[5] Reynolds advertised aluminum for its multi-faceted property, now reaching areas of fashion, home improvement, and architecture. 13% of Reynolds Metals Company employees are Black or African American. and/or its affiliates. Customer Service. Objective 2 - Communicate value and benefits of merger to both internal and external stakeholders. REYNOLDS METALS COMPANY FOUNDATION (Delaware (US), 24 Jul 1978 - ) REYNOLDS METALS COMPANY, LLC (Delaware (US), 18 Jul 1928 - ) Alcoa has acquired 25 companies. Objective 1 - Deliver timely, accurate information to employees through 300 key communicators Key communicators visited the Intranet site during 562 user sessions double the objective. The site received 20,702 total hits, registering orders for or downloads of more than 10,000 brochures, 3,700 wallet cards, 2,700 posters, 47 printer-ready CDs in 11 different languages, and 200 employee videos. Alcoa, the parent company of Northwest Alloys, is reviewing options for leasing or development agreements today but did not want to slow down the cleanup process, Gaines said. She previously served as Director of Communications, Global Primary Products for Alcoa Inc., where she directed public affairs, media relations, crisis communication, and stakeholder engagement. [citation needed]. In Pittsburgh, Alcoa founder Charles Martin Hall finds experienced, hard-working visionary backers (led by Captain Alfred E. Hunt) for his aluminum reduction (electrolysis) discovery. Reynolds Group Holdings become Pactiv Evergreen through an IPO in 2020. Privacy Policy. Before coming to Alcoa, Roy was Corporate Manager of Environmental Affairs at Greenstone Resources Ltd., a gold mining company based in Central America. Reynolds' motion asks the Court to decide three issues: (1) whether Reynolds had an unrestricted right to an item included in gross income for tax years 1940 through 1987; (2) whether Reynolds is entitled to a deduction for tax years 1992 through 1995 because Reynolds did not have an unrestricted right to the earlier item of gross income; and . No. . There are 41 other people named George Cain on AllPeople. Reynolds Group Holdings is an American packaging company with roots in the former Reynolds Metals Company, which was the second-largest aluminum company in the United States, and the third-largest in the world. Tammi joined Alcoa Inc. in 2006 as HR Director, UK & Ireland for the Building & Construction Systems business and has served in a variety of HR positions over the course of her Alcoa career, including HR Director, Europe Building & Construction, HR Director for Alcoa Wheels and Transportation Products, and HR Director, Aluminum. A WarnerMedia Company. American Smelting & Refining Co. (Federal Metals Division) Newark. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). This technology reduces carbon emissions, due to the lower use of disposal area, lower water accumulation and, consequently, lower energy consumption utilized for bauxite residue management. The company borrowed $15 million and began construction on its first smelting facility, located at Sheffield, Alabama. David P. Reynolds, a metals manufacturing executive who helped bring aluminum foil and aluminum beverage cans into the American kitchen, died on Monday in Richmond, Va. Fata, Reynolds, and a group of Soviet organizations began constructing a $200 million aluminum-foil plant in Siberia in the 1990s. Order (July 10, 2001) Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of Final Judgment (April 10, 2001) United States' Certificate of Compliance with the Provisions of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act (April 10, 2001) United States' Response to Public Comments (January 16, 2001) Reynolds recycled 584 million pounds of aluminum, including more than 11 billion aluminum beverage cans, and nearly 228 million pounds of non-can aluminum scrap in 1996 alone. She also oversees the Alcoa Foundation. Reynolds Aluminum Supply Co. RASCO is a partner in MetalSpectrum, a metals e-commerce venture announced Tuesday that Alcoa also has a stake . Reynolds Metals created the first high-speed, gravure-printed foil, aluminum bottle labels, heat-sealed foil bags for foods and foil-laminated building insulation paper. The company was acquired by Alcoa on May 3, 2000 to become the largest aluminum company in the United States. Featuring an all-aluminum exterior and many other innovative architectural elements, the Alcoa Building in Downtown Pittsburgh is completed. Reynolds, nephew of the tabacco giant R. J. Reynolds, in Louisville, Kentucky. The SRMT tribal lands are divided by the United States and Canadian border and subdivided by Franklin County in New York and the provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada. Get all the articles, experts, jobs, and insights you need. Reynolds Wrap, the company's well-known household aluminum foil, was introduced in 1947. under which this service is provided to you. Union employees with fixed compensation contracts did receive incentive compensation. ALCOA CORPORATION (Delaware (US), 10 Mar 2016 - ) NATURE OF THE ACTION . Led by legendary CEO Paul ONeill, Alcoa launches best-in-class safety effort aimed at zero workplace injuries. Annual sales: $21 billion. Thanks to all who contributed Dating back to 1886, we launched an industry with our world-changing discovery that made aluminum an affordable and vital part of modern life. Reynolds was the last member of his family to lead Reynolds Metals, which was founded in 1919 by his father, Richard S. Reynolds Sr., and grew to become the nation's second-largest aluminum manufacturer behind Alcoa. Earlier, Bill served as Chief Financial Officer of GPP. We open a world of design possibilities with aluminum . The Reynolds Metals Company is located at 194 County Route 45 in Massena, New York. The Reynolds Metals Company facility in Troutdale, Oregon, was a primary aluminum reduction plant. Reynolds's World War II production was extensive. Reynolds metals company is located in Malvern, Arkansas, and was founded in 2011. In 1995, NYSDEC issued a ROD amendment calling for off-site disposal of highly contaminated soils and sediments and on-site disposal of lesser contaminated soils and sediments. Reynolds recognized the advantages of using lighter-weight, less-expensive aluminum foil. In 1993 Reynolds underwent a restructuring that included reducing alumina production and aluminum production by 21 percent, and sold its aluminum reclamation plant in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Before actions were taken to address the contamination in the St. Lawrence River, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were the primary contaminant found in the St. Lawrence sediment adjacent to the Reynolds facility that could be attributed to the facility. Employee concerns and questions were anticipated and answered by key communicators or via e-mail19 advertisements in local newspapers delivered messages to residents in plant communities. In 2008, Roy was named to the prestigious Young Global Leaders Program of the World Economic Forum. It was headquartered for most of its existence in Richmond, Virginia; the Modernist style Reynolds Metals Company International Headquarters was built there in 1958. At Alcoa, we believe our legacy is our call to action. More than 9 million readers saw advertisements in the Wall St Journal, USA Today and other media.No matter how many balls I tossed into the air, they were always caught. The A8's breakthrough is an all-aluminum space frame, designed and built with manufacturing techniques developed by Alcoa. Employee concerns and questions were anticipated and answered by key communicators or via e-mail. Reynolds Metals Company leased the plant in June 1946, and purchased it in June 1949. Reynolds ceased operations in 2000, and the facility is currently owned by ALCOA. Alcoa conducts operations in 10 countries. She said typically wooden poles are replaced every 50-60 years, and the replacement line has a life expectancy of more than 70 years. [11][12] Making extensive use of aluminum, down to threads in the carpeting, it is now owned by the University of Richmond and serves as the worldwide headquarters of Altria Group. She left Alcoa in 1998 to work for Harris Teeter, a grocery store chain in the southeastern United States, where she managed all customer relations, media and employee communications. Jeff graduated from Penn State University in 1988, with a degree in Quantitative Business Analysis, and earned a Master of Business Administration Degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1989. Other end-uses for Reynolds products are aluminum beverage cans, flexible and foodservice packaging, consumer home food managment, transportation, building, and construction. At the time, most foil was manufactured in tall, multi-storied buildings. During Mr. ONeills 13-year tenure at Alcoa, the number of lost work days per 100 employees fell to 0.2 from 1.86. On a hill overlooking the Allegheny River and Alcoa's production facility along its banks in Pittsburgh, the company builds a campus-like facility dedicated to finding new aluminum applications, testing its performance and improving production processes. Video Vision Camera crews filmed Day One events, enabling Ketchum to generate managed media coverage and produce a merger video that was distributed for employee screenings. Active worldwide in all major elements of the industry, Alcoa's operations . After submitting your request, you will receive an activation email to the requested email address. He said work could begin next spring and crews would need two dry seasons to complete the cleanup. Key messages stressing the mergers benefits were delivered via the Intranet to 125,000 employees within hours. Prior to this role, he served as Chief Financial Officer, GPP. Reynolds' Metals was acquired by Alcoa in 2000, and the 35-acre former headquarters campus and buildings were picked up by the University of Richmond in 2001 for a mere $8 million. Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program, Portland, OR | (503) 231-6179 | http://www.fws.gov/oregonfwo/, If you have any problems, suggestions, or comments about our website please notify DOINRDAR@ios.doi.gov. Reynolds Metals was acquired by Alcoa in June 2000. Though known for most of its post-war existence as Reynolds Metals, the plant was owned by Alcoa at both the beginning and the end of its sixty-year life. Do Not Sell, Acceptance of $5.8B offer may not end battle for No. When the merger was approved, 300 key communicators from both companies in 36 countries around the world could access, with the click of a mouse, merger communications kits and order a wide selection of collateral and materials for customized distribution to employees and other audiences. Principal Operating Units: Packaging and Consumer Products; Construction and Distribution; Transportation; Metals and Carbon Products; Bauxite and Alumina; Cans. FOIL DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (trading name) REYNOLDS ALUMINUM RECYCLING COMPANY (trading name) . Current work at the former Reynolds Metals Company site in the 4000 block of Industrial Way is not the cleanup efforts, but the demolition of buildings by the current company to make way for future projects, as well as nearby routine power pole replacements by the local utilities district. Kelly Thomas joined Alcoa as Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer on February 14, 2022. The Foundation will play a significant role in strengthening sustainability in Alcoa communities worldwide. I am very grateful for your help.-- Gary Biviano, VP/Lead on the Alcoa/Reynolds Merger Communications Team. Reynolds built the company's first aluminum foil plant and rolling mill in Louisville, and the Reynolds Metals Company was formed. He had also previously served as a board member of AlcoaPrevi, the Alcoa employees pension fund in Brazil. 19. Alcoa (F/K/A Reynolds Metals) Phoenix. If so, just fill out the short Request for Quote (RFQ) form below to get started. An attempt to increase production capacities by 20 percent cost Reynolds an estimated $650 million in the mid-1960s. Reynolds Wrap was first made by a Reynolds Metals Company division, Reynolds Packaging, a business created to supply aluminum foil for packaging tobacco. Metals/mining Company. That company went on to be known as Alcoa. Reynolds then resumed marketing the facility. Sonya is a member of the Alcoa Executive Team, which sets strategic direction for the Company. Salaried employees have since received pay adjustments. Alcoa announced an ambition to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its global operations by 2050. Phone: (518) 358-3141 Fax: (518) 358-6245, Copyright Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (en-US). Reynolds fortunes were greatly improved by the discovery of gold at one of the company's bauxite properties in Australia in 1986. Source: International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 457 F. Supp. Here are the top 25 Reynolds Metals Co. profiles on LinkedIn. Advertising. Alcoa's common stock is listed on the New York Curb Exchange, forerunner of the American Stock Exchange. 22% of Reynolds Metals Company employees are women, while 78% are men. 1919 - 2000. 12% of Reynolds Metals Company employees are Hispanic or Latino. History; Headquarters; Consumer products; References; Further reading; External links In addition to his business unit counseling roles, Jeff has provided legal counsel in the mergers and acquisitions area for transactions across Alcoas portfolio of businesses. However, decline for beer beverage cans was continuing, and another can-making plant was closed in Fulton, New York. rardttir, R., "Aluminum production waste mapping - A case study of the Icelandic aluminum industry," 30 ECTS thesis, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland . [9], By 1991, Reynolds Metals employed 30,800 workers at more than 100 operations in 20 countries, including 64 plants in the United States, and had a total production capacity of more than 1 million tons of aluminum and aluminum products. The facility now known as Alcoa East was constructed in 1958 for the production of aluminum and closed in 2014. The new units were packaging and consumer products, construction and distribution, transportation, metals and carbon products, bauxite and alumina, and cans. In 1989 the company acquired an interest in the Fata European Group in Italy, a company with strong ties to and business experience in Eastern Bloc countries. filed: august 10, 1946 aluminum and aluminum alloys in rolled, cast, extruded, and forged state owned by: reynolds metals company serial number: 71507218. reynolds pak. R.S. Washington State Department of Ecology spokesman Dave Bennett said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers could OK cleanup permits in the next few months to clear contaminated soil at Northwest Alloys, the former Reynolds Metals site. 2 * McCook Metals L.L.C. Most recently, she held the role of Vice President, Government Affairs, Western Hemisphere, where she led federal and state government affairs activities for Alcoas operations in Canada, Brazil, and the United States. The facility has been an active aluminum production plant since 1958. It has received a great deal of praise for its recycling philosophy. Hart later closed five other plants within Reynolds. In line with its commitment to recycling, Reynolds set a long-term goal of recycling more plastics each year than it produces. The city of Cornwall, Ontario, is two miles north of the facility, and the . Sonya joined Alcoa in 1989 and held roles of increasing responsibility in communications, marketing, and government affairs. She leads a global team of HR professionals in 10 countries. [3] As Director of Marketing, she was responsible for global branding and leading the development of marketing communication strategies for Alcoas markets and businesses. Kristin Gaines, Western U.S. director of transformation for Alcoa, said she is hopeful cleanup will start in 2023, but . In 1947, the company released Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil. The most common ethnicity at Reynolds Metals Company is White (65%). Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Our strategic priorities of Reduce Complexity, Drive Returns and Advance Sustainably have made Alcoa a strong company, allowing us to succeed throughout the commodity cycles and innovate for a sustainable future. Kelly began her career in 1991 with IBM. Most stock quote data provided by BATS. In tribute, Reynolds donated $1 million to Meals on Wheels. Ethical rating of Reynolds Metals Co. , group ALCOA (Aluminum Company Of America) and subsidiaries Labor 2 Jobs-27% /1998 Pollution 1 Fraud 1 Offshore 8 Sales 31 Bn $. /year Profit 12 Bn $. /1998 Wage 433 *min. Ancient Antioch Survived Many Disasters in Its 2,400 YearsTurkeys Earthquake Obliterated It, How Gas From Texas Becomes Cooking Fuel in France, Opinion: Common Sense Points to a Lab Leak, Opinion: Yes, Theres a Housing Crisis. Suite 500 He was 96 . AZ USA. With Audi's all-aluminum A8, aluminum reaches its full potential to reduce weight, reduce emissions and boost performance. Prior to the separation of Alcoa Inc. into two companies, Molly was Director, Global Shared Services Strategy and Solutions. 3/1/1942. ELYSIS aluminum is produced and sold at industrial scale for the first time, representing a major milestone in advancing the ELYSIS technology invented by Alcoa. Please contact us at [emailprotected], The Agency Within The Agency: Bringing Creative In-House, Ruder Finn Rallies Hispanic Groups To Improve Corporate/Latino Comms, IPG's DNA Freshens Brand To Reflect Global Growth, AMD Global Comms Review Moves Into Final Stages, PRovoke Media Announces Best Consultancies To Work For In EMEA 2023, Davos 2023: Four Key Takeaways For Communicators, Cannes: Ranking the 2022 Gold PR Lions Winners, Three Questions Agency Leaders Need To Be Able To Answer In 2022, "PR is about how organizations behave, not what they say", Employee Communications-Change Management, Financial Communications-Mergers & Acquisitions. Molly obtained a BS degree in Business Administration, Accounting from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. You will be notified in advance of any changes in rate or terms. It was in turn leased to Philip Morris USA in 2003 and later joined by parent company Altria in 2008. Roy graduated with honors from The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, simultaneously earning masters degrees in International Business and Corporate Finance as a fellow of the Lauder Institute International MBA program, and holds a bachelors degree in Mining Engineering from Columbia University. Bill is a member of the Alcoa Executive Team, which sets strategy for the Company. Trying to buy Reynolds Metals out from under Alcoa. %PDF-1.6 % 2000: Alcoa acquires Reynolds Metals Company for $5.8 billion. ALCOA Benefits Resources (ALCOA4U Service) or 1-844-312-5262. The Reynolds Metals Company International Headquarters is an International Style building complex set in a composed landscape near Richmond, Virginia, completed in 1958. . Reynolds expanded its holdings worldwide, and in 1953 the company organized Reynolds International, Inc. in an effort to consolidate and further expand foreign operations. Aluminum is an essential element in powering a global, sustainable economy. Prior to joining Alcoa, Kelly was with Vista Metals Corp, as the Vice President, Finance. The entire project includes work on 57 poles, some of which have deteriorated, Dietz said. In early 2010 all pay was unfrozen. any form or medium without express written consent of NRDAR is Strictly Prohibited. . In 1994, a pact to scale back production in the next two years among the chief aluminum-producing nations helped Reynolds to achieve strong sales. She also established the Companys privacy office in response to the implementation of GDPR. 7/21/1945. Alumina, the basic ingredient used to produce aluminum, is By using its well-established marketing, sales, and distribution organizations, Reynolds was able to add new products without increasing employment. Alcoa US District Court for the Northern District of Indiana - 457 F. Supp. [13] When Alcoa purchased Reynolds Metals, it shed some non-metals packaging and printing businesses but preserved the Reynolds consumer brand, as well as the Reynolds Kitchens, which are still across the street from the former Reynolds headquarters building. 19 advertisements in local newspapers delivered messages to residents in plant communities. Free and open company data on Delaware (US) company REYNOLDS METALS COMPANY, LLC (company number 240111) Learn how to leverage transparent company data at scale. Even with smaller cans, recycling them and other aluminum products was achieving record levels. He believed new aluminum-producing facilities would need to be built to meet demand. He also purchased strategic raw material for the Latin American smelters and refineries and was responsible for Latin America primary metal sales. Alcoa purchased the land from Reynolds Metals that year.
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