http://www.johnleary.com Tuesday, June 2, 2020 Jesus said: "My people, it is appalling that your bishops and governors are still keeping My faithful from even coming to daily Mass. Tu usaras tu refugio pronto cuando Yo llame a Mi gente a que vayan a Mis refugios protegidos., Junio 10, 2020 (Vidas Negras Importan Y Antifa) En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando frente al DVD de la adoracin. https://afterthewarning.com/messages-from-heaven/giselle-cardia/2022/june/20/pray-for-france. My angels will put a shield over those people in My refuges so they will not be infected. (LogOut/ Jesus said: My people, in some news you are seeing a lot of people who are able to come back to their old jobs, but there are still millions of people who are unemployed. Here is another to Pedro Regis. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Get Ready for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and be a Servant for God! Elas oro sobre la harina y el aceite y no se agot pues ellos pudieron comer por un ano durante la hambruna. So have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will always be watching over you., Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel I taught My apostles how to pray the Our Father. They will first shutdown your communications, and then they will try to persecute you and try to dishonor and tell lies about you. Jesus said: My people, it is sad that you have evil people paying anarchists to cause destruction and chaos so they can have a takeover of your government. He told his flock of leaders of the faithful to be watchful of the savage wolves of the worldly evil people. En la Capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando y viendo la Misa por el internet. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: elclandeloscolgados.com Welcome to El Clan - El Clan de los Colgados %El Clan de los Colgados around the U.S. and around the 50 States and Puerto Rico; around the White House, around the Government buildings; around President Trump and Vice-President Pence. miami dolphins players who have died. The video is down at the bottom of this Newsweek article posted yesterday. Before My call, you can prepare a backpack or roller board with clothes, hygiene things, religious things, and a tent and a sleeping blanket. Our Governments Are Still Not Reporting What They Have Shot down from Our Skies, Which, is Now Four Separate Incidents. Here is one to Valerie Copponi. Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ - June 23 Posts in this Blog on Prayer Groups and the Importance of Prayer! La polica y la Guardia Nacional estn tratando de parar las protestas y saqueos. Jesus said: My people, I have told you before that now is the time to take back your freedoms in worshiping Me. An Explanation of the Enchiridion and The Indulgences We Can Receive. You have been seeing a decline in Mass attendance over the years, so it will be interesting to see how many people actually come to Sunday Mass. You will have a lull in the summer, but be ready when a second wave of the virus will return in the fall. The Holy Spirit said: I am the Spirit of God, and you see Me symbolized as a dove. Luego tu instalaste otro sistema de 12 paneles y 12 bateras en el primer piso para que puedas limpiarlo cuando caiga nieve y tener energa en el invierno. Here are the latest messages on After the Warning website, the first to Giselle Cardia. These events will lead up to the start of the Antichrists tribulation. On June 15, ministers were planning on opening non-essential retail premises. I am the center of your lives because I am your Creator, your Redeemer, and your God. john leary messages july 2020 john leary messages july 2020 Jesus said: My people, I have been warning you in many messages to be prepared because you will see a worse virus attack in the fall. Tu invocas al Espritu Santo para que te ayude a escribir Mis palabras en lugar silencioso. Strive to save as many souls as you can before this tribulation time.. There is freedom of speech, but looting and burning peoples properties is a crime, and these anarchists need to be in jail. https://afterthewarning.com/messages-from-heaven/luz-de-maria/2022/june/20/it-is-not-the-end-of-the-world. Latest Messages on After the Warning Website. Wednesday, June 3, 2020: Published by at June 13, 2022. Prophet John Leary Wednesday, July 13, 2022: (St. Henry) Jesus said: "My people, you are in a struggle between the Green New Deal people and those people who favor using fossil fuels. Here is the story. Holy Rosary and the Glorious Mysteries by KristinsCrosses. Rejoice in My love and My sacraments. You have been opening in phases, so now you have freedom to worship Me again in person. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges all the way through the coming tribulation., Jesus said: My people, you are all so happy that your churches are finally opening this weekend. Only God can show us the error of our ways, and until we ask Him with a contrite heart, we may be blinded to the Truth, just like our Country is right now! Sunday, June 21, 2020 Jesus said: "My people, this is the first time you have been to Mass at your own church in three months. In the first reading the King of Israel prayed for My protection from the Assyrians who were ready to attack Jerusalem. The title for this article was "Mary Has a Place in Latest Encyclical: Pope Describes Her as a 'Woman of the Eucharist.'"1 The article began the following way: The last chapter of John Paul II's encyclical "Ecclesia de Eucharistia" is dedicated to the Virgin Marya surprise in a document dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament.2 Vive cada da como si fuera tu ultimo da, as que puedes orar y ayudar a las personas mientras tu puedas. If you do not have a stream or lake, you could look into drilling a water well. Give praise and thanks to Me that My angels will shield you from the evil mobs. Priests and Religious Fighting For Jesus and Our Church Today. Tambin, eviten masturbacin o pecados de homosexualidad. You have seen many deaths all over the world from this virus, and many nations have used a shut down to try and minimize the spread of the virus. You will visit the place of your judgment. It is the plan of Satan and the left protests to take over your government and prepare the New World Order to be given over to the Antichrist. You are all happy to see Me in Holy Communion, and your friends. Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (Editor) Table of Contents Preface by Michel Roe v Wade was Overturned! In the picture of My Sacred Heart you see an eternal flame of love with a crown of thorns. So fear not about the evil ones, because My angel of the refuge will protect you as the angel slew the enemies of Israel. I do see My faithful, who are baptized and confirmed, as on a higher road of faith, and more will be expected of them. The unemployment rate is about 14%. Here is the latest from Life Site News on the internal battle our Country is having with the Sheep being separated from the goats that are as savage as wolves on abortion. Live every day as if it was your last day, so you can pray and help people while you can. So, we can see at this point, the evil has gotten so bad in one town, that they are now threatening to kill Jeremiah because evil begets evil. Jess dice: Mi gente, en esta visin tu sales de la oscuridad hacia la Mi luz de libertad ya que regresas a tu segunda parroquia hace tanto tiempo. These virus attacks are your punishment for your abortions. https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/calendar/day.cfm?date=2022-06-25. Amen. 12The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense,but they will not help them at all when disasterstrikes. No tengan miedo Mis Fieles, pero estn preparados para la Advertencia y para irse a Mis Refugios protegidos., Junio 9, 2020 (Multiplicacin de comida, sal y luz) Holy Mass Celebrating the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart at St. Maria Gorettis Parish and Prayer of the HolyRosary. Latest Live Commentary and Interview from Mother and Refuge of the End Times with Ted Flynn on the Great Reset. stockton, california latest obituaries. June, 2020 Messages : John Leary It is a sign of the cold hearts to Me that need to get warmed up so you can let Me come into your hearts. The bear rampaged through the Mansion, sending the Jim O'Leary's scurrying in every direction. around every place that commits abortion or euthanasia. Confen en Mi proteccin cuando sus vidas estn en peligro. You recently This sent the Assyrians in confusion and they were forced to return home. You have limited numbers at some churches, but you are happy to be home in church for Sunday Mass. Many Prophets are being criticized because of their speaking out in warnings from God, but as evil continues to spread, evil men seek to shut the prophets up by persecution or death. Here is the latest video from Servants of Christ. Do not be surprised to see more violent protests and shootings. Is this also Planet X, Hercolubus, or TRAPPIST-1? You will be praying every day, and I will give you daily Holy Communion from My priests and My angels.". around all believers in the world; and around all unbelievers. Oren para que la polica y la Guardia Nacional puedan controlar las protestas violentas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ncIKpy92kQ. Todos tendrn que enfrentarse a esta puerta cuando vengas a tu propia muerte a una edad. Welcome to Live and Love For Jesus! Goodmorning Disciples of Jesus Christ. around Canada, around the 10 Provinces; around Ottawa; the Government buildings, around Prime Minister Trudeau. Enjoy this brief freedom for now because there will be a worse virus in the fall. Prophet John Leary | Mary Refuge Of Souls When this next virus comes in the fall, you will first face your Warning experience, and then My faithful will be called to My refuges, so they will not die of the virus. The print version of the messages are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Categories . Solo los creyentes en Mi palabra sern permitidos entrar a Mis refugios con el permiso de Mi ngel. When the Washington Blade caught up with Gisele Barreto . Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. They are using the summer solstice and an annular eclipse to promote their evil plot. Yo puedo ver como el Presidente inspiraba al pueblo americano en unos de sus reuniones. Prayer Group: Cuando la violencia de los disparos empeore, Mis fieles tendrn que venir a Mis refugios mas temprano para evitar que sean disparados. Maybe your people will finally wake up to see that you are being persecuted by your governors, who did not want to open My churches. What Is The Gospel? Yo puedo ver los anarquistas continuando de provocar a los policas que salieran de sus estaciones y destruyendo monumentos. 5Then I will fulfill the oath I sworeto your ancestors, to give them a land flowing with milk and honeythe land you possess today., 6TheLordsaid to me, Proclaimall these words in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: Listen to the terms of this covenant and followthem. This blog is about surrender, transformation, relationship and discipleship to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jess dice: Mi gente, en algunas noticias tu estas viendo mucha gente que pueden regresar a sus trabajos, pero hay millones de personas que estn desempleada. For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and the whole world. You have seen some violent protests, but now you are seeing a truly evil group that is promoting an overthrow of your government to establish a New World Order. Have no fear because My angels will defend you and multiply your needs.. Messages : John Leary Prophet John Leary, Messages July 6 thru July 12, 2022. You may still be wearing masks and distancing, but your churches are big enough to accommodate your restrictions. New Messages on After The Warning Website! Jess dice: Mi gente, tu presidente puso todos los eventos recientes en perspectiva cuando llamo a los saqueadores e incendiarios que estn destruyendo las ciudades. Es un problema cuando las falsas noticias no reportan los verdaderos nmeros de muertes relacionados con el coronavirus. Commentaries From Life Site News and Dr. Taylor Marshall. 19I had been like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter;I did not realize that they had plottedagainst me, saying. Also, he warned them even Thursday, May 28, 2020: The ambassador's comments pertained to an unsubstantiated claim made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken that China is "considering providing lethal support to Russia in the war against Ukraine,". Click on any month below for a copy of the messages posted for that month or click here to view the most recent messages posted to the site. Last year, as many of you know, I, "a soul", had many on-going health challenges for different critical illnesses.For almost ten months (January to October 2022), I was very sick. https://afterthewarning.com/messages-from-heaven/valeria-copponi/2022/june/20/jesus-ascended-into-heaven. All of the prophets in this blog are stating in their messages to be consecrated to both hearts and some are saying also to be consecrated to Saint Joseph and the Holy Family. You have limited numbers at some churches, but you are happy to be home in church for Sunday Mass. Amen. Este virus ser regado por toda Amrica y ser lo peor. You could put some Masses for yourself in your Will for your family to carry out. Now this weekend you will see a phased in opening that you had to even register to show you were coming. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to download a free version. Eventually, people will be tired of the false protests, and you could have a backlash protest where opposing groups could clash with more violence. Los izquierdistas estn usando esta crisis, especialmente los estados controlados por los Demcratas y ciudades, por razones polticas contra el Presidente. Al final de la tribulacin Yo traer Mi victoria, y todos los malvados sern arrojados al infierno. I told you that these people died from the 'Black Plague'. Ellos estn permitiendo esta destruccin que pase y luego critican al Presidente por no hacer nada. It is hard to imagine why some mothers want to kill their babies in the womb by abortion. 7From the time I brought your ancestors up from Egypt until today, I warned them again and again,saying, Obey me.8But they did not listen or pay attention;instead, they followed the stubbornness of their evil hearts. Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady Solo en pocas horas yo pude ver muchos cuerpos morir del virus. There will be chaos and food shortages all over because many people did not heed My warning of saving up some food. 13You, Judah, have as many godsas you have towns;and the altars you have set up to burn incenseto that shamefulgod Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.. When you have discerned that you want to prepare a refuge, you need to consecrate your land and make an attempt to find water on your land. Back around 1900, a popular vaudeville song was "Let Me Shake the Hand that Shook the Hand of John L. Sullivan," the last heavyweight bareknuckle boxing champion. John Lear, Pilot of The Cia: "We Control Alien Technology and There Are Instead, I will destroy them with the sword,famineand plague.. Prophet John Leary http://www.johnleary.com/ Wednesday, August 3, 2022: Jesus said: "My people, I see all people as equals before Me, in that no one is better than the other. Reflecting on Gods Holy Word on 1 Corinthians 15;51-52 and Revelations 20:1-6. Eviten vasectomas y ligadura de los tubos. Receive My gifts as I am cleansing the earth of all evil. Tu puedes darte cuenta de que esto fue creado en un laboratorio porque la poca del virus de gripe no continua hasta el verano cuando esta caliente. Otherwise, buy some five gallon jugs of water to multiply. Once you have provided what you can afford, and what space you can use, do not be concerned about having more food, because in faith I can multiply your food and water. If we sin against Him, we are breaking our Covenant with Him because we have chosen sin over His Laws, Commandments and Ways. Yo los amo a todos, y Yo estoy ms cerca de ti cuando me recibes a Mi en persona. Los malvados estn tratando de derrumbar el sistema de polica para el tomo completo. Terms & Conditions! Yo puedo ver al mundo en un caos por el ataque del virus y los anarquistas quienes estn tratando de derrumbar a Amrica. The devil uses fear and anxieties to keep you fearful of viruses, and he wants to keep you from coming to Me at Mass in church. The latest messages can be read by clicking on the Latest Messages link under the Messages menu. The prophets told the people how they were in sin in as they offended Me by their evil actions. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/planets-align-2022-five-mercury-venus-mars-jupiter-saturn/. coinspot deposit not showing. Jess dice: Mi gente, ustedes son todos mortales y mueren algn da. You are seeing constant violent protests, and now even Satans followers want to bring in the New World Order. After the Warning, you will return to your body and you will have six weeks to convert your family without the devils influence. Here is Mary Greeley News with a report. Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec, Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec, More message archives to come as time permits, click here to view the most recent messages. End Time Prophets, Bloggers and Watchmen. T tambin has sido enviado al mundo para compartir Mi Palabra y traer las almas convertidas hacia Mi. These Black Lives Matter groups will try and carry their protests into the surrounding towns. Junio 1, 2020 (Partidos de Oposicin planifican el tomo completo de EU) I am showing you your governor and your President who need your prayers during this virus plague. Valentine) Jesus said: "My son, you were curious why I brought the Flood upon the earth to kill everyone but Noah and his family, who were faithful to Me. 18Because theLordrevealed their plot to me, I knew it, for at that time he showed me what they were doing. God doesnt change nor does He break His Covenant with His Children, WE DO! Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, Life-Saving Video - GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, SHOCKING GRAPHENE OXIDE PARTS I AND II God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast, Visit my Brighteon Channel for many unique prophecy videos: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/1asoul, Healing for Vaccinated People Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, IMPORTANT MESSAGE Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), Announcement The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, DISCLAIMER: This website and blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly known as MaryRefugeOfHolyLove), is not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministries (HLM). http://johnleary.com/. Jesus said: "My people, the freezing rain makes ice all over everything. Prophet John Leary It is also a problem when your false news does not give you the true numbers of deaths from the corona virus. Mis ngeles pondrn una capa de proteccin sobre las personas en Mis refugios para que no sean afectados. I long to save all souls, but I do not force My love on anyone. List of rampage killers (familicides in the United States) Messages : John Leary Tuesday, February 7, 2023: Jesus said: "My people, you read about the fifth to the seventh day of Creation when I created man in My image, and how I rested on the seventh day and made it holy. Have faith and trust in Me that I will protect you and provide for your needs during the tribulation.. Prophet John Leary, Messages: Aug 3 thru Aug 9, 2022 As you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your health problems. I have told you that the devils time is running out. Tu puedes confiar en Mis ngeles para que protejan tu refugio y provee por tus necesidades. Here is the information about the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart. (In the vision I could see the planes spreading the virus laden chemtrails.) Larvin and. This has been done over the past 40 years. Also, Spiritual Warfare by Father Chad Ripperger, and Lenten Preparation by Father Dan Reehil from Catholic RadioMaria. Los oficiales demcratas en sus estados estn permitiendo estos anarquistas tener control sobre sus ciudades. Prophet John Leary, Messages July 6 thru July 12, 2022 Mis constructores de refugios necesitan rpidamente terminar las preparaciones porque el tiempo de ir a Mis refugios se acerca. Zadzwo! El partido opuesto est detrs del ataque del virus, los toque de queda y los motines. In January, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children notified local police of a social media account that was spreading explicit images. Tu vera ms caos y muertes durante la segunda ola del virus cuando morirn muchos en el otoo. Here are some important messages we copied and pasted from Johns website. Los malvados tienen muy poco tiempo, ellos usaran cualquier medio que puedan usar para el tomo del tu gobierno. Jesus said:My son, you have been reading how Elijah was persecuted as all of My other prophets were killed because of the lack of faith in the people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKdDk3mjBxk. We ask this in Your Sons name, who is our Divine Savior, Jesus Christ. 11Therefore this is what theLordsays: I will bring on them a disasterthey cannot escape. Also, Prophetic message from Julie Whedbee, that Father Reehil mentions in his Podcast on one of her PropheticDreams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-YYkI_FKzk. Here is the information of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. 10This is what theLordsays about this people: They greatly love to wander;they do not restrain their feet.So theLorddoes not acceptthem;he will now remembertheir wickednessand punish them for their sins., 11Then theLordsaid to me, Do not prayfor the well-being of this people. Jesus said: My people, seeing new babies in the family is a blessing of new life. Sigue orando por las almas del purgatorio para cuando ellos suban al cielo, ellos oren por ti de regreso. We see in verses 14 through 25 in Chapter 10 above that Jeremiah is pleading for the house of Jacob, which are the 12 Tribes of Israel, and praying to God for His wrath to come down on all of the idolatry (pagan) worshippers that do not know God because they are the ones that have brought the evil pagan worship to Jacobs descendants. Jesus said: My people, as you look at this small black hole expand into a large sinkhole, this is how the evil of one killing has expanded into a country wide protest of rioting and looting. Dr. Taylor Marshall and Jesse Romero on How to Rejoice in the Lord During Lent and These Difficult Times. My angels will provide for your needs, and you will adore My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance in perpetual Adoration. The print version of the messages are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. My new column: Great Shakes, by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review Latest Messages from After the Warning Website. Mis fieles sern llevados a Mi Era de Paz como su recompensa por ser fieles a Mi., Junio 17, 2020 (Listo para la muerte preparados con frecuentes Confesin, oracin) Here is Jeremiah, Chapter 11. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah%2011&version=NIV. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done. After two hurricanes had struck, a message of Jesus to John Leary talked about the two hurricanes, showing no knowledge of the two additional hurricanes to strike in that same year. Pray that you can take advantage of this time, because you may have more restrictions from a new fall virus., Jesus said: My people, you all are mortal and you all will die one day.
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