This requires individuals to possess extensive critical thinking capabilities in varied stressful situations. MOS 88N Transportation Management Coordinator Duty Descriptions. Security Disclaimer They establish maintenance schedules, develop work procedures, and direct the operation of maintenance crews. Job-specific training content may include: 2023. The Electronic Warfare Branch mission includes three major areas; Personnel assigned to the United States Army Engineer branch build structures, develop civil works programs, and work with natural resources. Must be able to obtain and maintain a SECRET security clearance. Freight Shipment Support - DSN: 312-615-6078/6077/ (978) 615-6078/6077 The U.S. Army Logistics Branch is comprised of full-time and part-time Army officers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard) who are functional in the Transportation, Ordnance, and Quartermaster Branches. The U.S. Army Transportation Corps' 88N Transportation Management Coordinators supervise, monitor, control and coordinate the movement of personnel, equipment, and cargo by air, rail, highway, and water. Must complete the application packet and submit it to the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center. The Army Logistics University comprises three distinct colleges and an academy: the Logistics Leader College (LLC); the College of Applied Logistics and Operational Studies (CALOS); the Technical. They also focus on the use of directed energy to control , attack an enemy, or impede enemy assaults. Logistics officers are multifunctional and rely heavily on data analytics in order to provide timely, world-class logistics support . We encourage you to keep an open dialogue with your manager, as we will do our best to make sure we get the right Soldier in the right job at the right time in support of Army Readiness.. Those selected for this program will be offered the opportunity to serve and support the nations Army. Camaraderie is one of the most unique aspects of the Army and is something you likely won't find in a civilian career or everyday life. The Transportation Management Coordinator NCO verifies the accuracy of movement control documents and serves as the primary operator of Standard Army Management Information Systems which is critical to moving the Army. The vehicles used in the Armor mission include the; M1 Abrams main battle tank, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and the Stryker Mobile Gun System. Introduction to the Transportation Branch . Explores data and discovers patterns, meaningful relationships, anomalies, and trends. Personnel includesArmyofficers who are also lawyers, legal administrator warrant officers,paralegalnoncommissioned officers, junior enlisted support personnel, and civilian employees. Additionally, the Army can repay nearly $65,000 of current outstanding student loan debt through the Loan Repayment Program (LRP) if you qualify. CWT / Veteran Travel Contact Army HRC Military Schools Branch Managers Military Schools Branch - Position/Duties Phone BRANCH CHIEF (502)-613-5525 BRANCH SERGEANT MAJOR (502)-613-5524 Operations Section/ Team Ext 983-5916 Position/Duties Phone OPS CHIEF (502)-613-5517 OPS NCOIC (502)-613-5549 OPS ASST NCOIC (502)-613-5328 You'll learn the value of working together to master skills and achieve common goals. In essence, they give these other units the support that they need to continue the fight. From making an impact in the lives of others to meaningful connections and skills that last a lifetime discover how young adults find fulfillment in the Military. As a Financial Manager, you'll be managing resources and financial operations as part of the Army's Finance and Comptroller Corps. They establish maintenance schedules, develop work procedures, and direct the operation of maintenance crews. The Transportation Management Coordinator NCO verifies the accuracy of movement control documents and serves as the primary operator of Standard Army Management Information Systems which is. One of their primary tasks is to identify and address concerns regarding critical requirements that local citizens are in need of during combat or crisis situations. In addition to serving their own faith groups, they also make sure that others are able to observe their own faiths in accordance with Army policy and United States law. Officer. Patton USAR Center, the sprawling General Services Administration warehouse complex to the south, the U.S. Broadening Experiences: ALC SGL, WHCA, DLA, Special OPS, TRANSCOM, Old Guard, SFAB/OC/T, DS, Recruiter, Instructor. Public Affairs branch members play an important role in both contingency operations and during deployments. If you're actively serving, a veteran, or select military spouse, you could qualify for the VA Loan and put $0 down on a mortgage. Become a member of the TC Connect Community. Though this obstacle course assesses many things like teamwork, coordination, and perseverance, it also tests personal challenges like fear and mental toughness. There are mentorship opportunities within Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) to help guide the younger students through the program and college life in general. An enlisted Soldier can take courses to advance their career as a Soldier or a non-commissioned Officer (NCO). Develop organizational designs to support an expeditionary Army in war and in peace. Allowances are provided to offset the cost of living and help pay for things like food, clothing, and housing. Must complete an Army commissioning physical, meeting basic fitness standards for service as an Army officer. Everyone will need to pass the Army's fitness test after joining, and again every year of service. The 140th MI Battalion, its HHS, A, B and C Companies were stationed at the General George S. Patton Jr. United States Army Reserve Center, located at 5340 Bandini Boulevard, in Bell, California. It begins with a heading 2 called "Learn more about Field Operating Offices of the Office of the Secretary of the Army". Their efforts are key in the area of force sustainment. It includes both urban and rural scenarios. Personnel serving in the United States Army Finance Branch are responsible for financial operations. Or take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. Army Logistics Quick Reference - (CAC) Enable, The Official Website of the United States Army Transportation Corps and Transportation School | Fort Lee, Virginia, 2022 United States Army | Transportation Corps, Deployment Process Modernization Office (DPMO), Transportation Management Training Department (TMTD), Become an 88N Transportation Management Coordinator, Supervision of cargo documentation and movement control units for all transportation modes, Formulation and review of documentation on technical traffic management functions, Devising and reviewing movement programs for logistical support functions in a theater of operations, Serving as the transportation liaison between other military services, commercial agencies, and host nation support elements, Reviewing DoD contracts and agreements with host nations, Verifying the accuracy of movement control documents, Quality control of commercial transportation contracts, Unstructured Problem Solving, Analyze Data or Information, Analyzes and Organizes Information to Create Knowledge. Fleet maintenance managers supervise and coordinate the repair and maintenance of the Military's airplanes, ships, trucks, and other vehicles. No matter what path you choose, you'll be tested, overcome obstacles, and find opportunities to better your skills and yourself. Contact them for support on your next assignment or military schooling opportunity. The United States has provided $31.7 billion in support since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine a year ago. Soldiers of the Transportation Branch move personnel and material by; As previously mentioned, Army branches contain specialties that officers, warrant officers, and enlisted members might occupy based on their job. Experiences: Transportation Management Sergeants gain a variety of experiences through institutional education, unit expertise and self development. Thank you for submitting your information. Here are some things you might want to know before you take the next step. Serves as the Transportation Logistics NCOIC in the G4 Mobility Division in a forward deployed ARFOR Headquarters/Eighth Army; serves as an advisor for all matters related to theater transportation policies and procedures; supports deploying, redeploying forces and sustainment . Like other officers, fleet maintenance managers complete a comprehensive training program covering responsibilities, military structure and etiquette, traditions, and leadership development. Coordinate employment of Transportation Soldiers at all levels of command, from platoon to. Army National Guard. Personnel assigned to the Military Police Branch serve the United States Army as members of its uniformed law enforcement branch. The intelligence that they acquire is not only distributed within the Army but is also shared across the entire national intelligence community. Experiences: Transportation Management Coordinator Staff Sergeants gain a variety of experiences through institutional education, unit expertise self-development, and operational deployments. As a Transportation Management Coordinator, you'll plan and schedule transportation for troops, cargo, and equipment worldwide. Leading Soldiers and planning missions are just some of the ways you'll serve as an Officer in the Armyand it starts with a college education. 88N Transportation Management Coordinators determine the most efficient mode of transport that accomplishes mission requirements and advises military and Department of Defense (DoD) civilians concerning the selection of sites for depots, truck terminals, railheads, beachheads, airfields, ports, and inland waterway terminals. Contact them for support on your next assignment or military schooling opportunity. To see a complete list of enlisted MOSs and the branch to which they are assigned, click here to view the table. Office: Phone: Command Support Supervisor: 310-900-6012: Management Analyst: 310-900-6934: DCMAW Staff Duty Officer: 310-503-9284 Toll Free 866-563-4132: Training Coordinator Overview. The vide. The Infantry Branch mission is to meet any threat by land. The Army offers the Green to Gold Program, which gives enlisted Soldiers the opportunity to earn a college degree to become an Officer. Soldiers utilize a variety of vehicles and employ a variety of weapons according to their Military Occupational Specialty which determines the branches under which they fall. The Buddy Team Enlistment Option, or the Buddy Program, lets a recruit and up to five friends enlist and go through Basic Training together. Established in 2010, the Cyber Branch was designed to be the single point of contact between the Army external organizations regarding information operations and cyberspace. My mother, a retired CSM, was in the transportation and supply field. Mobility equals lethality and survivability! Proponent Vision: The Transportation Management Coordinator SFC manages cargo documentation and movement control units for all modes of transport. They are trained in tactics, techniques and procedures for the employment of fire support systems. %%EOF Armor branch personnel also employ a host of assorted crew-served and personal weapons. Must have at least a four-year college degree, preferably in an acquisition relevant field. What can I do if I don't meet the eligibility requirements to join? Obtain, distribute, and share intelligence on the enemy. The branch proponent is the commandant or the chief of a branch of the Army with execution of training, leader development, education, and personnel responsibilities for their designated branch. They serve as the liaison between other military services, commercial agencies, and host nation support elements. You will directly further advance the support capabilities of the individuals and units to which you are assigned. Soldiers don't have to go through the enlistment process and into Basic Training alone. The United States Army Ordnance branch mission is to support the development, production, acquisition, and sustainment of; Personnel assigned to the United States Army Psychological Operations branch provide support to Army operations that range from strategic planning to tactical employment. Network operations (information assurance, information dissemination management, and network management). Simply put, combat arms branches are generally comprised of those units that carry and/or employ a weapon system. The Psychological Operations Branch is primarily responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect. Additionalcombat zone responsibilities are; mounted and dismounted patrols, response force operations, area damage control, route reconnaissance,cordon and search operations, critical site security, and convoy and personnel escorts. 411 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<128F94404560E04F8959F59DCA4F6B76><9851EE5CA7634B489161A1D8AF41C631>]/Index[398 22]/Info 397 0 R/Length 72/Prev 1002157/Root 399 0 R/Size 420/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream As an 88N Transportation Management Coordinator, opportunities are available to secure civilian credentials which can be applied towards points for promotion within the Army as well as expand opportunities for application outside the Army. Must be able to obtain and maintain a SECRET security clearance. Analyze testing results to ensure the solution meets the needs of the Army. College and University Associates Degree (O), Credentials & Certifications (Continuing Education), Military Schooling Advanced Leaders Course (R), Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES)-Sea/Air (D), HAZMAT(D), Unit Movement Officer-Deployment Planning Course (D), Global Air Trans Exec Systems-Surface (GATES) (O), TC- AIMS II (D), Operational Contracting Support (D), Joint Operation Planning and Execution (JOPES)-Support Personnel Course (D), Joint Container Management (D), JOPES-Act Officer Crs (O), Battle Staff (O), MRT (O), SHARP (O), Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Crs I (O), MRT (O), SHARP (O), Airborne (O), Jumpmaster (O), Assignment Developed Talents Army Talent Attribute Framework - Tier 2. You will document and inventory freight shipments, prepare cargo for travel, and coordinate transportation for Soldiers and other personnel. From repairing equipment damaged in battle, to providing preventive maintenance . Soldiers in the United States Army can perform a variety of functions, receive the necessary training, and develop specialized expertise in an area. Essentially, infantry soldiers are all trained, organized, armed, and equipped the same. http://www.move.mil/, LRC Fort Devens Transportation Unit Movement External Standard Operating Procedure- viewable on AKO with CAC Authentication, Customer Service: Army Music personnel specialize in a variety of instruments and specialties, in a variety of ensembles, and all styles of music. Job Overview. The branch proponent is the commandant or the chief of a branch of the Army with execution of training, leader development, education, and personnel responsibilities for their designated. Engineer branch personnel provide the various construction expertises required to build and maintain roads, airfields, and other facilities. Entry Level. Train and develop agile leaders and Soldiers who provide human resources and music support to the force. As a Soldier, you can receive the best healthcare benefits in the country at little to no cost. Entry Level. Enlist as a soldier into the United States Army and become a certified Transportation management coordinator responsible for scheduling and selecting the modes of transportation for personnel and equipment. Unlike most other branches, most of the officers and soldiers within this branch are reservists. Promoting American national interests at home and abroad. Career Management Office BRANCH CHIEF COL Steven M. Wingo Office: 502-626-1401 BB: 404-721-7322 steven.m.wingo.mil@army.mil DEPUTY BRANCH CHIEF MAJ Francisco J. Rivas Office: 502-626-1410. According to Army Regulation 22090, the mission of the Army bands within this branch is to provide music throughout a range of Army operations. The mission of the Field Artillery is to provide fire support in an operational environment. Basically, it all comes down to their expertise. It takes a combination of work ethic, persistence, mental and physical strength, sharp skills, and experience. Must possess years of relevant work experience in a designated career field. 398 0 obj <> endobj Enlisted soldiers in this branch are trained covert operation and direct force specialists. AR 5-22. Units within the branch are capable of executing nine primary missions according to special warfare doctrine; Established in 1942, the United States Army Transportation branch (along with the Quartermaster and Ordnance Branches) are part of Army logistics. ADA systems are typically divided into three categories; SHORAD (Short Range Air Defense), HIMAD (High to Medium Air Defense), and THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense). You'll get more than a career. We have adapted our accountability practices for the combat environment to address the risk of illicit diversion, using mechanisms that go above and beyond our standard practices," Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin H. Kahl today told the House Armed Services Committee. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. The newer groupings for the branches are; maneuver, fires, maneuver support, special operations, effects, operations support, and force sustainment. http://www.defensetravel.osd.mil/, To learn more about household goods moves: FORT LEE, Va. - Command Sgt. They provide a variety of essential services like; supply, maintenance, transportation, health services, and others. Advanced training and specialty schools are available for Soldiers and Officers to learn specific skills and take on more responsibility as experts in their field. Whether during peacetime or during times of war, Chaplain Branch personnel offer; The personnel assigned to the Chemical Branch protect our soldiers (and country) from Chemical, Biological Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) attacks. The U.S. Army Logistics Branch is comprised of full-time and part-time Army officers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard) who are functional in the Transportation, Ordnance, and Quartermaster Branches. Cavalry Scout soldiers use their expertise to; The personnel within the Chaplain Branch include clergy members (officers) and assistants (enlisted) from many different religious faiths. You'll get more than a career. U.S. Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" United States Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" Site Map. Soldiers in the United States Army can perform a variety of functions, receive the necessary training, and develop specialized expertise in an area. What benefits will I receive as a Soldier? The ability to move cargo, equipment, and personnel so efficiently is part of what makes the Army successful. There are bonuses, allowances, and incentives you can receive on top of your salary. Proponent Vision: Transportation Management Coordinator Staff Sergeant, monitors, controls and coordinates the movement of personnel, equipment, in all modes of transport and determines the most efficient mode of transport that accomplishes mission requirements. Combat arms branches include; Combat supportbranches are composed of units whose primary function is to provide fire support and operational assistance to the combat arms units that are directly engaging the enemy. Your unique knowledge and skills obtained in the civilian sector, in addition to prior service, will enhance military logistics from within. The PSD is our unique mobile app that helps Army leaders find a perfect DA Form template solution, through proven examples and a winning framework, so you can quickly submit a proper form while saving tons of time and mental energy. You'll get more than a career. When you consider affordable health care for part-time Soldiers and free health care for full-time Soldiers, plus access to bonuses, allowances for housing, food, and clothing, education benefits to get a college degree with less debt, and more financial benefits, the Army offers a competitive choice to similar civilian careers. The skills, training, and hands-on experience youll gain from a support and logistics career in the U.S. Army can't be matched anywhere else. Defense Travel System: Officers typically enter the Military after they have completed a four-year college degree; enlisted service members can transition to officer positions through a variety of pathways and earn a degree while serving. There are requirements if you join through ROTC or another Officer pathyour recruiter will provide the details. Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), Office of the Chief of Reserve Affairs (OCRA), Tranportation Management Training Department (TMTD), Army Driver Standardization Office (ADSO), Maritime and Intermodal Training Department (MITD). From general and mental health to specialized care, youll not only have access to one of the largest networks in the world, but well also use state-of-the-art technology in top-rated facilities to care for you and your family. Naval Base San Diego. As a commitment to the well-being of every Soldier, the Army provides high-quality comprehensive health care coverage and life insurance. Must complete the application packet and submit it to the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center. Reach out and we'll help you get there. Watch SGT Josh Maria as he explains more about the PSD: usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-drill-sgt-section@mail.mil, usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-recruiter-team@mail.mil, Active Component Enlisted Retirements and Separations Team, usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-retirement-separations@mail.mil, usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-sanctuary-section@mail.mil, usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-reclass@mail.mil, ARSOF (CMF's 18, 37, 38; 75th ranger regiment; 160th soar), Sergeants Major Management Division (SMMD), Soldier Support (MOS 27D, 36B, 42A, 42R, 42S, 56M & 79S), Detailed Assignments (Drill Sergeant / Recruiter). We will contact you shortly! DPW Service Order Form (Garrison Only) You could also receive money for education, student loan repayment assistance, training and certifications, housing, living expenses, and more. Integrating tactical, strategic and sustaining base communications, information processing and management systems into a seamless global information network. It's the . Compliance & Airworthiness Branch Manager Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Aircraft Certification Service, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, AIR-780 . endstream endobj 399 0 obj <. They can help build structures, develop civil works programs and even provide combat support. Additional training consists of classroom and field training. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Serving the Rugged Professional", Survivor Outreach Services | Total Army Sponsorship | Safety, Human Resources | Civilian Expeditionary Workforce, U.S. Army Environmental Command | Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy & Environment, Directorate of Plans, Training & Security (DPTMS), Sexual Harassment Assault Response Prevention (SHARP), 174th Infantry Brigade, First Army Division East, 325th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion, AAAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service - AAFES, Army Reserve Career Division 1st Battalion, Det 1, 3200th Strategic Intelligence Group, U.S. Army CID, Major Procurement Fraud Unit (MPFU), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - New England District, LRC Fort Devens Transportation Unit Movement External Standard Operating Procedure, usarmy.usarmy.devens.93-sig-bde.list.unit-006-lrc@mail.mil, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy & Environment. Business with a focus on Information Technology or Computer Science. The skills, training, and hands-on experience you'll gain from a support and logistics career in the U.S. Army can't be matched anywhere else. Designs and delivers end-user training and training materials for business intelligence and analytics solutions, Research business problems and creates models that help analyze these business problems, Verifies collected data is with required quality and provides input to the development of information quality metrics/standards. They also provide combat support. Assist the command in administering military justice by preparingnon-judicial punishmentactions, administrative separation actions, and trying criminal cases at court-martial. Army Reserve. LTC Barry CarterBranch Chiefbarry.s.carter2.mil@mail.mil502-613-5635DSN: 983-5635, COL HarrisChief, Armor Enlisted Branchbryan.m.harris4.mil@mail.mil502-613-5934DSN: 983-5934, Major McLaughlinARSOF Branch Chiefjohn.m.mclaughlin28.mil@mail.mil502-613-5700, LTC AngellChief, Aviation Branchbrian.c.angell.mil@mail.mil502-613-5725DSN: 983-5725, LTC Lance TomlinsonBranch Chieflazander.c.tomlinson.mil@mail.mil502.613.5627DSN: 983.5627, LTC CanternaChief, Infantry Branchdon.l.canterna.mil@mail.mil(502) 613-5651DSN: (312) 983-5651, MAJ Justin Miller17A Cyber Officer Career ManagerJustin.t.miller1.mil@mail.mil(502) 613-6614DSN: 983-6614, LTC DillsBranch Chieftiffany.l.dills.mil@mail.mil502-613-5954DSN: 983-5954, LTC JonesBranch Chiefkenneth.r.jones18.mil@mail.mil502-613-5767DSN: 983-5767, LTC BlackBranch Chiefdavid.j.black.mil@mail.mil, LTC Rodney D. JohnsonChief, Enlisted Military Police Branchrodney.d.johnson56.mil@mail.mil502-613-5761DSN: 983-5761, LTC SandersBranch Chiefjohn.l.sanders.mil@mail.mil502-613-5431DSN: 983-5431, SGM Stephen H. HeltonSMMD Chiefstephen.h.helton2.mil@mail.mil502-613-5420, LTC Thomas ChandlerChief, Quartermaster Branchthomas.w.chandler.mil@mail.mil502-613-5277, COL Theresa L. LewisHSB Chieftheresa.l.lewis.mil@mail.mil502-613-5221, LTC RaumbergerChief, Ordnance Branchphilip.s.raumberger.mil@army.mil502-613-5311DSN: 983-5311, LTC RaderChief, Transportation BranchJennifer.l.rader.mil@mail.mil502-613-5278DSN: 983-5278, LTC PopeBranch Chiefjeremiah.d.pope.mil@mail.mil502-613-5336DSN: 312-983-5336, Drill Sergeant Teamusarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-drill-sgt-section@mail.mil502-613-5870DSN: 983-5870, Recruiting Teamusarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-recruiter-team@mail.mil502-613-5872DSN: 983-5872, Mr. BaileyBranch Chiefjesse.l.bailey2.civ@mail.mil502-613-5525DSN: 983-5525, Active Component Enlisted Retirements and Separations Teamusarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-retirement-separations@mail.mil502-613-6732DSN: 983-6732, AGR Retirements and Separations Teamusarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-retirement-separations@mail.mil502-613-5466DSN: 983-5466, AGR Orders Processing Teamusarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-retirement-separations@mail.mil502-613-5929DSN: 983-5929, Sanctuary Teamusarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-sanctuary-section@mail.mil502-613-5962DSN: 983-5962, Regular Army Enlisted Retention Management TeamRetention Team Contactusarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-reup@mail.mil502-613-5966DSN: 983-5966, Regular Army Reclassification Processing Team (RPT)RPT Contactusarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-reclass@mail.mil502-613-5915DSN: 983-5915. hbbd``b`z$g- "AQqD@:$n1012YA e They provide religious services to members of the United States Army and their families. "We're excited to host Gen. Van Ovost [USTRANSCOM commander] and Fleet Master Chief Donald Myrick [USTRANSCOM senior enlisted leader] to see the great work we do here at MOTSU," said Steven Kerr,. Postal Service's processing center to the north and north-east, the National Guard . They plan and coordinate all functions involved in the successful movement of material, personnel, or personal property via water, air, highway, rail, and multi-modal transport systems. Explore everyday nuances of military life, like using 24-hour time, saluting etiquette, uniform guidelines and more. Branch personnel may be officers, enlisted soldiers, or civilian contractors. The Army is expanding opportunities to commission officers by creating opportunities for highly skilled individuals to enter the Army as officers up to the grade of Colonel, allowing the Army to leverage our nation's strength, the American workforce. Officer. Basically, it all comes down to their expertise. The overall mission of the personnel assigned to the United States Army Special Forces Branch includes training and leading unconventional warfare (UW) forces as well as clandestine guerrilla forces in an occupied nation. endstream endobj startxref You can always reach out to your recruiter for more specific details. The Army offers a complete package of benefits that not only supports you and your family, but also helps you advance in your career. Fort Devens No Longer supports Passports. Obtain, distribute, and share combat and battlefield situational information. Management of the electromagnetic spectrum. You will document and inventory freight shipments, prepare cargo for travel, and coordinate transportation for Soldiers and other personnel. Interestingly, this branch was initially tasked with delivering chemical weapons instead of providing defense against them. We are the only museum dedicated to preserving the history of U.S. Army Transportation. No matter what path you choose, you'll form relationships, build trust, and support your teammates. They answer any questions, discuss opportunities and ways to serve, and make sure prospects have everything they need until they attend Basic Training. These primary job functions determine their Military occupational Specialty (MOS). Location. Identify your Army Branch Managers or Chiefs from the list below. Two of the better known and important functions Finance Branch soldiers participate in are payroll and resource management.
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