Phoenix, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ, Distance from Dallas, TX to Fort Worth, TX, Distance from Houston, TX to New Orleans, LA, Distance from Houston, TX to Arlington, TX, Distance from Minneapolis, MN to Chicago, IL, Distance from Lubbock, TX to Amarillo, TX, Distance from Phoenix, AZ to Albuquerque, NM, Distance from Oklahoma City, OK to Amarillo, TX, Distance from Mobile, AL to Pensacola, FL, Distance from Columbia, SC to Myrtle Beach, SC, Distance from Oklahoma City, OK to Tulsa, OK, Distance from Charlotte, NC to Charleston, SC, Distance from Birmingham, AL to Atlanta, GA, Distance from El Paso, TX to San Antonio, TX, Distance from Orltoo, FL to Fort Lauderdale, FL, Distance from Cincinnati, OH to Dayton, OH, Distance from Charleston, SC to Columbia, SC, Distance from Orltoo, FL to Gainesville, FL, Distance from Pittsburgh, PA to Philadelphia, PA, Distance from San Antonio, TX to Corpus Christi, TX, Distance from Charlotte, NC to Greensboro, NC, Distance from San Antonio, TX to Austin, TX, Distance from Charlotte, NC to Winston-Salem, NC, Distance from Houston, TX to Galveston, TX, Distance from Nashville, TN to Memphis, TN, Distance from Philadelphia, PA to Pittsburgh, PA. (Again, note that we're not including all of the world's countries.). Southwestern? Stand up and imagine your feet represent an exact point on Earth. Distance from Raleigh, NC to Greensboro, NC Today we know better but perhaps not that much better. Distance from Melbourne to Sydney Quick Answer, which cities are on the same latitude? Distance from San Francisco to Los Angeles Wonderful Copenhagen changes into the less inviting-sounding Novosibirsk, a couple of thousand miles to the east. -At 60deg, Helsinki sits on the same latitude line that forms the southern border of Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories. Krasnodar, another city in Southern Russia, can be found on the same 45th latitude as Canadas Montreal and Ottawa. Distance from Louisville, KY to Lexington, KY Below is the same map for the West Coast. One theory is that they accidentally created a new hormone. Distance from Pensacola to Panama City Distance from Nashville to Atlanta Distance from Fort Lauderdale to Boca Raton, Distance from South Lake Tahoe to San Francisco, Distance from San Francisco to Los Angeles, Distance from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles, Distance from Washington, D.C. to Chicago. Get counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. Distance from Houston, TX to New Orleans, LA Major North American Cities Replaced by Major Cities Across the Atlantic on the Same Latitude. Distance from Nashville, TN to Memphis, TN I made myself a latitude infographic chart so I could make visual comparisons between cities in various parts of the Earth, in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 - Earthly Mission Crew. Perhaps the randomness of the comparison is the true attraction of this map. Lake Selavik), crosses the Arctic Circle and all of Canada, as well as the northern Swedish region of Norrbotten, Grimsey Island in Iceland and Vikingen Island in Norway. Distance from El Paso to San Antonio Surprise, surprise. Once we started playing this game, we had trouble stopping. Using the map, can you find some cities in the southeastern hemisphere? What US cities compare to the latitude and longitude of Seattle Washington? Geographically, Russia is located between the 41 and 81 parallels of northern latitude. Some forums can only be seen by registered members. Did you go to one of the 600+ science marches across the globe? Assume that Earth is a Distance from Baton Rouge, LA to New Orleans, LA Honolulu at the same latitude as the Sahara desert. Use low magnification and a field of view about 1 across to comfortably capture both planets at the same time. Find the distance between the cities. (1) the title is contested between Punta Arenas, Ushuaia and Puerto Williams. Distance from Oklahoma City, OK to Amarillo, TX Share on Pinterest Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Distance from Lubbock, TX to Amarillo, TX longitude (one city is due north of the other). Distance from Detroit to Toronto Distance from Fort Lauderdale to Boca Raton The post has been updated. At either 180 or -180 (its the same place), youll find just two places. Distance from Atlanta to Washington, D.C. At the same timethesouthernmostcityof Russia,Derbent,on the42rdparallel. Minimum wage: $18.69 Workers in Seattle get a minimum wage boost above the state's mandated $15.74 per hour, under certain conditions. Distance from Orltoo to Miami Is this map a cunning ploy by that countrys nuke-wielding dictatorship to misdirect Americas retaliatory strikes in case the Korean War, frozen for most of a century, hots up again? When you're hanging out at the beach and you gaze off into the horizon, do you know what is across the ocean from you? A place for lovers. On the left,Asian countries are shown in yellow, while the countries in Oceania are below them in blue. Distance from Salt Lake City to Denver To find cities on the same latitude, simply locate one city, then follow that latitude line eastwards or. Places that share latitudes do get the same amount of daylight and nighttime as each other with longer nights in winter and longer days in summer the further north each pair of cities are located. Portland OR and San Francisco CA have roughly the same longitude as Seattle,within about 1/2 degree.Spokane WA, Great . Distance from Charleston, SC to Columbia, SC Distance from Los Angeles to Bakersfield Recommended videos Powered by AnyClip AnyClip Product Demo 2022 Local map of Seattle Related links near Seattle, WA Speaking of South America, So Paulo, the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere, is 22 degrees South of the equator. Distance from Cincinnati, OH to Columbus, OH City Latitude San Francisco, California 37 47' 36" N Seattle, Washington 47 37' 18" N. Find the distance between the cities. Distance from Tampa, FL to Orltoo, FL While no cities can share both sets of coordinates (since its the exact location of the city), many share one of the numbers that make up their coordinate pair. Distance from Miami to Jacksonville The further north, the more interesting it gets! Longitude is the number of degrees east or west of the prime meridian, an even more imaginary line because it was made up. Use one arm to point precisely North and position your other arm in the exact opposite direction. Distance from Waco to Dallas Now move your arms to point East and West. %privacy_policy%. Locations in the North and South are best known for their extremes. And it is located on the 55th parallel of northern latitude. United Kingdom Latitude You can find them by using the grouping function in the lower left corner of the map. The longitude specifies the east-west position measured from a reference meridian (usually the Greenwich Prime Meridian). Latitude is the number of degrees north or south of the equator, the imaginary line that runs horizontally through the Earth. Interestingly, the northernmost point of the United States (not including Alaska) is on the 49th parallel. (Round answer to one decimal place.) The line formed by your arms is the latitudinal line for your location. Find the distance between the cities. Distance from Spokane to Seattle And thats the name of another countrys capital. 64 Reykjavik, Iceland 60 Helsinki, Finland Bergen, Norway 59 Oslo, Norway Stockholm, Sweden Tallinn, Estonia St. Petersburg, Russia 57 Riga, Latvia 55 Edinburgh, Scotland Copenhagen, Denmark Moscow, Russia Vilnius, Lithuania 53 Galway, Ireland Distance from Dallas to Austin Vancouver, Britsh Columbia : Nuremberg, Germany, Seattle, Washington : Zrich, Switzerland, San Francicso, California : Athens, Greece, Sacramento, California : Lisbon, Portugal, Boston, Massachusetts : Dubrovnik, Croatia, Tijuana, Baja California : Benghazi, Libya, Miami, Florida : Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Albuquerque, New Mexico : Heraklion, Greece, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma : Nicosia, Cyprus, Minneapolis, Minnesota : Belgrade, Serbia, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories : Alesund, Norway, Inuvik, Northwest Territories : Narvik, Norway, Grande Prairie, Alberta : Copenhagen, Denmark, Quebec City, Quebec : Ljubljana, Slovenia, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan : Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Washington, District of Columbia : Alicante, Spain, Fargo, North Dakota : Lausanne, Switzerland, Virginia Beach, Virginia : Tunis, Tunisia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Ankara, Turkey, Sioux Falls, South Dakota : Split, Croatia, Providence, Rhode Island : Tirana, Albania, Salt Lake City, Utah : Thessaloniki, Greece, Your email address will not be published. The following table matches the equivalence between the most common formats: Geodatos 2023 | Espaol | Contact us | Terms & Conditions. -Portland is the same latitude as Montreal. 37 47' 36" N Cities on approximately the same latitude would be: Seattle and Paris. Distance from Charlotte, NC to Charleston, SC Rome is slightly north of Chicago. The other dots on the map, all capitals of Europe, have also been relabelled as cities in other parts of the world. Distance from Boulder, CO to Denver, CO The Most, and Least, Humid States in the US, how many European countries can fit into the continental US, Mapped: Canadas incredible population density, The optimal itinerary for a US national park road trip, mapped, Everything You Need To Backpack Through Europe, These Stunning Cabins Are the Ultimate Zion National Park Basecamps, 8 of the Coolest Airbnbs Near Disney World, Orlando, 8 La Condesa Airbnbs To Settle Into Mexico Citys Coolest Neighborhood, Download the Distance from Houston, TX to San Antonio, TX Minneapolis is located at latitude 44.97997 and longitude -93.26384. Some features of this website will not work. You could follow lines of latitude east around the globe, or you could follow them west. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Move the map around and see if you can find them! Distance from Gallup to Albuquerque In ancient times, many people used to think that the world simply ended at the horizon, perhaps after a ring of dangerous dragons or sea monsters. In continental USA, Seattle is at about the same latitude than Paris. All Rights Reserved. Lets start from the south and move north. Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year. Read on to find out more about latitude/longitude coordinates, and see some surprising commonalities when we look at cities with the same latitudes or longitudes. Distance from Miami, FL to Fort Lauderdale, FL Rome is slightly north of Chicago. In addition to the cities exact locations, we found their nearest latitude and longitude (within 5 degrees), and you can filter the map by these ranges. The only non-Brazilian place at 50 degrees West is the tiny and remote Qaqortoq, Greenland. Distance from Buffalo to Toronto The result is a map that is spectacularly misdirective. The mid-point of these quadrants is 0 degrees latitude (the equator) and 0 degrees longitude (the North-South line that runs through Greenwich Observatory). Distance from San Diego to Los Angeles Washington is roughly on par with Lisbon, Portugal. Ah, Paris. Distance from Dallas, TX to Houston, TX Javascript required for this site to function. Its North of the equator and West of the prime meridian. Traveling northwards or southwards will change your latitude location.Several cities fall on the same latitude. Distance from Dallas, TX to Fort Worth, TX -Toronto is the same latitude as Marseille, France, making Toronto south of the French Riviera. At 54 degrees below the equator, it may not seem as far south as you expect. Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Belgorod and Blagoveshchensk stretch along the 50th latitude, along with Brussels (Belgium). It is part of America and the northern hemisphere. Distance from Lexington, KY to Louisville, KY Decimal coordinates Simple standard. Please nobody show this map to the President. The closest to the equator is Pontianak in Indonesia, whose city center is within one second (1/60th of a degree) of zero degrees latitude. Of course, there are a few different ways that you can look at the world like this. Cities at the same longitude as Minneapolis. Nizhnevartovsk, Veliky Ustyug share the 60th latitude with Helsinki (Finland), while Arkhangelsk and Reykjavik. (Round answer to Studies suggest that meditation can quiet the restless brain. -Map: Every single road in the U.S., in mind-boggling detail, -A stunning new look from space at nature, North Korea and Chipotle. Seattle, Washington Actually, marginally more South than Paris at 4737N. Or, search the map for 0 and choose 0 (Near Latitude)., Macap, Brazil; Quito, Ecuador; Padang, Indonesia; Libreville, Gabon; Kampala, Uganda. Distance from London to Paris If you're wonderin. Distance from San Antonio to Dallas Distance from Miami to Boca Raton . Distance from Philadelphia, PA to Pittsburgh, PA, Where Am I | Terms | Privacy | Contact Thirty years later, 25 nations met to officially declare it the prime meridian. Distance from New Orleans to Atlanta Question: Find the distance between the cities. The cities in Canada further north than Seattle: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Winnipeg. Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix and Houston are all at the same latitude as North Africa. Like an algebraic plot, each number can be positive or negative. The entire state of Alaska is more North than Paris. On the longitude scale, much of Brazil has no countries North or South of it. However, other cities have even more similar near latitudes (or longitudes) than the Big Apple and the City of Angels, as is the case with the Cities Around the World by Latitude and Longitude. latitude, They have the same distance to the equator. Distance from Houston to College Station In the United States, the fairly northern city of Minneapolis is on the same latitude. Distance from Phoenix, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ Distance from Atlanta, GA to Augusta, GA City It is part of America and the northern hemisphere. Distance from Cincinnati, OH to Dayton, OH Because the Portuguese capital that red dot in the bottom left corner on the map below is labelled Pyongyang. Distance from Portlto, OR to Seattle, WA The city area is close to 133 square miles and the elevation varies between 50 feet and 11.5 hundred feet. Distance from Miami, FL to Tampa, FL And Alaska is home to the northernmost U.S. city of Barrow, at 71 degrees latitude. But no, dont pin this on Kim. The places where we were born, live and work are a large, often unquestioned part of who we are. These coordinates, called latitude and longitude, are used to create maps like the one below. Enter First Place. View Cities by Latitude & Longitude in a full screen map. . Climate System Different parts of the world have different climates.Some parts of the world are hot and rainy nearly every day. Now, you know that Miami is on the same latitude as Egypt and that Missoula is on the same latitude as Switzerland. For more U.S. locations including cities, towns, parks and more, use the Find Latitude and Longitude tool. While the northernmost city of the United States, Utkiagvik in Alaska, is situated two parallels south of Dikson. Distance from Houston, TX to Arlington, TX To find cities on the same latitude, simply locate one city, then follow that latitude line eastwards or. Distance from Temple to San Antonio Greenwich, England; Accra, Ghana; Valencia, Spain; Bordeaux, France; Le Havre, France. Distance from Waco to Houston Distance from Washington, D.C. to Chicago Interestingly, South America is almost entirely east of the United States. Casablanca, in Morocco, is about the same latitude as Atlanta, while Miami is level with Western Sahara. Distance from Los Angeles to New York City Before you can interpret the map above, you need to know about the pair of numbers used to plot map coordinates: latitude and longitude. Nizhnevartovsk, Veliky Ustyug share the 60th latitude with Helsinki (Finland), while Arkhangelsk and Reykjavik (Iceland) are situated on the same 64th latitude. Distance from Lakelto, FL to Orltoo, FL While latitude is determined by the equator, humans had to make up a midpoint for longitude. Yet, there are only a dozen that are less than one degree from zero. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Distance from Birmingham, AL to Atlanta, GA
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