This is his first year on the Clarion and he is excited to be a staff writer and help with the sports stories. Alderwood EricaTurrell@iusd.org StephanieButler@iusd.org Monday, Feb. 27: First Round #2 Johnston 70, #7 Southeast Polk 48 #6 Ankeny Centennial 60, #3 Waterloo West 51 #1 Pleasant Valley 43, #8 West Des Moines Valley 28 PG, SG So. Woodbury Lincoln East fans roar as Lincoln Southwest's Cole Christensen (5) raises his arms to question a referee call at Lincoln East on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. Subscribe to receive our LPS Update email newsletter. Sierra Vista MS Mat Pace CoreyHeddon This is her first year on The Clarion as a staff writer. GuinevereMorones@iusd.org As a former I.C.U Nurse and Nurse Manager, I have over 10 years of industry experience as a health care provider. She is excited to become a part of the Clarion team and build her writing and journalism skills. KyleChettenden@iusd.org RobBlaney@iusd.org Katherine Findlay She is the captain on the Shirettes dance team and is involved in NHS at the school. TrishWimbrow ZachHalop She found her passion for music leadership and teaching during her three years as a Drum Major for the Marching Knights. GuinevereMorones DianeFormica The Lincoln Public Schools District understandsand appreciates that our community has a wide variety of rich and varied religiouscelebrations and observances. While attending the University of Kansas, she served as a 3 year guard captain with the Marching Jayhawks, 3 seasons with Synchronicity Winterguard, 3 seasons with Avidity Independent Winterguard and a summer performing with the Santa Clara Vanguard Drum and Bugle Corps, from Santa Clara, California. SECONDARY MUSIC TEACHERS - INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC View history Lincoln Southeast High School is a public government education school located in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. GregoryBergevin@iusd.org Besides the Clarion, she is also a Club Officer for HOSA. Watch the Class of 2022Graduation Ceremony on YouTube, Watch the Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony on YouTube. JenniferHaren@iusd.org Southeast offers many other non-athletic programs, such as drama, speech, and debate. University HS She was involved in band, choir, theater, and speech as a student. TinaPeterson@iusd.org (14) Staff (4) 0: Mari Shumaker. Box 82889, Lincoln, NE 68501 He is married and has 3 children. Mr. Brown's primary instrument is the horn and he is an active member of the Lincoln Civic Orchestra and the Husker Horn Choir. Heidi Moore - Asst. MarkGhiassi@iusd.org CassandraGaona Please Login Username @lps.org Password RebeccaVenlet She loves music, art, and playing the ukulele. RebeccaPhillips@iusd.org Some of Amiah Robinson is a Junior at LSE. Whether you step through our doors or enter through our virtual space, the Lincoln Southeast High School Library offers a portal to engaged learning for all students and staff. Leslie Earle Coordinator. She received the Presser Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Award in 2021. JoslynneBlasdel@iusd.org While at UNL, she was a member of the Cornhusker Marching Band for 4 years and participated in Campus Band for 2 years. Beatrice High School Grand Island Senior High Hastings (NE) Kearney Bearcats Lincoln East Lincoln High Lincoln North Star Lincoln Northeast Lincoln Northwest Lincoln Southwest Millard North Millard South Millard West Norfolk Panthers Omaha Central Omaha North Omaha Westside Papillion-La Vista Tina Peterson Plaza Vista, Vista Verde As part of a recent $250million school improvement bond issue, renovations were planned for Southeast and are now finished. Irvine HS [citation needed] In 1986, Southeast High School was recognized in the U.S. Department of Education's Secondary School Recognition Program as a "School of Excellence". ErikaPerales ThomasKahelin She served as WSUs C-NAfME Chapter President her junior year and the Collegiate NAfME Vice President of Kansas her senior year. Woodbridge HS Outside of school, Maren is on the board Carmin Sims (she/her) is a Senior at LSE. Ms. Wade graduated from Wichita State University with a Bachelor of Music Education. Clear. Southeast High School. University HS Outside of school she spends most of her time working, or with friends. 2930 South 37th Street. Lincoln South East High School is a part of the Lincoln Public Schools District and has approximately 2,050 students and 17 varsity sports. Lincoln Public Schools is the second largest public school district in Nebraska, located in the heart of the plains, renowned for its long-standing legacy of educational excellence and tradition of rigorous academic achievement. JenniferHaren Our mission is to educate and empower a diverse population to become productive members of society while closing the achievement gap. This is her second semester on the Clarion, and she is excited to work with the new staffers this year. The Kansas City 33 School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or any other factor prohibited by law in its programs and activities. JoslynneBlasdel DianeFormica Nathan Robinson DesmondStevens@iusd.org SherylSloate@iusd.org StephenSellwood@iusd.org If sufficient school time is lost as a result of calendar changes, andit brings the total number of school hours for the year below the state minimumrequirements, the Superintendent will implement a plan for making up this time,which may require additional minutes added to the day, additional days added to thecalendar, days previously identified as non-student days rescheduled as student day,or other appropriate calendar or schedule measures. KeithKroesen@iusd.org School Name: LINCOLN SOUTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL. ReeAnna Armagost JenniferHaren@iusd.org DiannaGray@iusd.org GregoryBergevin Yankee Hill Education Center9:00 a.m. at Yankee Hill, Independence Academy6:30 p.m. at The Career Academy, Bryan Community Focus Program6:00 p.m. at East High School, Lincoln North Star6:00 p.m. at Pinnacle Bank Arena, Lincoln East8:30 a.m. at Pinnacle Bank Arena, Lincoln High School12:00 p.m. at Pinnacle Bank Arena, Lincoln Southeast3:30 p.m. at Pinnacle Bank Arena, Lincoln Northeast12:00 p.m. at Pinnacle Bank Arena, Lincoln Southwest3:30 p.m. at Pinnacle Bank Arena, Subscribe to receive our ConnectLPS email newsletter. She is happy to be home in Lincoln with friends and family! Go Knights! 3 Waterloo West 51. Lincoln Southeast High School Salaries Number of employees at Lincoln Southeast High School in year 2020 was 162. Irvine HS Dealer/School Staff; Dental Assisting. KeithKroesen Changes to the calendar may occur as a result of inclement weather or othercircumstances. Mr. Shuda has been an Assistant Band Director at LSE since 2014. The school district is growing and thriving, serving over 42,000 students in more than 60 schools and programs. GregoryBergevin@iusd.org KarenSposato School Site: Teacher: Email: Alderwood, College Park, Meadow Park, Oak Creek, Plaza Vista, Turtle Rock (4th grade only) University Park,Vista Verde, Westpark, Woodbury Megan Pyle Her positon on The Clarion this year is a staff writer. South Lake MS DianeFormica@iusd.org MandyTucker@iusd.org Edit your profile here. Henry Miller Crean Lutheran High School is a Professional Learning Community. The Lincoln Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic information, citizenship status or economic status in its programs, activities and employment. P.O. University HS nicolereynolds@iusd.org Santiago Hills MarilynPerona@iusd.org Whether you step through our doors or enter through our virtual space, the Lincoln Southeast High School Library offers a portal to engaged learning for all students and staff. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. EricaTurrell He is a member of the football team at LSE and he also participates in Track & Adam Taylor is a freshman at LSE. Before coming to LSE, Mrs. Rothchild spent 6 years teaching 8th grade math at Lefler Middle School in Lincoln, Nebraska. Rob Stuart Holly Held Lincoln Southeast High School. As we do so, we will enhance achievement and foster independent readers, self-directed learners, and responsible digital citizens. Southeast's cheerleading competition team won the state title in 2010 and 2016. WhitneyTavlarides KeithKroesen@iusd.org In 2018, Mr. Stroup moved back to Nebraska and served as the Director of Instrumental Music at Omaha Northwest High School for one year before joining the Nebraska Army National Guard as a trumpet/cornet player in the 43rd Army Band. Learn more and enter here , Subscribe to receive our LPS Update email newsletter. In addition to writing choreography and being a clinician, she is a visual staff member with The Guardians Drum and Bugle Corps. Stonegate Canyon View On Wednesday, March 8th, LSE will host their monthly food market in the lower commons after school. Mr. Zachary Brown holds a Music Education degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, he is originally from Sioux Falls, SD. This is his first year on The Clarion as a Staff Writer/Copy Editor. . Apart from being on The Clarion, Layla is the President of LSEs Equity Cadre, Co-president of Feminist Club, and Co-captain of Step Ch Lilly Penner is a senior at Southeast High School. Laura Schultz KaiiLee JohannaKroesen@iusd.org JillianRogers@iusd.org Wyatt was a member of the front ensemble at LSE and also served as a section leader during his last two years. LisaGuiseppe Lincoln Public Schools is the second largest school district in Nebraska. TiffanyHuff@iusd.org SherylSloate Staff Directory - East High School Staff Directory Additional Teacher and Classroom Information may be viewed by logging into Parent/StudentVue Staff: Looking to update your information below? As the Youth Sports Program Director at Genesis Health Clubs, I help direct and facilitate numerous sports and youth activities within Genesis . January 9Make Your Face Happy This is his second year on the Clarion and holds the position of Broadcast Editor. JohannaKroesen Lincoln Southeast Football Staff. From the fall of 1990 until the spring of 1994 he taught instrumental music in the Lenox Community Schools. From 1971 until 2013, Southeast was nominated for twenty All Sport Championships. In the event families recognize these holidays,parents should notify schools. Learn more, 5905 O St, Lincoln, NE 68510 He received a Masters of Music Education in August of 1999 from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln and a Bachelors of Arts in Education from Wayne State College in May of 1990. KarenSposato CA CA Scout Blog Inside the Clubhouse: Trent Caraway 3/2/2023 Always one to do things his way, Trent Caraway is on the precipice of realizing his lifelong dream; DRAFT HQ On The Hunt From the Hip: Southwest Swing (2023s) 3/1/2023 A trio of MLB Draft Day One infielders grab the spotligh; also, several arms lit it up in Arizona. Connect with I US D. Quicklinks. He is a member of the Nebraska Music Educators Conference, and Lincoln Education Association. (402) 436-1304. Teachers: Karista Ackerman. About. RebeccaVenlet@iusd.org Report Fraud 941-747-0496. Mr. Sibley is a member of the National Association for Music Education, Nebraska Music Educators Association and the Nebraska Educational Technology Association. HollyHeld@iusd.org Beacon Park ,Brywood, Canyon View, Cypress Village,Eastshore, Northwood, Portola Springs, Santiago Hills, Stone Creek,Stonegate MarkGhiassi She is happy to be home in Lincoln with friends and family. RobinLux Northwood HS Mr. Brown is an Assistant Band Director at Lincoln Southeast High School. KatherineFindlay@iusd.org Oak Creek Search. Learn more. Contact Form, Superintendent's Teacher Advisory Council, United Way volunteers distribute books and read to students at Clinton Elementary School, LPS response to national 'SWATting' calls, Highlights of the 2/28 Lincoln Board of Education regular meeting. JudyScialpi 402-436-1000 LINCOLN, Neb. She was a student at LSE between 2012 and 2016 and participated in color guard during that time. HollyHeld@iusd.org MonicaCummins@iusd.org JustinOlvey JohannaKroesen@iusd.org Molly is the Underclassmen Representative for LSE Student Council. Nathan Robinson 1 Pleasant Valley 43, No. Mr. Stroup then moved to the Washington DC area where he served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for University of Maryland's Athletic Bands while working to earn his Master's Degree in Music and Trumpet Performance. Remember, students will not be admitted into games or other extracurricular activities (dances, etc.) The 22-23 Lincoln Southeast varsity basketball team roster. bradvanpatten@iusd.org At the conclusion of his tenure, he was awarded the prestigious Ronald J. Dyer award for his outstanding contributions to the OU Percussion Studio. School Site SueAnello GregoryBergevin@iusd.org AmberleighAdoff@iusd.org AmandaKlaus@iusd.org The school district is growing and thriving, serving over 42,000 students in more than 60 schools and programs. For LPS School staff having need to access current pupil transportation routing information Instructions Explanation of Home School Look up and School Assistant Directories Searchable Staff Directory Location, position and contact information for district staff Principal List Principal, Executive Secretary, Address and Phone for each school Learn about school closing procedures on our school closings page. ElizabethRohrs@iusd.org Students will be given excused absences and allowedreasonable opportunities to make up any schoolwork missed. LauraSchultz@iusd.org / EricaTurrell@iusd.org She is also involved in Track & Field and Young Ava Keim is a senior at LSE. 2930 S 37th St, Lincoln, Nebraska | (402) 436-1304. Overall Score 59.98 /100. RanaeBettger@iusd.org MarilynPerona The Student News Site of Lincoln Southeast High School, You dont need to feel alone on Valentines Day, LNS transfer adds another layer to the LSE Roster, Swimmers Earn Accolades Without Student Support. She has her Music Education Degree from the University of Kansas. He received a Masters of Music Education in August of 1999 from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln and a Bachelors of Arts in Education from Wayne State College in May of 1990. QuianaArguelles@iusd.org JenniferHaren@iusd.org Costs & Info; Career Pathways; CPR Training; Amanda Skuban. LSE Band Staff R.J. Metteer Director of Bands Mr. Metteer has been the Director of Bands at Southeast High School since 1995. Southeast Nebraska Career Academy Partnership (SENCAP) For Students and Parents; For Teachers, Counselors, Administrators . LauraSchultz@iusd.org Mr. Stroup teaches band at Irving Middle School and joined the music department at Southeast in 2020 where he helps with marching band. ChristyODwyer@iusd.org HollyHeld@iusd.org # 7,141 in National Rankings. KeithKroesen Chambers worked as a high school teacher for 11 years in another district before joining KCPS as an assistant principal. GuinevereMorones LeslieEarle@iusd.org Southeast Junior-Senior High opened September 25, 1955, and later became Southeast High School.. Lincoln Southeast High School | Lincoln NE AdrienneLarsen@iusd.org David Schumacher. We are committed to creating a bright and inviting atmosphere with instruction that promotes a culture of literacy and learning. ElizabethRohrs ErikaPerales@iusd.org We also assist with concerns with the social/emotional well-being of all students. Tiffany Huff RebeccaVenlet KimberelyRohrs@iusd.org JenniferHaren Chloe is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Clarion. Our School; Administration; . University HS He is a member of the Nebraska Music Educator's Association, Nebraska State Band Master's Association, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Music Fraternity, and an honorary member of the Tau Beta Sigma Band Sorority. It is part of the Lincoln Public Schools school district. JenniferHaren HeeJeongPrzytulski Basketball . if they are currently on the Academic First list. High School Students. Administration KaiiLee@iusd.org Mr. Metteer has been the Director of Bands at Southeast High School since 1995. MeganPyle@iusd.org Mohammed Alnajem teacher malnaje@lps.org Kari Amen teacher kamen@lps.org Nicholas Andersen teacher nanderse@lps.org Anthony Anderson teacher aanders5@lps.org Stephanie Antholz Coordinator santhol@lps.org Keri Applebee Principal kapple@lps.org Angela Bates Coordinator Katherine Findlay Box 82889, Lincoln, NE 68501 JasonGrenier@iusd.org She found her passion for music leadership and teaching during her three years as a Drum Major for the Marching Knights. He then, moved to Norman, OK and earned his Master's Degree from the University of Oklahoma in Music and Percussion Performance. February 25, 2022 5:28 pm. She is a team captain for her school volleyball team, and works as a supervisor at the Legacy Retirement Community. QuianaArguelles@iusd.org Holly Held School sports apparel, faculty and staff clothing, parents, teachers, students and custom Lincoln Southeast High School fan wear! He was also a member of the Cornhusker Marching Band for a year. MarilynPerona DianeFormica He graduated from UNL with his Bachelor's Degree in Music Education and Music Technology in 2014. K-6 ART EDUCATORS CaseyCausey@iusd.org He loves sports and is involved in LSE soccer. 2930 S 37th St Lincoln, . LisaGuiseppe@iusd.org MarkGhiassi@iusd.org Feb 24, 2023. Fred Thorne. State School ID: NE-550001000-550001006. EricaTurrell Lincoln Southeast High School. MatthewTakeno@iusd.org K-6 Holly Held LauraSchultz@iusd.org DavidBaker@iusd.org Desmond Stevens 6 Ankeny Centennial 60, No. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Email Sierra Vista MS Lincoln Public Schools is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for all persons, including people with disabilities. JasonGrenier Jeffrey Trail MS CreeksideHS Georgia is involved in Step Chain, Leadership Cadre, Feminist Jarod Cada is a sophomore at LSE. ElizabethRohrs@iusd.org ThomasKahelin@iusd.org Northwood HS GuinevereMorones I am very excited to be co-opting with the Lincoln High School community and staff. ElizabethRohrs@iusd.org ElizabethRohrs QuianaArguelles@iusd.org JoannaCasucci HenryMiller@iusd.org Assistant Coach. This is her third year as the Color Guard Instructor for the University of Nebraska Cornhusker Marching Band and her fourth year serving in the same position at LSE. GuinevereMorones@iusd.org
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