: 524797 Location: CA Trades Accepted: No Share: Shipping Notes: See Description **PLEASE SEE PICTURES** CALL ME*CALL ME*CALL ME TO COMPLETE TRANSACTION. The shotgun has a mottled brown/gray patina with scattered scratches and dings. W. Richards guns were produced by many makers (Crescent in the U.S., Belgian, and some Birmingham) to confuse the unknowing, and were not of high quality even when new. 12 gauge, 32-inch damascus barrels with textured rib. A little trivia. MATCHED PAIR, SKEET AND FULL, 2 1/2", DOUBLE TRIGGERS, STRAIGHT HAND GRIPS, SPLINTER FORENDS, CHECKERED BUTTS, 6 LBS 1 OZ, 1-5/8" DAC, 2" DAH, 15" LOP A matched pair of 12 gauge, Single, 34"- 23/4" modified barrel, stock dimensions 15" LOP, dac 1 1/4", dah 1 7/8", 3/8" cast ON, 8lb 10oz, Unusual to find a WR sidelock, and this one has even more unusual "art deco" engraving. Barrel length: 30 inches. Description English Hammer Shotgun by W. Richards Marked to Platte Co. Unserialized. This is a Westley Richards 10gauge Anson & Deeley Hammerless Gun. Engraving on lock and hamer are faint. If you require a personal response, please use ourContact page. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. MAKE OFFER. came across this W Richards Double Barrel Shotgun Naturally the search for history starts I have learned a lot but still have problem with those darn proof marks Antique Pistols April 15th, 2019 - A Pair of 19th Century Percussion Cap Pocket Pistols Double Barrel Belt Pistol by G amp J Deane A 19th Century Over and Under Double Barrel Belt . It shows your abality, There has been no comment from you on this post. Length of pull is 14 1/2 inches. They are heronshaw model fixed lock box lock guns with "C-Bolt" opening, W. Richards SxS Hammer 12 ga. Many Thanks for visiting. If I type in the letters + number in it comes up with no results. W. RICHARDS (SN 3488) : This is an antique exposed hammer side-by-side double-barrel LaFauchuex style bottom-lever shotgun, with 30" long (18.2 mm) choked 12 gauge Belgian barrels, with "CAST STEEL BELGIUM" inscribed on the upper rib. Westley Richards Shotguns for sale - Guns International That's the shotgun Clint Eastwood used in Unforgiven. Westley Richards hammer double from 1860 ! You can get a market value on your W. Richards shotgun from www.bluebookinc.comHave the gun handy as they have a form to fill out with some very specific questions. Previous Thread Next Thread Print Thread Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Page 1 of 3 Hop To Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 The minimal wall thickness is thicke, Westley Richards - Drop Lock, 98% Case Colored, Pre-War, 20ga. Most double shotguns represented here. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation Forum. Marked on the locks W. Richards one tree proofmark is right side up and(one mark is upside down) I have been told this is highly unusual and very rare!, top of the 30 inch Damascus barrels is marked Laminated Steel. I checked on your Gun History page by putting the number only and the rifle was made between 1950 -1954 We require a photo ID from the . IIIF provides researchers rich metadata and media viewing options for comparison of works across cultural heritage collections. Lock and barrel are unmarked. This is an example from our. All Rights Reserved. I have one in 12 gage,purched from the Hudson Bay Co. You can opt-out at any time. 12 gauge, walnut stock with a checkered wrist and forestock, butt plate marked "PARKER/BROTHERS,. Double barrel shotgun "W. Richards, London", *HARRINGTON & RICHARDS SINGLE-SHOT SHOTGUN, A 12 gauge gold-inlaid Belgian Browning American, Two Double-Barrel Shotguns W. Richards 12, DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN. The bores are bright and shiny. I am looking forw richards Shotgun Forend and would like to see more pictures before making offer. Breech release lever swings out to open action, secondary metal lever releases barrel from receiver. It is in great condition with most of it's original brown finish. Add to Cart Percussion Double 10 Gauge by Mortimer (AL7165) $895.00 Albert Einstein". One of the last ones to be made by hand. Eleven books, sporting titles: Russell Annabel. Most double shotguns represented here. Registered in England 439612. Barrel rib marked laminated steel. Westley Richards - Drop Lock, SxS, 98% Case Colored, Pre-War, 20ga. This one is made by the British W. Richards company and has Birmingham proofs on it. Makers - Darne, Merkel, Arrieta, Beretta, Browning, Holland, Purdey, Richards, Bernardelli, Parker, Fox, LC Smith, and most other double barreled shotgun, gun and double rifle makers. Westley Richards 20 gauge deluxe grade boxlock ejector, drop-lock side by side shotgun Action Calibre: 20 Gauge Action: Boxlock ejector with drop locks & dolls head extention Triggers: #13357, Westley Richards, 170 New Bond St, London: An Early & True Anson & Deeley Westley Richards Trademark Boxlock 12 Bore Made in 1880 for Arthur W. Hall, Now with new sleeved barrels by Me, 28" SxS chopper-lump barrels with smooth concave rib, choked modified & improved modified. 2006 - 2023 Westley Richards & Company Limited. We have tried to put an easy search on our website to assist with this and will always try and answer any questions regarding the guns as time allows. The hammers both function and strike with trigger movement as they should. Bores are bright, barrels ring like my church\'s bells. Note: Comment submission is temporarily unavailable while we make improvements to the site. The barrels are stamped on the solid rib "W. RICHARDS LONDON LAMINATED STEEL". Original wood and horn plates, 14, This double barrel/double trigger shotgun was built between 1866 and 1871. Note: The posting of Copyrighted material on this forum is prohibited without This pair of guns are very close in detail and will be described as one. Paper Cartridges for Percussion Revolvers, Paper Patch Bullet Molds .25-.35 Caliber 1-Cavity, Paper Patch Bullet Molds .36-.41 Caliber 1-Cavity, Paper Patch Bullet Molds .42-.45 Caliber 1-Cavity, Paper Patch Bullet Molds .46 Caliber & Up 1-Cavity, Cowboy Firearms, Muzzle Loaders & Vintage Military, Black Powder Muzzleloader Shotguns & Smoothbore Muskets, Black Powder Muzzleloading Percussion Revolvers, 1892 Winchesters Lever Action Rifles & Carbines, Pedersoli Trapdoor Black Powder Cartridge Rifles, Carbines & Officer Models, Leather Goods, Cartridge Belts & Cowboy Clothing, Buffalo Arms Custom RCBS & Lyman Sizing Dies, Hornady Lock-N-Load Power Case Prep Center. The stock dimensions are great for many. Note that Westley Richards never (I know, never say never) marked his guns other than "Westley Richards." This may help from our website. Barrel is 20" L and gun is 47" L overall. This can be shipped directly to you. Skeettx: Forgive me for dredging up old posts (it was painfully slow at work today! Proofed at 2 and the chamber length remains 2 . if you would like to place this item on back order. 1 gun of a pair that was made in 1906. $1,500.00 Engraved W. Richards & Co. Damascus double barrel hammer shotgun pre 1899, London. I have a Westley Richards .303 Falling Block action which I desperately want to obtain a date of manufacture on - looking at both your list of serial numbers above, as well as having visited the Westley Richards website itself, I have been unable to determine what the date of manufacture is on my rifle. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Thank you. The butt of the gun has a deer, two doe and trees carved into it. Because of the light weight and her very thin wrist (a diamond at that!) Thanks guys, to be clear by "refurbishing" I meant taking it to one of the few gunsmiths that specialize in vintage double guns, certainly not me doing it. Richards, Westley Richards 12-bore black powder proof, *SCARCE CASED PURDEY DBL BBL SHOTGUN 2-BBL, IMPORTED REMINGTON DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION, *SPECTACULAR WINCHESTER MODEL 21 CUSTOM GRADE, Army & Navy 12-bore SxS sidelock non-ejector, *H&R Topper Jr. Classic 410 Single Shot Shotgun W. Richards Double barrel Shotgun - Looking for information Actually tight on face and in proof. Buffalo Arms is closed on the Following Holidays so that our employees can spend time with their families: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and The Day After, Christmas Eve (Open until 12:00 p.m.), Christmas Day, New Years Eve Day (Open until 12:00 p.m.). It has 30 barrels with 2 7/8" chambers , chokes M/F nice thick barrels and excellent bright and shiny bore, Westley Richards 12Ga Manufactured in 1888 Includes Orginal Leather Bound Case Please add $70.00 for shipping IF paying with a credit card there is a 2.5% fee We do not sell or ship to CA, NY, SN# 011XX 28" SOLID RIB BARRELS (.018 AND .029 CONSTRICTIONS) 2 3/4" CHAMBERS NP 1 1/4 OZ SINGLE SELECTIVE TRIGGER EJECTORS SPLINTER FOREARM PISTOL GRIP CHECKERED BUTT GREAT. )but I couldn't help but comment on your mention of owning and shooting a W. Richard's 16-bore. Right after the recent election, I decided that I wasn't going to leave any loose ends unaddressed concerning my personal battery of firearms and purchased a lovely little W. Richards 16 that had been sorely tempting me for something-like 6-months. I'm really looking forward to next Fall in Minnesota to see how it does on those yummy little ruffies. Chambers have been opened to 2" (should be shot with low bra, #G3922, Westley Richards & Co. London: A Hand Detachable Ejector (Droplock) 20 Bore Completed about 1909 That Remains in Excellent Condition, 28" barrels, "C" Bolting Dolls. This shotgun is pretty much a parts gun or wall hanger. SN 43113, im trying to trace its history, how could I do that, Simon Clode on October 7, 2016 at 4:59 am, there is a feature in Services on our website to look up gun histories. Antique Shotguns & Belgian Shotguns Side by Side - Collectors Firearms For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Chamber length: 2 - 1/2 inches. Thanks Lliam, Paolo Vimercati on January 9, 2016 at 4:22 am, Dear Sir. Gunsmithing & Technical|June 2019 When they were made, all British guns had to be subjected to proof testing (they still are) to ensure that they were fit for purpose. Website by Hudson. The W. Richards shown has a "top lever" barrel release latch where yours has a "side lever" barrel release latch. DoubleGuns! The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. One gun weighs 8 pounds. We may update this record based on further research and review. Contact Us. I have high hopes for next year. The Belgian use of the "W. Richards" name must not be confused with either Westley or Williams products. The engraving extends to the underside of the action, forearm hardware, trigger guard, upper and lower tangs, break lever and hammers. https://www.westleyrichards.com/services/gun-histories W. Richards shotgun - The DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Likes: 8. Choked modified/cylinder, 2 3/4 inch chambers with extractor. VPNAVY #364256 04/15/14 01:31 PM. Lever to right of center. Sidelock. Westley Richards Gun & Rifle Serial Numbers A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. Description, W. Richard Side Lever Shotgun. W. Richards Shotgun, Birmingham Proof Marks not Belgian Thanking you in advance for your assistance, Simon Clode on December 1, 2016 at 6:05 am. Sorry, but that is the truth. I can't help, but give it a little bit, the pros will be along. He was also the Managing Director of our company. Westley Richards Anson and Deeley Box Lock 12Ga, WESTLEY RICHARDS BOXLOCK EJECTOR 12 GAUGE PAIR SIDE-BY-SIDE SHOTGUNS, Amazing condition Westley Richards Deluxe Droplock in 20 GA. with 28" barrels and single trigger! 12 gauge, 18 1/4-inch damascus barrels with English proofs and concave rib marked: London Laminated Steel.Engraved locks marked: W. Richards.Low-profile hammers. The company built side-by-side double barrel shotguns throughout WW2. The lock plates are marked "Westley Richards" and the bottom tang is marked "6432". Gun History. Serial number 94. The lock is nicely engraved with a couple of game scenes and. This type of shotgun was sold by both sears and eatons and a host of other stores primarily in Canada. To the best of my knowledge I believe the late Russ Ruple coined this phrase. The Maharaja of Patiala - Sportsman and Statesman, WESTLEY RICHARDS GUN & RIFLE SERIAL NUMBERS. is very tight on face and has very bright bores. The 10 gauge weighs 9 pounds 4 ounces. LAYAWAY AVAILABLE, 25% DOWN (10% NON REFUNDABLE), 3 MONTHS TO PAY IT OFF. Site powered by. I have included some pictures - if you can help ID the markings - that would be wonderful. Features nice shiny bright bores. 26" Barrels Choked IC/M. Vintage Belgium double barrel identification | The Firearms Forum William's guns will be found with Preston or Liverpool addresses. W. Richards Shotgun. See the MESSAGE link at the bottom of the posting you are questioning? MAKE OFFER, W. Richards suggest a knock off of the Westley Richards nameback in the early part of the 20th centurythis was common and to some degreeit is still done today..The biggest such act is the use of the name Charles Daly to make folks think they are getting one famous name gun, when..in reality the real Charles Daly wouldn't let such a product out of the factory. The gun in question is undoubtedly a Belgian made "hardware store" gun, and a lower grade at that. Their shotguns were made in 12, 16, and 20 gauge. That saidThe picture doesn't show muchList all the markings on the gun..especially the proofmarks(if any) and what chamber length is indicated A UK gun would have short 2.5" chambers. Numbers on breech indicate it wasconverted to centerfirein 1925 or 1926 and the Armaf barrel chambered for. Description W. Richard Side Lever Shotgun. Cood case colors on engraved receiver. 19th Century Double Barrel Shotgun. Includes original leather motor case. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. W. Richards Belgium Double Barrel - Help with identification 12 gauge 30'' Damascus, W. Richards Underlever Shotgun. Choose from the Americas (USD) or Global (GBP) websites to see content specific to your location and shop online. WESTLEY RICHARDS DELUXE DROP LOCK SXS 2 BARREL SET 12 GAUGE, WESTLEY RICHARDS BEST SXS SIDELOCK SHOTGUN, 12 GAUGE, TWO BARREL SET, CASED PAIR OF WESTLEY RICHARDS BEST QUALITY HAMMERLESS DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUNS, WESTLEY RICHARDS GOLD LETTER DROP LOCK 12 GAUGE, ANTIQUE WESTLEY RICHARDS BEST QUALITY BOXLOCK EJECTOR 16GA 28 1/4 BARRELS 2 3/4 CHAMBERS MILLER SINGLE TRIGGER STUNNING WOOD GREAT GAME/CLAYS SXS, WESTLEY RICHARDS BEST DROPLOCK SXS 20 GAUGE, WESTLEY RICHARDS BEST DROP LOCK SXS 20 GAUGE, Westley Richards on there early action, one of the first hammerless boxlocks and she still works great! Engraved W. Richards & Co. Damascus double barrel hammer shotgun pre 1899, London. Shotgun 30" barrels (Fixed Mod & IM) Was used as a trade gun years ago!! Serial number 94. I have a cased pare of " I think" horse percussion pistol, for they have a clip bracket on the side, They are In very good all round condition nicely engraved of estimate Cal 12bore, With the Serial no.585 on both pistols, can you please give me the date of manufacture and if you can an estimate value, I have a WR riffle in my possession, that has the serial number 39771 and is marked 425. DD on barrel lug. The' new' W. Richards have a website with a lot of information and history of the original firm and are very helpfull when asked about tracing a gun from the extensive records that they have. Brand: W. RICHARD Caliber: 12 Gauge Item #: 943839840 SKU: BELGUIM Stock No. BTW with any gun of a vintage naturemaking it pretty cost YOU moneyA collector will want the 100 or so years of accrued "patina" in place..and you should determine what the barrels are made of..nitro proofed steel or twist/Damascus steelthe latter pretty much makes your gun a wall hanger as it is unsafe with ANY MODERN ammo.You can see more on this at www.shotgunworld.com. They will be of the quality that was ordered/paid for, farmer grade BLNE to to best work SLE. I have sent may queried but you have not time to answer it. In my research, it seems that if it is not spelled out completely, it may not be a real Westley Richards, but instead a cheaper knock off. W. Richards "Cast Steel" 12 ga. SxS Shotgun | salmoneaglecorp Bore was proofed as a 13 but I am thinking as it was proofed prior to the in between marks it probably started life very close to a 14 with a 12 chamber. Checkered round knob pistol grip stock and forearm with a checkered horn buttplate featuring an stag head and inscription shield on the underside of the stock. Excellent and bright barrels. Extractors. Description, English 12-gauge double barrel percussion, W. Richards Double-Barrel Percussion Shotgun, Richards London Antique Percussion ''Wallhanger''. "If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself." Make the days count. 26" Barrels Choked M/F. W. RICHARDS DOUBLE BARREL HAMMERLESS 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN GI#: 102229402 Fine bores choked full and improved modified, 30" barrels retain 95% bright shiny barrel blue, receiver retains 25% case colors with 50-60% original blue remaining on the underside of the receive .Click for more info Seller: LeRoy Merz Antique Guns Area Code: 218 $1,750.00 If you need to request an image for publication or other use, please visit Rights and Reproductions. Westley Richards we found in the back of our vault ~ Jim said did the cat drag it in from the sewer? Sidelock. Wonderfully figured European walnut straight grip stock, period recoil pad, gold oval, automatic ejectors, rare single selec, Westley Richards - Boxlock, 16ga. The serial number is 42752. Highly figured English walnut stock, hidden third fastener, and, This is a Westley Richards 12 gauge Anson & Deeley Hammerless Gun. As I recsall we used to call these guns JABC, pronunciation the same but Clunker on the spelling. 2-piper, I will defer to your spelling expertise. Barrels are slightly loose, otherwise action is fine. It may be possible to date the gun if any year code letters are present. Richard shotguns | Pricing Guides Dictionary & Values - marks4antiques.com Barrel length: 32 inches. Leather-cased, LOT OF TWO DBL BBL SHOTGUNS. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. if you would like to place this item on back order. W. Richards Double Barrel Hammer Shotgun: W. Richards Double-barrel Shotgun: . Kingston, NY 12401, 2023 Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. No, my gun is old and well used, and a sweetheart to shoot. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln. Back action hammer locks marked: W. Richards. Description W. Richards Underlever Shotgun. Barrels choked IC/Mod, beautiful circassian Turkish walnut capped pistol grip stock, checkered butt, beavertail forend, double triggers, SN#175XX 28" SOLID RIB BARRELS (009 AND 018) 2 1/2" CHAMBERS 1 1/8 OZ PROOF BORES: .736 BOTH BARRELS MIN LT: .024 MIN RT: .022 28" SOLID RIB BARRELS (012 AND 028 C, 28" M/F (.020"/.040") SOLID RIB BARREL AND 28" F/F (.045"/.045") VENT RIB BARREL -DOUBLE TRIGGERS -AUTOMATIC EJECTORS -BEAVERTAIL FOREND, One is a 10 gauge and the other is a 12 gauge. This, Westley Richards Droplock 12 Gauge Double-barrel, *BEAUTIFUL CASED CONNECTICUT SHOTGUN COMPANY, *VERY RARE CASED WINCHESTER Y-SERIES PIGEON, Books: Firearms Brophy, William S. L.C. That is sweet. W. Richards Double Barrel Break Action Shotgun | National Museum of Sorry but there is nothing Damascus about this shotgun. Our collection database is a work in progress. Shotgun is a side by side with side hammers, right barrel marked 17.2 with very small np. Very heavy breech and heavy half stock butt with checkered wrist. Visit the IIIF page to learn more. The Ask the Pros & What's It Worth? When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Description Serial # 01610. The rectangle on the barrel says (I think): Laminated Steel Thanks! A PERCUSSION SHOTGUN by Westley Richards. W Richards shotgun | Pricing Guides Dictionary & Values If you try putting in just the number it may work, if not send me the full number at the contact email and I will let you know when it was made, the office is closed now and I am afraid I will forget! (Zambia), my friend has a Westley Richards in 425 magnum. W. Richards Double Barrel Shotgun - Help! - The DoubleGun BBS Price guide for W. Richards Double-barrel Shotgun: . Belgium, Chamber length: 2 - 1/2 inches. I was wondering if you still have this item and what are you thinking it is worth.
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