So thats where I currently am. He seems to also be crushed by any kind of stax, since his ramp would be slowed down. If I am getting cocky, I may use his +2, but that rarely happens. The Problem with Wanderer is why you would prefer him over the First Sliver? The only way were going to win is by digging for combo pieces and creative use of tutors. Nissa, Vastwood Seer - Putting her down and fetching a forest is nice. Sliver has different pattern of play, I want to try a goodstuff cEDH conception of deck and optimise it as much as possible. Youre not particularly ramping into anything - youre not trying to hit Wanderer mana as soon as possible - but the value it can give you if you start chaining dudes together is undeniable. That's his primary function. If any of those additional cascades are additional creatures, you can continue on, exiling them for additional mana. You now have 17 mana in pool.Cast Wanderer for URGGGGGGGG. Solid tier 2. Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder: Yidris is also a Maelstrom general, and hes even a combo general, but his focus is much more on storm than anything else. While the mana base is not optimized just yet, the rest of the deck is for the most part. Yeah, I know that he would be bad in some pods with heavy stax or very fast combo decks as Zur, or turbo nause, but in long games, when your opponents trying to stop each other, it has a potential. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC Dream Halls - Used to abuse Maelstrom Wanderer by ditching a card to cast him, and to combo off if I run out of lands. This deck leverages combo interactions between a multitude of cards and any card on the battlefield has the potential to explode into a combo win. Date added: 3 days: Last updated: 10 hours: Legality: This deck is Commander / EDH legal. Copied to clipboard. Needs to be tested. Copied to clipboard. Let me know your experiences playing either with or against them. Will eventually be replaced with Mystical Tutor. Keeping people on their toes and making them doubt what they knew about Wanderer made my games almost exceedingly simple. Sliver and Maelstrom, assuming built for cEDH, will play exactly the same. Eternal Witness - In case I need to pull a card back from the grave, this is a nifty little card to use. Is the new Saheeli EDH deck a good starting point for a Jhoira Terms of Use | Goal of the deck is to cast general as fast as possible, and win at the spot with a few good cascades or trying to resolve food chain combo, or dockside + sabertooth combo for infinite mana and overcasting all spells in the library with your commander. Playing lands from the top of my library is better, because it means I'm not drawing them. But is it really better than having access to white and Black? In RUG colors you don't have much tutor options for Food Chain. This annoying message will go away once you do. Manipulate Fate can tutor for Misthollow Griffin/Eternal Scourge, but nothing else. Thanks! So being creative with your card choices is paramount, as is getting as much bang for your buck for each card you use. Infinite mana of all colors; notably, not just limited to creatures like Food Chains mana is. This site is unaffiliated. Either way, I'm happy. Complete Comment Tutorial! Worldly Tutor and Eldritch Evolution are worth their weight in gold, but unfortunately, almost every card we can use to look for a combo piece, only looks for one other combo piece, or is restricted. 11 - 0 Commons. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. After playing around with Surrak, I eventually got my hands on a Maelstrom Wanderer and switch out my commander because who doesn't love casting spells for free? 1x Maelstrom Wanderer; 1x Orzhov Advokist; 1x Portal Mage; Instant (2) 1x Illusionist's Gambit; 1x Volt Charge; Land (11) . I began playing EDH around 2012 or so, and it very quickly overtook every other format for me in terms of fun and complexity. The best Commander competition @Hareruya (Japan) 51. Additionally, our land/artifact ramp comes into play untapped and ready to go, giving us greater ramping abilities, whereas mana dorks require a turn before theyre online. Sure, there are times when you can hypothetically hit two ramp spells.But even if that's the case it still serves you to cast this powerful commander on the following turn if it dies. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. r/EDH My modular . Unfortunately and only due to the fact that it has access to blacks true tutors. The problems start to appear once you try to go off consistently with Food Chain. Youre not focused on casting Wanderer as fast as possible, youre worried about screwing up Zurs mana base. I've been on this subreddit for a while now, and I've noticed that no one (so far as I've seen) has made a primer for the Maelstrom Wanderer, so I decided to work on it. [EDH] Maelstrom Keruga (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Maelstrom Wanderer gives itself haste. net Accueil Decks Constructeur de Deck Collection Forum. For instance Lord of Tesserhorn is listed tier 5, but you could easily copy and paste a grixis storm list and be able to compete at tier 1/2. Spoiler Timeline. The win conditions are the same as most other highly competitive decks: Necrotic Ooze Combo, Hermit Druid, and/or Laboratory Maniac. This is why, for instance, Enigma Sphinx saw a fair amount of usage at first, followed in time by Etherium-Horn Sorcerer and Maelstrom Wanderer, the latter of which quickly vaulted in demand. Sort by: Overview, Color, Cost, Rarity. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Go combo or go home. Is it a good balance between strong and fair? As long as you understand this Maelstrom is fun to play. DMCA requests | We lack any real tutors because we dont have black; we also lack strong removal because were not black or white. Let the copied epiphany resolve, having a token of Dualcaster etb. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Youre not trying to make yourself impenetrable, youre just trying to gum up the works while ramping yourself. All original content on this page is 2012-2023 MTGGoldfish, Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without consent. In a true cEDH meta he's not great. Top16. Garruk Wildspeaker - Helps untap lands to cast more spells, provides blockers, and, if needed, can make Maelstrom Wanderer stronger with trample to hit even harder. Worst case, my opponents pay the tax and I don't get to draw. Deceiver Exarch - A redundancy for the Splinter Twin combo, he can also help generate a lot of mana if we have Gaea's Cradle on the field. Selective Memory will also just grab excess lands or ramp spells at a certain point, making sure that all I can draw from that point on is gas or combo. Help | Worldly Tutor will find any of our creatures, but we cant find Food Chain. Casting cards like Foresight, making my opponents not just read the card, but actively confusing them as to my game plan. Combo Wanderer has become one of my best decks, and because people are always expecting a certain sort of playstyle from certain generals, I can win games that often times I had no business winning, even among the competitive generals. you have RRUUGGGGGGGGG (13 mana) in pool. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This looks like a cEDH deck. Ramp hard. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Privacy statement | Additionally, we can cascade in whatever order we want, as the cards we dont want to cast simply go on the bottom of the library, to be cascaded into again. Maelstrom Wanderer Commander Deck Guide - Draftsim Unfortunently, Maelstrom Wanderer sits in a place just outside of cedh. Consecrated Sphinx: The Sphinx is a good card to ramp into and drop early, if you have it. Discord Server | Jodah, Archmage Eternal EdH deck. Also, he's listed as Tier 2 on the EDH Tier List, but there's no list explaining his competitiveness. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. - by cascading into Regrowth and similar cards to put them back in hand or into the library. Thanks in advance. I kept the deck's CMC < 8 to ensure every cascade hits. Garruk Wildspeaker - Helps untap lands to cast more spells, provides blockers, and, if needed, can make Maelstrom Wanderer stronger with trample to hit even harder. Comment: Important! Temur Sabertooth - He bounces Maelstrom Wanderer back to my hand to help me cascade some more, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre - besides being the only spell I cannot cascade into, he is mainly there as utility against decking myself or people who are trying to mill me (we have a player like that in my current meta) Eventually will be replaced with Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. Under the effects of a rule of law effect (which is common) youll find people scrambling to find their answer. Help | This has to be one of the best cards for the deck in the last year or two. I play in a semi competitive meta. Double Cascade.Sac Wander the last time for GGGGGGGGG. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Feeds | Were not trying to abuse Wanderers ability to drop a Consecrated Sphinx and a Time Warp on the same turn. Will eventually be replaced with Worldly Tutor, Skyshroud Claim - More ramp, plus it grabs Dual Type Lands. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Maelstrom Wanderer - Gatherer - Magic: The Gathering Wanderer does not have this weakness, and not only has multiple combos available to it, but the deck isnt reliant on 1 or 2 strategies to win the game. I Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. He seems much slower than other combo decks. The only problem is if you hit it while you have a Zealous Conscripts on the field, as it will kill them too, but if you do hit it, just tuck and continue on. Hopefully putting this primer out there will get some discussion going, and we can find the ultimate list for this build. Mid Game: Tutors and removal. I will point out what I would recommend as a replacement where applicable, so without further ado, here is the Maelstrom Wanderer. One of the strengths of Combo Wanderer is its ability to sit quietly, unassuming, stopping any majorly annoying plans from seeing fruition until you can pull the trigger on one of your own combos. Maelstrom Wanderer cEDH (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) This collection is out of date, you may click here to see the latest version Maelstrom Wanderer cEDH Commander / EDH RUG (Temur) KrizpMango 0 Group Ordering Land (35) Ancient Tomb Arid Mesa 1x Bloodstained Mire 1x Breeding Pool 1x Cavern of Souls 1x City of Brass 1x Command Beacon 1x Command Tower I put in all the usual cards youll see in every other Wanderer deck; Avenger of Zendikar; Rite of Replication; Jokulhaups, Apocalypse,all the other mass destruction spellsand of course dragons, because why not? youre pretty much willing to sacrifice anything to get to one of your combo pieces. The only downside is not having Jeleva which is typically your backup plan. Out came all the time magic. Press J to jump to the feed. Black gives access to the best tutors and removal in the entire game, and Sidisi herself serves as the combo in the command zone that allows the rest of the deck to do its thing. The ones that I run are Kiki/Exarch and Food Chain. Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf, Lotus Cobra, and Sakura-Tribe Elder all work towards that end as well, and gum up the battlefield with blockers in the mean time. Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. He's fun in the right meta, but a total glass canon. Open now : 11:00 AM - 12:00 AM. However, this is a flex slot. This site is unaffiliated. Playing the best draw spells in our colors just opens our options, same as any other deck. Review. Im playing this deck for 5-6 years, it has gone through a lot of changes over time, I won 4 out of 5 semi-competitive tournaments in my area and looking here for maybe some ideas for improvement. Re-cast Griffin or Wanderer to deal infinite damage to your opponents. Karn Liberated - Used to take out problem permanents and disrupt hands. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. With early versions of the deck that just had Misthollow, it was easy to just grab the Griffin, Foresight and Selective Memory, not only grabbing your combo piece but also making sure that extra copies of the same effect were now off the table - Selective Memory is pretty useless if Misthollow Griffin is already exiled. Future tweaks to the decklist will be things like tightening up the mana base (seeing how low on lands I can actually go before impacting draws); improving the artifact mana base with things like Mana Crypt, and upping the amount of reactive spells like countermagic. Its for this reason I like cards like Hull Breach and Decimate, because it gives us the reach to hit multiple opponents simultaneously, shoring up some of the weakness of what is probably the second-worst color pairing (the first being red/white/black). Discord Server | Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network, TCGplayer.com, CardKingdom.com, CardConduit.com, Cardhoarder.com, MTGOTraders.com. Cryptic Command - If we cascade into this, we can tap down our opponents' creatures and bounce a permanent, or if we want to (and can afford if), we counter Maelstrom Wanderer and cascade some more. Going through cards like [[Kioras Follower]]->[[Pestermite]]->[[Fatestitcher]]->[[Zealous conscripts]]->Unearth Fatestitcher -> kiki Jiki But, Vannifar can make simpler plays like tutoring dockside by killing a bird. And while those combos are obviously very strong, their weakness cant be overstated enough. You may enjoy playing Combo Wanderer if you: Like having a win condition safe and sound in the command zoneEnjoy interacting/reacting with your opponentsLike when a game ends the same way 90% of the time. This is where this deck is vastly different than most Wanderer builds. [Maelstrom Wanderer]] deck that has a much higher win rate (in the 90%+ range).but because the deck only looks scary when it comes online, it garners less attention than Jhoira which always looks scary. 5,044 reviews #108 of 1,699 Restaurants in Cologne $$ - $$$ German Bar European. Birds of Paradise - A 1 drop mana dork is nice, and while it is a one of, it never fails to help me win. You have helped me tune my deck and I wanted to share it with you in depth. Exiling Palinchron for 1U and returning it to play allows to you tap your lands for mana, Palichron then untaps them, allowing you blink it again.etc. Drop everything and anything you can to increase your mana count, because your decks singular purpose in life is to drop Wanderer and pray. Commander / EDH This was one of the first non-combo cards suggested to me, and since I've added it, it has been really helpful. More Casual Feedback More Competitive . Eldritch Evolution: Again, using your creatures to their utmost. Fact or Fiction - I like drawing cards, and I feel I've made that pretty clear here. Sylvan Library - Looking at more cards and potentially getting more answers or threats is a big deal for this deck. Comments. The creatures are what make this deck. It was frustrating to be like every other Wanderer deck out there; it was frustrating to know that my opponents could destroy something like a Grim Monolith, and set me back from any meaningful game plan for several turns. I simple dont see it as geared towards a cEDH meta. So honestly, I like your deck. This annoying message will go away once you do! I played him for a year and a half and never could beat tier one decks without a solid fuck up on thier part or really good luck. So, I actually have quite a bit to add in here. Sac Farhaven Elf for RRRR.Cast Wanderer (from lands only), double cascade. Late Game: Again, if youve gotten to this stage, things have gone wrong. Mulligan to answers and counters, not ramp.Weak-as-balls tutors: Lets face it, RUG has probably the worst tutors in the game, short of Mystical and Worldly Tutor. + Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Ancestral Vision - This card was added since I didn't have another place to put it and I love the card, but since I have added it, it has only benefited me. Keen Sense - This is a relatively new addition to the deck, but I added it since A) it does go infinite with Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and B) I like drawing cards. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Maybe you find some inspiration and synergies. Wanderer doesnt care about combat damage, and in fact doesnt even really care about casting your commander at all unless it wins the game that turn. The spell you cast due to the first cascade ability will go on the stack on top of the second cascade ability. He wont do anything more than ping your opponents for 2-6 damage, but incremental damage is incremental damage. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC How have we optimized one of our own personal edh decks? I grabbed up my copy of Surrak Dragonclaw and built the most Timmy deck one could think of. All rights reserved. Maelstrom Wanderer Commander (1) 1 Maelstrom Wanderer Creatures (16) 1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker 1 Clever Impersonator 1 Deadeye Navigator 1 Greenwarden of Murasa 1 Phyrexian Metamorph 1 Scourge of the Throne 1 Consecrated Sphinx 1 Intet, the Dreamer 1 Pathbreaker Ibex 1 Avenger of Zendikar 1 Balefire Dragon 1 Dragonlord Atarka 1 Palinchron This is a subreddit dedicated to playing the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering at the highest power level possible. March of the Machine Card Previews; Prices; Daily Video Reviews; Phyrexia: All Will Be One Card Previews; Prices; Daily Video Reviews; Cards . It is mainly based on the Splinter Twin combo, but it has many different combos in it. Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind - I draw a lot of cards, and if I can convert that draw power into damage, that's a lot of damage. Casual I see your deck while browsing Moxfield, interesting conception, dont u think about trying [[Lurking Predators]] in it? For this reason, your initial mulligan is very important: generally speaking, you dont need to mull into rampyoure going to find it, it will happen, dont worry. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Each instance of cascade triggers and resolves separately. Updated Feb 28, 2023 by xequemate using our MTG Deck Builder. Pod line: Sacrifice Archmage to Pod to find Conscripts, untapping Pod, and then Pod the persisted Archmage into Kiki-Jiki. OPs looks like a high powered edh deck. People who thought I was ramping to hit Wanderer as fast as possible were shocked when I hit their combos with Spell Pierces and Force of Wills, cards that are traditionally terrible in this deck. $639. my fault for not including that, Multiplayer. That's his primary function. :). Does it do what it's supposed to and able to keep it's engine going? Reply . Jodah, Archmage Eternal (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Yeah, this, if left unanswered, ends games. > General goes unblocked and the defending player has to handle X 3/3s that all have trample and +7/+7. Spell-wise, we of course run the best 2 mana ramp spells in Farseek, Natures Lore, Three Visits, and Skyshroud Claim. When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Maelstrom Wanderer Commander 70 top decks MTG DECKS Sliver Time (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) - tappedout.net Defense of the Heart - My current meta is very creature heavy, and when I decided to put this card in, it became an instant win-con should it stick. In its place, I put in competitive EDHs best combos for the colors, and I shifted the focus of the deck from cast Wanderer to find the combo. River Rhine (Cologne) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go - Tripadvisor The reality is that paying 8 mana to play the slots isn't a reliable wincon. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Sac Wanderer for GGGGGGGGG (9 green). Feeds | I played with this deck for a long time until I finally was at my LGS in Houston, when I came across a competitive player and immediately wanted to finely tune my deck to become more competitive, and that is when I came to you. Note that, depending on the actual card/s stopping you, you can still get around this: For instance, a player thinking theyre safe behind a Ghostly Prison will be very, very sad when you make infinite copies of Zealous Conscripts, using the last copy to steal their Prison until EOT and letting you attack for free. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/d4KPWun9o0yfflaCVNW7ng. Specific tutors can find you what you need, but of course have RUGs peculiar little twists with them: Bring To Light, Foresight/Manipulate Fate, Gamble, Selective Memory, Impulse, Intuition, Long-Term Plans and Worldly Tutor all either search for specific types of cards, OR have the very strong possibility of screwing you over when theyre supposed to help you. [[Defense of the heart]] leverages a soft lockdown and instant win if played on the right turn. Combo Wanderer has two immediate weaknesses that come to mind: Fast combo/control: Zur, ANT Sidisi, Yisan, Tasigurthese decks can pretty much ignore what were doing as they either develop their own board, or just combo off without caring. mana (with maelstrom wanderer infinite hasty attackers), 6) Biovisionary +3 copies (with riku: get 2 biovisionaries and 2 other copies with a clone creature): Win at endstep, 5) Woodland Bellower > getting Fierce Empath > this gets Dead-Eye Navigator > then flickering Fierce Empath which gets Palinchron > flickering Palinchron for infinite mana > cast Riku > get infinite Palinchron Tockens > then re-flicker Fierce Empath to get Maelstrom Wanderer for infinite hasty attackers, 8) Dualcaster mage + Cackling Counterpart: infinite attackers same as above, cast cackling on one of your creatures and copy with dualcaster, make this on endstep of opponent for infinite tokens and attack in your turn, 4) kiki jiki combos with infinite hasty attackers (tutor both pieces with imperial Recruiter.
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