Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. Source: Describes the labor policy of Australia in the 1920's and throughout the rest of the early 20th century. You are viewing the article: how much did coal miners get paid in the 1950s at Cheraghdaily.org. continue to render these kinds of occupations obsolete. 5-6. Shows the daily cost of food, heat, and light for a working family of 4 following independence. Source: Lists minimum and maximum daily wages for male and female workers. Source: Shows the earnings per hour and week for sawmill workers over a 20 year period. Source: Chicago Commission on Race Relations report. These were the underground attitudes Frank Keeney absorbed as he entered manhood as a coal miner. over the years. Wages are shown in Greek drachmas. See data considerations for explanation. MERCHANDISE Source: BLS Monthly labor review, Apr 1926, Shows the average retail prices of various foodstuffs throughout Switzerland. Fixtures, chamberpots, bathroom soaps, towels, toilet paper. See quartile, "Women in Alabama industries: a study of hours, wages and working conditions," Women's Bureau Bulletin #34 (. This was the room and pillar method of mining common in the Appalachian bituminous coalfields. In 1928, halfof all families had a combined family income of $2000 or less. Shows average value for farm land and buildings from 1850-1982. Source: BLS, Shows clothes prices paid by working class families in Great Britain. Postal Service. 1920, Home plans and costs to build in California, 1920, Retail prices of building materials by city, 1922, Building material prices paid by farmers, 1923-1924, Cost to construct houses, by type of material - 1921, Building material prices paid by farmers, 1910-1960, Farm real estate - Average value by state and county, 1920, Price of farm land by county in selected states, 1912-1924, New England farms and land - Average value by county, 1920-1930, Farm real estate values in Midwestern states, 1912-2019, Land in Missouri - Cost to rent or buy by county, 1922, Rents in working class neighborhoods in Cincinnati, 1920, Household heating fuel costs and expenditures by city, 1927, Electricity - Average monthly bill, 1924-1950, Household electricity costs and expenditures by city, 1927, Changes in retail prices of electricity, 1923-38, Car prices with illustrations, 1900-1920s, Gasoline prices andtaxes, and annual consumption per vehicle, 1920-1939, Horse-drawn carriages, buggies and accessories, 1920, Horse and mule prices by state, 1919-1920, City transit fares in NY, PA, OH and MA - 1927, Streetcar, omnibus and subway rates, 1926, Passenger train fare in the U.S., 1871-1933, RR ticket prices between NYC and Chicago, 1910-1944, accessories (diapers, baby bottles, etc. Source: Women's Bureau Bulletin #85. In some cases, when a shot backfired out of the hole, it ignited coal dust or gas in the miners room and sent fire bursting into the main tunnel, where it could burn or suffocate the mules and their drivers passing through. This table covers pages 357-360 in this source. Police department personnel salaries and wages. The Miners' Strike of 1984 was a turning point in British history. Shows expenditures among rural Virginia families for food, housing, clothing, automobiles, health insurance, recreation, personal items and more. $20.00 per week. Compares average retail prices for "warehoused" name brand grocery items at independent and chain stores in Cincinnati. Shows average public employee pay for each state. Wages are shown in Sweden kronor. Managers liked immigrants because they worked for low wages. For easier browsing, the information is. On one hand, the miners discipline and death-defying courage made them ideal industrial soldiers; on the other hand, the qualities the men forged in underground combat with the elementsbravery, fraternal fealty, and group solidarityhardened them for aboveground combat with their employers. Recognizable name brand items in the price lists include Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Quaker Oats, Cream of Wheat, Hershey's Cocoa, Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, Mazola Oil, Wesson Oil, Coleman's Mustard, Post Toasties, Morton's Salt, Knox Gelatin, Sun Maid Raisins, Palmolive soap, Log Cabin syrup, Del Monte canned goods, Heinz ketchup, Gold Medal flour, Carnation Milk, Life Savers candy, Bon Ami scouring powder, Lucky Strike cigarettes, Camel cigarettes, Scott Tissue toilet paper, and many other brand name items. It may be necessary to read the chapters pertaining to the country, but you can find the actual minimum wages in the discussion. After a temporary escape to attend grammar school, it was the world he reentered in 1900 as an eighteen-year-old man willing and able to load coal for a miners pay. Provides detailed breakouts by occupation. Three decades earlier a boy about the same agea newly emancipated slavehad worked in the same minefield. One-page table shows average charges for residential electricity each year from 1924-1934, for cities over 50,000 in population. Shows the "living wage" per week for different metropolitan areas of Australia. Source: BLS Bulletin no. Ukrainian immigrant Nick Gurski began working in the Boone County coal mines in the 1920s. One threat the animals and birds could detect was the odor of gas that oozed from the ancient vegetation compacted over the ages. Source: Howard University, States "the average student probably spends about $700 per year for a college education" and shows, This source shows the cost of funerals and burial in 18 states and in 10 major cities. Source: Report of the Salary survey commission to the Pennsylvania General assembly, 1929. View object record Steam whistle With industrialization, workers lost control of when to start, eat, and end their day. The industry has been in slow decline ever since, compounded along the way by the rise of steam engines, mechanized extraction methods, and competition from oil and natural gas, and now renewable energy. It provided a $1.20-a- day wage increase effective Jan, and an increase of 80 cents a day beginning April 1, 1959. Taken from the 1921 U.S. Department of Agriculture Yearbook, starting on page 804. Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wages for workers in different occupations in French coal mines. His salary was paid entirely by coal companies. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review, Dec 1920 Source: BLS, Shows the hourly and weekly earnings of industrial wages in Romanian leu. Wages shown in 1931 US dollars. It also summarizes the years from 1907-1922. Article compares the cost of renting versus buying a home in 1928. Data available for additional years inMissouri Farm Census by Counties, Missouri State Dept of Agriculture. Includes clam, lobster, oyster industries and more. Workers focused on the pace of work, safety, and wages. Source: BLS, Shows the average wage rates for 19 different occupations in Hamburg, Germany. Mostly covers manufacturing industries (tobacco was prominent), but there is some data for women who worked in mercantile stores, 5-and10-cent stores, and in laundries. COST OF LIVING Compares wages in common industries such as building, engineering, shipbuilding, textiles, railway, agriculture, printing, and in pottery. Salary data for judges inNY, PA, NJ and CT. Must use "search in this text" feature to navigate. Table 26 shows wages for laborers with board for every year from 1780-1937; the, In the 1920s, people could sell their blood to hospitals for$35-50 perquart. From. Source: Click "more" for direct links to each occupation. For hours on end, a trapper boys ears would take in the strange sounds made by creaking timbers, rattling coal cars, clopping mules, and thudding blasts of explosions deep in the mine, while his eyes would behold surreal sights, like the white bones of ancient fish skeletons and the remains of tropical plants when they were illuminated by the miners lamps. White familiesspent an average $103.71/yearon medical care around 1928-1931. Shows wages and prices in kronen, along with the exchange rate to translate into U.S. dollars. Wages are shown in both Italian lire and contemporary U.S. dollars. Wages are shown in contemporary U.S. dollars. Unskilled labor hired by cities for construction, repair or cleaning of streets. Montgomery Ward catalog shows prices of radios and radio supplies on 60+ pages. Boys younger than 12 often worked beside their fathers underground because, in many communities, it was the only paying job available. Data was originally published in the Industrial Bulletin of the State Department of Labor. Tells cost of public transportation and railway fares as well. Coal industry labor strikes were common from the turn of the century up through the 1930s, as were catastrophic workplace injuries and the prevalence of black lung disease. Working in coal mines is dangerous miners have to deal with toxic . Jump directly to prices for: meats and eggs, butter, cheese, milk, bread and flour, corn meal, rice, potatoes, granulated sugar, coffee and tea, onions, navy beans, prunes, raisins, canned salmon, evaporated milk, margarine, lard, oats, corn flakes, wheat cereal, macaroni, canned baked beans, canned corn, canned peas, canned tomatoes, bananas, oranges, and more. Source: "Income of Lawyers, 1929-1948" in the August 1949 issue of. Source: Lists costs of running a farm, including costs of power, labor, insurance, interest on loans, etc. Most trapper boys learned how to overcome their fears by watching and listening to the colliers who went underground with them. Source: Shows pay for state carpenters, stage electricians, props men, show directors, agents, ushers and more. Source: BLS, Shows the average wages for an 8 hour work day in Riga within various industry groups. Tomorrow night at 9pm PBSs American Experience will broadcast The Mine Wars, based on the book. Prices are shown in contemporary US dollars. Farm laborers in Missouri earned an average $41.90/month in 1921. Broken out by men's and women's jobs. Wages are shown in Spanish pesetas. Between 12th and 14th Streets Source: Monthly price list for Ralph's Grocery Company, which sold only in the Los Angeles area. University of Missouri, Columbia Shows the average weekly hours and hourly wages for workers in the boot and shoe industry. Another statute required employers to hire pit bosses to examine every working place in the mine, but only as often as practicable. A third rule required the managers to water the coal dust, but only when they detected a dangerous level of gas. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review, March 1932, The "Service Industries" chapter in this source breaks out wages paid to workers in hospitals, hotels, bowling alleys, theaters, parks, churches, country clubs, athletic clubs and yacht clubs, advertising agencies, banks, laundries, schools/colleges, and restaurants (making no distinction between waiters, cooks or bus boys). Source: BLS, Shows the average price of foodstuffs and other common goods in the federal district of Mexico. In 1927, "$30 per month was taken as the average minimum expenditure for rent in Boston for the [working class] family of four living on the American standard.". Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review (July 1930), Shows the average wages of multiple occupation in the mining industry. HEALTH CARE Shows average value of mortgaged homes, average debt remaining on the mortgages and average interest paid on mortgages annually, for 68 cities of 100,000 or more population. All of these mines included a main entry, or portal, and a second tunnel, or monkey drift, which provided workers with ventilationa barely adequate suction through a surface grate created by a coal fire that burned all day. See "Blood donation" in. Wages are shown in Austrian kronen. Occupations wages shown in 1930 US dollars. See table 164 for average annual wage. Data gathered by the National Industrial Conference Board (a group of industry associations) which used European government publications for information. But on some weeks, a miner might work only two or three days because the railroad failed to supply enough coal cars, or because the mine needed repairs. There is also a table showing, Shows the value of multiple currencies in US dollars in the years of.
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