Josh walks home alone after practice, which feels strange since he usually walks with, finds The Giver. Actively Learn provides free ELA, science, and social studies digital contentshort stories, primary sources, textbook sections, science articles, novels, videos, and moreand embeds them with assignments aligned to standards for all 50 states that you can assign immediately or customize for your students. 0000012066 00000 n Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. i can no longer fit. "Mom doesn't like us eating out" to "How Do You Spell Trouble? Change). Josh hugs Mom and tells her how grateful he is for her loving him, Dad, and JB; he says that she is the best mother in the world. She runs past the boys' room and when, pull through and sends his love. he asks. Josh is busy taking his vocabulary test when, Josh doesn't pay any attention to his teacher or the dummy and instead he watches, Conversation. Thus, they will be able to create characters based on what they know or what they want to see reflected in literature. So I didnt get the cool dad, I got the academic scholar dad that made me read books. a7[6se7U>rcf[,+*@j3(9 JB is on fire; Coach, Alexis, and Josh are his choir. 1090 0 obj <>stream His suggestion to write JB a letter again speaks to the power of words and communication. With his eyes on a future at Duke, Josh seems to have it all. Showing this tiny bit of positive regard suggests that JB is now willing to listen to Josh and rebuild their relationship. Keen editors and support staff will supervise the task for you to guarantee Quality and ORIGINAL paper that scores high. When Dad holds his chest, it's a signal that he's not okay and he's likely lying to Josh. Here is a poem from The Crossover: Dear Jordan without u i am empty, the goal with no net, seems my life was broken shattered, like puzzle pieces on the court. Though Josh is once again able to use his vocabulary words to make his life make more sense, he also indicates that his ability to effectively communicate is waning. 0000016558 00000 n A cleave poem about twin brothers and basketball. However, I will tell you this. 0000011426 00000 n After the funeral, Josh makes another attempt to reconcile with JB when JB gives him his fathers championship ring by saying, We Da Man. The author leaves us with the sense that the brothers will find their way back to each other. Assign this text to your students for free. 2020 Pro Custom Essays. He wants Dad to talk to Mom because he feels like he needs to be in the playoffs and is letting his teammates down. The two-column structure used in the Crossover's poem "Dear Jordan" stands for; The two-column structure used in Dear Jordan symbolizes the broken relationship between the two brothers Josh and JB. instead, tells him that being early is always better than being a little bit late. ", How did I react? Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. After the game, in the locker room, unexpected bad event that often results in injuries. I can feel what some of the experiences in the book are like for Josh because I can draw on my own life experiences to empathize with him. Dad races down the stairs to yell at the ref that what happened to, call the doctor or else. becauseI'm watching Jordan pass notesto Miss Sweet Tea. The Crossover, by award-winning children's book author and poet Kwame Alexander, was published in 2014 and won the 2015 Newbery Medal and Coretta Scott King Award Honor for children's literature. After dinner, Dad takes Josh and. When Mom and Josh are washing dishes, he asks when Dads appointment is. She lets the news drop: he is suspended from the team. Josh does not have much to say but apologizes. Second, Alexander increases the sense of foreboding when it comes to Chuck (JBs seeing-a-ghost expression is telling). To make matters worse, encourages the rest of the team to step up since Josh isn't playing. Josh, 15 On the surface level, this quote refers to Josh's hairhis beloved dreadlocks that he feels differentiate him from others and give him power and charisma on the court. Mom insists that Dad call Dr. Youngblood. Josh tells her hes busy, and she says she will see them at the rec center. Dad reminds the boys of how, when they were seven, asks when the big game is, and Josh asks why he never took him and, points out that the big game is tomorrow, Dad wants to know if he and, goes to the library alone, shoots free throws and eats donuts alone. v4Hc\ vNWzH`V8tWmQo1tpx5$k;#N#iZ4u&p4$l-&cH hmPw&][H6+^a4e 4)%iixYhRqvQ(9hSha?(_? Kwame Alexander "Dear Jordan" from THE CROSSOVER by Kwame Alexander. Dad is yelling from the stands and Mom is trying to calm him down. they win the championship trophy. Mom's amendment in particular betrays that this is likely more serious than she's letting on. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with WordPress.com, to seamlessly bring different poetry elements, forms of poetry and genres of writing together to help the reader. He unleashes a killer crossover and everyone is hollering as Dad dribbles to the hoop. Missing the game is similar to not attending to his father. When JB is brushing his teeth, Josh steals into their room and lays his outlines down on JBs pillow. Though we see female characters present in the story, they are only secondary characters that further define the role of the male in the story. All rights reserved. endstream endobj 1080 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(+vtyd#\nOxe\))/P -1052/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(DJyd )/V 4>> endobj 1081 0 obj <> endobj 1082 0 obj <>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 1083 0 obj <>stream You know, that would be a high school novel, or a young adult novel, or an adult novel for that matter. This again shows how Dad prioritizes basketball over his health. Josh takes his problem to Dad and says that. Devon Kibbey: How did you decide that you were going to write the story from Joshs perspective? 0000012380 00000 n Notice that Josh hasn't said anything about being particularly interested in sneakers himself; that's JB's thing. Dear Jordan from THE CROSSOVER by Kwame Alexander. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. The Crossover has been winning top prizes and awards in childrens literature. trailer <<35AB4B5BD4F54B6294CFA91B5522B120>]/Prev 252765>> startxref 0 %%EOF 61 0 obj <>stream Mahira showed him around the museum, where she and Jordan used to meet. As he meditates, Josh sees a picture of, Second-Person. During November we'll be sharing our love of poetry, by focussing on an excellent children's poet each week. Suduiko, Aaron ed. Some of the language and experiences are counter to my own, which gives me a realistic glimpse into the life of an African American family. Then, everything in his world comes crashing down. Rather than just letting the boys go to bed, Mom makes them read. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Josh ruefully says he will talk to Mom since he can see how much it means to Dad, but he adds that she is worried about him. His favorite player is Michael Jordan, but he doesn't want people to think he's sweating him. They will be able to relate to the topic, theme, setting and emotion conveyed in the story. He was only 39 and might have had a chance if he had seen a doctor sooner. By analyzing how Alexander is able to use voice, word choice, sentence fluency and original ideas to write a powerful story, students will be able to create a story that reflects their own original idea. Refine any search. All of this is better than no girlfriend at all, which is what Josh has. Reproduced by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Josh, mine it. As, Free Throws Tonight. Josh is concerned, asking about Moms advice to take it easy. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Then, by using Josh's word and sharing a smile with his brother, JB is able to say that he's willing to reopen lines of communication and reconnect with his brother. We kept her home all day and just sort of got on the couch, lit the fire, smiled, laughed, danced and sort of basked in the joy of this wonderful honor. This indicates that coming of age can happen suddenly and horrifically at times. comes for dinner, she asks for seconds of Mom's veggie lasagna. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. The students at Rutland Town School had some questions for the author. When JB and Josh are in a fight, she takes JBs side without question because this is the expectation for her as a girlfriend. His dad revives and spends nineteen days in the hospital as Josh tries to get used to his new existence alone without JB who used to be his best friend. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Kwame Alexander: Wow, never been asked the question before. Kwame Alexander is a poet, educator, and theNew York Timesbestselling author. So, if I could figure out what to do with a sequel to make it still compelling and meaningful and significant and keep it in that era. There is a hint of a smile for Josh with that. "Jordan" is thought by most critics to allude to the Jordan River that is important to the people of Israel in the Old and New Testaments. Mom acts like an umbrella and shuts Dad down. So I knew that the book would be told from the vantage point of a boy. The Childrens Bookshow is celebrating its 20th birthday this year with a brand-new free exhibition. dear jordan poem the crossover. Devon, good question. JB and I look outthe windowat the exact momentwe pass by the malland I know exactlywhat JB wants.Dad, can we stop at that sneaker storein the mall?Yeah, Dad, can we? Josh struggles to answer and says he's sorry and didn't mean to hurt, Mom insists that's not acceptable and reminds Josh that he'll need to apologize to, doesn't understand how his behavior became so churlish. }t>PPbDd# [:~d>L\GA!jlTbwK0mc.k^s0Ox\,b+vG[/awOz*7;+g'z;Z6Q:HL= mRJ+FWc-} WzH0 f"z77^z@5+BG'2WHQ~Iw}G4x}4GvP{6@hOpZk-'I}%G_k@+Kd tJxqcZw/;j 9/D> =f'(tfu@ g8 (^}Q:Kk3j&Re]=(\jcJska-47-ZCH59K5yD+3$W6eSFTi^1h8GPcGvXxiTH}"P;@6sumtuL FUEmp%L_Xtj-XN(6\a'DS>_Uby2L+WnVm7e `67NL"M}lMlX1Z "Xk'joePIh|Z/vB0eAu9Hl cpF^&=?!+y\S^kLS_X71m m'sJ`U"6="-=8{Ud There is a big vocabulary test tomorrow and Josh is worried for his brother. They are like two stars / stealing sun and like two brothers / burning up. Even though he is. However, some parts of the book are written as a lyric poem, which is melodic and soundlike. Josh's choice to apply this word to three very different areas of his life brings all of what he's currently worried about--JB, basketball, and Dad--together, illustrating again how language allows Josh to effectively construct his identity and his life. For example, when Joshs dad is pulled over by the police officer for a broken taillight, Josh is worried he is going to go to jail. 0000007293 00000 n Lets use rhyme, lets use free verse, lets use different types of poetry to sort of mimic and mirror that action on the court and do that on the page. 0000009118 00000 n 0000016479 00000 n When Josh tells the reader about Mom's dislike of standards and giving JB the vocabulary words, Josh demonstrates his growing maturity and that he cares for others. I mean, you imagine Steph Curry going back behind his back with the ball or Allen Iverson doing his crossover or Michael Jordan or LeBron James moving to the basket in this rhythmic, energetic, really awesome way. Suddenly, Josh sees, team in Italy. 0000003945 00000 n She was a VPR contributor from 2006 to 2020. This seems to support the stereotype that girls intellect and personality are secondary to their looks. If you have read this book, can you tell me what poetic type the poem "Dear Jordan" is. Dads kneeling weakly on the floor with a pool of vomit below him. I mean, because basketball is poetry in motion, and so I thought lets use verse. The title of this book (The Crossover) is an important phrase and idea throughout the book. Hes out cold. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Its called Booked. / together (159). As an example, he says that if, them from the restaurant. This belief helps me to experience family dynamics and conflicts both similar and different to my own. 0000009461 00000 n Instant PDF downloads. Josh's stay in the hospital while caring for his sick father, his father's eventual demise further made him lonely and he frantically sought to repair the relationship. He wonders if she actually plays. and Tells Us His Favorite Story (Again). (LogOut/ Tomorrow Is the Last Day of School Before Christmas Vacation. Generally, this type of poem focuses on personal moments or feelings or image laden scenes (Tunnell et al. Josh and JB made a bet.. Josh lost, and JB got to cut off five of his dreadlocks. It would have been great to see more of Alexiss perspective in the story to clarify. homes for sale in fishersville, va; 22 . atonement in the Crossover using the poem "Dear Jordan" . Sometimes / you have to / lean back / a little / and / fade away / to get / the best / shot (191). In Dear Jordan, we see the authors use of similes and metaphors in the letter Josh writes to JD in order to convey how sorry he is. He wants the boys to be their own people, and he wants them to know that becoming someone different is okay and expected. It began with Josh. H\@. Im still reacting to it. They're the big kids at Beeman, In 1944, a disastrous explosion rocked a Naval base in California called Port Chicago. In the list of Things I Learn at Dinner, Alexander gives her even more nuance in terms of divorced parents, a coping mechanism (She shoots hoops at the Rec to relax" [172]), and troubles of her own (Her mom doesnt want her playing basketball" [172]). Dad apologizes to his family for losing his cool as. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Though Josh never says so outright, this moment also suggests that he may have inherited or learned his love of English from Dad as well. Dad is heading for the hoop when he stops short, screams, clutches his chest, and drops the ball. We only learn more about her personality towards the end of the book when she comes to dinner with JBs family. Because the only thing that matters is swish.Because our backboard is splintered. By bringing up Dad's championship ring again, Josh reminds the reader that his goal in life is to one day be good enough to wear the ring. How is this condition highlighted in the narrative? As the boys walk home from practice, Josh peppers, After dinner. Mom tries to reassure him that JB will always love him. Theyre having a fantastic time, and everyone there is watching. Joshs Basketball Rules that appear throughout the book are a great way to get students to engage with the message of the book and think about how they could apply these lessons to their own lives. The significance of this comes across when Josh says, There are no coaches at funerals. Josh realizes that sometimes its the things that arent said / that kill you (156). What is the meaning of "his only fully developed exposition in 1941 of the strategic threat"? Josh is making moves and dribbling; Dad gets the ball, winks, dips, and sweats. Come on, tell me. JB is playing like Superman, and he gets the team to the championship with his lightning plays. He even uses the word churlish to describe himself. Not affiliated with Harvard College. One night while on the way to a game, Joshs Dad gets pulled over for a broken taillight. Josh decides to sit with the team today instead of up with Mom and Dad. At one point, Josh begs his Dad to intervene and talk to JB, to which he replies, Filthy, if some girl done locked up JB, hes going to jail. Mom and Dad are silent and serious in the front. Alexis calls and Josh answers; she says hello and asks for JB. Josh feels inspired when he is on the court, and this comes out in the rhymes that flow through him when he plays. 1086 0 obj <>/Encrypt 1080 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<61646262373637383037366663616638366338393836303261386561666634336264323463323264316164333866373366333835346439303963633665616633>]/Index[1079 12]/Info 1078 0 R/Length 55/Prev 879473/Root 1081 0 R/Size 1091/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Miss Sweet Tea calls 911 while, The doctor pats Jordan and me on the back and says. As the family drives to the game, Josh sits in the back with, who has them. JB sweats profusely when Miss Sweet Tea walks into the room. Identical twinsare no different from everyone else,except we look andsometimes soundexactly alike. a principal. uses it in a sentence and says that in Mom and Dad's closet, he and, all the teasing dies down, the game begins. Because he's relying on physical communication and violence to express himself, he's less successful and therefore, more upset. Now can you go make my French toast please?. 10. Josh has trouble separating the two. Oh my goodness! In this way, she tries to distract Josh by talking about anything else to keep him from worrying about Dad. Profusely means to pour forth in great quantity. Hes getting flyer, climbing the sky, exploding across the lane, crissing and crossing the ball, and taking the break. He tells a joke and, finally, they all laugh. That boy is special, and it doesn't hurtthat Chuck "Da Man" Bell is his father.And mine, too. I was going to sort of remember what I went through during that age and I sort of knew that that was going to be the point of view, from his perspective. And, eventually after maybe a draft of it I knew that I wanted him to have a twin brother. We see this in Joshs description of their playing style. The Reggie Lewis Wildcats have reached the playoffs thanks to the work of Jordan Bell. ", not being at the funeral, which makes Josh confirm that she knows it's him, not, kisses him and gives him a piece of sweet potato pie. Mom tells JB that Josh has apologized for his mistake, but JB states that he saw the look in Joshs eye and it was not a mistake. I mean, what better way to capture that movement from the court, and to put that on the page, than through poetry? The fact that Miss Sweet Tea's sister attends Duke, the college that Josh wants to one day attend, suggests that Josh might actually like Miss Sweet Tea if he were willing to get to know her. In other words, this interest shows that Josh recognizes that the doctor isn't bad, and that unlike Dad he knows he should trust the doctor/. n :BSlGrm 6yOk5qTo1?WIo(l _MR-a`3+"1@ . As Josh continues to cast himself as the helper in the family, he begins to see that doing so will actually allow him to be more successful. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. And so, I was like, 'I gotta use this word.' So Im very excited about that. Zip. Dad wakes up. Mom and Dad are serious, while, few weeks. He also thinks that it's ironic that, drills, Coach leads the team in meditation. Josh isnt a clich; he truly seems to be a living, breathing boy who experiences real feelings of despair, triumph, pride, jealousy, and confusion. They have the added bonus of helping people realize that he isn't, Mom always makes Dad sit at the very top of the bleachers during Josh and. Pre-made quizzes on The Crossover Eight Week Quiz D that include 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions for a quick in-class quiz. Childrens Literature, Briefly(6th ed.). PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. We see a strong marriage through the eyes of Josh; a relationship so strong he often alludes to the fact that he knows his parents are having sex; and though this appears to gross him out we can read between the lines to see his relief that all is good. 0000002682 00000 n Her looks not her personality is what first catches JBs attention. JB comes running out of the bathroom.What'd she say, Josh? You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. These poems are also concrete poems, taking on the shape of the words to further represent how Josh feels when he plays basketball. Da's pulse is gone. Mom says its not about his grades: its about how he behaves going forward. Do depictions of all cultures avoid oversimplification or offer genuine insights? Mom's phone rings and she shrieks. They were missing Josh Filthy McNasty Bell, though, who is this papers Most Valuable Player. And then, of course, I thought, 'What middle grade kid, or teacher for that matter, is gonna know what that word means?'". As a consequence for his actions, his mom suspends him from the team. 0000057497 00000 n The girls' lives are mundane under the, The fifth and sixth graders file down the stairs and into the school library, like they've done hundreds of times before. 0000001569 00000 n Joshs Dad gives him the nickname Filthy McNasty after the name of a famous jazz song (and also because he was generally dirty). The crossover is Joshs signature move, something his Dad taught him. 0000002088 00000 n 0000001216 00000 n Dad picks up the boys; he's cracking jokes, and theyre laughing. And after that type of success, Rutland Town seventh grader Joe Anderson wanted to know it theres more to come. Kwame Alexander: No, its not autobiography. Dad's decision to make the boys play together speaks to Dad's belief that the boys' shared love of basketball might be enough to help them turn their relationship around. He also wonders how to apologize to, his best to make up for what he did. Josh asks, incredulous, about the house, Mom, him, and JB. He tells Josh it was something he ate, and he changes the subject to how he just got a coaching job at a nearby college. In the Old, the people of Israel cross the Jordan. can you help me heal, run with me, slash with me like we used to? The Crossover Characters Next Josh Josh Josh is the twelve-year-old protagonist of the novel. Pulchritudinous! Ruth Bishop said that poetry has a kind of magic and can help the reader see ordinary things in new ways. InThe Crossover,Alexander takes risks with his writing to authentically represent the culture of Josh, his family and friends. First, his churlish and aggressive behavior toward his twin has almost severed their relationship. In this poem, the author uses short, choppy lines to convey a sense of urgency; this narrates the story of Joshs dads heart attack. Said he didn't want to miss Bible school. Josh chooses to give her the note for his brother and takes the rap for cheating. 10. First Quarter Quotes To get ready for the season, I went to three summer camps. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Again, Josh's desire to help and be a part of the game in some way speaks to his sense of loyalty to Dad and to the rest of the team, especially JB. Josh writes his letter. Article #1 in the Daily News (December 14). Dad is screaming, running down the stairs, and yelling at the ref. denly giving just brief visual descriptions and using lots of ellipses? At lunch, Coach comes over to where Vondie and Josh are and gives Josh a lecture about making up with his brother. "The Crossover THIRD QUARTER to At Noon, in the Gym, with Dad Summary and Analysis". The words and rhythmic flow of these words on the page depict Joshs inner thoughts; his flow on the court. Its fiction but certainly there are parts of my life that I remembered and drew from. Alexander says he came across the name while working on the story. I'm not paying attentionto anything he's sayingor to the dummy. In this poem, Josh makes efforts to repair the cracked friendship between him and his brother. Speaking of Alexis, even though the main characters of this book are obviously boys, Alexander does not make Alexis merely an object of desire or a dull cipher. Josh narrates another play-by-play. -Graham S. Though Josh offers no insight into JB's thought process, it's worth considering that Josh's violent pass likely came as a surprise and was therefore even more hurtful than it might have been. Get up to speed on the news Vermont is talking about, delivered to your inbox every weekday morning. This suggests that the loneliness was easier to deal with when Josh wasn't the one enforcing it. The title of this book (The Crossover) is an important phrase and idea throughout the book. She asks him sternly if hes lost his mind, and she says boys who dont have self-control end up behind bars. Again, Dad's desire to yell at the ref speaks to a desire to feel relevant and useful on the court, even though his playing days are over. 0000044218 00000 n The Crossover Summary The narrator of the novel (which is told in verse) is Josh Bell, an 8th-grade boy. 0000014949 00000 n There are sirens. Josh wants in, but Mom warns him not to interfere. He knows that this means, to Dad. On page 26, he says, JB likes to taunt and trash talk during games like Dad used to do when he played. "FOURTH QUARTER" to "Free Throws" Summary and Analysis, "Bad News" to "Before" Summary and Analysis. Other of his many books (hes written 35!) Matthew Goulette: Is this story based on your life or someone you know? With this reading, it's easier to see that both boys are currently nursing hurt feelings and likely don't want to be fighting, but don't know how to bridge the gap. He and his own brother are estranged, and he does not want JB and Josh to be like that. His life seems broken now, and he feels as though he doesn't fit anywhere. The heart attack Chuck suffers during the one-on-one game at the end of this section is not the last warning we hope it is: rather, its a sign that there is no going back. Dad's bloody nose is another red flag that his health isn't as good as it should be. When we asked them how they liked the book, they raved about the book. endstream endobj 1085 0 obj <>stream Sherry Taylor. In other words, just as the boys have choices in regards to their basketball success, they also have the choice to make up or continue their feud. Or what is his goal? 23-12. During November we'll be sharing our love of poetry, by focussing on an excellent children's poet each week. Josh's assessment that Vondie's girlfriend (who he appears to think little of) is better than being single speaks to Josh's intense desire to join his friends in reaching this milestone. ;0&0a= 9!AlF_,@Q X26XAn9 yXdPM? He adds that Mom said Josh could play if they make it to the championship game. What does her reacti Josh does not know how he went from annoyed to grumpy to churlish. Explore the poetry of Michael Rosen in our Joy of Poetry series. This week, Josh makes the honor roll, watches the team win Game Nine, eats lunch alone, walks home alone, tries to atone day and night, sits next to JB at dinner (JB moves), does JBs chores (JB says nothing), and says hes sorry (JB doesnt listen). 0000007152 00000 n Thus, readers come to know how the power of words and vibrant language evoke deep emotional responses as we read about Joshs life. %PDF-1.6 % We begin with the poems of John Agard. He smiles at Mom, gives, happy. Discover award-winning poet Grace Nichols. This book presents a realistic view of family life; the constant cycle of joys and hurdles. We raised nearly 7000 in our online auction! Dad's championship ring.Between the bouncingand sobbing, I whisper, Why? LitCharts Teacher Editions. Josh does CPR, but nothing changes. Tomorrow Is the Last Day of School Before Christmas Vacation. / But you cant / drop the ball (146). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). What health problem does Chuck suffer from? Symptoms like this suggest that Dad is at high risk for a heart attack or a stroke. His life is broken like puzzle pieces and he can no longer fit. It's, The boys each ask how the other is and then, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Plus he has MJ sheets . Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. JB is standing there and saying nothing; his eyes are looking past Josh. Sons of basketball legend Chuck Da Man Bell, basketball is in their blood. This also offers hope that, if Josh can catch the ball next time, he might be able to make things better. Published by on October 25, 2020. Theyre not alone. Need Help with this Assignment? Kwame believes that poetry can change the world and he uses it to inspire and empower young people around the world. One day in school, JB passes a note to Josh to give to a girl he really likes, who Josh nicknames Miss Sweet Tea. Josh states that somewhere betweencamaraderieandimbecile I tap her beige bare shoulder with the note (pg. Dear Jordan Josh writes his letter. 0 He founded a K-12 writing program called The Write Thing. This Book-in-a-Day writing and publishing program has created more than 3000 student authors. Fights between friends usually end in a cutting off of the relationship as opposed to engaging in healthy conflict to find a resolution. Alexander reveals in a subtle and moving way how eventually the brothers start to move incrementally closer together again, such as with Josh writing JB a letter or giving him his vocabulary study materials, but it is realistic in that it is painful and happens in fits and starts. Hi Abby, Once again you have given detailed examination of the authors use of language. The Crossoveris a wonderful mentor text for adolescent writers. JB is running and gunning; he is a shooting star. Mom and Dad argue. However, by asking Dad to call him by his real name instead of "Filthy," Josh begins to take control of the kind of person he wants to be going forward by dictating how people talk about him. First he would use the word in a poem, then he would write a second poem to define the word. Alexis went to Nike Hoops Camp for Girls; she knows how to do a crossover; her parents are divorced; she shoots hoops at the rec center to relax; she smells like sugarplums; her sister goes to Duke. His Dad has a heart attack and slips into a coma. Alexiss parents are estranged.
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