The other defensive feature youll pick up is Shell Defense, a situation in which someone at WotC dropped the ball and missed the opportunity to name a feature Shell Shield. These Tortle Fighters may be experts in using various kinds of weapons and tactics in order to defend their tribes from various threats that may come from the mainland. So does everyone else. The Tortle is a great option for a Strength-based ranger since you dont need You get a contact in certain cities that can point you in the direction of wanted criminals or other persons-of-interest. cant get their AC above 17 (without magic or a shield, both of which you can Beginning life crawling like regular turtles, they soon are able to walk upright and keenly begin their adventures, living nomadically and exploring the remote regions of the world. AC, you choose only one, typically whichever gives you the highest Or perhaps using the balance of it's body to pull it in an odd direction out of the way. $2.99. also use) until something like 16th level when they get their 4th ability Whenever I use my Channel Divinity, every plant and animal creature within a 30-foot radius must make a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed. Interesting objects for you. My Wildfire Spirit can make a ranged Flame Seed attack and teleport allies away from danger, leaving flames to burn surrounding enemies. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. Therefore, a tortle character is likely to be a lonergiving me a perfect excuse to lean into elemental classes like druids and tempest clerics. Again, think a viking in ancient England. Tortles coloration can range anywhere in the earth tones from a bright shade of blue-green to a darker brown hue, even including more orange tints at times. The Sailor 5e background might not seem like it fits well with the Barbarian. Unless there was a sage advice ruling I'm not aware of. So you would happily give a Tortle Barbarian an AC calculation of 17 + Dex + Con? 240 - minutes. Ill choose Interception Fighting Style from Tashas Cauldron of Everything to reduce damage against allies who are within reach (1d10). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. An unarmored Warforged barbarian using the rules as I would run them Would have an AC of 11+ DEX + CON+ Proficiency. A few can be selfish and greedy, tending more toward evil, but its unusual for a tortle to shuck off order in favor of chaos. So yeah way above 20 at level 1 without much gear cost expenditure. Monk to an extents well, but the STR bonus is basically wasted on it. Tortle Rangers demonstrate their expertise in combat with Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer, enabling them to get advantages when fighting in certain environments and against certain enemies. Literally any race with the same ability score Which, given the right circumstances, could come in handy. Similar to human fingerprints, each Tortle will have different patterning on its shells, mostly geometric or spiral patterns. No Charisma increase. casual-pancakes. Along with a special list of fire spells, these druids gain inherent healing spells, growth spells and a Wildfire Spirit with impressive abilities. The Fighter and Ranger's Defense Fighting Style do not stack with the Tortle's natural armor, since the fighting style requires the player to be wearing armor. Still, this puts you at an incredibly high AC to start, and you can still use shields or any spells that provide bonuses to AC to get higher. which grant Tortle natural weapons for unarmed strikes. These turtle-people spend their lives embracing the wonder in the world, traveling to new places in the spirit of adventure. And, you can gather food and water (assuming its available) for you and up to five other creatures while travelling. Additionally, these bonuses can help Rangers focus on other Abilities they may need, such as Dexterity for mobility and range attacks as well as Constitution to become much healthier. Size. Ignore what these other posters are saying. A Heavy Plating Warforged Forge Cleric using Blessing of the Forge on its shield has a starting AC of 21 at level 1, so these rules as clarified aren't that bad at all. This cookie is set by Google and is used to distinguish users. AC = 16 + Proficiency + Dex + Con + Shield. No Dexterity increase, and nothing else about the Tortle appeals to the Unlike most other animal-folk species they tend not to wear clothes, instead sporting necklaces, bracelets, or headwear to express themselves or remember people from their travels. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. Moreover, their added Wisdom enables them to withstand spells and abilities that would otherwise hinder their performance in battle. He has all kinds of runes on his shell, and in his shell he has various scrolls and books that he consults for knowledge. A Tortle Acolyte would fit right in a story where their tribe or community worships a particular deity - be it the god of the seas, the harvest, or the primary focus of their community. natural armor never stack. The Tortles skill bonuses in strength of +2 and wisdom of +1 make an excellent choice for classes focused on strength and a decent choice for a wisdom-based class looking for better armor. Because the race changed so little between those two versions, I have decided to combine these two sections. Go ahead, laugh at the flying turtle. Hold Breath. The Druids best AC options provide Tortle Appearance:General Looks Found Among Them, Torm: the True and Loyal Fury - DnD 5e Deity Guide, Tyr: Lawful Good God of Law and Justice - 5e Deity Guide, Tempus: the Spirit of War Embodied - DnD 5e Deity Guide, Ability Scores in 5e: Standard Array, Point Buy, Dice Rolls, D&D Session Zero The Formula for a Great Start. This site uses different types of cookies. Its no better or worse than a lot of the other background features. If I run a home game, That's how I'm gonna run it. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Harborfolk Tortle have a quiet and peaceful life in the harbor, paying their dues to the city while they live in peace in their own territory. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. either way, same effect. Here are the MotM Tortle traits: A Tortle's claws allow it to make unarmed strikes that deal 1d6 + Strength modifier slashing damage. Tortles who want to fight for their communities would likely have trained early on as to how to best defend their homes. Perhaps most importantly, their innate Spellcasting ability allows them to offer more diverse combat options to the party unlike other melee classes. The changes here were minor, replacing the Tortles Ability Score Increase trait with the new standard for ability scores, allowing players to assign either +2/+1 increases or three +1 increases. You can speak, read, and write Aquan and Common. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers. The whole thing plays to the Barbarians strengths. The Tortles high base AC is a fun novelty, but thats Most are lawful good. axe barbarian dragons dungeons fantasy player rpg turtle warrior character miniature boardgame tabletop adventure DnD npc Tortle 5E supported epicsnstuffs. Tortle adults stand 5 to 6 feet tall and average 450 pounds. Elegant Courtier offers my Wisdom modifier to add to Charisma (Persuasion) checks. high Dexterity to max out your AC, and the additional skill proficiency will One hand has a shield, then other pins and grapples Baba Yaga or some shit. Still a fun idea, regardless :). This race is basically an amazing and easy way to get yourself some extra AC if youre struggling to justify putting a good number in dexterity. Youll also choose Thieves Tools or Insight,depending on what you need. My wife played a Storm Herald, one of the 5e Barbarian subclasses from Xanathars Guide to Everything, who was a Faction Agent under a secretive organization. This works well for Barbarians. The claws feature turns your unarmed strike into 1d4 + strength modifier of slashing damage instead of the normal bludgeoning damage. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Also, a Warforged using its Heavy Plating setting counts as wearing armor according to it's racial rules, so it wouldn't benefit form Unarmored Defense anyway, let alone any of the abilities granted from Barbarian Rage, due to it being classified as Heavy Armor(hence the lack of a DEX bonus and needing to have proficiency in Heavy Armor in order to even use the setting). But, bear with me. Thanks to their relative peace in life, they may specialize in doing manual labor, especially over the seas. Now, as an adult, I aspire to remind people that sometimes a little bit of fantasy is all you need when life gets to be too much. As with other exotic ancestries in D&D 5e, making a Tortle can be difficult for new players. "We got this, no problem! At level 12 you could have 31 AC and onward. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. So, your Barbarian needs to reflect that. Druidic Circles of the Land, Stars, and Twilight work with the Tortle Druid thanks to their flavor and potential WIS-based builds. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of bludgeoning damage . 17 AC with 8 Dexterity on a class with no armor proficiency. At 1st level, you gain the ability to imbue magic into a weapon or armor. help close the skill gap between the Ranger and the Rogue. in Dexterity. And you can always use TCoE to make the old switcheroo if you want to, cough cough. Tavern Brawler anyone? The other features of this class arent going to rely on your class to be effective, and vice versa. The Mercenary Life background feature helps you find other mercenary groups. Their shells account for roughly one-third of their weight. In fact, thanks to their ancestral traits, Tortles can become very efficient when it comes to combat - making them fit for melee roles. Baba, Doru, Gana, Rodi, Eela, Mudgraw, Kwilgo, Sunny, Ugos, Anga. Even if you add that proficiency bonus, you still count as being unarmored, however. There just isnt a fighter build that makes good use So, you gain their favor and theyll help you with minor favors. As for my basic cleric spells, Ill lean into the healing/divine aspects of the class. How I'm posting based on text formatting: and I now have a reason to make a tortle barb, thanks. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. You cant use armor and you dont need it, Shell defense is bad but it could very very situationally be useful, Snap attack shouldnt be used unless you are disarmed but a d4 is bette than a 1, Unarmored movement works with the shell (Im pretty sure), Basically maybe not the best choice but a damn fine one, For flavors sake its gotta be a pissy alligator snapping tortle of course. The Unarmored Defense vs Natural Armor is part of the reason I am not sure about going with Tortle. Tortle Abilities and Traits: What Characterizes the Tortle Race. Now, most Barbarians I know dont really use Persuasion. Tortle in my example build for the Riiiight good luck with that. Youll get proficiency in Athletics and Insight. I can't imagine much could kill them. Or do you combine the two by adding your CON to your natural armor? Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. Pick up an improvised weapon that doubles as a Maul and now you can bonus action grapple with your trunk while still two-handing a weapon. After all, this feature essentially allows them to transform into any kind of creature within the confines of their abilities. Another background thats more cerebral than your typical Barbarian. Size. Alignment. I could just imagine someone loading a tortle barbarian into a catapult and launching him into the enemy and him popping out after landing and tearing it up. 1964 "tortle barbarian" 3D Models. As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. Ill still likely use my Natural Armor, so this should place me at a solid 19 AC to start. Unfortunately, the tortle's fixed AC won't keep up with other monks, so your AC will fall behind by level 8 when most monks will hit AC 18 with Unarmored Defense. 2023 Wizards. Tags. You can't use armor and you don . I could come from a volcanic island as a Circle of Wildfire druid or a swampy coast as a Circle of Spores build. Learn what makes stories pop through pop culture examples and create better mysteries and adventures with your friends. No Intelligence increase, and natural armor is wasted on a class famous for Dragons are to a Dragonborn as turtles are to a Tortlein Dungeons & Dragons 5e. Its Time For a Ride-By Stabbing, An Easy Guide to How How Drowning Works in D&D 5e, A Guide to D&D 5es Rules on Suffocation & Holding Breath, A New Players Guide to How Climbing in D&D 5e Works, A Complete Players Guide to Using Ball Bearings in D&D 5e, A Beginners Guide to Dealing Nonlethal Damage in D&D 5e. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. 3. , Pun-loving nerd |She/Her/HersIf you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, wheremultiple staff and moderators can readyour post and help you! Cookie Notice Keep in mind that the state of the meta periodically changes as new source materials are released and this article will be updating accordingly as time allows. You would still have a decent enough AC, that you can still improve with magic items if you feel the need, and you'd still get the bonus, for example, from the Unarmored Movement, as that does not go into conflict with Natural Armor. Now I see the barb choices that are obvious and some that arent but I wish to vouch for this bad boy right here. Moreover, the added Bonus to Strength enables them to go for the offensive as a melee combatant, enabling them to dish out damage and still support the team. As your level advances, youll take a single level in rogue (so keep 13 dex anyway!) Press J to jump to the feed. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. They deal 1d4 + STR Mod of slashing damage, instead of the usual bludgeoning damage. Learn how your comment data is processed. Likewise, Tortle Fighters who become adventurers will likely do so in the search of treasure, or even as a part of a mercenary force. That never really jived with me, so I decided to make a living out of games, stories, and all sorts of fantastical works. Tortle Barbarians may tap into their inner Rage to unleash wrath to those who dare lay even a finger on their loved ones. Do not kill. I did a Kensai Monk (15)/ Totem Barbarian (3 Path of the Elk) Tortle Str based character. However, my major Strength bonus shouldnt go to waste, so Ill focus on druid circles that allow me to implement a shield/sword druid with area-of-effect spells. Basically, youre tracking down bounties and cashing in. If any race worked for a Strength-based bard, its the Tortle. Strength is wasted for the most part, but that shouldnt deter you. Players interested in creating a character with an innocent desire to explore the world can find the Tortle perfect for their needs. Tortles get a bonus to Strength and Wisdom, a high natural armor class and a few fluffy turtle powers like swimming and holding their breath. Fighting Spirit is the samurais main combat feature, giving me advantage on melee attacks 3 times a day. In turn, Tortles can also focus on other Ability Scores such as Constitution for better health and even Dexterity for evasion and reflexes. 17 personality traits . Even then, most players will go for feats at that Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. point. DND BOT on Twitter: "Your name is Hecrow, a level 15 Tortle barbarian Your size is Medium. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. This beast of a tortle has participated in many times in the great Colosseum of God-Emperor Ulysses. However, they do have a thirst for adventure, with a longing to explore the wilderness outside their homes. And, it gave her a good tie-in to the events of the game since she had orders from her superiors. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tortle Barb's make amazing grapplers. 19 if I can convince my DM to allow Monk abilities and a shield (possible, but unlikely). The player will be able to Wild Shape immediately into a powerful creature, like a bear, and after adding a level in Barbarian at level three, that bear will become even more powerful as Rage fuels its every attack. Tortle characteristics and background By far one of the most solitary races, tortles venture out from their coastal birthplaces to explore the world. The Nature Domain connects me with a deity of nature or nature itself, granting this cleric druid-like features, elemental abilities and a special list of nature-based spells. The Tortle: Nature's Armor. Spike Shell Attack! You could even decide to go a bit off-track from the usual "great weapon" Barbarian and opt to use a shield, making your AC effectively 19, which is nothing to sneeze at. Enemies may focus on you in vain, even if they hit you take half damage. Don't forget the ability for Barbarians to use shields too, which would stack. This is a fun opportunity to play a character in touch with nature, pulling from themes related to turtleswater ecologies, mythology, etc. I agree wholeheartedly even though my tortle in our current campaign is a multiclass nightmare with only 1 lvl in barb, I absolutely love it and it makes the whole build work. use a shield without losing class features, so youll lag behind other builds An extra skill proficiency is nice, too. So, I was checking out the new Tortle race option and it has this ability: Due to your shell and the shape of your body, you are ill-suited to wearing armor. So, its an easy fit if youre looking to play an archetypal Barbarian. DnD Tortle 5e race guide | Wargamer Natural armor, like regular armor, is an AC calculation. But, this means your character has that option in social encounters. The tortle race comes with several inherent survival abilities that relate to their turtle natures. 4. Basically, you grew up on the outskirts of civilization. The Druids best AC options provide My special Channel Divinity ability is Charm Animals and Plants. A'Toon the Knowledge Priest Tortle with a Sage background. room for feats. Download and enjoy! With tortle it is a known good multi class combo combining rage and monk goodliness, tortle AC removes most of the negatives for early to mid game, trying to achieve a fun if not optimal build and a monk that does bit more damage than the straight monk plus a ninja tortle feel. 17 AC will match the maximum possible AC in light armor right from level 1, and if you were planning to fit feats into your build you might never go to 20 Dexterity. Moreover, thanks to their STR bonus, Tortles can focus on other Abilities to enhance their battle prowess, such as DEX for evasive maneuvers and other Barbarian traits. Those who already have this advantage instead gain advantage in Intelligence or Charisma saving throws. The tortle race on it's own with it's AC calculation has learned to use it's shell to protect itself. A Tortles Wisdom Ability Score Bonus makes them a perfect fit for the Cleric role, as they need their WIS for much of their spellcasting. Tortle - DnD Wiki | Dungeons and Dragons (D&D 5E) Wiki The main draw to this background is the Wanderer feature. Claws. Tashas Cauldron of Everything introduced the option Customizing Your Origin rules, which gave us the second version and allowing players to reassign the Tortles ability score increases and their skill proficiency. Plus, I gain advantage on Wisdom saving throws. Im looking at using a battleaxe (1d8 + STR slashing) to enhance my damage output. The background feature, Watchers Eye, is alright. In general it allows a Barbarian with a Con of 14 or 16 and Dex 14 to have the equivalent of Hide or Chain shirt without armor. In general it allows a Barbarian with a Con of 14 or 16 and Dex 14 to have the equivalent of Hide or Chain shirt without armor. I love how versatile the Soldier background can be as far as theming goes. However, when they do, Tortles become extremely dedicated to their cause and their goals while exploring the land. l tortle barbarian 3d models . Moreover, their features are uniquely tailored to ensure the Tortle Druid can perform well both in and out of combat, thanks in part to various traits and features that maximize their use of spells and Wild Shape. Tortle Clerics would grow fond of their homes, often using their sway with their deity to ask for blessings to be sent their way. This odd behavior means that tortles rarely build towns and communities, giving them an inherent sense of adventure. I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!". Tortle Monkbarian If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. At level 1 you could easily have a +3 to both Dex & Con (or more) for a starting AC of 26.
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