If you are received this system message when using the My Sage Pay admin area, we would recommend you view the system monitor page to ensure there are no issue or alternatively, contact our customer services team. 2) Obtain a newer video card that has firmware fully compatible with UEFI. The VendorEMail field can only ever contain a maximum of up to 255 characters and if you pass more than this within this field, you will receive this system message. Cost of Item n including tax: Total cost of item n. Please refer to the integration documentation for more information. When you get this error message the card number and range cannot be validated as the card range is not on our platform and because of this is not supported and will not allow transactions to be processed. Check the card number and resubmit. The certificate must have the digital signature key usage. You should make sure that the VPSTxId you are supplying is the value which Sage Pay sent back to you with the original transaction. If no card address is provided you will be presented with this error message. You will need to ensure that your crypt string contains a Fully Qualified Domain name and page which will allow us to return the customer back to a visible Failure Page on your site once the transaction has been registered as unsuccessful. We also return to you the 2 digit Decline Code from the bank. You will need to contact Sage Pay support once you have confirmed the URL that you are attempting to contact. The BillingPostCode field which you have provided is longer than what is allowed. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are not passing more than the maximum value of 7,500 characters and that there are no additional spaces being passed as these will be determined as additional characters. The Vendor Rule Bases disallow this card range. This system message is generated when you have not supplied the correct value in the VPSTxId field. The Amount is outside the mininum and maximum limits. It is normally a number, but can contain characters depending on the acquiring bank. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are sending this value or that the data is in the correct field. Per HTTP spec that should be okay. You will not be able to perform a RELEASE or an ABORT against any other payment type other than a DEFERRED transaction. as outlined in our Protocols. This value is 10 alphanumeric characters long and should be retrieved from your database. The card is a Visa Electron or pre-paid Visa Debit card. You are attempting to perform an AUTHORISE request against an AUTHENTICATED transaction which will exceed the maximum value of 115% of its orginal value. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, SagePay: Test card details not being accepted, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. The Description field can contain up to 100 characters. If the card was issued outside of the United States, this might be the problem. It should be a number and the value should match the value that was passed back to you by Sage Pay when the original transaction was completed. Overlaps with an existing rule. You have entered an incorrect value for the card security code which is invalid. If the related transaction you are trying to authorise is NOT an AUTHENTICATE transaction, you will receive this system message. The client failed to send a request in the time allowed by the server. The storetoken value is invalid, If a value is supplied, should contain either 0 or 1. The original transaction was carried out by a different Vendor. A valid
value is required in the format The Amount you are passing has more digits after than the decimal point than is allowed. Please refine the search. Please use mobile device to refund transaction. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. You will need to check your code to ensure that the currency type is the same as the original transaction. File: includes/commerce_sagepay_server.inc Func: commerce_sagepay_server_redirect_form () Full list: Error (retrieving/updating or inserting) data. Your transaction has been Authenticated successfully. Pick Up Card. The CardNumber field provided does not contain a valid card number and may contain characters other than numbers such as letters. The VendorName field should only ever contain the Vendor Name supplied by Sage Pay or selected by you during your application process. Please note that this only applies to Deferred transactions. This field is numerical only and can only support values from 0.01 to 100000.00. You will need to ensure that you are passing a valid amount formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency. You will also need to check the content of this field to ensure that it is valid. Difficulties with estimation of epsilon-delta limit proof, Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package. It should contain no more than 40 characters consisting of letters and numbers only with no spaces or special characters. The request was unsuccessful due to an unexpected condition encountered by the server. The primary admin user cannot be deleted. Cannot authorise this card. If you attempt to refund in another different currency to the original payment then you will receive this system message. Any value longer than this will generate this system message. You will need to ensure that the card number that has been entered on the payment pages is a valid card type. For example, if you send M, you must have a MOTO enabled Merchant Number registered with Sage Pay. Please try a different card. You will need to ensure that the Amount field value which you are submitting is between 0.01 to 100000.00 or equivalent for other currencies. You must enter the address to which the card being used is registered in the card address box provided on the payment page. The Tranaction is not in a DEFERRED state. If you are attempting to perform these functions automatically (i.e you are performing any of the above outside of the My Sage Pay admin area) then you will need to submit the VPSTxId of the original transaction in a field called RelatedVPSTxId. If you are posting over a VendorTxCode that has been used for a previous transaction registration for a successful transaction against your account you will be presented with this error message. The DeliveryFirstnames value is Too long. If you are unable to identify the cause, please contact the Sage Pay support team if you are still being presented with this error message and we will look into this issue further. This Refund would exceed the amount of the original transactaction. The VendorTxCode should contain your unique transaction reference identifying each separate transaction registration. Please check you code. When using the Form solution you will need to provide us with a Success URL field containing a Fully Qualified Domain Name pointing to the externally visible page on your site to which customers are returned if a transaction completes. The encryption method is not supported by this protocol version. The card ExpiryDate value should always be presented in a MMYY format (a two-digit month followed by a two-digit year) and this should never include any separators such as a forward slash (/) or a hyphen (-). This URL must be http:// or https:// and be no more than 255 characters in length. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Selecting this option will clear the SD card in a few seconds. Card number validation is required for payment processing when a customer presents a card. 3D accelerator card is not supported! You will need to check your code to ensure that the expiry date of the card that you have entered on the payment pages is not in the past or has expired. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The method requested is not permitted against this resource. In this case, you will need to use another card to make the purchase. This system message will appear when the REFUND you are attempting, which in combination with all other REFUNDs againsts the original transaction, would exceed the value of that transaction so the REFUND cannot be permitted. It will only ever be able to contain a maximum of 16 characters consisting of numbers and letters with no spaces or unusual characters. All previous AUTHORISE requests in total must not exceed the 115% value and any further AUTHORISE requests will be denied if they exceed the maximum limit. The Card Type selected does not match card number. Thank you for your reply. You will need to check your code to ensure you are submitting the correct value. Easiest way is likely hit the Windows key (Windows 7 through 8.1), and start typing Device Manager. A required parameter is missing. The RelatedVendorTxCode should contain the VendorTxCode of the original transaction against which you trying to REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE. Visa Electron cards work similarly to a Debit card, but require that all funds be available at the time of charge. e.g. The PaymentSystem used for the original transaction does not support repeat transactions. TheWill Patterson Kate Courtney,
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