As if to answer her prayers, Mike walks into the coffee shop. Fernando has told you that you have now unlocked styled furniture! Upon hearing their predicament, Lucas says when the time machine exploded, it must have opened a wormhole to a parallel universe where Mary and Bill are having problems and on the verge of divorce. The news that the elderly man in the gray hat is Clyde Bowen made a strong impression on Elsa. Mary says she had a good childhood and wonderful parents. He will ask you to make him some Energy of Nature Ice Cream with Guarana before he leaves. Clyde gives you a Blue Gift for your help. Option to tell Elsa, Mary's mother, Bill's thinking about marriage or not. He gave her the statuette he made for her and it turns out shes a huge fan of Petronia Sledges work! Clyde will pass on a message that Bill needs to speak with you, but not without giving you 5 diamonds and a Pink Gift for everything youve done for him. Not used to the mechanics of basketball, Bill performs horribly in the game and Mary says she will never date him now. Koffsky apologizes for pranking you too and gives you a Gold Gift for your trouble. In exchange for helping him find the missing pieces, he promises to give you a Supercupcake Display Case. Leopold was very calm about it. Although the song is topping all the music charts, it looks like nobody is talking about the music. Bill decides that Ben will be his best man. Watson informs you that the girl he saved from thugs was exactly Alice Carroll, and that she's also the girl Koffsky was in love with. Tip: Don't sell off your Tier 3 cafe theme wallpaper. With repairs on the time machine coming along nicely, its up to you to play matchmaker again for Bill and Mary. Note: Some story titles are not official. His father hugs him with tears in his eyes, years of animosity behind them. My cafe #Level 27 #Answers the questions - YouTube A few levels later Mary Ditt visits Ben in prison and tries to prove his innocence. He witnessed two robbers in his house and they locked him in a closet, debating what to do with him, when Clyde comes in and saves the day. The Mayor has then no choice but to let the police decrypt the files and expose his secret to prove Bill has stolen the files, which was Margaret's plan all along. my cafe level 28 donald or fernando - nucleusplatform.com Koffsky accidentally activated jet engines installed in the surfboard and almost got into a terrible accident again. Finally, both are in their own bodies. He gives you a Gold Gift for helping him. He says it's hard not to worry because if you're trying not to worry, that means you've definitely got something to worry about. Mary divorces him although she believes he is innocent. The kidnappers kicked him out after he got so excited he ran over and hugged them (apparently they werent too big on hugs). It's time to try good pancakes and tasty biscuits. After giving your answer, Emily tells you to talk to Donald and see what his impression of Stage 2 is. #my cafe#level 27#answrs all questions#serve spiced recipes When he speaks with Emily, he tells her how he feels and comes clean about everything. Shutting down the time machine may make this reality permanent, Lucas says, so he suggests heading to the parallel universe and try to mend things, but he needs your help as a love consultant while he handles the science side of things. Emily and Lucass answers are different from each other, but she accepts that and accepts him for who he is. You'll have to talk to Ben in order to dig into the meaning of that dream. You ask Watson, the coffee shop's resident police officer, about the robberies at the Louvre and Naples Museum and he says his friend at Interpol will help for a Vanilla Frapp. He goes with Daisys suggestion to continue working on the quest and in the process, perhaps work things out with Emily. He says he needs a Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron to calm himself down. Donald Mulligan, the mayor of the town, doesnt seem like a nice guy. There have been too many changes in the young womans life recently. Petrovich was arrested. Mary has decided to investigate the events leading to the theft of the Mona Lisa. At level 4, the player meets Ben, Mary's boyfriend. The police officer says hell search through the police archives while the programmer says hell try hacking the hospitals records to see if anything turns up. Soon Ben lets us know that he's fallen head over heels for Mary and that he would like to surprise her by proposing marriage. Requirements: Spring Cupcake with Nutmeg and Saffron for Bill, Canele with Vanilla, Nutmeg, and Tapioca for Bill, Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise for Mary and Americano with Saffron and Cardamom for Bill. He tells you a story of how he became a policeman. My Cafe Special gift bags and their resources - KNOWLEDGEBEAR Donald Mulligan | My Caf Wiki | Fandom Margaret is up to her ears in wedding preparations. Heartbroken and feeling used, she tells Lucas hes dead to her and rushes out. Painting Costs: French Style - $187, 000.00, English Style - $182,000.00, Chinese Style - $185,000.00, American Retro Style - $183,000.00, Northern Lights Style - $191,000., Loft Style - $$190,000. Soon after this Mary comes to the caf to organize her wedding reception. Even though Watson turned you down earlier, someoneMargaretbroke into the archives recently and organized everything and he agrees to help on one condition: ask Donald if hell help out the force because they need his crime-fighting abilities. She tells you that Mary thinks putting the ring in a drink is romantic. As Celine, he goes blindfolded and asks for a Honey Milkshake with Tapioca, Cardamom and Rose to tell you the rest. Mike uses blackmail, bribery and forged documents to win back the doctor and building, but this ended up implicating Jennifer in corruption, and the townspeople petitioned for her immediate resignation. The hauntress spells out a chilling message for them: Death, horror, decay, and South Night Supercupcake. One day, Charlie asked Petrovich to help him rob a bank. He gives the player a Blue Gift for their help. Relationships Jul 26, 2016 00. However, while at Lucas's lab, she accidentally pressed the wrong button on Lucas' equipment, which caused her and Lucas switch bodies. Throwing a huge party might help her since it worked for her roommate back in college, and Jennifer asks you to talk to Cleo. Ron seems sleepless. He says that your cafe will become even more beautiful than it already is with a style to it. After being instructed by Margaret (who threw himself locked in a safe to the water so he could figure out how ti open it), Ben goes to the gangters' place. He asks you for a Sweet Roll with Saffron to calm him down, but after the sweet roll he says he was a trick up his sleeve for teaching Ron. Afterward, Lucas tells you none of his devices are working and asks you to see if Emily, who is a scientist in this universe, will help. Unfortunately, as Mary waits for Ben to show up, Ben is nowhere to be found and missing for two days. When you talk to Fernando, he says Cleo has already borrowed the chess pieces. I do not not know whof to choose. The styles are: He tells you to ask your customers to see which style you should decorate your cafe with: After getting the results, Fernando says it's up to you. Mary is perfectly happy and Clyde is, too, now that hes found Emily. My Cafe new equipment and recipes - update 2022 Requirements: 1 Tropical Latte with Saffron for Carl; 1 Chocolate Ice Cream with Saffron for Ben; 1 Tea with Ginseng, Guarana, Lemon and Mint for Petrovich; 1 Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron for Henry; 1 Alpine Winter Tiramisu for Clyde. You discover that Olivia is currently working for Felicia Sturm, who's married to a young man named Alphonse, but it turns out he's in cahoots with Felicia's ex-husband and they are trying to steal her fortune. The psychic ends up confessing to everything, and Cleo feels embarrassed for falling for it and asking for a dessert from you. Mike feels guilty and apologizes to Jennifer, but she is suddenly kidnapped. Your choice whether to get the Red Gift or just take the Gold Gift. in nikocado avocado addressGeneral; my cafe level 28 donald or fernando . Mary understood and forgave her, and they continue to be friends. She wishes she was a superstar like her parallel-universe self, so she decides to copy the other Cleo and asks you to speak to Lucas for more information about her. Emily asks you for 959 diamonds (optional) to help, and promises to give you a painting in return. She asks you for a Canel with Whipped Cream and Forest Berries for the picnic. Out of all his ramblings, it seems that Carl is one of the most prominent suspects as hes come into some money recently. They end up making a bet: if Mike doesnt get the video ready in a week, hell have to move away, but if he does manage to finish it, Cleos music video will be shown at the start of the ceremony and Jennifer will have to pick up trash around town. Rewrites the page. Felicia plans to prank her bosses with a second charity party by making them praise awful dresses that Petrovich secretly designed. For some reason, the fashion icon had turned on all their appliances at once and fried a circuit, starting a fire in their house. You can look at the catalog, and even experiment with one or two items from a style. Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:13:48 Game Questions & Answers. Talking to Watson, he is still frantically trying to find out who robbed the exhibit so he can save his job. When you talk to Bill, he asks for a Supercupcake with Nutmeg, Cardamom, Saffron and Salt and he finds some old newspaper articles about her. At level 4 Bill revealed he had been in love with Mary Ditt for 2 years. She is also very practical, and is excited to meet her father after all these years despite growing up in a single-parent household. With the money she earned, she has just enough to pay off Mikes debts and helps him out. He asks you to see what impresses your female customers when it comes to men so he can analyze their responses, then he heads off to plan the perfect date for Mary. Emily asks Ben to help him out with some "charity" work in the end. Dejavu. He returns to the coffee shop and tells you an ominous message was written on his bathroom mirror. She dumped Lucas and made it seem as if she didnt share his feelings because his and your presence in the other universe was starting to destroy it. She refuses to perform, but Mike is desperatehe owes a large debt to the Corporation and he was counting on Cleos success to help pay them back. Apparently, shed been dropping hints to Carl this whole time. My Caf: Recipes & Stories (Espaol) | Hola chicos - Facebook Things are headed in the right direction when you talk to Bill, although he says that while hes really interested in Mary, hes decided to love her from afar. Carl got the ring from Antwerp, jewelry capital of the world. Lucas is having some trouble with his time machine and still needs to work out the kinks. My Caf: Recipes & Stories (English) | I am stuck.. dont - Facebook She states that even if you repair a broken cup, the scar remains. She also tells you that she and Lucas are getting along really well. Surfing class didn't go so well. Ben couldnt offer much advice seeing as how hes currently unemployed. You report the scam artist to Watson, who tells you he has a feeling someone is about to get arrested. But the construction worker has some horrible news: the fountain that was in their basement has gone missing and Petrovich is convinced it was Felicias mother. Talk to Bill, he is worried about something his mom said. The more people live on it. Elsa decided that Mary isnt ready to learn the whole truth about her parents yet. Ben and Mary had a quick wedding by the Justice of the Peace at town hall and Ben promptly decided he could no longer live with a different name than Mary and changed his to Ditt as well. You will go to Lucas to ask hm to analyze the composition of the orporation's food. Mary allows it and Bill has the bachelor party of his life. When you see Koffsky again, he tells you about Watson's odd reaction. While visiting Emily's office, Lucas's almost caused a fight between him and Emily's coworkers. It turned out they were just taking bets on the baby's sex. She asks you to speak to Mary and find out more about her childhood. A boy and a girl. Talking to Bill, you learn that he made a mistake in his search for Mr. Bowens offspring. Mary knows nothing about the Green Moon foundation, but she evidently isnt keen on the mayor himself. Koffsky gives you 300 if you lent him 250 at #Level 14. After fulfilling all his requests, he compliments on how much better your cafe looks. Petrovich concludes they lied to him and have been together this whole time, spending the money they stole. You'll ask Felicia, then Carl, then Emily for help. Rewards: 10 diamonds, 3500 Prestige Points, 1 Simple Gift for the Fish Tank and 1 Blue Gift for keeping him on the right path from Petrovich. Mary asks for a Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise and tells you that while trying to compete with the robot, Bill has hurt his foot. Has anyone have any problem like me? Carl tells you the next recipe fragment is apparently back in the archives too, this time in Corwin Mulligans file, Donalds grandfather. Ben is also released and for a Summer Raspberry Cake he will agree to give Ron some humour lessons. Elsa tells you to talk to Watson to learn more about his love for cinnamon. True to her word, she gives you a Gold Gift for helping her. When you ask Watson for help, he agrees, but needs your help in exchange. Police investigated to know where the money was but she didn't have any. You try to ask Margaret for help and she agrees, but tells you that you will also need the help of Iron Mulligans next of kin, his son Donald. Legend has it that Bloody Penny haunts whoever dares say her name three times. When you see her again, Cleo wants to continue their relationship, but Ron is less than pleased. Get the "magic" notebook from Carl. Elsa knows she has to reveal to Mary who's her real father, and she fears that such a news might have a bad impact on Mary's mood toward her marriage. Petrovich asks for a Americano with Cardamom and Saffron. Bill tells you his friends were impressed by Tony. When you tell Henry the details of what you found, he says Elsa had a visit from the ghost, with a message written on her mirror. The initials are: B. I. L. L. Then ask Bill for riddles. If Bill moves in with Mary, the cat will have less to chew on, but the internet connection is slow where Mary lives. After some back and forth, you learn that Petrovich made quite and impression at the party but that Felicia's bosses asked her to choose between her job and Petrovich. If you tell her that it's her choice or that she's ready for it, it will lead to her asking you to invite Margaret, Bill, Koffsky, Petrovich and Watson Holmes. Requirements: two Tier 3 table for four people for Ben to interpret Ron's dream; then a Chocolate Latte with Cardamom and Vanilla for Ben to interpret Mary's dream; a Tea with Galangal, Ginseng, Milk, and Honey for Mary after that; a Berry Smoothie Ice Cream with Guarana for Ben to interpret Petrovich's dream; a Vietnamese-Style Iced Coffee with Tapioca for Petrovich after his misfortune. When you tell Petrovich that Felicias mother will be visiting, he says he wants to pop the big question to Felicia. He tells you he will rescue Michaela in a horse and after that, he'll tell the police. Apparently, the first time he tried cinnamon since he was a child was when he first visited the coffee shop. In exchange for 10 diamonds and to continue working to make Cleo a superstar, he asks you for a Canel with Vanilla and Whipped Cream. You need to ask Felicia which one she prefers. You share this news with Koffsky and suggest both men should talk about it to each other. Fixing water line and pouring cement near Cleo's place. You go to Donald to get the recipe fragment from him and thank him, but he says on their way back to the coffee shop they got into a fight with a shady group of people and he lost the recipe somewhere in the fray. Rewards: Pink Gift from Koffsky, Blue Gift from Alice. She gives you a Blue Gift for everything youve done to help. Got the ring from Carl by doing something illegal program related for him. Donald says that Emily and Lucas should start living together and get a better sense of each other's jobs. Each story is unlocked at a certain level. Koffsky is pleased with his new neighbor and tells you Clyde isnt too grumpy as long as you get enough coffee in him. Unfortunately, things dont go quite as planned. Mary thinks Bill is the hero and wants to treat him a romantic dinner. Koffsky agrees to help Watson, afraid that the police officer will burn down his house if he doesnt help. Mike will ask you for an equilibrium tea. You ask her how it went, but Jennifer is exhausted and asks for a Super Adrenalino with Guarana and Gold to perk her up. Tip: when you talk to Lucas, take a closer look at Felicia's ex, and tell Henry to use the "stranger on the train" tactic. Bill tells you he and Mary nearly got divorced, but at the last moment their feelings did a complete one-eighty and now theyre happily in love once more. He confessed about cracking the safe and went to jail but he did not say a word about Charlie. *, You get a Wedding Cake Decoration for your cafe! Carl tells you that, while he doesnt know the recipe or ingredients needed to make a supercupcake, he does know where to find them. You do and both go to the party together. Requirements: Chicory Coffee for Ron, Chicory Coffee with Honey and Lemon for Donald, Supercupcake with Nutmeg, Cardamom, Saffron and Salt for Daisy. So when a book by Nabokov fell off one of the shelves, it made her wonder what it would be like to be involved with a man like him. Magpie landed in a tree while he was eating lunch and had the ring in its mouth. Games, My Cafe Recipes and Stories. He asks you to check on them to see if theyre all right, but it looks like the newlyweds may be out of their honeymoon phase. Posted By : / yamaha fg series history / Under : . Ben will ask for a Honey Milkshake with Star Anise, Nutmeg, and Cardamom. Emily doesn't know how to find common ground with Lucas and asks you to talk to other customers about the way they deal with relationship problems. Answer from: PlayerI sold to Fernando and received a Gold gift from Olivia, a Blue gift from Fernando, and a Pink gift from Felicia. Bill has catched the baby before he hit the floor. The psychic needs a Canel with Rose and Cardamom for the ritual. Then he lets on he may have tampered with Cleo's flight. Requirements: Crazy Cloud Ice Cream for Emily, Equilibrium Tea for Emily, Magical Coffee with Rose, Cardomom, and Gold for Lucas, Americano with Saffron and Cardamom for Lucas. However, the date does not go well as Mary thinks Bill is too flaky and indecisive to be boyfriend material. And get the gifts&vip points, Answer from: AbbyIf u choose Fernando, u get a blue gift and a gold gift. Genetically, Clyde and Emily are not a match. Mary's idea was the most appealing to Emily - sharing partners' interest with each other. Requirements: Ice Tea for Bill, Cupcake With Cinnamon and Anise for Margaret. When he gets there, however, he catches a glimpse of his yard from her window. After some back and forth, you learn that things went as planned and Petrovich came out at the end to deliver a passionate speech explaining this was all a prank to prove that Felicia's fashion sense was still impeccable, and they needed her. Mr. Bowen thinks he writes terrible lyrics, so hes going to steer clear of this job. *, Requirements: Sweet Roll with Saffron for Jennifer, Americano with Saffron and Cardamom for Petrovich, Sweet Roll with Cinnamon and Caramel Syrup for Margaret, Super Adrenalino with Guarana and Gold for Jennifer, Requirements: Homemade Sweet Roll for Donald, Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise for Donald, Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom for Donald, Tapioca Tea with Milk, Vanilla and Cardamom for Watson, Requirements: Rose Supercupcake with Grenadine, Whipped Cream and Cardamom for Koffsky, Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron for Henry, Supercupcake with Nutmeg Cardamom, Saffron and Salt for Bill, South Night Supercupcake for Koffsky, Requirements: Daisy Supercupcake for Lucas, Shrikhand with Maple Syrup, Cardamom and Saffron for Lucas, Supercupcake with Espresso, Chocolate Syrup and Gold for Ron, Honey Milkshake with Tapioca, Cardamom and Rose for Lucas, Requirements: Canel with Vanilla and Saffron for Cleo, Canel with Vanilla and Whipped Cream for Mike, Canel with Vanilla and Honey for Cleo, Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise for Petrovich. She doesn't mind she ended up losing the bet either because, regardless, she's happy for Cleo and said she did an amazing job. Bill only asks you for a Mojito Espresso in return to keep him from falling asleep as he looks through all the records from the last twenty years. There's no other flights to take. Surprisingly, the new celebrity in town has decided to stay a little longer. He asks you for a Vanilla Ice Cream with Nuts, after which hell decide whether he wants to become a regular at the coffee shop or not. Watson gives you a Pink Gift for successful hypnosis. He asks you to find out from other customers what skills a good father should have. You can get a 1 free Gold spice if you answer Rons questions correctly. It works. Although she didnt meet the man of her dreams, Elsa says shes more excited to meet her grandson. She wants you to ask your customers if they know any unusual love stories she can use to inspire the anthology shes writing for her mysterious crush, who has invited her on a walk through the park. While Jennifer thinks shes won, Mike has some surprising news: Cleo finished shooting her music video in secret thanks to Mike keeping all of Jennifers attention on him. Koffsky isnt much help, but he says Margaret was walking by and may offer more insight. Koffsky tells you that the Vintage Mirror that Jennifer had given you in Level 34 is the mirror of Bloody Penny. He becomes Chloe's boyfriend. Rewards: 1 gem from Ron after the match against the Raging Beavers; 2 gems from Ron after you buy the decoration; 2 gems from Ron after he designed the outfit; 3 gems from Ron after you come up with your customers' suggestions for training; 1 gem each from Donald, Margaret, Mary and Petrovich after the last game. Some stories are resolved in one level, while others may be told over several. Hes determined to pay her back for the hotel fiasco. When he comes back, he will tell you his findings then you will report back to Olivia. She tells you that Donald will be her successor. It looks like hes left the Corporation and wants to make a brand new start as a producerCleos producer to be exact! When you break the news to Jennifer, she says she has to think and come up with another plan of action. In the meantime, she asks you to talk to Cleo to find out whats going on with her and her phone. It been like this for about 10 days. After losing, Clyde decides to quit the show. His plan was ruined when Jennifer called over a helicopter and sent the flyers he was about to put up on Jennifer's house scattered all over town instead. I hope you enjoy these mysteries of. Galangal: 2-5. He also says that letters addressed to the mayors fund often contain profanities. The investigation leads him to the Tetrapark family, which the town's mayor is a member of. However, he explains that the cops are bound hand and foot. She feels better, but is convinced that shell never become popular. Bill had told him hes quitting soccer, so Ron told him if he beat Bill in chess he would have to rejoin the team, something the hacker found hilarious. It turns out he doesnt have anything suitable to use and says Petrovich might have something. You discover that everyone drank something with ice in it, and that's because of a potion that Lucas created. Bill says he saw two trucks driving away from the house, one carrying the scent of soda and heading towards Koffskys house. my cafe level 28 donald or fernandoswiffer commercial actress 2020. junio 1, 2022 . Both Bill and Mary say theyve been fighting and it seems to have started out of nowhere. Koffsky confirms the story saying he was planning to propose to Alice the night she had an anaphylactic reaction to the tampered drink. The tech wiz has a full schedule that demands a lot of his energy, so he asks for an Energy Matcha with Guarana, Coffee and Honey in return for setting up the equipment on the main streets of town and around the caf. The fashion editor invited Margaret to her wedding, which takes place in a week's time at St. Joseph's Church. Ben needs to look for a job. Meanwhile, Ben is starting taking bets on the next matches: 20 gems for the bet, and if you win you get 30; you're free to bet or to pass. Doesn't talk to Mary as much as she'd like because Mary's focused on career. Clyde calls him a cheater for using a cat in his video, so Koffsky agrees to a rematch, ready for whatever hell throw at him next. Her mother has never liked any of her other exes, but Felicia wants things to be different with Petrovich. Tip: sheath dress with asymmetrical neckline, open toe high-heels pumps, clutch. Explain the situation to him. He hears the ideas, asks for your help on the drink, then when jewelry comes up gets hesitant. Reading through it, Cleo discovers the following about parallel-universe Cleo: she was married to Ron, who is a professional basketball player in that universe, but they got divorced; she gained a lot of popularity after a scandal; her producer is Mike. Daisy had told Petrovich theres a drainage system built into their home, so ask her for the blueprints. However, Lucas forgot to account for something, so the experiment took a little time to take affect. He mentions that Bill is an incredibly agile player, but he hasnt seen him at practice lately. . He asks for a Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom and to tell Watson to only call him when theres an emergency. Well I chose Mary to vote for Donald I got 25 gems as promised by Donald and a pink gift as well which contained 250 gems.
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