Description: Perinatal support is offered by trained staff, a peer support group is available and/or home visiting with a staff member to offer practical and emotional support, help with breast feeding, mental health and development. Itincreases self-awareness and provides positivepractices toenhanceemotional and physical wellbeing. This Strategic Plan, for the period 2023 to 2028, builds on the achievements of the West Lothian Integration Joint Board (IJB) Strategic Plan 2019 to 2023 and sets out the Boards ambition for the continued development and improvement of health and social care services in West Lothian over the next 5 years. GUIDELINES View our Facebook page - (This will open in a new window). Dalkeith. The groups run throughout the year and are a combination of both day-time and evening groups. Man2Man is a telephone-based peer support service from a trained StrongMen volunteer with first hand experience of losing a loved one. Support and activities to help benefit your mental wellbeing. Intensive support for people living with HIV and hepatitis C. Activity based support on your mental wellbeing journey. For comments or complaints, use our feedback form. It considers the impact of fitness, nutrition, routine and sleep on wellbeing and also provides practical techniques such as mindfulness, meditation and journaling as methods of dealing with stress, anxiety and unhelpful thoughts. Open referral access from multi-agencies. This 6 week programme covers topics that will assist in setting goals and help provide the skill set to achieve them. Support offered to children/young people and their families which helps them to identify problems and find solutions/strategies in order to promote the positive educational, health, social and emotional development of the child/young person. MhIST - Mental Health Independent Support Team working with our communities to give the best mental health support we can since 1992. Home. Working hours 08:00-midnight, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. The advisers will usevarious techniques to support change and assist in goal setting such as: Talking therapyinvolves working in a one to one setting with an adviser. Experienced advisers will provide one to one coaching and assistance to encourage positive personal development and support tailored to individual's needs. News. Emergency food and support to local people. The Hubs have a skilled team of NHS therapists, who work in partnership with a team of Community Link Workers, employed by Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health (LAMH). Sometimes it is difficult to identify our goals,barriers and pathway to get to where we would like to be. There are therefore THREE categories in the mental health section of RefHelp: Below are summary liststo the Mental Health services/resources/useful links particular toeach Region Copied Directly from Old RefHelp so Linksnolonger work awaiting update from services, Edinburgh MH Adult Services v2 09-10-19.pdf Summaryof ServicesDraftFeb2019 Patient mental health resources EDINBURGH April 2019.pdf, List of Mental Health SELF HELP Services (2009), Link to printable Patient Leaflets (Copied from Old RefHelp -NHS Scotland changed website Not up to dateor confirmed ), There are therefore THREE categories in the mental health section of RefHelp, Below are summary liststo the Mental Health services/resources/useful links particular toeach Region. 189a West Main Street, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 5LH. Analytics Cookies Wed find it helpful to set Google Analytics cookies to help us improve our website and your experience. Where is the service located? Around 3,000 colleagues across NHS Lothian have developed Our Values, a set of common values and ways of working The exploration of topics, issues and barriers often helps in identifying goals and ways of overcoming issues that stand currently stand in the way of reaching those goals. In-hours please contact St Johns Hospital, Livingston, on 01506 523000 and ask for the ACAST duty bleep. If you have mental health difficulties and are experiencing a non-medical crisis, the Crisis Response service can arrange for an experienced member of the team to meet with you. Counselling relies on financial contributions in order to offer free counselling to young people in West Lothian. Email info@thebrock.org. A society where every individual with a mental health condition feels included, supported and valued. Please email supportlearning@west-lothian.ac.uk for any help, support, guidance or even just a chat. Group work programmes for children/young people offer opportunities to discuss common issues or experiences in a safe and supportive setting and find ways of dealing with them. Joint Mental Health Team. Chris Miller (Primary Care and Community Pharmacy Coordinator) chris.miller@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk. West Lothian Drug & Alcohol Service 1st floor, The Almondbank Centre, Shiel Walk, Craigshill, Livingston EH54 5EH T: 01506 430 225 E: enquiries@wldas.org W: www.wldas.com West Lothian Family Support Services (Barnardo's) Barnardo's provides a range of family-based services throughout West Lothian. You don't need a referral from a GP or other clinical professional to use it. This 6 week programme covers topics that will assist in setting goals and help provide the skill set to achieve them. This section focusses on secondary mental health teams. If youre experiencing low mood, anxiety, or stress in your life, looking into self-help activities and ideas might be the right option for you. If you know what you're looking for use the search or menu above. Childrens Health Scotland offers a Self-Management Service for children and young people with long-term health conditions. Assistance for unpaid carers to take regular breaks from their caring responsibilities. Improving the Cancer services supports people affected by cancer (including family members and carers). Specialist support is also available for people with mental health difficulties and/or substance misuse issues. Who is the support for? This workshop explores what wellbeing means and discusses challenges that prevent individuals from achieving positivewellbeing.It considers the impact of fitness, nutrition, routine and sleep on wellbeing and also provides practical techniques such as mindfulness, meditation and journaling as methods of dealing with stress, anxiety and unhelpful thoughts. Acute Care and Support Team (ACAST) The ACAST service provides home treatment for adults under 65 years suffering acute mental health problems. The power of people's lived experience enables us to provide pioneering . Support and information to improve the physical, sexual and mental health and wellbeing of all men who have sex with men. West Lothian. - to the benefit of everyone working in the organisation and, most importantly - to the benefit of our patients. Here you will find the support available in different locations. They support people living in the community who have complex or serious mental health problems. How To Access. Council Tax and Benefits. Apply for it. Are you trying to find work, a lone parent, suffering with a physical/mental health issue or have recently undergone life changing events? Upcoming CoursesTo reserve a placeComplete our online form to request an appointment or for further informationAlternately call on 0800 032 9768 or emaila2ewellbeingteam@westlothian.gov.uk The service also has a staff member in the A&E Department (RIE) out of hours. The West Space support directory can help you find mental health and wellbeing support available for people living and/or working in West Lothian. Services Offered Emotional Distress Mood Disorders Contact details Primary 01506 637572 Email westlothian@health-in-mind.org.uk Website Visit website Address Last Updated: 28/05/2020 Alternately call on 0800 032 9768 or email a2ewellbeingteam@westlothian.gov.uk Women N2 Work Are you trying to find work, a lone parent, suffering with a physical/mental health issue or have. All West Lothian Council employees are to be granted an additional day of annual leave (where possible) on Monday 8 May to mark the event. Tailored support to help you through times of financial hardship. Advisers workin partnership with services within West Lothian Council as well as various health care providers, charities and partner organisations to ensure service users receive the most appropriate support throughout their personal transformation. Information, support and safe accommodation where available for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. At present due to Covid 19 support is weekly by phone or on-line. Keep learning- opportunities to learn new skills and share your talents with others. HAH West Lothian REACT Rapid Elderly Assessment Team IMProved Anticipatory Care and Treatment IMPACT Midlothian HSCP Midlothian Community Respiratory Team Minor Injury Assessment (MIA) Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) Cellulitis Pathway Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) DVT Pathway Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) PE Pathway what stops person from self-harming. People needing a face-to-face assessment will be offered a specific time slot, which will be as soon as possible within the next few hours. Information on Mental Health Services available in the West Lothian area. The Counselling Service offers support to individuals up to the age of 18, and the age of 25 for young people who are care experienced. Enter your keyword(s): Search Pay for it. A safe and confidential spaces for people who have been bereaved by suicide to talk, listen and support each other. Find out more Drop-in peer support (Health in Mind) Health in Mind Drop-in peer support for people who want have a space to be listen to and to connect with other who understand you. Find out more Improve your wellbeing If you're experiencing low mood, anxiety, or stress in your life, looking into self-help activities and ideas might be the right option for you. For further information please contact the Children & Young People Team main office. Find information and tools to help with your wellbeing and mental health. Health in Mind Staff Residencies St John's Hospital Howden Road West Livingston EH54 6PP Telephone: 01506 523 796 Area Served West Lothian Accessibility Disabled access all areas A safe confidential space for anyone with mild to moderate mental ill health, to support each other and help reduce isolation. Catherine Lothian - Chartered MCIPD Assistant Director of Human Resources- Lead Employer Metropolitan Borough of Oldham, England, United Kingdom 619 followers 500+ connections Join to connect St. The latest month of statistics for June released by Public Health Scotland . If a tenant is under-occupying the property, 250 points will be awarded for each bedroom not in use. The Receptionist will take some basic details and the shift coordinator will call you back. In addition to adhering to the Children and Families Service Standards, we will; We take referrals from a range of agencies including social work, education and psychological services. Transparentsees is a service is for parents, carers and other family members over 16 of trans people. In 2013 CYPT changed from a service based over three geographical areas to three intervention areas. How it works. Usually it involves either specially built or adapted housing, for example housing for older or disabled people, or houses linked to some support facility for adults with learning difficulties. Or you can click on whatever relates to you below. Supports people within your local community to come together and participate in carefully developed groups and courses. Many of these are organised on a Lothian-wide basis. We support people on their journey to better mental health, by working with each person to find their own way forward. Mental health services are complex, with each of Lothian's four Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) developing its own approaches. A collective advocacy group for people with experience of psychosis. Supports older people to increase their independence and wellbeing. The project also provides advocacy services to HMP Addiewell. 2013 also saw the move of the Children's Counselling Service to come under the umbrella of the Children and Young People Team. This will result in offices and buildings, including. Collective advocacy project on community history and the arts. Fostering and Adoption; Help prevent the spread of Scarlet Fever and Group A Strep this winter ; Practical and emotional support for women who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Specialist services for people with dementia and their carers. Children and young people aged 0-18 years are referred to CAMHS if there are significant concerns about their mental health or wellbeing and when their difficulties are impacting upon their day- to-day life. the person is experiencing a severe level of mental distress, the person and/or others are at risk due to this mental distress, Demographic information IHTT is targeted at people aged over 18 living in East Lothian, Involvement with Mental Health Services current or past including history, current plan, Key Workers, next appt or current medication, Previous presentations e.g. S.M.I.L.E. Support for people who were abused or neglected as children while they were living in care in Scotland. 2023 - Health & Social Care Partnership, Community Outreach Team (Social Work Team), Community Psychiatric Nursing (CPN) Adult Team, Community Psychiatric Nursing Elderly (CPNE) Older Adult Team, Moving into Health - Homeless Health Team. We are specialist part of the Children and Young People's Mental Health Service. Our Team; Our Products; Our Activities; Support Us; . A counselling service for adults who are Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or deafblind. This service is for those aged 55 or over, living in West Lothian and would like support and to connect with others and improve their mental health and wellbeing. Counselling service for bereaved parents. Vanture Trust aims to support people by combining the full range of benefits from time in nature and the outdoors with professional therapy to improve mental health and wellbeing. Health in Mind staff look back and forward: From memories of the past to visions for the future, our team reflects on the progress made and the hope that drives them forward. We also provide selected services for patients in the Borders and in Fife and are a national centre of expertise for various specialties provided to people across Scotland. For those aged 55 or over, living in West Lothian and would like support and to connect with others and improve their mental health and wellbeing A collective advocacy project for people with experience of eating disorders. Spark bring people together, helping them to connect and build relationships, nurture their confidence and develop skills and creativity through a variety of activities, clubs and volunteering opportunities. About us. Community Connections are pop-up information drop ins that provide access to informal advice, information, support, and onward referral to community resources and third sector services. From 12 midnight to 8am all urgent/emergency cases will be seen in the MHAS suite at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.When to contact IHTT, If you have seen the person on the same day and you consider, You should contact us via the pager number above and the shift coordinator will call you back immediately to discuss your referral.What we will doWe will take the referral details and discuss with you the most appropriate course of action.If appropriate we will assess the person for the first appointment this is usually in a clinical setting, but ongoing appointments may be at home if suitable.The person will have a skilled mental health assessment to explore the best treatment options and agree a plan. A peer support service for bereaved parents and grandparents, who have experience the death of a baby or infant. This group is a multi-agency group that brings together staff from CYPT, Education, Health, CAMHS, DASAT, Barnardo's, Educational Psychology, Health Improvement Team, Through Care After Care, WLDAS, COZ, Young Carers and Youth Action Project. West Lothian HCSP Ground Floor West Lothian Civic Centre Howden South Road Livingston EH54 6FF Telephone: 01506 282010 Email: movingintohealth@westlothian.gov.uk Area Served West Lothian Accessibility NES year in review 2021. Keep learning opportunities to learn new skills and share your talents with others. Short-term support for people aged 55 years old and over, who have experienced trauma and are struggling at the moment due to COVID-19. You can disable these by changing your browser settings, but this will affect how the website works for you. A community wellbeing social prescribing service available to people living within the range of West Calder Medical Practice. Maple Villa provides continuing care for patients with a diagnosis of dementia. Women N2 Work Each of the groups has set criteria and parents are matched to the group most appropriate for their needs. After the initial assessment, anagreed action plan of positive goals will be created by the adviser. Get support online or over the phone. Self-help group for people affected by bipolar. Upcoming courses Assertive Birth offer a variety of courses to new and expecting parents, delivered on a group and one to one basis within West Lothian. We're here to support you with your mental health. Workshops and courses designed to help improve your mental health and wellbeing. Our West Lothian Re:discover service helps to create social networks to reduce loneliness and isolation and offers peer support groups too. A series of six interactive bitesize workshops from Health in Mind covers a range of techniques and skills to help you cope with the new normal. Offering Peer Support sessions with others experiencing issues with their mental wellbeing. Bathgate House Day Service / '81 Club We work closely with GP practices, Adult Mental Health services and local third. Moving into Health - Homeless Health Team is run by the Community Psychiatric Outreach Team. West Lothian will get almost 500,000 to support individuals experiencing mental health and trauma. One-to-one support for a range of different difficulties. The West Space support directory can help you find support available for people living and/or working in West Lothian. The individual will work alongside aprofessional adviser toassesstheir current physical and emotional wellbeing. We offer a range of support across Edinburgh and the Lothians working in partnership to build trust to support mental health and wellbeing. If you feel your or others around you need further support to manage mental health and wellbeing please see the West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership page to find out more about the statutory health and social care services available. A 12 week course that aims to support people to better manage their mental health and wellbeing. Complete our online form to request an appointment or for further informationAlternatively please call on 0800 032 9768or email a2ewellbeingteam@westlothian.gov.uk You can also call the non-emergency NHS number by dialling 111 if you're feeling unwell. Support and resources to support young peoples learning and employability. West Lothian Older People's Community Mental Health Team (Post Diagnostic Support) Dementia Link Worker: community;Dementia;Alzheimer's;mental health; . Local Mental Health Services Acute Care and Support Team (ACAST) The ACAST service provides home treatment for adults under 65 years suffering acute mental health problems. Support for those who are victims/survivors and/or witnesses of a crime. Be active opportunities to take part in gentle physical exercise both indoors and outdoors. Moving into Health - Homeless Health Team is run by the Community Psychiatric Outreach Team. Advisers use various tools and techniques and works along side an individual to encourage self-awareness, problem solving and goal setting. Improve your mood Manage your panic Coping after a break-up Manage your stress Overcoming obsessions Managing chronic pain Better sleep Increase your . Health in Mind West Lothian Council. Support offered to children/young people and their families which helps them to identify problems and find solutions/strategies in order to promote the positive educational, health, social and emotional development of the child/young person. SUPPORT, MOTIVATE, INSPIRE, LEAD, EMPOWER SCIO: SCO46166 S.M.I.L.E Counselling first became constituted on 15th June 2015. 0131 537 8300. Daycare to the older people who are affected by Dementia or are physically frail. Telephone: 0131 285 9600. You can find out more information and request a call on their website. However you're feeling right now, you don't have to face it alone. Professionals*. Click here to toggle the visibility of this menu. Patients with acute psychiatric needsPatients with suicidal intentrequire emergency psychiatric care, as do some patients with acute psychosis. Training and resources to workers and volunteers from the Third Sector and the NHS about the adverse effects on mental health of smoking tobacco. Maple Villa provides continuing care for patients with a diagnosis of dementia. Individual/Family Support & Group Work Support. Moving into Health - Homeless Health Team is run by the Community Psychiatric Outreach Team. changemh.org - Revolutionize Education, starting with Mental Health CAMHS support covers depression , problems with food and eating , self-harm , abuse, violence or anger , bipolar disorder , schizophrenia and anxiety . Pasda aims to improve the health and wellbeing of family carers of autistic adults in Edinburgh and the Lothians through peer support, information and activities. The service consists of: . Support for veterans looking for mental health and wellbeing support. West Lothian Mental health nurses now available at every West Lothian GP practice A total of 10 nurses will make up the Practice Mental Health Nurse Service team - an increase. 134332 Community Mental Health Nurse. counselling service supports adults over the age of 18, living working or studying across West Lothian. We also provide group work opportunities for parents and they can cover issues such as: The AIMS (Attendance Improvement Management Service) team within CYPT will raise the profile and priority of attendance issues with a focus on early intervention, individual and group work approaches. A trauma counselling service for people in Scotland who experienced abuse in childhood. The courses are afocused approachwith set outcomes and tasks designed to encourageindividuals to make decisions about their future and put the steps in place to reach their goals. Do you want help and support to move on in a positive direction?If so, Women N2 Work is hereto support and encourage woman to realise their potential and makechanges for the future. Our work. Or, the child or young person may be worried about their own mental wellbeing. Promoting, supporting and developing West Lothians voluntary sector. Services Services We are working flexibly with people and can offer support in a range of ways. Volunteering opportunities within a community garden. Listen & Link is a West Lothian Council phoneline service for children, young people and families who have concerns for the mental wellbeing of a child or young person in their household. Vocational training and employability support to young people. Support for adults affected by Adoption with a Scottish connection. As part of this change, The Mental Health and Wellbeing Screening Group was also set up. Do you sometimes find it hard to speak up for what you want and have your views heard? Give- opportunities for volunteering within the service and beyond. Mental Health Advocacy Project (West Lothian) SCIO offer professional individual and collective advocacy services for people using mental health services in West Lothian, with priority given to people subject to the Mental Health Act, Adult with Incapacity Act and the Adult Support & Protection Act. Health in Mind Were currently extending the services that are shown to include services for under 18s too. This will help to demonstrate areas that are already working well and areas that need to be improved upon. West Lothian Council (see Table 1 in Allocations Policy). Counselling service for people who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse. poor sleep, appetite changes, voices, paranoia, Social circumstances who does person live with, employment, marital status, vulnerable adult, children, Willingness to engage with IHTT, expectations, referrers impression, Suicidal thoughts plan, attempts, preparations, Risk/history of self-neglect or vulnerability due to mental illness, Protective factors e.g. Support for individuals who are stable with their substance use. Acess2Employment's Wellbeing Team offer a wealth of knowledge and experience in coaching, mental health support and personal development to empower individuals in reaching their goals. This support is offered both in and out of school settings. Mental health services are complex, with each of Lothians four Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) developing its own approaches. NHS Education for Scotland. Hospital admission will be facilitated if necessary.We will inform you of the outcome of this assessment promptly (preferably that day but certainly by the next working day).Suggested information to be gathered by the referrer prior to contacting IHTT. Search NHS Inform - Click here to submit this form. The fund, part of a 15m health spend by the Scottish Government Communities Mental Health and Well-being Fund, was welcomed by councillors on the Voluntary Organisations Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel. The aim of the service remained the same but the support changed to a much more focussed approach that enabled us to streamline our resources to tackle some of the biggest issues facing families in West Lothian, namely Non-Attendance at School, Mental Health and Wellbeing supportsand support for Parents. Lisa Dunn (Primary Care Pharmacy Technician Team Manager) lisa.dunn@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk. EH22 1AL. The Hubs are open Monday to Friday from 9.00am til 5.00pm with new patient registration sessions available between 9am and 4pm. This reception number is operated 24 hours per day, AnMHASnurse will then undertake triage on the phone. 1. This cookie statement explains what cookies are, which cookies we use and why, and what you can do to manage your cookie preferences. Council Tax; Benefits; Cost of Living Hub West Lothian . Itincreases self-awareness and provides positivepractices toenhanceemotional and physical wellbeing.The workshop lasts approx 1.5 hours and is conducted by our advisers online via zoom. Supported tenancies for up to two years for young people aged 16-25 years old who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We are always here to answer any questions - please get in touch here or call us on Livingston 01506 524408 Boghall 01506 652267 wcarmichael@lamh.org.uk 07870 596139 Hub User Stories "I was referred by my doctor. The workshopsprovide a taster of the services offered via our one to one service andallowgroup interaction and questions. Wed also find it helpful to set optional analytical cookies to help us improve our website and your experience on it. 0131 537 6223. Individual advocacy for adults experiencing mental health difficulties. Workshops in self-acceptance, self-worth and self-love. NHS Lothian provides a comprehensive range of primary, community-based and acute hospital services for the populations of Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian.
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