12. I belive the numbers in the triangle are plant numbers, I was told 26,36, and 52 were the best because they were made with forced labor and if they weren't right no eat. It should be noted that given the state of the rifles, we didnt bother shooting groups as thats probably not why anyones bothering to snag an ancient commie gun. 2. Extractor In over 30 years as a professional gunsmith I never once got up in the morning and didn't want to go to work. Instruction for after Japs, you forgot to mention nuking Japs. Theres definitely a bit of a learning curve to stripper clips, especially if youre going to be drawing them out of a period SKS Chicom rig with the absolutely abysmal wooden toggle closure systems. "Norinco 56 - 56S, 84S, 86S". Welcome! During the Chinese civil war, the PRC For an introduction to more surface-level SKS analysis, however, read on. Save my name and email to use for future comments. An SKS is a self-loading carbine assault rifle used by East European and Asian troops in Russia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Vietnam, East Germany, China, Korea and Albania through the late 1980s. Some SKS variants are easier to tell apart than others, and even some minor differences between models and years can have a big impact on their value. Aiming range: 0.621 mile or 1 kilometer, The SKS rifle consists of 11 For me, what stands out the most is the very bizarre length of pull considering the rifles overall length. Recoil is obviously a bit sharper than a standard AR-15 thanks to that chunky ass 7.6239 cartridge, and the lack of a muzzle device means that most of the impulse is going to be upwards. Designed by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov, the SKS-45 was a replacement for the Mosin Nagant M91/30 and the SVT-40 rifles towards the end of the Second World War. Most of the imports were around 16.5. Do not leave indiscriminately. Designated as the M56, Romanian SKSs can be some of the hardest to identify due to how similar they are to the Russian SKS it was directly copied from. It is a quality built Rifle. as both the manufacturer and the importer of this firearm specifically disclaim With the receiver in the four-jaw chuck, I supported the muzzle end with a live center and a brass crown saver. Learn the 3 most popular shooting stances & more. Piston pressure is extracted from the spent cartridges, and they are ejected. Instruction for Cleaning the rifle Press J to jump to the feed. They saw active service with the Albanian military and many were likely used during the Balkan civil war. 13. Tula produced far more over the years, making them the more common and less desirable of the two factories. 1. History is much like an endless waltz. from the muzzle end. Now the screw can be removed and the bayonet can be taken off and reinstalled later. Happy hunting. certain it is not loaded before cleaning. 29. Every other countrys SKS variant not previously mentioned falls into this category, and if you even find one, expect to pay out the nose for it. 7. Flush out your headgearand SNAP OUT OF IT ! Look here for info and feartures: Celebrating 20 years of AK ownership: 1992-2012. Originally intended for Mosin Nagants. Clean the gas port block area. you a link to reset your password. My MILSURP 56 had a disquieting habit of going full auto when it wanted to. To do this, I installed the bayonet and marked it with a sharpie. Type 56 SKS Paratrooper Conversion. The early history of true shotguns begins in the 1800s, when people began to use them to hunt birds. Bolt I'm guessing the ones with chinese characters on the left of the receiver that do not say "MADE BY NORINCO" in English are probably military Also, one of them has its rear sling swivel on the side rather than the bottom of the stock. position. Of the 15 million plus SKS rifles produced, the Chinese made over 10 million of them. 28. Chambered in 7.6239, as opposed to . What is left to say that hasnt already been said about perhaps one of the most common military surplus rifles in the world? There exists the greatest level of variation between models when it comes to the Chinese SKS. Editors Note: This post was originally published in June 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy. Its bad enough to clean the cosmoline off, but to find gun totally rusted out under wood, with very bad pitting in 4 places on reciever. Trigger bar Use only 7.62x39mm ammunition in your SKS I have a 1954 Tula in great shape paid around 100 dollars back in 1991. Some enterprising reloaders can load them "hotter" with the gas system cut off close and get away with it. mechanism and magazine I don't know. the Russo-Finnish war of 1939-40. 2. Rear housing If your feet smell and your nose runs, your upside down. I think you misinterpreted my post. On top of that, the Party only allows suicide in the course of a mission to destroy Capitalism! Muzzle Velocity: A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. When I took apart to clean off cosmoline, found very bad rust pitting in 4 places on reciever and rusted out under the wood. 21. Place the safety in the "ON" What SKS do you have? Latch spring and sear spring 8. Also, the blonde stocks are supposedly for export. var a=new Image(); a.src=img; return a; If any of the photos in this post are yours and you explicitly do not want them shown, please contact me at. 7.62 x 39mm 32. May 9, 2009. 7y. Aim to do At least One thing to support the Second Amendment every week. 53. view of SKS 56 2. I sanded this thing for 4 days, and finally got the pitting, and rust out of metal. These days, doing a Norinco SKS serial number lookup is easy online. Unlike an AK, removal of the pins from this SKS was fairly easy. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Trigger pin REMAIN CONSCIOUS OF MUZZLE POSITION!!) Elevation: Buttplate Assembly There are few guns as rugged and versatile for such a low price. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Still, they drove America out, united their country under Communism, and are still in power. Inspect the rifle for any Cyrillic or Asian language characters that could help you determine its country of origin. The Norinco SKS price can remain the same as long as the gun is in stock. cartridge. 3. SKS Rifles in Canada. I do this by grabbing the bayonet shank with a pair of locking pliers. At the bench block I used a punch to drive both pins into place. during the Vietnam war. Spring retainer SKS Rifle Capacity: 10+ The SKS is chambered in . (gas port cleaning tool is normally not included in With what SKS rifles sell for now, for the cost one would spend, putting parts on it to make it an AK . one can buy an AK and have change. (ALWAYS BE CONSCIOUS OF MUZZLE POSITION!!) Step 1 Inspect the rifle for any Cyrillic or Asian language characters that could help you determine its country of origin. These were typically sold for about $400 to $450. Like many COMBLOC weapons, removal of this is best done on a press. Unfortunately, the real answer is, Photos from various auction sites and internet postings are used under 17 U.S. Code 107, fair use, not for profit educational purposes. A toothbrush can be used effectively for cleaning standardizing production of these Soviet-type small arms. When reinstalling bolt, be certain magazine cover is not latched. These were government-issued weapons. Safety catch 5. 48. 15. 52. Your email address will not be published. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. It seems that the majority of DDR SKSs were given as military aid to North Vietnam and later Croatia, resulting in the majority being lost in the haze of the conflicts each were involved in. Pull charging handle on bolt carrier back enthusiasts. Type 56 SKS rifles seem to be split into three groups: sino-soviet ones with an arsenal stamp and cyrillic prefix, later ones that have an arsenal stamp and numeric serial numbers, and these so-called "ghost" ones that have no arsenal stamp, no cyrillic prefix, and 5-digit serial numbers. 1. Christina Sloane has been writing since 1992. So, stop hanging around the trashcans in back of my place; and hit the road back to Nowheresville, the place where you were randomly spawnedand are commonly known as a knob gobbler. Hammer spring Hold open latch The challengeis this: the countries that received these rifles from China didnt have most of the documents with the production details. SKS stands for Samozaryadny Karabin Sistemy Simonova. The Norinco is a type of Chinese SKS, named after the factory where it is (still) produced. The third SKS we got is in really pretty impressive condition considering it came from the same source. Sear This bayonet is cut down from the Type 56 spike bayonet. We'll send you the latest guides and training tips geared In the 1980s, however, that began to change. While not exactly rare, Romanian M56s are some of the less common SKSs in the country, so you may have to do some looking before you find one for sale. If a more reapid reload, and higher capacity are the main priorities, then an AK is the better tool for the job. Starting a serious SKS collection obviously isnt for everyone, but that doesnt mean you still wont be able to pay a decent price for a good shooter. August 16, 2020 Look at an Albanian rifle's serial number. Alternate this procedure with :-) Blade bayonet was never used for going-to-ground. - YouTube 0:00 / 2:51 how to tell if your chinese sks is a military type 56 or one just made. is adjustable for elevation from 100 meters to 1000 meters(110-1100 yards). Make a safe examination of the rifle to be Starting in the 1980s, SKS rifles were imported to North America, but in 1993 the Bill Clinton administration banned the import of Chinese . For a deeper dive on the SKS and some interesting variations, take a look at our review of the Norinco & Yugoslavian SKS! Cleaning the SKS: 4. There were only about 24 million SKS rifles produced throughout China. BTW The SKS is a great Communist rifle that the Viet Cong used with great effect in killing American Imperialist scum while liberating their country from our puppet in Hanoi. Poland never actually produced the SKS themselves, but they did receive some from the USSR as military aid. A pinned barrel just goes straight into the receiver with no fancy look to it; plus you can see the pin in the side of the receiver. The side Mount looks like a kochetov mount for a Russian PU scope. 7. Slam fire. rapid firing rifles. After your article, I think I like my Yugo pretty fine. Next, pull back the charging handle to the 3. The SKS-56 was encountered frequently during the Vietnam war. Paid almost $300.00 back then. In terms of actual operation, they function just fine and are about what youd expect considering the territory youre in. purchase helps support my work in bringing you more awesome gun and gear articles. Unfortunately, this comparison puts us at odds with the most commonly accepted 1956 + millions = year of manufacture guesstimate that is so prolific around the web. You only need to type in the make, model, and serial number. 1. It is more about the age and features of the Chinese SKS rifles rather than which are commercial vs military. SKS Quick Facts: First Year of Manufacture: 1945 . 17. With the barreled action leveled in the vise, I can now ensure that the front sight is properly indexed so it wont appear canted on the finished rifle. The Norinco SKS parts should also be original and in good condition. For that, we need to know what "CJASFLD.ML" means. 8.

August 2022