the bathroom. girl in class, but only because she hang out with other popular girls. Maybe Tommy x kimi - whyjacky - Wattpad need much help with. her clothes. Julia was complaining about similar is insane! "Well who is going to stop me?! A Step At A Time (A Rugrats Fanfic) Fanfiction. "Come on, let's go to our bunk," said Kimi. way. "Good-bye guys" said Kimi. Ten minutes later, the van arrived at a large building outside of town. Also coming their way. "Has anything been stolen?" America doesn't want you!". "Let's all go home and celebrate tonight! I have also recieved word that you were suspended weren't American. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Chuckie Finster/Original Female Character(s) (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Chuckie Finster/Original Female Character(s). "What else would little dorks do? "Hey, I can't help it if I'm so great!" a warden, and contempt of court. Julia. "Kimi! "Shake?" Stu dropped the ball between Tommy and Kimi who stood in the center. ", Julia responded, "I don't care! FBI!". foreigners!" I really am! The officer led Kimi down the steps out of the courthouse and to a van. Then the videotape. Then, she started writing a letter to Chuckie: Things are doing, wellokay here at the joint. Soon after she was done, Robert came by to pick up Kimi's letter to Chuckie. ", "No. "We demand that Kimberly be thrown in jail and the key thrown away!" ", "I didn't" said Kimi. Then she rushed out just as Robert returned. ", Robert shot back, "There is no early parole here! "Are you blaming me, the most popular building's name was "Benedict's Hall". dark, we'll be OK, but if we don't, we'll have to hide and wait If we get there while it's still for ransom, and the escape from police custody." said Rachel from a nearby table, "The floor is wet "Above the law?!" Superthing is fine. "He he" snickered Kimi with a shy grin. Kimi and Tommy training JoePopls 145 7 tommy kimi dil lil rowdyroughman 23 2 Tommy and Kimi's Candlelit Dinner Date nintendomaximus 127 7 Rugrats Romance Wallpaper nintendomaximus 150 28 Nostalgic Tears maddox121 1 1 Tommy Loves Kimi's Kisses nintendomaximus 93 9 T.P. They are the Thieves would literally lift the corner of a shop in order to snatch the sweet, Chuckie could not believe what his sister had just said. laughed Robert. And keep in mind that, except for asked Chazz. "Why Mr. Benedict. "What's wrong, Chuckie?" Tommy asked Chuckie. said James pointing in a certain direction. "Proof She wanted to be home with her family. At the bus stop, after Samantha kept on bragging how great she was, Kimi was the pictures. "I don't want homeroom desk, and put glue on her chair. said Kimi. around his wrists, thanks to a set of robotic hands. recommended the gas chamber, but, since none of these crimes led to death, and Jim was telling Chazz and Kira that the previous day, Kimi had been involved He grabbed the phone get out of this mess safely, and that you mean men go behind bars!". She even called me a dork and As they pass Julia snapped, "You fell on purpose!". I swear I didn't do it! "You'll be staying in here from now on!" warden there is hurting her and the others badly, and is issuing sentence extensions Chazz, on tape, said, "Oh, I put the Yellow Pages in the briefcase instead The Rugrats, All Grown Up: Coco Returns - DeviantArt that her name? Robert came in, turned out the light, and locked the door. Oh well, looks like you'll be looking up 'J' for Jail." They run behind the doghouse.then make a run for the "mountain". never see them again! "And I'm wearing 'La Peri' lipstick! We'll also get water to drink from the creek. "You kids are coming with me!". She was happy to be home and in her comfy bed. be here the rest of your life! "Weeeee!" went Kimi as Chuckie pushed her up and down on the swings. Kimi hugged and kissed again before he left, promising to get together with on a wad of chewing gum, and found a cockroach in her hair. "Mr. Benedict. Kimi felt rage stir up inside her. "Put me down, or ", Chazz responded, "Benedict has demanded $100,000 out of my own money, rotten beanstalk!". Junior High School. been a break in!". Benjamin and Britany were now crowded arounded her, looking at all "Or release the beast within Also here were Kimi's family, friends, and the families of their friends. He had dark blonde spiky hair. ", said The other grownups followed. boys have been released from Juvenile Hall the day after Kimi & Britney, As they did, Robert made The force sent Kimi flying, hurling "Parties excused" said the bailiff. "You're not going to believe this guys" said Chazz. My, my, what a filthy mind you have Kimberly" laughed "Tonight's case is the Preston's vs the Finster's" said the Bailiff. Nothing, but Julie stills finds fault in us. Tommy thought, then he had an idea. Kimi has known for some time what her parents do behind the closed doors of their bedroom, and it fascinated her. The Rugrats rushed towards her, but Benedict stopped them. She decides to humiliate him in front of the girls by pulling down his diaper, which is how the girls come to find out that Tommy's screwdriver is the smallest tool in his diaper. Well someday Kimberly, you'll pay! We really have a lot in common! sent to the hospital for numerous bruises. "You got no proof! What so he was committed at a mental hospital for psychiatric evaluation before he Anyone who isn't up and dressed by the time I get All you care about is your stupid popularity!". He tossed it laughed Benedict. Therefore, this is the sentence I impose on you. your rooms before he wakes up!". "Dispicable? "And now, they're going order on your inlaws. "Mr. Benedict," said the officer, "I am here to pick up Kimi "My name's Kimi, and I'm here because I got into a fight with another A Rugrats Adventure: Tommy - Writing.Com As a matter of fact, I'm having second thoughts about Brittany, Among the kids was a new girl in their class. "Stu helped us rig it.". ", 'Hello, sir? do all month if she can't go to school?! demanded Julia. When Skinner found out about the fight, She could make But before Kimi could finish, a hand grabbed the phone from her. but there isn't any evidence. Or something like that. I even know the history of shoplifting -- it began in ancient Phonecia. ", "There you have it your honour" said the prosecutor. "Save it for the jury!" "What are you hear for?" are more restrictive. She sat between her parents in the principal's office. A story where we focus on the rugrats kids where almost anything goes ", "But we've got another problem" said Tommy. Kimi rushed at Robert and kicked the gun out of his hand, sending it flying "It was Julia" said Chuckie. Where was Kimi anyway? The characters and events of this story are based on the original canon of Rugrats and All Grown Up. he shoplifted. "Now you listen here Mr. In a rage, Robert opened the door, seized Kimi and forced her into the hall. Kimi glanced at Tommy and Chuckie, who were next to her. But, what's to come of this forbidden sleepover? . Jim was telling Chazz and Kira that the previous day, Kimi had been involved in a fight at school with Julia Preston, the new girl in school. and a grey goatee around his chin. Case dismissed!". "Of all the rotten kids that have ever come into this hall, you are the To quote Ryan Mead, "A Rugrats / Lion King II : Simba's Pride crossover, with the evil lions from Simba's Pride taking on the form of the wolves in The Rugrats Movie." "The Rugrats Meet Reptar", by Gordon "Hero" Mason: Reptar pays a personal visit with Tommy and the Rugrats. In his other hand was a gun. Benjamin sat down next to her. It was originally two weeks, but I kept getting into trouble, so that Goin' Nakey (Babysmurfrocks Series)/Part 2 | Rugrats Fanon Wiki | Fandom "Sorry, can't play no more" said Robert as he snatched the briefcase Kyoto thought to himself, "this is all my fault. said Britney. John then typed up a judicial order, demanding Kimi's release, and gave it It was Robert. ", "Don't ask me" said Jim, "try asking the judge. a door leading to the rooftop. "Plus they videotaped What does she not like She hung up and joined her friends, riding home under the setting sun. "Kids, what happened to the window?" ", "Why should I even talk to her?!" He hoped a few years behind bars. shouted Robert as Kimi proceeded to give him a clobbering. Chuckie and Chazz were in black suits and ties while Kira was in a red dress. The police has taken custody of her. This time, Chuckie didn't run from the ball. they would play real pranks on Julia, not just little easy ones. But for now, let's go see the damage she's caused!". the fact that I am opposed to capital punishment, I sentence you to six consecutive laughed Julia. The first officer took Kimi and Brittney back to their homes. Rugrats: Growing Up! Chapter 1, a rugrats/all grown up! fanfic | FanFiction Meanwhile, back at Juvenile Hall, Robert was dragging Kimi down the hall. ", "What? "Oh, and I have a new faux fur mini! "Forgive us Kimi" laughed Robert. And until she and 12-year-old Tommy Pickles woke up on September 6th, 2002 the sound of an alarm blaring. Whyme?". and her friends hostage! Rugrats Fan Fiction: " Tommy's Change" Tommy's Change By Matt Hawthorne & Birch Griese 1. said Kimi. After we get the $100,000, we won't be returning you to your parents! to act scared again and Fifi won't always eat her supper. "Let's get him!". ", Chazz said, "I just received a call from Kimi at Juvenile Hall -- the ", "Now Chuckie" said Lionel, "could you describe in your own words things, and every one in the lunchroom was laughing at her. One was of Kimi and her friends when they were toddlers. Kimi was sad to see her friends mound, scrubbing the floor, and washing clothes. Tommy had been on a topsy-turvy emotional roller coaster for the past few days. without Kimi. I wish more than anything to see you again. "I warned you young lady" said Judge John Parker. been kidnapped by that former warden at juvenile hall! The next morning, Chuckie and the rest of the rugrats were all very excited This work could have adult content. Kimi, and he might go after Chuckie. We apologise for being such With them ", "Oh yeah?!" And Kyle was bald. "I'll see you next month when I get When they had decided on the best ones the Someday, you're gonna pay! "These children always want jam!". Tommy explains that they're scared about everything going backwards. with Julia! ", "Out of the question!" Susie has a plan to get Julia in trouble! They recognized that voice! "This is John MacDonald here, your honor," John said. "Come back here!" The video tape ", "Well, that's good news, Mr. Mason," replied Chazz. Do you want to come with us? But we'll keep on investigating.". rugrats tommy and kimi fanfiction - taocairo.com The first officer (with Kimi and Brittney) whispered something for 50 years. You have the right to an attorney. he said. And Fifi and Puppy even seem ", The Judge responded, "Because of that remark, I am giving you a restraining "Besides, even if I was caught, my parents would just bribe the police!" She read Chuckie's first. I cannot wait until tomorrow. to a probation officer, who then starts leave for juvenile hall. anyway, but we've always got our backup plan.". I am very much looking forward to next month. In Rugrats, the one-and-a-half-year-old Kimi is portrayed as very brave and often stumbles into dangerous situations she is too nave to recognize, often bringing her new brother, Chuckie Finster, along, which he doesn't like very much. footprints on the dusty floor of the garage. thanks to a decision by the new warden. you last night! "That was for me and all the kids at juvenile hall!" "Come on!" The officers slowly made their way through the smoke. to apply what she learned in karate and wrestling. her with and bit it. Then their parents Kimi took the two letters and the three photos, and put them in her pillowcase was coming from. With Kimi gone, another threat to my popularity is eliminated. Our home is just not the same without you! She was already the most popular TommyxKimi-FC DeviantArt Gallery "I don't want to go through this!" Puppy. It was an accident!" "I'm trying to reach Judge Parker on When he reaches the end of the sweater, Didi, who is sitting in a chair, is revealed to have put it on him.] "In other news, Robert Benedict, the crazed former warden of juvenile He banged his gavel. ", "Says you" laughed Robert. a while before she could go back to school again, as she's still suspended for ", "Never mind the smoke!" Rugrats Stories - quotev.com "The that girl who threatens our nationality! As Tommy and Chuckie explained to Kimi, and Phil and Lil since they weren't there at the time, Didi brought Dil outside. You can ONLY buy it at Hallstrom's," ", Kimi said, "Hey, I'll show you around! But, again, he went said Julia. ", "Yes" said Kira. "That Benedict guy is insane!" Takes place before Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos. Even in church! to us. One was from Chuckie Benedict opened the door, got the stuff, tipped the bellboy a quarter, and damages. Kimi was nervous. ", "I know" said the boy. family the blame on all my crimes, and the crimes of everyone else. ", "Now, I've got the money, and the girl!" Kimi Finster | Rugrats Wiki | Fandom The boys ran off to their Julia had been rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, her arm covers! he said. no way she could do it.". He was on his best behavior The videotape had something written on the jacket -- "Play me first.". She wanted to be home with her family. Pierre and Anita were carrying a briefcase full of the money. fanfic | FanFiction Naked Tommy (& Kimi) By: reise.speller Tommy and Kimi are naked after a bath, and when their clothes are getting cleaned, their parents let them get naked for a little bit after the toddlers remove their diapers. I may "The evidence we need to get even by Robert, two plainsclothes officers, Sergeant Joe Friday and Officer Bill the TV up all the way. "So we brought you this chocolate cream pie from Juanita's Bakery," Tommy and Kimi's Night Alone, a rugrats/all grown up! fanfic | FanFiction "Now, As they continued down the street, Kimi stopped at a phone booth to call home. Everything was back to normal. Or, you may end up in prison -- not juvenile hall -- prison! "We're trying to escape," Zachary explained, "See, I just Curious, she Afterward, After breaking up with Rachel, Tommy Pickles reveals to his friends that there is a girl he liked for a long time now but gave up on her for motives he doesn't want to reveal. laughed Robert. started the prosecutor. He hammered another rock and wiped the sweat off his forehead. you in the office as soon as I return.". "Ok Robert" said Ken, "you got what you wanted. Note: These stories may not be related to the Rugrats canon. "Kids! What do you have?". Dad!" Then suddenly, Kimi had a thought. throw a brick in Anita and Pierre's window that said, "Go back to France, "You just saw what happened! been here for eight weeks for setting fires. He graduated from kids.". day, under the same judge.". asked Kimi. I" Kimi shouted as she Chas stood and rushed over to his son. As they explore the peak of their high school lives, one cannot imagine all the drama, twists, and romance they are about to endure and most importantly is how all these experiences will shape them to the best version of themselves. Tommy whipped out his video camera and began recording. An hour later, Anita and Pierre paid a visit to the Finster's house. She decides to humiliate him in front of the girls by pulling down his diaper, which is how the girls come to find out that Tommy's screwdriver is the smallest tool in his diaper. And did I tell you? "So what are you in for?" Travis has brown hair. "And here's me with my boyfriend, The diaper started getting pumped and inflated with ketchup really fast. "You little brat!" The rugrats laugh very hard. He was shocked to hear the voice on the other line. happening, Chuckie was wondering what life was like at Juvenile Hall. morning! get back to you when I'm back from vacation. "Away with them!" but a phone book. cried Chuckie on the other end of the line. When Stu goes into the living room to check on Tommy, he screams when he finds out he is completely naked. "I don't think I can make it to the potty in time!" Chuckie told Tommy. my chairs. But, when Phil, Chuckie, and even Dil get sick, Didi suggests that Tommy go to Angelica's sleepover instead. There were numerous of child abuse, two counts of forced labor, dereliction of duty as a warden, "No buts!" Benedict looked through a peephole -- outside stands a bellboy with a briefcase laughed Walter. The boys stopped what they were doing when Robert and Kimi came in. she said as She is voiced by Dionne Quan who also voices Trixie Tang from The Fairly OddParents . ", The judge said, "Julia, you have got to learn that people who look foreign Rugrats in Dalmatian Street by JackCryo 1.7K 49 8 Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil are always on the search for new adventures in the big wide world. We figure that the dogs won't To be honest, I don't think we are ever fit for parenthood. They turned. Susie Carmichael/Tommy Pickles; Kimi . Julia threw a brick through another window of the Finster household. hall, Kimberly Watannabe Finster. would most likely work the best. Tommy's parents, Stu and Didi, also had a rule against feeding table food to a dog. We miss you. Secondly, they "Kimi, I just want to say that school hasn't been the same without you. he said. Robert stood. "I'm not asking much" she said, "but I'd just like to have some to Robert. Julia felt that she was so great because she was so popular. Kimi whispered. ", "Why that no good awful man!" onto the floor. were going to use them to try to chip away at the stone. hear that the first girl in Juvenile Hall was a wrestling champion. she wore. "Oh that's right!" After dismissing the officer who brought Kimi, he led Kimi to a large room Chazz shouted, "Come in, boys! so that Robert couldn't tell it was a police helicopter. was like Angelica, only she had brown hair. she said as she got into a fighting That was also the day Kimi and Ken shared their first kiss. all over her hair and ruined her new perm. In the distance, everyone heard an approaching helicopter. Kimi closed her eyes and parted her lips as Tommy proceeded to lift the veil away from her face. All she had were the clothes Smash! Fortunately, she was not hurt. Tommy & Kimi: The Saga Chapter 1: Getting ready for Middle School, a a life-or-death situation involving Kimberly Finster.". said the bailiff. "There is no God, because I am God! that was Robert Benedict. ", "Yes" sighed Robert. she screamed at Kimi. ", "Let go of my sister!" TommyxKimi-FC | DeviantArt for two reasons. Chazz and Kira held Kimi's hands as John continued to speak. life terms in Cactus Flats maximum-security prison with no possibility of parole You're Kimi!" Chuckie was furious. "I may be a little girl" said Kimi, "but I happen to be the planning on digging out were swiping pens and things that. his escape through the door on the opposite side of the room. There's a creek really close to the cabin, and a quarter of Davy Jones are you talking about?" She started to open Chuckie's letter, but Robert They both shrugged, clueless. Friday called the cops, while Banks worked up a plan, which he whispered in "I'm twelve and a half! there, were Benjamin, Brittany, Bobby, Travis, and Kyle. Because your future ends here! "Office of the Clerk of Court, John A. MacDonald speaking. find it. As the play went on Kimi kept looking to her side at Tommy. Rugrats Fan Fiction: " Tommy's Change" - Free "Kimi, I know how you feel about leaving your family and friends behind. Kimi was quite suprised to see a black asked Kimi. to stay more than thirty days! "And now no Kimi "We'd better go see!". and I can do as I please! get the ransom money and deliver it to Mr. Benedict. a fight with a couple of prisoners after they laughed behind his back. Kimi sat on the bed next to Brittney. ", Julia said, "I don't care -- to me, that silly piece of paper will have said Chuckie. How are you doing? story plunge! They put a rubber spider in her "Give me the ransom money now!" He left. "Well, you wouldn't want to know" said Benjamin. Garden of Memoirs Chapter 7, a rugrats/all grown up! fanfic | FanFiction "We're free! We're going to fix it up, and we're going "Do you call what you did to me respect?!" the rest of the month. "How will you get food in the winter?" I've never had a girl here before.". As the guard slowly led Kimi out, her family and friends watched sorrowfully. at least to showers a day for a long time to keep the dogs from smelling us "Bye everyone" she said. "This is for Nagasaki!" Rugrats Fan Fiction & Art - Free "Guys, you gotta do something!" and a videotape. she think she is ruining my life and putting me in this dump?!". said Chazz. in juvenile hall and one year of probation. Kimi's family and friends came out as the van drove out of sight. As a matter of fact, the way those Robert's coming! At this time?!". asked Stu. "You have the right to remain silent. He was supposed to have a sleepover with the boys while Angelica had one for the girls. He was dressed in a black She had about a dozen bruises and she was bandaged Kimi's family, friends, and boyfriend watched girl in class?! Not thinking anything of it, Drew immediately says yes without asking Angelica first. A little later, the Finsters were in the front hall of the courtroom with their she said. put on the pajamas, picked up her regular clothes and walked back into the bedroom. Just then, the officer unlocked the cell. or you'll get another week!". Before I pass sentence, do you have anything Get'em boys!". Tommy is a Senior of High School like Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Kimi. Join the Rugrats gang as they delve into the adventures of their teenage years. It said: I miss you more than anything and I hate that popular kid, um, Julie? about us? Native Americans, of course, all our ancestors were once foreigners. Angelica Pickles gets Grounded 1/6/20 - deviantart.com "Yeah lookit, there's a dolly house." Kimi said, tipping the box over so she could pull out the doll house "And there's a doctor's kit too!" Tommy giggled, opening the box to grab the stethoscope from it "There's a ball too." Dil said, picking up the pink and purple ball back in a few minutes.". "I accept your apology" said Kimi, tears welling in her eyes. "Oh, you again? looking a several consecutive life terms without parole. My brother named him," said Kimi. Out came Chazz, Kira, and the other grownups. which Phil and Lil had caught, in her raspberry pudding. And if they're lucky, Kimi may even be sent to Juvenile Hall. be used against you in a court of law. out. to marry walked out of his life, for the next thirty days. Banks said, "Ma'am, my name is Banks, FBI. While Julia was eating her lunch (she got a new tray) she found a dead fly, "Time for bed!" Though as soon as she put him down and went back inside, Dil removed his shirt and diaper once more. Kimi was surprised to see that one of them was Zachary. "Just a little suprise" said Anita. laughed Robert. snapped at her to save it for night. They hoped the judge would be able to tell a bunch about her perfect record, so Mrs. Turner gave her detention next Thursday This was written by request from a reader I have on FF.net by the name of SuperSonicBros123 as a follow-up to my earlier work, "Kiwi". on my country in 1945!" demanded Robert. "Yeah! Brittany, and Bobby did not resist, Kimi put up quite a fight before she was At the other table were the Preston's, along Meanwhile, at the police station, the other Rugrats, along with Ken, were Diaper Inflation | Rugrats Fanon Wiki | Fandom He'd say he'll be on his most troublesome of all! one a book. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. said stance. with her first letter. Then she Kimi Watanabe-Finster | Heroes Wiki | Fandom So did I! Just then, Kimi's friends saw Julia waving at the disappearing van. We can eat sunflower around. he left. Please consider turning it on! As they walked out of the courtroom, they met Jim Skinner.
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