What if GS is not a perfect master? Anyway, here's the photo. July 11, 2012 at 07:51 AM, quote Juan: G,a real Gurmukh must never question, all he or she has to do is obey his or her master. I am still searching for "something" and the experience with Sant Mat has only made me raise the bar.perhaps it is pointless to search and one should just embrace reality.I have dabbled in this too but there is always something missing I feelperhaps I am just insatiable.hmmmsomething for me to mediate on (pardon the pun). I think it's because he knows that he is saying things that are constantly changing and people would pick him up on his contradictions and ask him to clarify his real position. i think its rather funny how most of these sant mat preachers and advocates and believers, and RS followers and disciples (like Juan and others), are such hypocrites. CHANDIGARH: The recent acrimony between Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB) and certain Panthic organizations over the construction of a Gurudwara appears to have been amicably resolved with the Satsang reiterating its resolve to hold and continue to hold all Guru Sahibans and Shri Guru Granth Sahib in the highest esteem. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon leads the spiritual sect RSSB that is not concerned with any political party in India, and it is regarded as a non-profit organisation that does not take a single penny from its followers. Please read the book The Master Answers. [10] Associated Addresses 8139 257th St, Glen Oaks, NY 11004 6623 242nd St, Little Neck, NY 11362 Associated Phone Numbers (718) 850-6591 Associated Email Addresses gkdhillon15@gmail.com skdhillon91@gmail.com skdhillon91@yahoo.com gkdhillon92@yahoo.com Possible Relatives Balbir Kaur Dhillon Danielle Nicole Dhillon They were under the fraud investigation of over 23 billion rupees missing from their listed companies. Shabnam Dhillon had developed some complications after undergoing a stomach surgery. I received a photo of Gurinder Singh Dhillon, guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas, from an utterly anonymous source. Aren't we all god in human form? Don't take me too seriously. But unfortunately, the ones who you are writing to won't understand your LOGIC. For this purpose all the Panthic Jathebandis have also rendered their cooperation so as to keep the Panth in Chardi Kala. Brian Hines: Break Free of Dogma: Churchless sermons preaching the gospel of spiritual independence, Brian Hines: Life is Fair: The Law of Cause and Effect, Brian Hines: God's Whisper, Creation's Thunder: Echoes of Spiritual Reality In the New Physics. Posted by: and this is not only for RS believers but also a non believer who is trying to to become a good man. Posted by: Posted by: I agree, Brian has guts like you say, the guy gives his real name and face. ", Posted by: why do i need access to that region? Photos; Indian; MP4; XXX; HD; Posts; Leaks; marathi porn videos com school opan hindi xxx sex Videos. The art of conversation, the artof letter writing and all that has already started taking a beating. Posted by: Posted by: kabir advani | This is only a preview. It would be cool to meet for a coffee and chat someday if you wish. Therefore, Radha Soami Satsang Beas acting upon the sayings of Guru Sahiban that ho ikatar millo mere bhai, dubidha dur karo liv lai, and decided to accept the sewa of constructing a Gurudwara as well as its upkeep. Blogger Brian | I AM A RADHASOAMI FOLLOWER. Written by Anju Agnihotri Chaba , Edited by Explained Desk If your browser is buffering the video slowly, please play the REGULAR MP4 VERSION or Open The Video below for better experience. How to choose? Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love. its really quite amazing how these supposed spiritual people, can be so so stupid and foolish. LOVE lovE and love is the only way to all spirituality and all happiness, even when you suffer in the process of giving love to some one, it gives even more satisfaction. slating one another) and the ones that do implement the teachings are the best human beings I know. Because they are impermanent, the happiness they provide is impermanent. If not, keep on insulting what the RSSB gurus have brought into being. 60+ skateboarders/longboarders are pretty rare, surely rarer than old geezer tennis players. Your comment could not be posted. Fullerton, CA 92835-2129 Previous Addresses. His parents were Gurmukh Singh Dhillon and Mahinder Kaur. Again, I'm confused. Roger, great question. Sukhbir | November 11, 2012 at 10:24 AM. Posted by: That's sage advice from Senior Citizen Skateboarder. This sect follows no rituals, ceremonies, hierarchies or mandatory contributions by the followers or devotees. Who needs it? The resulting light-heartedness we experience enables us to go deeper into our meditation practice. Currently Jasjit lives at the address 11769 W Clover Rd, Tracy CA 95304. It's common in India to say the wife's name first before the husband's, when one wants to refer to the Husband, hence Radha Soami was a reference to Soami ji. Posted by: After graduation. Posted by: Posted by: (Late) Shabnam Dhillon (died on 27 November 2019), Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon is an Indian spiritual leader who is the head of the Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), Punjab. What exactly is the severe punishment? Sant Mat cannot be considered a religion, because it does not have any of the elements common to religions, such as rituals, holy books, churches, holy images, clergy, and sacraments. He relies only on his own income, and in accordance with the societys policy regarding all volunteers (sevadars), he does not receive any compensation or honoraria. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon Father Name is Gurmukh Singh (He was a landlord from Moga, Punjab). !eiither prove me wrong or appoligise for ur false allegations against rssb for spending money in buying landu dont have a third option this time for diverting d topic dat u urself had started and now wants to hide away from it Posted by: Posted by: So if i was you I would think carefully about what I say about anything, I don't have a problem with you having doubts abut RS. How would I control the things happening with me after my death? Posted by: But by the looks of things, no 'new' book will ever come out, last year I was excited to hear that there were new satsang cd's, but discovered they were english translations of Charans satsangs. People refer to this fountainhead of permanent joy and peace by many names, such as God, Universal Consciousness, Tao, Shabd, Word, and so on. March 13, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Posted by: His wifes name was (Late) Shabnam Dhillon. Secondly:- Brian:- I have empathy for you. July 17, 2012 at 04:44 AM. Even Baba Ji say's its right to be critical of the path. December 26, 2012 at 03:48 AM. In addition to this, he also submitted an affidavit that showed the transactions of over 500 crores being transferred from the bank account of Malvinder to the bank account of Gurinder Dhillon. Malvinder Singh and his brother Shinvinder Singh are promoters of RHC Holding . I've just read this, initiation and meditation is compared to an Open University, it's open to all regardless of background, all you need is to be ethical,honest and be a vegetarian. If I heard a bedtime story etc about RS it would be enough to convince me that RS is the right path. Roger | She is obviously a jealous Sikh. It was like using a Play Station and then going back to my Commodore 64but waita new XBOX is being unveiled next year so there is always hope due to technological advancement. I am assuming RSSB never published a book on him. Posted by: But as long as we're honest, good human beings who don;t commit adultery, don't do drugs/alcohol, slate one another and don't eat meat/eggs, we should be in a safe place after death REGARDLESS of ones faith. You obviously didn't practice what you preach. According to Roc records, 54-year old Dhillon is a director on at least 10 companies, other than SGGD. More information More like this 0:30 Mike Williams | but yet Juan is doing exactly that -- disobeying the RS guru's command -- by engaging in discussing and posting of blog comments about sant mat and RS, on the internet. Kind of a catch 22 situation because most scientists are quite keen to share their discoveries with fellow seekers of truth. Being a spiritual head of Dera Beas, Punjab, he regularly delivers spiritual discourses at the major centres of RSSB in India as well as in foreign countries in the months of April and August. You are correct. But your time will come just like everyone else's, when that time has come there will be no turning back.It doesn't matter if you have nam or not, I know lots of people who got nam started drinking etc and they got punished severely. Posted by: Grow your brand authentically by sharing brand content with the internets creators. where is there evidence, any evidence at all, that Charan Singh was a so-called "True Master"? well its relaly good to help people in any possible way. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon is an Indian spiritual head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), Punjab. Please specify. Email us at [emailprotected], Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Age, Wife, Family, Biography, Controversy, Facts & More, Shiv Dayal Singh Seth Age, Death, Wife, Children, Family, Biography & More, Baba Ramdev Age, Wife, Family, Biography & More, Shivani Verma (Brahma Kumari) Age, Husband, Family, Biography & More, Jaggi Vasudev (Sadhguru) Age, Wife, Family, Children, Biography & More, Dadi Janki (Brahma Kumari) Age, Death, Family, Biography & More, Jaya Kishori Age, Husband, Family, Caste, Biography & More, Rishi Prabhakar Age, Death, Wife, Children, Family, Biography & More, Being the spiritual head of Radha Swami Satsang Beas, Punjab, India, Lawrence School, Sanawar, Himachal Pradesh, School education at Lawrence School, Sanawar, Himachal Pradesh. Guys whai is ur take on rituals and black magichere in india des r very common..what does rssb say about it Posted by: What are the names of Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon's sons? As we continue with our meditation practice, our mind becomes still until eventually our soul is left unencumbered and we can contact directly the Source of all peace and happiness: the Tao, the Shabd, Buddha Nature, or God. Posted by: Facebook gives. For the two of you Baba Ji's (or big G as I used to call him) word is enough, being with the boys at Haynes and playing football with Big G and telling bedtime stories about mystical happenings is enough and gives you a sense of belonging.I respect that.I think I can speak for Brian when I say we require more.Science of the Soul goes into much "esoteric" detail about what one should experience and yet after initiation one is given a leaflet on meditation that states that a satsangi should expect nothing and be content with the bliss of seeing nothing.now that is a tease no woman could ever match! Only by developing our spiritual nature can we find a source of peace and happiness that is permanent. Charan Singh Grewal with his nephew Gurinder Singh Dhillon as a young boy, I dont think we need COVID-19 to make us think about it. Jasjit previously lived at 13218 SE 226th St, Kent WA 98042, starting in February of 2008. 2 Rajasthan-based drug peddlers held with heroin in Amritsar,Punjab Police has arrested two Rajasthan-based drug smugglers and recovered 13-kg of heroin from their possession near Verka Bypass in Amritsar, said DGP Punjab, Gaurav Yadav. Well, I live in the UK, and I heard the story from a sevador. In July 2020, Gurinder Singh Dhillon told the Prime Minister of India. kabir advani, I'm confused. May I also point out that the whole of RS (as innocent it tries to be) is all based on contradictions. So what's the difference between you and any other religious fundamentalist? Why would Gurinder even need to censor photos or audios of himself? Moongoes | tucson | Answer (1 of 2): Gurinder Singh Dhillon, additionally acknowledged as Baba Ji to his followers, is the is the present day religious head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB). Who knows that? You are totally safe, since you have been initiated by a True Master(Hazur Maharaj Charan Singh), you will not be sent lower than human brth, even if your karmas are bad, youll get another human form to go through all those bad karmas. He died before the book could be written. Did you mean? I appreciate your fear of death and dying. Moongoes | fyi, the current RS guru has specifically 'commanded' that RS initiates should not engage in any kind of posting of sant mat related info, or in any discussions of sant mat and RS on the internet. TNN / Dec 12, 2016, 07:37 (IST) The murder of Shukla Seth (80), grandmother of Dera Beas chief gurinder singh dhillon's daughter-in-law, and her . Nothing. on the earth. Posted by: Brian has walked both paths from my understanding so I think his word holds some merit. rssb chief dhillon amp family to pay, questions amp answers rssb, radha soami satsang beas rssb home . I am also from the west midlands, so I'm assuming you used to go to the Birmingham centre when you were a follower. Moongoes | I received a photo of Gurinder Singh Dhillon, guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas, from an utterly anonymous source. cherity is good to the extent of fulfilling someone's basic requirement, but what will actually make someone's life beautiful is when they learn to know how to be satisfied. He also gives Satsang at other major centres of RSSB in India. But Brian you were mildly critical of the RS teachings BEFORE THE SACKING. July 17, 2012 at 08:35 AM. It must be very hard for you being from a Satsang family. Build your family tree online ; Share photos and videos ; Smart Matching technology ; Free! [5]Business Today In 2018, Malvinder and his brother were also under a criminal inquiry by the financial departments of India. no Juan, i am not going to read some book. Moon Posted by: He was educated at the Lawrence School, Sanawar, in the Shimla Hills of Himachal Pradesh, and obtained his bachelor's degree in Commerce from Punjab University, Chandigarh. so i couldn't care less about the words of Hazur Maharaj Charan Singh, or any of the RS Gurus. Posted by: Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, the societys headquarters, is a hub for satsang and is situated alongside the Beas River not far from the town of Beas, Punjab, in northern India. (And I copied the pic mentioned, just so I could have a copy of "GIHF" to send to others. But when we achieve peace through the practice of meditation, our minds become settled and clear. Posted by: Whether its the cell phones,iPads or computers, they have already destroyed the social fabric of our society.Where do the children sit and talk? Your life purpose is to criticise and only criticise. radha soami baba ji, i like you as real god . He says that if you can tennis on until you're 90, or so, it's pretty much like "Top 10 National Award" please, just because the guy can get out on a court at all. To simply have faith that what happens in the cosmos is OK, not to be resisted, to be accepted and flowed with, managed as best we can. June 12, 2012 at 03:13 AM, I don't know if I'm the one that's nuts for writing this and even bothering to write this, but for those who are writing "Radha Soami Babaji", YOU'RE IN THE WRONG PLACE! I almost thought about starting a meet up group in my city because I am sure there are more like us from all walks of religions. But still there are other areas which I still have doubts. If you can maybe making your discussion less patronizing, and more like a University essay which examines the topic academically and make the topic honest and also being open minded to RS disciples who have something constructive to say then there wouldn't be too much problem. In 1990, Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon was given the charge of the spiritual head of RSSB. December 26, 2012 at 04:34 PM. This makes him happier in life. December 27, 2012 at 10:23 PM, I wish everybody ever wrote here a nice and trip on this planet earth, peace to ya all! This wouldn't be newsworthy if the guru wasn't so camera-shy. He was in Spain working before coming back to India to accept his nomination as the next spiritual head of RSSB in 1990. But i somehow find ur arguments childish..u expect dat if der is god in human form he has to be as shown in fairy tales wid wings and should keep showing miracles.y cant he have alsecurity guards.common dats a ridiculous argument dat god needs no security guards no doctors coz he should never fall ill..come out of ur childhood dudeif god was here to show miracles then jesus would not have lost his life dat way he could have shown some miracle and got away and would have fallen ill and would be alive even today..people threw stones at guru nanak and he had to leave his own village and would have tackled things wid miracles.prophet mohammads teeth were broken by his enemies and even he could do miracles and saved himself..so analysing each and everthing that gurinder singj ji does and expecting dat he should have reacted how god would have in fairy tales is a very childish thinking.. Posted by: According to a sect spokesperson, Shabnam. In 2020, Gurinder Singh Dhillon was summoned by the Economic Offences Wing (EoW) of the Delhi Police on the complaints filed by businessman Malvinder Singh and his brother, Shivinder for taking off the amount from the sale of Ranbaxy Laboratories. December 28, 2012 at 02:20 AM, Posted by: I don't claim to be anyone special, or know anything special. I really do understand your pain. March 07, 2012 at 03:22 PM. December 29, 2012 at 05:31 PM, Radha Soami Satsang Beas accepts sewa; to construct Gurdwara as well maintain it Posted by: Gurinder Singh Dhillon on his wedding day with his bride and Maharaj Charan Singh Ji Gurinder Singh Dhillon with his wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren Gurinder Singh Dhillon has two sons named Gurpreet Singh Dhillon and Gurkirat Singh Dhillon. Preview(s): Gallery. All we can be sure of is that Gurinder Singh Dhillon, the guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas, lacks both normal human compassion and the most basic understanding of how to talk with someone who was, or is, suicidal. This daily practice ultimately allows a devotee to listen to the inner divine sound or Word (Shabd) within himself. candid photos and great deals for amritsar india at tripadvisor, radha soami satsang beas rssb is a . I'm sure some might be interested [or amused]. Published by at 14 Marta, 2021. July 16, 2012 at 08:02 AM. It could be that swimming in a wide Sargasso sea is the answer. July 11, 2012 at 11:22 AM. This happened in Hawaii, which so far as I know is subject to the Constitution of the United States. The Singh brothers. To a young mind with zest for truth it is easy to see why people like you and I would want to go "within" and meet the radiant form. But that person is lucky, the 9/11 tragedy is the worst way to die. Access the best of Getty Images with our simple subscription plan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuS1Jl2Y6TU. He is still going and in good health. Gurinder Singh Dhillon, also known as Baba Ji to his followers, is the spiritual head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB). I'm working on it, but if you disapprove the path that's fine, I just don't like it when Baba Ji is mocked or accused of certain things. The Maine centre of RSSB was established beside the river Beas in Punjab (Northern India) by Baba Jaimal Singh in 1891. [citation needed], He was educated at the Lawrence School, Sanawar, in the Shimla Hills of Himachal Pradesh,[2] and obtained his bachelor's degree in Commerce from Panjab University, Chandigarh. They are moreinterested in their games on iPhones and computers. Amandeep had turned 18 in 2005 and was studying at a college in northern India, when her parents, Kulwant Kaur and Avtar Singh Benipal, told her a. Showing Editorial results for GURINDER SINGH DHILLON. Sukhbir, I have been initiated by Maharaj Charan Singh, even if my karmas are very bad , the question of geting a birth in lower specie does not arise for initiates, THOSE WHO ARE NOT INITIATED BY TRUE MASTER ARE AT RISK OF BEING BORN IN A LOWER SPECIE ACCORDING TO THEIR KARMAS. Having trouble reading this image? Maybe God is simply Alanis Morisette. Get Started. Gurpreet Singh Dhillon is the CEO of Religare Health Trust (RHT). One can not underestimate the physical, mental and emotional investment involved (let's not get into the financial investment right now)my point beingit seems that if people like Brian and I were to give our all to a particular Guru; our standards/expectations would be higher because we obviously value our time and lives and would implore on conclusive evidence and not blind faith to make the big leap. The notion of Sachkhand used to excite me when i was a kid, i thought i was special one because of my association with the path. After all he is the one out of only few on this world betrayed by RS. I have doubts about RS, but what I don't do is keep a narrow mind (you disapprove posts that expose you) and also i don't make fun of anything related to RS. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon is 5.7 Feet and in centimeters 170 cm. We are able to watch how the mind creates infinite scenarios and then dissolves them again. So I don't think its a coincidence he got sacked 3 weeks before 9/11, I firmly believe there is a positive power up there. You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. This Kabir dude and Gaz come across as vindictive bullies. Brian and Chand broadened my perspective, initially it hurt when I read Brians blogs, but i started to question, if Gurinder was God why would he allow this? December 28, 2012 at 01:03 PM. I haven't met many ex/current UK satsangis here. Photographs Photographs of Baba Gurinder Singh, Maharaj Charan Singh, Maharaj Sawan Singh, Soami Ji. [7]The Print, Malvinder Singh and his brother Shivinder Singh, Charan Singh Grewal with his nephew Gurinder Singh Dhillon as a young boy, I dont think we need COVID-19 to make us think about it. November 11, 2012 at 03:33 PM. The claim is that they are someone very special: a god-realized being. I don't claim my God to be the right one, but what I do know is that we should be good human beings. Dhillon, who hails from a family of Punjabi landowners and was a businessman in Spain before ascending to RSSB's spiritual throne, has the ability to command the attention and affection of over 5 lakh people at once. But now that's gone, it hurts so much! And yes; the food at Haynes is very good. (Well, me, eventually. we are very hunger of your one smile.we are your childrens.we belive that you are "GOD", Posted by: (Name is required. I don't want to display my email address on here for others but Gaz and I have discussed meeting.
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