However, many who knew Rivera have said suicide would have been out of character, and that he did not appear to have any mental health needs at the time of his death. Everything Unsolved Mysteries Leaves Out About Frank Porter Stansberry, Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries: What To Expect From Season 1, Part 2, Rivera was acting out a scene from David Fincher's 1997 film, Unsolved Mysteries: Rey Rivera Helicopter Theory Explained, The Conners Just Made Jackies Andy Retcon Even More Confusing, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, 1923 Season 2 Will Bring Spencer Home Quickly, Says Helen Mirren. The meaning is squeezed out of words. *** And our own correspondent from Pittsburg, Byron King: When you talk about "faith" in the context of modern American society, I certainly understand your point. .css-13y9o4w{display:block;font-family:GraphikBold,GraphikBold-fallback,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-13y9o4w:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.05rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.28598rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.3;}}Is 'Daisy Jones & The Six' Based on a True Story? Unsolved Mysteries creator did speak to Porter Stansberry about Rey Rivera disappearance Terry Dunn Meurer reveals details of the conversation she had with Rey's Rey Rivera's long-time friend still has major ties to the financial industry. Bill Bonner Posted September 17, 2004, Porter Stansberry got married last weekend. "Ive never choked up like that before.". The firm is still in business, and it also has its own podcast titled Stansberry Investment Hour. He was last seen alive on 16 May 2006, and his body was discovered six days later in an abandoned room in the second-story annex of the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore. In both cases, the U.S. data track the Japanese data with eerie precision. Apparently, many members of the First Estate did not agree with the letter from the Midwest pastor who urged us to stop kibitzing and have more faith. A police spokeswoman on Tuesday said the call came from an owned subsidiary company of Agora Publishing, but declined to provide additional details, saying it was an open investigation. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. 5. Heavy reached out to the firm to request an interview or statement from Porter Stansberry. The meaning is squeezed out of words. Writing in his own defense, he claimed his First Amendment rights as a publisher had been violated, and He said only that employees were told to refer media inquiries to a spokesperson. Everything Unsolved Mysteries Leaves Out About Frank Porter Instead of giving money to the poorwe borrow money from them. For the first time his friend and former boss, Porter Stansberry, is speaking out to defend himself against what he calls the program's lies and innuendo designed to make him look guilty. Since founding Agora Inc. in 1979, Bill Bonner has found success in numerous industries. Rey Rivera was 32 when he abruptly left his home after receiving a phone call on May 16, 2006. But all of Rivera's family and friends were adamant he was not suicidal. And they think any two people or more for all we know can "marry" each other, even two people of the same sex! 4 One aspect of Rey's case that captured people's interest was his friendship with Frank Porter Stansberry, the Looking at the hard facts of the predicament of the United States in this world the colossal debt, the profound depletion of resources, the precipitous decline of the industrial base, the demographic challenge it is difficult to envision how things will work out to create a better correlation of events for this nation in the long term. Find out why the real story Wall Street is, Why the greatest British patriot was no true patriot Many Americans admire America for being strong, not for being American A patriotism, The Wall Street Journal wags a finger at China, Trump will win reelection this year. This is a real conversation the world can have about mental illness and it turned into a murder mystery where theyre accusing people of being involved.. But I could easily be writing a scary story about a married man and use my wifes name for a placeholder or go farther. 2017 Stansberry Conference & Alliance Meeting. To this day, they continue to stand by their reporting on the company and their view of the stock at the time, the lawyer told The Sun. We read it in the paper. But yesterday, bond traders pushed yields to a new five-month low. But then he would have to "pass the ammunition" and ask the American people to start paying down debt, redeveloping resources, rebuilding the industrial base and defending the nations borders and culture. *** "In reference to the letter from a minister who thought you should have more faith and stop being so negativewell, what else would you expect from him? This is not a man that wanted to leave. The video also ends with an ad for a free trial subscription to Stansberry Research, with a voiceover from Stansberry, stating that he knows in his heart it will be one of the best financial decisions youll ever make. Short of hiring a private eye, it's hard to tell whether Porter is married, whether he graduated from college or what credentials he has to qualify him as a financial seer. Porter had started a financial advising organization called Stansberry A "marriage" between two men turns the whole event into an exercise as shabby and corrupt as a joint session of Congress. It is the work of the gods, of Natureof God himself. If we knew the answer, we could take positions in stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities and be confident in making profits across the board. Hes The ammunition hoists ceased functioning. (UNKNOWN). His other works includeMobs, Messiahs and Markets(with Lila Rajiva), Dice Have No Memory, and most recently,Hormegeddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster. It opens: Brothers and sisters, around the world right now volcanoes are erupting, what an awesome sight.. Webit relates to activities of F. Porter Stansberry ("Mr. Stansberry") that are subject to the Solicitation Rule. Through various publications, defendants claimed to have inside information about certain public companies. 2. Sometimes we dont know whether to fall upon our knees or upon our swords. The next day, April 2, the news emerged that the economy had added 308,000 new jobs in March. Dozens of sailors instantly formed a "bucket brigade" to pass 5-inch shells up from the magazines to the antiaircraft guns. But in the long, Today, Zach Scheidt explains how to play the most recent rally in oil prices, and uses a real-life story to explain his, Today, Zach Scheidt explains the strong trends emerging in todays hotel industry, and gives his top three stocks to buy, Why the marijuana market is about to get a major shot in the arm, Were on the ground floor of a momentous trend thats only beginning to get traction and the profit opportunities from investing, Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven. In "Unsolved Mysteries" episode "Mystery on the Rooftop," Netflix examines the mysterious death of Rey Rivera (top right), who was once a water polo star at Winter Park High School in Florida. All rights reserved. READ MORE: What is the net worth of Satoshi Tajiri? The judge ruled that his actions undoubtedly involved deliberate fraud and making statements that he knew to be false., In 2009 an appeal by Stansberry was denied. USS New Orleans survived the Pearl Harbor attack, and over the next four years went on to earn 17 Battle Stars for combat actions in the Asia-Pacific Theater (including having her bow blown off during one of the epic sea battles at Guadalcanal). Possibly. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Ive got to find my friend. Instead, it is so real and so serious, it takes our breath away. Then, his body was later found under a hole in a rooftop positioned near the iconic Belvedere Hotel. What is Rey Riveras former friend doing now? Stansberry asserts that while the call might have come from someone at Agora he says Rivera was doing freelance work for another Agora subsidiary after leaving Stanberrys firm it could not have come from his company. Quotes They may do unmentionable things in the privacy of their bedroom. Riveras wife was also told by investigators that bis broken shins were not consistent with a fall. Not Addison, he nearly spilled his coffee. Rey Rivera's long-time friend still has major ties to the financial industry. But alas, we dontand neither does our anonymous portfolio manager from Smith Barney"I realize that we will not necessarily turn into Japanbut we might," he writes. But when you mentioned your partner I thought you were talking about yourwellyour partner. Thats what gay guys call their lovers. "But todays evidence just landed in our laps, so to speak," continued Addison. From my perspective, you guys face the harsh economic realities daily and point out the evidence accurately for whoever has the sense to listen. Is Riley Keough Singing in Daisy Jones & The Six? (Be forewarned that this article will contain spoilers for episode one). As the savings rate rises above 2% in the USA, a lot of this money (and 401(k) money redirected from stocks) will be put into bonds, driving interest rates lower. Visitors to NewAmerica3.com are presented with a video ominously warning of an apocalyptic future, and encouraging them to trust Stansberrys proven track record of accurate predictions. The show alleges that Stansberry, a friend of Riveras from childhood who gave him a job in Baltimore, refused to speak with police about Riveras death. "*** EDITORS CONFESSION. Even more suspicious is the sudden and complete shut down from Riveras supposed best friend Porter Stansberry, who barred company employees from talking to the police or media and refused to cooperate with the investigation himself. The first episode of the new Unsolved Mysteries reboot on Netflix focuses on the mysterious death of Rey Rivera; Riveras friendship and business relationship with a man named Frank Porter Stansberry is highlighted in the episode. The show presents questions about how Rivera could have accessed the buildings roof, while his family members say he was not suicidal and did not have any known mental illness. In September 2004, one of Rey's high school friends, Porter Stansberry, offered him a job. As the economy weakens, inflation rates could drop towards 0%and deflation remains a potent threat. "Lying rides upon debts back," said Ben Franklin.Americans expect their houses and stocks to make them rich without saving, without work, without sacrifice.They believe the rest of the world will gladly support them in the style to which theyve become accustomed forever, and without ever having to pay back the money. But so fara slow, soft slump seems to be precisely the sump hole into which the United States is sinking.". The man who supposedly provided Stansberry with the information denied ever doing so, and many investors lost thousands of dollars by acting on the fabricated information. But as the weight of debt builds up, the whole nation is crushed by sham. By James Rickards Posted September 8, 2017, Jim Rickards open letter to President Trump on the threat of new world money, known as special drawing rights. WebHe had actually just married the love of his life, Allison, and moved with her from Los Angeles to Baltimore for a task with his youth pal, Porter Stansberry. According to the Baltimore Sun, Stansberrys business was ordered to pay $1.5million in restitution and civil penalties for disseminating false stock information and defrauding public investors through a financial newsletter. Hough is a senior writer at Screen Rant. Rivera and his wife Allison had recently moved to Baltimore so he could take a job writing financial newsletters for his good friend Porter Stansberrys financial company. They havent spoken since June 2006, she said. A new Netflix series, "Unsolved Mysteries," digs into the 2006 death of Baltimore resident Rey Rivera at the Belvedere Hotel. In general and in the long run nations rise and fall because they deserve to. Powered by. for The Daily Reckoning "Greenspan can print as much money as he wants, but itll never make any difference.". ", Related:Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries: What To Expect From Season 1, Part 2. "Well, maybe this was the first time you were saying something that mattered," we replied. *** "I was fascinated to hear about Pastor Nordbergs comments regarding the future. The defendants offered to sell the inside information to newsletter subscribers for a fee of $1,000., U.S. markets fall on fears of more shutdowns. Porter Stansberry and Rey Rivera Nevertheless, on May 16, 2006, Rey disappeared - porter stansberry. At the reception, a young lady asked Bill if he was gay, "But man, proud man,Drest in a little brief authorityPlays such fantastic tricks before high heavenAs make the angels weep. On April Fools Day 2004, Uncle Sam paid you 3.90% for the use of your money over 10 years. Bill Bonner on why deficits dont matter until they do, Bill Bonner By Bill Bonner Posted August 20, 2017, Out with the old gods and in with the new. Riveras decomposed body was found inside the locked room with the punctured ceiling, suggesting that he either fell or was pushed from the roof of the main building. WhenRivera initially passed away,his long-time friend and business colleague, Stansberry,made the following statement: Hes a happy guyHe and his wife had just booked a trip to go to New Mexico in a few weeks. Au contraire, marriage like birth and death is one of the few ceremonies in a mans life that deserves a real celebration. But it is still a disgusting rodent. Unsolved Mysteries references Porter Stansberry but leaves out relevant information. Unsolved Mysteries provides the grisly details about Rivera's death, but mostly explores various theories aboutwhat might've happened to him. Bill Bonner shows you why America is going broke and nobody cares, Donald Trump opens the floodgates on $317 billion of debt. Within five years of missing its first earnings forecast (in January 2000), Lucent shares had fallen from more than $80 to around $2. Adrianna Freedman writes all things TV and film for Cosmo. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it would take an act of willful blindness to ignore the fact that Appellants profited from the false statements.. A friend staying at their home informed Allison that he had left the house in a hurry after receiving a phone call and had not returned. .css-gk9meg{display:block;font-family:Lausanne,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;padding-top:0.25rem;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-gk9meg:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.15;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 73.75rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}So, Which Band Inspired 'Daisy Jones & The Six'? Thedocumentary investigates the death of Rey Rivera, a Baltimore writer whose partially-decomposed body was found at the Belvedere Hotel in 2006. Addison was speaking live on Tulsa Business Network radio, giving a live phone-in interview. Its horrific, Stansberry said. The two parties may love each other, and cheat on one another, too. At the time, Stansberrys company was being sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission for selling fraudulent stock tips to investors in 2002, before Rivera joined the company. Unsolved Mysteries | Official Clip | Impossible Hotel | Netflix. I suppose that it is a rare politician who is willing to risk getting his bow blown off. The SEC alleged: Defendants engaged in an ongoing scheme to defraud public investors by disseminating false information in several Internet newsletters published by Agora or its wholly owned subsidiaries such as Pirate. He said he didnt want to write in the newsletter world anymore but didnt have a solid next move lined up, Stansberry said. After theyd both established different paths later in life, The The poor lumps will show up at the gates of heaven with the blood of thousands of innocent Iraqis on their hands; they expect St. Peter to open the door. Stansberry was found guilty of security fraud in 2007 and fined $1.5 million. The Netflix documentary claims that Porter Stansberry refused to speak to or cooperate with investigators or media following Rey Riveras disappearance and death, and gag ordered his companys employees from doing so as well. Hoppmann, Rey Riveras childhood friend, said not long before his death Rey repeatedly asked him about being a member of the Freemasons and discussing the film Eyes Wide Shut.. Stansberry responded that his first recommendation was that Americans should open a foreign bank account. 3. Instead, the United States will soon begin a long, slow, soft slump that will push interest rates further down, not up. The dollar continues to consolidate in the $1.20-1.25 range, even if it slipped a tad yesterday. Porter Stansberry. Frank Porter Stansberry is an American financial publisher and author. Stansberry founded Stansberry Research (previously Stansberry & Associates Investment Research), a private publishing company based in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1999. He is the author of the monthly newsletter, Stansberry's Investment Advisory, In her book, she explores the various theories and concludes that Rivera likely had a mental break and jumped from the roof. He is also the host of Stansberry Investor Hour, a weekly broadcast that has quickly become one of the most popular online financial radio shows. From there, circumstances get even more mysterious: a cryptic note was found taped to the back of Riveras computer from the day he went missing. In 2006, Rey Rivera was found dead amid extremely bizarre circumstances. Is 'Daisy Jones & The Six' Based on a True Story? The SEC complaint declared that Stansberry engaged in an ongoing scheme to defraud public investors by disseminating false information in several Internet newsletters.. Porter Stansberry, friend of Rey Rivera He had every opportunity to say this, Riveras widow, Allison, told The Sun regarding Stansberry previously not WebPorter Stansberry (if he didnt do it himself). Edit 4: Quote from Reys note: That was a well-played game. I think if theyd included my interviews it would have closed down a lot of speculation because it would have been obvious that a lot of avenues and angles had already been explored at length, Brottman wrote on Reddit. One of the products subscribers receive is a report titled The 4 Investment Assets You Do NOT Have to Report to the U.S. Government. A description of the report promises information vital to getting rich in the coming currency crisis. Other reports encourage investment in gold and silver. As the savings rate rises above 2% in the USA, a lot of this money (and 401(k) money redirected from stocks) will be put into bonds, driving interest rates lower.". Meet Frank Porter Stansberry. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Two days after "Mystery on the Rooftop" premiered, The Baltimore Sun published an article with quotesfrom Stansberry that aren't cited in Unsolved Mysteries. What most viewers dont know is that the man behind the ad has been found liable in the past for defrauding investors. Allison Rivera has said that her husband was in good spirits, though anxious about work. ", The research note explains: "After every primary bull market, there comes a primary bear market. In the "Unsolved Mysteries" episode "Mystery on the Rooftop," Netflix examines the mysterious death of Rey Rivera, who once called Winter Park home. September 17, 2004. Sjuggerud continued: Our entire base-level portfolio is up nearly 50% since it launched in 2016. Wife Dr. Steve Sjuggerud is married, but other details were not disclosed. Porter knew the answer. A man does not enter into a real marriage in a lighthearted waybut soberly, solemnlyas if he were going to his own funeral. This bull market was eerily similar to the Japanese bull market, which ended 10 years earlier. The toughest part of any new bull market is the beginning and this is the exact situation we find ourselves in today. But with a lack of hard evidence, and a number of strange details leading up to his death, the case remains unsolved. But the evidence is that faith works best as long as you continue to break your back and pass the ammunition. While the technology packed into one of these pocket sized marvels is amazing the, The world is in a three-handed poker game. Stansberry said theres no connection to those proceedings and Rivera. Stansberry is still listed on the companys website. Bill Bonner Theres just no answers.. Finance Hack. Lower interest rates have not helped Japanese real estate from sustaining a 13-year downtrend.5. Reid: Super-committee discussion with Boehner was 'non-substantive' [VIDEO], It's illegal to evict squatters from private property or something. Prior to launching S&A, Porter was the first American editor of the Fleet Street Letter, the worlds oldest English-language financial newsletter. The bond market rally (already 22 years long) still has 10 years left to go.3. Sydnor did not return a call seeking comment Tuesday, but Stansberrys attorney Charles Curlett said he had spoken with him recently. Interviewees reveal thatRivera received a phone call fromStansberry & Associates on the evening in question, and the location of hisbody suggests that a suicide jump would've required a running start. His most recent project isThe Bill Bonner Letter. "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Supporting this theory is a bizarre letter he left before his death. There are already laws on the books that will go into effect in 2013 that will make it much more difficult for Americans to open overseas bank accounts so my advice is to get some money out of the country and to get it into a foreign currency and to get it into a foreign bank as quickly as you can because banks will be pulling away from American customers and the governments going to make it difficult for you to move money overseas as well, Stansberry said. Defendants suggested that its readers could cash in on the inside information and make quick profits. Lower interest rates have not helped Japanese real estate from sustaining a 13-year downtrend. The reason Ive never commented about Reys death publicly first and foremost is because I never thought there was any mystery about why or how he died, Stansberry, who runs an investment newsletter business, said in a phone interview. Over at the stock market, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 13 points to 10,244. But 20 years after the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, is the United States, By Addison Wiggin Posted September 4, 2020. The inflation surge is a big head fake. The charts show the similarities between the United States and Japan over a 25-year period. In addition, his cell phone and glasses werent damaged, and some of the trauma to his body seemed inconsistent with the fall theory, according to the show. Allison recalls sensing fear in Rey, which she notes, in the show, was out of character for him. At the reception, a young lady asked Bill if he was gay "But man, proud man, Drest in a little brief authority Plays I did everything I could to help, he said, including meeting with a detective in late June 2006. Savings should become more important. The company has a YouTube page, which you can see here. Where is Porter today? According to the Baltimore Sun, Stansberry offered a $1,000 reward for information about Rivera when he first disappeared, and it was increased to $5,000. Frank Porter Stansberry is a millionaire investor and the publisher of Stansberrys Investment Advisory, an investment newsletter which he pitches for $79 per year. Addison had become so worked up about Japan, real estate crashes and deflationary spirals that he had raised his voice and was distracting the rest of the office. Its not a matter of opinion. Ten-year yields fell 10 basis points to 4.07% by last night. The chaplain looked at the sailor and said, "Yes, kid. Perhaps his Bible has some books missing, like the book of Proverbs. In the commodities arena, gold lost 30 cents to $404.30, while NYMEX WTI crude added about 35 cents to $44.04. The minister got right down to business. The 12-parter looks at a range of you guessed it unsolved mysteries, from paranormal encounters to eerie deaths and unexplained disappearances. The more you learn about, Clipping coupons can be a fun hobby, but there are far more efficient ways for you to save money while shopping with, By Nilus Mattive Posted September 21, 2019, Just about everyone nowadays has a cell phone. He was missing for days. I stand before you a man who understands the purpose and value of our secrets, it says. Online, it's been theorized that Rivera acquired damning information aboutStansberry & Associates,a company that had been successfully targeted by the SEC for a "scheme to defraud public investors by disseminating false information in several Internet newsletters.
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