do not listen to your captors, proceed to antarctica. His name's initials, ADA, are the same as the soon to be Anti-Dean Association. "Alcatraz Zone," "Rushmore Zone" and "Washington Zone", people who tried to climb the Special Trees, 'In the end?' she's among the first to step foot on the. And of course, every once in a while a more general piece of alternate tech appears, like a Concorde jetliner being used to represent a 2021 airliner. "The ADA's repeated efforts to stop James Dean's election proved unsuccessful, and after a failed insurrectionist protest at the Capitol Building on January 6th which resulted in over 150 casualties, Dean officially became president on January 20th, 1969." What kind of verse is this? Ed Dwight's Alternate Self in a reality that overwrote the Nixonverse after its fictionalization. He's so stretched that his current state is completely unrecognizable as a human being. Or rather, as, this sets off a chain of events that leads to the Last Son turning. Discuss Everything About Heroes Wiki | Fandom Previously a normal human who unsuccessfully ran against President Dean and became his best friend, surviving the Great Division gave him otherworldly powers. LOVE, POVERTY, WAR AND Also by Christopher Hitchens BLOOD, CLASS AND EMPIRE: The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship A LONG SHORT WAR: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq WHY ORWELL MATTERS LEFT HOOKS, RIGHT CROSSES: A Decade of Political Writing (edited with Christopher Caldwell) LETTERS TO A YOUNG CONTRARIAN THE TRIAL OF HENRY KISSINGER BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Spurious Scholarship and the . They are fighting against the United States of America, a xenophobic nation that used the Last Son to perform a "Sweep And Redeem" of Vietnam that. . This is exaggerated once he turns into the Crescent King, as he's basically been turned into a large, And it isn't even his fault! They went out to shoot some houses, and end up being ambushed by the houses which leads to both of them meeting terrible fates. Appropriate, as they are seventeen men in one. He first appears in DEANDEMOCRACY. [SPOILERS TO MONUMENT MYTHOS] BSI and maize team up, Virginia doesn't get affected by the "tragedy" so she's still here, Maize decides to bring . During his inaugural address at the Capital Raceway, he would actually speak very little, allowing Civil Rights activists, including Martin Luther King, to speak on the stand, along with Native American families. Origin 37th President of the United States, elected in 1968 instead of Richard Nixon. Possibly subverted on the "enemy" part, in that it's never actually shown doing anything hostile; while there are a great number of casualties attributed to it, these result from the aftermath of it tripping and falling and were not the result of any intentional action on the part of the Crab. In, a younger version of him is read about in. After a failed attempt of escaping Wonderland, George Washington became the Horned Serpent, whose head was contained in the Statue of Liberty. We are no longer the Anti-Device Association. An entity similar to the Last Son in terms of powers and appearance, the D-Day Knight is the (despite his powers) Batman Parody of the Nixonverse, serving as an Horrifying Hero during the times of World War 2, notoriously saving countless lives in D-Day and bringing hope into the hearts of those in need with his supernatural powers and his ability to presumably Screw Destiny. Camera technology seems to be just as bad, with reference made to disposable video cameras with poor quality recording. For a stretched definition of kill, Virginia and her friends ended up accidentally doing this. 0 coins. However, in this universe Alcatraz is much, much different, and alive. james dean monument mythos. He's willing to let his "extensions" go mad and turn on humanity for one. I will not bring about an end like that of my own world. far harsher than death to enemies of the USA. A lifetime of being attacked, brainwashed and used as a weapon by genocidal empires makes him finally snap in. Occupation At the Walt Disney Health Center, Dean and several others were diagnosed with severe hearing loss. Fires would break out across cities and massive amounts of cars left on highways caused high carbon monoxide production, which would flow into bunkers and homes, suffocating those inside. Despite his superiority over America, James is quite good . that takes the D-Day Knight to fully stop. The first victim of the Knight's "Alcatraz Checkmate," which involves being consumed whole by Alcatraz matter. It first appears in LIBERTYLURKER. John D. Rockefeller, instead of becoming a billionaire, becomes President of the United States. . I think we as a society should convince children that James Dean was actually a president like in monument mythos. The Houses are revealed to be nothing but a manifestation of the psyche and body of whoever's seeing them, causing everyone who shoots at it to automatically be damaged back. Then, the Last Son into becoming their new king because "[he] might be the king in [their] prophecy.". Despite the Lunarian invasion being her doing, she doesn't personally engage in any of their atrocities unlike the brainwashed Crescent King. Whereas. The ADA is also heavily opposed to Maize, given their collaboration with the Dean-created Department Of Technology. In addition to the above, a pair of African-American fashion models, Pat Cleveland and Beverly Ann Johnson, are also listed as astronauts. A piece of Alcatraz matter that and escaped the Horned Serpent also assimilated some of its properties, becoming Richard Nixon and his extensions. but they're a bunch of invading aliens who erase the human language and turn New York City into a hellhole. If the Special Trees are an extension of the Horned Serpent (as Wonderland's classification as the "Horned Serpent Metastructure" suggests), then it is responsible for turning George Washington into itself. Type of Hero Heavily downplayed. The Queen of the Lunarians is a Lunarian. He's responsible for the creation of the Last Son, The D-Day Knight and Luna in order to "test" humanity. That last detail turns out to be VERY important later on. To the Deanverse's James Dean. Following Cthnonaut A's advice, the Angel divides themself until they "no longer can". heads have been cut off by the Statue of Freedom. However, he has a more malicious side, putting ADA members in fates worse than death. Thanks! The sole exception to that is. once they're shot down from the air and falls back to Earth, they're literally a Fallen Angel now serving the unscrupulous and morally ambiguous ADA after having decided to turn against their former masters, when they beg Freedom to kill them, saying "kill ME". Prior to the Libertylurker interview, he was the only one who knew of the Horned Serpent being trapped in the Statue of Liberty aside from the US Government. The 43rd President and First Lady of the United States respectively. both the Cornerfolk and the Special Trees share multiple similarities. A chunk of, And then it's revealed he was, essentially, Alcatraz matter trying its best to imitate a human and making several missteps along the way until grief and rage made it drop the act, Alice Avenue's memorial statue does not contain her soul, The "letter" he writes to the World Nightly in, Even when it's revealed that Nixon laid out a said path for him, he immediately disregards that by rejecting his fate as a Lunarian prince and upending the entirety of the Lunarians' prophecy through, He's evidently not very intelligent, with, His grief at the realization that Alice Avenue is truly dead, spreading across the entire United States and annihilating the Lunarian race, when he throws Alice Avenue off the Chrysler Building, The "letter" he sends to the World Nightly is riddled with spelling errors and is written in poor handwriting. the Lunarians after they attempt to recruit them into their kingdom as prince, destroying Lunarians bodies and cloud ships in just a few seconds. Which Monument Mythos Anomaly are you? - Quiz | Quotev It first appears in ALCATRAZATTACK. It first appears in MAIZEMOVIEMAKER. It first appears in SUEZCANALCRAB. Them taking down the power lines in the Southeast causes Dean to go down himself and fix them, bringing up public support for him even more. Mutually assured destruction was expected, and overdone in such a manner that the entire planet was detonated, and the Horned Serpent released into open space before, the mutilated flying heads of Canyon Crowns, lure Freedom into a trap, who is then air-lifted, interview stating the purpose of Lincolnlookers was scripted and read under duress, meaning we. Alternate History | Fandom Tells Nixon to tell him everything. 0 coins. He is what appears to be a human, however he generates a cult of personality simply by existing, which he used to become president of the United States. They are both transdimensional species who can travel through arcs, or corners in the Cornerfolk's case, and their homeworld can result in visitors being disfigured into. I promise I will not leave you. They first appear in MAIZEMOVIEMAKER. james dean monument mythos - podadorasdeloriente.com Your brain is suspended in fluid. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! It then veers into him revealing that he never actually read the speech nor did he build the Canal of his own free will. and Martin Luthor King lived past his historical assassination date in the monument mythos We never learn anything about "Her" in the Nixonverse's finale, or if she even exists at all. Justified in the spelling errors, as the English language was under a, After not appearing since her titular episode, she returns in, Both are superpowered royalty who encounter humanity by accident. And given the ADA's track record and stated plans for them, this still makes it very ambiguous as to whether they are actually a. President James Dean is a major protagonist in the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS and a posthumous protagonist in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS: THE NIXONVERSE. Mandela Catalog is ok but it's become the white bread to the Analog Horror community (personal take). lie about TFMDs to discredit the UZ government? The Washington Monument notoriously contains one, which due to the Tree's properties was used as a way to dispatch of war criminals, ADA members, and more. Sightings of swordsmen in the Grand Canyon continue to this day. Surgical androids would be built by Maize Machines to help increase surgical efficiency by 250%. He also killed Ed Dwight for reasons only known to him. Both also learn the cruelty of the humans first-hand, but react to it very differently. After they realize they're being used as nothing but mere weapons by the ADA, they turn them all to ashes. teleport people to other dimensions by bending themselves to make a gateway. "Another World Egg was too cold and that Baby froze. Both events end with the same superpowered entity regretting their decision to tamper with the universe's timeline and making an uneasy sacrifice to finally restore the timeline into what it was originally meant to be. . If the Everett that Virginia met during her first entry and Everett, Their title as an "Angel" not only refers to their flight around the country delivering "gifts," but. Flags for the Monument Mythos i made : r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS how whatever it ended up doing messed with the borders in the first place, turned into a Canyon Crown by the Statue of Freedom. The MUSKMARS background music be like : r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS in a similar vein as the Last Son, he rejects them immediately and kills the entire Lunarian race. the foundation of the Department of Technology. Unlike the Amazons who are compassionate beings despite their distrust of humanity, the Lunarians are shown to be, Their demise is not pretty. His "Alcatraz Checkmate" of the Lunarians completely wipes out their entire race, with only their king being left alive. President Evil: Zigzagged. He's quite obviously a Superman Substitute with the added power of Size Shifting, who is shown to aid in wars for both sides as he sees fit, claiming that he belongs to no nation. They would quickly, during the same day, establish the US Department of Technology (DoT) to assist in the project. This would backfire, and would instead highlight Dean's disposition and facial expressions contrasting previous presidents. You won." The sister of Nathaniel Arnoldson who went missing near the Grand Canyon, she was a member of the ADA prior to a peculiar set of run ins with government conspiracies. In our world, Ed Dwight was an African-American test pilot who joined the early astronaut program but was controversially blocked from joining NASA. His brainwashed self has constantly served as a xenophobic conquerer's, As "Jesus," he was the United States Military's weapon of mass destruction during the. The Last Son of Alcatraz is a mysterious entity resembling a human man with unearthly powers that inhabits the Nixonverse. THEY ARE ALL ASHES NOW. The official subreddit for the Monument Mythos. After arriving to the Deanverse a second time as an adult, she underwent an unsuccessful lobotomy and gave people a more complete version of the fact, this time with the segments of Wonderland almost intact. the skull of what may be a horned serpent. Dr Manhattan vs Son of Alcatraz | DEATH BATTLE! It takes a full show of power from him to actually put an end to their threat, and a horrifying power at that, After brainwashing the Last Son and turning him into their king and wrecking havoc on the earth for God knows how long, they finally get their comeuppance in, Their slow destruction of the English language is terrifying, but their main victim so far is the. The Suez Canal Crab is a gigantic crustacean-esque creature that was awoken by a thermonuclear bomb intended to free the Ever Given from the Suez Canal. When the broadcast plays after the evening news, it has a black screen with a ten second countdown, and when the broadcast plays, a series of powerful pictures from Vietnam and Dean himself are shown, with Dean simply uttering a single phrase, as seen above, with the text "Dean for President" showing over his face. This list does not claim to be the canon list, rather only a creation of fan content made by user Gelid Lagopus.Italic text . The soldiers disintegrated by an advanced military construct lose their form and drift as free consciousnesses until eventually reuniting and forming up as an ethereal brain and nervous system, just like what happened to Manhattan shortly after his death. And then the Knight, At the conclusion of the Korean War, they order the complete atomization of Alaska simply to catch him, then, Jesus Christ is none other than a brainwashed Last Son of Alcatraz, whose main power was, This foreshadows the Lunarians' destruction of the English language after taking over America through the Crescent King as shown in. #TheMonumentMythos hashtag on Twitter If you have any family members who were last seen at Ellis Island between the years 1949 and 1954, you may be entitled to compensation. By the time they comes to enact revenge on Rockefeller, they're seemingly able to fire heat rays at will, with authorities noting that whoever made Rockefeller vanish had access to the most powerful heat ray ever conceived to breach his security bunker. Whereas "Project Superman" in the Flashpoint Timeline failed, the Last Son's brainwashing into an impersonator of Jesus in The Nixonverse succeeded, leading him to. These sirens would cause deadly stampedes where people would be racing either to bomb shelters, or to turn the sirens off. as the Last Son denies joining their kingdom and becoming their new king. Jackie Gleason's "I'll Be Home For Christmas,". . While some people managed to get out, rescue efforts retreated because the structural integrity of the tower was compromised. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS Is James Dean just a walking, talking cognitohazard in the Monument Mythos or is he just a regular human who is just that good? from the time she puts the star on the Special Tree to the last video debuted in is a conga line of hurt, being abandoned by her parents and lamenting the life she lost, She's lobotomized and eventually dies, her last actions being interviewed over her later life and paintings involving her family, friends, her lover, and her baby/friend she met through the Special Trees dimension. Due to repeated assassination attempts on John F. Kennedy, the Democratic Party debates were postponed until two weeks before the election, where Dean would invite Nixon to a race car race. which is made out of a substance similar to baby powder, this prevents the Great Division from happening. She and her friends fell victim to this when the Special Tree Rockefeller planted sent them to an alternate universe. After a failed assassination attempt on Dean involving air sirens so loud, they'd distort the skin of victims whilst deafening them, many members are taken off for rehabilitation within national US monuments to cure them of their violent and rebellious ways, with almost flawless results reported from their families. Him dropping it might be foreshadowing to the Lunarians slowly but surely mangling the English language. It makes its first appearance in WASHINGTONWANDERER. This is later revealed to be a complete lie. In the Nixonverse, a counterpart of James Dean that was more akin to his real life self was living there. The D-Day Knight seems to challenge this system. In the Apollo 12 mission, one of them is shot by an astronaut and gets their eye gouged out and stolen by the U.S. government. The Monument Mythos takes place in an alternate history; one where James Dean became president, personal computers were banned in the late 20th century, and national monuments hold dark secrets. Considering how likely he knows about the multiple dimensions doppelgangers can come from, it's fair to say this was just the best reaction he could tell the press for something he already knows. Deutsch; English; Franais; Portugus This reputation may also be due to his superhuman charisma, creating a cult of personality out of thin air. James Dean: I know who's doing this! shot down, as they flew into unauthorized airspace. The Libertylurker is revealed to be none other than the Horned Serpent/George Washington, the mastermind behind the Statue of Progress, the Suez Canal and the Special Trees (implied to be its horns). Alternate title: Dean loses it: the animationI mean how would you react if all of your countries statues and stuff were turning into literal demons all the t. But at the. The D-Day Knight sadly returns and kills her before this could be possible, though. James Dean (THE MONUMENT MYTHOS) Wiki Article. James Dean is a character in the analog horror series Monument Mythos. Mysterious creatures which begin appearing across the southeast United States. He did not even say his first word. DEANDEMOCRACY | The Monument Mythos Wiki | Fandom He became the 37th president after he was inaugurated on January 20, 1969 and manage to serve the country until January 20th, 1977. President James Dean declares open the Washington Olympic Games of 1972 Their air siren scheme only made Americans love for Dean go through the roof when he, with help from Maize, introduced hearing implants for countless Americans who needed them following the incident, effectively, The Anti-Dean Association, despite being incredibly ruthless and willing to take innocent lives, are correct in their assessment that, The Anti-Device Association's opposition to Maize and the Department Of Technology is not unfounded, given that these are the same people who attempted to control. ", Grant told me that he used to be normal like us, breaks the rules of the game by drifting to another square outside its move. the inhabitants of this new universe. He would instead organize a country wide radio broadcast with TV subtitles about the event, where he would apologize for the disaster and set up a headhunt for ADA members. Upon regaining his sentience both times and realizing that he's responsible for their atrocities, he has a, That all changes when he ends up captured and brainwashed by the USA Government for his unpredictable behavior in war, turning him into a. the Lunarians, believing him to be their prophesized King, force him out of his retirement and disfigure him into the Crescent King. Dean would call many world leaders and high ranking military officials to confirm the non-existence of a nuclear attack. By far the most extreme detail doctors noted was that. 20 203. Nixon would congratulate Dean the morning after Election Day, and Dean would ignore the win, and would ask Nixon to race on the track. The lights that composed the Starry Sphinx seemingly did exactly that before taking out the cameras, and more importantly, the Special Trees, On one hand, there's the US government, which actively sacrifices its own citizens to the anomalies, the president can trap someone of their choice inside the Lincoln memorial for their, Played with by the end of the series, where, The "True Forces of Mass Destruction," alluded to in multiple videos but not yet fully explained, appear to be this.
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