s| 111111 11 i i I ' . Llama 32 Serial Number Lookup The photograph on the left is a picture of the right side of the receiver just above the trigger. If you try to sell it to a gun shop, you can basically expect jack squat. 1252895 gaa llama max i 45 pistol p803458 mos mossberg 500 410 shotgun r733890 mos mossberg 500 12 shotgun e121374 naa north american arms mini master target 22 revolver Here are a couple pics of it, I can post serial numbers if they will help. QUOTE=larryh11Hi Bill, Welcome to the forum! 37963, ' I tI M 111 m 111 nI y 11 I' I' I' I' I' I J'lM'li[inin^ni|ii, > . It was manufactured from about 1936 to 1954. HACKENSACK, N.J.' And then on the bottom of it all it is stamped 'Made in Spain'. VITORIA (ESPANA) and the Llama logo. Unless one of the Llamas has this mark or you have the bring back papers you cannot tell for sure if it was used in Germany during the war or not. R.1 was made in 1973. This particular pistol was Nazi marked and the seller gave the name of the company that the mark belonged to, but I can't remember it. Garatc Anitua Garate, Anitua y Cia. Introduced in 1996. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. 33206, m'l'ly ' 1 111 ' |' 111' i ' 111111 |'|i|'i'jili|i|i|i|i|i|ij'i' I' 111.1.1 in | Ijlj'll 1' 1' 'j'' m i' |' i' i' m |' i' i' i' 11111 m ij i 11111 11111111 ij i111ii11111 1I1111111111111, ii i iTl i < i J. t mii i 11 n in it !i i m It i kIii nlirti ti i iTliitilit Mlntt liiniitulimli into'! Somewhat later a variant pattern in 9 mm. Advertisement. These were not produced for the American market and are not readily found in the USA. Hungarian 'Pistole Mod. There is a hand drawn picture of the Tauler version in Gene Gangarosa's book on Spanish Handguns on page 180. Http analyzer for mac os recovery tool. Just trying to help!! Leonhardt H. M. Gering and Co. Arnstadt, Germany No. Spanish law more or less says if you do not make it in Spain the patent is no good, so Browning lost. If you advertise "looking for Blastomatic Model 11" with the specific serial number, you might find the current owner. Enter the serial number (no spaces) of your firearm and click on 'Search' to identify your model. This gun is also a model V made in 9mm P. This gun was made in 1945 and is shown with different grips. Kingston, NY 12401, 2023 Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. 9 (U.S. 45 or, GABILONDO Y CIA. However, factory literature of 1936-39 shows this model in .45 cal. Largo (Bergmann) and .38 ACP calibers this appears to be the export version of Mod. Last edited by nailcreek; 27th March 2005 at 16:01 . On the right side just below the serial number is G.C in a circle. Good luck getting the screws back on! There are no Llama pistols designated as Models XII, XIII, and XIV as these designations have been reserved for and are used on the Llama revolvers. Any ideas? ACP only. Work on a new design began in 1931 and culminated in 1932 with a Spanish patent issued on April 12th of that year. Post War serial numbers are all offset. They started making a gun in 1914 based on the Browning 1903 and the modifications of the design by earlier guns like the Astra Victoria 1911 and called it the Ruby. The cost is prohibitive in the best cases, when a state or local jurisdiction maintains a registry. The gun is exactly as you said. After reading some of the identification posts and finding "XVII" on the barrel, I "assume" it was manufactured in 1961. III and is merely a smaller version of that model (Fig. The 25-2 would have had factory Goncalo Alves checkered target stocks. Llama Model 1, Walther P38, Llama 38.. 226 Williams Ln. Largo, and .45 ACP. II.-This 9 mm. Llama X - 7.65 blow back, 166mm overall length, no rib on the slide, grip safety, 8 shot magazine, Manufactured thru 1950. Apparently derived from the 1900 Model Mannlicher. The first pistol produced was an exact copy of the Colt Mod. |I|'|II JI|i|IH|'ll|'l'ji PPI'I'PI'I Jl|'|ll'|'l'l'l'ji|l|l I I|' ' . Archivo Municipal de Eibar records show that Iraola Salaverria y Cia only produced 10,000 guns total and Hijos de Angel Echeverria y Cia produced 154,000. Whatever you buy from them, gives us a small commission, which helps us keep these sites alive. 323 7.65 mm. The frame is numbered in the normal manner for a gun made in 98 and you can see where the old serial number and proof marks were removed. At the Command Prompt, type the following command and then press Enter: wmic bios get serialnumber. Thank you. These fall in the serial number range between 200 and 300. Llama pistols built before 1936 will have slide markings that reads GABILONDO Y CIA. Largo (Bergmann) and .38 ACP calibers. Mod. The serial number on this gun is 30800 so it was made mid 1930. The frame and slide of the M82 are made from steel, so the gun is relatively heavy, but strong. '^ ' I' 111 u' 111 g' p 111' i n. 11) ij n M i I' i. i 11 y i p 11111.11 p i ^ i fgsP, [PJjl'I'I'I'PJ.i ' |I|. It is not aBeretta 92 but a Llama design. 37272, 'limlll^'llltlM^lHl!,!^ I* 1 imlllTltfllTltU li mTt I nil', 1 i' I' I ' '(|' 1 1 I' ' 1 I' ' 1 11 ' ' ' ' 11' 1 11 ' 111 I 1 I ' I 1 ' ' I ' ' 1 I 11 1 I' I 1 I ' |' I ' M |, I! Llama Model II - .380mm Production started in 1933 and lasted thru 1954. Both are identical to the Llama Mod. The demand of used LLAMA AUTO 45 pistol's has risen 1 units over the past 12 months. codes--they are the same. Basically N Frame versions of the stocks on your 14-4. 73214. ELOEIBAR(ESPANA) andbe marked with the caliber of the handgun and the Llama name such as, CAL. I always figured the 38 stood for acp rounds like it does on Stars, but this changed my mind. It is a Tauler model VI and is exactly what the Llama model VI looks like. Mod. The Extra refers to the extra 1/2 inch length of the barrel as it did in the Ruby Extra. lAtttl'WlfrllNO AMU SilCX FIUNGHN Ht JlHT MIING HN TC, Knife Throwing Techniques of the Ninja. These copies of the 1911 style pistols were manufacturedwith great quality and care and have been sold around the world. It is a full-size reproduction of the Colt-Browning recoil-operated pistol Mod. check out the. 1911. Earlier issues had a lanyard ring at bottom of left side of the grip frame, but this ring was omitted in later issues and the grip pieces were redesigned. 1911. Llama records appear to be non existent on any of the guns they sold or they are being held in seclusion. Largo (Bergmann) and .38 ACP calibers this appears to be the export version of Mod. Mod. Ensure that the firearm is completely unloaded. This pistol weighs in at about 30 ounces. and was also made in 9mm P. During WWII England purchased these in 9mm Pto be dropped by the SAS to partisans in Poland and other countries. However, many police departments do not offer this service. It may be a special variant of the Mod. 67,567. In 1931 it was decided to modernize their line by undertaking the manufacture of the external hammer, recoil-operated system originally designed by Browning and used by Colt and the Fabrique . How old is a llama 380 with a serial number of 435222? How to find Llama serial number on Llama guns.. this process and this procedure. In fact, yours may be quite hard to find or read. 'Extra' 9mm Largo - 1940 - 45680 'Extra' 9mm Largo - 1940 - 46306 'Extra' 9mm Largo - 1940 - 46883 Model II - 380 ACP - 1943 - 70989 Model I - 32 ACP - 1943 - 72994 (German GECO marked) Model II - 380 ACP - 1944 - 78290 Model I - 32 ACP - 1944 - 84482 'Extra' 9mm Largo - 1944 - 89123 Model IIIA - 380 ACP - (don't have year handy) - 739813. t (11111 tTl 1111111M t 11111 i 111M11 11111MI * 11111 t?l i 11! iT : ! Mod. ^, 'I'lhii'li'iiliiiiliiiiliMlllMllltliillllllMllllDlllllllltllltltllllllllllllllllir ::,! Langenhan Zella-Mehlis, Germany No. Mod. X, with the addition of a grip safety, which was added immediately following World War II. To get the precise information about multiple online schools offering certain degree programs so it is prefered to search for online. At the beginning of WWI Gabilondo presented the gun to France for trials and it was accepted in 1915 with orders for 10,000 a month. The codes began with A in 1927, and after reaching Z in 1954, continued with A1 in 1955. Mod. I strongly suspect that Gabilondo y Cia started a continuous one ascending number system from the point where they adopted the Llama name (early 1930s?). t fg^Ap, [Tyc I: . The serial number is 1471xx which would put it around 2000 after yours. 11 r 1^11M ! If you intend to buy something from the companies advertising above, or near the bottom of our pages, please use their banners in our sites. with the year. The letter for the date code with the asteriskon top is still in use to this very day. Llama 380 Serial Number History I noticed one gun with Z code marking that used a frame with the rounded butt and a slide that had straight lines cut in it on top from front to back which differs from the normal. As with my model VII this gun was made in 1934. TheGABILONDO Y CIA. Little Tom Wiener Waffenfabrik Vienna, Austria No. Your search for Llama Serial Number will produce better results if you simplify your keywords and exclude words like: serial, key, number, code, activation, keygen, crack, etc. Mod. Parabellum caliber was produced. Enter the serial number, without spaces or dashes, to search the database. i f t 11 t aTaf o iIt 1 *t t^TI tn I, No. For Swiss bayonets you can use the SwissWaffen . Pic isn't very good but the best I can do at the time. Astra, Star and Llama were the only companies allowed to make guns after the war was over and Astra was rewarded by being allowed to refinish them. 37' Metallwaren, Waffen u. Munitionsfabrik Budapest, Hungary No. The trigger guard is shaped for a better two-hand hold, and the sights are fixed. an Alpha-Numeric Code. Pre-War serial #s are centered on the butt unless there was a swivel. I ;ur-po: rwp*.T5p. All the Max series Llamas I've owned or worked on are solid. Both the solid rib and the vent rib were used, Llama model -XI 9mm P. The first design had the W spring detent and possibly came with only lined wood grips asthat is the only way I have seen them. This is a Commander size with a double stack magazine. Llama Model 1 (A-31 or. *f j : 11: t i : ' : ' i?. Llama Llama means Flame in Spanish, but they used the animal as their logo as well. Mini Max - 9mm, .40 cal, .45 cal. I suppose in an effort to reduce costs they decided not to use the locked breech system found on earlier guns. Payment should come from the FFL Firearms Dealer . Stock No. Four smaller companies contracted with Gabilondo to produce 5000 pistols a month each and along with the 10,000 he could produce, he was able to fulfill the 30,000 needed. This was the first of the Llama pistols made and for some reason was later given the designation of model IV. Browning caliber, original blowback style, dating from about 193'31934, first issued without model designation, with factory catalog designation No. Short, second blowback pattern and more closely approached the external shape of the Mod. Llama model VII Military and Police - 5 1/16" barrel -9mm Largo and 38 acp. Seriously, you need the serial number in order to tell the age of a firearm.560996 On the LEFT side of LLAMA firearms, right above the tirgger, is an Alpha-Numeric Code. III-A.-This post-World War II version of Mod. Stoger as a firearms importer went out of buisness long ago, The name is used today by a publishing company. The import law that is mentioned above can be referenced by viewing the gun control Act of 1968, Public Law 90-618 and under Subpart F-Conduct of Business sub-section 178.92 (a)(1) Firearms. The guns were actually purchased by Les Ouvriers Reunies and from there went to the French gvernment. Mod. VII, but with the addition of a grip safety. The serial number is 563842 which I *think* puts production somewhere around 1970-ish. This gun was also made with a raised area where the rib is that has lines to deflect glare. Some details concerning the various Llama models are as given below. Also complying with the law is the stamp at the bottom indicating that the firearm was manufactured in Spain. 329 7.65 mm. I have seen the Llama and Cal. It was designed after the semi-automatic pistol. mi 11 i*Tl niilin?liiii luTT 1111111 < ttif m?' VI may have been given to these pistols. Beristain contracted with Gobilondo to make the gun and production started in 1920. Gustav Genschow & Co, imported guns from Spain to be sold to Nazi party members and marked their guns with the Geco logo which is a large G with the eco inside it. I am also interested in guns marked Tauler or Mugica. This mark is what the law calls for except it would have been nice if the importer would have hid this stamp under the grips rather then stamping it on the side of the receiver. When first issued no model number was assigned but the factory catalog designation was No. VII.-This pistol in 9 mm. d'Armes de Guerre de Haute Prcision Lige, Belgium No. This import stamp reads as follows, 'STOEGER INDUSTRIES' and then underneath that is 'S. The rear sight became adjustable with a screw for windage. This is a Proof House marking which may look a bit different on later guns. The letters are scroll. 1911. To this weapon was given the trade name Llama' which is the name for currently made Gabilondo pistols. LLAMA Location: Philippines Same firm that was founded in 1904 and produced several inexpensive revolvers and pistols prior to 1931. Again, speculation. 1 From the top navigation bar on our website Click Search by Serial # Select a manufacturer Enter your equipment's serial number and click SEARCH 2 From the participating manufacturer page Enter your equipment's serial number and click SEARCH Available warranty information will also be shown! I also have a pic of this gun with Tauler on it. Automatic pistols made by Gabilondo from 1914 to 1933 were based on Browning F.N. 62,004 and No. 10 Best ways to Make Money on Social Media and not waste time. Export designation 515A) Industria Armi Galesi Collebeato (Brescia), Italy Dated 1956 No. 11 M', No. Jlllll;|!||'|!llii||.|,l||M[|in!Hltlltlllll, No. Reason: punctuation 28th March 2005, 14:31 #2 cls12vg30 New Member Join Date 24th January 2005 Location Raleigh, NC Posts 7 Posts liked by others 0 The "M1" stamp on the frame leads us to believe that the pistol was manufactured in 1967. The front and rear sight are custom Novak and not original to the gun. Not being especially interested in revolvers I have decided to add another page to cover the Llama revolvers, but like the semi autos I dont trust anything that is out there about them so I will have to collect them also to make sure I have the correct information. It came to me directly from Spain via my importer. This pistol is still made. Do a Google search. Parker. L. Selbstladcr' Wood grip pieces on pistols made for military use, Fr. Unusual W detent spring on Model V which is also on the model I, II and one variation of XI. Eibar, Spain No. The photograph on the right is of the butt or heel of the pistol with the magazine inserted. K . Although Spain began proof marking shotguns in 1910, it was not until July 18, 1923, nearly 5 years after the end of the first world war that Spain's proofing system for its pistols came into use. 23969, r ' r ! ' Simply input the gun's serial number into the search field to see if your weapon is listed. For some reason this first model produced later was designated Model IV. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! They were of high quality and have been sold around the world. Feb 06, 2013 Pilot. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. 332 7.65 mm. Its odd but I suspect they used an in stockframe and slide that were sitting on shelves in an effort to save a few dollars. L. Selbstlader' Fr. 3889, No. The serial number is pretty low: 607179 Above the serial number it says "STOEGER INDUSTRIES" Followed by "S.HACKENSACK, N.J" On the opposite side of the slide it reads: LLAMA- GABILONDO Y CIA VITORIA (ESPANA) Any help with this would be very much appreciated. I . Model VII is chambered in 9mm Largo and marked 9mm /38. Always have. I am sorry it didn't keep them from going under. The list price of the Omni 9mm in the 1983 Gun Digest was $599.99, at a time when the S&W Model 59 listed for only $371.50. Followed by "S.HACKENSACK, N.J" It is a full-size reproduction of the Colt-Browning recoil-operated pistol Mod. It is still in production. It has a lanyard ring, arched mainspring housing and checkered wood grips with no Llama medallion. Custom 4S Grips and trigger and a full smoothing of the internal parts. 1911. It uses a short recoiling barrel with tilting block, barrel-to-slide locking, much like the Walther P38 or Beretta 92. For instance, my Llama has "D*2" on it. After WW II the serial # reads with barrel to the left (except for serial numbers on the fore strap thru 1957). in three different positions on the slide and the Model Police is usually toward the front. My wife has no sentimental attachment to it so we'd like to possibly sell or trade. IV.-This was the original Llama pistol, dating from 1931-32, in 9 mm. Second Variant Humpback The second variant has the serial number on the left arm of the slide, near the front. The LLAMA-GABILONDO Y CIA VIORIA(ESPANA) a was used on current production firearms before LLama itself went out of buisness The last production of LLAMA handguns was by Bersa out of Argentina. This is then followed by two more rounds fired at normal pressure levels to determine whether the self loading mechanism is still functioning properly, if it was, then the stamp was applied to the firearm. Once site gave a differant mark for Gustav Genschow and coompany of Berlin an ammunition manufacturer who also made some rifles, mostly.22 Another site suggested that it might be the mark of the Spanish manufaturer, but that mark does not appear on most of the small frame Llamas that I have seen. My last question: any idea on value? I have a.22, a.32 (both post war) and the.380 which dates to 1942-1943. It appears to be identical to Mod. Fig. Another company did import them but they are not marked in any way. Largo (Bergmann) caliber. If you do a Google search of Stoeger and read the Wikipedia entry on the company and do the same for Llama you can get a general idea of the DOM. There was also a version in 7.65 parabellum made for export to Germany and possibly other countries, but no indication it was ever offered in the USA. Blow back operated, 5 shot mag,2 3/8" barrel, 4 3/4" overall length, 13 3/4oz. The flaming bomb proof indicated that a semi-automatic pistol was fired and had passed two proof loads, each of which was 30 percent more then the normal maximum operating pressure. models of 1903, 1906, 1910, and 1922. Check the Serial Number data field in the BIOS Main menu. The pistols that were built after 1936 will have slide markings that readLLAMA GABILONDO Y CIA. To identify the make and model of these guns, dig around the manufacturer . VI may have been given to these pistols. For all practical purposes, we are looking at the handguns produced under the 'Llama' name, and not the earlier Gabilondo y Cia products. Left side has some marking and then the letter D I believe that is the year marking for 1931. This was the most original and sophisticated Llama ever designed, incorporating such unique features as ball bearings for the hammer pivot, separate draw bars for the single and double action sears, a deeply undercut trigger guard to allow high hand positioning for recoil control, and "buttressed" rifling, which used a 2-stage "step-down" from the lands to the grooves, for less bullet deformation and a better gas seal Most of these features have never been found all together in any other single design, and provide this pistol with an extremely smooth and reliable action.
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