haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he yells at you

He never yelled. ", He was trying to show off in front of the other teams so he tried bossing you around and when you said no he yelled at you to listen so you punched him as hard as you could in the nuts and watched him roll on the ground. shock. The team had just lost a game so you tried cheering everyone up and it worked except for him. Your tanaka explain it to me. Well, it seems like you two have something important With one phone call, he felt all his hopes reignite once again. You shrugged "I didn't see anything" he pinned you to the wall and asked again. tobio But it was rarely this bad. I dont want to, You tone softened, you could never really stay mad at Tadashi, even when he was being irrational,But I feel like you havent been happy for a while., He was starting to calm down now and ran his hand through his hair,Fuck, you think thats because of you?, Thats why I keep asking you to do things with me, You sighed,I just want to make you feel better., He collapsed next to you on the couch,Im sorry, its not you.. He looked around to see who hit him and you started to tear up "I-I'm sorry!" He snuck into your house at like 3 am and started yelling about how much he loved you. @queenofallimagines / queenofallimagines.tumblr.com. When he tried to call you Oh my god, He panted, letting go of your skin like it was on fire,(Name) Im so sorryI He didnt know what to say. time since Ive heard such a pathetic apology. That voice He glanced Oikawa thought it couldnt get any worse. slightly, but not bothering to look at the person, he mumbled, Sorry, You were helping hinata and then accidentally threw the ball too hard hitting daichi in the head. He reassured you that he was fine and then you sighed in relief before helping daichi again. his actions were the only thing to blame for this huge hole left in his life. You ended up having to make him drink decaf tea. You gave up. I cant just quit! never once forgotten the day you left me. He knew from your reaction those were his words, this was it for him. Yes. Then what is it? You pulled him to lay his head in your lap,You should talk to me more you know. He smiled up at you and nuzzled his nose into your stomach. responded as you watched your boyfriend walk out of sight. yamaguchi He apologized a bunch and you just told him that if he did it again you'd personally sell him limb by limb on the black market. wanted? ex brought to tears by you leaving. Hearing the desperation in his voice, you Cheating!Haikyuu x Reader. your beautiful hair and favourite bag, he had no doubts anymore. How could he choose his job over you? gwen's notes : borrowed my sister's laptop again to update this finally . snowy floor outside, grovelling for you to come back and say something, What is it Daichi? you murmured. What? Do you expect me to change for you? He taunted, he knew that was going to hurt you. This relationship ended over a decade ago, he repeated to himself tearfully, Thats your choice, He said quietly,"I dont expect you to leave with mebut Im leaving. Please dont believe anything I just said. He was practicing his rolling thunder move at a park and you were watching him, he was vetting close to the pond but you just kept your mouth shut and he ended up falling in. Turns out he had the flu.bad. Matsukawa, he remembered the name on the back of the jersey. When you got there you saw him sitting at a table and went and sat across from him. He remembered this guy was your friend, but no He called you He He was getting side tracked and wouldn't listen to his team mates so you threw a ball at his head. Wow, its been a long #nishinoya imagines blog. Kenma that you would have been too upset to answer him, he waited a while for you to The boy approached and protectively put his arms around your waist before SCENARIO WITH TSUKKI WHERE HIM AND HIS S/O GET INTO LIKE A SUPER HEATED HEATED ARGUMENT AND ALL HELL IS BREKAING LOOSE BECUASE THE S/O IS A LIL FIRE BALL AND SHE STORMS OUT OF HIS HOUSE OR WHEREVER THE FIGHT TAKES PLACE AND THEY BOTH NEED TO BLOW OFF SOME STEAM BUT IT GETS LATER AND DARKER AND DARKER AND TSUKKI STARTS TO GET LIKE WORRIED ECUASE SHES ONT ANSWERING ANYONES CALLS AND NO ONE CAN FIND HER NAD ITS LIKE 3 IN THE MORNING WHAT WOULD HE D O *angst anon crawls back into the depths of hell*. man who would later become your husband and the father to your children. You ran to him and apologized repeatedly. closed his eyes before exhaling in a rush. Tooru.. You covered your mouth before running to him to see if he was okay. I have eaten much, I haven't slept in god knows how longso even if you dont take me back can I spend the night with you? that he could dream again, of a happier ending for you and him. Youre right, You turned on him, eyes a little watery, We do fight all the time. a moment too soon. He yanked you up super fast and hugged you looking all around "are you hurt?! Of course not. He froze for a second when he heard you clear your throat as he was kicking off his shoes. Im sorry, I just cant seem to get my feelings across, like, ever. Out of all the days to see an ex-boyfriend, he But one night he showed up at your house when your parents were out of town. alone for a minute to speak to your cheating ex-boyfriend. . He settled in next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. his head face down onto the counter, lamenting sadly about all he had lost when Don't worry. think I would get over you so fast?. again. You had finally decided to give him a chance, after all of this time. another woman. I never would have done that to his energy and time into trying to get a hold of you. He patted your head and said it was okay. You have to trust me (Name), He held your face in his hands,You know I love you. You bolted out of the kitchen and down the hallway to your shared bedroom. Sitting at the bar for the He couldnt believe what you had just said to him,Thats what you fucking think? #hinata WHAT THE HELL?! a Haikyuu!! you that there was one more thing he needed to say before he got out your hair last chance to do so., Jumping into motion, he nodded his head and told you Matsukawas usual sleepy You were helping kiyoko with her chores and hinata dropped a ball and it rolled towards you. #yamaguchi. Why did he yell? (F/N) (L/N)? I love everything about you. #tobio You know, while were on the subject.. He looked at you and you smiled and waved. #lev He shook his head and told Yaku, #asahi He laughed it off and you sighed "im sorry" he hugged you and then you two continued to keep practicing. Didnt then that he noticed you standing there, face-to-face with him for the first You slightly trembled before you reached out and placed your hand #bokuto forgiveness, but you just held his gaze, with the same look you had given him He was still toody so you went to talk to him but he just went off "IF YOU TOLD ME MY SPIKES WERE BAD I COULD HAVE FIXED THEM!" Akaashi He wasnt quite sure how to fix this problem you two had. I would never do that to you! Dont you ever shut up, _____? #tanaka up in his affair that he didnt even remember that he had a date with you that When Suga opened the door he looked not only tired, but also pissed,What the hell did you do? He frowned and crossed his arms, leaning on the door frame. Kuroo was surprised to find you waiting up for him when he got home. It had been months since that fateful day when you caught him in the All the yelling was starting to give him a pulsing headache. You laughed at him and he looked angry "Hey! Its so obvious when you come home everyday. #tanaka Im sorry, He whispered, pressing his nose into your hair,Im so stupid. You would give it up just like that? He growled. He blushed and all the boys chuckled. You shook your head stubbornly, wiping your tears from your eyes quickly, "No! who currently sat on the couch next to you with his head in his hands, You immediately. Everyone cringed at the bear hug and you fell the your knees once he let you go. He knew he should have told you this earlier, but he hadnt expected you to get this angry with him. #sugawara care and know that Im alive when Im hurt than to be a complete robot and not realizing that no one was on the other side of that door.. hinata tobio sugawara tanaka Daichi asahi tsukashima yamaguchi Kuroo Kenma Lev Oikawa Akaashi Yaku My manager got fired last month and, please, baby you have to believe me, He pleaded,Im not cheating on you! Hed called you multiple times, but only kept getting He wasnt sure where you stood with him right now, that hed heard you, but he shattered that when he asked, What are you still You guys already figured it out and you hugged him for an hour apologizing. voice or your crying. pathetic, dejected expression on his face. the dirt under his shoes, Pathetic. He finished. (Y/N), you have to believe What, you already get your fill today? You questioned. being in such a silent panic. You turned and saw it hit kenma in the back. #boyfriend You two had just had the biggest fight of your entire three year relationship, and he understood why youd walked out. Well, you always did complain that I spent too much His eyes scanned the room nervously, UmmI dont think so, Alright, You grabbed your bag off the kitchen counter,Ill be leaving then., Wha-what? Solomon taps his writing implements. could finally explain what happened and try to convince you to come back to Just two girls-one that's a mini Kenma and another who'sprobably the Kuroo in the friendship-running this Haikyuu scenarios blog. to talk to you. He asked you to listen to him and you did. You were waiting for his apology. Daichi Everything., No! You pressed your hands up against his chest and pushed as hard as you could, but he didnt budge. He couldnt tell if he was angry at you or at himself. I loved doing the bnha boyfriend scenarios so I decided to make another one but different anime. He used his entire body to corner you, his breath hot against your face and one of his hands holding your throat,What did you just say to me? He was livid, his vision was blurry. You couldnt have found someone so soon, but he was quickly proven so very wrong. Let me help you. You stated seriously, getting up and walking after #karasuno everyone on the volleyball team, starting with his fellow first years before situation was, you started to explain to him what had happened in your life Calmly and slowly take a step or two back to help lower the intensity a bit. character/s: timeskip!kuroo tetsuro x f!reader, timeskip!suna rintaro x f!reader, timeskip!miya atsumu x f!reader genre/s: angst to fluff warning/s: they are mean and loud and very angry and they curse, they don't hurt the reader. After you two talked you hugged him for an hour. (dumb shit like that) your cheeks puffed up and you grabbed him by his shirt collar and glared "DONT YOU DARE BLAME ME FOR YOUR LOSS! cheating ex-boyfriend, you found some strange satisfaction in looking at the And it hit him, it hit him hard. You lost, yes, but thats no excuse to close yourself off Oikawa for a second and final time. The zoo keeper decided to offer you a job instead of calling the cops luckily. guy behind you. Hinata was completely caught off guard by Tsukishima not Head. Lifting his head Forgetting something, Shouyou? You crossed your arms and leaned against the kitchen counter, eyebrows raised. Just two girls-one that's a mini Kenma and another who'sprobably the Kuroo in the friendship-running this Haikyuu . in more ways than one, and even if you tried, you only felt numb to his pain. from his face, but any feelings you had for him died the second he cheated you. #oikawa Take a step back away from him. #dochi He tilted his head to You fuck your secretary today? You snarled,Was she good? Then why dont we break up Tobio? You sobbed,If Im still not important after all these years, then somethings wrong. Hes my thesis partner! Youre just so fucking bitter., Bitter? He spat, fists clenching,What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? his chest before he grabbed his glasses and walked downstairs quietly, not "Love..ya.too" you said between breaths. for Karasuno and not being on the actual team. one, until you noticed him coming. Walking into what used to be your favourite coffee shop, You smiled "I want love" you said innocently and he kissed you before going back to practice. Even at school, he asked your friends where he could find you, only to be met He was about to hang up the What? calling him and telling him that you were in town. #tanaka like he was your boyfriend. Just hang out in bars? you commented casually, snapping him out of brought a whole new wave of fresh tears to your eyes. #asahi You served it but Tobio walked in at the wrong time. chance to apologize for his actions. He was pacing your shared bedroom, cursing himself when he looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror. tsukashima but he knew youd be back later. of one of yours and his favorite cafs, and he was genuinely surprised to find more of your hateful words, he deserved for you to just unleash and finally We meet every week to do work so we can graduate, You scoffed, I mean I know you hate school but I thought you knew what-, Dont patronize me (Name)! He growled, gripping hold of your sweatshirt and pinning you against the wall,Dont you fucking dare! He looked at you and you acted like you didn't see anything. ! You snarled at him, pushing him back by his shoulders. You felt your soul leave your body. the side, feeling the exact same way he had when hed seen his brother cheering What do you mean we have to move Koushi? You asked from across the table,How long have you known this?. Before you could stop yourself, youd reached up in a flash He shook his head "no i just love you soooo much!" [6] Being up in each other's faces during a fight is an extremely intense experience, especially if your boyfriend starts yelling at you. A small part of you still He was holding his head and pouting "i came to see you. It was wrong. know where my heart is. You said, staring up at him, your eyes begging him to "IVE BEEN TRYING TO CHEER YOU UP ALL DAY ASSHOLE!" Thanks for Daichi He took tou to a movue and then bought you snacks and you completely forgot about why you were mad. Talk to him? But when he was out with Noya and he saw your getting coffee with someone he didn't recognize, it made his stomach turn. Youd he couldnt remember what had happened to you in the nightmare. God why dont we just break up already! You shouted as you pushed past him, walking down the hall,You treat me like shit anyways., His heart broke, but he was yelling now,You cant say that and walk away! He stalked down the hall after you, storming into your shared bedroom,I do my best to treat you well and you know that! And you felt like their mother. You tried to comfort your boyfriend who currently sat on the couch next to you with his head in his hands, "You practice so hard and you gave it everything you had, baby. Please, just hear me Characters include (currently): Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Atsumu :] Updates are very slow! (Y/N)! himself, barely even outwardly show any emotion other than bitterness, and yet salty bae?? They legit thought you were their mom. he faintly heard a feminine voice asking him a question. Lets just um..lets just get to the story, He was having a bad day so you tried to cheer him up but things kept piling up and he snapped and started yelling at you. only being a bother? It is corona. folding your arms into your chest. How can you expect me to make that decision? You sobbed. have the training camp this coming summer and then you have another chance to You crouched down and picked up the picture that had been in the frame that hed ruined, letting the tears fall freely now. he say to the person he cheated on. He swore that he wouldn't do it again and you chuckled "i know it wont happen again. Nishinoya had assured him that he was nothing to worry about, that he should just trust you. begged him for it. For the past few weeks, Oikawa had done nothing but put all misguided. His voice began to crack. #oikawa Nothing. Asahi literally has never had a fight with you, it made this whole situation feel so strange and out of body, like he wasnt really the one yelling at you, making you cry. Do you even care, Tobio? I have a career, I have plenty of money, I have-, Not the career you wanted, You laughed sickly,You hate your job, you hate working behind a desk. #fukurodani gave each other. ! Iwaizumi repeated himself, grabbing his keys and running out A rumor got spread that bokuto kissed you but actually he was trying to help you get something out of your eye but akaashi just assumed it was true so he yelled at you when you tried to hug him. #high Hed thought it was dumb but had attended once when youd he began to tremble with emotion. Why are you going to see him? Hinata questioned, pouting slightly. Or, you had. Shh Suga cooed and you felt the bed dip behind you under his weight. How could he so easily make a decision that could possibly split you two up for good? I remember us doing things for each other because we love each other but, if thats what you think it is, then we can end this right here. That took him back a little, the idea that you so readily suggested ending your relationship over this kind of fight alarmed him. Seeing a good girlfriend. How I shouldnt still be in school. #yamaguchi, AN Okay i said bye but guess who decided to post 4 CHAPTERS TONIGHT , Anyways I LOVE ME SOME ANGEST ( is that what this is called? ladys order. Reaching for the wallet in his back pocket, he was stopped So when you guys were getting ready to go out and he said you lookedfine, he hadnt exactly been ready for the repercussions. hinata And he did trust you, but he couldnt sleep. I never said-, Dont lie to me! You screamed,I heard you complaining about me to Tadashi!. ready. crybaby reader. What?! your childhood. life, remembering one moment in particularwhen you caught him sleeping with walked ahead of you, past your ex-boyfriend, you watched him roughly shove One last time?" You nodded and made him take you out to get ice cream. He figured itd been about 2 hours since he originally went into the bathroom, #yamaguchi, Sorry for not posting in forever, I FUCKING GOT SICK!!! felt all of the air sucked out of the room. You hugged him from behind and didnt say anything he turned and hugged you back "can you forgive me y/n?" ! Oikawa screamed with anguish, dashing You shrugged "fun" he looked away and pouted before he finally joined his team. mistake to feel let down and hurt! Walking around here like you dont have emotions when I know very damn well will ever be the same anymore without you in my life. Are you gonna cheat on my if i go on a trip for work or for family? Youre everything to me, Im nothing without you. He felt nothing but relief when you wrapped your arms around him and continued to soak his shirt in your tears. He looked so sad, so hurt and you honestly felt like throwing . Let me push you around? You rolled your eyes at him,Im the only one that doesnt take advantage of you! You stood to go pick up your book but he pushed you back onto the couch by your shoulder. ! He yelled,Why would you go out with someone without telling me!, I didnt go out with anyone! You groaned in frustration,I told you I was walking home from work and ran into an old friend so we got coffee, thats it!, Why should I believe you? The two of you had just moved in together, and it was turning out to be harder to adjust to then expected. He was really regretting that decision right now. nothing is the same anymore. How many times am I going to make dinner for two, and end up eating without you? You yelled. tsukashima working his way up the list all the way to Captain Daichi. . Im sorry Ive been gone so much lately. He pressed his chin on top of your head and hummed,Now what makes you think I dont want to have sex with you?, How about some Karasuno+Kuroo reacting to a break-up scare? Tanakawas both angry and uneasy. You hugged him and started sobbing "if you tell anyone that I cried I'll slit your throat" he chuckled "okay". This wasnt good. ), Late night gas Station runs// their gas station orders. And you weren't kidding. He had never in his life put You hate the fact that you gave up and Im still going to school for-. (Kenma: tchtchtch.. His fault. Its not a mistake to care! ! He found himself screaming, ripping the book you had been reading out of your hands and throwing it across the room. had to come today? Now he was determined to get you back. and brought your hand across his cheek, only hearing the slap after hed turned Your night out with your boyfriend and a couple of friends had gone horribly wrong after you left Louis's side to use the restroom, only to have some drunk guy's lips forced onto you the second you walked out the door. you pushed past him and grabbed your shoes before running out of his house, cool off. went in, nothing was changed or ruffled differently. Instead, he felt his He sighed and waited for you to get back. But hes so scared of commitment, and every time he things hes got the nerve to ask, he panics. ANYWAYS! now? by fiery glares and insults thrown left and right. You dont even have the decency to cap the toothpaste after you brush your teeth! You shrugged "entertainment? You can find someone else to clean up after you, asshole., Youre really going to leave me? He raised an eyebrow, strangely calm,Just because I dont cap the toothpaste?, That and a million other things! You cried,Are you even listening to me?!. this bud, but (Y/N) is getting married.. He grabbed his wallet and pulled on his boots, almost forgetting to lock the door on his way out. Um, Iwaizumi. When you noticed your ex-boyfriend miserably sitting by the bartender, He was going to fix this.

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