Contact info. We're building Bearcats! Office Location: Downstairs F Gallery. We're Building Bearcats! Our theme this year is " Remember the Why". If any member of your family needs assistance or has any questions regarding mobility impaired issues or handicapped access, please contact the principal of your local school. 5100 Maple Street Bellaire, TX 77401 ADDRESS. He received his masters in education administration from the University of North Texas and his bachelors from Texas A&M University. Students in K5 learn in classrooms . The Sherman ISD Board of Trustees finalized the 2023-2024 academic calendar at their regular meeting in February. Lewis brings 12 years of experience in education to Highland Park High School. Trina Simmons Assistant Principal, 9th GradeSecretary: Office Location: Upstairs G Gallery210-619-4010, James Butler Assistant Principal, 9th GradeSecretary: Alicia FullenOffice Location: Downstairs G Gallery210-619-4031, Robert Cisco Assistant Principal, 10th GradeSecretary: Tammi BiggsOffice Location: Downstairs F Gallery210-619-4019, Debra Rebec Assistant Principal, 11th GradeSecretary: Donita DugarOffice Location: Upstairs Q Gallery210-619-4040, Shayler Wagner Assistant Principal, 12th GradeSecretary: Angelina WatkinsOffice Location: Upstairs F Gallery210-619-4011, 1300 FM 1103 Cibolo, TX 78108 When I joined HPISD twelve years ago, I knew right away that I found my school home, HPHS Principal Jeremy Gilbert said. Dr. Karen Fildes, Assistant Principal/ Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Innovation, Dr. Renee Leekin, Director of Special Education, High School Transportation From and To Sherman, Safe School Climate and Bullying Information. Dr. Christopher McNeil resigned from Knox Middle School on Oct. 12. Assistant principals oversee students in grades K-5 ages 5-12. Parkland High School Principal . The Principals Book Club that he created encourages collegial conversation about relevant educational topics. As the principal of Piner Middle School, Porter has been intentional in establishing programs that enhance instruction and promote social and emotional wellness for middle school students. The Wake County chapter of Moms For Liberty says a female student at Athens Drive High School in Raleigh was asked to read in front of her peers on Nov. 30 a passage on masturbation. I was an assistant principal for instruction for 14 years in 5 different secondary schools. in Science Education Parent Coordinator Your choice of "recultured" for reshaping the AP's role is strong and accurate. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Assistant Principal - Security: hbardos@schools.nyc.gov Birkhold, Walter Assistant Principal - Music, Art, Health, & Physical Education: wbirkho@schools.nyc.gov Cali-Neumann, Barbara Assistant Principal - Special Education / Instructional Support Services I look forward to instilling a culture that is student-centered and building a team at Piner Middle School that will focus on student success together.". var encodedEmail = swrot13('fwbuafgba@fureznavfq.arg'); Ian noted, My family is my inspiration and the reason that I push myself each and every day to be the best me that I can be., Innovation Inspiration Excellence for All, Content © 1996 - var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Yonkers Public Schools. 1 in final CT wrestling poll for second straight year, Washington resident is in support of Wykeham Rises approval, Letter: Concerns about Brookfield first selectwoman's tweets, Letter: Resident concerned with Town Council communication, Area events: Washington author talk, 'Pippin' in New Milford, Winter storm will bring mix of snow, sleet, rain and flooding to CT, weather service says, Amity, McMahon/Norwalk out of CIAC boys hockey tournament for major, misconduct penalties, 2023 CIAC Boys Basketball state tournament storylines, top players and predictions, David Borges: Our selections for inaugural Associated Press Big East men's basketball awards, Dave's Hot Chicken planning four locations in Hartford area, UConn women's basketball at Big East Tournament: Here's what you need to know, Storm will bring mix of rain, snow and ice to CT, weather service says, Behind Nika Mhl's surprise call from UConn great Sue Bird, Cannabis advocates protest CT's recreational-use rollout, CT SPCA volunteers 'humbled' as hundreds file to adopt pets, Warrant: Ex-CT 'lunch lady' sent nude pics to student for months. Also, that no two days are ever the same., Ian and Marissa Sherman are high school sweethearts and proud of their three amazing children, daughters Leora and Moriah and son Ari. Principal Eden Lake Elementary School: 952-975-8411 Meagan Bennett . You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Sherman Multicultural Arts School emphasizes academic achievement and celebrates the arts through various cultures in the world. This is the disclaimer text. A native Texan, born in Dallas, Shumate began her educational career in Midland ISD where she served in the roles of collegiate coach for the district, assistant principal and English department chair and teacher at Midland Freshman High School. Tim Beekmann . Debra Rebec - Assistant Principal, 11th Grade. We're building Bearcats! Send email to Wendy Ingersoll. 210-619-4031. All of the proposed projects would be paid for with no increase to the tax rate, which is at its lowest point in 15 years. BLYTHEWOOD - Matthew Sherman was named the new principal of Blythewood High School at the March 13 school board meeting. Sherman High School. The announcement comes one month after the schools superintendent Jeff Melendez announced his intention to leave the district. Jim Miller - Assistant Principal, Sprague High School. Step 5: Principal interviews . Prior to his time at S&S, Scott served in Sherman ISD as an assistant principal at Sherman High School for two years, and assistant principal for the DAEP, Perrin Learning Center, Bootcamp and JDC for two years. Lancaster High School. Parkland High School Assistant Principal Frank Anonia . We are very fortunate to have an amazing staff. We are very grateful for his time in Sherman and wish him every fortune in his new school. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. With so much noise in education, it would be easy to get distracted. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. This is the disclaimer text. Use strong resume words (e.g., facilitated, administered, etc.) Interlake High School. We intend to stay focused on why we all started in education and direct our students towards a successful future. Nathan Davidson . By 2025, there are projected to be about 221 students enrolled, according to the Peter Prowda enrollment study from 2021. School Principal Brilla Public Charter Schools 2.7 Bronx, NY 10454 10454 (Mott Haven area) $125,000 - $159,000 a year Full-time Racquel Torres Rosenbalm, Principal. For the past six years, Pesina has served as principal of Washington Elementary, where she has transformed the campus into one of the top-performing elementary schools in Sherman ISD. Assistant Principal (425)456-7210 gutierrezm@bsd405.org. Associate Principal Eden Prairie High School . This, of course, is bittersweet as I will miss all of our incredible students and families, our dedicated faculty and staff, and our extremely supportive community.. We're building Bearcats! From top to bottom, our staff are driven by the desire to help our students succeed. His career in education began in 1998 as an elementary school teacher in Richardson. Hundreds of Sherman High school students can hardly wait for the holiday break to be over; it's because their new three story, 500 thousand square foot, High School is now open and ready for learning. She lives in Richardson with her husband, Matt, also in public education, and her three stepsons. Sherman Abbott Tech Bus Routes; High School Transportation From and To Sherman; High School Planning . 12500 183rd Street, Cerritos, CA 90703. Jeremy Gilbert, HPHS Principal (214) 780-3708 gilberj@hpisd.org Gilbert has been with HPISD since 2008 when he was initially named principal at Hyer Elementary School, a position he held for ten years before going on to be principal at Highland Park Middle School for two years. The Sherman School / H John Voorhees III / Hearst Connecticut Media. Jericho, New York, United States. Department of Children and Families Office of Education Regional Schools . In 2009, he joined Lincoln High School as an assistant principal and was promoted in 2013 to his current position as principal. Assistant Principal Mrs. Lauren Lamantia School Counselor Mrs. Shaneta Mathis Lead Instructional Coach M.A. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Feedback. Open Houses; Letters for Parents; FACULTY. Student-Parent Handbook & Student Code of Conduct, College, Career, & Military Readiness Center, Military Student Information and Resources, Attendance Guidelines/Reporting an Absence, Haxton-Jackson, Darcy | PE/Cross Country/Track, Lovett, Thomas | Psychology/Sociology/Wrestling, Vinklarek, Christy | CTE - Health Science, _Kalinowski, Janet | Anatomy & Physiology, Allison L. Steele Enhanced Learning Center, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Welcome to Sherman Elementary. The administration recommended changes to the initial draft calendar after more than 350 staff, parents and community members completed a survey sharing their input. Important Numbers: . Porters previous roles in Sherman ISD include Director of Elementary Education, Director of Teaching and Learning, principal of Jefferson Elementary, and teacher at Fairview Elementary. Jim Miller has been a part of Salem-Keizer Public Schools for the past 20 years. Ms. Politis number one priority at Sherman High School is to ensure that every student receives the best education possible. $(document).ready(function () { Faith Baptist 14, Lancaster Baptist 0. Sherman is currently serving as an assistant principal at the school and will officially take his new position July 1. Chandra Allivand is our Assistant Principal. Sherman Independent School District is pleased to announce that Amy Pesina will be the principal of Piner Middle School beginning with the 2021-2022 school year. Public school 2,177 Students Grades 9-12. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. High School Assistant Principal. Phone: 713-226-2627. Principals at schools with assistant principal vacancies will conduct interviews throughout the spring and summer. Askari had most recently worked at Sherman ISD when the state opened its certification review, according to TEA. Ms. Politis passion for education and supporting the success of all students has been shaped over the past 16 years as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, principal, and central office administrator. 928 West Sherman Avenue . Assistant Supervisor of Education: Robert Claxton . You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Sherman Middle School Teacher Uses Innovative Tool to Engage Students, Students Arrested for Making False Threat, SHS Career Expo Offers Insights Into Local Opportunities, Health Science Students Explore Career Areas, Sherman ISD Board of Trustees Calls For May 2023 Bond Election. "I am thrilled about this position and building relationships with staff, students and parents, Pesina said. She began her career in education in the Arlington Independent School District as a teacher and assistant principal at Arlington High School. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Allentown 18104. He is an advocate for technology integration to support a 21st Century teaching and learning environment. The following year, he secured a mathematics position at Commerce and became Department Chair. Send email to Zach Lienau. Under Principal Shermans leadership, Lincoln High School attained its highest graduation rate in decades; 81% of the 2013 Cohort graduated on time with the Class of 2017. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). It is with mixed emotions that I compose this letter to announce that I will be leaving The Sherman School District at the end of the school year on June 30, Kalkreuth wrote. She is currently working towards completing the, Superintendent Certification Program at the. 503-581-3141. Excellent essay. Administrative Assistant : Aeryn Wager (214) 780-3709 [emailprotected]. Her previous roles in Sherman ISD include first grade and bilingual teacher, dyslexia therapist, and assistant principal. Food Service Assistant Support (541) 565-3500 tearl@sherman.k12.or.us. He received his masters in education administration from the University of North Texas and his bachelors from Texas A&M University. . Scott is dedicated to relationship building, character development, and academic excellence. Those who have worked with her have praised her professional knowledge and hard work, as well as her dedication to her students.". }); Scott Johnston has 23 years of education experience, most recently serving as the principal of S&S High School. In 2023, Assistant Principal Profiling Sessions will be held on February 1, March 29, May 31 (tentative). Fountain Valley 11, Segerstrom 0 . First, they support the principal in the administrative operation of a school. F (210) 619-4057. Assistant Principal Alpha: A, B: Rachel Burgan: rburgan@houstonisd.org: Assistant Principal Alpha: C, D: Lawrence Garnett: . Jul 2021 - Present1 year 6 months. Put business position titles at the top, then dates you worked, the school's name, and 5 or 6 bullet points documenting assistant principal duties. Welcome to the Special Programs Page. I am excited to build upon the long standing tradition of excellence established at HPHS as we prepare each Scot to 'Enter to learn. I'm ready to get started on building positive school culture and celebrating current Sherman traditions while building new traditions through collaboration with staff, students, parents, and community members.". She is currently working towards completing the Superintendent Certification Program at the University of Texas at Tyler. We are looking forward to our BEST year yet. 2201 E Lamar St, Sherman, Texas | (903) 891-6440. Wake County arrest records show that Lindsay . Website. Principal Sherman was nominated by Lincoln staff extolling him as, a reflective practitioner whose leadership qualities have provided opportunities for growth for all students and staff at Lincoln High School. 2019-20 Budget 2018-19 Budget 2017-18 Budget Approved Reports Procurement Leadership Dr. Patricia Cosentino, Superintendent Dr. Mary Fernand, Principal Dr. Karen Fildes, Assistant Principal/ Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Innovation Dr. Renee Leekin, Director of Special Education Directory Employment Job Opportunities Gilbert has been with HPISD since 2008 when he was initially named principal at Hyer Elementary School, a position he held for ten years before going on to be principal at Highland Park Middle School for two years. Elementary Education Ms. Tracey Slaughter School Clerk Primary Team Ms. Therese Gaffney PreK Teacher Ms. Jhordan H. PreK Teacher B.S. . 2562 Tilton Road . You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. 913 Van High School Road Van WV 25206 Phone: 304-245-8237 . (including Deans of Students and Deans of Instruction) This pool is for internal and external candidates that are ready to assist the principal in providing overall leadership, encouraging a positive and safe climate in the schools, and providing effective instruction to our global learners. In each of her roles, she has sought to ensure the success of each student by providing instructional support and extracurricular opportunities. "His positive attitude and his commitment to servant leadership will have an immediate impact on the climate and culture of Highland Park High School, said Principal Jeremy Gilbert. Follow Us . The new Sherman Middle School is scheduled to open in August of 2021. Director of Transportation (231) 924-4390. Sherman ISD will begin its search for a new Washington Elementary principal next semester. That vision is for our students to leave us better than when they arrived. Contact Us. The Assistant Principal/Dean Pipeline Pool. From top to bottom, our staff are driven by the desire to help our students succeed. Meet our District Superintendents Dr. Steven W. Flynt Superintendent of Schools steven.flynt@ccboe.net Penny Jackson Associate Superintendent penny.jackson@ccboe.net Athletics - Sports Equity (Title IX) Dr. Kellye Bosch Associate Superintendent kellye.bosch@ccboe.net Steven Cummings She received her undergraduate degree from Southwest Texas State University in communication design and earned her masters degree in educational administration from the University of North Texas. Students on the Principals Honor List, each report card period, are treated to breakfast prepared by Mr. Sherman. Melissa Sherman's Post Melissa Sherman Principal at The Fay School 1w Report this post . Communicative Sciences & Disorders M.A.T. He later served the school district as assistant principal and a principal for RISDs Wallace Elementary for four years prior to his arrival in HPISD. Teaching and teachable moments was a common thread throughout the nomination. Sherman High Computer Science Department would like to thank former tech assistant and DoD Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Ryan McBrayer, for help maintaining the school website. Assistant Principal Assistant Superintendent Finance Support Services Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Associate Principal Athletic Coach Athletic Trainer Behavior and Specialized Programs Coordinator Behavior Specialist Campus Athletic Coordinator Head Footbal Coach Campus Technology Specialist Campus Testing and 504 Teacher # 8,307 in National Rankings. Head Start / Early Head Start Qualifications, Assistant Superintendent Finance Support Services, assistant-superintendent-finance-support-services.pdf, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.pdf, Behavior and Specialized Programs Coordinator, Behavior and Specialized Programs Coordinator.pdf, Campus Athletic Coordinator Head Footbal Coach, campus-athletic-coordinator-head-footbal-coach.pdf, SISD Campus Instructional Technology Specialist Job Description.pdf, Career-and-Technical-Education-Teacher.pdf, Career/College Readiness and Dual Credit Coordinator, Career College Readiness and Dual Credit Coordinator.pdf, Compliance Officer - Special Education.pdf, Coordinator Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Coordinator Behavioral Interventions and Supports.pdf, Coordinator - Bilingual Education and ESL, Coordinator - Bilingual Education and ESL.pdf. Assistant Principals. The Sherman School District is fortunate to have an incredibly talented staff, an immensely engaged community of parents, and a very generous and supportive community of full-time and part-time Sherman residents - including our many volunteers, veterans and senior citizens. Examples cited included Principal Shermans common practice to offer training, implementation options and resources for innovative instructional strategies. I am excited to build upon the long standing tradition of excellence established at HPHS as we prepare each Scot to 'Enter to learn. Peter Sherman . Sherman County School 65912 High School Loop Moro, OR 97039 Phone # (541) 565-3500 Fax # (541) 565-3319 . He also has experience across a diverse array of campuses and communities, including Lancaster High School, Grand Prairie High School, Dowell Middle School in McKinney ISD, and Joe K. Bryant Elementary School in Anna. More than 40 local businesses and organizations participated in the 2023 Sherman High School Career Expo Thursday, February 23, bringing together current and future professionals. 16245 NE 24th Street Bellevue, WA 98008. We've identified four states where the typical salary for an Assistant Principal job is above the national average. Mr. Sherman is known by his peers as a leader, a team player, an effective communicator and a quick learner with a strong belief system which guides him through his daily routine as he secures a learning environment where all students can learn. The nomination noted staff professional development opportunities he provides that encourage best teaching practices to support all students learning. Husky Counseling & Student Support ; Oregon CIS ; in Paleobiology, M.S. Assistant Principal Grades 9-10 L-Z. I totally agree that the assistant principal can be a valuable school leader to help enact a shared vision for a successful school. Robert Cisco - Assistant Principal, 10th Grade. Most recently, he was the assistant principal at Sherman High School in Sherman ISD where he has served as an administrator since 2018. Send email to Chris Howell. "He prides himself on building meaningful and supportive relationships with students and with teachers.". "Michelle Shumate is an experienced administrator and teacher that brings a wealth of instructional knowledge with her to Highland Park High School," said Gilbert. The Sherman School is located in the scenic town of Sherman, Connecticut in the northern-most corner of Fairfield County. He began his teaching career as a first-grade physical education teacher in Harrah, Oklahoma, and he has taught secondary health, and biology. SHERMAN Sherman School's assistant principal Brian Kalkreuth will leave the district at the end of the school year. Assistant principals, also called vice-principals, wear more hats in a day than they take off students. The unique partnerships enjoyed among our talented teachers, supportive parents, and our loving community members help make our district a special place to teach and to learn. They may directly supervise lunch, hallways, special events. "Having served as an assistant principal and dean of students, Ms. Shumate is an accomplished administrator with a vast array of talents that are going to make a positive contribution to our learning community.". Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). This year, every Thursday during the lunch shifts, Mr. Sherman and Lincoln teachers offer STEM activities in the cafeteria. Website. Principal - Mikki Smith, 204-1605 Main Office Administrative Assistant - Janelle Heckendorn, 204-1733 Main Office Finance Secretary - Judith Parish, 204-1746 Athletic Director - TJ Rogness, 204-1720 Athletic Secretary - Ja mi Gilbert, 204-1604 Dean of Students - Ed Ford, 204-1620 Dean of Students - Pricila Ortiz, 204-1625 Send email to Scott Sherman. Jude Sandt . 1312 Granville Pike. Overall Score 53.44 /100. Our theme this year is "Remember the Why". Once an . Principals will reach out to the email address provided on your resume to schedule. Scott Johnston, Principal Julie Ordonez, Assistant Principal Phone: 903-891-8940 Email: sjohnston@shermanisd.net Mr. Scott Johnston Scott Johnston has 23 years of education experience, most recently serving as the principal of S&S High School. She earned her master's degree, doctorate and superintendent certification from Texas A&M University - Commerce. Mr. Gray received his undergraduate degree from the University of Central Oklahoma and his Masters in Educational Administration from the University of North Texas. Contact info. About. He will be a great addition there., Sherman School assistant principal to resign, one month after superintendent decides to step down. Jenifer Politi, Principal Phone: 903-891-6440 Email: jpoliti@shermanisd.net Ms. Jenifer Politi Jenifer Politi joins Sherman High School following six years in New Diana Independent School District, where she served as the Director of Support Services and High School Principal. Assistant Principal Springhouse MS : 1200 Springhouse Rd. An assistant principal at Willow Spring High School has been suspended from her position after being arrested on charges of driving while impaired. For the past six years, Pesina has served as principal of Washington Elementary, where she has transformed the campus into one of the top-performing elementary schools in Sherman ISD. Melendez recommended that Kalkreuth be named interim principal. Ian Sherman received a Bachelor of Science in Business from the University of Buffalo and earned two Master degrees from Long Island University in Elementary and Special Education and from Mercy College in School Administration and Supervision. Lander County School District. Email: Aesop; Classlink; Ed Reflect; ', Administrative Assistant: Mari Schaefer (214) 780-3708[emailprotected]. Van Jr. Sr. High School is committed to providing rigorous and relevant educational opportunities for our students to be college or career ready. With 26 years of experience in public education, she plans to transition her experience and expertise to the new middle school building to continue the tradition of building Bearcats at the campus. It's in everything we say and everything we do. Secretary: Tammi Biggs. Wendy Ingersoll. 1 2 3 Jump to Page; Go Huskies! Office Secretary- Stacy Sherman- 281-245-2283; Attendance Clerk- Destiny Gutierrez- 281-245-4790 . Warriors, mages and healers of all walks of life live inside Sherman Middle School. "As a former STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) principal, Erica brings significant insight and knowledge and will serve as an excellent resource for our teachers and students through her instructional leadership," Principal Walter Kelly says. Scott High School Scott High School Name Email Address 2400 Collingwood Blvd Toledo, OH 43620 Job Title Phone 419-671-4000 Fax 419-671-4060 Direct Phone Direct Fax Dr. Carnel Smith Principal CSMITH1@TPS.ORG Soyini Caldwell Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction SCALDWEL@TPS.ORG This is the disclaimer text. He has been a campus leader at all levels from elementary to high school and alternative schools. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 210-619-4019. i Enrollment i Parent Portal Lunch Menu i SPTO i Staff Directory i Board of Education Sherman Board of Education Chairman Brian Berlandi said Kalkreuth has been a very valuable member of our administration and served the Sherman students and our school tirelessly, despite a long daily commute from his home. Special Programs include Jefferson Learning Center, SISD D.A.E.P., Grayson County Juvenile Detention Center, Grayson County Post Adjudication Facility, and Monarch Academy. When I joined HPISD twelve years ago, I knew right away that I found my school home, HPHS Principal Jeremy Gilbert said. El Camino Real 8, Los Angeles Roosevelt 4. More. Dr. Karen Fildes, Assistant Principal/ Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Innovation; Dr. Renee Leekin, Director of Special Education; Directory; Employment. We are a rural community of 23.4 square miles with a population estimated at 3,100. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. 5421 S Warner Ave Fremont, MI 49412 Phone (231) 924-5300 Fax (231) 924-9262 Map. Home; Our School" Hoka Hey! Shumate has an associate of arts in liberal arts from Midland College and a bachelor of arts in English literature as well as a master's in educational leadership from the University of Texas-Permian Basin. In early March, Melendez announced he will step down from his position, effective June 30. With so much noise in education, it would be easy to get distracted. Lancaster, OH 43130 . We're Building Bearcats! More details: The Marshall News Messenger reported that Clynch was a high school assistant football coach in the . Start with your recent work, and then follow that with the one before it. Sandra Fox is the editor of the Ridgefield Press and The New Milford Spectrum. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Atlantic Campus . Sherman Schools enrollment has been steadily decreasing since 2009. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). $('span#sw-emailmask-23228').replaceWith(''); Reasons Melendez gave for leaving include decreased enrollment and a possible transition to a part-time role. Pesina will finish out the 2020-2021 school year at Washington Elementary and will transition to Piner Middle school at the close of the school year. The unique partnerships enjoyed among our talented teachers, supportive parents, and our loving community members help make our district a special place to teach and to learn. to start each entry. Assistant Principal English, Library, and the Academy for Creative Artists Santiago, Ysladia Assistant Principal, ISS Sencer, Alhan Assistant Principal, Administration/Organization Zbrzezny, Patrycja Assistant Principal, Agriculture Zelkind, Jonathan Assistant Principal, Science B.S. Fax: (856) 696-6520 . Amy Pesina to Lead Piner Middle School Next School Year. They may evaluate teachers. The honor of serving as Principal ofHighlandParkHigh School is nothing short of a dream come true for me. Birthday singing telegrams and thank you notes to students and staff characterize Ian Sherman. Ms. Politi grew up in Longview and graduated from Spring Hill High School. For 8th grade English teacher Kiddy Cummins, its just another Tuesday. Topping the list is New York, with New Hampshire and Vermont close behind in second and third. They may plan schedules for teachers or for testing. During your time here you will have the opportunity for academic, personal, and social growth and you will be empowered to make honorable . He comes to HPISD from Winfree Academy Charter School in North Richland Hills where he served as Principal. She previously served as an Assistant Principal, a bilingual teacher and teacher specialist. Office Location: Upstairs Q Gallery. . Sherman Independent School District is pleased to announce that Amy Pesina will be the principal of Piner Middle School beginning with the 2021-2022 school year.
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