When SG-1 gets caught in the cross-hairs its SG DEV Group to the rescue with a little help from Seal Team Bravo.Slightly AU cross over as the timelines differ. Throughout the series, fans have longed for Sonny and Davis to get back together. The SEAL Team is a gripping dramathat followsthe lives of its elite unit of Navy SEALS as they take on life-threatening missions across the world. Clay is placed with the abusive Echo team. She is surprised to find Jason in the command room, as he runs out the clock before his surgery. I liked how he got all quiet and said no girl had ever taken his hat. The J.O.G.S. The team carry out operations, in the land of a certain hero. Throughout the series, fans have longed for Sonny and Davis to get back together. By Emmanuella Ngimbi 02:00, Sat, Aug 20, 2022 Davis continued, "You don't get to decide her future, Sonny, but I'm sure that she would like to know that you want to be apart of it." "Roger that, Davis." Sonny's voice was low and raspy. Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team TV) Lisa Davis; Eric Blackburn; Cerberus (SEAL Team TV) I created a new character; Hurt Clay Spenser; Clay Spenser Whump; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Medical Trauma; . Clay gets hurt badly while saving Sonny. I LOVE Jay Hayden, and I secretly have been shipping Clay and Brian from the start. When Ray and Sonny turn their backs on Clay. They both love each other dearly, but they put their job first, and well see where it ends up. Afterwards he is finally able to get some alone time Lisa, only for the two to break up. The actress then laughed, squealed and crossed her fingers, leading fans to believe a romance between the two characters could be explored. I guess we'll find out eventually, mean What if Spenser had a secret a secret that will change everything for the team? [7], While out jogging, Jason falls and tears an already ruined ligament in his leg. There are to help maintain the peace only to find out the power station has been taken over by Armenian terrorists. However, he pushed hisfeelings asideduring seasonfive, asSonny and Hannah decided to try and make things work. But theres one point where everything happens, and that is where Sonny, I think, needed to have this release, so to speak. Yeah, I do. Farage EXPLODES at Italian EU bossu2019s INSULTING claim, SEAL Team's David Boreanaz sparks meltdown with season 6 tease, Shetland's Jimmy Perez to die after fans 'work out' replacement, Princess Diana investigator breaks silence on her death 25 years on, SEAL Teams Justin Melnick confirms season 6 location change, SEAL Team plot hole: Fans fume over 'missing' character, SEAL Team season 6 theory: Major death sealed by casting news, SEAL Teams Neil Brown Jr pays tribute to inspiration behind Ray, SEAL Teams David Boreanaz pays tribute to coach of 20+ years. The Team is tasked with taking down ISL Terrorist Abu Samir Al Masri in Libya where Sonny and Cerberus are called to action. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This season, we saw members of Bravo looking at life after operating. But when a mysterious visitor comes calling one morning; the information he has will set those involved on a course none of them expected -. What would happen if they ever lost him. But as a Tier One Operator Sonny knew that life was not always rosy instead there was a lot of bad in the world, a lot of waiting, and that it was a struggle some days. G callen might have met his match, introducing Special warfare Officer Raellea Lang. After Jason removes Clay from the team they set out on a mission with their new tentative allies, the Taliban. This is a fluffy story following the development of their relationshipThis is a duplicate of the work that has been posted to FFN since last year. Though having driven into funny multiple times that we could finally get some alone time in his truck only for Lisa to come to the decision that they should stop seeing each other. He starts a few more fights before storming off. Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/William LaMontagne Jr. Once inside the Team goes room to room, only to find Vadim Tarasov in a final secret room. After hearing this over intercoms, Lisa comes to find him after he returns home to make sure he is all right. How will Sonny's life change? The truth might be closer to the fact that the title of 'Favorite Uncle' is an ever shifting and evolving right that depends entirely on situation and circumstance. [18] Bravo returns to The Middle East to Afghanistan for the start of their three-month mission. [6x08 did not happen in my AU]Chapter 11: First problem.Chapter 12: Clay's recovery continues. Life was meant to be full of good. Afterward,s they are introduced to their new commanding officer Captain Greyson Lindell. I promise I will work on this! And just talking to special operations guys, theres so much that these guys go through when they get home, and the suicide rate of our men and women that come back is way too high, and help is not there. Tenerife. I think hes gotta get back and hopefully get home safe and then take some time to assess the situation of what the next steps would be for him mentally and physically. Bravo team had ensured they arrived back to be present for her hearing. 'SEAL Team' is a military drama series that centers upon the members of the Bravo team, the most elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they take up dangerous missions in their professional lives, all while balancing their personal relationships. [11], Annoyed at Clay for being in a relationship, Sonny goes to a bar in Washington, while [[Full Metal]] and Trent follow, to keep him in line. [10], Sonny met Clay's new girlfriend and busted his chops over it. He's got mad BBQ skills and no luck in love. We see Sonny rage, we see him break down, and we see him going through quite a few stages of grief. Clay is attacked by unknown assailants outside a bar, and the encounter changes his life completely. He later bums into his old girlfriend, Hannah Oliver at the bar she now owns. When a group of American school children are kidnapped from an exchange program, Bravo are sent to Paraguay to get them back before any of the group are ransomed or murdered online. Confirming he knew they had been dating and that had been his secret girlfriend. In this series of short stories we'll explore the relationships and moments between Jameelah and her beloved group of devoted Uncles. Rated T. Age regression/de-aging. try to piece together, the actions during a nightmare -ish battle. SEAL Team - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 62 - Words: 335,717 - Reviews: 454 . They won't let Clay spiral down into a hole of depression and hopelessness. How will they adjust to their new normal? Sonny's bet with everyone turns into a drinking game. After the threat is eliminated Sonny returns back to the state along with the rest of the crew. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Lisa meets CIA agent Reiss Julian at target practice, and the two appear headed off. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". They retake control and head home. Thanks to my Beta ElenaDamonForever81. But it sucked in so many ways because Max and I are such good friends. It has to be worse for Sonny because he doesnt have the full picture of what happened. A short fic. Lisa Davis is a Lieutenant Junior Grade in the United States Navy formerly Logistics Specialist First Class. The idea just wouldnt leave me.The team still is getting used to their rookie and Clay is still too unsure of his position with the team to drop the attitude and open up a little. I think her going to OCS scares him, and him being harsh to her is just his knee jerk reaction, Just my thoughts, let me know what you think, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Clay & Emma are already dating and have told Bravo. Shino is replaced by a, Witches World counterpart. Or how Jason Hayes ended up sleeping on Ray's couch between missions. The issue is that Hannah will always be second best to Davis. Capt. That won't ever change. Having that core group of guys that youre with every day that continues on in battle and youre sort of left behind can cause all sorts of scenarios. [9], Lisa runs into Sonny at the gym, and he childishly ignores her. We became super close friends over the course of the five years working together, our kids are a couple months apart, and our wives are close. Later she along with your gunpoint for the team. The start of episode 12 where he is with Davis in her kitchen I think shows the viewer that they both have a strong affection for each other. When she and Callen meet their connections immediately but can two people who's job is it to pretend to be someone else, really ket any one in to see the people behind the masks. You're welcome. Feb 9 Happy birthday, @AjohnBuckley ! Sonny seemed again seemed to be taken out of his norm when Davis asked what happened to the last girl that took his hat. Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team TV) (588) Trent Sawyer (518) Ray Perry (504) Brock Reynolds (497) Eric Blackburn (276) Lisa Davis (242) Mandy Ellis (154) tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (14), Trent Sawyer & Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (262), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Vigorous shaking of the angst tree to see who falls out, (All Messed up) Like The Sheets Where We Made Love, for someone who happily married their high school sweet heart, Trent Sawyer & Original Female Character(s), Sting like a bee whilst looking like a butterfly. This will be if everyone of the main characters from SEAL Team (Not the wives) were apart of the LGBTQ+ community. Please consider turning it on! Sealteamfan13 is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of . Unbeknownst everyone, sunny and Lisa sneak away for a quick chat. Michael Chen, a former Bravo member, is brought in from Charlie to replace Sonny while he's in Texas. Sonny, of course, wants to go home immediately. At the sendoff barbecue, he accuses Clay of ratting him out, and demanding why no one is standing up for him. Or at least, that's what she tells all of them. Talk about finding out about Clays death. That comes in the March 10 episode after Sonny takes a bullet (he's OK) during Bravo's mission in Syria Ray Perry ( Neil Brown Jr.) gets closure when he takes out their target, Yassine . While they weretalking, Hannahdropped a bombshell which Sonny was taken aback by. Were there any other scenes you would say were the toughest to film? We are currently editing over 441 articles and 3,063 images and you can help by creating more! The J.O.G.S. Clay is fighting a war all on his own, but his brothers are determined to help him, to be there for him no matter what. Its a gay luxury spa, and only couples can check in. Is everything alright?" READ MORE:Shetland's Jimmy Perez to die after fans 'work out' replacement. What is the aftermath the team has to deal with, and how will Clay and Liz react to their feelings that seem to surface no matter how much they push them down? They were going to fight with him and they were going to get him back to being healthy, no matter what. When Bravo goes on a mission, things go side ways. During an Instagram Q&A, the actress took to her stories to provide fans with insight about the upcoming instalment. He has shown proficiency in using a sniper rifle prior to Clay's introduction into Bravo Team. The season ends with a cliffhanger. You can unsubscribe at any time. You just never know. TAKE ON SOME OF THE MOST DISGUSTING CRIMINALS. Future What if Story HUGE SPOILERS if you havent watched any of season 5. By the end of season four, fans finally learned Hannah was expecting Sonnys child. Hes not good at sitting stateside. He picks a fight with the patron. once he's interrogated, they head home. He is let out after light questioning. It almost happens, and it doesnt, so it almost does. Will include the guys from Supernatural, Transformers, the Avengers, CSI's and NCIS's, The LOTR/ the Hobbits Trilogy, and Celebs. He is forced to agree despite being terrified. Suggesting that Lisa does the same. By the end of season four, fans finally learned Hannah was expecting Sonnys child. He has multiple tattoos, at least 6. He volunteers to go early to Yemen, but thanks to his hostility towards Ray he picks Clay over him. "512-721." The next day they are called in for quick mission in Azerbaijan. When he declines, Mandy threatens to provoke his license on the base. When he and Davis started seeing each other they I think he found a sense of security with her, something that he never had the privilege to have. Sonny doesn't believe it but later sniffs Clay's hair and confirms the smell. When a simple mission goes wrong, the team has to leave their little brother and sister behind, and it's a race to get to them in time, or will they live with the regret of their decisions? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (361), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Clay gets shunted by his brothers, might get kicked off the team, and thats only the start of his problems. The heart of the team's life is on the line and the thumping of his heartbeat is rapidly slowing down. Once Bravo discovers the truth about Clay's childhood, they realize that they now have to fight to earn Clay's trust and respect. It was a hard pill to swallow because when you go to work with your best friend and then theyre not there anymore, its pretty devastating. Honestly, I don't know where this is headed, if it's gonna be a TWD Fanfic or a SEAL Team Fanfic. Jason is willing to do anything it takes to help Clay, even if that means taking him to visit his cousins Jay and Will Halstead in Chicago. While they weretalking, Hannahdropped a bombshell which Sonny was taken aback by. [3] Everyone returns to HQ safe, except for a few scratches on clay and Jason from the bomb. Saturday, 4th March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. I knew you were on shift. Its so frustrating. So, where would you say Sonny is in terms of his grief at the end of the episode? It was very scattered. More info. One of the couples are not looking forward to having to act like a couple, the other one has tried to keep their excitement under check. and our He's determined to prove them all wrong, that he is not like Ash. SEAL Team season six will premiere on Paramount Network on Sunday, September 18. [8], Lisa works her first mission without Bravo. [9], While celebrating Jason's upcoming return to bravo, he takes Lisa aside and agrees they are better off as friends. Bravo is in a good mood, feeling like theyre one step closer to getting home, when Jason (David Boreanaz) gets the call that Clays dead. The Hayes Family and their Ice Cream Lies. The J.O.G.S. I liked the way Davis seemed at home with him, something that didn't happen with Danny, pretty much the only other time we were let into her private life. When something traumatic like this happens at home or wherever where they cant get out of the mission that theyre in, they come together really as a team and bring the fight to the enemy. What will this mean for Sonny and Davis? What can you tease about how theyll get out of that situation? Not sure how often I will get round to updating as I am Ill (chronic illness).Sorry about not posting guys. Brazil. After that, all new! In fact, Bravo is ready to stand down after losing a brother only they cant. "What the hell do I do?" #SEALTeam 9 But his dad insists he returned to the Navy, because he is so proud of him, and he left 18 years ago for reason. However, after cornering him, he blows himself up. Forced into an Advanced SERE class, Brock finds himself alone, without Bravo, facing the worst experience of his life. Roush Review: A Rollicking Romp in History of the World, Part II, Jeopardy! Fans Are Bored With High School Reunion Tournament, TV Pilots 2023: All the New Network Shows in the Works, Steve Howey Says He Would Do Anything to Bring Back Reba, Matthew Rhys Pleads His Case for Perry Mason Season 2, Copyright 2023 NTVB Media, Inc., All Rights Reserved, Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence, SEAL Team: 8 Burning Questions for Season 7, SEAL Team Renewed for Season 7 at Paramount+, 'SEAL Team' Boss Previews Bravo 'in Jeopardy in a Very Different Way'. Do you think Bravo and especially Sonny needed that time with Clay at the cabin, especially with what Clay was going through? [2] Everyone returns to HQ safe, except for a few scratches on clay and Jason from the bomb. It is a free, public, collaborative and interesting project for all to help create a definitive encyclopedia for the television show SEAL Team . How will he take the news? [12], While on the trip over to Africa, sunny apologizes for his aggressive behavior at the bar, her husband just being punished for the same thing. However, season four showed the worst of their relationship as a break-up led to Sonny making a decision he would regret. He reaches for the gun and Jason shoots him. Jason should have expected that Metal wasn't going to let a silly little thing like being dead stop him from worrying about Blackburn. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. He had to do that before Clays death, though. Resulting in a positive income that banned her from drinking, but she was not arrested and allowed to keep her military position. "She'll know." He is at his best in firefights and prefers them over a leadership position. Sending him to Texas for six weeks, despite the rest of the team going on long-term deployment to Afghanistan. Work Search: READ MORE:Shetland's Jimmy Perez to die after fans 'work out' replacement. Eric informs everyone that Jason has signed on for two more years as their Master Chief. Related books include 'Imagines' and ' I've only got one shot'/. How will losing Clay affect Sonny in terms of where the season leaves him and the choices hell make? His pride in Texas is shown by the flag he wears . Hes been a bit of a hothead this season. Film . And then in 10, whatever happens in 10 youll understand when you see it theres this sort of release that he needed. Sges connected by blood, sweat and tears to many high up people. A 'found family' kind of story. He is about to embark on a war where his brothers cant save him. Hes very angry at her, but when you go through some sort of death or loss, your mind is trying to make sense of it, and you lash out at the people you love because theres no manual for how to deal with death. It was definitely hard losing that guy. I'll let you decide for yourself who her actual favorite is :). In Other Lives he and the team are joined by Dr. Lucien to prove that the Syrian goverment was working on a deadly nerve-gas. Life was precious. Although the series is based on conflict, the occasional romances are seen on screens. As well as finding out the result of its cliffhanger ending, fans could also see a romance between Sonny Quinn (played by AJ Buckley) and Lisa Davis (Toni Trucks). During this time he began his first serious relationship with his high school sweetheart Hannah Oliver. Bravo Team is in Serbia and what is supposed to be a simple stakeout turns into a dramatic car chase with three dead in connection to Vadim Tarasov but are able to bring in Viktor alive. This is ' SEAL Team' World Witches style. I think the thing with Lisa and Sonny really kicked off in episodes 10 and 11. The Bulkhead draws all kinds, and usually Scott 'Full Metal' Carter doesn't pay much mind to the silly groups of college girls looking to flirt with the wannabe frogmen. What does the future look like for Sonny? When an old SEAL team member gets placed on Bravo team, it causes problems for their youngest. They get past one thing, and then something else comes up. Later Jason introduces Vic Lopez to the team. Bravo is in a good mood, feeling like they're one step closer to getting home, when Jason ( David Boreanaz) gets the call that Clay's dead. Much later, Jason Hayes makes the call to infiltrate the building in order to find Bojinka . He is also certified sexy. When he has a panic attack in the debriefing room how will the infamous team react? After his training finishes, Sonny admits he wants to stay in Texas permanently and settled down, possibly buying the plot of land his dad is looking to sell. Therefore, immediately after the end of Green Team, as punishment, Clay is deprived of the opportunity to get into one of the special groups and sent for three months to Fort Redding. The end of episode 11 where he shows up at her door and just her opening the door is enough for him to show his exposed belly. Sometimes it's hard not to get involved when you want to protect. It doesn't take long before he develops PTSD from their operations. However, season four showed the worst of their relationship as a break-up led to Sonny making a decision he would regret.
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