project odin military 2021

Although Raymond OToole, who was the acting testing director when the reports were released, defended the creation of a non-public version of the unclassified report by saying Ithought it very important to provide Congress and the Secretary the test evaluation details that shouldnt wind up in our adversaries hands, hence the new CUI version of the annual report, this is disingenuous at best. A fighter jet program that cant get off the ground is of limited value. This is why all private intelligence companies are being removed from existence. Capture of the vessels pretty much wiped out funds for the Cabal and Chinese Communist Party. Valerie Insinna is Defense News' air warfare reporter. For the first time ever, the testing office created a non-public controlled unclassified information version of its report, and although there is much overlap between the two versions, the meaningful details about the ever-troubled program are only included in the non-public one. Obama to Gitmo for Treason Pedo Satanic Ritual Abuse! There would be possible occasional electricity outages as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system. ), plus the CCPs Three Gorges Dam that hides Bitcoin and their International Adrenochrome and Child Trafficking operations. The services have no choice but to rely on Lockheed Martin as a result. And true to form, the project is already behind schedule. The services calculate an aircraft fleets availability rate as the percentage of aircraft that are mission capable and in the possession of its operating squadron, not in depot-level maintenance. The company retained the data rights and intellectual property necessary to effectively sustain the F-35 program throughout its lifespan. The office went on to report that the data for the Marine Corps F-35B and the Navys F-35C did not match other reports of the availability of those aircraft. For these reasons, the Congressional Budget Office simply excluded the F-35 program, currently the highest profile aircraft program, from its analysis. There could be a Stock Market crashs, planes and trains grounded and the Internet go down to be replaced by the Quantum Internet. The ODIN Base Kit weighs approximately 202 pounds, which does make the system more deployable. This is going to be dramatic. In addition, The JPO and Lockheed Martin established a contract that captured data rights, frequent software deliveries, and proper data marking for modern software development, Fick stated in testimony. Posts: 5,526 Likes Received: 53,652 in 5,514 posts Likes Given: 40,941 Joined: Sep 2019 ID: 188 Country: Dan Grazier, military fellow with the Project on Government Oversight, warned of "the real possibility that ODIN, like ALIS, will have . It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments. Dan Grazier The Base Kit, the hardware that is set up wherever the F-35 operates, runs faster and is much smaller than the equivalent ALIS standard operating unit. If such a test happened, the results have not been made public, even in the non-public version of the most recent report. The minutes of one such meeting held in 2018 showed that the board downgraded a Category I deficiency to a Category II with no plan to correct.. I start programming 1-2month ago with C. Web development is not my target so i thought maybe i should learn C --> Python --> Cpp --> try machine learning and embedded programming (both to see which i enjoy more) in next 2 year. By Sat 17 April the military RV security teams and the QFS Quantum tech Personnel had revamped the London financial and Forex system to recalculate everything. The Rods of God would destroy 34 Cabal buildings (including the White House, Buckingham Palace and Vatican? Our unity gives us hope that we will win the decisive final battle for our future. As one former fighter pilot wrote, when a pilot doesnt get enough experience in the air, the likelihood they will be effective or even survive in combat drops precipitously.. ODIN - OE Data Integration Network The World is watchingQ, Lets Finish This, Shall We? Donald J. Trump, God Bless America & Patriotic Music The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square Bing video. The upcoming communications blackout will be to bring online Project Lockheed delivered the first hardware kit for testing at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma in September. WASHINGTON The Defense Department is pausing its efforts to field replacement software for the F-35s troubled logistics system due to a lack of funding, the head of the F-35 program office said Thursday. Opportunities. Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments, cover your tracks by also contacting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): and contact the Federal Human Trafficking Website:, If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and the non-profit organization, Saving Innocence. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. The services prefer to cite this measurement over full mission capable rates because the former is a much lower standard and easier to meet. According to DOT&E, by the end of the week of September 27, 2021, 52 F-35s sat idle because they didnt have functioning engines. ODIN - OE Data Integration Network Nesara/Gesara/RV Election Flipping via FISA Military Courts Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie. Biden would be out, Trump in (have heard 8 Aug. 2021) and a new Financial System and NESARA activated. RIVERDALE, Md. Operation Odin's Watch Official Trailer - 506th IR RU 2021 - YouTube Lockheed Martin not only designed and built ALIS, but also controlled and operated it under a concept known as Total System Performance Responsibility. The tables DOT&E did include in the public version of the report were also of less value because they were presented with vague labels and without detailed explanations. The Project On Government Oversight obtained a copy of the non-public report, and what it clearly shows is that the F-35 program has made few fixes to many of the reliability and performance problems that have prevented the aircraft from meeting the needs of the services. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. More than twenty years into the F-35s development, the aircraft remains in every practical and legal sense nothing more than a very expensive prototype. We would then have GESARA Blockchain Elections that would serve governments 10% the size of what they currently were with all new people. Benjamin Fulford Report: It is Payback Time April 19, 2021, And We Know 3.4.23: Pepe Represents, We are the News, Truth is Spreading, there is Hope. The teams completed their work in May 2021 and concluded that the simulator effort needed more funding and personnel along with strong support from all stakeholders to support [Initial Operational Test & Evaluation] requirements to finish the needed work. It must be noted that DOT&E does not report that claim as an objective fact. According to USNI News, the Navy . ODIN - Ryan O'Donnell Portfolio Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape, torture and murder of themselves and other children. From the very beginning of the F-35 program, the government surrendered a great deal of control of the largest weapon program in history because officials at the time believed that the contractor could more efficiently provide support. ODIN is the Army's only unit that flies the MQ-1B Warrior-Alpha unmanned aerial vehicle. The U.S. Navy recently installed the first Optical Dazzling Interdictor, Navy (ODIN), a laser weapon system that allows a ship to counter unmanned aerial systems. Transition to New F-35 Logistics System Hits Headwinds The Center for Defense Information at POGO aims to secure far more effective and ethical military forces at significantly lower cost. Those charts helpfully spelled out the acronyms and provided actual data rather than opaque trend arrows. That fleets rate went from 6.4% to 6.8%. The above was a summary of information from the Internet. They can no longer transfer monies. Vindman is seeking $12 million for his project, with $2 million for initial operating capability and $10 million I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light. WWG1WGAQ. That information is vital to determine how effective the program truly is. Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. The high expectations for an affordable futuristic fighter jet quickly crashed against reality. The . What it really did was create more work for pilots and maintenance crews. ), The Most Advanced Node in the 21st Century Warfare, The Most Lethal, Survivable, And Connected Fighter Jet Ever Built, Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS), described the Joint Simulation Environment, Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), F-35 Changes Needed While Still in Infancy. This is not a goodbye. Task Force ODIN, whose name is an acronym for observe, detect, identify, and neutralize, is a United States Army aviation battalion created in August 2006 to conduct reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA) operations to combat insurgent operators of improvised explosive devices in Iraq.. AND CONTROL ALL GRIDS AROUND THE WORLD AND CAN BYPASS ALL MEDIA/RADIO/INTERNET PLATFORMS. Sources involved in the process tell POGO that they doubt the Joint Simulation Environment will ever work the way the programs leaders promised. 12 April arrests were made of bankers being trained or training others on how to siphon Tier 4B exchange funds from currency holders so that we currency holders would never be able to get anything from our exchange funds except a small limited amount. An aircraft just able to take off is counted as being mission capable whether it can perform any of its actual combat roles or not. Q Thread Updates/drops/posts - Beyond The Fringe Last years testing report says the facility will be an invaluable resource for both high-end training and tactics development. The Defense Department plans to invest $471 million into both ALIS and ODIN over the next five years. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. Delivered Wednesdays. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA Is All About the ChildrenIts not about the money. Navy Installing More Directed Energy Weapons on DDGs, Conducting Land Congress held firm during the fiscal year 2022 budget debates by refusing to authorize additional new F-35s beyond the Pentagons request. At the same time all Governments Worldwide would be stood down during further arrests. While ODIN is a real U.S. military program, it is focused on "developing biometric presentation attack detection technologies," according to a description of the program on the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's website. In 2020, the F-35 program executive office announced plans to develop a replacement for the Lockheed Martin-made Autonomic Logistics Information System currently used by maintenance crews to perform functions such as ordering spare parts or logging repair work. Note:Readers can save 10% off their first order using promo codeINTEL10, Pure Body Extra Strength (Cellular Detox). Admin Login. The open source and free curriculum for learning web development. Admin Login. Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Incs CIA, Queen Elizabeths, Illuminati Banking families and Vaticans Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. Jenny Describes a Satanic Child Sacrifice: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. What happens when the watchdog tasked with overseeing the most powerful law enforcement agency in the country doesnt do its job? Along with the delays come extra costs. DOT&E reports that the ALIS Contingency Operations Plan test was to happen in late 2021 or early 2022. I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. Program officials had little choice but to award the contract to Lockheed because the company controls the data necessary for the job. Then he formed the Pentagon Paedophile Task Force. Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 22, 2021 One of the documents you need to sign was an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) that could last six months to five years, depending on the amount of funds that you have received. The F-35s availability rates plateaued over most of 2021 and then declined in the final months of the year. By continuing to browse this website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The chart includes several acronyms such as MFHBCF but does not include a key to explain what the acronym means. Program officials hold Deficiency Review Board meetings where the members will determine what, if any, steps will be taken to correct design flaws. That scheme quickly fell apart as designers and the testing teams could not keep up with such an aggressive schedule. The Globalist Deep State established an international spy network called 5Eyes for unconstitutional spying on our citizens, avoiding domestic laws, triggers and Congressional/ Senate over sight: UK, NZ, US, Canada, Australia. Opportunities - DARPA The F-35 programs modernization effort, an effort to complete the delivery of capabilities that should have been included under the original development contract, is behind schedule and has done little to reduce the high number of unresolved design flaws. Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement., Out of the Shadows Documentary: Out Of Shadows (Documentary), Pedo-Empire Website, 5 Books, 49 chapters Free Online:, Satanic pedophilia:, CV-19 and CV-19 Vaccine Videos: (Reader) Very Interesting and Impacting Must See Videos as of April 21, 2021 | Operation Disclosure Official, Mask Mandates for Children Mostly Harmful: Professor of Medicine, After Son Takes His Own Life, Father Warns Against Extended Pandemic Lockdowns, South Dakotas Noem Bans Vaccine Passports, Petition to Undo Whitmers COVID-19 Executive Orders Has Enough Valid Signatures, FDA Examination Finds Substandard Conditions at Contractors Plant for J&J Vaccine Production. The tests include 11 defensive counter air missions to test the F-35s ability to defeat enemy aircraft attacking friendly forces or facilities, 22 cruise missile defense missions, and 31 missions testing the F-35s capabilities to penetrate enemy airspace to shoot down enemy aircraft, destroy ground targets, and defeat air defense assets. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them., *In July 2019 US Marines combined with Navy Seals to rescue 2,100 caged children found in underground tunnels beneathChina Lake Naval facilityin southern California. May 1. The Quantum Internet would wipe out Operation Mockingbird (a CIA program that has controlled the Mass Media since the end of World War II). The F-35s Initial Operational Test & Evaluation master plan calls for 64 test scenarios to be flown by pilots in the simulator. Thomas Anderson: Scholz was in Washington! The major reason the F-35 program remained stagnant in 2021 is that the designers and programmers of a key simulation facility were unable to complete their work. . On the Zim and large payouts they will want you to take the structured payout, monthly, every three months, six months, or yearly on a payout up to 100 years (depending on how many years you wish to have it paid out). They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society. At first glance, this might seem like just another infrastructure play - unless one realizes that Task Force ODIN (Observe, Detect . All Commonwealth Constitutions ie Australia 1901. To fulfill its mission, the Agency relies on . Humanus Universalis: What is Humanus Universalis? >>>>>PROJECT ODIN<<<<< MILITARY SPACE FORCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OPERATION CONNECTED TO STARLINK SATS. The services set an availability rate goal of 65%. (If youre not receiving the newsletter after subscribing or you are having issues, please send an email

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