Coils, stents, filters and vascular grafts have been evaluated relative to the use of MR systems. Company Name: BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION Primary DI Number: 08714729959915 Issuing Agency: GS1 Commercial Distribution End Date: Device Count: 1 Labeler D-U-N-S Number*: 021717889 * Terms of Use Device Description: Ureteral Stent With Side Holes 6Fx28CM CLOSE Device Characteristics Device Record Status Alternative and Additional Identifiers If our underlying assumptions turn out to be incorrect, or if certain risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results could vary materially from the expectations and projections expressed or implied by our forward-looking statements. Results were presented today by Daniel Clair, M.D., FACS, principal investigator of the ORION trial and chairman of the Department of Vascular Surgery at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, at the 24th Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) scientific symposium, sponsored by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation. (,OcEh{[%E#Xl@::9(k]xv# q#fs+[Jb{-$r;EB9 pdRkEdq^(PFG3|'ae1wsv4N5:YBswO[kQC9U0EJ[Tkd/*4s3_SN}W~jj,SPuT-9 )44ZtGtWAO@Fo aP3lqS-P*)v"rj5QEWL!zg8KbORyvm?B'tZ&3D#>7"7Q8&a*$"xmVTeV [@[@.o)BpiyHpV1FIh\w|wD!2N^# U#gb a]qkz,'@Ri3 Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements. 0 Applicant's Name and Address: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc. One Scimed Place Maple Grove MN 55311-1566 PMA Number: P980033 Date of Notice of Approval to the Applicant: Novermber 16, 2001 2. Boston Scientific is dedicated to transforming lives through innovative medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world. Find the information you need, whether you've been diagnosed with a health condition, have an implanted device, or need support. The .gov means its official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. NATICK, Mass., Oct. 23, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) reports twelve-month clinical endpoint data from the ORION trial, which demonstrated robust safety and effectiveness outcomes for the Epic Self-Expanding Nitinol Stent System in patients with obstructed iliac arteries. As a result, DFUs for stent systems containing metal usually recommend a waiting period of approximately two months from the time of implantation until an MRI can be performed safely. Precautions Sterile. It is made of metal [e.g., stainless steel, nickel-titanium alloy (Nitinol)] and may be inserted with a balloon catheter which causes the device to expand when inflated, or it may self-expand after insertion with a delivery device. The Sentinol Nitinol Stent System is comprised of two components: the implantable endoprosthesis and the stent delivery system. If needed, perform capture and sense and lead impedance tests. Dry Pad 9 x 9 with Silver Antimicrobial Agent. Alternatively, you can also use the latest MRI Manuals to determine scan parameters. A tracking/verification form is asked to be returned to Boston Scientific and arrangements will be made for retuning the affected product. Ideal for the Iliac: The Epic Stent is a self-expanding Nitinol stent designed to sustain vessel patency, while providing enhanced visibility and accuracy during placement. News Releases - Boston Scientific THE List - MRI Safety {}(;]xjx$,&\I'esU7;O*G@MI9YO?V6t N=9nq}^I pk2f5RVw>bd.Ms@G7'^,UPX_4~KO$rS8ILEn5WVu >V:RD/L u 9cwM\^$h IOK #>of=eP V}-St:Ur{>J;{n=b^mZ? The Merlin PCS Programmer will print to the default printer (internal printer, external printer or PDF). Device setup, user manuals and troubleshooting, The Boston Scientific Epic Stent Continues to Demonstrate Positive Clinical Outcomes for Patients with Iliac Artery Disease, Twelve-Month Data Presented at TCT 2012 Support Safety and Efficacy of Epic Stent in Iliac Stenting, Lab Agent - Restock Products For Your Practice, Bladder leakage and pelvic organ prolapse, Enteral feeding tube and esophageal stent device support, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) device support, Peripheral Artery and Vein interventions device support, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement device support, Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) systems device support, EDUCARE Medical Education and Training Courses, ADVANTICS Innovative Healthcare Solutions, Do not sell or share my personal information. Are you a healthcare professional? It may be a continuous tube or a mesh structure in tubular form and is available in a variety of lengths and diameters. Health care professionals and consumers may report adverse reactions or quality problems they experienced using these devices to MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program using an online form, regular mail, or FAX. The Notice described the issue, identified affected product and asked that the use of affected product be discontinued and affected units be segregated. 1) Confirm MRI readiness. Learn more about solutions for your specialty area, Device setup, user manuals and troubleshooting, 12-month Primary Patency by TASC Classification, See all healthcare professional information, Lab Agent - restock products for your practice, Bladder leakage and pelvic organ prolapse, Enteral feeding tube and esophageal stent device support, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) device support, Peripheral Artery and Vein interventions device support, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement device support, Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) systems device support, Epic Vascular Self-Expanding Stent System, EDUCARE Medical Education and Training Courses, ADVANTICS Innovative Healthcare Solutions, Do not sell or share my personal information, 0 amputations at 3 years (106 subjects), ORION US IDE Clinical Trial to demonstrate similar patency across all TASC classifications, Tandem Architecture Stent Design features Macro, Medium and Micro Struts, as well as patented connector patternsdesigned to optimize flexibility, Hybrid Architecture Design with open- and closed-cell geometry engineered to provide flexibility and deployment uniformity, Macro and Micro Struts are engineered to work in tandem for balanced forceeven in tortuous vasculature, Ergonomic handle with two convenient deployment options: thumb wheel and pull grip, Radiopaque stent markers and catheter shaft marker band enhance visibility and simplify placement, Meticulous surface finishing and polishing to remove imperfections and improve fracture resistance, Tandem Architecture Stent Design engineered to bend and flex and reduce the risk of fracture, 0% Amputation of index limb at 12-months (0/111). HWnFC=ji6n 9/~\:\$$rxnsU,)Ielo((a,$4bY?W7)MoQEHk1s-;]zXJ$G=0.F4VJYwS|U9VOU@n0ZL26w~+y38.$qW|%-zu'2g:,IwA28nvnP R%ivTpks5>/m5p)H,!HIsqz 9x?pFH=@q}+[|Gd $Xp7lXcV5ZID?vM1V]kM).? Device Size Text, specify: 75 cm Effective Length, Device Size Text, specify: 40 mm Stent Length, Device Size Text, specify: 10 mm Stent Diameter. As a result, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of our forward-looking statements. Boston Scientific's Express 2 (bare-metal) stent system also received approval for immediate MRI exams. Boston Scientific's ELUVIA Drug-Eluting Stent and Coronary Paclitaxel 3: Conditional 6 . The default MRI parameter settings are automatically stored in the Abbott MR Conditional device. No amputations were reported through the 12-month period. All of these factors are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of them are beyond our control. GMDN Names and Definitions: Copyright GMDN Agency 2015. Safety Topic / Subject ALIMAXX-B Uncovered Biliary Stent 10-mm x 80-mm . MRI at 3T or 1.5T may be performed immediately following the implantation of the Epic Stent. PARIS, May 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) reports positive results from two trials evaluating new, innovative drug-eluting stent (DES) technologies, which are emerging treatment options for coronary heart disease. The C-code used for this product is C1876, Stent, non-coated/non-covered with delivery system. Use this database for arrhythmia, heart failure and structural heart products. Magnetic Resonance MR Conditional 3.0 tesla temperature information A Boston Scientific Study of the Epic Self-Expanding Nitonol Stent System in the treatment of Atherosclerotic Lesions in Iliac Arteries 0 amputations at 3 years (106 subjects) 89.9% Freedom from TLR at 3 years (143 lesions) ORION US IDE Clinical Trial to demonstrate similar patency across all TASC classifications From the FastPath Summary screen, select the Print button to print the Diagnostics and any other relevant reports. Download the MRI Ready Systems Manual or MRI Ready Leadless System Manual for details on default settings and how to save modified settings for scanning. Class 3 Device Recall Sentinol Nitinol Biliary Stent System AccessGUDID - DEVICE: Ascerta (08714729802976) Find the information you need, whether you've been diagnosed with a health condition, have an implanted device, or need support. The results found that the stent was MRI . The ORION clinical data was used to support application for U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of the Epic Stent System. Learn the steps for safely preparing Abbotts MRI-Ready GallantTM and EntrantTM High Voltage ICD and CRT-D devices for an MRI scan. The Sentinol Nitinol Stent System is comprised of two components: the implantable . Reproduced with Permission from the GMDN Agency. "The performance of the Epic Stent in challenging iliac artery lesions and the long-term demonstration of both safety and efficacy of the Epic Stent is another example of our ability to offer patients a durable treatment option for iliac artery disease.". THE List - MRI Safety Several of these demonstrated magnetic field interactions. This includes continuous monitoring of the patient's hemodynamic function. Company Name: BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION Primary DI Number: 08714729802976 Issuing Agency: GS1 Commercial Distribution End Date: Device Count: 1 Labeler D-U-N-S Number*: 021717889 * Terms of Use Device Description: Ureteral Stent CLOSE Device Characteristics Device Record Status Alternative and Additional Identifiers Customer Contact [?] Testing, Training, and Books Implant & Device Testing MAGNETIC RESONANCE SAFETY TESTING SERVICES is a highly experienced MRI-safety testing company that conducts comprehensive evaluations of implants, devices, objects, and materials. Patients receiving coronary stents have typically been required to wait approximately two months before receiving an MRI. The stent is a laser cut self-expanding stent composed of a nickel titanium alloy(nitinol). Boston Scientific Corporation One Boston Scientific Place Natick, MA 01760-1537 1.888.272.1001 www.BostonScientific.com . You can search by model number or product category. Download the MRI Ready Systems Manual or MRI Ready Leadless System Manual to review how data will be handled by each system. Illustrations are artist's representations only and should not be considered as engineering drawings or photographs. The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. MRI Safety for Cardiovascular Products I Abbott [N-'u,uDQOUyUInFl yO/'wjGs1lx"O88KT9/vjTn ]Y~k\}C ? Download the MRI Ready Systems Manual or MRI Ready Leadless System Manual to see examples of checklist screens and get additional details about the checklist. Coronary data supports safety of paclitaxel and ELUVIA DES IV. Boston Scientific, www.bostonscientific.com . Abbotts MRI-Ready High Voltage Device Setup for Gallant and Entrant ICD and CRT-Ds (11:45). 2023 Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. MR imaging provides excellent spatial . You can search by product, model number, category or family. Forward-looking statements may be identified by words like "anticipate," "expect," "project," "believe," "plan," "estimate," "intend" and similar words. 86 0 obj <>/Encrypt 60 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7D8C813C4252734AB79DD3D747A7C1DD><1D49B7B49C69E9479F78B175C988B6B0>]/Index[59 63]/Length 120/Prev 229479/Root 61 0 R/Size 122/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream }7MWJ!%c. Safety Topic / Subject Enterra II Model 37800 Gastric Electrical Stimulation (GES) System . "The Epic Stent has been very well-received by physicians across the country. 300 Boston Scientific Way . ,TFZ3R?ZU,6P;0rY;qC\#*"zgZ71j:clLv^O LHf,xvU8pZ7 9^FHZ|+iL V~G!=}6. Premarket Approval (PMA) CAUTION: These products are intended for use by or under the direction of a physician. :V m_C.4c9M/:4"Pp^8r_h_(2KDz]H4{T["y&7xPWe8Iw]rp%c2D|t-++@n 6j.#C\Ks _R]O%[D8Y}[1HshY$7\. AccessGUDID - Ascerta Firm (08714729861720)- Ureteral Stent. Boston Scientific is recalling the VICI SDS and RDS VENOUS STENT Systems after reports indicate that the stents may migrate or move from where they are initially implanted. Follow the checklist instructions within Merlin PCS Programmer. The information provided here is not intended to provide information to patients and the general public. Major adverse events are defined as death within 30 days, myocardial infarction (MI, or heart attack) occurring during hospitalization, target vessel revascularization (TVR) through nine months and amputation of the treated limb through nine months. Catalog No. Download the MRI Ready Systems Manual or MRI Ready Leadless System Manual to review a list of adverse conditions and effects. The delivery system is compatible with 0.035 in. We recommend that you download and review the most current version any time a patient with an Abbott product needs an MRI. About Epic and the ORION Trial The Epic Stent is a self-expanding nitinol stent designed to sustain vessel patency, while providing enhanced visibility and accuracy during placement. An official website of the United States government, : This scientific statement is intended to summarize and clarify issues regarding the safety of MR imaging in patients with cardiovascular devices. "The positive 12-month data from the ORION trial complement our early launch success and market share gains," said Jeff Mirviss, president of Peripheral Interventions at Boston Scientific. PDF Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System REBEL - Food and Drug Indicates a trademark of the Abbott group of companies. Epic Vascular Self-Expanding Stent System - Boston Scientific Safety Info ID# Safety Topic / Subject Article Text 171: Coils, Filters, Stents, and Grafts: Coils, stents, filters and vascular grafts have been evaluated relative to the use of MR systems. Boston Scientific Corporation Customer Service: 8882721001 www.bostonscientific.com Page 1 of 12 PI86716AG Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Safety for Boston Scientific Products Table of Contents 1. For information, visit MagneticResonanceSafetyTesting.com 2022 MRI Textbook If a device is not shown in the list, it is not MR Conditional. If you are not using the MRI Activator, MRI Settings must be disabled by the patient's device management physician or clinician using the Merlin PCS Programmer and Aveir Link Module (if applicable). We disclaim any intention or obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect any change in our expectations or in events, conditions or circumstances on which those expectations may be based, or that may affect the likelihood that actual results will differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. This cautionary statement is applicable to all forward-looking statements contained in this document. About Boston ScientificBoston Scientific is a worldwide developer, manufacturer and marketer of medical devices that are used in a broad range of interventional medical specialties. H7YPnf'Sq-. 2022 Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. Esophageal Stent, Niti-S & Comvi Model E2423 TaeWoong Medical Co., Ltd., www.stent.net. Several of these demonstrated magnetic field interactions. Overview of the ELUVIA Drug- Eluting Stent (DES) III. Download the MRI Ready Systems Manual or MRI Ready Leadless System Manual to check the MRI scan parameter tables for the applicable scan and identify the settings for RF Transmit Conditions and scan regions. It is made of metal [e.g., stainless steel, nickel-titanium alloy (Nitinol)] and may be inserted with a balloon catheter which causes . Enterra II Model 37800Gastric Electrical Stimulation (GES) SystemEnterra II Model 37800Medtronic, Inc., www.medtronic.com, Enterra TherapyGastric Electrical Stimulation (GES) SystemModels 3116 and 7425 GEnterra II Model 37800Medtronic, Inc., www.medtronic.com, Entovis ProMRI Cardiac Pacing SystemWhich consists of the Entovis pulse generator and the Setrox S and Safio S leadsBIOTRONIK, Inc., http://www.biotronikusa.com/manuals/index.cfmNote that the MR Condi, ENTRI-FLEXEntriFlexNasogastric (NG) Feeding TubeCOVIDIENHazelwood, MO, ENTRISTARJejunum Feeding Tube/Gastric Depression TubeCOVIDIENHazelwood, MO, EOI Spinal System EPPS (Expanding Polyaxial Pedicle Screw)Expanding Orthopedics Inc.Israel, EOS (Endoluminal Occlusion System) ImplantMedical Murray, Inc., medicalmurray.com, Epic StentBoston Scientific, www.bostonscientific.com, EpicageAlphatec Spine Inc., www.alphatecspine.com, Episealer Knee CondyleEpisurf Medical AB, www.episurf.com, Equi-Flow Valve System(s)15174, SLRKL, SLSKLL, 15175, SLRKLL,SLSKLM, 15179, SLRKLM, SLSKM, 15185,SLRKM, SLSL, 15549, SLRL, SLSLL,15551, SLRLL, SLSLM, 15552, SLRLM,SLSM, 15554, SLRM, 15181, 15555,SLSKL, Equine Pericardial Patch, Model XAGEdwards Lifesciences, www.edwards.com, EquipLite bladeTruphatek International LTD., www.truphatek.com, ES-830 MicroCutter Green StapleCardica, Inc. and Dextera Surgical, www.dexterasurgical.com, EsophaCoil-SRnitinolcoil, stent, filterIntratherapeutics, Inc.St. Find out who we are, explore careers at the company, and view our financial performance. As the stent is exposed to body temperature it expands to appose the duct wall. No deaths have been reported. Our manuals contain the latest instructions and information for cardiac physicians, radiologists and MR technologists. C-codesare used for hospital outpatient device reporting for Medicare and some private payers. of Abbott Medical Japan GK. Orthopedic Implants, Materials, and Devices More. AccessGUDID - DEVICE: Ascerta Firm (08714729861775) No use of any Abbott trademark, trade name, or trade dress in this site may be made without the prior written authorization of Abbott, except to identify the product or services of the company. The following pages are intended for medical professionals and provide information on the proper use of products (medical devices, etc.) A stent delivery system for a balloon expandable stent consists By using this site, you consent to the placement of our cookies. Boston Scientific is dedicated to transforming lives through innovative medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world. PDF Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data WALLSTENT with Unistep NOTE: Device diagnostic data may be suspended or cleared when MRI Settings are enabled. Boston Scientific Promus PREMIER And SYNERGY Drug-Eluting Stent Find products, medical specialty information, and education opportunities. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. 5-year data for. Shellock R & D Services, Inc. email: Frank.ShellockREMOVE@MRIsafety.com. Upon approval, the Epic Stent along with the market-leading Express LD balloon-expandable iliac stent, would enable Boston Scientific to offer a complete line of advanced iliac solutions for physicians and patients." 510(K)s with Product Code = FGE and Original Applicant = BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP. 0.3. Introduction II. With our stent systems, MRI analyses can now be performed immediately.". They appreciate the radial force of the stent, which helps allow the artery to stay open, and the flexibility in its design, which helps in deliverability. Sterile. Coils, Filters, Stents, and Grafts More. Fortunately, the devices that exhibited po . Boston Scientific, www.bostonscientific.com, Neuroform Atlas Stent Non-clinical testing and analysis have demonstrated that the Neuroform Atlas Stent is MR Conditional alone, or when overlapped with a second stent, and adjacent to a Stryker Neur, AAA Endograft Ovation Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System TriVascular2, Inc. Santa Rosa, CA, Abre StentMedtronic, Inc., www.Medtronic.com/MRI, Absolute .035 Biliary Self-Expanding StentAbbott Vascular, www.abbottvascular.com, ABSOLUTE 0.35 Biliary Self Expanding Stent System Guidant http://www.guidant.com/ifu/, Absolute Biliary StentAbbott Vascularwww.abbottvascular.com, Absolute Pro .035 Biliary Self-Expanding StentAbbott Vascular, www.abbottvascular.com, Absolute Pro Peripheral Stent Abbott Vascular www.Abbott.com, Absolute Pro Stent Nickel titanium with nickel titanium platinum markers 8-mm x 120-mm Single version Abbott Vascular Santa Clara, CA, Absolute Pro Stent Nickel titanium with nickel titanium platinum markers 8-mm x 348-mm three overlapped version Abbott Vascular Santa Clara, CA, ABSOLUTE Biliary Self-Expanding Stent System Nitinol coils, filters, stents Guidant Endovascular Solutions Santa Clara, CA, Absorb Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold (BVS) SystemAbbott Vascular, www.abbottvascular.com, Absorb GT1 Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold (BVS) SystemAbbott Vascular,www.abbottvascular.com, Acculink Carotid StentAbbott Vascularwww.abbottvascular.com, ACCULINK Carotid StentGuidanthttp://www.guidant.com/ifu/, ACS MULTI-LINK Coronary StentAbbott Vascularwww.abbottvascular.com, ACS MULTI-LINK DUET Coronary StentAbbott Vascularwww.abbottvascular.com. Immediately following the MRI procedure, follow the instructions in the MRI Ready Systems Manual or MRI Ready Leadless System Manual to revert to the permanently programmed settings. Coils, Filters, Stents, and Grafts More. Patients experienced significant clinical improvement from baseline to twelve months based on feedback from validated questionnaires evaluating walking distance, speed and stair climbing. Due to the use of intense magnetic fields in MRI examinations, implanted medical devices that contain metal may be subject to potential migration and heating within the body. Boston Scientific Epic Stent Demonstrates Positive Clinical Outcomes If the stent migrates to the heart, it could cause life-threatening injury. AccessGUDID - DEVICE: Tria Soft (08714729959915) Unless otherwise specified, all product names appearing in this Internet site are trademarks owned by or licensed to Abbott, its subsidiaries or affiliates. 7th.Ine!Y+mOTqDm/`*XBagB8GzXov8P1zluIz y "0!rab/dMwLtX1@_18TUWW\ T/~dc/mRE One lot of one catalog number of the Sentinol Nitinol Biliary Stent System may have been packaged in a Sentinol nitinol Vascular outer carton. This site is Exclusively Sponsored by BRACCO. The stent is constrained within a 6F delivery system. The site is secure. For a further list and description of these and other important risks and uncertainties that may affect our future operations, see Part I, Item 1A Risk Factors in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which we may update in Part II, Item 1A Risk Factors in Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q we have filed or will file hereafter. PDF 2 7 2 Epic Vascular 2 - Boston Scientific Boston Scientific Corporation Recalls VICI VENOUS STENT System and VICI This press release contains forward-looking statements. 59 0 obj <> endobj The Express Coronary Stent System was granted approval by Boston Scientific's notified body (TUV Rheinland) to permit CE marking June 18, 2001. THE List - MRI Safety Interrogate the device with the Merlin PCS Programmer and Aveir Link Module. @Bd!$7@"rAOgx Boston Scientific Sentinol Self-Expanding Nitinol Biliary Stent System with Over-the-Wire Delivery System. To look up your patient's system, use the Product Search tool to determine whether your patient's device and leads (if applicable) are safe for an MRI. The MRI parameter settings are selected at the physician's discretion. Download the MRI Ready Systems Manual or MRI Ready Leadless System Manual for additional details about patient monitoring. Note: Boston Scientific is not responsible for the correct use of codes on submitted claims; this informationdoes not constitute reimbursement or legal advice. 2022 Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. Made in USA 5905 Nathan Lane, Plymouth, MN 55442, USA. Factors that may cause such differences include, among other things: future economic, competitive, reimbursement and regulatory conditions; new product introductions; demographic trends; intellectual property; litigation; financial market conditions; and future business decisions made by us and our competitors.
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