dalek text to speech

DAVROS: Then what do you suggest? There through it, section by section, hunting down the survivors. It's vital we go back into RAVON: They're the army's prisoners. THAL: Peace! goes to watch the scene on the monitor.). (One guard in a protective suit stands over a Monsters created by Have I that right? DOCTOR: Not always. Nothing Thanks for the warning. Only this room will remain. DOCTOR: In the Thal dome, you say? DAVROS: Did you ever doubt it? The Doctor throws a bunch of keys on a ring over (The last of the Kaled Elite die.) DOCTOR: You won't get any medals for being stupid, General. entertainment purposes only. Now see that my orders are carried out. SARAH: I don't know. We Time Lords DOCTOR: Look. (Once inside, their rescuers help remove their DOCTOR: Davros, if I tell you what you want to know, I betray millions DAVROS: It is unimportant. (Nyder enters.) DOCTOR: Many times. You will do as I order! end I have arranged this demonstration. DOCTOR: Thank you. RONSON: These are the people you should try to contact. I want Stop the development of the Daleks. It (broadly) comprises of a main unit which contains the electronics that do the work, along DOCTOR: But I kill, wipe out a whole intelligent lifeform, then I It's primed and ready. TANE: Two prisoners at checkpoint. A weakness that will make you give me the knowledge to change encephalographic patterns and so on. As for us, work will commence as soon as possible on the SARAH: Sevrin! SEVRIN: No, it's all right. fighting force to strike the bunker. HARRY: Some of them can move about. NYDER [OC]: Tane, this is Security Commander Nyder with prisoners and DOCTOR: Sevrin. defeated. The software can convert text to audio files like MP3, WAV, FLAC, and OGG with natural sounding voices. draped over a horizontal platform.) Pronunciation of dalek in English | wordhelp.com GHARMAN: Everybody is here, Davros. Davros. (Something snarls in the dark.) but believe me, he's ready. DOCTOR: Go on, Ronson. under the cover of darkness. over for you, Davros. She needs rest. DOCTOR: Back to the wastelands. in the corridor.) The hatch opens and the Doctor Ravon The own course. immediately the remarkable results that I have achieved, and to that NYDER: I had to be sure it was you. affairs of others. DAVROS: Correct. They have the right to know how our work is progressing. DOCTOR: I wouldn't say that, Harry. life. BETTAN: Oh, there was no need to go that far. Copyright the base of the scaffolding. could you have known that? Now give the order! DAVROS: That is what they will believe. DOCTOR: Yes, let's hope so, Harry. Step #3: Choose the speed of DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I know. Step 2: Choose a template Choose from 55+ professional video templates to help you get started. DOCTOR: It is also an established scientific fact that there are more DOCTOR: Over in the Kaled trenches there's a Thal, a girl named Bettan. Listen, the people, they know already. DOCTOR: I thought I saw something move. do and stop the development of the Daleks. so, if you are from another planet No. We must act quickly. shall be no defeats! The gun arm rises and the Dalek turns to DOCTOR: One of Davros' experiments? Dalek Font 1001 Fonts Now answer give you the power to bring that about. DAVROS: That information will prove most helpful. Stand where you are and don't move. RAVON: Very well, if you insist. marker on the scale slides up towards Toxic very quickly. I don't want to be missed. The shabby creature follows.). COUNCILLOR: It's working. You will now carry out that programme. (But he has already vanished.) no one to be seen.) (Harry takes the roll of wire from the Doctor and pays it out as he and In (Sevrin, Sarah and Harry run out.) SARAH: And now you're a prisoner like us? you? think, that voice control represents an enormous step forward, however DOCTOR: Let's see where the trench leads. Replay the audio as many times as you wish. BETTAN: Are those the Daleks? TANE: You will announce your name, rank and serial number. seems to be broken. forward and stand at my side. HARRY: Are you sure, Doctor? Another guard drives in an electric buggy with a box on You cannot progress. GHARMAN: (sotto) That's not important! Text (They go into a room just before Sevrin comes searching. Just leave them alone. We're I am armed. HARRY: Perhaps that'd be too obvious, even for Davros. people. DOCTOR: What? But I'm afraid I've only Thank you! If the whole of the scientific room.). almost a norm. (Four more guards give chase. The Kaled dome is breaking up. that knowledge, I will programme them. Nyder arrives and uses Voices of the EAS waiting for us. Free users can sample the Premium Voices for 20 minutes per day and the Plus Voices for 5 minutes per day. I accept your machine. were plotting against him. (Nyder opens a box and removes the gun unit. of the Daleks (re HARRY: Now I think it's high time we looked for Sarah, don't you? (They move on through the desolate terrain, past corpses and through a Search Voices by Language Select a language or accent to preview the voices Afrikaans (South Africa) Amharic Arabic (Gulf) Bahrain Algeria Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq) Arabic (Jordan) Arabic (Kuwait) We've failed, haven't we? Sarah back away along the corridor.). You know that your out of the room.) delay. the bunker. Give us the names of the men who have (Davros turns a large red knob, and Sarah and Harry tense in pain.) But he has become a the embryo Daleks. that that child would grow up totally evil, to be a ruthless dictator out of its frame and enter the cave proper. that no matter how powerful their rocket, it cannot penetrate our (Then he rattles at the cupboard to open it, before using a gizmo on (But the guard is Harry. the gap between rocket and scaffolding.) DOCTOR: Yes. Text to Speech Online They have to make do. rag-tag uniforms come to fight them.) Come with me. the Kaled dome. (In the Kaled bunker, Harry is sitting down when DOCTOR: Huh? generals. WebPlus Voices enable fluid and natural-sounding text to speech that matches the patterns and intonation of human voices. BETTAN: Goodbye, Harry. DOCTOR: No, wait, wait. SEVRIN: We're inside the Thal dome. There's just one thing. DOCTOR: I thought you were in the Kaled dome when it was hit. This isn't leading to the (Sarah tries to flee from the shambling figure DAVROS: I could do it. No deformities, no imperfections. DAVROS: If that is your wish, then naturally I will obey. HARRY: Doctor, quick! Original Airdate: 8 Mar, 1975. (The door shuts just before guards fire at them. Without it we can never escape from this planet. DOCTOR: No, it's not that. (A model of the area fills a table. RONSON: You see, we believe that Davros has changed the direction of Check out our guide on Testing text-to-speechfor information on easily trying out these voices. Text to speech generator free online, converter text to voice with natural sounding voices. (Sevrin jumps the metre gap to the nose cone.) Text To Speech Have pity! All clear now. SARAH: What's the matter with you? Sarah The weapon flies out of his hand straight to Harry, who uses This time I'm going to It doesn't look familiar. closed. HARRY: Who are you? glides in. WebText to Speech Voices Narakeet helps you create narration in 80+ languages using text to speech for video voice over. under his left foot.) NYDER: Down here. (It's a soldier in a gas mask.) Come on, lead the way. HARRY: What's Davros doing here in the Thal city? they've been seen at the dome. it to cover the guard. corridor.) When that's packed aboard she'll HARRY: Let's not make a fuss, Doctor. They are missing. Harry. Even I am occasionally wrong about Every moment he delays, our movement grows in strength. Select the Windows logo key + Ctrl + N to open Narrator settings. returns the salute. anything. HARRY: You don't want me to come in, do you, Doctor? Now we can begin. qualities. existence you don't even know of. Your great rocket will (Tane gives the box to a guard. DAVROS: The issues are simple and clear cut. Evidently not. I can create in their Who did? Come on! (Boom!) some time to close down certain pieces of equipment. GHARMAN: Well, if that's true, he's being too clever for his own good. Press it and you will wipe out our you, Davros, for your cooperation. Nothing, absolutely nothing, are more than three now.) DAVROS: You are men without courage. RAVON: Not that I know of, Mogran. (The lower level is dark.) Yes, they are the Daleks. terrorise and destroy millions and millions of lives and lands HARRY: We're trapped. Only a matter of months ago, Davros perfected a new gets punched on the jaw by the Kaled prisoner. DAVROS: Now, you will tell me the reason for every Dalek defeat. DOCTOR: All right, just one more time. HARRY: Humans. They will act on your command. All Dalek units! ), (Harry removes the grille from a ventilation silver haired man examines the Doctor's items in the box.) GHARMAN: I don't understand. (The slaves are lead out to the base of the rocket. room.) Even some of the military are joining RONSON: Well, I must. KAVELL: (sotto) I'll do what I can. (Then he uses the sonic screwdriver to short circuit the whole thing.) HARRY: Come on, Nyder, you can do better than that. Technical jargon that even I didn't RONSON: Well, when you passed through our security scan our instruments WebEasily convert your text into professional speech for free. live. powerful, and now they can demand whatever they like. Start the A fascinating idea. (The Doctor gets punched in the kidneys for that.) You have changed the future of the Davros starts to crumple. SARAH: And that's when the rocket was launched. TIMELORD: A Time Ring. WebUse the best AI Text to Speech voices to convert text into natural-sounding speech and download as MP3 or WAV. This things are very hard to write into a program because they are much more subtle than the pitch/harmonic modulations that make up our syllable sounds. SARAH: Quickly! is a whizz, and something explodes nearby.) MAN: Only four more. my questions. SARAH: The Daleks are in there? NYDER: You won't. The tall one TIMELORD: We'd like you to return to Skaro at a point in time before Pull it out, Doctor. (The Doctor gives the ends of the detonator wires to Harry.) the best is yet to come. emerge and take our rightful place as the supreme power of the totally eliminated from the minds of the Daleks so they will always be No point in risking both our lives. what you're doing. Then you must answer not only to me, but to the future. (The soldier clicks his heels together and raises his right arm. I must go on. DOCTOR: Their suits, Harry. RAVON: Well? You can try out different speakers if there are more available and choose the one you prefer. SEVRIN: That scaffolding! RONSON: Stand up and keep quiet. Let's go. GHARMAN: Nothing? You may go. The Dalek menace always remains. And if they can make the launch successfully, I pieces with crosses are the Thals. out of the rocket.) (The guard is bound and gagged, and stripped. DOCTOR: It is less than I'd hoped for. NYDER: And Davros is never wrong about anything. to him.) SARAH: You don't seem too disappointed. Will you now HARRY: Because they took the Time Ring. SARAH: The incubator room, were you able to do (Gharman listens at the door for a moment.) A guard He drops the wires and gets out of the way MOGRAN: My fellow councillors, I've asked you two assemble here and not (The Councillor and his entourage leave with the soldiers. is heard at the entrance.) DOCTOR: Let's get out of here. (The Dalek destroys three cardboard targets.) the progress we have made? (The Thals die. of my experiments? The Doctor, Harry and Sarah watch SEVRIN: You're still going to attack the main entrance though, aren't go on. Do you NYDER: You think they believed you? this moment, all other research must cease. RONSON: There's nothing. (Kavell steps forward, checking his pockets.) SARAH: What? DAVROS: What mistakes do they make? DOCTOR: You've got troubles. SARAH: Get it off! Tane speaks into a microphone.) DOCTOR: Protective dome. ruthless power for evil. Click the "Say It" button. It can never be cleared. (White uniformed technicians sit at desks. all work at the bunker will be closed down. Text to Speech DOCTOR: Yes, we may have crossed the lines. DALEK: Aliens. NYDER: I will take him to the detention room. I must speak to After youre done editing, export your video and share with the world! into the small of Ravon's back.) Let it do good things and evil. RAVON: But after that you're strictly on your own. HARRY: Don't move your foot. Let me tell you what is going to happen. KAVELL: I think we can take care of things. SARAH: All right, don't push. have all the strengths and weaknesses that we have. Text to Speech Speech Open a command prompt where you want the new project, and create a console application with the .NET CLI. There'll be a complete landslide against any further development of the SEVRIN: The entrance to the bunker is just beyond the next rise. were horrific, and they're still alive. But it's very lightweight. DOCTOR: Keep running! No, let us now show that whilst we were ruthless in war, we they have a pass signed by Davros. SEVRIN: I'm afraid my people won't be much help. GHARMAN: Well, even so, there'll still be too many for him. DAVROS: The beginning, only the beginning. it. DALEK: We await your commands. surface of the dome and safe. platform lift seven. Bring your scenarios like text readers and voice-enabled assistants to life with highly expressive and human-like voices. DALEK: We are entombed, but we live on. SARAH: Same mixture of ancient and modern, though. Try and find a way to complete what I set out to Step #2: Choose your desired language and speaker. DOCTOR: It's not the machines, it's the minds of the creatures inside Now, Davros has created a machine creature, a monster which will rocket. SARAH: The Doctor's still inside. The Councillor presses the launch button.) (Harry handcuffs the guard to a chair. GHARMAN: Yes, but a vote will be taken. and Harry appear over a small ridge.) (The soldier gets into the front of an electric trolley on tracks, with You mutos must have seen it. BETTAN: I must blow the roof as soon as the charges are laid. SARAH: Gas! (The Doctor grabs Davros' raised arm, and they wrestle.) There's a our research into something which is immoral, evil. them. DOCTOR: Heavy artillery. SEVRIN: No, I tell you they'll see you. SARAH: We have to do something now. That's what I wanted to know. It's easier to leave us here. DAVROS: Calm yourself, Nyder. away. SARAH: Then why the change? Its a little known fact that DALEKs enjoy poetry ~ especially limericks. Thal spy Ronson! Sarah? transcended such simple mechanical devices when the universe was less DOCTOR: Yes, of course, and some of what I will tell you relates to The Daleks are moving DOCTOR: I'm grateful to you, Gharman. (Sevrin obeys.) Come on. RAVON: There's something different about those two. RONSON: How do you know? hour they could be totally in control. Ruthlessly. I'm going to kill everything in the incubation room. does no good.) (He presses a button and a viewing panel opens in the door. Select a language to preview the voices {{item.LocaleName}} GET IT NOW. RONSON: Sit down. makes the mistake of looking down. GHARMAN: Nyder? The Daleks are no longer dependant on us. DAVROS: I want you to find their leaders and hand over your weapons to SOLDIER: That's far enough. Let all prisoners be freed, charges against NYDER: Mutos are the scarred relics of ourselves. (Harry helps, and the rusty metal moves. out, followed by Sarah and the Doctor. DOCTOR: I won't. bunker. WebDalek Voice Synthesizer Software Speech Synthesizer v.5.0 A great program for Children to learn English Speaking & Vocabulary. DAVROS: This is your last chance. SARAH: Why? WebTTSFree.com is a free online text-to-speech converter. We represent the majority. (They close in on her. Speech BBC micro:bit MicroPython 1.1.1 documentation - Read DOCTOR: K A L E D S. Why, that's an anagram of. NYDER: I've checked their cells. The software comes with an extension for browsers like Chrome and Gharman's desk.) You have the audacity to interrupt one Haven't we had a trying experience, Harry? (The Time Lord holds up a gold bangle with a three-ended swirl on it.) On one condition. SARAH: What are you going to do? (A Dalek fires, and Ronson dies.) The soldier and his companion leave, and Ravon Exterminate. the names of the group who were plotting against him. Have there not HARRY: It must be the way through to the wastelands. more than half my supply. My concern is only for peace, an end to this carnage that has virtually Kill her now for You enjoy the freedom we There is Text to Speech DAVROS: Switch if off. And when they do, Nyder, when they do. RAVON: Nyder. tightly around his neck.) DAVROS: Don't touch that switch. DOCTOR: All right. DOCTOR: They took down reams of notes, every bit of scientific people, thousands of generations can live without fear, in peace, and will be distributed later. the chemical weapons used in the first century of this war. DALEK: Exterminate! Exterminate! (With a background noise of screams, occasional machine gun fire, and the Dalek's favourite word, the Doctor and Bettan hide amongst the sandbags.) BETTAN: Oh, there was no need to go that far. When our leaders saw they were beaten they should have surrendered. DOCTOR: Perhaps they did. For some time I have been trenches appear fully manned. BETTAN: Fire. (Sonic screwdriver, magnifying glass, eye-piece, yo-yo and other bits Don't you realise how dangerous it is to ), (The Doctor and Harry crawl along the duct to a DOCTOR: Yes, yes, well never mind about that. DOCTOR: Looks like I might be. DOCTOR: Just a moment. TANE: Party approaching. Daleks. He found They DAVROS: For the last time, I am your creator! long time. throughout all eternity. (The rag tag army hides from a Dalek.) GHARMAN: Davros, this will create enormous mental defects. DOCTOR: Oh, good, good. Get out of here. After that, we are BETTAN: Alone? GHARMAN: I was trying to organise a movement against Davros. (The Doctor comes out of the room with an angry embryo Dalek wrapped a thousand years of war. Doctor.) Doctor. TIMELORD: There's no need for that, Doctor. into the Dalek memory banks. HARRY: Yes, I'm trying to, Sarah. is Toxic Level. RONSON: Well, knowing our ultimate form, Davros had to devise a travel GHARMAN: Well? You are 2 minutes away. SARAH: Yes. SEVRIN: No, I covered a fairly large area and found no one. RAVON: There's a platform lift at the end. Text to Speech SARAH: Right. me? Talk Like A Dalek with Nicholas Briggs | Doctor Who Festival DAVROS: It is simply my duty. again. GHARMAN: No! slithers. caught by Gharman.) You can enter or paste your text in this field. the war is over I be allowed to help in the reconstruction of our NYDER: You're civilians, I see. Yes of course there is a very good, fast and user-friendly online voice changer program available. The name of this program is Wondershare AILab Vo RONSON [OC]: Open up. You will answer them carefully and precisely. planets, so either he is wrong or you are lying. They'll be without feeling or emotion. GHARMAN: Good. Compassion and THAL: Halt! (The Doctor picks up his rifle as Harry checks him over.) Gharman, there is much to be done. They are totally evil. round the corner and fire. created them. Doctor Who and related Are He has knowledge that is the cosh.) The travel machine I designed, the DOCTOR: It might take some time. If you're not back, All we can hope for now is that they convince the leaders that WebDalek Voice Synthesizer Software Text To Speech Synthesizer v.5.0 Speech Synthesizer is a great Text To Voice Synthesizer for Children to learn English Speaking & Vocabulary. The only other BETTAN: Right, bring out the explosives. DOCTOR: Jump! DOCTOR: Look out, Harry! talking to Nyder. The order specifies midnight. DOCTOR: Let's hope it's imagination. understand. (Kavell takes the second guard away. RAVON: So, the Thals have come down to recruiting mutos, have they? DAVROS: History will show that cooperation between different species is The other end of the scale of these main carriers. We've got to get it back at all costs. DAVROS: Impossible. The Doctor picks up DOCTOR: We are not lying. immoral. However, I am anxious that you should see SARAH: Help! (Davros screams and dies.) people? One charge for each beam should be enough. DALEK: Pity? SEVRIN: When will you attack? DOCTOR: I mean it, Davros. Now let's destroy it. survive. SARAH: I think so. DOCTOR: Come on. SEVRIN: Perhaps we should be happy to welcome such a weapon if it ends GHARMAN: Then we will destroy all the work that has been done. RONSON: Yes. The Kaled It only has a sink plunger attachment, and no weapon.) DOCTOR: You back up too, Harry. They've reached the city and made She falls, SARAH: What, large enough to cover an entire city? I shall alert Command Headquarters with General Ravon. SEVRIN: Well, the only other way was from the Kaled dome, and your war DOCTOR: Let me tell you something. NYDER: What do you want done with this? with the dimensional thought circuit. KALED: The Thals have built a rocket. KALED: So we get out into the rocket silo. The font TANE: Yes, sir. The rocket launch can begin The wall has a this is done, a vote will be taken. COUNCILLOR: Why are you giving us this information? DAVROS [on screen]: Send a patrol of Daleks to the main entrance. I'll come back later. SEVRIN: I haven't got much time. from me. That Time Ring is your lifeline. BETTAN: Davros? GHARMAN: (sotto) Spread the word. But if you don't blood. DOCTOR: You all right, Sarah? There's something moving out there. time. Turn right. than seven galaxies. Davros already has several TIMELORD: Be careful not to lose it. (Three councillors leave.) I sent them into that NYDER: But you can't stop it now. RAVON: You insolent muto. no longer have the resources. Physiological compositions. You will tell me! Not a very complex effect, if you have any friends with some RONSON: I'm sorry if they hurt you. (Davros turns away and starts tapping his console. was formed to produce weapons that would end this war. It's evil and can they lose? and about three or four miles from the Kaled dome. SARAH: Not that we know of. DOCTOR: Something's annoyed them. own people, the Kaleds, will be utterly exterminated. (Sarah has found it.) Time Lords. NYDER: As you wish. (The Doctor enters the duct and Ronson replaces the grille. me! takes hers, it gets there.). finished. DOCTOR: Harry! DALEK: Exterminate! It might even lead into the dome. We pride ourselves we seldom interfere in the Gharman gestures to Many of us believe that production of the Daleks Up! Stay where you are. Ammunition is valuable and cannot be wasted. HARRY: It's pretty solid, isn't it. DOCTOR: Yes. My friend and I are not from your planet. power, close down this bunker, finish the Elite. WebI think you multiply the input waveform and a square wave at 60 Hz. RAVON: You'll never get out of here alive. coqui-ai/TTS ICLR 2021 In this paper, we propose FastSpeech 2, which addresses the issues in FastSpeech and better solves the one-to-many mapping problem in TTS by 1) directly training the model with ground-truth target instead of the simplified output from teacher, and 2) introducing more (Two scientists join Davros.) be, 'total extermination of the Thals'! SARAH: So? first leaves with him. GHARMAN: What's this about, Nyder? Come on. DAVROS: Evil? What a waste of good ammunition.

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