Jennifer Lawrence Birnbaum is a music teacher, choral director, performer and event coordinator with music education degrees from Ithaca College and Columbia University. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Michael Stern at mstern@ithaca.edu or 607-274-3717. IC professor Baruch Whitehead helps keep the traditional "Negro Spiritual" alive with the Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers. Nyack College and Alliance Theological Seminary admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made . Music- Computer Science and Engineering- Technology- Media Studies- Philosophy- . However, Mr. Egberts plans for the institution were evident even sooner. Faculty, School of Music. Presenters will share from the research and/or creative activity they engaged in during their sabbatical. All other Bachelor of Music students take a one-hour private lesson each week for 2 credits. Seniors may take level-5 courses for either graduate or undergraduate credit provided they. The School of Music; About the School of Music; Prospective Students; Current Students; Faculty & Staff; Calendar; . Ensembles may be repeated for credit. Ithaca, NY 14850: Welcome to all new and returning students! Professors Emeriti. (University of Cincinnati), Elizabeth Bleicher,Dean of Student Success. Discover our Music, Theatre, and Dance Difference, Ithaca College Martin Luther King Concert Features World Premiere, Khyle Wooten, Director of Choral Activities, Ryan Dickson, Instructor of Theatre Arts Management. 9 /10 placement. 953 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 274-3011 Footer menu. Themusic minorprovides an organized sequence of study for those students wishing a richer experience. The Associate Dean will determine how this policy applies to transfer students. A grade of C- is the lowest acceptable grade for successful completion of a required undergraduate recital. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. "The college has been exploring potential changes for several years, to take advantage of the synergies between programs . The information below is current as of July 13, 2022. The first-year student curricula are practically identical for all degrees within the school, giving students one full academic year in which to make a final decision regarding their programs. Students in the Bachelor of Arts (Music Major) take a half-hour lesson each week (for 2 credits) for six semesters. The information below is current as of June 14, 2022. (Seton Hall University), M.B.A. (Rochester Institute of Technology), B.S. (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), B.A. (Cornell University); M.H.S., Ph.D., (Johns Hopkins), Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, B.A. Music, Theatre, and Dance; Graduate and Professional Studies; IC Resources; About. Karl Paulnack, dean of the School of Music at Ithaca College, will leave the college at the end of the 2019-20 academic year.. La Jerne Cornish, provost and senior vice president for a cademic a ffair s, announced Paulnack's departure in an email sent to the campus community Sept. 13. This PDF will include the entire catalog. The undergraduate music performance degree can be completed in four years, or it can be combined with a music education degree and completed in four and one half years. A student may participate in additional ensembles, up to a total of 10 ensemble participation hours per week. 2022-2023 Ithaca College. For these policies please see the division website [link here]. Since its founding in 1892 as a music conservatory, the Ithaca College School of Music provides a comprehensive program devoted to excellence in performance and pedagogy. Online Application Fee (non-refundable) $50. This will be an informal meeting where the degree coordinator will explain the commitment, dedication and focus that is necessary and expected from students in this major. The following table shows music performance lessons (principal) levels and credits to be taken within degree programs of the School of Music. All majors offered by the Center of Theatre and Dance require an audition or interview. Browse an alphabetical list of all faculty. Currently only available to Ithaca College students, faculty, and staff . A written proposal must be submitted not later than the end of the first week of classes. Performance, Collaborative Emphasis B.M. USC Upstate is proud of the diversity of its student body and we seek to attract an equally diverse applicant pool for faculty, staff, and administrators. Juries are graded on a pass/fail basis. Historical concert programs from the School of Music. $1,050. Students having voice or piano as the major instrument, regardless of their curricula, take keyboard musicianship, which includes accompanying, transposition, and literature. The student will receive written feedback after each review. Jonathan Ablard, Professor - BA (Oberlin College), MA (Virginia State University), PHD (University of New Mexico), Barbara Adams, Associate Professor - BA (University of Southern California (USC)); MA (Yale University), Derek Adams, Associate Professor - BA (California State University: Bakersfield), MA (University of Arizona), PHD (University of Arizona), Susan Allen, Professor - BS (St. Lawrence University), MS (Duke University), PHD (Oregon State University), Kyle Armbrust, Assistant Professor - BM (Juilliard School); MM (Juilliard School), Juan Arroyo, Assistant Professor - PHD (American University (AU)), Sumru Atuk, Assistant Professor - BA (Bogazici University), MA (Bogazici University), PhD (City Univerity of New York), Stewart Auyash, Associate Professor - BS (University of Pittsburgh (PITT)); PHD (Penn State University Park), Wonyul Bae, Associate Professor - BA (DanKook University); BS (University of Utah); PHD (Indiana University), Ramin Bagherzadeh, Assistant Professor - BA (Persian Gulf University), MBA (Imam Khomeini International University), PhD (Southern Illinois University-Carbondale), Paloma Barhaugh-Bordas, Assistant Professor - BLA (Carleton College), MFA (Rhode Island School of Design), John Barr, Professor - BS (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)); MS (Boston University); PHD (Penn State University Park), Kasia Bartoszynska, Assistant Professor - BA (Reed College), MA (University of Chicago), PhD (University of Chicago), Christine Bataille, Associate Professor and Chair - BA (Simmons College); MBA (MIT Sloan School of Management); PHD (McGill University), Donald Beachler, Associate Professor - BA (West Virginia University (WVU)); MA (Cornell University); PHD (Cornell University), Eber Beck, Assistant Professor - BS (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Florianpolis, SC, Brazil), PhD (The University of Kansas Medical Center), Alexis Becker, Assistant Professor - BA (University of Chicago); MA (Harvard University); PHD (Harvard University), Bernard Beins, Professor - BA (Miami University); PHD (City College of New York (CCNY) (CUNY)), Barbara Belyea, Clinical Professor and Associate Chair - BS (Ithaca College); DPT (University of Montana, Missoula); MS (Ithaca College), Mary Bentley, Associate Professor - BS (Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania), MS (Mankato State University), PhD (University of Maryland Univ. In one of the best performing arts schools in the nation, youll collaborate with peers, explore academic subjects across ICs five schools, feel empowered through rigorous training, and collaborate with award-winning faculty and highly-engaged alumni. Ithaca College was founded by William Grant Egbert in 1892 as the Ithaca Conservatory of Music. Ensemble and chamber music credits over and above the required ensembles may be applied toward music elective requirements according to the following formula: for every 3 credits of music electives required in each degree program, 1 credit of ensemble or chamber music may be counted toward elective requirements, with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4 credits. January 31, 2023. BFA Theatre Production & Design: Students interested in transferring into the BFA Theatre Production & Design program must have taken (or be currently enrolled in) THEA 10200 (Technical Theatre Practicum) and then contact the theatrical production arts degree coordinator to set up a meeting. 607-274-3343. Contact; Directory; Emergency; Directions; Visit; Academic Calendar Lars Frandsen. About Us. (Alabama A&M), Ph.D. (Indiana Institute of Technology), J.D. Dr. Andrea Vos-Rochefort, Assistant Professor, Clarinet BM, Ithaca College; MM, Manhattan School of Music; DMA, Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. At Ithaca College, faculty and staff work together to make students ready for success in an evolving world. We are happy to welcome our new ensemble directors for 2023-24: Please also welcome our other new faculty starting 2023-24: Questions? Students who have interest in Theatre and are not accepted into the major are encouraged to add the theatre minor. A.A.S., SUNY Schenectady County Community College; B.A., Crane School of Music; M.A., The College of Saint Rose. (University of Washington), M.S. He has held two full-time positions, first at Florida State University and then at Ithaca College where he taught Viola and chamber music. (Georgetown University), M.A. 28 jobs using the term 'international' to view and apply for now with The Chronicle of Higher Education Jobs | by Relevance . musicassocdean@ithaca.edu. (University at Buffalo), Ed.S. Ivy Walz, Associate Dean. Resulting credit deficiencies may be made up by taking additional music electives. (Goucher College), Ph.D. (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), Robert Wagner,Chief Communications Officer, Tim Downs,Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer, Hayley Harris, Vice President for Human Resources and Planning, Wendy Kobler,Vice President for Philanthropy and Engagement, Laurie Koehler, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Nancy Pringle,Secretary and Legal Counsel to the Board of Trustees, Bonnie SoltPrunty,Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life, Melanie Stein,Provost and Senior vice President for Academic Affairs, Stacia Zabusky,Associate Provost for Academic Programs, Brendan Murday,Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, Christina Moylan,Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies, B.A. BRASS Dr. Rebecca Dodson-Webster. On Jan. 25, 2022, nine months after the May 2021 meeting, the college's administration announced that by July 2022, the Department of Theatre Arts and School of Music would merge to create the Ithaca College School of Music, Theatre and Dance. . Every music student is required to meet specified minimum requirements in piano, relative to their curriculum. Ivy Walz,Associate Deanmusicassocdean@ithaca.edu, The Center for Theatre and Dance Music performance faculty are active both on and off campus as solo and ensemble performers and as clinicians, and the School of Music brings well-established professionals to campus for master classes and performances. The Music Program faculty includes many musicians and. According to the New York Times, YikYak was one of the go-to social media platforms for college students in the mid-2010s. Online Admitted Student Program: March 5, 2023. theatredanceadean@ithaca.edu. APC Meeting Calendar - APC Meeting Calendar 2022-2023-2.pdf (46.34 KB) Faculty Positions Not specified jobs in Ithaca. The curriculum includes Applied Music, Opera Workshop, Performance (piano and voice), Music Theory, Music History, Music Literature and Music Education (including classes in instrumental methods and materials). Those majoring in the performance or performance/music education (four-and-a-half-year) program take a one-hour private lesson each week (for 4 credits); all other Bachelor of Music students take a one-hour private lesson each week (for 2 credits). Best descriptor of Ithaca locals for use by Cornell students . Each student in the Center of Music will be assigned an advisor. Nov 2014 - Present8 years 5 months. The Music Program provides pre-professional studies for students who wish to major in music in a liberal arts setting. The B.F.A. Ithaca College School of Music (Ithaca, NY) Kenneth C. Zirkel, Phillips Hall Campus Center, Ithaca College, CC BY-SA 4.0. Students participating in these ensembles may earn music elective credit. With help from some slimy slugs, biology professor Andy Smith won game show podcast Tell Me Something I Dont Know. Currently, there are over 100 faculty and staff members listed in the School of Music and over 40 listed in the Department of Theatre Arts. Steve TenEyck, Associate Dean. (Florida), Ph.D. (Toledo), B.A. Founded as a music conservatory in 1892, Ithaca College attracts driven students looking to transform their lives and the future. (Harvard University), M.B.A. (Universite Libre de Bruzelles), D.B.A. So I went to Ithaca College for a year and then did . All prospective music majors or minors will need to submit an Audition Form through GetAcceptd. Currently, Dr. Silveira teaches a variety . Each applicant must audition on a principal instrument and pass a sight-singing assessment during the standard audition dates. First founded as the Ithaca Conservatory of music in 1892, the last new school to be formed at Ithaca College was the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance in 1988 formed from the School . All rights reserved, B.A. The platform first debuted . and M.S. Students may be exempted from courses in the Music major through examination by the departments concerned. (St. John Fisher College); M.A. Further students' understanding of child and adolescent development and learning. . Students pursuing degrees in other fields at Ithaca College also may study music through a variety of performance experiences and courses designed for the non-major. Develop exemplary teachers and musicians. Ithaca, NY 14850. music@ithaca.edu. All rights reserved. However, Mr. Egberts plans for the institution were evident even sooner. Stephen Sims teaches applied violin for Case Western Reserve University, and for the Cleveland Center for Suzuki Studies. in Musical Theatre is offered in collaboration with the School of Music.The student is admitted to the major in musical theatre following a successful audition with members of the theatre faculty. The Ithaca College Academic Program Prioritization Implementation Committee (APPIC) released a draft of the " Shape of the College " document, which includes recommendations for the elimination of 116 full-time equivalent (FTE) faculty positions; 26 department, major and program discontinuations; and other program changes they say will improve academics at the college. (Syracuse University), Nigel Martin,Director of Technical Operations, B.S., M.S. (Colorado State University); M.Ed. School of Music, Theatre, and Dance main policies page. ITHACA, NY -- Ithaca College's newly adopted "Shape of the College" report from the Academic . October 15, 2020. Visa sponsorship is not provided for this position. You don't have to major in music to take lessons from our 40+ faculty members or participate in any of our 12 ensembles, several of which tour nationally and internationally. . Tune in to Ford Hall or Hockett Family Recital Hall and enjoy free and wonderful music and performances from anywhere in the world. Visiting Assistant Professor of Education. Music Faculty & Administration. Ithaca's music education majors are known not only for being great teachers, but also top-notch performers and musicians. Provost Melanie Stein invites us to celebrate the intellectual and creative accomplishments of our colleagues. Associate Professor, Department of Education. Music in Combination with an Outside Field B.M. But if you do, you'll have four majors and three minors to choose from. 9 /10 accomodation. His students have won concerto competitions, served as concertmasters and section principals for . Faculty List Search by Name Search our directory of faculty by name or email address. Available Concert Programs. Joy Adams, Professor Emerita of Art (2011-2012) Maria Alper, Professor Emerita of Media, Arts, Sciences and Studies (2018-2019) Mary Arlin, Professor Emerita of Music Theory, History and Composition (2007-2008) Laurie Arliss, Professor Emerita of Communication Studies (2021-2022) Dr. Sarah Wildey-Richmond, . The Center for Music. 2022-2023 Ithaca College. and M.Ed. Please see the School of Music, Theatre & Dance for specifics on how to apply. Our high school program is unique in that it offers a residential pre-college experience with a rich offering of music courses, as well as non-music courses, taught by Ithaca College faculty and . (University of Washington), B.A. (Boston University), B.A. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. All music education students must participate in a major ensemble during the on-campus portion of the student teaching (block) semester. The music program at Ithaca awarded 53 bachelor's degrees in 2020-2021. Here, in conservatory style programs that are grounded in the liberal arts, youll feel rapport and reinvention in the airin our classrooms, in practice rooms and on and off our stages. Students completing their entire program at Ithaca College enter the MM program. Performance and Music Education Major B.M. Please refer to the International Programs section or see course descriptions. After the interview, two outcomes are possible: 1) student will be asked to participate in an interim semester before the final decision regarding acceptance is made; 2) student will be informed that they will not be accepted into the degree program. Guitarmajor -Music education, performance, and music education/performance Choral ensemble (Choir, Chorus, or Treble Chorale) and/or Guitar Ensemble (as specified in the curriculum outlines), All other guitar major degrees Choral ensemble (Choir, Chorus, or Treble Chorale) or other major ensemble by audition, including Guitar Ensemble, Jazzstudiesmajor -Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Repertory Ensemble, Jazz Lab Ensemble or Jazz Vocal Ensemble (as specified in the Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies curriculum outline), Keyboardmajor -Choir, Chorus, Treble Chorale, Pianist as Collaborator, Accompanying Master Class, Guitar Ensemble, Piano Ensemble, Piano/Instrumental Duo, or Piano/Vocal Duo, Voicemajor -Choir, Chorus, or Treble Chorale, Windandpercussionmajors -Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, or Orchestra. "There is no joy in this," said La . Students must repeat keyboard musicianship or Aural Skills courses in which they receive a grade lower than C-. Ithaca College announced Wednesday it approved a plan that would eliminate 116 faculty positions over three years. BS, Francis Marion . This B.F.A. DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMANCE STUDIES CONTACT INFORMATION. A registered Suzuki teacher for over 30 years, he has taught at numerous Suzuki workshops and institutes around the country. The third digit is odd or even depending on whether the course is normally offered during the first or second semester, respectively. Hiring rate: $1,812.03 per credit hour. All students should meet with their advisor prior to registration. In addition to serving on the faculty of the Community School of Music and Arts, she is the choir director at the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca and teaches at Namaste . Waitlisted at one and guaranteed transfer to another. View FACULTY RECITAL: Rachel Schutz, soprano - SILENCED 8:15 pm View Elective Recital: Alexa Rahman, soprano 7:00 . Equip students with the knowledge and skills to advocate music for music's sake. 6. They'll then be invited to schedule an audition. Ithaca College was founded by William Grant Egbert in 1892 as the Ithaca Conservatory of Music. Find out more about our history, our holistic programs and our passion for co-creating change in the arts. The Center for Theatre and Dance. The following fulfill the major ensemble requirements for the performance majors listed: CompositionMajor -Eight semesters of major ensemble (with two being choral in consecutive fall-spring semesters) with approval of the composition coordinator. secure the approval of the instructor, undergraduate adviser, graduate chair, dean of the school, and dean of graduate studies. A full listing of all Concerts and Music Events can be found here. The majority of the students with this major are white. Academic Interests: Music and Sound Studies. $40. Theatre Production and Design Major - B.F.A. B.A. former faculty, taught at Ithaca College Communications School 1967-1975 . Our mission is to provide a creative and supportive environment for young adults to grow as musicians and people. The Center for Music Additionally, students attending London in the fall can take advantage of the short term abroad program to Edinburgh. United. Colleen Flaherty. Admission to Professional Education (at the end of MUED 20200 and prior to . (Wesleyan University), M.A. JJWCM 4211 | 274-1562 |dsmartin@ithaca.edu, Kitty Whalen, Administrative Assistant to the Department Chair, JJWCM 3322 | 274-3538 |kwhalen@ithaca.edu, Ensembles at Ithaca College are the best way to get involved. New York's Ithaca College is segregating faculty by race for an "Antiracism Institute" that will take place during the fall and spring semesters. Throughout Spring 2023, we will be adding these course tours to the Canvas Resources @ IC Course on a rolling basis. 9,118 were here. Through weekly private lessons, repertoire classes, and more than 300 concerts per year, students have the opportunity to study, practice, and perform. 3322 Whalen Center for Music. School of Health Sciences and Human Performance. Concentration is available to music majors in the area of Jazz Studies. All full-time music students are required to participate in a major ensemble each semester until the ensemble degree requirements are fulfilled. (University of California, Santa Barbara); M.F.A. College), Elizabeth Bergman, Associate Professor - BA (Auburn University (AU)); MA (University of South Florida (USF Tampa)); PHD (University of South Florida (USF Tampa)), Brandy Bessette-Symons, Associate Professor - BS (St. Lawrence University), MA (Xavier University), PHD (Syracuse University), Natasha Bharj, Assistant Professor - BSc MSc (University of Surrey), Diane Birr, Professor - DMA (University of Rochester's Eastman School of Music), Les Black, Associate Professor and Chair Graduate Program - BA (University of Western Ontario); PHD (Yale University), Marie Blouin, Associate Professor and Chair - BBA (St.Bonaventure University); MBA (St.Bonaventure University); PHD (SUNY, University at Buffalo (UB)), Joshua Bonnetta, Associate Professor - BFA (York University), MFA (Concordia University-Montreal), Jarron Bowman, Assistant Professor - PHD (Duke University), Michelle Bradshaw, Associate Professor - BS (Boston University), Rebecca Brady, Assistant Professor - BS (University of Texas at Austin); PHD (University of Texas at Austin), Alka Bramhandkar, Professor - BS (Mumbai University); MA (Binghamton University (SUNY Binghamton)); MBA (Binghamton University (SUNY Binghamton)); PHD (Binghamton University (SUNY Binghamton)), Angela Branneman, Associate Professor - BA (Indiana University: Bloomington), MFA (University of Alabama), Dan Breen, Associate Professor - BA (University of Connecticut), MA (Yale University), PHD (Duke University), Jake Brenner, Professor and Chair - BA (Lawrence University); MA (Clark University); PHD (Clark University), Joslyn Brenton, Associate Professor - BA (University of Maine (UMaine)); MS (North Carolina State University); PHD (North Carolina State University), Karin Breuer, Associate Professor - BA (Florida State University), MA (University of North Carolina: Chapel Hil), PHD (University of North Carolina: Chapel Hil), Lauren Britton-Steele, Assistant Professor - BA (Muhlenberg College); MS (Syracuse University); PHD (Syracuse University), Kari Brossard Stoos, Department Associate Chair and Associate Professor - BS (Canisius College); MS (SUNY, University at Buffalo (UB)); PHD (SUNY, University at Buffalo (UB)), Cory Brown, Professor - BA (Oklahoma State University); MFA (Cornell University), David Brown, Professor - BA (Ithaca College); MS (Cornell University); PHD (Cornell University), Jack Bryant, Associate Professor and Program Director - BA (Western Kentucky University); MFA (Boston University), Sergio Cabrera, Assistant Professor - PHD (University of Texas at Austin), Hana Cai, Assistant Professor - BA (University of Maryland), BM (University of Maryland), MM (Conducting University of Rochester), DM (Indiana University), Laura Campbell Carapella, Associate Professor - BS (SUNY, Cortland); EDD (Columbia University); MS (University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse), Patti Capaldi, Assistant Professor - MFA (Massachusetts College of Art), Michael Caporizzo, Associate Professor - BM (Ithaca College); MM (Ithaca College), Edward Catto, Instructor - BS (Cornell University); MBA (University of North Carolina), Dennis Charsky, Professor and CMD Program Director - PHD (University of Northern Colorado), Teresa Chen, Assistant Professor - BS (National Taiwan University), MS (National Taiwan University), PhD (University of Oregon), Walter Byongsok Chon, Associate Professor - BA (Sungkyunkwan University); DFA (Yale School of Drama); MA (Washington University in St. Louis (Wash U)); MFA (Yale School of Drama), Samah Choudhury, Assistant Professor - BA (University of Michigan), AM (Harvard University), PhD (University of North Carolina), Charles Ciccone, Professor - BS (Ithaca College); PHD (Rutgers University (RU) The State University of New Jersey), Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, Professor - BS (University of California at Berkeley), PHD (University of Hawaii: Manoa), Matthew Clauhs, Associate Professor - BS (Penn State University Park); MM (University of Massachusetts); PHD (Temple University), Edward Cluett, Associate Professor - BA (Boston College); PHD (Cornell University), Dann Coakwell, Assistant Professor - AM (Yale University); BM (University of Texas); DMA (Texas Tech University); MM (Texas Tech University), Pablo Cohen, Associate Professor - BA (Buenos Aires Conservatory), MM (Temple University), DM (Temple University), Jessye Cohen-Filipic, Associate Professor - AB (Smith College), MS (Virginia Commonwealth University), MS (Virginia Commonwealth University), PHD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Katherine Cohen-Filipic, Associate Professor and Chair - BA (Earlham College), MSW (Virginia Commonwealth University), PHD (Virginia Commonwealth University), Paula Murray Cole, Associate Professor - BFA (Ithaca College); MFA (Southern Methodist University (SMU)), Christopher Coletti, Assistant Professor - BM (Manhattan School of Music); MM (Juilliard School), James Conklin, Associate Professor - BS (Miami University: Oxford Campus), MS (Cornell University), PHD (University of Rochester), Phoebe Constantinou, Professor - BS (Queens College (CUNY)); EDD (Teachers College, Columbia University); MS (Queens College (CUNY)), Jeane Copenhaver-Johnson, Associate Professor - BA, MEd, PhD (Florida), Lisa Corewyn, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Anthropology - BS (Colorado State University), MA (University Calgary), PhD (University of Texas: San Antonio), Nandadevi Cortes Rodriguez, Assistant Professor - BS Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, MS Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ph.D. University of Maryland, Mike Costello, Associate Professor - BS (Ithaca College); MS (Ithaca College), Colleen Countryman, Assistant Professor - BS (Canisius College), MA (Virginia Polytechnic Institute), PhD (North Carolina State University), Julia Cozzarelli, Professor - BA (SUNY, University at Buffalo (UB)); BFA (SUNY, University at Buffalo (UB)); MA (Yale University); PHD (Yale University), Melinda Cozzolino, Associate Professor - BS (Keuka College); MS (University of Scranton), Becky Craig, Assistant Professor - BA (College of Wooster); PHD (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (U-M)), Ben Crane, Associate Professor - BA (University of Michigan: Ann Arbor), PhD (University of Wisconsin: Madison), Cathy Crane, Professor and CPMA Degree Program Director - BA (Sarah Lawrence College), MFA (San Francisco State University), Radio Cremata, Associate Professor and Chair - BA (University of Miami); DMA (Boston University); MS (Florida International University (FIU)), Craig Cummings, Professor - PHD (Indiana University, Bloomington), Chrystyna Dail, Associate Professor - BA (Penn State University Park Campus), MA (University of Maryland: College Park), PHD (University of Maryland: College Park), Rita Daly, Clinical Assistant Professor and Fieldwork Coordinator -, Wendy Dann, Professor and Chair - BFA (Ithaca College); MFA (Syracuse University), Susan Adams Delaney, Associate Professor and Director of the Integrative Core Curriculum - PHD (Syracuse University), Mary Turner DePalma, Professor and Chair - BA (University of Pennsylvania), PhD (Cornell University), Maria DiFrancesco, Professor and Exploratory Director - BA (Canisius College); MA (SUNY, University at Buffalo (UB)); PHD (SUNY, University at Buffalo (UB)), Dave Diggin, Associate Professor - BS (Manchester Metropolitan University); MS (Manchester Metropolitan University); PHD (University of Limerick), Charis Dimaras, Professor - MM (Juilliard School), DMA (Manhattan School of Music), Anthony DiRenzo, Professor - BS (Syracuse University); MA (Villanova University); PHD (Syracuse University), Julie Dorsey, Professor and Chair - BS (Ithaca College); DPT (Boston University); MS (Ithaca College), Toby Dragon, Associate Professor - BA (Ithaca College), MS (University of Massachusetts: Amherst), PHD (University of Massachusetts: Amherst), Duncan Duke, Associate Professor - BS (Tec de Monterrey); MBA (Tec de Monterrey); MS (Cornell University); PHD (Cornell University), Craig Duncan, Professor and Chair, Legal Studies Coordinator - BA (Brown University); PHD (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (U-M)), Jessica Dunning-Lozano, Associate Professor - BA (University of California at Berkeley), BA (University of California at Berkeley), MA (University of Chicago), PHD (University of Texas: Austin), David Earll, Assistant Professor - BM (University of South Dakota); DMA (Arizona State University); MM (Arizona State University), Hugh Egan, Professor - BA (Brown University), MA (University of Iowa), PHD (University of Iowa), Jamie Ellis, Assistant Professor - BS (University of California at Berkeley), PHD (University of Wisconsin: Madison), Dara Engler, Associate Professor and Associate Chair - BFA (University of New Hampshire); MFA (Indiana University, Bloomington), Mary Ann Erickson, Associate Professor - BA (University of Rochester), MA (Cornell University), PHD (Cornell University), Scott Erickson, Dana Professor - PHD (Lehigh University), Ali Erkan, Associate Professor and Chair - BS (Lehigh University), MS (Lehigh University), PHD (Lehigh University), Sean Eversley Bradwell, Assistant Professor -, Amanda Faherty, Assistant Professor - BA (Hobart William Smith Colleges), MA (Clark University), PhD (Clark University), Richard Faria, Professor - BM (Ithaca College); DMA (SUNY, Stony Brook University); MM (Michigan State University (MSU)), Lisa Farman, Associate Professor - BA (St. Bonaventure University), MA (Syracuse University), PhD (University of North Carolina: Chapel Hil), Annemarie Farrell, Associate Professor - BA (Mount Holyoke College); MA (Ohio State University, Columbus); PHD (Ohio State University, Columbus), Marella Feltrin-Morris, Associate Professor and Chair - BA (University of Ca' Foscari), MA (State University of New York: Binghamton), PHD (State University of New York: Binghamton), PHD (State University of New York: Binghamton), Carlos Figueroa, Associate Professor - BA (Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU)); MA (New School University); MS (Central Michigan University); PHD (New School University), Akiko Fillinger, Professor - BS (Portland State University), PHD (Colorado State University), Sarah Fishel, Associate Professor - BA (Ithaca College); MA (Ithaca College), Tamara Fitzwater, Associate Professor - BS (Cornell University); MA (Binghamton University (SUNY Binghamton)); PHD (Binghamton University (SUNY Binghamton)), Arhlene Flowers, Professor - BA (New York University (NYU)), Mat Fournier, Assistant Professor - BA (Universite Paris), MA (Universite Paris), PhD (Universite Paris), Jason Freitag, Associate Professor - BA (New York University (NYU)); MA (New York University (NYU)); PHD (Columbia University), Allison Frisch, Assistant Professor - MBA (Rochester Institute of Technology), Amy Frith, Associate Professor - BS (Michigan State University (MSU)); MS (Michigan State University (MSU)); PHD (Cornell University), Ellie Fulmer, Associate Professor - BA (Clark University), BA (Clark University), MED (Clark University), DED (University of Pennsylvania), Jerome Fung, Assistant Professor - AM (Harvard University); BA (Swarthmore College); PHD (Harvard University), Chip Gagnon, Professor and Chair - BS (Georgetown University); MA (Columbia University); MPHIL (Columbia University); PHD (Columbia University), Ted Galanthay, Associate Professor - BA (Duke University); MSC (University of Colorado, Boulder); PHD (University of Colorado, Boulder), Diane Gayeski, Professor - BS (Ithaca College); MA (University of Maryland); PHD (University of Maryland), Matthew Geiszler, Associate Professor - BS (University of Florida (UF)); MA (Northern Kentucky University); PHD (Kent State University), Amie Germain, Associate Professor and Graduate Program Chair - BS (Penn State University Park); EDD (Gwynedd Mercy College), Steven Ginsberg, Associate Professor and Pendleton Endowed Chair - BA (Queens College (CUNY)); MS (Northwestern University (NU)), Amanda Gladu, Assistant Professor - BA (University of Texas at Austin); BA (University of Texas at Austin); MFA (Northwestern University (NU)), Claire Gleitman, Dean - BA (Wesleyan University), MA (New York University), PHD (New York University), Marc Gomes, Assistant Professor - MFA (California State University, Long Beach (CSULB)), David Gondek, Associate Professor - BS (State University of New York at Geneseo (SUNY Geneseo)); PHD (Dartmouth College), Belisa Gonzalez, Professor and Director - BA (Southwest Texas State University), MA (University of New Mexico), PHD (Emory University), Enrique Gonzalez-Conty, Associate Professor - BA (University of Puerto Rico); MA (University of Texas at Austin); PHD (University of Texas at Austin), Catherine Gooch, Director Clinical Education and Clinical Assistant Professor - BS (York College of Pennsylvania); MED (Elmira College), Steven Gordon, Associate Professor - MS (Ithaca College), Raymond Gozzi, Associate Professor - BA (Harvard University), MA (University of California at Berkeley), PhD (University of Massachusetts: Amherst), Laura Gras, Professor and Chair - DPT (Russell Sage College); MS (Russell Sage College); SCD (Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions), Courtney Gray, Clinical Professor - BS (Ithaca College); MS (A.T.
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