New IFB pastors consistently make their sermons accessible through multiple audio, video and text-based formats. This directory, containing close to 10,000 churches and counting, is aimed at getting you the information you need when you need it. He has never faced charges and declined to comment for the investigation, which suggested that Hyles and others accused of abuse had been shuffled among independent Baptist churches. The majority of New IFB churches feature extensive archives directly on their websites, which make the sermons available for download and also direct viewers to third party platforms like YouTube and SoundCloud. Independent Fundamental Churches of America, fellowship of conservative, independent Christian churches stressing biblical truth. Fundamental.org - King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources KJV Church Directory Bookstore & Resources Institutes and Colleges Meetings Newsletter Reviews Thoughts Welcome Thank you for visiting Fundamental.org Home to the KJV Church directory! ), Since IFB followers hate Catholicism, then how do they justify using a bible, compiled by the Catholic Church at the direction of the Pope, for their textbook and call it inspired by god? The Farmer's Plan Luke 13 The farmer didn't plant the tree to block his view of I-95. I think it would have been easier to list things congregants werent supposed to hate! We used to proclaim "JESUS is LORD," but now we say "Pastor is Lord!" Now for you real men that care for your flocks, and manage your churches according to the New Testament, I thank God for you, and I am . The church sends monthly financial support to over 45 missionaries worldwide. This year, four women accused a pastor in California of covering up sexual misconduct and shielding the abusers over almost 25 years.. 794 - searching for full time sr. pastor in halifax pa - 07/10/2021. 1. He said he was familiar with most of the cases discussed in the recent news report. Dont be misled by Satanic list writers who stop adding to the list and make excuses! Face powder was borderline, not sure about handcream or moisturiser. Preach the Bible is a ministry of North Valley Baptist Church. You live in black and white as if the human condition was not as colorful and varied as it is. In all, 168 leadersincluding some of the most prominent pastors among the groups thousands of US congregationsfaced abuse accusations over incidents spanning from the 1970s to present-day. Yet there is also remarkable consistency among independent Baptists. This means that IFB churches do not look to creeds, confessions, or church councils to determine their doctrinal positions. I hate those that hate the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing else mattered. My being, my self-worth, was swallowed up by God, the church, and the ministry. Copyright 2023 The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser Powered by Flywheel. News Center, Fundamental Christian Eastover, NC 28312. The number one hate for the Independent Baptist? See? Please read Because women are weak. Git it on that hate list NOW you purring pussy! The Senior Pastor is to serve as the primary teacher/preacher for the . In fact, most religions are wicked as hell. The New IFB movement is not affiliated with any mainstream Baptist denominations. Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on March 25, 2018 ( Sunday Morning ). So God appointed Obama? Oh man, Im gonna teach this guy one thing or two. Hes loud, but his actual influence is pretty small. She is a jezebel. Its wonderful. If you laugh (snicker, sneer, roll your eyes, etc.) They do real, measurable damage to real people in the real world. Although Anderson founded Faithful Word Baptist Church in 2005, the New IFB movement has mostly taken off in the past five years. for less than $4.25/month. He had to die before he would stop pretending he was in charge of his own life and destiny. If you really, really love Jesus you will______________, their preacher says. Jesus, the eternal, sinless son of God, came to earth, died on the cross, and rose again from the dead three days later, so we could have our sins forgiven and go to Heaven when we die. God bless you and thank you for visiting our website. . Dozens of abusive pastors had multiple victimsone raped 11 girls in his congregationand several had abused children as young as 7 years old. Another girls parents stood in front of their Connecticut congregation to acknowledge their daughters sin after she was abused by her youth pastor, beginning at 16. Theyre relentless. I think I have heard sermons against everything on the list plus more! I do not want Bro. The conference featured Pastors Anderson, Boyle, Fritts, McMurtry, Mejia, Shelley, Thompson, David Berzins and Joe Major. I left the IFB church movement in the late 1980s. Today we are excited to announce Independent Baptist Churches. Ministry-related abuse damages the name of Christ and damages hearts, lives, and spiritual growth of the victims.]. And youre definitely right about self. Thats what Jesus said. Soul-winning is not limited to the regions surrounding a New IFB church location. If church members dont obey the Bible specifically the pastors interpretation and application of the Bible they are considered rebellious, out of the will of God, backslidden or WORLDLY. One post recently pushed back against rumor-driven internet justice in the #MeToo era, saying, If 20 people accuse someone of doing the same thing that person is no more guilty than if one person accused. On IndependentBaptist.com, a site sharing articles from Jack Hyles as well as more contemporary leaders, various posts critique contemporary worship, defend the KJV-only approach, offer strategies for soulwinning, and explain why they dress up for church. This list evolved over time, hitting its peak in the early 1990s and it slowly shrank after that. Though not all in the movement look the same, the Duggars showcase several theological and cultural distinctives common among independent fundamental Baptists: adhering to strict biblical inerrancy, usually based exclusively on the King James Version (KJV); homeschooling; abstaining from pop culture as entertainment; and dressing modestly. Any hobby like your great photography or bird watching Bruce was definitely suspect as was donating to any secular charity, from a disaster appeal to a puppy rescue shelter! Because they want to destroy, they want to bring chaos, so they can have power., Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church (El Monte, CA), October 2019: Theyve been kicked out of dozens and dozens of countries because of their rejection of Christ and their predatory lending practices. New IFB pastors have repeatedly advocated for members of the LGBTQ community to be killed or to kill themselves, including specifically calling for LGBTQ people to be executed by the government. No concern at all for all the little indoctrinated children who lie in bed at night worrying about the grandparents, aunts, uncles they love burning in hell for eternity as they plead with god to save them. He was 63. Thats why so many fags kill themselves, thats why so many of these trannies kill themselves. and that of some of God's most faithful, Spirit . Visit classics.preachthebible.org for more gospel messages. And dont we find it interesting here tonight that it is Israel and Judaism that still today condones human sacrifice?And you know what, you know who it is thats behind all of our entertainment out there? What follows is a list of things I told church members they should hate. You won't find any soul-winning Methodist churches today. Be a Godly Role Model! Just as Dr. Hyles statedpubliclyon many occasions, these sermons are freely available to anyone. More than 130 of them have been found guilty of rape, kidnapping, sexual assault, and a litany of other crimes, with most victims being children and teens, according to a database compiled by the Star-Telegram. Sermon Outlines. scary list. (Shucks, this is deranged fun but I claim PK status, special privilege! Have you not considered that it might be the response of a man who has heard it all before, many, many times, thought it over carefully, and rejected it? Thats quite a hate list there. The Bible says IFB believers are to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow Jesus. When you think of it, even getting married was a sign of human weakness, wasnt it You should have given up your attachments, your touchy-feel-y needs, your worry about lunch and dinner! You know, let them use the word marriage, we dont care about that. Well, you think that as soon as they get the word marriage, you think theyre done? Justice still must be carried out and the person must still be presumed innocent.. 2012: Locke spends four days and three nights in a scissors . Months after he was banned from Australia, Anderson claimed in early 2020 that the wildfires ravaging the country were the judgement of God for banning and deporting preachers of the Gospel. Anderson has also been banned from Canada, Jamaica, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the 26 member states of Europes Schengen Area which share a common visa policy. The man and his ex-wife had separated in 2018 over religious differences, which manifested after he began watching online videos of pastors Anderson and Jimenez and subsequently joined a local New IFB church in Surrey, British Columbia. It isnt an issue for one group. Will you have to die before your excuses are laid out for all to see? Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches In Canada As your servant you may contact me at the address below if you'd like to freely list your Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in Canada on this website, or have it removed, or if you'd like to update the information. Are the Southern Baptist still strong today, compared to its roots 25 years ago, Bro.Tony. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Or do the IFB churches not know that they exist? Hate food and drink and conversation and hate your own children too, compared to how you love the Father. All for dramatic effect. You like chocolate? The first iteration of this conference was held in 2019, on the weekend of the third anniversary of and in the same city as the Pulse gay nightclub shooting in Orlando. Visit classics.preachthebible.org for more gospel messages. The report indicates there are at least 6,000 independent fundamental Baptist churches in the US, according to one online directory. Over my dead body would I ever allow my daughter to work a secular job. Senior Pastor - Lebanon Baptist Church. After all, the Bible tells Christians that they shouldlove what God loves and hate what God hates. Anderson himself also continues to maintain a prominent role among many New IFB pastors and churches. Islam is satanic. Do you think the vote means anything or is it just Jesus way of playing with our strings? You may download and distribute these sermons. The New Testament is the authority in all matters of faith and practice. Because if you try to believe both, youre either going to have to perform major mental gymnastics to find those parts of the world that God loved and separate them from what John said you must not love, or your head is going to explode.
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