. There were re-portly 7 different cylinder head redesigns in 1973 and 1974 until all the problem were solved in the 1975 and up V-8 heads in particular, these are generally the 502 heads, a little bigger port, a little bigger valves, and supposedly induction hardened valve seats. Dhanley, I believe those engine solvents in the can are nothing but a quart of diesel fuel. Ortho Dichlorobenzene, a softening and removing agent for carbon-based contamination on metal surfaces, 0.1-1.0%[2] All your true octane booster that do any thing are toxic , highly toxic , which why they took them out of gasoline and will not sell you any . An average passenger car tank is 15 gallons so you would add 6 ounces at every fill-up. Also the single quad L88 at 430 hp and the pundits top tripower at 435. scavenge the lead from the fuel to keep lead from ever forming on vital He explained why in a post on the Cub Builders mailing list, which I have adapted here with his permission. Unlikely that you'll see any notable damage to your pickup's engine using straight unleaded gas. Where did you get your information. The customer rating for Marvel Mystery Oil (MMO) is 4.7 out of 5 stars. Tricresyl phosphate, an antiwear and extreme pressure additive in lubricants 0.1-1.0%[2], According to the company's 2015 safety data sheet Marvel Mystery Oil is composed of:[2], Petroleum Distillates (Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic) also known as mineral oil, 60-100%[2] Added to oil it prevents valve sticking and clatter, fortifies . Marvel Mystery Oil - Wikipedia You guys are right of course about the lead debate dating much farther back. Contact Us - DO NOT EMAIL CAR QUESTIONS. for every 10 gallons of gasoline. It works with both diesel and gasoline engines. So, when it is about Marvel Mystery oil vs. Seafoam, the Marvel Mystery for around $4, Seafoam charges you double of it for the same quantity. I'd converted to LPG and one of the valves simply ate away at the seat at an horrendous rate. It's illegal to use on a public road for the second time! Cleaning firearms with Marvel Mystery Oil? | Facebook venerable taildraggers. Robert Parker uses Marvel Mystery Oil to reduce the buildup of lead from 100LL. I contacted the maker and he asked what fuel I was using. MMO is a good product and will help keep your carb clean though. Marvel oil is used in the gasoline of inboard and I/O engines as an upper cylinder lubricant, and to lubricate fuel system components,( especially the fuel injectors). This cleans the carbon and sludge collected in I forget the MIL spec number. We had charts that told us how many gallons of MMO to put in per Learn more. YMMV.foot note; I ran other cleaners on occasion but still developed a dirty injector. So I guess the question comes down like this: And guess what? What about the ones that haven't? The original oil enhancer AND fuel treatment cleans the engine from the inside out, increases fuel economy, and protects against temperature extremes. gallon of fuel (4 to 6 oz. A mechanic saw me doing that, picked up his jaw, and told me to use MMO in the oil. Also if it did help protect the valves, how would you know? I have a 1966 Chevy 327 in a low-mile, original pickup. Back then the thing from GMto watch for was "not available with C60 " that meant it was something special (not always in a good way but.) andoften with a grand or more option price (remember pricing a '69 Camaro when overseas. It's probably similar to an ashless oil (think 2-cycle oil). Just like the topic of using non-detergent oil. The lead subs. Then there is ALCOR TCP. So when the pump in the tank of the wife's Voyager started to hum its death tune, I poured a pint of Marvel in the tank for dungz and giggles, figured I'd be dropping the tank soon enough anyway. instructors at least filled up with straight 100LL. The oil will soften the carbon buildup in the heads and on the stem side of the valves. Many people say old cars driven lightly, just for pleasure, probably don't need it. I Timothy 3:16. Circling back tothe original question "low-mile, original SBC engine from 1966". According to their claims, it leaves no carbon deposits (they claim it reduces/removes them). Don't worry about it! Hi Jim, You can use regular 2 cycle engine oil or even any light weight motor oil. Tetra-Ethel Lead is not an octane booster either. AMC switched to induction hardened valve seats a little later then the other manufacturers. A nice fellow It is great for old,abused and sludged up engines. Aluminized valve faces on the 283 engine with applications in the 50 series trucks slow the formation of deposits, keep valves cleaner and longer-lived. The 327 engine has valves faced with cobalt-based alloy for long valve life. TCP to treat 10 gallons of gas. Perhaps there is no consensus on this topic. Moreover, this additive has the ability to dissolve and remove fuel residues from fuel injectors and carburetors. This can help him share his expertise and experience with others and learn more from them. This is in the 72 Wag (360). What Can You Use Instead of Sewing Machine Oil - Substitute I Are cars nowadays wanting for top cyl lubrication with unleaded gas? that mechanic also told me that if I poured diesel fuel in the crankcase while the engine slowly idled, it would clean out the varnish and free up the oil passages. I don't think there the carburetor as a droplet, broken up MMO isno mystery. not do their job. Wether you use it right before a change, to replace a quart of oil, or just use it in the fuel tank is a matter of preference and I'm sure wont' hurt a thing used any of these ways. a prop? The local airport guy said that the AVGAS has so little (ie NO oil base) and Low Lead (thus 'LL' that many people all Marvel Mystery additive (lead substitute found at every auto parts store) to lubricate the system. Your donations help keep this valuable resource free and growing. bromide has to be at a certain temperature to work correctly. Old standbys like Bardahl. July 9, 2019 in General Discussion. The automotive gasoline option. So, "How do it woik?" Water does a better job of heat transfer, and it doesn't smoke. Marvel Mystery Oil - Cast Bullet Forum If you have a question and call, Petersen has Some will make it to the screen, but I have been driving a 10.25 compression ratio 401 Buick for the last 15 years on regular pump gas. Therefore the heads are original and do not have hardened valve seats. Also, some others stated that the price of this additive is quite high. Marvel Mystery Oil as a Lead Substitute? - The AMC Forum It's all BS but it worked, and the unleaded was phased in over a period of years. You can add Marvel Mystery oil in either the gas tank or the crankcase. powder. Hardened exhaust valve seats on the 327 engine reduce wear and distortion-- insure better valve seating. This was a hot topic in the late 80s and early 90s. and that was far too often for my taste. That will be $4500 please.So I put a good dose of MMO in and on the second tank the knock vanished. The size of the valves was only increased from 1.625 to 1.628 to give a little more margin and help them run cooler in the leaner mixtures. Is lead-substitute necessary?? - The Stovebolt Forums -- Daniel Ford, by Robert Parker (Piper Cub Builders List). Honda ATF DW-1 Equivalent [Safe Alternatives To Use]. At the temperatures found in the combustion chamber of a cylinder, MM oil will be vaporized. After a few such experiences, the airport put The only drawback I know of to using synthetic in older engines, is that it can make oil leaks worse. effectiveness was discovered in 1921 by the General Motors research laboratory, which had spent several years attempting to find an additive that was both highly effective and inexpensive. AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS ARE A WHOLE DIFFERENT FAMILY FAMILY OF OILS WITH GOOD SOLVENT AND LUBRICANT PROPERTIES (THEY ARE CALLED AROMATIC BECAUSE THAY SMELL SO GOOD, BENZENE/TOLUENE DRYCLEANING FLUIDS ARE ALSO AROMATICS AND CAUSE CANCER BUT THEY SMELL GOOD TOO..). I believe 2 cycle oil may be more prone to fouling because it is meant to be burned. Sounds like MMO might be a cheap, simple compromise if I decide to go that route. in crank case a week or two before oil change. It's primary purpose is to cool the cutters. Marvel Mystery Oil can be used as a fuel and oil additive. It does not mean that you need to cut the link with Seafoam . My experience with MMO.2007 Duramax diesel developed a knock that sounded almost as loud as a wrist pin going bad. Looks like the 185 hp version was used in larger straight trucks. Marvel Mystery Lubricating Oil is safe for catalytic converters and oxygen sensors. Hard seats are added to earlier heads by machining out the old seats and installing an insert. You may also use Marvel Mystery oil as an oil addition in the crankcase. Posted September 2019. This The thing is, most old engines have been rebuilt with hardened valve seats. Pierce was best known for his invention of the "Marvel Carburetor", which became the standard automobile carburetor of its time. This improves your gas mileage by increasing the . Petersen's STC allows for mixing of av-gas and mo-gas. Why does this happen? in olden times (say, before unleaded fuel. Marvel Mystery oil, on the other hand, has been meticulously developed as the ideal oil for rubber parts. I think he was right thoughthe internal explosion of the diesel fuel as it gets compressed between the main bearings would probably clean it up pretty good, it would disassemble it for me, then if I didn't die, I could rebuild it in the parking lot over the next few days (if I didn't get arrested) and it would no longer use any oil. cold weather (and New Hampshire can get really cold), they often stalled. The first pick in our list is the MM13R. Started it up and of course it smoked for a little while, but I couldn't believe how much better the thing ran. "High alloy steel inlet valves. The engine is very quiet and responsive. After posting Mr. Parker's article, I had a personal experience with Some people swear by it, some people swear at it, Be careful and informed out there!! All content of this site Copyright 2018 TheAMCForum unless otherwise noted, all rights reserved. 100LL fuel still contains 4 times the lead Drive it as it is, put regular gas in it and stop worrying. labonneoccase.com Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa There is not really any difference in the seat area. Well, there you have it, that engine already has induction hardened valve seats, so no worries, DRIVE ON! It was at this time the government (EPA) started talks about banning it, that actually happened in 1996 although living in Los Angeles county leaded fuel was essentially gone by 1980. Are available for most engines now and should be considered whenever a head come off. Are you currently in the car market and getting discouraged by high prices? Marvel Mystery Oil vs Seafoam Which is the Best? That Marvelous Marvel Mystery Oil and other low-lead matters I also put a qt. TEL vaporized and the excess pushed out the exhaust, and this there's some xylene in there, too. The pump hushed and is still in there2 monthslater. on Marvel and its alternative, TCP. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > lucky6600, Dec 1, 2010 #1. lucky6600 Long timer. Moving on ten or fifteen years, we were using 'lead replacement petrol', which had varying degrees of usefulness I'm told. Won't hurt but you don't need it. Benzene is an interesting little hydrocarbon. Product description. Gunk lead substitute, yes or no? As it turns out, the valve seat recession occurred in engines that were run hard (such as towing and drag racing), and in ordinary street engines not so much. Engine. We took our time to make a list of the most promising marvel mystery additives, and here's what we have got. Lead additive in low-mile, original SBC engine from 1966 To mix with fuel, you put six ounces of additive for every 15 gallons of fuel. Let's end this nonsense before the cloudy waters become opaque, eh? MARVEL MYSTERY OIL IN A LYCOMING???? | Southern Airboat Forum Chevvy was most notorious for this rating the "racers only" Z-28 302 at 290hp and the "public" SS-350 at 295 hp. I am no idiot, I have had the experience and it was a properly measured and documented approach I took.
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