I can say with extreme certainty that Pastor Pitts never said that the church did not give him enough for his birthday and never re-passed the offering containers. 2023 www.democratandchronicle.com. Im not trying to critize, just inform you. I dont want to sound crass or rude, but what on earth is the point of posting those articles on your site? How can God bless Someone if they are living in Sin? By his own mandate he could have stoned the woman caught in adultery. Women say New York pastor Wayne Aarum abused them as teenagers It seems as though youve stirred up a hornets nest by doing this, but I dont see anything wrong with it. Several of these individuals specifically said Aarum didnotfollow a widely known Circle C Ranchpolicyaboutavoiding bodily contact between members of the opposite sex. 37 people like this. Vengeanceis the Lords, Ademasaid. Another issue involved the two young witnesses, who would have had to appear in court. [6] In 1998, Cornerstone Church purchased WDMN, an AM radio station in Toledo, and sold it in 2012. (The Pitts camp claims the officials are lying.). It quickly evolvedto include allegations of Aarums abuse at Circle C Ranch, all of which were ultimately included in the investigations findings. Similar indecent exposure charges in Wauseon and Toledo were thrown out. If you are an currently an enabler of Michael Pitts, I urge you to immediately discontinue sowing seeds (aka giving him money), attending his conferences or warming the benches at his local theater church. HMMM, Ill be praying for the no name people on here. Just excuses. on Mr. Pitts. (Of course, I hadnt to surf in secret and never told anyone at church that I was questioning the church) I felt like I had become so obsessed/convinced that I was in the one, true church that I couldnt leave or I would surely lose my salvation. They went on disability because insurance companies have a propensity to make you cancel with premium increases, and viola the government picked up their medical bills. Also, in regard to the Toledo Blade when have they EVER reported truth Everybody knows they make up the majority of what they print. None of the townspeople knew they were part of a scheme to rob them of their lives. Let the mean rest? The Blade is a terrible newspaper devoid of ethics and integrity! Its not spiritual warfare, its the truth. Maybe I wouldnt have listened anyway, who knows. I used to attend Cornerstone from the very beginning on Douglas through the the exposing incident. He grooms them to the point where they have noboundariesanymore. Getting caps on your teeth is no different. I dont expect anyone to understand the blessings of being a child of Abraham. Open today: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Once again, my fault with Charasmania is that its beliefs are wrong, thus discounting its actions. So if you absolutlet must talk about Mr. Pitts, or any one else for that matter, talk about them on your knees, where it will at the very leat, yeild more results than the assinine remarks and articles you post on your site. It was difficult not to notice this car, nor identify it incorrectly. Members have reported being propositioned for sexual favors in exchange for money, gifts, and positions/titles/opportunities in the ministry. Secondly I must say its amazing how you go from wishing me luck on finding the answers Im looking for to being a complete prick. Nineteen others14 of them speaking on the record,including former camp staff members, their family members andpastors in the region said theypersonally witnessedAarumsactions, or heard aboutthemfrom staff or loved ones. I just hold Gods name in high esteem. None agreed to interviews on the record for this story, and they didnot provide additional sources who would be willing to comment on the record. your both pussys please tell me where you live and work so we can meet. Its sad to say that my whole family continues to support this man and his organization. Thats my cue to exit stage right. Any reasonable person would do this seeing as he lives in Toledo. Righteousnees seek the welfare of others more than the welfare of themselves. PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION ON SOCIAL MEDIA! And just because an organization is growing, doesnt mean that he is doing what God wants of him. Yeah rightall he can do for me is lead me down the wrong path. Isnt it funny how when you type michael pitts into the search field of this site you get links to go and look at his books at Barnesandnoble.com and amazon.com. this is the last time Ill be visiting this page, i have more important things to do. In the months following, additional charges from other locations were added. My Cornerstone. And yes, it will all be settled out in the end. July 16, 2020 09:07 AM. (I want to make sure that his lawyers, wherever they may be, see I am making this clear.) I DONT THINK ANYONE IS WILLING TO BOTHER GETTING THE DELTA REPORTTHEY WOULD RATHER BASE THEIR OPINIONS ON RUMORS. Futhermore, you obviously did not really look into the Delta incident. In multiple letters and meetingsover the past year,The Chapel pastors haveimploredthe board ofCircle C Ranchtohear and consider the womens allegations. A young Michael and Kathi Pitts founded Cornerstone Christian Center, "This is a place you can pastor the city from." I came back just to see if you had the nerve to comment again. Free speech is great isnt it? IT has been alleged by nearly a dozen victims that Matt Rasor has been GROOMING, SEXUALLY ASSAULTING, and DATE RAPING young boys and members of The Cornerstone Church Global Network. Arent you afraid? How does being arrogant and manipulative have anything to do with intelligence? But by not speaking up or following up on complaints, they are in fact providing passive support.. The fact is that God cammanded us to tithe so thats that. Im not mad in the slightest. If you have a stack of books, Im saying theres quite a difference, pretty obvious difference, between your stack and his stack of books. Abusers mayrelyonthat societal perceptiontocreate an environment in which theirabuse can continuein plain sight, she said. He also formed deep emotional bonds with these girls,acting as a father figure and maintaining a constant stream of intimacy and adoration, according to the women alleging abuse. By joining, or logging in via Facebook, you accept Change.orgs Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Review of Cornerstone Church, Maumee, OH - Tripadvisor It's sad that now Bishop Pitt's daughter and her husband have been thrown under the bus to continue the legacy to bring harm to the people of God. Like I said, I cant make you think differently, nor can you make me. Citing client confidentiality, Dr. Forgac would not comment. Hes a great man with a past. Not spreading rumors. Georgie Silvarole is the backpack reporter for the USA TODAY Network in New York, covering everything from breaking news to feature pieces. Note the mispelled words and general language style. God knows the truth, and ultimately, thats what matters. LOL, and youre not? Do you feel like you have to give more than you can afford or are you made to feel guilty regarding how much you do or dont tythe? Women whoallege inappropriate interactions withWayne Aarum as teenagers,manyof whom did not know each otherthen,gave nearly identical accounts ofhiscommon phrases andactionstowardthem. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. False prophetess Paula White is working hard to resurrect the church her selfish divorce helped tear down. Rembember, we are all sinners. Pastor Pitts is NO man of Godhe is a sheep in wolves clothing. I have no doubt that Cornerstone does many wonderful things. Pastor Implicated in Sex Abuse Scandal is Back, Conservative Mag: Glenn Greenwald Hates America. Pastor Pitts oversees aVAST NETWORKof churches throughout the country and outside the United States. Michael Pitts NEVER attended court ordered counseling for any crime he was or was not convicted of. It went unchecked. Until members really wake up and ask God to show them the truth, this man will continue to excel. Why dont you add the other stories like how the church gives away bikes, toys and other items to the inner city kids, all the donations the church makes and the good the church does for the city with programs like Project Breakthrough. It is not our works. Besides, Ive said repeatedly, (if you care to look), that God will deal with Pitts, and Im really sick to death of the whole thing. I think anyone looking up the good pastor should have access to some information about his past, shall we say, issues. Cornerstone Church - Home - Facebook Former camp staffersand youth group members sayWayneAarum hada reputation for being boththe cool guyand the sensitive, serious type; some had a deep aversion to him. The USA TODAY NETWORK asked for comment from five individuals whosupport the Ranch and the Aarums. Look people, if Pitts WASNT guilty, why did he plea bargain with a sudden deal? You obviously only attended Pastor Pitts church as periodically and never really listened to what he preached theres no way you would be so foolish as you are now to touch Gods anointed. Hmmmmm. [1], Michael Pitts was born in south Lima, Ohio, in 1964 to factory workers Eugene and Brenda Pitts. I need to make one correction in my statements. Dear IMpersonator, Making fun of Pastor Pitts on a billboard in Toledo is not speaking your opinion. Not tearing him down. Today, far too many called Christian clergy are spiraling headlong into perdition. And others here. I think most people have driven when they probably shouldnt and got out of it scot free (I know I have). 97% of travelers recommend this experience. No worries though because GOD never sleeps. It sounds to me as if you could use what Pastor hasGod. Officials did not press charges after Pastor Pitts agreed to seek counseling with a psychologist who sees sex offenders, they said. Im done. Is the harvest less than the seed? The request was deniedbecause both state and county child abuse reports are confidential. Thats a biblical principal. Cornerstone launches as the Downtown Campus 2019 Phil and Meredith Ryburn installed as Lead Pastors Privacy Policy Download Our App Careers Contact Us 1520 Reynolds Rd Maumee OH 43537 hello@cornerstone.church 419.725.5000 Copyright 2023, Cornerstone Church. San Antonio's Cornerstone Church recently made headlines late last year by hosting a three-day gathering of far-right conspiracy theorists. And as far as the Pitts thing goes, if hes so great, why does everyone feel they need to defend him so strongly. From events to our Online Campus you can all the information and resources you need to grow in your faith and connect with others. Go, give him your money and listen to his false doctrine. (The Pitts camp claims the officials are lying.) He was consecrated as a bishop by the International Communion of Charismatic Churches in 2009. John: To contradict your statement, the following was taken from the article posted in the TOLEDO BLADE on Sunday, November 30, 1997. Cornerstone Church took part in one of several suits against the State of California and. I dont need to see the act to know its true. Does anyone know if this is true? We let the media in that Thursday night. Im sure Pastor Pitts isnt the happiest about this forum but you are doing more to defame his charactor by sounding like an idiot. He must be brushing up on his law. Also, if you read the articles, the Pastor was driving a Black Cadillac at the time and a parishioner saw him in his green Saab. His final punishment: 14 days of house arrest with an ankle bracelet and a $500 fine. A warrant isnt a subpoena (which you coincidentally also spelled wrong try the spell check again). He certainly never earned any understudy degrees. (For those who havent read up on Pitts, most of the charges he faced were derived from people who saw a man meeting his description masturbating in a public place, like a park or a parking lot. A warrant is: a writ issued usually by a judge or magistrate which commands an otherwise illegal act and affords the person executing the writ protection from damages if the act is performed. LASTLY: I am a family member, and I know him well. [20], Pitts' church invested in TV station WMNT-TV, Channel 48, in Toledo in 1997. Cornerstone Church is a biblically-based church that declares Jesus everywhere and leads believers in a life of resilient faith. Fourteen womenacross the U.S.shared theirstorieson the record for this report;twoothers declined to share their names publicly but said they experiencedsimilarconduct. I would play this weird game of being bold and defending thesegirls, butdoing it in a way that doesnt get you removed,he said. Has your involvement in Cornerstone alienated you from your family? On the contrary, I thought she spoke alot!! If you have answered yes to any of these questions its time to start questioning your leaders. Pitts recurring issues with liquor, sex and false teaching do not meet the standards. Maybe the bucket passing a few years ago is what it was, and it got mixed up in the rumor mill.?? Im sorry she doesnt fit your stereotypical pastors wife. Then again, how can you objectivly judge Kathy when youve already misjudged her husband? Let me just say that when you verbally attack Michael Pitts on this forum, your not attacking him anymore. He sent back a report indicating that he believed Mr. Pitts was no longer a danger to repeat the kind of conduct that happened at the park, Mr. Smith said. Founder and former Senior Leader of Cornerstone Church Toledo. Although he will likely never be as popular as he once was, with the help of friends like Mohler, he can continue to speak and earn a four-digit speaker fee. The judge also fined Pitts $300 and took away his driver's license indefinitely. You have a free will to go to his church. And thats what Ive been doing just like everyone else. You have never heard Pastor Michael say anything like not tithing will send you to hell. Jesus is the only thing that sends you to heaven and not knowing him is the only thing that sends you to hell. Youve got people who are actively making excuses or running interference, but you also have a lot of people who are passive and say, I didnt do anything, or Thats not my job, Drumwright said. Various allegations have been raised against Senior Pastor Michael Pitts, his wife Kathi Pitts, Eddie Combs (singer in the group Higher Ground), ( of the church), David Huskins (former bishop to Michael Pitts who committed suicide) and others. lily you smell like shit. Im beginning to feel like Im back in High School here. I heard that an offering was taken for him for his birthday, and he said it was not enough, and had the plates passed again. In my book Pitts has lots of strikes against him, but God is the one he will ultimately have to answer to. God Bless. Jakes and Mark Chirona who have both recently had Michael Pitts in to preach. By the way, its Michael, not MIchael easy isnt it.. It is not pastor Pitts efforts that will make him righteous, nor mine or yours. More significantly, I believe these imposters are, at best, a poor representation of a man who Ive come to realize has a shockingly superior intelect to that of the average person. BTW, have you looked into going on disability? I think you need to know more than what Pitts and Clan want you to see in the saftey of the congregation. Carolyn McDonald alleges Wayne Aarum physically and emotionally abused her, including touching her crotch over her clothes and barging into her bedroom while she was in her underwear, while she was on staff at Circle C Ranch from 2006 to 2008. We also are losing our insurance because the church cant afford it. Linda A. Smith, 63, of Holland, Erie County, who worked as Circle Cs business manager between 2005 and2006, said shefelt honoredto be working atthe Ranchwhen she was first hired. Regardless of what he has said, it is obvious that this event did occur. He said,I loved you guys and viewed you as my own children. But in the middle of the hustle and bustle of your pathetic groveling, I hope you find Jesus. Snell could not be reachedafterrepeated attempts, including a letter to his home, phone calls and an email to his wife. So I. Google any of these vipers and you will see who they slither around with. #18 of 19 things to do in Maumee. You think they were convinced of his innocence? Soyou be the judge, is someone righteous base on what they do, or what they believe? A buddy of mine used to video tape the services at Cornerstone. But unfortunately thats not the case. Sarah Taddeo is an Enterprise reporter for USA Today Network's in New York, covering consumer affairs and statewide news. He is the founding pastor of Cornerstone Church and oversees the Cornerstone Global Network, a network of over 150 churches throughout the US, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, South Africa and the UK. Hi Romesha, Thanks for your review. Maybe you need to brush up on your law. The boys identified him in person, right there! He. I doubt it, however I wouldnt put it past any of pastors at Cornerstone. YOU would know that if you knew him or even attended any services. Why dont you do a search to find out what Michael really believes. Are you going to be labeled in some way.such as proud or self-righteous? By the way I did hear pitts say that along with the whole chruch that day. 'I was so young': Former Circle C Ranch staffer discusses effects of abuse. Half their stories are plagiarize and the other half has no facts. They are both the same because they are both sin. If you are worried about losing your standard of living because disability wont pay what your salary is you can have the church buy you a parsonage and pay for it the church can lease you vehicles. In 2007 the Church severed all ties with Miller, who later filed bankruptcy and relocated. So, what, exactly, does Michael Pitts teach and expect from you as a member of his church? They cared more about others than they did themselves. Do I need to prove this is really me, NO, because it doesnt matter. I dont care who it is, any man who tries that should be prosecuted, so-called holy man whos in in for the money of not. Devan ODierno told the USA Today Network that Wayne Aarum was physically inappropriate with her, including placing his hands on her bottom while hugging her tightly in an empty room, while she was on staff at Circle C Ranch in the 2000s. You are praising Denny Schafer? Cornerstone Church - YouTube It says in the bible that God forgives and FORGETS. The Chapel, where Aarums brother Wes Aarum Jr.was a pastor until he resigned in early 2021,is attended by about 5,000 people. It doesnt just pop out of my mouth as a cuss word or as in vain. Sorry to have hit a sore spot with you! After all thats what they teach isnt it, if you give enough youll get rich? This is the official Cornerstone Church YouTube channel. Theywerebetting on which new campers Wayne Aarum might pay special attention to, he said. The Craziest Things Cornerstone Church Pastor John Hagee Has Ever Said By San Antonio Current Staff Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church has been the victim of #fakenews in the past, sure,. In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. He is married to Kathi and they have two children. I think not. Send your wonderful presence and your fire on each one who reads this!!! Ive never called you anything close to a prick. whats one more sin I guess if I find you all Ill have to Get prayed over BY Pitts for whiping your asses and getting you fired like Toledos Denny S 92.5 FM your next. If my worst quality is loyalty, then I guess thats okay. Most people who have problems with the Cornerstone are not looking at it from a religious point of view. But in the Delta incident, a man fitting his description was spotted masturbating in front of two boys at a baseball diamond. TOLEDO, OH - This will not be easy on the eyes. There will be false prophets, and we are never to follow man, but God only. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION-WE WILL NOT REST UNTIL THIS "CHURCH" IS THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED AND THEIR ACTIONS ARE BROUGHT TO LIGHT!! Mr. Smith said that as part of the negotiation, prosecutors agreed to return to the defense any evidence of Mr. Pittss counseling sessions with Dr. Gregory Forgac, a Toledo psychologist who frequently deals with sex offenders. If you are that concerned about a so called false-prophet or a church being led astray by false teachings then get on your knees and do some real intercession pray for this man and these people.oh and one more thingLord, you are awesome!! Apparently Josh is too busy to check this forum any longer. But Im always available for any of you to talk to. Never. Nice try whoever you are. Ive been to Cornerstone, have you? Why is it that any joe schmoe, who could have done the same things that Pitts did, and have the book thrown at him? And its no wonder, these saying are born out of the doctrine that stems from the selfish foundation on which it was built. If its not to Gods glory, it would fail. Last time I checked, Dave, I wasnt trying to convince anyone I was a holy man who is the best route to understanding God. Pastor Pitts pled guilty to trespassing. Dear anonymous commenter, app is safe and it keeps me connected to what I need most, thank you Lord, https://pushpay.com/legal-center/privacy/. Shut it down with in 72 hours or I will sue you for slander. Megachurches are usually terrible, this is no exception. That access, and Aarums presence as anauthority figurein a Christian setting,helpedfoster the girls'spiritual and emotional dependence on him, clearing the way for further manipulation and inappropriate behavior, said Cheryl Chambers, a licensed mental health counselor with Christian Counseling Ministries of Western New York. During that time, Pitts was the only person in the city of Toledo, let alone Delta, driving a teal blue convertible Saab. He is a good teacher and preaches for ME to follow the word. and called and tried over and over to contact the church (it was a service night)to let someone know. What does that person have to offer him? Its all about the free exchange of accurate information. David stood for the goodness of God toward his people. And I know that the Lord sees him as His beloved son and He is very well pleased with him. Marjorie Taylor Greenes Red/Blue National Divorce Looks an Awful Lot Like a Confederate Flag, Can Rage Fuel the Struggle for Justice? What I dont understand is how these modern Apostles can have all kinds of stuff while there are needs in their church. Michael Pitts has accomplished more in his ministry already than you (edward) will ever accomplish. The qualifications are clear. Norris also contacted locallaw enforcement and local agenciesherself about the findings,according to police reports. Most of the more critical opponents of Pastor Pitts are memebers of other churches or never been to nobodys church. I can assure you, Michael Pitts only has one house and no jets. Josh, is there any way you could post the Police Report from the Delta arrest? "In 1995, he was stopped by police after allegedly being spotted masturbating in front of two young boys hitting golf balls at a local baseball diamond. Why shouldnt a pastor live comfortable and drive a nice car? Thats the mentality of America that he has found a foundation to preach upon. His final punishment: 14 days of house arrest with an ankle bracelet and a $500 fine. So the people who were victim to the disgusting actions of Pitts, are just supposed to live with it? I cant make you think differently, nor can you make me. This is a discussion/comment area, and Im commenting on the subject at hand. He wasnt drunk. Dave: All those Biblical types you mention acknowledged theyd done something wrong. So, yeah, I certainly dont say God unless Im saying it to speak to Him, or talking about Him to someone else. I am a member and was when these incidents occured. Cornerstone is aggressivly moving the kingdom forward, why dont you check out one of their live services online? I have aquantences, that used to be friends, that I heard started going to his church, and was curious because Ive heard some things about him. no problem Julie if anyone wants to know the TRUTH about Pastor Pitts e-mail me at hockeyjk@yahoo.com lets just say I have an inside connection. He left his position at the Ranch in 2011. p.s. Members are told to shut up and follow him, and believe me that's what they do. MinistrySafes investigation, separate from Circle Cs independent investigation, first focused onallegations of abuseat The Chapel youth groupin the 1990s. Benton who lived and worked in Toledo for some time said he was dismayed that there was little information on Pitts sexual malfunctions on the internet. Non relevant to any of this. Doesnt it say in the Bible that you are to tithe to the church 10% of your wages? There are organizations and resources to help you. The boys told the cops who then pulled over Pastor Pitts! Advocating for sexual abuse survivors If you were sexually abused by a #MattRasor, Chief Financial Officers of Cornerstone Church - Maumee/ Toledo, we want to help. THATS ALL. Shed resignfrom her position not long after, her emotions a mix of heartbreak andfrustrationasshe leftthe Ranch. A comment from subversive Christian bloggerJulie Anne Smithwhom I spoke to about a month ago was sadly prescient: As long as a pastor has the right theology, their behavior, no matter how bad it is, can be covered up.. Dont fear Pitts fear his saints? Your gossip bone must have got the best of you. Finally, both of Pastor Pitts attornies accepted Jesus and now attend his church as a direct result of the entire ordeal.
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