However, she appeared defiant in her topless video posted to Instagram, saying "all I did take his mask off and cough a little bit but I don't even have corona.". Another woman named Malaysia King was arrested in Las Vegas on a California warrant. Uber does not tolerate racism or hate in any form, against any community. 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ms. King was arrested today on an Arrest Warrant for the following charges: assault with a caustic . Another suspect, 24-year-old Arna Kimiai, remains outstanding at this time, but communicated through her legal counsel late this afternoon to the San Francisco Police Department of her intent to turn herself in soon. The video, which was originally spotted by TMZ, shows her speeding in the McLaren while rapping. "Ms. Kimiai acted appropriately and responsibly . Visit our website Glamourbreak for more interesting updates. Her Uber incident brought her into the limelight and people curiosity to know more about her. : Uber driver Subhakar told me he picked up 3 women in the Bayview yesterday & after asking one to wear a mask was subject to slurs, taunting & one grabbing his phone. Emily further added that she got a phone number from one of the places where Arna used her identity and while tracing the number she found the name Arna when she googled the name she not only found Arna as a viral person but also happens to be her past neighbour. Meanwhile Arna Kimiai plans to turn herself in, according to her lawyers. Metro Police responded to the Bank of America near Rancho Drive and Charleston Boulevard just after 3 p.m. on March 9. Although this incident did not involve the Lyft platform, the unacceptable treatment of the driver in this video compelled us to remove the rider from the Lyft community permanently. ", A spokesperson for Florida Power & Light said in an emailed statement in part, "While we cannot discuss a particular customer's account, we can say that FPL works with local and state law enforcement to investigate all cases of customer scams that are brought to our attention.". Arna Kimiai turned herself in after a viral video of her and two friends assaulting the cab driver. Arna Kimiai, the infamous woman who was caught coughing and grabbing an Uber driver in San Francisco, recently got arrested again. When she Googled the name, it wasn't just the viral cough video that caught Emily's attention. You have entered an incorrect email address! She lives off her rich foreign father who bails her out of everything. It was not immediately clear if King had an attorney available to comment. Emily told the news station that Kimiai rented a Miami penthouse and set up an electric account with Florida Power and Light in her name. Detectives told CBS affiliate KLAS-TV 8 that King was arrested on March 9 of last year after she was caught, along with a man, allegedly attempting to use a fake ID to transfer money at a Bank of America branch. the San Francisco Police Department said. Anyone with information is asked to call the SFPD Tip Line at (415) 575-4444 or Text a Tip to TIP411 and begin the text message with SFPD. After she shot to fame because of the video, she turned herself over to the police and is in San Francisco County Jail. Copyright 2023 KGO-TV. San Francisco Police have identified two of the three women in the car as Arna Kimiai, 24, and Malaysia King, 24. . Another suspect, 24-year-old Arna Kimiai, has yet to be arrested but told SFPD through her legal counsel that she would be turning herself in. outrage for abusing a driver in viral video, surrendered to San Francisco police Sunday night, the department said. Know About Her Incident With The Uber Driver, Published On Tue Jul 19 2022 Modified On Tue Jul 19 2022. Who Is Michael Jordans Daughter Jasmine Jordan? "The behavior seen in the video is appalling. It was not immediately clear when she plans to surrender to police for arrest. Subhakar Khadka the Uber driver who originally belonged to Nepal was attacked by Arna Kimia and her two friends. Police in San Francisco have said they are pleased alleged Uber bully Arna Kimiai plans to surrender soon. Kimiai had boarded 32-year old driver Subhakar Khadka's Uber. I noticed I was getting Chase inquiries. SFPD is investigating. Khadka decided to cancel the ride because not all of the three women complied with Uber's rider policy to wear a facemask, which led to an altercation. The incident was captured on video. Uber also issued a statement early Thursday evening thanking the police department after the arrests were announced. A San Francisco oncology nurse, Emily filed a report on April 5, 2022, at the Southern Police Station. It was that she recognized Kimiai as her former neighbor from when she lived in Los Angeles in September. Emily looked up the number, which she says came back to Arna Kimiai, a name she didn't know at first. Warning: Disturbing video, explicit language (Source: Subhakar Khadka). She seems to think she can do whatever she wants with no consequences. Kimai was booked with an arrest. A spokesperson for the Miami building's management company said in an emailed statement in part, "We are aware of an incident where a resident allegedly used a fake identification to rent an apartment we are fully cooperating with the police in their investigation. At all. Is Jasmine Jordan Really A Bisexual ? Driving in a pandemic is not easy. Think this is an AE86? First published on March 16, 2021 / 5:00 AM. After a few minutes, the driver noticed that one of the women hadn't been wearing a mask, which is against Uber's Covid-19 policy. and expeditiously," Morris said in a . if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tiremeetsroad_com-box-4','ezslot_6',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-box-4-0'); That Uber driver from Nepal, forced into the spotlight for Kimiais egregious actions, received an overwhelming amount of support. "I noticed I was getting Chase inquiries. "We are shocked and saddened by the recent increase in anti-Asian hate, particularly when it affects a driver or rider. Uber's policy is that both driver and riders must wear masks in compliance with state and local public health orders for COVID-19. She then coughed at him before leaving the vehicle. Arma Kimai is a Persian-born lady who earned the nickname Uber Bully for misbehaving with an Uber driver. Banister has since set up a GoFundMe page for Khadka, raising $95,875 for the Uber driver at the time of writing. Workers reportedly notified police after immediately after noticing that the ID and bank card presented by Lewis and King were both fake. Wednesday. Hes taking a few days off. Just after the month of being viral for her uber incident, Arna once again came into the highlights and this time for stealing the identity of her former neighbour to do fraud. Arna Kimiai could be seen coughing, grabbing his phone, and ripping off the Uber drivers face mask in a video that was captured by him. Kimai moved to Miami, got a penthouse apartment, and allegedly used her former Los Angeles neighbors identity to secure said apartment along with opening an account for electricity. The incident was captured on video. Home / Instagram / arna kimiai instagram name OBC News Updated on Feb 17,2023 . According to reports, Kimiai stole the identity of a woman currently working in San Francisco as a nurse while both women lived next door to each other in Los Angeles last fall. Arna Kimiai, 24, the woman who was seen coughing on an Uber driver in San Francisco, turned herself in to police. Uber driver Subhakar Khadka, 32, said he picked up three passengers at around 12.45 p.m. A few minutes into the drive, the driver noticed a passenger was not wearing a mask and then stopped the car. Woman who went viral for coughing on Uber driver allegedly stole a San Francisco nurse's identity, Horoscope for Friday, 3/03/23 by Christopher Renstrom, No seriously, dont drive up to Tahoe this weekend, Snowboarder dies at Tahoe ski resort following historic blizzard, Wife of Jeffrey Vandergrift issues somber update, Horoscope for Saturday, 3/04/23 by Christopher Renstrom, The Warriors broke Russell Westbrook, just like old times, Oakland ransomware attackers leak 'confidential' data, Mochi muffin bakery closes SF cafe after just 4 months, Scream publicity stunt floods Bay Area dispatch with 911 calls, Even Salesforces tower HQ isnt safe from office cuts, The best fried chicken is at a San Francisco strip club, How to get tickets for Depeche Mode's new tour dates, Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). her surrender with Sgt. Once at the scene, officers detained a man later identified as David Lewis along with King for trying to takeover a bank account with a fake ID. ", Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters, Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Interestingly, Lyft, while replying to a Twitter user, condemned her behavior towards the Uber driver. Since 2017. SFPD didn't share the name of the suspect. Kimiai was apprehended by the Miami Police Department on Wednesday night. "We take this conduct very seriously in San Francisco, and we're committed to ensuring that justice is done in this case.". The argument escalated into Kimiai coughing in Khadka's face and King pepper spraying the driver and now both women face likely criminal charges, police say. King's Instagram account suggests she's a breeder of English bulldogs based in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Miami, and photos showed her maskless in airports in recent weeks in Las Vegas and Miami. The woman in red is Malaysia King. Around a week after the incident, Kimiai apologized on social media and surrendered to the police. Law enforcement says another suspect,Arna Kimiai, told SFPD through her lawyer that she plans to turn herself in soon. Arna Kimiai. Metro Police responded to the Bank of America near Rancho Drive and Charleston Boulevard just after 3 p.m. on March 9. Emily, who declined to give her last name, filed police reports here in the case, which were. Arna Kimiai, 24, entered pleas Monday to felonies of assault and attempted first-degree robbery along with misdemeanor charges of battery on a transit employee and violating a local health. She and Miya Ponsetto really shouldnt be alive. Video of the incident before the passengers left the car was shared on social media and has garnered millions of views on Twitter and has been retweeted more than 37,000 times. Kimiai turned herself in after a warrant for her arrest was issued. Days later, instead of apologizing, the woman went on the offense, saying she would have done much more damage to Khadka. Workers reportedly notified police after immediately after noticing that the ID and bank card presented by Lewis and King were both fake. Click the photo to find out the truth! "We take this conduct very seriously in San Francisco, and were committed to ensuring that justice is done in this case.. Kimiai's co-defendant in the Uber assault Malaysia King was also arrested last year in Las Vegas for allegedly attempting to use a fake ID to illegally withdraw funds from a bank account. Uber bully Arna Kimiai who coughed on driver after mask row posts bizarre topless video DEFENDING her actions, Who is Arna Kimiai? This is a story that spans three cities on two coasts and centers around one very memorable suspect, Arna Kimiai. One of the other women, Arna Kimiai, 24, said through her legal counsel that she intends to turn herself in, according to police. She has since been charged with felony assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury against a transit operator and first-degree attempted robbery on a transit operator. Arna Kimiai Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Nationality. Emily. According to Kimiai's recent Instagram stories as viewed by Newsweek, it appears the 24-year-old has bonded out of jail. plan was to go viral from the beginning instead of just taking us to our destination,, Its always two sides to the story and [there] was a reason why he only cropped the video to 40 seconds and sent it to the news, she added. The video also shows Kimiai shouting profanity and racial slurs at the driver, taking her mask off and purposefully coughing on him. As of 2021, her net worth is $200,000, and she makes money through Instagram Influencing, Sponsored Posts, and . Arna Kimiai was filmed by the in-vehicle camera taking off her mask and coughing on Subhakar Khadka, 32, in San Franciscoand the footage quickly went viral. A mask-less Uber passenger who was caught on video ripping off her driver's mask and coughing on him is planning to turn herself into police, reports say.. A now-viral video showed Arna Kimiai, 24 . Rival ride-sharing app Lyft also banned the women from using their services. Tony Santos of SFPD so it could be handled peacefully and expeditiously. Arna Kimiai, 24, is facing charges of battery of a transit employee, first-degree robbery, and conspiracy to . ALSO READ: Read Malaysia King Las Vegas Charges. In the suit filed in Los Angeles, another woman accused Kimiai of negligent driving in 2019 making an unsafe turn which resulted in her vehicle getting hit. Arna Kimiai is a 25-year-old and she is the daughter of Farshad Kimiai who is an incarcerated sex offender, she got arrested on Thursday, March 18, 2021, for Uber bully at the driver Subhakar Khadka in San Francisco, she was been charged with multiple cases including assault, robbery attempt, and Misdemeanor Battery. Las Vegas detectives told CBS affiliate KLAS-TV 8 that King was arrested on March 9 after she was caught, along with male suspect, allegedly attempting to use a fake ID to transfer money at a Bank of America branch. The 24-year-old was charged with assault with a caustic chemical, assault and battery, conspiracy, and violation of health and safety code. "We coordinated her surrender with Sgt. Also Read: Who Is Twan Kuyper? Arna Kimiai is due back in court later this summer for her 2021 incident with a San Francisco Uber driver. Acting like the videos she posted make her look good. In that video, Kimiai threatens to sue Uber and ends the video by saying, "That's why I take Lyft. hitting speeds topping 122 MPH. Amy Graff is the news editor for SFGATE. Kimiai then grabs the driver's mask before he snatches it back off her. SAN FRANCISCO -- The woman seen coughing on an Uber driver in a viral March 2021 video is in trouble again, this time accused of stealing a San Francisco nurse's identity. A video went viral on social media in which Kimiai coughed on the driver when he asked her to wear a mask. ", California anti-masker who coughed on a driver says she plans to sue Uber pic.twitter.com/IjlGs0wnRg. Punishable by $10,000 fine and/or one year jail. 24-year-old Arna Kimiai was booked into San Francisco County Jail on Sunday night after turning herself in, SFPD said in a social media post. Fellow passenger and suspect, Arna Kimiai, also 24 years old, remains to be arrested but has communicated through her legal counsel that she intends to turn herself in. Revoke her citizenship and deport her back to Iran or whatever Persian country her parents are from. And her friend Malaysia King was also charged for the incident but was arrested for using fake IDs to withdraw cash from the bank. San Francisco Police have identified two of the three women in the car as Arna Kimiai, 24, and Malaysia King, 24. . She's since been all over social media jumping from city to city showing off her luxury apartments and designer bags and what not.. She was just arrested AGAIN for disorderly conduct. Arna Kimiai was arrested for assaulting the Uber Driver, attempted robbery, a misdemeanour count of battery, and one count of violating the local health Guidance. Arna Kimiai has once again incriminated herself, this time with a video she shot last June behind the wheel of a McLaren sports car . While the arrests have been made, SFPD officers said the case remains an active and ongoing investigation. Uber driver. Downstate judge rules assault weapons ban violates state constitution, Tom Sizemore dead at 61 after suffering brain aneurysm, 'I need you to kill me': Alex Murdaugh's botched suicide attempt. Newsweek has contacted the San Francisco Police Department for clarification and comment. But it could have been avoided.. Lyft later condemned Kimiai's behavior on Twitter and said it had banned her from the platform. Her lawyer told police Thursday that she intended to turn herself in, according to. "As soon as Ms. Kimiai learned that there was a warrant for her arrest, she immediately arranged for her surrender to the Miami Police Dept.," Kimia's Berkeley lawyer, Seth Morris, wrote in an email on Thursday. on 18th March 2021, Arna along with her two friends gets into the Uber and it is seen in the video that Arna's friends had their masks on while Arna was not wearing the mask. Traffic Reporter Meltdown on Live Television. Keep in mind, Kimais coughing on an Uber driver case is still making its way through the court system, her trial scheduled for sometime in June this year. So, let's get started. "We have no further comment at this time.". "Everybody I know - 75 percent of the people I know - would have smacked the s**t out of him or done some crazy off the wall s**t," Kimiai says. There was about 12 of them," said Emily. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. On April 27, 2022, she was ultimately taken into custody by the Miami Police Department. A third passenger is also present but she is not wanted for arrest, the New York Daily News reported. She has been charged with two felonies: assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury against a transit operator and first-degree attempted robbery on a transit operator. ABC7's Melanie Woodrow says Arna Kimiai turned herself in to Miami police at 8:20p.m. "Everybody I know, 75 percent of the people I know, would have smacked the sh*t out of him or done some crazy off the wall sh*t," she said in the video. Arna Kimiai was identified by investigators and has planned to turn . To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories, we're happy to send you some reminders, Click 'OK' then 'Allow' to enable notifications, .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published11:15,19 March 2021 GMT| Last updated11:28,19 March 2021 GMT.
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