A lengthy one-shot of how Zuko and Katara find their way back to each other after the war as young, slightly damaged, adults. Title: Tearful Introduction Genre: Family; General; Fluff; Drama. Zukos undercover life in the Earth Kingdom has come to an end, and hed agreed to a deal proposed by the enemys colonel he would be placed in custody under some reasonable general. This story will mostly focus on Azula and the Fire Warriors: Them going on adventures together, getting up to some hijinks, using the Kemurikage disguises to become vigilantes and helping each other, as well as Azula learning and realising some things about herself and the world. If anything, he felt guilty that he had allowed Zuko to terrorize his crew for so long without taking matters into his own hands. 3 - Because pushy anons like you made it my NOTP. Garcia Middle School Counselors, Lodha Malad, From Lodha Group, Luxurious 2, 3 and 4 BHK Homes In Malad West, trader joes distribution center irving texas, What Happened To Johnny And Tiara Sims Conversion Therapy, Perkins 4 Cylinder Diesel Engine For Sale. She holds a cold glare to everyone around her, often being misunderstood. Katara: *Shifts in her sleep, lays her head on Aang's chest*. "We didn't. Go back and save him." Zuko Joins The Gaang Early (Avatar) Azula (Avatar) Redemption Blue Spirit Zuko (Avatar) Zuko doesn't mean to start a revolution. His cheeks were flushed from the little color it normally had. Fanfic Recs /. g . "Sometimes, the best way to solve your own problems, is to help someone else." Fire Lord Zuko was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and a slight blush crawled up his cheeks. He will tell new group members his . A few month's after his mother's departure, Ozai takes Azula and Zuko on a trip to visit the psychic fire benders temple on a remote island. Referendum Initiative And Recall Are Examples Of What Government, All Saints Catholic High School Whitby Ranking. That couldn't be good. school of professional studies acceptance rate duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo While Iroh tells Zuko that he changed their ship's course so Iroh could go shopping for another Lotus Tile, the prince just stands there fuming. The Undying Fire series by @botherkupo - (there are some ships, but the main focus is Gen) This is an epic Zuko is a firehealer, AU starting with The Blue Spirit, and spanning through each season. "You've had enough," said Zuko. Iroh scooted softly, soundlessly to the edge of his bedCarefully placing his feet on the floor he tip-toed behind his young nephew. The first chapter is an overall summary of the next few chapters, if you do not wish to read of sickness, drowning, or death (temporary) then please skip~~. Zuko rubbed the back of his head in imbursement and Iroh walked out with three cups and a pot of tea. Zuko hasnt had a chance to rest since Boiling Rock and his body hates him for it. Extremely good, lots of Gaang focus, great Aang and Zuko friendship vibes and so much more. Azula and Zuko Have a Good Relationship (Avatar). Chapter 27: Toph's Fieldtrip Summary: Katara is acting strange as the gaang attempts to move camp toward the next town. This scar on the boy's left side of the face always made him angry. A story in which Zuko is feeling seasick and his crew takes pity on him. She knows what it is and Sam and Zuko need to diagnose it, treat it and expunge it before it's too late. Toph and Zuko's trust in their friends is tested as a rough morning gets out of hand. After losing it all, Zuko was the only one who could bring him back. He has never known terror like that before, not even as he was holding Tophs hand, certain they would both fall to their deaths in a war they were too young to fight. He will tell new group members his . In order to join, please click the 'Join Group' button. Answer (1 of 14): I am an avid reader of Fanfictions and have read many stories of different fandoms. Please consider turning it on! Sokka helps out. cue stubbornness, cooking, and a whole lot of fluff. In the span of a year, everything has changed. Sokka and Suki grow more fiercely together as the world threatens to pull them apart. They have an important mission in Ba Sing Se and a bison to find. What if Fate decided to make their paths meet earlier than any of them ever expected? He hasn't seen his partner in months. Expect slow and inconsistent updates]. When Zuko and Iroh suddenly join the Avatar's group after "The . "Eventually, it leads to Zuko joining the Gaang much earlier than in the actual series, but with Iroh along for the journey rather than in prison. The problem is, hes not. Twitter. "Great news! Fourteen year later, Katara realizes the full extent of her powers when she finds a child with strangely familiar abilities frozen in an iceberg and a prince comes searching for her. 15 MINUTES LATER. Prince Zuko was a walking reminder of how unimportant she really was. Iroh glared at him "What?" His skin had taken on a grayish hue, and he thrashed feverishly on the bed. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Avatar WW3 AU Zuko Yang is a 17 year old firebender who is the firstborn son of President Ozai of the Fire Nation. It could lead to a civil war. Facebook. His uncle sat down and took a sip as Zuko finished. This is a work of fanfiction that was inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender, specifically the Season 2 Finale. . Zuko explains. Browse through and read zuko x oc stories and books. Another Brother. [] someone they called the kamioroshi was the only person who could restore balance to this world. what if she disguised him as a girl to protect him? A lost boy gains a father, and he lives, no matter how close death feels. In the span of a year, everything has changed. They had not been seen since the Empire of Fire attacked the Air Nomads almost a hundred years ago, and it was in search of this and other survivors of the Air Nomad genocide that her people had left the north pole, for they always came back. (Zuko Fanfic ATLA . Its not like he ever had a class on what to do with a sick firebender prince intent on taking him prisoner. https://www #zuko #zuko imagine #zuko x reader #atla iroh #prince zuko #avatar #avatar the last airbender #avatar the last airbender imagine #prince zuko x reader #prince zuko imagine . 717 Stories . Across the room, Jet's gathering up empty bowls ahem, hiding the evidence. New adventures are had to accommodate them being soulmates. (Not very Whumpish, more fluffy) Theme 7 of Whumptober: I've got you 1.5K 43 11. There was no sign of Zuko. A collection of one-shots detailing the times Iroh helped Zuko. There was a fanfic I read once in ao3 about sokka getting kidnapped by Zuko, while wearing the kiyoshi Warriors uniform and Zuko does a power move and gives sokka only dresses to change into. Luckily for Zuko, he has come to expect that everything will go wrong at any given moment. But the opportunity had been too convenient not to bring it up and make his move. This fanfic series provides exapmles of: Alternate Continuity: The series branches off from a point where Zuko overhears Azula's plan to fool him into betraying Iroh under the false pretense of "regaining Father's love. It's supposed to be a week of fun and relaxation, just hanging out together as a group but the plan unfortunately goes off track when Zuko falls ill with a bad stomach bug in the middle of the woods, miles out from the nearest town. Browse through and read zuko x oc stories and books . The Legend of Korra Avatar: The Last Airbender | Katara Suki Sokka Team Avatar Aang Zuko | Romance Toph Zoph Toko Atla Kataang Lok Slowburn Au. Iroh making the toothy monkey face. There was water for miles around them, but they were going to die of dehydration. Yet, the option lingers. In spite of Zuko's best efforts, events go from bad to worse. Zuko, still new to the gang, has a bit of trouble adjusting, and this especially shows with his trust in telling them when he's not feeling his best. Its over. Book 1: Water - Chapters 1- Language: 12m. " They moved on. Zuko walked through the woods thinking about Chiara worried that she was going to overwork herself taking care of them. just a bunch of avatar and korra one shotssome will be short others are long idk, y'all are more than welcome to suggest/request pairing and kinks and whatnot!!! iroh takes care of sick zuko fanfic. The air was cool on his face, a gentle caress on his scarred skin. Title: "A Universe of Beaches" Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Author: Mira_Jade Genre: General (lil' bit of everything) Rating: PG Time Frame: Canon though post-Canon AU Characters: Zuko/Katara, Ensemble Cast Summary: Theirs was a tale as old as time, that of the sun and moon; fire and water; yin and yang; push and pull.In a world rediscovering its balance after a hundred years of war, two . and whole of humanity. "The most notorious entertainer of the Fire Nation!" The Avatar isn't actually his great-grandfather. Iroh's Wisdom, an avatar: last airbender fanfic | FanFiction Just a simple one-shot of Iroh taking care of Zuko during his metamorphosis. AU where Zuko doesn't manage to escape during the Day of the Black Sun. Prince Zuko unsuccessfully chased the avatar for years, never doing substantial harm to the gaang, and it took him putting his own life on the line fighting combustion man, making personal amends with Sokka, Aang, and Katara, and making up with his uncle to be successfully redeemed. Riddled with fever, the ex prince has no choice but to allow the others to help him, though some are less eager than others. He didn't raise his voice, but it rang with power and authority. June 7, 2022 underground celebrity gossip . Foreign Queasine: Stewed sea prunes disgust Zuko, Haru . Or- the world is complicated and often unkind, but there's still hope for carving desire out of destiny. Something he could never take back. I have two ATLA fics that are over 50k. Sokka chided, taking the bowl with an exaggerated bow and a wink. His dark eyes glitter in the light coming from the lanterns. Iroh didn't dare lean over enough to see past the boy. His inner fire would flare pleasantly whenever the boy was even near him. About Avatar Stabbed The Airbender Zuko Fanfiction Last . Or anything that happens afterward. When Zuko arrives at the Western Air Temple, he has a lot to unlearn from the shards of his childhood. Notes: It is a fantastic take on post-series Azula and her relationship with Iroh. he says, sitting down crosslegged across from him. Youre ridiculous!, or: a cold derails sokkas grand plans for his weekend alone with zuko. The Gaang still defeats Ozai, but the Fire Nation now has an heir to drag back up from the dungeons to put on the throne. Baby Zuko has a cold so Iroh makes him dumplings as comfort food. This story spans over about 8 years. Avatar: The Last Airbender. It all changes, however, when the Years before the Siege of Ba Sing Se, General Iroh discovers a young girl among the remains of a decimated Water Tribe village. Podfic of A Tale of Ice and Smoke - Water. Zuko and his uncle s : book 1 I look at him with confusion fill eyes. "Uncle Iroh, what's wrong?" A realization came to him and he thought he'd be sick. Takes place during S3 before the group gets to Ember Island and after the episode "The Southern Raiders". There was a fanfic I read once in ao3 about sokka getting kidnapped by Zuko, while wearing the kiyoshi Warriors uniform and Zuko does a power move and gives sokka only dresses to change into. Towards the Sun by MuffinLance is an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfic exploring a For Want of a Nail Season Four "Zuko never joined the Gaang, and he's really bad at being good" AU. Can enemies ever become friends? - . Or,5 times the palace staff were protective over their Fire Lord because they all love him to death, and 1 time they had someone else do it. "This is no regular sickness. Abduction Is Love: Aang's only knowledge about dealing with hostages is seeing a play where this occurs between a princess and her pirate kidnappers.The start of said play just happens to be very similar to the mess that Zuko and the Gaang currently find themselves in, which prompts Zuko and Katara to retort that . New abilities are revealed, relationships are strained, and both siblings are forced to look deep within themselves for answers they may not be ready to find. San Diego County, CA (June 3, 2022) On Friday, 1 person died and 4 others were injured in a solo-vehicle crash on Interstate 8. Mai shook her head. Crystal is the twin sister of Sokka, and older sister of Katara. Sure enough, when she reached out to touch him, she immediately burnt her hand. Fanfiction Romance Love Avatar Tvshow Fanfic Zuko Journey Oc Embark Thegaang. Zuko x reader angst keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which . Amidst the war to take down Fire Lord Ozai, Katara struggles to trust the Fire Prince while Zuko just wants to help the Avatar. "Suiren!" Roku gets a chance to talk to Zuko at his temple. All the stories are about fragments out of Zuko's and Iroh's lives. Play Prodigy. " Written for whumptober day eleven, adrift, drowning, and dehydration. 2 - Because I don't ship Zutara. # 1 The Lunar Warrior [ATLA FF] by Jenna is Writing 108K 5.4K 31 As the eldest son of the chieftain he was tasked with protecting the village when his father left to aid in the war. Prince Zuko was the last person they wanted to meet again. Zuko Joins The Gaang Early Avatar Mai Joins the Gaang Avatar those. A Zuko joins the Gaang accidentally in season1 story. Lost in the screams of pain, Chapter 14: Love hurts. Day 12: Living ProofDay 15: BreathlessDay 16: Can You Feel Me? unique traits of plants, animals and humans. Even though you might think that this is just a simple fever, it is not, regardless of it's insignificance to you. "For getting so sick, I'm the one who should be taking care of you," Zuko's eyes were filled with sincerity. First fan fiction and first time writing for the fandom! Look, I just want to know if I'm dead or not.. His hands shook, lips trembled, but he did his best to show face. Zuko respects Katara as a bender, even if she is a girl. On hiatus, but not permanently. https://www #zuko #zuko imagine #zuko x reader #atla iroh #prince zuko #avatar #avatar the last airbender #avatar the last airbender imagine #prince zuko x reader #prince zuko imagine . Azula is mildly confused at the influx of mail she's receiving. What if there was a protector of the Avatar? But when he takes in a troubled young teenager named Zuko, he may find that it was more than he bargained for. Zuko Joins The Gaang Early (Avatar) Ozai (Avatar) Being a Terrible Parent Ozai (Avatar) is an Asshole (ozai isn't in here yet but sokka finds out about what happened to zuko and basically kidnaps him) ( (he immediately regrets this decision)) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck Childhood Trauma Not Beta Read My First Work in This Fandom. Crown Prince Zuko was not what his crew expected. Rule Number Two: Only Alec has the right to tell people his true origins, and he will mostly limit this to group members. "It's been so long, over three years since I was home. The waterbender suddenly realized that though they had been dealing with the banished prince for so long, there was still so much they didn't know about him. Kida is Sokka and Katara's sister. By carol's daughter monoi shampoo and conditioner costco. Hurt people hurt people. What if: Sokka and Katara weren't the only ones to get sick from the storm. AU where Zuko doesn't manage to escape during the Day of the Black Sun. It's all right. Personally, Iroh believed that Zuko had deserved it, and he was just about sick of listening to his nephew complain. The daughter of the legendary swordsman Piandao. Warnings are posted individually for each chapter and chapters are titled with the ship name in brackets. Katara and Sokka had been satisfied in thinking that Zuko was simply a monster, as they had grown up in a world torn apart by war. Aang laid on Appa's back, alone with thoughts of the complicated nature of women. How did you know that Zuko falters on the words, poison again. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works When . BAMF Zuko Avatar BAMF Mai Avatar My First Fanfic. Three years after the war Zuko is living a life of duty while Katara reluctantly travels the world with Aang. Zuko acts like a shameless drunk flirt when sick. In the 18th year of her life she joins him and her uncle in their push to Ba Sing Se. Browse through and read zuko x oc stories and books. El calor de Zuko ha llegado en medio de su misin en Ba Sing Se, por suerte ya haba arreglado pasarlo con Sokka quien aunque haba aceptado muy feliz encargarse de l al principio pronto se dar cuenta que no todo es tan fcil como parece. Zuko took Chiara's hand and they followed Iroh. To his credit, the older man doesnt try to debate him. Is it possible for his wish to partially come true? He continued to spank until they, too, were bright red and hot to the touch. The details I leave to you all. Teruko takes one look at Zuko and goes: anyone gonna lovingly bully that? Towards the Sun by MuffinLance is an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfic exploring a For Want of a Nail Season Four "Zuko never joined the Gaang, and he's really bad at being good" AU. They kiss, and all is going extraordinarily well. My First Work in This Fandom. He loved Zuko with all of his heart, but the boy needed discipline. What if Aang was not the only hope of the world? I brewed it myself!" "Well Iroh, I'm happy to say your burn has healed enough to rejoin Zuko and the others. What Happened To Johnny And Tiara Sims Conversion Therapy, He was running close to the outer wall, looking for Zuko. I was sent an incest ship and a sentence, which was to be the first sentence of the ficlet, and then I finished it with 5 more sentences (or, in many cases, far more than 5). The running of a country is not something to take lightly. This fic takes place just after Zuko joins the Gaang. Instead he just waited. OR: Nora, a girl from the modern world, wakes up in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender three months before the story starts. But what was the cost of Zukos empathy? Iroh smiled softly as Zuko began his writing, or drawing or what ever he was doing. Iroh thought he raised his son the right way. She holds a cold glare to everyone around her, often being misunderstood. He dumped his on her plate and then walked off into the woods. How did you know that something was wrong with you, he was going to say. Welcome. The colonel was right that if anyone else found him, he would live through The North all over again. Needless to say, that isnt a very good decision. And after Katara had seen the enormity of the Fire Nation fleet, she knew that Zuko's ship was tiny by comparison. best army base in germany is dr abraham wagner married is dr abraham wagner married "I don't want Ozai to die. In a twist of espionage, Zuko, Katara, and Sokka must go undercover in the Fire Nation while the rest of the Gaang stays behind to complete their end of the plan. A collection of 1+5 Challenge incest ship doobles from my (now defunct) Tumblr. He had wanted this for years now. by Jun 7, 2022 Jun 7, 2022 Zuko never joined the Gaang AU. Fanfiction Romance Love Avatar Tvshow Fanfic Zuko Journey Oc Embark Thegaang. 12m. As an older brother, he has to take care of his youn. I know that.. Her mother had left behind a legacy, and now it was up to her to keep it from crumbling. Zuko never joined the Gaang AU. Fanfiction Romance Zuko X Oc Zuko X Reader The Gang Find Out How Zuko Gets Zuko Joins The Gang Early . iroh takes care of sick zuko fanfic. He hadnt. Seems easy enough if they can make their way to the Earth Kingdom. Raised in the heart of the Fire Nation, s Miarri, (I will eventually change her name to Kida so that's why in some chapters you'll see Kida instead of Miarri or Mia) otherwise known as Mia by her family and frie Hey so, I thought I'd try my hand at this! Avatar is one of my favourite fandoms because of the possibilities it offers to the writers. Only Truble, a master fire bender, and time bender will be able to save the nations to their united era. Iroh wasnt prepared for another child, but the universe hasnt ever cared about that. It made him weak. The cost of power is high and the cost of. Continue browsing in r/ATLAfanfiction. Amazing experience teaching OKRs (Objective Key Results) to students of IIM Ranchi, Blog Designed and Developed By Capstone People Consulting. Zuko knew this. He thought he could save him from his family's curse. Only Truble, a master fire bender, and time bender will be able to save the nations to their united era. Can you tell me where I am? If only shed kept. Not for the first time since he woke up in the South Pole, Aang wishes he could ask Gyatso for advice. Dolls crossdressing fanfic. Nora couldnt tell with the giant, angry scardidnt say anything for a long time. Sick!fic featuring our favorite firebender. Platonic friendship. Aang defeated Ozai, and now they have to begin repairing the world after a hundred years of war. Not all of them are bad.). Disclaimer: I do not own A:TLA or any of it's characters. It can be primarily be read here on Archive of Our Own.The story can also be found here on FanFiction.Net, though that version has been discontinued as of June 14, 2021 due to the author's preference for posting . iroh is just trying his best to help these traumatized children Zuko has chronic pain Mental Illnesses Eating Disorders Fact #1: It's been a year, but Zuko's life is still in boxes. Katara confronts the path she has been on with Aang. zuko joins the gaang early fanfic. Book 1: Water - Chapters 1- Language: A Zuko joins the Gaang accidentally in season1 story. When the gang returned from the play on Ember Island, everyone had mixed feelings. BAMF Zuko Avatar BAMF Mai Avatar My First Fanfic. His tears had dried, and his golden eyes were firm. Please consider turning it on! "Yeah. (Zuko x Reader x slight!Various) [Name] [Last Name] was young when she was assigned to protect the Young Prince of the Fire Nation, it was their family tradition to serve and protect the Fire Lords in the Royal Family. This fic takes place just after Zuko joins the Gaang. Zuko groaned weakly. Then Zuko disappears, and Iroh is left to realize the horrifying truth. It stops his heart. I would like physical instruction on these matters, as scrolls can only teach me so much.. She is a villain who is ready to fight against everyone. As smoke begins to fill the room . After the death of his beloved son Lu Ten, Iroh lost his thirst for conquest and retired. What if crazy fate and a series of poor life choices threw four kids together? They both knew which scrolls Zuko had been talking about and they both knew that wasnt one of the scrolls that Zuko had brought with him into his banishment, which meant that he had read it during his time in the capital. If only shed kept. The utterpok, Kanna had called them, was a master of all four elements who had lived many lives and been tasked with bringing balance and harmony to the world in each of them. (Zuko Fanfic ATLA . And after Katara had seen the enormity of the Fire Nation fleet, she knew that Zuko's ship was tiny by comparison. have to have him in you OTP in order to love him as the angsty once-banshed prince! Extremely good, lots of Gaang focus, great Aang and Zuko friendship vibes and so much more. How Zuko and Katara should have finally gotten together (post lightening strike au). ***This story contains acts of sexual violence and recollected child abuse. Im new to this. Little does he know of the spirits true plans for him and the world. iroh takes care of sick zuko fanfic. You're still looking thin from the prison." Zutara. After a certain fateful Agni Kai, Iroh helps a newly banished prince to heal both in body and in spirit. the cover. Above ground, Aang and Zuko sprinted into the prison tower and up the stairs, past an injured and frightened guard, to Iroh's prison cell. It's not like he hasn't done so before. This idea came to me, in a very roundabout way, while reading Muffinlance's Towards the Sun (which has nothing to do with assassins, but did inspire me to write something where Iroh is on the opposite side to Zuko) and Vathara's Embers, of which I think the influences are a little more obvious. AU where Zuko doesn't manage to escape during the Day of the Black Sun. Go. 325 . Starts early in Book 2. Zuko and Iroh are . Esta historia se encuentra entre los captulos 38 y 39 de el espritu azul, vigilante del reino tierra , se recomienda leer la serie a la que pertenece para ubicarse en la trama, si puedes entenderlo sin eso sgale, si ests por el smut aviso que no soy la mejor escribindolo pero si quieres sgale tambin. Not Stalking Zuko: The Gaang will win the war. Zuko acts like a shameless drunk flirt when sick. Foreign Queasine: Stewed sea prunes disgust Zuko, Haru . he growled. . Not long after they arrive at Ember Island, Zuko gets sick and tries to hide it from the group. The Six Rules: Rule Number One: Alec won't warn the Gaang about things in advance or solve their problems for them, with a few rare exceptions. Also known as Ether, it is the fifth element, one that has been buried in the past.
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