You are using an out of date browser. Go To the President / Uniden Grant (uPD858) Mods Page Go To the Kraco 2555 FM (PTBM058AOX) Mods page Go To the Uniden PC-76 Mods Page Are you looking for specialist technical information, like circuit diagrams, service manuals, PCB layouts or specific troubleshooting and repair tips, I probably have what you need ! i was hoping for something under 150ish . President RICHARD CEPT to export mode - Transmission1 If you get a chance contact the local Amature radio club and have them give you a demonstration. Actually, my radio interests started with a radio my Great Uncle gave me when I was 7 years old. As such, Consumers who purchase a Presidnt Antenna together with a President radio, will get a full five-year warranty on the purchase of their new radio. Go To the Apache 240 Modifications Page I guess it's all in how you look at it. The carrier hiss is sometimes louder than the modulation. BUT its now out there already! Go To the Connex Deerhunter Mods Page The RICHARD is a compact amateur radio with up to 40 watts of power, AM and FM modes, and a large, 7 color LCD display. let's see, AM, FM, SSB, digital capable, even that nasty CW, computer controlled with a cable or two, about the size of an UPS for a computer. (H), Metric Dimensions: 170 mm (W) x 160 mm (D) x 52 mm (H), CB Antenna Connector Type: SO-239 (UHF Female). President RICHARD Ham Radio - Public Address. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. But in doing so the audio is going to be clean, not distorted from over doing it. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. We pride ourselves on welcoming Radio Hobby enthusiasts of all types, while offering unbiased, informative, and friendly discussion among the members. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). A 1.8k does the job. and it has a 2 pill board in it! Move jumper from 1/2 till 3/4 and re-solder white wire from where it is and move to holes behind. Go To the Galaxy Melaka Mods Page Post Go To the President / Uniden Washington (uPD858) Mods Page I have already done the above with top results, but I wont divulge values so not to encourage messers to void their warranty. Go To the Cherokee CM-10 Mods Page Jan 15, 2020 - Explore Chris's board "CB Radio Mods" on Pinterest. President Barry II High Power & Channel Mod. The management works very hard to make sure the community is running the best software, best designs, and all the other bells and whistles. Check out a Yaesu FT-757GX. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. inexpensive ham radios for 11 meter conversion - WorldwideDX Radio Forum Go To the Cobra 29 Mods Page An in-depth look at the President Richard 10/11m radio including the export mod and engineering menu. Amazon.com: President Richard 10 Meter Radio : Electronics Comparing the audio quality of a President to a Cobra 29 from the factory, I find the President to be more pleasing to the ear and balanced. Go To the Cherokee AH 100 Handheld Mods Page CBR1100XX. Mods 1 - Simonthewizard The manufacturer has a strict "minimum advertised price" policy for this item. - Volume adjustment and ON/OFF. You will have a killer talking radio with much better RX, adjacent channel rejection etc., than any Galaxy CB. , 0,7 V -110 dBm (AM) / 0,35 V -116 dBm (FM), mini 0.2 V - 120 dBm / maxi 1 mV - 47 dBm. guess ill stick with cb's . It may not display this or other websites correctly. Good radio small in size great options really like it had it for a couple months now currently hooked up to two Wilson 1000 antennas on an SWR 1.0 across all channels I would buy another one. President Radios at CB World! - wearecb.com Doing that will get you 10 more watts of peak power if your lucky. thanks for the additional replies . Use Coupon: REFUND23 for 15-30% off any order over $50, President Electronics Microphone Adapter 4-pin to 6-pin, Astatic D104M6B Power Microphone Wired 6-Pin President. Go To the Galaxy 73HML Mods Page Interesting it was sent to a customer! Let the dealers do any modification work or requests (just ask the question,they wont bite),thats what they there for,as these new breed of sets are not like the old school CB radios,they need specialized tools and kit and skills. Go To the Magnum 357DX Mods Page by CBR1100XX 01 Jul 2017, 06:10, Return to CB & 11m Multi-Mode Radio Equipment Discussion, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, Prosilver Dark Edition by Premium phpBB Styles. Searching for a 10 meter amateur radio with maximum power, high sensitivity and the versatility to operate on both AM and FM modulation? The world's leading CB radio and radio communication store. Go To the Texas Ranger TR300, TR600, TR900 Series Mods Page I had one that I borrowed for years from Jay_in_the_Mojave and it was great. The RICHARD Ham Radio includes microphone . It may not display this or other websites correctly. - Frequencies display. Go To the President AR144 Mods Page You would be surprised how many truckers simply use a cb radio to get on down the road and for help reasons , or a chit chat with others within a few mile range.but what can say here , they still like to blame on the dudes that bring us our food and clothes and all the other wham wham's and zoo zoo's that we all would find it hard to live without. - Cunk on Britain S1 E1. )-: I do believe FCC makes more arrests and or fines on those types of radios then they do amplifiers. President CB and 10 Meter radios are here! Go To the Galaxy 77HML Mods Page Hi . Go To the Galaxy III Frequency Counter Page President Richard 10m | RICH - k cb Go To the Magnum S3 Mods Page Hmm ) Oh yeah , they also become very illegal on the 11 meter band. It has features that I' still learning about. President Richard Test Mode . Go To the Euro 3900 Mods Page President Richard 10/11/12m - YouTube Go To the Realistic TRC 453 Mods Page Midland M88 V1.10 Etc . A. Alan 42 DS (Via Online Radio) Alan 42 DS RV101 Squelch RV102 TX S-Meter RV201 RF S-Meter (RX) RV202 RF Power RV203 AM Modulation RV501 FM Deviation at on-radio-shop. you have been warned ! ), http://delboyonline.blogspot.co.uk/2017 t-mod.html. Go To the Cherokee CBS500 Mods Page My main use of the radio is to keep an ear on the conditions for upper HF. Peace. go figure huh ? Go To the Cobra 148F GTL DX+ Mods Page You can program just about everything with this radio & even go to advance mode & adjust power up to 80W & modulation past 100%. by slamjam 28 Jul 2020, 08:39, Post I accept no responsibility for what you do with this information, It is required by FCC regulations that you have a license to transmit on these frequencies. Will I get completely eaten alive here if I dare refer to modern President radios as "ham grade CB radios," or will you be able to see where I'm coming from when I say it and appreciate my point? CRT 7900v Turbo Software: https://tinyurl.com/mxs8apht. (W) x 6.29 in. Go To the Pro Series SD310 Mods Page Go To the Dragon TRC-485 Mods Page Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. JavaScript is disabled. It was tube. And this happened the same week my Uncle passed away. then turn to distorted trash within a week after someone would get in there with a screwdriver! It operates at up to 13 watts AM and up to 40 watts FM. Go To the President / Uniden Grant Export (PC999) Mods Page The reason you hear a better quality of signal with current President radios may be due to the fact that they. Go To the Superstar Mods Page Agree,if your not got the correct test equipment ie a proper calibrated Radio communications test-set and the proper skills (That's does not mean two U-tube video's- self proclaimed hobby engineer types out there) and all the test jigs,special cables,full service manual ,leave well alone,or seek expert who has or request dealer to do so,as these new CB cannot be reset back to default . We are working every day to make sure our community is the best Radio Hobbyist's site. In Europe all shit flies and denials when these things are mentioned. As such, Consumers who purchase a Presidnt Antenna together with a President radio, will get a full five-year warranty on the purchase of their new radio. I wish I still had it, but unfortunately the power transformer caught fire in it and the radio was a total loss. Or find a Radio engineer mentor. Its conversion is easy; simply throw a little slide switch on the PC board behind the VFO knob, if I remember correctly. Mod to 11 meters, simple. The WorldwideDX Radio Forum was originally established in 2001. Another good rig is the old Kenwood TS-430. Wow! - RF Power. ), Re: President Lincoln II+ V3 (how to unlock for 11 meters? - RF Power - 50 W AM (PEP) / 35 W FM / 35W USB-LSB (PEP) / 12W CW. Change it to a 1.8k or 2.2k. CB radio magazine did a video on the McKinley and he does show 2 adjustments that can be made on these but for now I'm not touching it. The President Richard is a reasonably priced, high performance 50 watt radio with Echo, talkback, and a multi-color display. RICHARD - Ham Radio - CB Radio / Ham Radio - President Electronics good show chuck, you said ya picked up a 430, did i tell i fried the 0ne i got from you, can anyone point me in the direction of a 2 pill schem for the HG 2879? Go To the Galaxy 55V Mods Page So many of you got your start there and it's nice to see people serious about the radio hobby come back and go down memory lane. Can someone explain to me whats done to the 10 Meter radios when there converted to transmit on the 11 Meter channels? A high power mobile covering the 10m Amateur band (28-29.7MHz), on FM & AM ( not SSB).
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