So hey, that counts for something, right? According to Whis, the Grand Priest has one of the top five battle powers in all of the universes, even Whis who is the strongest fighter in the 7th Universe is no match for him. 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In the manga, a Zeno Expo was held. That's not even a question. Whis has said that the grand priest was stronger than him So that's whis gone. Now we have Zeno. Zeno is said to be str Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Zeno King of all has the power to decide the fate of the multiverse, which would, in turn, have a significant impact on the balance of power in the multiverse as well as the number of living beings. The Multiverse itself is a chain of universes that have twin counterparts, except for one, which is an artificial universe. If you claim to be "stronger" than someone, but all your best efforts are completely useless against them no matter how unremarkable an appearance they maintain, would any "rational" person really accept your claims of being "stronger"? Debatable as zalama seems like the only being who might actually surpass zeno in power as he created a dragon who can grant any wish even zeno says it can do anything. This power gives him insights into the motivations and intentions of others, allowing him to make better decisions and act with greater knowledge and understanding. 1. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. @tabbender: There is no difference in volume/power between 3-D and 4-D in most fictions, as 4-D is a mere temporal dimension. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Throughout the series, there is no indication that Zenos age has changed as he is consistently shown as an eternal and all-powerful being existing outside of time and unaffected by the passage of years. Demigra solos Super, the versions of the GoDs in the games/Heroes scale higher than super versions so it doesnt matter. Sometimes its not about strength, sometimes its about the fact that some little germline has free access to the cosmic delete button. Yet the grand priest doesnt need a god pad to keep up, There have been tons of hints like that through out showing how the GP is more all knowing and more powerful. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Grand priest. Yes, Zeno is the god of all, but he isnt a fighter. The grand priest is the father of whis and all angels, making him the strongest o Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The only one who can even compare is Gohan in his Calvo form, Zeno has infinite power (in db terms). He has no claim to the titles of Fighter, Martial Artist and likely doesn't have or even need a very high battle power. Similarly, characters like; Bergamo, Lavender, Basil, Hyssop, Oregano, Sorrel, Chappil, Comfrey, Roselle, and several others were erased for losing the tournament. Outside of the Dragon Ball Series, Zeno is still one of the strongest anime characters. A post shared by Dragon Ball Wallpapers (@dbzgod98). Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. He is a deity and ruler of the Dragon World. The Grand Priest ( , Dai-Shinkan; FUNimation Grand Minister) is an Angel, who serves the Zen. Zeno has been training hard, and has become even stronger than before. Whis and the angels are in a league of their own. Because that is what Zeno is. While Zeno has a great deal of power, there are other characters, such as the Grand Priest, Beerus and Whis, and the Hakaishin who are even more powerful. Depending on the actual powers of the other Stones, Thanos could even take over Gokus soul or his mind. by ToshioWrites Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:11 pm, Post The only person who can rival that power is Zeno, but the Grand Priest acts as the supreme gods mentor and protector. But to be fair, the Grand It is believed that Zeno lived in Athens for several years and was highly influenced by the Greek Stoic school of philosophy. I could imagine the Angels actually working for a higher god, maybe Zalama, maybe Zeno's dad or something, and Zeno really is more akin to a "king" of the multiverse than a "god" of it. You Might Also Like: Will Rudeus Find His Mom In Mushoku Tensei? It is also strongly implied that he is the strongest angel, as Whis himself, the This is portrayed through his childlike innocence and excitement, which he displays throughout the series as an eternal being who is beyond the concepts of time, age, and most importantly, mortality. Zeno is stated quite clearly, in both the anime and manga, to be the single most powerful being in existence; and there are two of him. He displayed his omniscient power during the tournament when he used it to sense that Jiren had a tragic past that caused him to become a powerful fighter. He has absolute power over all creation, rendering him unbeatable. His powers are on a completely different level to any other character in the series, though it is hinted that he may be surpassed by the actions of Jiren in the Tournament of Power. Grand Priest is featless and Zeno can't even see Dyspo moving fast. As the two replies above me already state, Zeno doesnt need power and can simple ERASE the Grand Priest. His insights and methodologies aided in the spread of Stoic philosophy throughout the Mediterranean world and beyond, inspiring generations to come. Required fields are marked *. I don't know about Demigra because never play XV but i heard he has hax power enough to threat multiversal scale can him win against Zeno and Grand Priest? Zeno, also known as Grand Zeno, Omni-King, King of All, and the Lord of Everything, is the co-supreme ruler of the entire Dragon Ball multiverse and the most powerful of all in existence. So there is absolutely no chance that Beerus can beat Whis. @akumachip: Those YouTubers are overrating him then. Is the grand priest stronger than Whis? Whis further elaborates that the Grand Priest is the strongest being in this world, though the context of this world is unknown. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And the anime thats all over the place. Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, Privacy These characters possess enough power to challenge and possibly even surpass that of Zeno. 4 Is the grand priest the most powerful God in the universe? Oh and the only thing we know is that the gap between Mechikabura and Grand Priest is (literally infinte), What we do know is that DBH characters are 18x stronger than baseline infinte multiversal beings (ignoring scaling chains). He is the ruler of all universes and is And on top of all of them sits the Grand Priest. Beerus was going to stomp Demigra in XV1 before Demigra ran away like a bitch. Zeno was a powerful figure in his day, a respected teacher who influenced a large number of his contemporaries, including the well-known philosopher Epicurus. He has virtually unlimited potential because of his Super Saiyan and Ultra Instinct forms, but these forms are only temporary and he is not always able to access them. Whis stated that Grand priest is among top 5 strongest fighters in the multiverse as other 4 fighters never shown in franchise so we can simply say till now he is strongest. This wasnt even up for debate; Zeno is just too untouchable as he is right now. So far we only know that Zeno can destroy universes, similar to how Beerus and other Gods of Destructions can destroy things in their own universe, but we have not seen any other feats or proof that Zeno has any other strong capabilities. He now believes that he has what it takes to defeat Cosmic Armor Superman. Moderators: General Help, Kanzenshuu Staff, Post No, Zeno is not the most powerful character in existence. The only way he dies is if he violates one of his own rules as Angel. Is Grand priest Goku stronger than grand priest? Dragon Ball is known for its supermassive characters and incredible fight scenes. It does not store any personal data. Just one punch is all itll take for Saitama to beat Goku. Cool stuff that I upload here because Youtube will copyright claim it: Observing at the intra-universal level, the god of the universe is found to be weaker than the respective angel of that universe. Although some Dragon Ball characters have caused destruction and claimed countless lives, Zeno operates on a whole new level. Stronger? The dude killed trillions of life forms and didnt bat an eyelash. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-leader-3','ezslot_14',155,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-leader-3-0');No one can defeat the Omni-King. Zeno the Omni-King has knowledge of everything that happens in the multiverse, including events that occur in different timelines and dimensions. Is the grand priest the most powerful God in the universe? Another day, another opportunity for me to rant about how broken the power level system in Dragon Ball is at this point. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Zeno the Omni-King is said to be the strongest character in all of Dragon Ball because of his INSANE destruction powers, being They are the Grand Priest, the Future Zen oh, and Whis. Speed is very relevant before Zeno clenches his fists or does anything Sonic would have already vibrated his hand trough Zeno's skull before Zeno even thinks about erasing. Sep 22, 2017 83 Dislike Share Save The Den of Nerds 182K subscribers There's some new information from the Dragon Ball Super Manga about the relationship between Zeno and the Grand Priest. The grand priest created the world of void fron nothing and was able to instantly disable flying, - The grand priest can manipulate time and so can all his children, - if the zenos were the all powerful ruler of all, THEN why did the grand priest need to create the zenos a god pad to keep up with the action in the tournament. This is spite. They are also capable of teleporting easily to any location in the multiverse and can also sense the power levels of other beings. Not surprising, but likely not happening. Generally speaking, in terms of the canonical universe, Zeno is the most powerful character ever introduced. Throughout the tournament of Power, Zeno was able to keep track of everything that was happening even in the farthest corners of the fighting arena. Who is more powerful than grand priest? Zeno is the most powerful being in the entire series, and is an entity that is truly above all. Today, its the Omni-King VS the Father Of The Thirteen Angels, so lets dive right in! Zenos full power is portrayed as being nearly boundless, exceeding the imagination of all in the Dragon Ball Series. Zeno is presented as a very short, childlike being with a large lemon-shaped head, round eyes, small rounded grey ears and a friendly demeanor which gives him an innocent and harmless appearance. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". In this case, its the Angels, who are beings very high on the totem pole in the Multiverse, and their main job is to offer guidance to the Gods of Destruction such as Giin and, yes, Zeno. Maybe it has to do with the hax being absolute instead of zeno being the stronger being. And he is 6D hes already shown thos feats, @caocao: hes not stronger then demigra. Zeno is depicted as the most powerful being in the multiverse, and his powers and abilities remain unequaled among the characters in the animation series. Thanos could freeze Goku in time, completely shatter his reality, or transport him directly into a black hole. But is probably bound by some rule he cant break. Whis explained this stuff, Zeno isn't strong, he doesn't follow the rules of strength that everyone else does. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. And as an Angel, he is effectively immortal. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. I also ask YOU for prove. Zeno erased the entire multiverse to destroy Zamasu, but is it not said that his palace is located. Therefore, it is impossible to beat Zeno because the arguments of his paradox are philosophically sound, and cant be logically argued against. Its likely stalemate Or demigra easily wins this, Anyways Demigra deletes the entire history of zeno and lol stomps the poor child. Why not instead of using those two just use characters that are used for scale anyway like Mechikabura, Demigra or even Fu, you know, characters that don't need scaling and guess work. Zenos primary weaknesses are his lack of versatility and his inability to effectively multitask. WebGrand Zeno (, Zen', lit. Byliner.com copyright 2023. Though he is not shown to possess any combat skills and abilities, his immense power to eliminate any threat with a single thought rather than engaging in a physical fight makes up for his lack of combat skills and fighting techniques. That being said, some of the strongest characters include Vegito, Gogeta, Beerus, Whis, Zen-Oh, Chi-Chi and Super Buu. In contrast, others are of the opinion that Zeno may have the ability to transform into a more menacing form when he is angry. Discussion specifically regarding the "Dragon Ball Super" TV series premiering July 2015 in Japan, including individual threads for each episode. As far as weve seen, most angels are far more powerful than their respective gods of destruction. Zeno was highly influential in his approach to ethics, logic, and natural law. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Grand Priest is most probably stronger than Zeno. The Grand Priest is said to be one of the top 5 strongest beings in the entire multiverse. How is he powerful enough to one-shot a multiversal character? The Grand Priest is the most powerful of all the Angels, which makes him more powerful than even the Gods of Destruction to whom the Angels serve. WebIs it true that the Grand Priest is stronger than Zeno (Dragon Ball Super)? Since the events of the Future Trunks Saga, Zeno has co-ruled over the entirety of the universe with a future version of himself known as future Zeno. However, that doesnt mean the Grand Priest is the strongest being in existence, as there are two characters who could beat him. He is remembered as an important wellspring of knowledge in the Stoic school of thought and beyond. As the series progresses, he becomes more involved in the events of the Dragon Ball Universe, and his power and knowledge are shown to be far beyond that of any other character in the animation series.
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