This fic is so full of Jonsa feels that it makes you want to burst. i have no experience whatsoever in writing before ,so if i make any mistakes, please let me know in the comments and help me out basically. How could you do that? he yelled. Disclaimer: I own nothing! For this chance, they had given everything. Luckily, Brandon had taken to holding him up. Gilly's mother was not identified in the books or show. Seriously, I pulled an all-nighter when I found this fic because as soon as I started reading it I couldnt put it down! Torn between hiding and making himself as visible as possible, the snap decision made itself. A minute ago, he was walking down the streets of So Paulo. This fic is so full of Jonsa feels that it makes you want to burst. Gotten some life experience.All that fun and handy life experience is telling him that being disintegrated by a massive laser is fatalAnd yet. She apologised, but Im the one who should ask for forgiveness. Cyegha is The Destroying Eye from another universe, and Beholding learns of it at The End of Everything. <3, Rating: Teen Current Word Count: 80,865. Jay is a Godless man indeed. The Manderly daughters have taken up Braavosi water-dancing. That girl was dead. Clearly, he did not notice Jon paling or his heartbeat racing as he looked between the girl and him. It's actually all just one elaborate history lesson. Ive watched too many members of my family die for me to surrender you to the flames, not when I might be able to save your life with mine! I couldnt allow the North to go through yet another war, Sansa, especially not one against dragons.. Jon had been so long in the far north he had almost forgotten what the sun on his face felt like. Grace and Christopher are sort of depicted as demisexual (if you're not into that you can still read, just skip the last chapter). Please, dont be alarmed, I was set on by robbers-, Ned, its going to be all right! she called back to him. It's been nearly three years since the worst 24 hours of her life when Juliette finds herself going back in time. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". "You need to relax. He finds out that he is the twin brother of Eddard Stark and was just stabbed six times. A faint flush of embarrassment crept over her face. Lyra is She was taught to play the Game of Thrones. Originally posted on the website Fanfiction.net on July 16, 2015, Robb Returns is an ongoing work updated regularly. Hello everyone, i found jon snow time travel fics are either rare or not well written, hence i decided to write one my self. Syrio Forel is hired by Ned Stark to train Arya. This is my attempt to answer all the questions I was left with at the end of the season as mostwerenever addressed. Never mind that, Ned. It was a memory that dropped back into his conscious mind like a stone down a dry well. Eldon Estermont notes that the charming and jolly Renly looks more troubled and weary due to the stresses of recent events. Rating: Not Rated Current Word Count: 55,329 Canon Compliant through: 8x06. Something they took for the after effects of his attack. Sakura is just along for the ride and doing her best. and our Not to me.. In exile after killing Daenerys for her burning of King's Landing, Jon Targaryen receives an unexpected visit during his time up north. The Northerners are furious, Arya can hardly look at him, Bran needs to tell him something important, and Sansa well, Sansa is haunting Jons every thought. All the same, he was capable of doing nothing more than gape dumbly at all these long dead people who surrounded him. During their travels the tension builds between themespecially after Jon suffers an injury and theyre taken in by an older couple. The Stark children find the direwolf mother alive (albeit with an injured leg) and take her in along with her pups. Jon rises from his seat and folds the letter, holding it tight in his hand, and strides towards the exit doors of the common hall. The problem? Gods, Ned what happened? She had died in the Red Waste along with Khal Drogo, and in her place was now Daenerys Stormborn of house Targaryen, the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Ned reveals Jon's parentage to Catelyn in Chapter 24. Work Search: Privacy Policy. Unfortunately for her, there's no dragon eggs this time and no way for her to build an army to return to Westeros. Fix-it fic for Chain of Thorns! Littlefinger, outside of his need to sow chaos. With relationships and reputations What if you owned an animal species that mimicked your soul, a "spirit animal" in reality? She shoved past Davos and almost fell on the Lord Commander, smoothing his brow as she studied his face intently. Tywin mentions that Grand Maester Pycelle is passing information from King's Landing to Casterly Rock. Summary: Since Jon left, Sansa has struggled to keep things together and she longs for his return. Chapter 27 indicates that Robert has persuaded the Ironborn to join in on his campaign to take out the Lannisters. Their last hope faded with the smell of the burning hair. Winter is coming and the dead with it, but King Robert Baratheon is making his way North after the death of Jon Arryn. Please consider turning it on! In the process, all of Christopher's friends and family contribute to the mission. By the time she did that, her companion had caught them up and was now dismounting his huge destrier war horse. How could you think that your death was an acceptable outcome?, You hypocrite! she responded, throwing the accusation in his face as she stepped in closer, chest heaving in time with his own. The political landscape has changed in the aftermath of Daenerys Targaryens decimation of Kings Landing. lol), Rating: Mature Word Count: 55,758 Canon Compliant through: 7x07. After Rooster's jet gets hit, he opens his eyes to see his dad and Mav standing in front of him, in their twenties and definitely alive. Required fields are marked *. Even though he was undoubtedly many leagues from Oldtown, just having somewhere to aim for renewed his sense of direction and gave him something to focus on. When he starts reliving days he prays harder. Ones that seem to almost warn him of events to come. Rating: Mature Current Word Count: 39,051 Canon Compliant through: 6x08, Summary:For some reason, its Theon Greyjoys voice in Rickons head as he begins to run. The work is part of the Time Travel genre because the work centers around Jon Snow being sent back in time due to Melisandre's rituals and spells. Technically she came back right (without the magic Bloodraven siphoned to her), but that means she is much weaker than she was in the old timeline. Please note that this is a complete Season 8 rewrite that has major departures from Season 7 and a few from Season 6. And this time, put a hand on the scale to ensure this doesn't happen again. There, she paused. She placed her hands on the wounds and spoke as if pleading with them to close. The result of this authorsfics are always so satisfying andI hope you all love it as much as I do! Daenerys wants revenge on Sansa for allegedly tricking Jon into killing her in the old timeline. Rating: Not Rated Current Word Count: 26,214 Canon Compliant through: 8x05 and part of 8x06. There are many original characters because the bulk of the story takes place before canon, therefore there are many characters, like Lyanna Stark, who are present but are dead in canon. Rooster closes his eyes and lets the force pull him to the dark. Get off the mountain, go to the nearest town and get help a plan began to formulate. He whipped around again, to where the Lord Commander lay gasping. She is in love with Winterfell and , Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. Why do I struggle to find the words?, Her sisters grey eyes study her face attentively for a heartbeat. All were fed to the flames, filling the air with an acrid stench. -- sequel to time's arrow -- Luke Pearce had been living an ideal second life for eleven years, until his first life caught him and reminded him that he was never the God in this life, and there were things that even he could not change. The Gods were displeased that Bloodraven managed to manipulate the Prophecy of the Prince that was Promised, and turn it into a means where He would become an eternal king. The characters are all perfectly written and Ive adored every interaction that each of them has had. Brandon and Lyanna had clearly ridden out ahead of the others, stretching their horses legs. It worked., He should be awake, she pointed out. Tormund burns down Bloodraven's cave, presumably killing him. I cant I dont-, Dont fret on it, said Brandon. In the original timeline these eggs were stolen from Cregan Stark's tomb by an agent of Bloodraven and brought to Pentos for Daenerys, but here Jon Snow finds them first and hatches them. You ought to be dead!. Much too bright. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Tywin and Genna believe that Viserys Targaryen would try to take advantage of a war by betrothing Daenerys to Trystane Martell and build up an army to invade. Valar Botis (All Men Must Endure) by sanva, Follow A Song of Ice and Fire on WordPress.com. Menu. Had they known I was still alive when they dumped my body in this place? I can play the same game, Jon. According to Blackfish Tully, his brother Hoster has always been one of these, as shown when he married his two daughters to Lords Paramount in Robert's Rebellion. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But no, not even they were stupid enough to risk that. The fic is very well-written so enjoy if you check this one out! Believing that Robert would kill him for failing to find Littlefinger's financial books and possibly withholding information about Cersei and Jaime's incest, Varys flees to White Harbor with Barristan Selmy, Myrcella and Tommen Baratheon, and Tyrion Lannister, Ned will not be joining the rest of the kingdoms against the Lannisters and is declining Robert's suit for Sansa's hand, he picks up his chair and. Stannis meanwhile will take the Crownlanders and the Royal Fleet to blockade/capture Lannisport. Every time he dies he goes back to when ghost is born. I hope its not too presumptuous to add my own fic to this list as Im having so much fun writing my own Season 8 fix-it fic. According to The Stranger, this is what happened to Jon in Season 6 because Jon lost the ability to listen to good advice. My sisters a spectator too, you can watch with her if youre alone. Being a bastard in the north, or in Westeros, isn't the most pleasant thing you can be. Baelish bastard. But the question is, what can she do? Will 0the Wisp states in the authors statement that inspiration for the work comes from both the television show and the book series, therefore this work is considered to be a hybrid. Only the arrival of Lady Melisandre induced him to tear his gaze away from the horror before him. Hes injured, he needs to sleep and heal., Here, said Dolorous Edd, appearing before them with the bucket of cold water Melisandre had used to wash the body. Post season 7 fic. Groaning, he tried to call out but his limbs were so stiff and sore that all he could do was roll over. Will you take it slow and plan out every move, or will you run away and cower in a hole forevermore? But I love this one in particular because Jon and Sansa are so soft with each other and it just melts me every time! Was this the afterlife? Robert Baratheon's strategy to take out the Lannisters. - Not- , Sansa! Jon cut her off, aghast at her words as he stepped in and gripped her arms. I tried to arrange all my recs below the cut in order of when they diverge from canon. Then, one day, Sansa disappears. Holding his breath, he watched and waited for what seemed an age and a day. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4004), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (511), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (473), - | Mdo Zsh - Mxing Tngxi (465), Ln Zhn | Ln Wngj/Wi Yng | Wi Wxin (379), Minor or Background Relationship(s) (247), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added (197), Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist (175), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2842), Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika | Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Original Female Character/Original Nonbinary Character, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Mikasa Ackerman & Armin Arlert & Eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman & Erwin Smith & Mike Zacharias & Hange Zo, 104th Training Corps Ensemble & Eren Yeager, Reiner Braun & Bertolt Hoover & Annie Leonhart & Eren Yeager, Marcel Galliard | Berwick & Porco Galliard & Eren Yeager, Pieck Finger & Porco Galliard & Eren Yeager & Zeke Yeager, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss & Eren Yeager, 104th Training Corps Ensemble (Shingeki no Kyojin), Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Carole Bradshaw & Nick "Goose" Bradshaw & Peter "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Basically Bradley goes back to 1986 and fixes many things, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Jay Merrick/Brian Thomas | Hoody/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Bless I would never do our lesbian queen dirty, Skully/Brian Thomas | Hoody/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Time Loop starts a bit later into the story, Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky has DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder, Brian Thomas | Hoody has DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder. How does Sansa, as Cersei, deal with being married to Robert? Collections: 7 Comments: 1629 There was bound to be a charitable Septon who would take pity on him, even a Maester if he was really lucky. A foreign tongue he did not understand, spoken in an undulating whisper, barely audible. She soothed her mount before jumping from the saddle. The focus of the story is on the White Walkers, and trying to defeat them. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. What would happen if all of them found themself in the old gym of Karasuno, if they got another chance for going to the top? This tag belongs to the Unsorted Tag Category. Not a kidnapping fic. Because, in hopes of protecting their identities, Jon and Sansa have to pretend to be happily married and in love. But . The pack survives, whispered the North. - . Thats a wolf on the pommel, isnt it?, Lyanna beamed down at him. Happy ending for Gracestopher! Rating: Mature Current Word Count: 28,754 Canon Compliant through: 8x05, Summary:Jons heart constricted at the thought of his Sansa standing proud and defiant as dragonflames consumed her. and our Summary: It was a common saying in the North, in the endless stretch of years following the Long Night, and the after. 1.2M 32.8K 58 DISCONTINUED amaris smiled and her eyes filled with melancholy tears as she looked at jon snow, the man she loved but could never have. The work was published on August 19, 2016, and completed on August 7, 2017. So I started to make a rec post per a lovely anon request and honestly I couldnt stop once I got started (my love for these fics knows no bounds and I ranted about each of them in italics below). Summary:"Forgive me, he tells her, his voice is almost inaudible but there is no mistaking the pleading in his tone. I adore literally everything about this fic. In Chapter 31, Cersei and Jaime learn that Tyrion, Myrcella, and Tommen are missing. He feels calm. Just lie still until help arrives. She sees him wince as though her words have cut through his skin, yet she remains unmoved. Magnus expected to die. Unfortunately, despite their best thoughts, changing history isn't going to be without consequence. Language: English Words: 145,469 Chapters: 35 /? [Completed, 7 chapters, 70,000 words, rated mature] A Knight's Watch by DolorousEdditor Jon Snow is forbidden to take the black by his father. In Chapter 28 it's revealed that he blew the whistle on Cersei and Jaime and allied with the Targaryens, but for what purpose? This is my first work ever. Fair warning that the slow burn is ssslllooowww (thimbleful is literally the queen of the slow burn) and every painful second of it is amazing! Just another post-S7 fic. Littlefinger did indeed reveal the incestuous relationship between Cersei and Jaime, but not his motivations. It isn't terribly difficult, making The Archivist into an Eldritch fear Entity when the rules of reality don't apply. Despite being the first out the door, Melisandre was also the first one back in the room. Really everyone brought back by the Lord of Light has this problem, but Jon had it worse than most because Bloodraven tampered with his. (Seriously, any good therapist will recommend this as a cleanse for your soul! for every single episode of Season 8. Luckily, the Mandalorian and baby Yoda in question are good at adapting, and Senator Bail Organa has close ties with the Jedi. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. As with everything this author writes, this fic is so satisfying in the best possible way! Meanwhile, the Red Woman remained silent as she set about her task, causing the atmosphere in the room to thicken. Staring into the mirror with the reflection of one of his students with big doe eyes and long blonde hair, the mirror stares back and he cannot say if he's prepaired to do the same. It's not every night on Coruscant that a clueless Mandalorian and a baby Yoda from 30 years in the future crash in a Senator's hangar. Assuming Ned was her companion, Jon tried calling out to her. When every single timeline resulted in failure to heal the Planet and Jenovas corruption spreads without fail, a sacrifice is made to ensure that the Lifestream can send back more than just one hero to save the world. Its amazing just howmuch the Starks communicating with each other makes me happy in fics now, but this fic has them working together very well and I loved it! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. They stabbed me, he remembered. His eye color can be different, though grey in the main story. Other than that, there was a small cloth covering him and Longclaw had slipped from his hands as he regained consciousness. My brother is nearby and we will have these men caught and punished. Five years after the destruction of Kings Landing, Starks emerge from the godswood of Winterfell. Jon Arryn survives after 298 AC after Littlefinger is arrested in 293 AC; Littlefinger manages to escape but is in no position to orchestrate his death. Rating: Explicit Current Word Count: 131,955 Canon Compliant (mostly) through: 7x07, Summary:Jon, Sansa says quietly, her hands twisting together in front of her. T Allyse Baratheon is the eldest daughter to Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon. Trapped in the past (rewrite) Fanfiction After Melisandre tries to bring Jon Snow back to life, she succeed, but he doesn't wake up, she somehow sent his mind six years into the past, where it was the beginning of the downfall of house Stark, while Jon wakes up and remembers everything, Sa. After a rogue prayer lands Juliette Curtis back in 1968, she must save Johnny Cade and the incredibly irritating Dallas Winston from their horrible fates. His mouth had run dry and his whole body was trembling. Every day. Hes back! he called out to the others whod already retreated. Unhurriedly, she propped Longclaw against the table then washed the dirt and blood from the dead mans chest. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Slack and colourless, the blood long drained through the gaping wounds in his upper body. The plot isincredible the characterizations are great, the endings of the villains work perfectly in the story, all the Starks are so smart and actually use the abilities theyve spent seasons gaining, and the ending is perfect! It wasnt Jons wolf either; Ghost lay sleeping by his dead masters side, with not even a twitch of his tail to betray any sign of life. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. but never shall we yield." But will Jon and Sansa be able to rebuild their trust in one another and finally reveal their deepest, darkest secrets, or will those secrets tear them apart forever? He must only fall to his knees before her, and then hell be no different from the slaves and beggars she had seen in Kings Landing. Just then, a sharp loud gasp sounded as he reached the threshold. Immediately, he fell back down again, impacting painfully with the hard ground. <3, Rating: Explicit Word Count: 130,532, Summary:Sansa and Jon fought to take Winterfell, now they will fight to keep it against a dead army and their king, a dragon queen, a lioness, and a schemer with a poison tongue. Whats all this about me being attacked? the one on the left asked. The man motioned for him to open the cloak he was wrapped in, which he hesitantly did. Where are they now? Robin Arryn is revealed to be Lysa's son by Littlefinger.
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