It's been several years since Canadian killer Luka Magnotta received the maximum prison sentence for the gruesome murder of 33-year-old international student Jun Lin.. I thought: This guys up for a game of cat and mouse. So the group set about analysing tiny details of the video such as the bed cover, the light socket, the wall plugs and the doorknob. Have the police arrested anyone? No! This dude was sick. The kittens never deserved death, and whoever thinks that the kittens deserved it should go burn in hell with him. Kidnapping and torturing small children? weird laws in guatemala; les vraies raisons de la guerre en irak; lake norman waterfront condos for sale by owner The video has been taken down but there is many more links im sure, anyone have another link, we need more people to see it in order to cath him. This article contains graphic content that might not be suitable for some readers. Im also dizzy and my heart hurts for the man and his family I am so glad that Luka Magnotta is in jail.. A private Facebook group identified Magnotta as the person in the videos in January 2011. However I will pass it around,we must do that until it reaches someone who knows who that bacteria is. WHEN Luka Magnotta butchered a young student before putting his dismembered body parts in the post, the world was shocked by his sick savagery. I think that is insane how u can still find the guy being killed but the kitten video has been removed. Figure out where he is jailed and pen a letter. I think not, by the way i have a video on youtube of my pirahna's eating a frog thats been up for 3years and has over a million views! Maybe StopCrushvideos.org have had it removed?From what Ruth said it seemed they were looking into it. Luka feeding a kitten to a python in a horrifying online video Credit: Netflix. Magnotta posted his first video in 2010 which saw him killing two kittens, before later footage showed another kitten being eaten alive by a Burmese python called "Python Christmas". Chillingly, a footnote to the seven-minute footage entitled "Python Christmas" promises more "feeding videos". cats are wonderful how dare you say that these videos are horrible. I watched the video and now I am fucking angry, evil fucking Arsehole, I hope when you go to Prison that other prisoners beat the shit out of you, sick fuck!!. A grainy picture released by the Montreal Police during the search for Luka Magnotta. It was actually Maggie who brought this horrific crime to my notice but like her I couldnt bear to watch the video. I fixed it so that it worked but it has now gone bad again several hours later. This video presented some weird problems. Whose hand was in the python video?. Will have to look through the internet for recent articles of arrest. You cant live on this planet solely on your morals. When we devalue living, breathing beings who deserve to walk this planet just as we do, we devalue ourselves as well. His high-pitched voice was strained and he seemed anxious that I was quizzing him. download wallpaper free What was done to those kits was sick, twisted, and criminal. Please send me the link to 1 lunatic 1 icepack l, Ive searched everywhere recommended but it keeps ending up being removed, Ive watched 1 boy 2 kittens. (Saugus High School Shooting. Luka Magnotta - Python Kitten Killer. I love nature, cats and all animals. They pointed to a section of the classic film where it shows a map outlining a plan to fly to Paris. I prefer animals to humans I am afraid. What heartless people. Did society a gigantic favor. February 27, 2023 By scottish gaelic translator By scottish gaelic translator I agree. Honestly not seeing anything wrong with this. They launched a barrage of online threats. I searched and searched and found it after numerous attempts. Hybrid cats can be divided into three categories, entirely domestic cat hybrids (domestic cat x domestic cat), wild cat hybrids Ligers are real but unnatural. You know maybe the fact that mice and rodents are its natural diet and not domesticated cats???? In 2012, Luka Magnotta brought Jun Lin, a Chinese engineering student, to his apartment in Montreal. . He sent the left hand to the Liberal Party, though it was intercepted en route. Exactly that rotting piece of crap should suffocate and should feel a slow painful death. Im not religious, but the biblical quote, An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth just seems to make perfect sense to me at times like this. Its no surprise that the perpetrator moved on to torturing and killing a human. Magnotta's crimes were so cruel and bizarre, they inspired a three-part documentary, Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting . About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. The embed code (code to allow people to present the video on their own websites) was provided but did not work. Netflix. Sad world. His videos also got him press attention, with The Sun publishing a story headlined: Catch the sicko who fed a kitten to a python. funny video clips funny video clips indian funny video clips 2022 funny cats funny cat video funny video cats,funny cat videos funny dog video funny video compilation funny cats videos funny videos funny animal videos funniest animals video funny animal The articles are copyright Michael Broad but the infographics are free to use under a CC license. TheGazette. What happens in nature is one thing, but intentional destruction of life, any form of life, is disgusting and intolerable. Thats different too. In December 2014 he was found guilty of first degree murder. Hope that mother fucker gets fucked and killed in jail. I had heard about this, I had also heard the boys were turned in. Youre going the boiler room of HELL!!!!!!! Go spend your life in god damn jail you motherfucker, WTF is wrong with u I understand if this was a normal conversation about cats and dogs but a conversation about Luka magnotta a murder of an innocent man and to many cats and even dogs u should be ashamed to ever make posts like that again. But he refused to let me speak to his lawyer or reveal who he was. Fuck locking him up and wasting the space that could go to drug lords or drug abusers his punishment should be getting stuffed in a human sized vacuum bag and be put in the same situation. Guys, I know that was a horrible thing to do, but THEYRE ONLY KITTENS. Go kys, honestly, no one would care, u worthless piece of shit. The problem with this question is that it is badly formulated. It really just breaks my heart. Then again he tied a kitten to a poll and drowned it for fun. Accordingly, it cannot be shown on this site but can on the original site (see the link, please). Im a dog person myself but I would never hurt a cat or an animal. (I know this from experience). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Traits which make is impossible to kill yourself . Then, he uploaded the video to the Internet. Aunque en Youtube no puedan verse los vdeos de Luka Magnotta al completo, las grabaciones del cat killer estn en Internet y, en rigor, no es demasiado difcil encontrarlas. Can we find this guys and chop his head off plz. Hes put on some weight and is no longer that boy who murdered a man and a couple of kittens in the most horrific ways. Psycho-fucking-path. This is how you feed a pet python. A slap on the wrist isnt going to stop this hoodie from a life of evil. Yes Luka is a bad guy, but he is mentally ill and needed help dont go around saying he should die in hell he just needed help and if anyone of you were their to help no cats would be dead and an innocent person would be alive. My thoughts exactly! His name is Luka Magnotta formerly Eric Clinton Newman from Toronto, Canada. As its not far of a Jump from a kitty to human. Hi, I'm a 74-year-old retired solicitor (attorney in the US). Luka Magnotta - Serial Cat Killer - Feeds Kitten to Python on Video Christmas AnimalKillerPython 16 subscribers Subscribe Like Share 147K views 11 years ago. i love this video seeing those cats die just a really good video, fuck your mother fr you should burn in hell and never get any love cuz u a mf haertless ugly creature who deserves to be tortoured to death like the guy, Bruh he is dumb why would he do that to kittys that did nothing to him thats just STUPID and cruel, hell yeah I agree to bad he couldnt make more videos like that but for other people that like to watch people die and animals there is a site called bestgore.com its very graphic and shows a lot like a man being burned alive some girl being beat to death and cats and animals being killed kinda like what luka did actually Lukas video was on there but was taken down because of the Canadian police anyways I have watched the video and have it and many other videos like that I could never harm or kill a human let alone animal but to me its not disturbing or disgusting and I can watch stuff like that so anyone else whos dark and twisted the site is bestgore.com, i know its weird but i can watch this with out feeling anything. Those kittens were a part of life just Luke him but he thought it was historically. You little- Thats your opinion! They go through all of this to take down a video across the entire interweb and charge him with first degree murder .. yet they cant find the Number 1 suspect on the God damn FBI most wanted .. like really Its a fucking animal its not a human a god damn cat.. what if it was a deer just like a cat a deer is a god damn animal come the fuck on people So ruled by emotions its Rediculous. But who is cannibal killer Luka Magnotta, how was he caught and where is he now? i think people have to take the video out please if you realy love animals. Then again he tied a kitten to a poll and drowned it for fun. Fucking weirdos.I could give 2 shits about those kittens. northwestern college graduation 2022; elizabeth stack biography. I hate cats. "It's a gateway crime, animal abuse," said Joe Panz, a founding member of the group. When I asked if then he had killed the kittens, he said I was twisting his words. Magnotta was born in the summer of 1982 as Eric Clinton Kirk Newman. "Another source of meat you won't find mentioned on pet food labels are dogs and cats. Very good job. It does not embed and play so I have linked to it. Here's how', szColor:'',whatIsThisUrl:''}), Tags: cat abusecat crueltyCat Newscat videocrimeLuka Magnotta. Bye. They are sweet and adorable! The amateur investigators were hunting Magnotta over cat killing videos which marked the first stage of his. The amateur investigators were hunting Magnotta over cat killing videos which marked the first stage of his. Crucially they group also found a video of him auditioning for a TV show in Canada and a photo taken in Toronto. He is the first of three children to Anna Yourkin and Donald Newman. He claimed he did not want to be interviewed and was a private person yet he has posted swathes of pictures and information about himself online. I would love to meet this guy god would put him in my parth for a reason il acc go jail just for the to cats. I'd rather beat his ass than being another murderer. If he wanted to kill someone so bad he couldve just killed himself. He refused to explain how he was parted from them and referred me to his lawyer. Luka Magnotta became known as the vacuum kitten killer (Picture: Rex) Netflix and true crime fans have been utterly gripped (and seriously horrified) by new series Dont F**k With Cats. You are the weirdo you ignorant shit. thanks to people of the internet justice has been served the asshole got what he deserved, Thats horrible Michael,i hope someone got charged with that. Now I am a very calm and collected person but why the fuck would these stupid sadistic boys do something as cold-blooded and horrific as that. There are a lot of nutters who like to kill cats for pleasure. Pan fried kittens with milk gravy and homemade tatters are good actually, if you want to know the truth, whenever you pour any regular cheap pet food in your cat or dogs dish you're feeding them dead kitties and puppies from shelters all across the USA. YOU SHOULDVE DIED FROM BIRTH. What is PETAs policy on TNR (trap-neuter-release) and feral cats? The cat killer behind the new Netflix series, Don't Fuck With Cats, is Luka Magnotta, who was convicted of murdering an international student in 2012. Well thanks at least for your honesty. Deanna said: Theres a part of the internet where you can post porn, violence, religious statues being defamed, cruelty to the elderly. You need to die you waste of fucking air!! After Luka's initial cat killer videos were uploaded and . Magnotta's Transatlantic accent seemed out of place as he stood at the door of the small, single-bed, 40-a-night hotel room in Wembley, North London. Then Rescue Ink, an animal protection group, posted a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the Vacuum Kitten Killer (VKK). A month later, on April 22nd and 24th, four videos were posted by user "Rita Van Volkenberg" on YouTube, all with the same title, Cannibal serial Killer - Luka Magnotta, but in multiple . It wasn't simply his savagery and sadism which would stun the media - there was also his deft deployment of the Internet to hype his own crimes. There is no connection between eating animals and the contents of this video. But I do not wish any harm towards them or any animal for that matter. I hate cats. He also boasted he could not be caught and that the next time it would not be animals he would kill. Did we feed the monster or did we create it?. Crucially it also included an image of Luka, which the amateur sleuths traced back to a gay porn site. why is it inhumane, if they run wild in my area coyotes, bobcats, or dogs would have ripped any cat to shreds they could get there teeth on. He deserves to be raped with a metal stick, You fucking cunt fuck you you should be burnt alive and stabbed with a butter knife you absolute cunt, He doesnt need to go to jail just put him in a mental thing. Magnotta posted his first video in 2010 which saw him killing two kittens, before later footage showed another kitten being eaten alive by a Burmese python called "Python Christmas". That picture is bad enouigh,I cant watch the video.Im sorry as like Ruth I usually force myself to but to see 2 little kittens deliberately made to suffer is too much. Make him suffer the same fate he delivered to others. You son of a b*tch I canny wait till u go to h*ll u son of a b*tch I am going to track u down and shoot you so u could see how It feel to play songs and kill cats you and your friends yall are the devil u just like killing cats dont ya do u want me to kill u sun of a b*tch I fuckin hate u. Destiny, I hope you get him no matter how long it takes. he's wanted for possibly being a serial murderer. The video titled "Python Christmas" was uploaded from Islington, north London, England. Janitor shows Montreal apartment of suspected killer Luka Rocco Magnotta. But it certainly doesnt surprise me to see where it originated. The trouble is, these things need to be seen but its the ones who love animals and who would never hurt them that end up suffering by seeing them over and over. Magnotta was convicted of first-degree murder and is serving his prison sentence in Canada What are the cat killing videos? I cant watch but I can spread it around too but I pray theyve been caught. He calmly denied it and said his lawyer told him not to speak about it. I asked him about the videos online which allegedly showed him feeding a kitten to a python and suffocating another in a plastic bag. He deserves praise.. maximum praise! But there was no more we could do than report him to the police. Because there is another video where he drowns a cat in a bath tub. Press J to jump to the feed. Netflix viewers are horrified by the documentary 'Don't F--k With Cats,' which tracks the case of Luka Magnotta, an animal abuser turned murderer. There is no finding it at all. In fact he was a troll battling depression and he killed himself shortly afterwards. Got another of them eating a mouse, big deal? There is something odd about it as it has disappeared from Facebook and this site. By Gina Tron | 3 years ago Was The Sick Killer Featured In 'Don't F**k With Cats' Inspired By The '90s Thriller 'Basic Instinct?' But his hunters knew that animal cruelty was an early indicator of psychotic behaviour and could see signs he could graduate to humans.
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