pirate kake pipe tobacco

An enjoyable time except for the musk of the galley! This is a nice cake, black in appearance, smelled smokey and robust. Smoke this slowly. Works well. Dont be put off by the 75% Latakia, as this smokes smooth as silk. One of the best Latakia blends I've ever smoked.aka Latakia Bomb.. excellent. Love it! My smokes started off pleasant enough, especially after a full meal, but the large amount of latakia slowly pummeled me. i have found this one to be better if smoked only from time to time, and not as a good daily smoke, as more than one bowl in a day leaves the mouth unable to taste anything else for several hours. Pirate Cake is simply an infusion of Latakia. tastes like salty burnt brownies, generous latakia, very robust and flavorful, a tad too spicy though and noticeable tongue bite, breaks up very easy still I like it stays lit rite out of the tin little strong for me can coax a fair deal more complexity out of it than I recall from the old days. Midday and your palate could be shot for quite awhile, perhaps until tomorrow or the day after. I poured about a tablespoonful of the rum into the bag and sealed it back up. This one is just not for me. The flavor remains constant with little or no nuances about to happen during the smoke. This one didn't work for me. Could replace G.L. Pipe Tobacco Cornell & Diehl Berry Good No. I tried this blend which came recommended by my tobacconist, knowing that Old Ironsides is discontinued, and soon will be impossible to aquire. You have to appreciate what Latakia brings to the table to enjoy Pirate Kake. It is not at all one-dimensional, even if it obviously is a Latakia forward blend, given its 75% proportion. I think you could improve any blend with the addition of PK, most aromatics excepted. Easy to break off and prepare in your pipe. There's not much to say about this one, except Latakia. Put down the 1-Q, step out of the candy aisle of the tobacco world, and enjoy a truly flavorful tobacco. Moisture level is perfect right out of the brick, rub-out is easy, and it burns properly. Tin note if a face full of campfire and creosote, and love it! (I dont pickup room note myself when I smoke but my wife said it smelled like hind end FWIW). It's as if Pirate Kake is the tobacco I didn't know that I wanted. Black mostly in color with some remnants of what brown tobacco was there. Strong pungency/vinegar(?) Call us at: 843.491.4150. For as heavy and robust a smoke it is regarding flavor, it is also an incredibly mild smoke. On the other side of the coin; how can you suggest balance as a blender with a 70% +lat bomb? Smoke it slowly in a 9 mm charcoal Briar Pipe and you will be richly rewarded. Well this is not one of them. It is somewhat similar to Ten Russians, but there definitely is a difference between the two blends and Pirate Kake is much, much better. HO-LEEE SMOKES, BATMAN!!! A treasure you need to have in your cellar! And that was only through the nose. I just love it! It smokes very cool with no bite whatsoever. Customers Who Smoked Pirate Kake 2oz Also Smoked: I have quite a massive cellar of blends ranging from every form and cut, aromatics,English, non-aros, you name it, and this delicious cake has finally hit the WOW factor in every aspect, even days later when I get a whiff of the lingering aroma!!! I love the slightly creamy and sweet flavor of this one. Poi conoscendo come lavora Craig Tarler non si pu trattare di errore. 3-4 lights to get going. When I finally relented after seeing so many other pipe-men enjoying Pirate Kake I was pleasantly surprised by its taste. Therephore,it will compose mixtures simillar to "your own English type" Also,is a tobacco of the type that i like: is not strong in nicotine, bu strong il flavour, scent and taste. You can almost hear your girl complaining about this one already. This is not an all day smoke. Its straightforward, in-your-face, smoky and leathery, latakia and turkish. At first light the Latakia wafts by the nose and oh boy,try this if you need a Latakia drip tube. I love the campfire smokiness of English blends but Pirate Kake is nearly too heavy with it and too narrowly focused. On reflection I doubt the Lat is Syrian either, I was probably confused by the other Orientals. This is a very smooth and great smoking tobacco. As stated above, I'm an aromatic guy, I'm not a big fan of anything else. I fall in between. Frankly, I am not sure, but I do know that somewhere this one crosses the line. I love this tin note being so leathery woody and sour. This is taking condimental overload to the extreme. Today I must up the ante yet again as I have reloaded my supply and am adding it to long term inventory plans. Im a latakia lover. When you light up some Pirate Kake, nobody is going to be happy except you. But nothing less. It tastes like it smells pretty much. It is just relatively strong when compared to most lat blends. I'll keep some on hand from now on. Another winner from C&D. It's not unusual to get a two hour smoke out of this combination. Later folks.keep on puffing. Definitely not an all-day thing, as it would become boring. 40 or 50% may be the highest worthy of time. This lat balm is in a very nice kake, has amazing flavor and depth, and has smart branding to boot. No I did not say it was identical or state that it was the equal. But, frankly, I just don't enjoy it. Not just the tongue tingle that spicy orientals give but a solid oriental leaf flavor under the latakia. However, when the mood strikes, Pirate Kake may just hit the spot. When Im in the mood for a massive Lat hit, I reach for this one! Like most lat-bombs the nicotine isn't noticeable at all, but the flavor is huge. I just find it has that lovely latakia s pice without burning me out. I smoked a tin then I bought a pound. At one point in my life I would have run from a blend as robust as this. It comes in a plug which I tore apart and put in an air tight jar, like the large ones sold on this site. Let them try Kake and they'll abandon blends they thought were pinnacle. Even so, I don't find the nicotine strength to be particularly remarkable. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco. This is the classic lat-bomb English blend. 60 (PK)/40 (Savinilli English) makes a great all day smoke but PK can certainly stand alone. C&D got it right with this one. I can't get over how smooth it is. Being a Pirate Kake fan I'm starting to love some of the Captain Earle's offerings more and more. The crumble is easy to break, easy to pack, easy to keep it lit, smokes really cool, full taste from the very beggining till the end. The smokiness was evident through the unopened box. A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) So much good stuff, you'll want to exercise restraint and reserve its enjoyment for once-on-a-blue-moon situations. The latakia is smooth, even at 75%. Cup O' Joes I like to rub this one out to be a fine ribbon cut consistency. You must be 21 years or older to make any selections on this site - by doing so, you are confirming that you are of legal age to purchase tobacco products or smoking accessories. This is probablly one of the smoothest blends despite it's overall strength there is. When smoked immediately after opening the package, the aroma becomes watery, so it is best to let it dry. Tastewise, this is amazing. Flavorfull and satisfying. Ive finally settled on this is one great blend! Unlike Billy Budd, where cigar leaves are blended, Pirate Kake is always a delicious blend, both before and after meals. I was told that this blend is 70% latakia, and I believe it. Easy peasy Mister Pirate. I get wood smoke, earth, leather, & savory meaty bbq notes from the latakia, which is quite robust, but also well supported by a good bit of floral sweetness & nice incensey notes. It got more pleasant towards the end of the bowl but the overall 'smokey' taste just seemed to dominate this blend. Oh and it happens to just be the perfect pairing with a dark cup of muddy coffee. Cornell & Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Pipe Tobacco Product Number: 003-016-0059 A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) One dimensional taste. Again, I cannot imagine an english lover not liking this C&D english. This is a sit down and do nothing else but smoke tobacco. I found several blend that match my taste bud, but i keep going back to PK when i craving latakia. So keep yer bilge suckin grimy hooks outta mee tobacco, or itll be the locker fer ya all!! Get your Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop Cake Pipe Tobacco from the #1 in customer service and fast affordable shipping (and a small business) TobaccoPipes.com! I think Craig Tarler must have been some kind of wizard to pull this off. My wife thought I was burning tires. :) Strength is mild to medium because you cant take a lot of vitamin N from the latakia or the oriental, maybe from the burley but I dont think its a lot of burley in this. Blends like Proper English, Mountain Camp, etc. I'll be honest. And the smoke has a creamy quality that coats your mouth and nose and everything in a 3 yard radius. It came at a time of several samples and got stashed away and, well, forgotten about. Im sipping on a bowl right now and I can honestly say this is the best pipe tobacco Ive ever had. Similar Blends: Westminster, Star of The East Flake. Hours of Operation: Our website is always open and you can place an order at any time. Similar Blends: Motzek - Kieler Foerde (TAK). I love the smokiness and find it wonderful from top to bowl bottom. In this sense, it is a deep digging mixture, not heavy, quite campfire smoky, not leathery, without horse-stable notes. Similar Blends: Dan Tobacco - Holly's Discovery. This is my favorite tobacco. I like to smoke upon occasion - not something I break out often but when I do I really enjoy it. There, in the breeze, this tobacco really displayed probably what it was meant to be - a wonderfully tasty Latakia based press. Similar Blends: Hermit Tobacco Works Co. - Captain Earle's - Ten Russians. Wow, holding in the hands a brick of this extremely dark brown-black blend (no light-colored bits in it!) I smoked it fast, and it got very very hot. As a person who likes just about all styles and blends, I purchased a 'brick' of this stuff simply to see what the extreme end of the Latakia spectrum was like. A must try for the latakia-haulics! I smoked a one ounce block of Pirate Kake in shot order now, in a variety of pipes. The rave reviews by you my brethren afficianados. I confess, any bite, which I have gotten, may come from a propensity, on my part, to "puff" this tobacco due to how much I enjoy it. Skip to content Wishlist My Account Checkout Shopping Cart $0.00 0 items in the shopping cart No products in the cart. A must for all Latakiaphiles! C&D managed to hit a very nice flavor note! It is also very consistent throughout the entire bowl. Being a lover of Penzance, this is just as satisfying and the best Pirate Cake has 22% THC. With the majority of this being Latakia, you should know what to expect. It reminds of the intensity of Old Ironsides, but in my opinion it is slightly less pleasant. Simply THE Best!!! Disclosure: I was given a free sample of this from smokingpipes.com and I prefer aromatics. I love the kake format, and will buy more. Very ascertive, and smoky. Yes, it is. Presentation: A hearty, dark dense block. I had just finished some Orient Express and I noticed in the description that it was 50% Pirate Kake and 50% Odessa. It is pretty strong, both in nicotine and aroma. I got a free sample of this from smoking pipes with a recent order. Get this. Smoke it really slow and steady to truely enjoy the experience. I can hardly wait to see how this tastes a couple of years down the road. What I find Surprising straight away is that having imagined this a heavy smoke, it is quite the opposite. Surprised that some found Latakia to be overwhelming as I found it just a little over medium in strength. My kids' comment on tin note - "Ewww! Life is a novel by PKD. SO GOOD! Tin of 50 Grams. Perhaps the antidote to sweet and cloying tobaccos. Actually Latakia on its own is quite cool and smooth; however, monochromatic. Having said that, this tobacco is in no way an every-day smoke as it just doesn't have enough character to contemplate on. By mid bowl I thought I was smoking granulated road tar ? And I would have to agree. The flavors actually varied through out the bowl ranging from smokey to earthy and very lightly sweet. Some time later I thought to break it up and mix some in with some other tobacco as I packed my pipe. Tastes smoky with mineral overtones. Though not similar in taste, its like nightcap, in the sense of a heavy desert like tobacco, or your last smoke of the day. Tomorrow I am going to a local pipe store where the pipe club meets (usually two of us) on Sundays from 3-6 and let my compatriot try some. The actual cube of Latakia, I mean. Latakia is out front with maybe a hint of vanilla hidden way , way, way in the background. I give it 3 stars. THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO EVER. Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.. bomb. Meerschaum Man,smoking a 20 yr old CAO Bacchus. Spicey,hints of sweetness,SMOKEY,complex.Darn good!!! Even though I only like Latakia in very small doses, I dared to pack a small clay bowl full of Pirate Kake. Pirate kake in the little devil cob this morning. I think a 5% more of it and it would be a really great blend! It has a pleasant aftertaste. Smooth, spicy, with some of the thickest, whitest smoke I have seen. sold out everywhere If you want to try this stuff, you should probably put some away for a few years so you can compare the aged stuff to the fresh. Its a straight, delicious, full tobacco. Rapidly becoming my only daily smoke. Relights are much less frequently on the bottom half of the bowl, in fact, it is burning quite well. I find the Ten Russians to be a slightly better balance than Stimulus Package. The smoke is abundant with each puff, and I guess some would probably find offensive. d. there were twelve principle manifestations of Allah. This will be one of my regular smokes. Smell also stays on your hands for quite some time after rubbing this out. When I lit it up, my sample smoked like a purring kitten. I got this as a sample and was not sure I liked it at first but I found that after smoking it several times it began to grow on me. This is now the bar for me as far as taste and just a purely enjoyable smoke goes. The tin aroma is that of hay in a barn. Age When Smoked . A must for any latakia fan, especially at the great price it is sold in bulk (and the cake form allows you to cellar it without perceivable deterioration). After smoking this I have since went back to an easier smoking blend an d I felt cheapened by the lighter smoke. Certo per fumatori che come me adorano il Latakia lappagamento pieno, la qualit della materia prima indubbia, ma manca sulla variazione tipica di altre EM della ditta (ad esempio Star of the East), piatto e mono-tono, non assume carattere e larmonia. in this blend that it tended to be rather 1 dimensional. If you prefer a five coarse meal over a simple dish, then the many flavors provided by PK will titillate your taste buds. I don't know how long it will take me to smoke all this, but since I like to do a Latakia mainline once in a while just for a change, I will not mind having this in my cellar. Now, I had some trouble with it early on. Its smoky and leathery and smoky, and has some smoky taste. Sweet latakia smoke. The plug cut provides a very slow, peaceful, perfect, cool smoke. . I must confess I bought this tobacco because I liked the name and the graphic. Break off a piece of this "dark chocolate" brownie, break it up, and stuff away. Good sturdy blend for those afternoons/evenings when you want to slow down and count your dubloons, leathery campfire notes with a hint of spice from those orientals just enough burley to balence the blend out nicely. I like latakia as a condiment, even sometimes as a chief component take HH Latakia Flake for example but this stuff is just disgusting. Indeed smoking of this tobacco is a spiritual experience!

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