Professor, L. Stanley Pigman Chair in Power; Director, Power and Energy Institute Kentucky, Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2009 - 2011. Project SCOPE, IDEA Part B, KY Early Childhood Data Systems (KEDS) Phone: (859) 257-2081. cjgood2@uky.edu. Make Art Happen. Lexington, KY 40506-0032. Also . Make an Appt. of Family & Community Med., KU Med., Wichita. 859-257-9242. Garrigus BuildingLexington, KY 40546859-257-2686, Students / (859) 321-4203. justin.bathon@uky.edu. Privacy Policy Dental Science Building, 800 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40536-0297 Staff Directory. Schedule an Involvement Advising Appointment. Our faculty are among the university's most celebrated, garnering praise for their contributions to research . Lexington, KY 40546-0091. The department was organized in September of 2009 by consolidating facilities CAD, GIS, records . Search the Directory Campus Directory. Librarian, Associate Director of Collection Strategies, Collections & Discovery. Scovell Hall Tel: 502-564-5550. of Chemical Engineering, University of Kentucky 1996-1999: Associate Dean for Administration and Academic Affairs, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Staff Directory Members By Category/Department; Name Title Email Address Phone; Administration; Jerry Eaves: Athletic Director 502-776-1443 502-776-1443: Frank Smith . LEND Faculty and Project Director. Number of employees at University of Kentucky in year 2021 was 23,004. Main Office Scovell Hall 115 Huguelet Drive Lexington, KY 40506 Phone: (859) 257-9555 Fax: (859) 323-8512 humanresources@email.uky.edu. Emeritus Faculty. John Balk. To display additional details about this employee, including organizational unit (department), job title, and position status, click on his or her last name. Associate Chair - Pharmacy Practice. The list below contains common departments and their contact information. Departments & Units / The Programming team assists university departments with planning and implementation of their custom application needs and provide long term support once deployed. They work closely with Programming to develop map applications, systems, and tools that rely on these enterprise geospatial systems. S-107 Ag. Crabbe Library 306B. This directory is a public record. Faculty Scholarship. Aaron Beighle. Aaron Garvey. They provide consultation services ranging from answering everyday questions to working with vendors for specialized IT needs. The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service has agents and support staff working in all 120 counties who serve as local resources to provide this service. (859) 622-2106. Anthony Limperos. Faculty Directory. Kentucky Clinic Information Desk 859-257-8562. As part of a Land Grant University, we are guided by the values of learning, discovery and engagement. Adam Craig. They work with Facilities Management construction areas and other planning departments to ensure information is clearly communicated and updates are made across UK systems. Ashley Cole. University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law 620 S. Limestone Lexington, KY 40506-0048. p: 859.257.1678 f: 859.323.1061 law@uky.edu uklawadmissions@uky.edu Today, I am announcing a substantial investment of an additional $31 million in the UK . Administration, Finance, & Human Resources, Institutional Research, Analytics, & Decision Support, Tech Help @ The Hub in Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Student Success and Professor. University of Kentucky Spurlock played in the National Football League from 2006-14. Kentucky Clinic Health Information Management 859-323-5561. Campus Map & Directions. Assistant Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies. Staff Directory. The Official Athletic Site of UK Athletics, partner of WMT Digital. Jay Baker. Search the Illinois Directory by name, NetID or department. 1400 East Hanna Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46227 Main: 317-788-3368 Admissions: 317-788-3216. School of Pharmacy - Administration. on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Research / Pooling the resources allowed ITSIS to create three teams within the department which are better able to serve all the needs. 203 Bradley Hall. 859-257-6619. courtney.mccalla@uky.edu. 859-622-7358. Gatton College of Business and Economics. IT Field Services are an accredited team of IT Professionals that serves customers by provision and support of desktop and mobile computing needs and server resources. Dr. Tony Pescatore Interim Department Chair 900 W.P. This directory can be used to locate UK CES employees in each of Kentuckys counties who can help solve problems, develop educational programs and collaborate with other organizations and institutions. College of Public Health 111 Washington Avenue Lexington, KY 40536 ukcph@uky.edu Will Arnold. Ashland Oil Research Professor of Marketing, Associate Professor. Enter a keyword in the field above, then press the search button to see matching results from our college. Department Phone Directory; Quality & Safety; Research. Eastern Kentucky University. On this page find contact information about University of Pikeville faculty and staff. Library Specialist - AV/Facilities, Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library. Cancer Clinical Trials; Advanced Practice Providers. Associate Dean for Administration and Academic Affairs; Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies, Biomedical Engineering . Department of Mining Engineering. University of Kentucky International Center; 545 Rose Street - Bradley Hall; Lexington, KY 40506-0058 Fax: (859) 323-1095. Get contact information for individual Extension personnel by program area for your specific county. 859 257-9000. (859) 257-6076 Phone: (859) 257-9555 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY HEALTHCARE. Dan M. Ionel. 103 Dickey Hall Associate Deans, Department of Early Childhood, Special Education & Counselor Education, Research Support. The official Roster for the Simmons College of Kentucky . 859-257-1000 or Average annual salary was $68,780 and median salary was $54,513. Lexington, KY 40506-0017 Research Areas: planning and policy development, alternative transportation, public communication. The group articulates the Information Technology strategic direction for the University of Illinois System, serves as a conduit for identifying areas where enterprise-wide . How to find the right sources for your project or class, Individual, group study, meeting & events, open seating, Use library services and resources to kickstart your research project, Partner with our librarians to utilize library resources for your classes. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546 859-257-2686 Extension Field Directory. They support purchased applications, build and maintain custom desktop and web applications, reports using tools ranging from Tableau to Excel targeting systems like SAP, configure systems like Drupal Content Management and play a key role in system architecture and maintenance. You must log in to search for students. Commissioner. Margaret Bausch. Get contact information for Extension administrative personnel by operational area and their respective support personnel. Allen: Kathy: 502-782-6875: WRB amanda.bailey@uky.edu. Get contact information for the Area Extension Directors and their respective support personnel. Lexington, KY 40536. For a comprehensive staff listing, please visit our Staff Directory. Interactive Campus Map It is a violation of Kansas State Law to knowingly give, sell or receive names and/or addresses from a public record for the purposes of selling or offering for sale any property or service to persons listed . Lexington, KY 40506 2022 University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Important Information. UK HealthCare. Brescia University is home to the Bearcats and Lady Bearcats, a contender in the NAIA and River States Conference. 859 257-1616. Search the Directory. Associate Professor and Department Chair. Contact Us. Young Library. UK Albert B. Chandler Emergency Department 859-323-5901 or call 911, UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital Admitting 859-323-5062, UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital Customer Relations 859-257-2178, UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital General & Patient Information 859-323-5000, UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital Gift Shop 859-323-5797, UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital Post Office 859-257-6360, Don and Cathy Jacobs Health Education Center859-323-7808, UK Health Connection (Find a physician, appointments)859-257-1000 or 800-333-8874, Kentucky Children's HospitalGeneral & Patient Information859-323-5816, Kentucky Clinic Health Information Management859-323-5561, Kentucky Clinic Information Desk859-257-8562, Medical Records: UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital859-323-5117, Patient Billing Hospital and Physician (KMSF)859-257-7900, Spanish Interpreter: UK Chandler Hospital859-323-8951, Spanish Interpreter: Kentucky Clinics859-323-6592, Spanish Interpreter: UK Good Samaritan Hospital859-226-7412, UK-MDs Physician-to-Physician Referral859-231-9922 or 800-888-5533 Fax 859-323-4607, Don and Cathy Jacobs Health Education Center, Notice of Nondiscrimination for UK Health Programs & Activities, Morris K. Udall Centers of Excellence in Parkinson's Research, Office of Observation and Learning Experience, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Katie Hardwick, Administrative Staff Officer (859) 257-1704 | katie.hardwick@uky.edu Katie Hardwick joined the Office of the President in December 2017 and serves primarily as the liaison to the Board of Trustees. University of Kentucky Martin School for Public Policy: 2011 Master's Degree Public Policy. Kelly McAninch. The Geospatial team manages the Facilities Library and adheres to state retention policies to archive facilities records in both paper and electronic formats. He has scripted local food segments and appeared on the KET program KY Life many times and for years wrote and hosted the weekly Farmers Market Report on University of Kentucky's NPR station WUKY. 101 Main Building. 19 departments. The University of Pikeville is a private, liberal arts university located in Pikeville, Kentucky, United States. Gatton Endowed Chair, University Research Professor. This page provides links to just some of those opportunities and options that are reserved for faculty and staff. Walker, Robert. Ph.D. in Library and Information Science 351 Little Fine Arts Library (859) 257-9538 yu.chi [at] uky.edu Choi, Namjoo. Oral History Librarian / Linguistics Academic Liaison, Requesting Materials from Other Libraries, Requesting Materials from Special Collections, Borrowing, Renewing, & Returning Library Materials, Dean's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Scholarship, Earle C. Clements Innovation in Education Award. Science Center North Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. Toll Free: (800) 999-2183. (859) 323-5000. ukhealthcare.uky.edu. To search the Person Directory, you must first sign in with your linkblue account. The University of Illinois Information Technology Leadership Team (UI IT LT) is comprised of the University and System-level CIOs across the University of Illinois System. Outreach With 13 multidisciplinary research centers and seven service core facilities, UK Research works to answer the most complex questions of our time. International 859-218-1426. You need to be a KU community member to search for students. 859 257-1376. Contact Us Visit Us Gatton Jobs Make a Gift Faculty & Staff University of Kentucky ITS Information Services (ITSIS) is University-wide shared services department that reports to Information Technology Services (ITS) and indirectly to the Vice President for Facilities Management and Chief Facilities Officer. Lecturer. Phone. Extension / Founded in 1987, the University of Kentucky's Department of Arts . Email Shane.Tedder@uky.edu. 859-323-4334. Lexington, KY 40546-0091. ABA Standard 510; Non-discrimination Policy; University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law 620 S. Limestone Lexington, KY 40506-0048. p: 859.257.1678 f: 859.323.1061 law@uky.edu uklawadmissions@uky.edu. Phone. 7 interdisciplinary programs. 824 Bull Lea Run, Suite 210 Lexington, KY 40511 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The most comprehensive coverage of the Kentucky Wildcats on the web with rosters, schedules, scores, highlights, game recaps and more! Department of Workers' Claims / Commissioner's Office. Patient Billing - Hospital and Physician (KMSF) 859-257-7900. Madison Adams. University of Kentucky. Associate Professor, Interim Department Chair; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in Communication. Spurlock joined the Hilltoppers after serving the 2022 season as a special teams assistant coach with the Green Bay Packers. prohibits discrimination If this is an emergency, please dial 911. Assistant Professor . All locations E-mail: benefits@uky.edu. 521 Lancaster Avenue. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The official staff directory for the Simmons College of Kentucky Skip To Main . Through these services, IT Field Services looks to prevent issues before they occur. Faculty/Staff Student Both . College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Martin School of Public Policy and Administration, Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce, Martin Luther King Center Diversity Organizations Council fund, Student Government Association (SGA) funding, Office of the Vice President for Research, University Health Service (Student & Employee Health), Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement, Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity, Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT), University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union, Crisis Management and Preparedness/Safety Alerts. University of Kentucky Staff Handbook. Engineering Administration. College of Arts & Sciences 202 Patterson Office Tower Lexington KY, 40506-0027 859.257.1375
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