hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Added peace conference rule for the Third Internationale to stay out of China and Southeast Asia if there are any Asian countries at the conference who are willing to take those states, Peace conference code has been sped up considerably, Bulgarian coup events are no longer limited by the Russian government - their chances of success are just influenced instead, Russian AI will now focus on the Caucasus first before Eastern Europe, if they can go after both, The Halbstarke error, which prevented Black Monday effects from being removed by Germany, has been fixed. Fixed Savinkov going bankrupt despite taking power. Reduced the Commune of Frances resistance target from the Communard Spirit national spirit. Implemented the World Tension Rework, where the Second Weltkrieg no longer begins on a set date. Added a news event for the collapse of the Third Internationale. The French Republic no longer gets Communard Resistance on the annexed areas of Switzerland or Belgium. Improved the trait for Qings V.K. Fixed Cuba supporting the opposition in the West Indies Federation benefiting the ruling party instead. Japan now actually loses SocCon popularity if the Seiyukai loses its majority. Added new companies to QIE similar to GEA and LEP. Expanded possible targets of Cuban national focus Regional Diplomacy. Georgia now occupies Batum instead of declaring total war on the Ottoman Empire. Fixed the government getting the incorrect generic political support decisions for their respective ideology. Irelands and Canadas events have been adjusted to be less performance-heavy. Fixed countries forming the United Front from the grave. Expanded the Po Valley strategic region, now shared between Italy and Austria. Updated several German national spirit icons. Added Fort-Bayard as a French exonym for the Zhanjiang victory point. Fixed the Greek population exchange calculations. Fixed Shanxi being unable to take The Suiyuan Question national focus. Added some starting Russian units to Kuban. Consolidated the starting Transamurian division templates. Renamed some states on the Malay peninsula. Rio de Oro now has its own annexation decision. Only majors and German East Asia will now get Siamese reparations. Added a failsafe to make sure French Republic states always get the Lingering Resistance modifier. Transamur now gets a wargoal on the Russian Socialists if they attack Russia during the Second Russian Civil War. Made the Baku Conference checks more clear to the player. Russia can now attack Japan after the Fading Sun. Fixed Russia giving away its entire country in exchange for an alliance. Totalist Bulgaria is no longer locked out of its focus tree. Expanded the benefits given by Bhutan declaring the Thunder Dragon Empire. Fixed the Netherlands losing their claim on Suriname if restored by the Dutch East Indies. Added a failsafe in case theres volunteers sent from Centroamerica countries, so they are removed correctly. Harold Alexander now starts as a Canadian Field Marshal. The Trucial States are now released by any non-socialist foreign power as PatAut. Added an event for Shandong victory in the League War. Peru's Quechua revolt is now a dynamic tag. Fixed socialist Finland keeping the German guarantee. Streamlined and optimised the Wallonia code. Fixed socialist Switzerland returning Savoy to non-socialists. Now Venice will only rise up in Veneto, but will receive foreign aid after 180 days. Fixed a frontline issue near Johannesburg in the Transvaal. If the French Republic accepted the demands of the Congress of Lyon, they should be less aggressive towards the German puppet states. Fixed the Baltic Duchy keeping the Forest Brothers' resistance. Fixed Japan's surrender mission firing if they've puppeted Korea. Updated the effects of some of Mittelafrikas train-related national foci. Fixed the Raja of Mysore rebelling after he's dead. Increased the completion time for some German economic national focuses. Poland now cannot demand Teschen or start other wars in the gap between declaring the Republic and joining a faction. The Internationales music mod - new songs. Fixed Romania committing its units to Serbia during the war with Austria. Fixed Shanxi annexing the Ma Clique if a player Mongolia/Tibet refuses the Ma Clique peace event. Fixed Flanders remaining at war with Insulindia. Removed research bonuses for pre-La Rsistance technologies in La Rsistance national spirits. Also cut down some consumer goods modifiers and the building slot factor to make the buildup potential less ludicrous. Fixed Kumul Khanate having the incorrect flag / map colour. Fixed Paraguays Estigarribia not having his leader description changed if he was democratically elected. All of Tyrol can now be given to German splinter countries. Updated the party names in German puppet splinters. Fixed expansionist Russia not attacking Georgia. New England can no longer invite nations to the San Francisco Accords or International Trade Organisation, if they are at war. The Transylvanian Resistance is now removed if Romania or Transylvania are annexed. The Ardennes can now be given to Wallonia. Fixed LKMT not being able to form the East Asian Nationalist League if already a faction leader, and not being able to negotiate with its allies. The German Government in Exiles Spirit of Resistance national focus will now bypass if they already have the Spirit of von Lettow-Vorbeck national spirit. If you started down the PSF path while in Africa but then elect the radicals into power upon your return to the continent, your research national spirit no longer instantly cancels. Slightly reduced the amount of manpower and maximum efficiency bonuses that NatPop Romania receives. Fengitan will now receive the option to cut industrial soy during the Great Drought sooner. Fixed the display date of the Left Kuomintang election. Expansionist Russia will now only annex Poland if it is monarchist. Fixed a broken tooltip in the Ottoman national focus to embargo the Internationale. Added a description to Patagonias decision to form Andesia. Fixed Bulgaria being able to capitulate mid-peace deal with the Belgrade Pact. Fixed Austria having two Seconds in Command. Added The Army Goes Rolling Along for the United States, Pacific States and New England. Sardinia now uses the same artillery as the French Republic. Amended Commune of Frances AI so that it always attacks Germany eventually. Increased the province density in Nigeria, Tanganyika, South Africa and Angola, New states for Nigeria, Tanganyika, Angola, Central Asia and the Amazon, Gilgit state removed in northern India, Patiala state added in central India, Tweaks to East Prussia, Sichuan and Dairen, Justification and guaranteeing now requires at least 50% world tension, BUR country tag has been replaced with BRM, NAM country tag has been replaced with NMB, Removed the American puppet path for Honduras as it did not work, Austria can request puppet divisions after completing its status quo focuses. The Ottoman Hengam Island event no longer shows a Japanese battleship. Added advisor descriptions to all American Civil War participants. Adjusted the parties, popularities and starting national spirit icons for Ulster. Updated the Commune of Frances ship name lists to remove inappropriate names. Added an event for the end of the Russo-Ottoman Convention. Siam now temporarily loses control of its ships during the Siamese Civil War. Fixed Azerbaijan peacing out with Russia when Persia collapses. Increased Curaao's state category and starting oil reserves in Dutch-controlled South America. Moved some Siamese tracks to the regional Southeast Asia list. Overhauled the Southeast Asia annexation events. Fixed Germany getting two responses for the White Ruthenia news event. Added some monthly population growth to the NatPop French Republic finishing national spirit. Yunnan can now annex lands from any Chinese puppets that Siam might have, when Yunnan brings Siam to a peace deal. Updated some national focus effects for Xinjiang. Increased offensive war War Support loss to vanilla's -20%. Fixed Sichuan starting with the Zhili Exile focus tree. Reduced focus times for the Dominion of India and Princely Federation fortification focuses. Fixed Ottoman Empires missing leader descriptions for Sultans Abdlmecid II and Osman IV. Decreased the amount of oil that Japan gains from Sakhalin. Fixed Belgorod being in the wrong province. AutDem Two Sicilies now has access to the same advisors as the democrats. Russia's first year is no longer as crippling to the AI. Added leader descriptions to Cubas Alberto Lamar Schweyer and Carlos Pro Socarrs. Fixed Albania losing its core on Northern Epirus. Changed pre-war Patagonian decisions - now they provide supply improvements and a state category increase. Fixed the Chinese Demand Submission decision not being enabled on other governments of the same alignment. Fixed the inverted idea effects for Bulgaria's agrarian route. Added a flavour event for Japan about Kitei Son and Nan Shoryu in the 1936 Olympics. Donauadriabund Poland will no longer give Cernauti and Suceava to a hostile Romania. Added Moonlight Serenade to all American civil war participants. Fixed Zhang Junmai not being transferred correctly after the Federalists unify China. Combined Syndicates of America: Oliver Law, Qing: Wu Peifu, Hu Shih, Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo. Fixed Armenia joining Persias faction not working if Persia is already in a faction. Updated the companies for the Legation Cities. Cut the Every King a Turn focus in Scandinavia for now as it has been causing unwanted results. The Austro-Hungarian Empires puppet constituents now share a grey colour on the map, until they revolt, and/or get their independence. Added dynamic coring costs for NFA coring the Metropole. Enfranchising the Indians in South Africa now decreases segregation. Fixed Georgias elections autocompleting if the same party is re-elected. Replaced Morocco's RadSoc leader with Leon Sultan. Fixed Serbian events giving empty airframes. Improved Turkeys AI in dealing with its state modifiers. WIP icons in the BHC and DEH foci trees have been swapped with ones from base game. Added a starting cavalry template to the United Kingdom. FNG's default name for infantry divisions is now prefixed by "Guofangjun", or "National Defense Army". Slight province changes in Yemen to prevent bottlenecks. Canada now uses the historical red ensign. authoritarian_democrat, social_conservative etc. Fixed DEI admirals losing their portraits when their fleet got called to HOL. Tweaked Albanias red colour so that it is more red, and less similar to Croatias. The Romanian Legion's party name will be changed to "Totul Pentru Tar" - the "Everything for the Country" party - if they were elected after Michael's coup. Any capitulated countries in Western Europe now leave the Internationale if France, Britain and the SRI have fallen and the CSA doesn't exist. Fixed Russia starting an early WK by attacking Ukraine in the middle of their revolution. Fixed the Netherlands not being granted Dunkirk alongside Flanders. The inbuilt State Transfer Tool no longer uses the same hotkey as some in-game functions. Fixed the Combined Syndicates elections firing all at once. Romania cannot keep the Belgrade Pact if it doesnt exist anymore, and the event to solidify the Pact fires only once. Added a railway effect to Irelands railway national focus. Replaced the Irish general Tom Maguire with Daniel Hogan. Unfortunately, as we've noted before, this hotfix \will* break saves. Fixed the French Empire name not showing up on the map. If Bulgaria goes SocDem or MarkLib after the Balkan War, the possibility of an Absolutist or Narrow Socialist coup is now triggered by a separate event, and this is under player control (no more relying on RNG for it to occur). Merged the three revolts against NatPop Brazil into one larger one. Updated Chen Jitangs description for Liangguang. The Arsenal of Montevideo now gives a research bonus to guns. Siam now loses any unowned cores/claims if they surrender. Tweaked some of the USA post-war debuffs. Added a research slot to Romanian army tree. Fixed the Qing event about Anqing /Nanjing losing coming in too late. Fixed Galicia & Lodomeria not being annexed by Russia, despite Austria acceding to Russian demands. Italian resource decisions are now tied to their respective national foci. Fixed a NatPop event firing for non-NatPop Romania. Fixed Turkey retaining Karabagh if Azerbaijan is somehow annexed, and the Ottomans lose the Desert War. Franois Darlan is now an admiral for the Commune of France, having moved from the French Republic. Fixed SocDem Mexico not getting elections. Simplified and streamlined Ukraines foreign policy. Fixed a Xinjiang national focus that activated a decision set that no longer exists. Added parties and leaders to Algeria, Tunisia and Senegal. Japan should now devote more troops to invading the Philippines and German East Asia. Added a unique description for the Yerevan state for the Ottomans. Decreased the length of Mussolinis leader description, so that it is not cut off. Fixed syndicalist/PatAut Australasia keeping Hong Kong. Added an event where the Commune of France can now demand Dunkirk from Belgium if the latter asks for an alliance. Made the "lesser" Megali option for Greece based on states owned, not claimed. Fengtians Restore the 1923 Constitution national focus now requires Beijing to be controlled. Fixed the Latvian steel extraction decision being available without doing the correct national focus before. Fixed Syndicalist Bolivia not joining the Weltkrieg properly. Fixed a rare instance where Republican South Africa would spawn in Namibia. Fixed a potential unlinking of the countries involved in the IEDC, and the effect that it gives them. Fixed Dutch elections event bypassing "Show No News" setting. Nerfed the max efficiency gain from the Belgium of the Balkans national spirit for Bulgaria. The Code of the Indigenate is now removed after the Algiers Conference for National France. Fixed the Siam coalition government mechanic. Fixed the desert terrain in the Caribbean islands. Fixed Emergency Powers not being correctly removed from the leader of New England. Yunnans AI has been tweaked to care slightly more for useful things like factories and research slots in their focus tree. Added national focus descriptions to Anatolian Kurdistan. Fixed Turkey keeping inappropriate national spirits as a puppet. Stability has been changed to be less lopsided; the effects at 0% stability are -20% factory/dockyard output, -10 organisation, and -10% political power gain, and at 100% stability are +20% factory/dockyard output, +10 organisation, and +10% political power gain. Added generic portrait sets for Central Asia. Fixed Hungary not keeping the monarchist flag when re-puppeted by Austria. The Left Kuomintang national focus Pivot Towards Washington is replaced with the Sino-American Pact, where the LKMT can coordinate with a successful Combined Syndicates of America to launch a joint attack on Japan. Fixed participants in the American Civil War not getting the decision to core Hawaii. Patagonia now receives more Argentinian characters via events and national focuses. Moved several sea tiles from the East Africa Coast and South West Indian Ocean, to the Mozambique Channel. Added more war support in Uruguayan events. Fixed Sweden constantly taking and repaying loans. Fake intel divisions no longer end the ACW. Added Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow, Prayer for Ukraine, Ukraine is not yet lost and We were born in a great hour for Ukraine. Zhang Zongchang now starts with the Dictator trait, in place of Captain of Industry. Added Ma Liang and Jin Yune as generals for Shandong. Fixed Mongolian railway decisions not connecting western part of the country with the capital. Adjusted the populations of Algeria, as per the 1936 census. Mittelafrika - streamlined Economic Recovery focuses, slight update to military tree. Fixed the Defend South Africa for socialist South Africa automatically failing. Improved the performance of the Exile decisions. The coup in the Left Kuomintang now adds NatPop popularity in addition to Totalist. Fixed the Polish socialist uprising news event having two responses. Fixed the Chinese United Front tags not having their major status reset upon peace. Nerfed Chiles starting units a little bit. The Faroe Islands are transferred to the United Kingdom from Canada, should Canada control them at the time of the reformation of the United Kingdom. Numerous Russian events have either had their descriptions reworked or been replaced by new events entirely, giving more character to Russias political paths. Fixed the Serbian aeroplane purchase event resulting in a lockout. Paraguay can now intervene in the Brazilian civil war. Mittelafrikas starting leader is now referred to as the Governor, instead of Statthalter, and will later attempt to assume the title Statthalter, instead of Vizeknig. Fixed Legionnaire Italys Purge Opposition national focus having no effect when other party popularity is too low. Slightly reduced Denmark's welfare state consumer goods penalty. New Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Dahomey, Greece, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Fengtian, France, Lombardy, Ottoman, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, Wallonia icons. Fixed a Russia event not using the correct name of the Yekaterinburg state. Added descriptions to Patagonias characters. Germany will now compete with Russia for Eastern European states in Peace Conferences. Iraq no longer gets a core on Qassim, and Britain no longer claims Kufra, Jin Shuren's mission to unify Xinjiang is now removed if Sheng Shicai takes over. Countries invited to the Moscow Accord by Russia can now demand the return of any cores in exchange. Sichuan will now always become a puppet of Yunnan if it accepts their ultimatum. The winner of the Siamese civil war will always use the same tag. Fixed the post-American Civil War demobilisation adding military factories instead of removing them. Liberal United Baltic Duchy can now actually fix emigration. Renamed some of the Combined Syndicates division names (White Knights and Robert E. Lee to Red Knights and Frederick Douglass, respectively). Transylvania and Galicia can now ask their overlords to let them join Romania and Poland respectively. Fixed Austria granting lands to an unfriendly Ukraine. The ingame descriptions for Syndicalism and Totalism have been rewritten to more accurately represent both ideologies. Fixed Russia losing its starting cores on the Don-Kuban Union. Chen Mingshu's coup now unlocks the locked Lianguang templates. Tweaked the stats of Canadian Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery. Fixed Yunnan being able to form its own faction when already in one. Socialist Russia now recovers from the Second Russian Civil War more quickly. Fixed player-led Yunnan being unable to fully annex Siam. The Kingdom of Spain can now no longer be denied entry into the Entente or Reichspakt based on RNG. LKMT Yunnan can form the ROC via its focus tree if the Fujian KMT is dead and they become independent. Improved Irelands Rural Maintenance Board national spirit. Nerfed the effect of the Legation Cities national spirit Fruits of the Open Door, and its effects on each member of the Legation Council. Applied balance changes to the War in the Southern Cone. Restoring the buttons does not give them any more functionality than they had previously. Fixed bugs regarding ROM influence system. Fixed Fate of India decision so its available even if Madras still exists. Patagonia no longer debuffs the TI with 5% Consumer Goods, The Legation Cities custom country paths actually work every time, The Netherlands no longer get the volunteers they send to the CSA in their own army, Fixed Cuban Autentico tree not autocompleting the first focus, Fixed various news events not having pictures. Fixed Long Yun's non-civil war takeover not adding the correct ministers. Fixed Uruguays missing leader descriptions for Luiz Conrado Batlle Berres and Luis Alberto de Herrera. Haitian corruption will no longer rise as fast and is cheaper to buy down. Fixed a Latvian effect tooltip being in the event description. When the Chinese Federalists puppet another clique, they will now also puppet the latters own puppets. Fixed the West Indies Federation not having access to any focus tree when puppeted by the Entente. Fixed Kachin not peacing out with Yunnan. Fixed the bypasses for Jabal Shammar's coring foci. Fixed the game rule for the Dominion of India puppeting Afghanistan not working, due to the requirement of controlling Kabul. Revamped the post-coup politics of the Manchu Coup path for Qing, involving updated events, new national focus effects, potential coalitions and rebalanced national spirits. Nerfed Irelands infrastructure in Connacht and Munster compared to Leinster and Ulster. Tweaked the effects of Japans industrial concerns. The CSA no longer has a 1% chance to be denied entry into the Internationale. Merged Eastern and Western Ukraine into one larger strategic region. Reduced the exile population in Canada from 1.5 million to ~700 thousand. Fixed Romania keeping Bulgaria's Together Against Austria idea after retaking Transylvania. Tweaked the effect of Romanias Numerus Valachichus national spirit. Fixed Chen Jiongming becoming a puppet of Tang Jiyao. You can now see all planes in same time, The Andesian Rebellion events now have localization, SRI attack decisions will now disappear if the target no longer exists, If syndicalist France is released after annexation, it is puppeted to the releaser if no faction exists for it to join, Removed the duplicate SRI decision to join the Phalanstere, SRI socialist welfare idea now costs consumer_goods_factor instead of adding it, Additional units are no longer transferred from Legionarry Italy to Venice upon the revolt breaking out; any Italian units left in Venice are teleported away, Romanias AI should now core Transylvania much more efficiently. Socialist Switzerland now only loses Eugen Bircher as a commander, instead of all of the German**Swiss. Fixed the map position of Lubumbashi and Kinshasa. Fixed Canada declaring joining in the American Civil War, when already engaged in Europe. Socialist Ukraine is now able to join the Internationale when at war (but they must not be at war with anyone who is not at war with the Commune of France.). If Germany does not intervene, Austria can lose all those states and their faction will be removed for good. Fixed the opening Imperial Conference event having reversed localization, based on whether Canada chose to concentrate on the dominions or itself. Increased the starting stability for the Commune of France. Fixed annexation events occasionally not properly transferring states that contain lakes. Latvia should now more often form the Baltic Last Stand faction with either Estonia or Lithuania. Fixed Syria potentially losing its starting ideas due to a delayed Egypt event. Fengtian event "Seditious Articles Proliferate" should no longer fire if Japanese influence is low, Two non-standard Swiss event pics now use standardised design. The news event toggle can now be changed in multiplayer. For Uruguay, Terra now gets properly removed if the Colorados decide to replace him. Fixed the event for Germanys Wilhelm III becoming a field marshal only firing if Germany was the one to start the war. Fixed the Cairo Pact peace not triggering if Persia was defeated too quickly. Lee, Arthur Bristol, Samuel Murray Robinson, Lloyd Fredendall, Arleigh Burke, Alfred Price, David Worth Bagley, Frank Fletcher, Edwin Harding, Leslie McNair, John McCain Sr., Harvey Overesch, Walton Walker, William Hood Simpson, Evans Carlson, William Furlough, White Ruthenia: Kanstancin Jezavitau, Timokh Khvedashchenya, Frantisek Kusal, Hasan Kanapatski, Mikalaj Janicki, Paval Vent, Vital Kazlou, Others: Ephignio Ferreira de Sales (AMA), Iven Mackay (AST).

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