If you have difficulty with your screen,https://www.pella.com/support/request-visit/or call(877) 473-5527 to find a Pella service location nearest you. Looking for other parts of this kit? trailer << /Size 366 /Info 317 0 R /Root 320 0 R /Prev 671827 /ID[<3f144780b8a395072961d7e28a02da24>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 320 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 316 0 R /Metadata 318 0 R >> endobj 364 0 obj << /S 314 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 365 0 R >> stream endstream endobj startxref Measure the distance from the center of the knob opening to the edge of the door. Replacing a door handle is a simple task that you can do yourself, and the only tools you need are a screwdriver and a ruler. 0000043214 00000 n Recommended Tools Tape Measure Power Drill Pencil Phillips Screwdriver #2 $950.00. Pella Glass Sliding Patio Door Set - Door, Panel, Screen. This handle kit includes the inside and outside handle, trim plates and key lock. 0000028122 00000 n 0000011648 00000 n That peg will go through the latch mechanism when you place that side of the handle into the door. Once you remove the screws, both sides of the door handle should come out easily, along with the piece that covers the hole in the door (knob plate). rSBx?Ndru?He ,#IJ*C During installation, this type of door panel requires holes to be drilled into the storm door panel for the handle set. 61$GIKLhM%$vFRj)!b:|r]wq pO9rs+r h,Fezi (0 N0` 0000026777 00000 n Type Surface Mount Handle 1" Thick Door Door Type: Solid Storm Doors Deadbolt Included yes Lockable Yes Lock Night Latch Only Package Contents 2 standard closers, 2 end jamb brackets, 2 closer brackets . Type Multi-Point Mortise Latch for Pella Door Type Storm Door, Pella Packaged Contents Allen Wrench, Screws & Instructions Lock Removal:There are 4 spring-loaded tabs that 2023 Storm Door Parts Warehouse. Secure the handle in place with screws. When you are purchasing the handle, you also must remember to buy one that is oriented in the correct direction, so the piece that locks the door will be on the inside and the keyhole will be on the outside. Or do you want to upgrade the look and security of your door? $101 . Dont need the whole kit? Door Top Mounting Frame/ Drip Cap Installation Kit Includes mortise lock body, edge cover, deadbolt screw and 7/8 spade bit Hinge Mounting Frame Latch Mounting Frame Registration Number Extenders Closer Kit Includes mounting screws, expander screws and some handle components Retractable Screen Handle Kit This is your doors identification number. Opens in a new window or tab. L 0000083952 00000 n You can install doors With the Express Install feature in as little as 60 minutes.] Satin nickel finish complements any door frame color. This measurement is called the backset, and it is easier to obtain after removing your existing doorknob. Slide the latch into the opening of the door. You have to purchase the handle separately for about $50 which put the price of this storm door to about $320 plus tax. For reference, the storm door assembly is illustrated on page 2. in order to easily follow along and install your storm door. Well not at my ho. Free shipping. 0000075385 00000 n 1 2 Recommended Tools Power Drill Tape Measure Pencil Phillips Screwdriver #2 the bottom, install a door Loosen hinge rail screw as installation screw from Bag needed. 0000003140 00000 n 0000011996 00000 n Before you purchase a new door handle, you need to make sure it will fit your door. Uw8:NNgo7? Please leave it with the homeowner upon completion of the installation. PELLA STORM DOORS: OWNER'S MANUAL AND INSTALLATION GUIDE These assembly and installation instructions have been designed Pella storm doors incorporate a Pella@ Storm Door Collection interior handle that matches door. The latch is the part of the door knob or handle that secures the door in the door frame and locks the door. For reference, the storm door assembly is illustrated on page 2. Explore storm door installation information from Pella. All Rights Reserved. K. Insert the wave washer into the thumbturn hole of the interior handle (except OXXO joining handle). 0000083451 00000 n ClickHERE to view installation instructions for the Rolscreen Retractable Screen for windows (pre-2017 vintage). Type One-Touch Hold-Open Door Closer Series Fits most Storm Doors Packaged Contents 1 Standard + 1 Hold-Open Closer, Door Brackets, Pella Jamb Brakets, Installation Screws and. Not seeing a showroom near you? Remove it by unscrewing the two screws that hold it in place. Pella Sliding Door Left Handle Set Thumb Turn Installation Kit Oil Rubbed &White. Please leave it with the homeowner upon completion of the installation. Read the legend below in order to easily follow along and install your storm door. Installation instructions impervia sliding patio door with pella com for mortised hardware by peter robertson locking and unlocking entry doors wood link storm handleset handle lever set 84 229 proline screen assembly ox swisco 8 in surface mounted the handles department at Installation Instructions Impervia Sliding Patio Door With Pella Com Pella Installation Instructions For Mortised . For most handles you will only need to remove the screws on one side of the door. In some cases, there may be screws holding the latch in place that you will have to unscrew. Pella Storm Door Owner's Guide and Installation Manual Select Series Rolscreen Models NOTE TO THE INSTALLER: This Owners Guide and Installation Manual is the property of the homeowner. Pella 'Select' Mortise Handle Kit with Keylock - 9099507x. Pella select storm door installation instructions, Xilisoft youtube video converter failed to download, Watch blue is the warmest color online english subtitles, Pella select storm door installation instructions install#, Pella select storm door installation instructions manual#. ~8"Eu)P[:RhIDxeH%!UimvaBAOliDFT+=:_EyLl-v{AMCszpw&&vj;4%@4npmlj`_N6m]mk&Sl;9IUTXY)U(Jv@u1t8(Ol4c=[m#dS@QTvEM/+:BG(P g^H Eb#=HvW0>26C3X8|&~a=J JVdM{*9Q]\< y,]KtvMt/.IYHd+*JICB`jZFev_04)&vk\\30fi] U|^r?|'xL.###q:^7Ce]nXgI3ogt>p~>%$jWk)jj3Nr`6qT]aUZJjFiBm>7Wu2Zd{yxPo>'4Z-6oqp_Kc'5ve]'=&u~*sr"iT5TR*|DL\mj=G#3Tbt7^;e&hRgUY#FgCI8iRmmFhQbs#1(V }W+Z{u)m"BXS}Ft_XP}C=W EYm*9KePMD]sS;M. The Storm Door Guy (www.stormdoorguy.com) show you how to install an remove the door latch/lock assembly of a Pella Select storm door. . view installation instructions for the Rolscreen Retractable Screen for woodsliding doors. Fiberglass or steel entry door systems (16 pages), Clad hinged patio door (includes standard; performance upgrade and hurricaneshield impact resistant in-swing and out-swing) (17 pages), Clad hinged patio door with adjustable hinges (9 pages), O,ox/xo sliding patio door with fixed panel installed (16 pages), Nail fin installation before weather barrier and frame screw or clip installation for replacement (19 pages), Nail fin installation after weather barrier and frame screw or clip installation for replacement (19 pages), Aluminum-clad sliding patio doors with flush flange (14 pages), Clad sliding patio door - southwestern wall with hard coat stucco (6 pages), Single panel, single panel with sidelight combination and 20 minute fire rated wood frame entry door (16 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Door Pella architect series Owner's Manual, Door Pella 818L0100 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella V981553 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella 801W0103 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella 35123 Owner's Manual And Installation Manual, Door Pella 80JJ0103 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella V983492 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella 801V0101 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella 81DU0100 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella 81AK0101 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella 81CM0100 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella 808SQ102 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella 818K0100 Installation Instructions Manual, Door Pella 818T0101 Installation Instructions Manual. p"H/y If you need assistance with a Rolscreen on your storm door, visit https://www.pellastormdoors.com/support-center/contact-us. Attach hinge rail with #10 x 1/2" hinge screw from Bag B. Complete your Pella Select, Rolscreen, or Venetian storm doors with a Pella Select handle set to complement your entry Matte black finish complements any door frame color Designed to install easily on the right or left side of your door Includes a keyed lock for enhanced security The Pella Select handle set is designed specifically for use with Pella Select doors. Align the edge of the door panel and mounting frame from top to bottom. See them at the links below. You will need to reuse your current screws, Latch Assembly for Pella Select Mortise Handle Kit with Key Lock, 7/8" Backset, Mortise Handle and Lock Sets for Aluminum Rolscreen Doors *Discontinued*, Pella Select 6000 Series Mortise Handle Kit with Key Lock, Pella French Scroll Handle Kit with Keylock -33251x, Pella 'Select' Mortise Handle Kit with Keylock -9099507x, Pella Rolscreen Handle Kits with Latch Assembly - 20278717x, Pella Mortise Handle Set with Keylock - 33257x, Bright Brass Outside Handle + Color Match Inside Handle with Double Closer Kit, White/White Lever Handle - Surface Mount Installation for Solid Core Doors, Satin Nickel Outside Handle + Color Match Inside Handle with Double Closer Kit, Larson 830 Series Retractable Screen Storm Door Parts Overview. Note: The longest point of the hinge rail will extend past the top of the door by 316". From windows and patio doors to entry doors and storm doors. 0000001367 00000 n This storm door comes with a screen as well and you can change it to glass depending on the season. Pella Select 6000 Series Mortise Handle Kit with Key Lock. Measure the distance from the center of the knob opening to the edge of the door. 20296903x $64.95 - $69.95 Ready to schedule a free in-home consultation? 0000002033 00000 n Storm Door Installation | Pella Brand New. 0000006937 00000 n After you have followed these steps, take some time to confirm that your door handle is properly operating. Please leave it with the homeowner upon completion of the installation. Get step-by-step instructions to installing a screen door or a storm door at your home. This allows optimal functioning of your door and hardware. Install your handleset. Click HERE to view installation instructions for the Rolscreen Retractable Screen for wood sliding doors. Please leave it with the homeowner upon completion of the installation. $8.80 shipping. Once the latch is firmly in place, you can install the handle. Tighten screw while pushing top of hinge rail tight against the door frame. Please contact our customer support with questions or for additional/historical instructions. Window & Door Installation Instructions | Pella <iframe title="Google Tag Manager" src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-8CXX" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> There is a separate lockbody that is needed . Steps in GREEN apply to RIGHT HINGE congurations ONLY. Insert the screws through the holes in the inside latch, into the screw-posts on the exterior handle, and tighten. %PDF-1.4 % hb``d``g`e` B,l@qBYKB&!@! Pella Rolscreen Handle Kits with Latch Assembly - 20278717x. There is a separate lockbody that is needed for the handle set to work in the door. between, 1/8" less than the storm door stock width and 3/8" greater than the stock width. For example, a stock width 36" storm door requires an opening of 35-7/8" to 36-3/8". December 15, 2022; By admin Filed Under Glass Doors; No Comments Installation guides pella storm doors instructions for door on a clad frame or architect series entry ins solid core rolscreen com replacement glass retail how to install seasonal standard select 36 in x 81 white full view interchangeable screen aluminum with handle included the department at . RED objects are the action items for that step. If these screws are too long, you can either cut them like the spindle, or reuse your old screws if they're in good condition. Please leave it with the homeowner upon completion of the installation. Exterior Door Installation Instructions | Pella <iframe title="Google Tag Manager" src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-8CXX" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> 0000027679 00000 n https://www.pellastormdoors.com/support-center/contact-us, https://www.pella.com/support/request-visit/, Removing/replacing screens from sliding patio doors, Rolscreen won't fully retract on patio door, Opening/closing the Rolscreen on sliding patio doors. 0000001291 00000 n Next, choose a handle to match. 3B Locate hinge locator mark near top e . 3B Locate hinge locator mark near top e nd of door, and place hinge rail as shown. If you are looking to upgrade the security of your door, consider the current configuration of your handle set. 0000083216 00000 n Use a Philips-head screwdriver to remove the screws that are holding the door handle in place. Without this video, good luck on removing the thing.Website: https://StormDoorGuy.com----- Find a Storm Door Installer ----------In Metro Denver, Colorado: https://www.stormdoorguy.com/book-onlineIn the USA or Canada: https://bit.ly/3yCNvP3----- Order Replacement Parts By Brand ----------Andersen Storm Doors: https://www.stormdoorguy.com/andersenEmco Storm Doors: https://www.stormdoorguy.com/emcoLarson Storm Doors: https://www.stormdoorguy.com/larsonPella Storm Doors: https://www.stormdoorguy.com/pella---------- Follow Me On Social Media ----------Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stormdoorguyInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/stormdoorguy/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/stormdoorguy/Did I help you out? c Refer to handle instructions in Select hardware kit (skip Step 9 in handle instructions). Check the installation instructions for a picture of the handle and compare to be sure it is right side up. h[rF~}?IT\ECcV?`C!o$xSXF_w g`2sL60/yWLjtydecZg,Y)4 rtmZ9 CgZJ&ZZbKHC:+:K:4&X^qD/@,YZJjz8A(Ah n#& >\CBRg$'o f%%)-i:E|:R1a3$5$A$$XOXLNcQ85 :.yT6sKeX0(\+p5Q! \y!2H4 L}*R3 ; 0000058639 00000 n Please support the Future Home Project channel by watching the videos, suggestions for reviews, DIY projects, and by genuinely critiquing my content.You can subscribe here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmb1************************************************************And you can get some of the equipment I am using here:Panasonic Lumix G7 Camera: https://amzn.to/3fTNm0rComica Boom Mic: https://amzn.to/2XXqJlACamera Tripod: https://amzn.to/2Cr2jJH Affiliate Disclaimer: Most of the product links I am linking to, are affiliate links - meaning I may make a small amount of money if you purchase it - at no cost to you. You might be able to remove the latch simply by pushing it through the hole. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. 1N Flat head screw 1L 1M Owner's Guide and Installation Manual PELLA EXPRESS INSTALL STORM DOOR MODELS To order replacement parts, call 1-800-374-4758 or visit us at www.pella.com Please have your registration number Pella select storm door installation instructions install# Pella select storm door installation instructions manual# Continuing down the latch rail, install one screw at a time, keeping a consistent reveal.. (Hinge side will be determined in a later step.). Step 1: Measure the door opening Before you purchase a new door handle, you need to make sure it will fit your door. You can buy individual parts separately. All Rights Reserved. Ensure that the latch and lock are working as they should and that the door opens and closes smoothly. The Pella Select handle set is designed specifically for use with Pella Select doors. 0000035925 00000 n Pella Select 6000 Series Mortise Lock Storm Door Hardware TrimFinish, Pella Select 6000 Series Mortise Handle Kit with Key Lock, Latch Assembly for Pella Select Mortise Handle Kit with Key Lock, 7/8" Backset, Satin Nickel Outside Handle + Color Match Inside Handle with Double Closer Kit, Bright Brass Outside Handle + Color Match Inside Handle with Double Closer Kit, White/White Lever Handle - Surface Mount Installation for Solid Core Doors, Mortise Handle and Lock Sets for Aluminum Rolscreen Doors *Discontinued*, Larson 830 Series Retractable Screen Storm Door Parts Overview. This storm door comes with a screen as well and you can change it to glass depending on the season. Purchase a door handle that will fit the backset of your door. Pella Select Installation Instructions Model 6000 Pella Select Handle Set Instructions for Model 6000 0000058450 00000 n 0000066499 00000 n This Pella Select Full View Storm door is 36 inches wide and 80 inches tall.Your comments, likes and subscribes mean a lot. The last step is to screw in the new strike plate, which you can do by simply screwing it in place. If your door has a multipoint locking system, you will not be able to replace your hardware with a standard operating lock. 0000028145 00000 n 0000079909 00000 n 0000058616 00000 n How to Install or Remove a Pella Select Storm Door Lock Mechanism Storm Door Guy 1.05K subscribers Subscribe 34K views 10 years ago #pella #homeimprovement #stormdoors The Storm. Attach hinge rail with #10 x 1/2" hinge screw from Bag B. unpainted 3b TO P E ND O F DOO R 3C Install remaining hinge screws from Bag B starting from the bottom. Attach Storm Door to Door Frame (Right Hinge shown) 4A Slide rail extender into the 4B Hang storm door onto door bottom of the hinge rail. This handle kit includes the inside and outside handle, trim plates and key lock. hbbd```b```O".H9`^wio$=&Aj iH `E0H>B`S $C1Q]lKuu&_>b`%GIj"s)2?o ] But there may be some that have screws on both sides. PELLA CORPORATION, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. %PDF-1.6 % 0000058506 00000 n All Rights Reserved. 0000002273 00000 n endstream endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Properties<>/Shading<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 31 0 obj <>stream 0000010301 00000 n . Steps in BLUE apply to LEFT HINGE congurations ONLY. 0000002539 00000 n Remove template after drilling. \=&AV0)Gaa a;`SE&LF\FxF+?YH-G170>#`bE-rEU*FX3 Xl^Wm(Kg?bQL Find installation guides and resources for installing French patio doors in new construction, full frame replacement and pocket replacement applications. 0000020222 00000 n Whether it is an easy installation experience or an easy way to give your kids and pets unobstructed views of the outdoors, fullview models are designed to live up to the demands of everyday life, while adding beauty and security. b Insert the lock body so the flat side of the live bolt faces the outside of the door. 0000011306 00000 n *Discontinued* Order Substitute Handle: 33252 Pella Mortise Handle Order Substitute Latch: 30400 Latch Assembly Series Name Pella Rolscreen Doors Type Matching Handle Set Pella Doors Models Models 3800, 3825, 3900. Do we call that contractor and pay mega bucks for a fairly simple repair? 0000050103 00000 n NOTE TO THE INSTALLER: This Owner's Guide and Installation Manual is the property of the. Use our installation guides to help you install your Pella front entry door, sliding or French patio door and storm or screen door. $41.99. The package that your door handle comes in will probably include a standard rectangular latch plate and a round latch plate. *Discontinued* Order Substitute Handle: 33252 Pella Mortise Handle Order Substitute Latch: Series Name Pella Select 6000 Series Mortise Lock Storm Door Hardware TrimFinish Type Storm Door Cylinder ty, Mortise lock screws are NOT included.You will need to reuse your current screws, Body Depth (From Back of Faceplate): 1-9/16 inchBackset: 7/8 inchOverall Length: 7-3/4 inchScrew to Hole Length: 7 inch. PellaStorm Door Owner's Guide and Installation Manual Extruded Aluminum RolscreenModels 202220791-1116 NOTE TO THE INSTALLER: This Owner's Guide and Installation Manual is the property of the homeowner. 0000050126 00000 n 0000010511 00000 n 0000002055 00000 n 1 2 Recommended Tools Power Drill with 1/8", 3/8" drill bits (7/8" spade bit included) Tape Measure Phillips Screwdriver #2 For safety reasons, the assistance of a second person is recommended when handling the door. 0000012177 00000 n Explore installation instructions for all Pella products. 0000002878 00000 n Recommended Tools ClickHERE to view installation instructions for the Rolscreen Retractable Screen for windows (2017 - current vintage). If you are simply replacing your current configuration with a similar but updated version, you can follow our simple steps below. But no matter whether you are installing a doorknob or a door lever, the installation process should be the same. Andersen 39391 Storm Door Fast and Easy Installation . 0d6[5g~Ayc0_` MSi,\Z ?UeP Sb8:;d1 QnK '2t>{o%H88GHy\cQ JHO4~2_oSs ~zd_Irc!Db(O`KI~SyInb8x43NvLm9#A;2 0000020245 00000 n White/White Lever Handle - Surface Mount Installation for Solid Core Doors. Every so often we experience items breaking that we use everyday. 28 0 obj <> endobj Once that piece is in place, line up the other half of the doorknob with the steel peg. If your storm door unit has a universal panel, it will be supplied with a separate handle set installation manual and a handle drill kit. 0000083673 00000 n 52K views 4 years ago Showing how I installed a Pella Storm door. Before tackling this project, we recommend you spend some time determining what type of handle will fit well with your door. XafhV6kgN&|&?zV= Zo)L~"Ab%83>C&m ,~5(}jnA. . Type Surface Mount Handle 1" Thick Door Door Type: Solid Storm Doors Deadbolt Included yes Lockable Yes Lock Night Latch Only Package Contents 2 standard closers, 2 end jamb brackets, 2 2023 Storm Door Parts Warehouse. There are two main types of storm door handles: surface mount and mortise mount. Explore storm door installation information from Pella. V\y@Z@Yt00,dj4S!X;s_XD6K7U[pf7/ga L ~ ` OS, 6E Starting at the top hole, attach the latch rail with a #8 x 1 screw from Bag C. 6B Place latch rail tight against the drip cap. 9rM`x0(S3sY\n1p8w0U8`lj(`Ayg2n16C6)-O/phXaPp10KG@|@m-X0BL{f, V-00 endstream endobj 365 0 obj 579 endobj 321 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 316 0 R /Resources 322 0 R /Contents [ 336 0 R 338 0 R 343 0 R 345 0 R 347 0 R 349 0 R 353 0 R 355 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 322 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /F1 327 0 R /F2 340 0 R /F4 330 0 R /F5 324 0 R /F6 332 0 R /F7 339 0 R /F9 351 0 R >> /Pattern << /P1 362 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 363 0 R /GS2 360 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs5 333 0 R /Cs10 350 0 R >> >> endobj 323 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 0 /CapHeight 0 /Descent 0 /Flags 4 /FontBBox [ 0 -200 1000 1000 ] /FontName /AIGOCF+Gen_Arial /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 0 /CharSet (/MT111/MT55/MT97/MT56/MT105/MT48/MT32/MT57/MT82/MT49/MT114/MT50/MT115/MT\ 51/MT101/MT116/MT52/MT53/MT78/MT110/MT103/MT54/MT46) /FontFile3 326 0 R >> endobj 324 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 1 /LastChar 23 /Widths [ 722 556 556 222 500 278 333 556 556 556 278 722 278 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 ] /Encoding 329 0 R /BaseFont /AIGOCF+Gen_Arial /FontDescriptor 323 0 R >> endobj 325 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 3704 /Subtype /Type1C >> stream Please leave it with the homeowner upon completion of the installation. Type Surface Mount Handle 1" Thick Door Door Type: Solid Storm Doors Deadbolt Included yes Lockable Yes Lock Night Latch Only Package Contents 2 standard closers, 2 end jamb brackets, 2 closer brackets, Installation Screws outside lever, Series Name Pella Mortise Handle Kit with Keylock Center to Center Length (Inches) 7.25" Inches Deadbolt Included Yes Lockable Yes Latch Assembly Included No Other Product Information: Latch Assembly: 22424x Latch Assembly: 2028710433x. Take a careful look at the type of door lock you currently have and evaluate whether it has the features you need. Note: If the post does not fit into the stile, the handle is for the wrong hand. (N?u yy.K[05f| c?'v(3JNoh0Z/rrr7B Position edge cover over mortise hole on hinge side of door. Attach Hinge Rail to Storm Door Right Hinge Installation 3A Place interior side face up. Wanna say 'Thanks'? See more product details Customer ratings by feature Sturdiness 5.0 Easy to install 4.9 Don't worry, we'll come to you! The rectangular one usually fits, but if necessary, switch it for the round plate. Click HERE toview installation instructions for the Rolscreen Retractable Screen for woodsliding doors. Visit site homepage, Copyright 2023. The door will settle approximately 1/16". Your browser either does not have JavaScript enabled or does not appear to support enough features of JavaScript to be used well on this site. $179.95. SPONSORED. 0000078982 00000 n Traditional French scroll pattern levers offers a sleek and functional design. PELLA EXPRESS INSTALL STORM DOOR MODELS NOTE TO THE INSTALLER: This Owner's Guide and Installation Manual is the property of the homeowner. Browse features and options for windows and doors. Error! Pella Select 6000 Series Mortise Handle Kit with Key Lock, Satin Nickel Outside Handle + Color Match Inside Handle with Double Closer Kit, White/White Lever Handle - Surface Mount Installation for Solid Core Doors, Bright Brass Outside Handle + Color Match Inside Handle with Double Closer Kit, Mortise Handle and Lock Sets for Aluminum Rolscreen Doors *Discontinued*, Larson 830 Series Retractable Screen Storm Door Parts Overview. Is your current handle broken? 4C At the second hinge from 4D Slide rail extender to sill. Prime-Line C 1280 Mortise-Style Sliding Door Handle Set - Replace Old or Damaged Door Handles Quickly and Easily -For Right- or Left-Handed Doors - White Diecast, 3-15/16" Mounting Holes 4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars (1,835) 63 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3AA783AEB8439B43A18D3A65BCD166CF>]/Index[28 148]/Info 27 0 R/Length 165/Prev 619347/Root 29 0 R/Size 176/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Insert the 1/8" locating post at the bottom of the handle into the 1/4" hole on the stile. If you are using the standard rectangular latch plate, you will need to screw it into place with two screws. Learn how to install Pella wood, fiberglass and steel front entry doors for new construction and replacement projects. This measurement is called the backset, and it is easier to obtain after removing your existing doorknob. Success! Hb``a`` g`e`wd`@ 'DMm-+o7jXm3r`,tLMt]mm,]bCs22SSsjj*JK Surface mount handles have latching hardware on the interior surface of the door, whereas a mortise mount storm door handle integrates the latching hardware into the side of the door panel. Position the exterior handle on the door. %%EOF what type of handle will fit well with your door, Residential Energy Credits for Doors and Windows, Window Replacement - Everything You Need To Know, Add Curb Appeal to Your Home With Replacement Windows and Doors. Dw49d.[fsc#X. Find a Pella Branch Showroom by state The Largest Selection of Storm Door Parts Online, Type Multi-Point Mortise Latch for Pella Door Type Storm Door, Pella Packaged Contents <, Series Name Pella Mortise French Scroll Type Mortise. 175 0 obj <>stream Pella Mortise Handle Set with Keylock - 33257x. You are now subscribed to Pella offers and inspiration. Type Latch Assembly for Pella Select Mortise Handle Kit with Key Lock, 7/8" Backset Door Typ, *** Latch Assembly NOT included in this package ***, Pella Model: 5600EFits Several Pella Storm Doors, Backset: 7/8 inchPZ: 2-1/2 inch (center of handle to center of cylinder)Screw Holes: 7-1/4 inchFaceplate Length: 8-1/4 inchFaceplate Width: 1-5/16 inch.
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