Rhodey had to supress a laugh at the confused face Tony was making. 34. Thanks for the lift, Peter called back and Happy waved before he left. 2. Pepper Peter has discovered that the spider who bit him's DNA is so seamlessly intertwined with his own that he will continue to mutate as he ages leading to some unexpected changes and some awkward situations. There was no way that a kid that young could have given him such a hard time in Germany. If you can Miss FRIDAY. It also had shelves to display his legos and store other belongings. Rhodey and Happy had level 11. But I still need to check with Aunt May. He saved quite a bit of money in the winter, though. He had already almost caused just about everyone a heart attack at some point by walking in the kitchen half wake upside down. Da no. Peter and Loki bonded over being underestimated, though Tony, for some reason, didn't want Peter around Loki and always freaked out when they were in the same room. Black Cat is Animal Alias- she's a Badass Normal who calls herself that because she's a cat burglar. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Peter calls it Parker Luck. A nervous smile crossed the billionaires face as he answered the call. Perhaps treat him like an adult and go from there.. Rescue comes, but it only makes her world more dangerous. Wanting to know what they were keeping from him, he sneaks into the tower after overhearing Tony talking about a meeting that no one told Peter about. 26. Happy gave me your number. Peter gave all three bots pats and all three began chirping excitedly. The three bots let out happy chirps before zooming away, Dum-E grabbing Peters backpack as he went. First published Mar 04, 2021. Fury has banned me from showing you the meeting officially but, unofficially you have to wait a week to view it so, it doesn't affect team building. This story tells of how each and every Avenger became wrapped around Peter Parker's finger without Peter even being aware of it. Unfortunately not everyone makes it easy for Peter and the added stress of living with people he is torn between hating and desperately wanting their approval is not helping. Dum-E took Peters bag again and raced back over to his corner. Costume, check. So, what do you say? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He could hear the AI smiling. Everyone was always conspiring to be over protective mother hens over him. But THEN some weird stuff happens and suddenly he's the Avengers' bodyguard. He needed time to just let loose and relax. Like any other totally normal college student, he has totally normal things to worry about. 9. We encourage Tony to work with Peter, maybe make him a proper intern or something. He nearly died when Mr. Stark ordered him onto the table with a stern voice. Rhodey smiled brightly Operation Spider was progressing nicely. Dum-E let out a soft, dejected sound and Peter instantly started cooing at him. One thing the Avengers dont know is how powerful the secretly mutated boy really is. He shoves his hand into the gauntlet. What does it do? Tony asked as Peter sketched out a rough design. Look, all you have to do is reply to his messages every so often. Work Search: At first Peter really thought he only liked him for that but, now he knew better. Ill call her and get approval kid. It might be awkward and, Peter was definitely worried about what they'd think of him but, he also knew Mr. Stark wouldn't allow them to make him feel uncomfortable in his own home. They breathed each other in. Peter thinks he's dreaming, but he realizes this is his new reality. I was thinking that maybe we could work together on something., Seriously? Peters voice was oozing excitement that was palpable. Ill send Happy to pick you up. Peter was a living bundle of jumpy nerves by the time they made it to the Compound and to Tony Stark's workshop. When Tony finds a strange, spidery experiment locked underground in a Hydra facility, he takes it upon himself to try rehabilitating a teenager who knows nothing about the outside world. Tony hasnt got some mystery child I need to be worried about does he. Im just a nobody., Youre right, Tony said after a minute and Peters face fell. Happy wanted to deck anyone who had ever made Tony feel like his worth was based on what he could give them. were back baby, hiatus is over.). Probably why I get so many damn messages from him, Happy said, borderline fondly. I dont think so. Peter cant shake the feeling that the Avengers are keeping something from him. "Though the world may mock Shinji ikari, the timid teenager it will soon marvel at the awesome might of Spider-Man!". #TobeyMaguire #SpiderMan #NoWayHome DISCLAIMER: All of the content in this. After moving out to live with his old mentor in the Avengers Compound, he stumbles into his childhood heroes (as well as teenage enemies) having sex on the couch. Once the other man had left, Tony sent a message to Happy advising him of what he needed to do before entering his bathroom and setting about his grooming routine. Ill leave you to it. He's a Stark, though, so he kind of thrives in chaos. Peter was already prepared for them to be upset with his age and Mr. Stark for bringing him in but he really didn't know how they would handle him. That is the question in Peter Parker's mind since becoming spider-man and the changes within himself and the changes to come. Heed the warnings- the fic is a dark-fic. Meaning his body makes it on its own. "Pepper really is going to kill you." Peter was always moving, tapping his hand, his foot, shifting his weight as he stands. He was anxious about their reaction to him but it was completely overshadowed by his need to just be free of trying to meet everyone's expectations of him. Believed to be inhuman with ice powers to match. It looks like we really are family." Peter Parker has been using mechanical web-shooters for decades, but organic webs work better for his character and spider-inspired persona. Read to find out. FRI remind me to organise a badge for Peter. Originally posted on ff.net two years ago, I was finally ambitious enough to cross-post it here. I'm to remind you that you have dinner with Tony, Rhodey, Happy, and Miss Potts in an hour.". A chance to do it all over again. 5994 guests Rhodey smiles at him from across the room. Saba que estaba siendo dramtico, siempre lo era. He already knew Peter Parker isn't the most exciting person outside his mask. Sorry, this work doesn't allow non-Archive users to comment. Have you seen the new Star Wars? Peter asked and when Tony shook his head, the teen gasped. He was going to die so early in his life. He is a dad to the most brilliant, most awesome kind kid in the world. 5. He was really good in the lab and he was helping with upgrading and maintaining their gear so, surely they like him for that. Tony asked, sitting on the couch next to Peter. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). (Most of them have Spidey as an antihero or little bit darker and brutal than its comic counterpart) 3)Web of Justice by ScarletScriber (JL crossover) 4)The Amazing Spider-Man: True Purpose by Secret Agent Man Jp Behave like a bratty puppy, get punished like one.". Please consider turning it on! Guardians of the Galaxy Shuri Emotional Breakfast 29. I have been ordered to play bubblegum pop until you leave your lab, just so you know., Thanks for letting me know sweetheart, Tony said. Because you are just Peter, Tony explained softly. Like 10x as much as his normal restlessness. I felt it was best not wake you since you did not sleep well and Mr. Stark agreed.". 5. He bounded up the steps and rushed in not even realizing the figure he brushed past in his hurry was one Clint Barton. Field Trip Part 3 I love biodad fics so here ya go. At 3:30, FRIDAY announced that Peter and Happy were making their way up to the lab. But, you know I'm no good at the heart to hearts." Youll always be his favourite. The one where Wade notices that Spider-Man has been acting weirder and weirder, and the more he looks into it, the more he realizes that his not-so-normal partner in crime(fighting) is a lot stranger than he thought. I was wondering, and you are more than welcome to reject me, ok?. Thanks!" ", "I'll just make it so any hackers are locked on the ten hour version of the Bee Movie on all their devices set to full volume. Some monster fellas for my soul, It's my own bedtime story. Peter stared up at Tony in confusion. "Yes welcome to the family." Peter Parker Acts Like a Spider. You can say his family is Super. "And we've got webs." The dryer abruptly stopped humming. Thwip. Peter also had his own ensuite and walk-in closet. It wasn't. As Peter struggles with darker shades to his abilities and his own traumatic experiences, an unknown organization is stirring in the Platypus, come in, Tony said. The Avengers (Tony, Steve, Nat, Pepper, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Sam, Bucky, Vision, Wanda, and of course, Peter) were all sitting and watching a movie when suddenly there was a BRIGHT flash of light. His wrists were hot at the thought of finally being able to use his real webshooters. He had dark circles under his eyes, indicating to all who saw that he had not slept properly in a while. Call me when you want to head home squirt, Happy said, almost fondly. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. left kudos on this work! No one could ever guess that The Avengers would fall to something known as The Peter Factor. But a proper, honest to God internship., But, Peter started but couldnt seem to find the words. My first ever Ao3 fic, I hope it's good and everyone likes it :). 10 minutes later, Rhodey arrived at the penthouse, expecting to need to enact his threat to get Tony out of his lab. 30. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 1. He only used his own when practicing rather than crime fighting. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (132), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (56), The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb) (21), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (29), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (132), Wade Wilson's Guide to Studying Your Spider, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, tone wildly oscillates from heavy angst to feel-good to absolute crack, Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Not Civil War Team Captain America Friendly, Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), Miles Morales & Original Female Character(s), Miles Morales & Original Male Character(s), Peter Parker & Original Male Character(s), Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Karen Page, Peter Parker & Peter-Two & Peter-Three (Spider-Man: No Way Home), Alternate Universe - Underswap (Undertale), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies), Happy Hogan & May Parker & Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Not Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Spoilers for Movie: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), Steven Grant & Jake Lockley & Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly/Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley/Marc Spector, Flabbergasted that no one has made any demiaro frank smh, my background noise for this was some dingusus playin games, but they're queer and we can appreciate that, Wade Wilson Knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man, at certain points also I love the fact that's a tag, Rated M for non explicit/fade to black sexual content, I did way too much research on spiders and their mating habits for this fic, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker's Love Language is Acts of Service, Ben Parker & May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Sam Alexander & Ava Ayala & Luke Cage & Danny Rand, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Eleanor Camacho & Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, Wade wilson doesnt know peter parker is spider-man, Peter parker and Mary Jane are best friends, As scientifically accurate as fictionally possible. I think youre his new favourite person, Tony teased as Peter rolled up his sleeves. Mr. Stark had been very thoughtful in his design of Peter's room and turned the thing into an arachnid paradise. There was no way. None of them have pasts to return to, even if they could- but maybe, together, they could have a future. 6. He realized as he tossed his clothes into the hamper he needed to get a hold of himself and cool down before Karen decided to rat him out to Friday. He hoped he could get them to like him enough they wouldn't even care if he was weird. It would just get in his head. NOT A CHAPTER - PLEASE READ. The whole two hour drive Peter was bouncing itching to be in his bedroom. This chapter is mostly Peter dealing with his anxiety over the Rogue Avengers. Clint He was tired of trying to fit in and make other people comfortable all the time. Some say he clings to walls. Listen close kid. Today though he was itchy and antsy. ", (Fury is well aware that the unofficial son of Tony Stark would be too curious and too smart to never look at the footage.). He pushed all the thoughts of the Avengers and what was to come to the back of his mind. Featuring many of our favorite Avengers. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. Unfortunately for Peter this only further complicates his already complicated and weird life. He drinks, and doesn't talk to his estranged wife, and thinks about how long it's been since his son's death. He was so glad he wouldn't have to be in the room when they read his file. Everyone at the dinner table tried to put Peter at ease but it did little to comfort him. 23. Introducing The Amazing Peter Parker! Wanda Peter is the Animal Abilities variant, having gained spider-like powers from a spider bite. It is primarily an Ultimate Spider-Man story, but I've added elements of the movies too. Tony looked over to where Peter was looking and noticed Rhodey standing in the doorway. Tony was still not on speaking terms with Barnes or Rogers, was only slightly frosty towards Wanda and had little resentment for Scott and Clint (if only because he knew those two were involved to protect their families). Thats Dum-E. Hes the first bot I ever made, Tony said proudly. He loved his room in Queen's, it would always be home, but the compound was somehow also home in a different and equally strong way and it was what he needed most right now. Natasha on the other hand was very suspicious and angry when Clint told her of the encounter. but [y/n] wakes up to find that she doesn't have a red string----instead, she has a spider-web. Steve pushed him too far and now Peter's had enough. Said can was now in his hand. Me too Mr Stark. I didnt work on him but only because thats our thing. Peter often fell asleep up there even though his real bed was in one of the lowest nooks. Is there a common denominator to the problem? Happy put up the divider without so much of a "Hi there kid" in fear of the rambling storm that was sure to be unleashed if he spoke a word. Peter said earning him happy whirring. Oh, and the Avengers and SHIELD are looking for Spider-Man.Lovely. You are just Peter. FRIDAY is so cool!. But, they may not want him on missions or to live with them. Does he need some tech or something? Tony asked. The Vulture is an Animal Alias. Every agent of HYDRA is acquainted with pain of some sort. The Avengers Dealing With A Spider Teen The_Wandering_Mage Summary: The newly pardoned Rogue Avengers are moving back into the compound. Once Pepper and Rhodey mulled this idea over, they both nodded in agreement. as well as Basically, the Spider-Men are actual cryptids of New York City. There were rumors of a guy in red and blue spandex fighting a guy in a bird costume around the internet. Tony led Peter own to the empty bench and Peter looked at it in slight confusion. At the end of their brainstorming session, they had decided to create something like BB-8 from the Star Wars movies. After Peter messes up on a mission and causes the adults in his life to get mad at him, Parker luck strikes again and pulls him into an alternate universe. Oh God! Tony smiled at the two welcoming their new brother. Dum-E rolled over with Peters backpack between his claw and when Peter took it from him, Dum-E lifted its arm and patted Peter on the head. It was also annoying because Peter was hurting and sleepy and he had school tomorrow and he somehow had to figure out an excuse to explain his sorry state to his Aunt before morning. His heart ached in hope he was somewhat hinting he was considering it. This story tells of how each and every Avenger became wrapped around Peter Parker's finger without Peter even being aware of it. She knew better than most what children are capable of and the thought of Stark using a child in a war sickens her. Spider's Nest Peter comes home from his jungle adventure exhausted, but he doesn't remember much of his time in the jungle. The two broke apart to the sounds of Dum-E, U, and Butterfingers waving noise makers and beeping in celebration. Peter, this is Rhodey. Lunch with the Birds Hi there Lieutenant Colonel Mr War Machine Rhodes Sir, Peter said as he dropped the tool he had been using and shook Rhodeys hand. And hey it's going to be pretty interesting. No, for once proving himself wasn't his worry. Sure Mr Rhodey, Peter replied, and Tony supressed a laugh at Rhodeys face. The sweet AI answered back "It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon Peter. Peter was slowly but surely worming his way into Tonys cold heart. I think that having you as an intern wont only be beneficial for you but will be beneficial for the world. Loki Hope hes ordered something good.. Turning, a wide smile crossed Tonys face as Peter waved animatedly and Happy smirked. 16. 3. The Avengers had been wanting to invite him over for their celebrations after the fights for years now, especially as he was now one of them, but every time he had an excuse to not go with them. That would help to even the teams out since Cap had himself and Barnes as the muscle. And finding people to sit with in the dining hall. He's stripped of his rights and forced to live with a patronizing pack that has complete control of him. With his aunt- without a stupid alpha guardian. This is the thanks I get for allowing my protege a little extra shut eye. 32. Work Search: It was hard to fall asleep last night knowing all the Avengers are going to get my life story and then I'm going to have to meet them later. Something dark inside the Avengers change that day, a new dark lust glinted into their eyes and mind. Want to be my intern?, Yes. What interested Miles the most was how some people said he shoots webs like a spider. steadily, two polished chrome actuators rose above his shoulders. no. Weird friendship ensues. He watches as she strokes her hand down her belly, smiling softly as if she and Peter are talking about whether they agree with the name or not. I can do tomorrow. He was his. Field Trip Part 1 He could just see Mr.Stark's face. Once his face was freshly groomed, Tony walked down to his lab. They would end conversations when he walks in the room or give each other certain looks when they thought he wasnt looking. Dum-E, we need to clean this up, Tony said as the little bot chirped and approached him. Peter started flipping and climbing quickly and haphazardly though his room as his thoughts spiraled out of control. Platypus, this is Peter. Man it would be so awkward if they really didn't want him here especially, since the Avengers were under Temporary house arrest. IM SORRY MARVEL UNIVERSE, I HAVE MISTREATED YOU LIKE I DO WITH EVRY FANDOM EVER. Thankfully a couple of super soldiers have their very own enhanced boyfriend to help take care of those needs without having to wait to get back to the Tower after a battle. ), tries to become Spider-Man again, and- woah, this is all harder than it looks.ft. This is an Irondad fusion between The Mandalorian and the MCU with a lot elements of both: He had been hoping for republic credits at the most, but this is Beskar. He also one-shotted Galactus who's presence warped reality itself but that's nothing compared to what I just said he did. "Hes pretty sure he died, and then he wakes up again in a lab as one of the illegal experimental test subjects (hopefully not, but most likely yes), in a broken-in lab underground in the sewers. It's a balance, you see, and unfortunately for Peter, he's not so good at balancing. He is a dad. It felt like everyday he could feel it happening more and more. Hes pretty smart if the ramblings I keep getting are anything to go by. Giving you your Spider-Kid back, Tony said. That should scare anyone away from classified secrets. But. This one was one he almost always kept cool because it was long enough for him to lay down completely and stretch out. Great. 19. Hed always had trust issues (thank you Howard Stark for those) but the fracturing of the Avengers had not only cemented those issues but had dug them deeper into his very soul. Then later that afternoon he'd meet the team. He knows he has creeped out or scared just about everyone including Mr.Stark at one time or another with his spider-like behavior. Peter rushed out of the room leaving his half eaten waffles on the counter already getting cold. 9. The Pinky Promise Why dont you come back tomorrow after school and we can keep working? Tony offered and Peter smiled brightly. *This is a mix of MCU and comics material. dreams have a certain amount of power in the city that never sleeps. 17. It only took walking on walls or the ceiling to creep people out and that was one of his first powers! My stepdad will beat me if he ever sees this.READ TAGS PLEASE. A lot of it. Tony kissed the top of Peter's head and stroked his hair. 8. Like any other totally normal college student, he has totally normal things to worry about. Webbing part of being a spider means that you have got to have webbing. Peter dodged, waving a dismissive hand. He looked up at one of the cameras and nodded for FRIDAY to continue. It can be expensive to produce. ), Boy Juice is another word for testosterone, The avengers are in this but they're secondary characters, trans characters w diff transition experiences, Peter Parker/Sam Wilson/James Bucky Barnes, can i tag pet play if peter wears cat ears once. Ive got it! Happy finally announced during one of their meetings. Sure, Tonys intentions on first meeting Peter had been purely self-indulgent but as he got to know the kid, that changed. How about we do Mexican this time? Rhodey asked and Tony nodded. Sam reasoned that it was probably just a late intern or something. As they worked, Tony took the time to look over at the teen. Not just to work on Spiderman things, although that would be pretty cool. 13. Even he can admit that spiders can be a bit creepy! Next time I have you down here bright and early making motor oil smoothies with Dum-E and working on the most tedious of codes for government security computers. Another 3 hours passed before Peter looked up from where he and Tony were starting to put pieces together. I'm afraid Tony isn't on the table. A series of rather fortunate events brings Peter closer to the thing he loves: Being fucked like the good little pet he is, by whoever has a cock big enough to sate his needs. The car hadn't even fully stopped before Peter launched out the door with a "Bye Happy! After giving an affectionate pat to Dum-E, U, and Butterfingers, he walked out of his lab and into the elevator. Oh, dont be sad buddy, Peter said as he patted Dum-Es claw again. See how hours of making sure no one knows the state secretary likes to play flappy bird during meetings makes you feel about a few hours of much needed shut eye. Hey Mr Stark. Chapter 1-8 is redone. Who is this Mr Stark?. It would be perfect for Tony, Happy said. Why? He wanted him. Peters only inquiring on a purely hypothetical basis, of course. BB-8 is the best. 01 Como te extraa mi cama de la #LatinStarkerWeek2021. Being a superhero is hard. Peter turned away from his work and smiled at the older man. Interlude Just a little warning. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hours later, Tony walked into his lab where Peter was waiting for him idly scrolling on his phone while petting Dum-E. "Did you buy me flowers?" Peter ignored how his thoughts were becoming accepting of fucking multiple women. I need to shave. He could spend Saturday in the lab with Tony while the Avengers would get the whole debrief on who was under the spiderman mask, the guy they were to share their residence with. "She is probably going to kill me for doing this over the phone. The father and son duo rocked back and forth crying and laughing. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Play fake prisoner of course! Penny Parker finally catches a break, even if she doesn't realize it yet. Alternatively: How would Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse be different if MCU Peter was pulled in? He then finally listened to the cues of his body and realised he was starving. Today's not her birthday. His hands were always warm, and heat radiated off him like an incinerator. I'm going to start writing new chapters. Before Peter was bit a second time he had to make his own webbing. He found out the hard way that he is extra clumsy in the morning which is not good when you're 3 stories up with metal beams and platforms between you and the floor. He let him cry and held him when he needed it but didn't want to be a bother. Please read that first before this one!). To the point, embarrassingly, a couple of people asked if he needed to use the bathroom. Already imaging the feel of the bars Mr. Stark had put in just for him to climb on under his grip. At first, Peter had been an asset. Based on the episode "The Savage Spider-Man". He knew it was too risky though especially as distracted as he was. Daredevil He could do that. Tones, Pepper sent me down to retrieve you for dinner., It cant be that time already? Tony said before looking at his watch. Make it a lab day or something. What he discovered shocks him to his core as Peter is now forced to look at his teammates and his life differently. Good thing your aunt is a better sales woman.".
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