I am not the CRT (Critical Race Theory) Boogeyman. , Lori Lewis says the comments by Coach Cunningham slandered her and her reputation has been damaged. And, of course, making everyone in town proud, which is what winning does. Faking it wasnt easy. The driver said he was friends with one of the players who used steroids. by Brian Lopez Kids need us! the principal added. Example video title will go here for this video. Lewis wanted to get up and walk out, but she stayed put, stayed silent. For weeks, kids buzzed about who they thought might be the anonymous athlete caught using steroids. (Cunningham says that at the time of the remarks, he didnt know Lewis identity, and he has since apologized.) It's he and his beautiful wife, they have a beautiful family," said Sunni Roppollo, who has children at Colleyville Heritage High. LIVE: Colleyville Heritage vs. Grapevine | 2023 High School Soccer James Whitfield chose to resign from his position as principal of Colleyville Heritage High School and the school board unanimously accepted on Monday. Never missed one, she says proudly. Who knew? Bryan understands, she says. Because the use took place away from school and in the off-season, when it was not related to a school activity, it is unclear whether any school policies have been violated, McClure said. I wanted to protect him. She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and Dallas College. Lewis was convinced the tiny bottle held heroin, unaware that most illicit drugs are not sold with pharmaceutical labels. The coach, Chris Cunningham, denied the accusations in reports published at the time and said he was adamantly against steroids. I knew it as soon as I finished the story. The vial had been photographed on Bryans glass dining room table, and the students were examining the fuzzy reflections in the glass to figure out whose house it was. Lewis was stunned. Read more about CRT here. Students held walkout in support of Colleyville Heritage HS principal Wednesday and Thursday shows are cancelled due to inclement weather. 6 /10. She says she has had to endure the communitys anger despite what should have been ample vindication: the Dallas Morning News, in an ongoing and exhaustive investigative series, has proven that steroids use in North Texas high schools is greater than many want to believe. Colleyville Heritage High School - Colleyville, Texas - TX | GreatSchools To the kids, it wasnt just about making coaches happy. But on Friday morning, students marched out of school to protest his treatment by Grapevine-Colleyville ISD administration, and to demand that their beloved principal be brought back to the campus. THOSE WERE THE GROUND RULES, never in question, always understood. 12. That kid will know who Patrick is. "I look at the picture, and I look at the words above it, and it says, 'Is this the Dr. Whitfield we want leading our schools?' And the News reporters agreed that they wouldnt identify any of the other students who Bryan knew or suspected used steroids. In May 2018, Dr. Ryan was named the 2018 Region XI Superintendent of the Year. I just wish everyone else would.. First, she noticed the syringes. She is suing the coach and the school district for $1.5 million because Cunningham said Lewis was a liar and crazy in an interview with the News. We need to make sure we're providing a healthy environment for all of them. I look at the picture, and I look at the words above it, and it says, Is this the Dr. Whitfield we want leading our schools? I showed it to my wife, who immediately begins to well up with tears, said Whitfield, adding that he took it to mean that he was being criticized for being in an interracial relationship. [3] She was the founding editor of the websites PureWow Dallas and Racked Dallas. The only other known instance in which a group of high school athletes admitted to steroid use was in Buckeye, Ariz., in fall 2003, according to the Associated Press. Officers on the scene have "the individual involved detained.". Whats wrong with the picture? It was, Hey, I am trying to avoid any conflict, he told the station. It had absolutely nothing to do with race. Whitfield added that he has no regrets over what has transpired over the last couple of months, hes happy that he stood up for what he believed in and he hopes thats what people can learn from his situation. This story has been shared 117,245 times. It was at this moment that I knew the attack that we currently endure, was coming., In a statement to KXAS-TV (NBC5), the district said the photos it received contained poses that are questionable for an educator, especially a principal or administrator. The 18-year-old was arrested on charges of trespassing on school grounds and having a weapon in a place where its prohibited. Then on July 26 of this year, a former school board candidate named Stetson Clark stepped up to the microphone during a public comment period to accuse Whitfield of being an advocate for critical race theory: the idea that racism runs deep and continues to shape American society today. The decision to place Dr. Whitfield on administrative leave was not a result of statements made by members of the public, including those who spoke at recent meetings of the GCISD Board of Trustees. Aug. 5, 2021 In June 2019, shortly after James Whitfield, a Black educator, was hired as the principal of a middle school in Colleyville, Texas, an administrator with the school district. Skater punks, Bryan would call them. Dallas Cowboys want another playmaker on offense. Whatever. MLB legend makes surprise appearance at Astros' Spring Training, Houston is ugly, and I've never felt more at home, Texas A&M upset win clears path for UH to snag top overall seed, This is what Houston looks like from space, Oops! Jones and Jacobson, sick that theyd inadvertently revealed Bryans identity, suggested that the papers lawyers could convince the school district to pay for Bryans tuition. We understand that members of our community have questions, but the District does not resolve personnel matters in the media. Theyre open late, they have cheap food, and theyre close by. She went to sleep thinking it was the right thing to do. Clark said Whitfield was encouraging the disruption and destruction of our district because Whitfield, the high school's first Black principal, wrote a letter to the community during the summer of 2020 detailing how hurt he was over the deaths of three Black Americans: George Floyd in Minnesota, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky and Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia. The school district announced Monday, August 30, Colleyville Heritage High Principal Dr. James Whitfield was placed on paid administrative leave. Some of the photos the district received contained poses that are questionable for an educator, especially a principal or administrator. James Whitfield, principal of. Eric Celeste is the editor at Spirit, the inflight magazine of Southwest Airlines. One of the students was detained on a charge of having a weapon in a place where its prohibited, police said. She didnt feel proud that shed proven the school wrong. Colleyville Heritage became the focus of a district investigation during the 2004-2005 school year after a Panther football/baseball player and his mother confronted school administrators and GCISD about his use of performance-enhancing drugs. But other than that, its great. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, Stand with us in our mission to discover and uncover the story of North Texas, 18-year-old man, student face charges after gun found in car at Colleyville Heritage High School, What we know after 3 children killed, 2 wounded at Ellis County home, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones defers comment on revival of sexual harassment lawsuit. On the front page blared her sons story: Colleyville player says pressure to improve prompted steroid use.. The Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District, a wealthy suburban district northeast of Fort Worth, said eight seniors and one junior admitted using the performance-enhancing drugs for a short period last spring. He said the district wouldn't tell him why. Hes just got to get a little faster, a little bigger, a little stronger. The foursome scrambled back into their car and took off. Who is available? Sort of. She has begun to work with Don Hooton, the Plano father whose 17-year-old son committed suicide in July 2003 because of his steroids-induced depression, to raise steroid awareness and stiffen national testing laws. Admitted it months earlier, not long after the journalists had interviewed Coach Cunningham. Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District. He took notes: Most Football Team taking SteroidsSon Played last yearCoach CunninghamSon Plays [blacked out]*Anomysly*. GRAPEVINE, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - Dozens of students and parents rallied outside Grapevine-Colleyville ISD's school board meeting Monday night, August 23, to show support for Colleyville. Enjoy unlimited access to all of our incredible journalism, in print and digital. Colleyville Heritage High School in Texas hosted controversial event. Bryan is used to getting in trouble with his mom. While the status of this as an ongoing personnel matter limits the information that the District can disclose about the events leading up to this decision, the speculation and conjecture that surround these events warrant some additional context. Students were dismissed about an hour late Tuesday, the Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District tweeted. And while her son was fighting his battles, Lewis was fighting hers. On the bus, she read, careful not to catch anyones eye. He hung up. But they would not be more specific. Why should my kid be drug-tested just because you cant control yours?. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Maybe he wont tell anyone.Then she read paragraph 33, which detailed Patricks efforts to have a woman buy his needles so he wouldnt arouse suspicion: The cheerleader went to a nearby Kroger supermarket. The CHHS kids who posted to the Morning News steroids bulletin boards, saying everyone knew this was a problem, that it is still a problem. We've received your submission. 18-year-old man, student face charges after gun found in car at and I asked, 'Why? Its even tough to find a yardman in town. One of those parents complained about the photo and the district ordered Whitfield to take it down. Ive moved on. Dr. James Whitfield, the former principal at Colleyville Heritage High School, filed a $250,000 defamation lawsuit against Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District and board member Tammy . Colleyville Heritage (CHHS) Lady Panthers Soccer's Tweets - Twitter We remain committed to providing a learning environment that fosters and encourages student academic and extracurricular achievement, Ryan wrote. I cant run from this. CHHS PTSA Reflections Chair. An 18-year-old man and a juvenile student are facing criminal charges after a handgun was found inside a student's car at Colleyville Heritage High School on Tuesday. Everyone would forget about it soon enough. A few days later, he dialed the players cell phone to arrange delivery, reaching him in an SAT preparation class.. So I wouldnt feel comfortable mowing your lawn.. They were extremely polite but thorough. She demanded to know why he was taking steroids. Texas School Finds Few Girls Good Enough for Cheerleading District: Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District (ISD) SchoolDigger Rank: 370th of 1,876 Texas High Schools. In GCISD, we calculate 3 different GPAs following the conclusion of each semester. McClure said no school officials have been implicated in the matter. When Bryan got to school on Monday, it didnt take long to see that his cover had been blown. The median household income tops $150,000. Hes not happy that Im still talking to the media. In June, Lewis scheduled to have her lawn mowed by a Mid Cities fireman who runs a small lawn-care company. Media pundits like Hansen say she should shut up and let it be. As a new campus principal, we wanted to provide a smooth transition for Dr. Whitfield to Heritage Middle School, which is why we advised him of the concern and made a request for the photos to be taken down from Facebook, it added. Note! CHHS Theatre Department No one from the school called her. In response to written questions from Jones and Jacobson, the district acknowledged that nine CHHS football players, eight seniors and one junior, had admitted to using steroids. NO NAMES. Critical race theory is a way of thinking about Americas history through the lens of racism. Butbefore he could pop open the champagne his boss called and asked him to check his email. But she acknowledges that if shed known then how her city would turn against her, how her son would become ostracized by other kids, how her motives would be mocked on radio and television, how her actions would be second-guessed by police, it would have given her pause. The move comes a week after the principal and a crowd of supporters attended a school board meeting to address claims from a group of parents who say he is teaching critical race theory. He wrote that he cant ask others to speak up if he wont, and that being a school administrator does not take away my rights and ability to be human and defend myself.. Catherine writes about breaking news, crime and the Dallas Zoo. She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, where she studied journalism and public relations. It was from the Grapevine-Colleyville school district. Beal asked her to come into the school for a talk. Colleyville Heritage High School went on lockdown Tuesday afternoon, March 1. The schools denial. The professionally shot photos, which were provided to People magazine by the Grapevine-Colleyville school district, show the couple in an intimate pose on a beach. But I didnt want any of this for Bryan, Lewis says. It was the sort of breakthrough that could take a pointy-headed newspaper treatise and make it touch people, win awards, effect change. The Grapevine-Colleyville ISD school board voted unanimously on a proposal Monday not to renew the contract of suspended Heritage High School principal James Whitfield. In early August, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD placed Whitfield on administrative leave. Do you value our journalism? Thats your investigation? Dr. James Whitfield has been on administrative leave since late August. Public school 1,974 Students Grades 9-12. It has 2,123 students in grades 9th through 12th. "That show of love and support is a signal for me that in some form or fashion, I've made an impact in their lives and that's what I'm here to do," said Whitfield. How long did you do it? Oh, that. My Mom, the Narc - D Magazine No, it didnt. GRAPEVINE, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - A high school principal at the center of a controversy in Grapevine-Colleyville ISD is now on administrative leave. Rogers said the organization surveyed districts across the state in fall 2002 and asked whether they saw a need for rules on steroids or a program of steroid testing. 562. Thank you for spreading love! The answer, anabolic steroids, provided a bit of relief. He mentions a senior. The high school has about 2,000 students in ninth through 12th grades. I just want to get on with my life. James Whitfield, who was named Colleyville Heritage High School's first African-American principal in 2020, posted that during the July 26 board meeting, he was publicly named and accused of . Kids had easy access to steroids, athletes were using them, and high school administrators were in denial. At that moment, it didnt seem like an earth-shattering admission. COLLEYVILLE, Texas The embattled principal of Colleyville Heritage High School is expected to learn his employment fate this coming Monday. Colleyville Heritage, however, is the first school in the state to have multiple students admit to using steroids, said Kim Rogers, spokeswoman for the University Interscholastic League. When Lori Lewis learned that many players on her sons Colleyville Heritage football team were using steroids, she blew the whistle. It's something he and the district have denied. Perhaps that would spur someone to investigate the problem more aggressively. As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. The man, Stetson Clark, narrowly lost a school board race in May to the incumbent, Becky St. John. I am the first African American to assume the role of Principal at my current school in its 25-year history, and I am keenly aware of how much fear this strikes in the hearts of a small minority who would much rather things go back to the way they used to be, he wrote. CHHS PTSA - Facebook According to state test scores, 55% of students are at least proficient in math and 77% in reading. 'It's Become Blatant Racism': Colleyville Students Pledge - KERA I am grateful for your partnership and look forward to working with you to serve and support the students of Colleyville Heritage High School.. Colleyville High School Principal Says He Expelled Gay Student Because 535. The school and district officials dismissed the mother's claims, and the school's head football coach went as far calling her a "liar" in a Dallas Morning News interview. The University Interscholastic League, which sets rules for competition in Texas high school sports, has no policy on steroids. Anna Caplan, Special Contributor. Meanwhile, a petition in support of Whitfield has garnered hundreds of signatures, and he said hes humbled for all the support hes received. As part of a settlement between Whitfield and the district, he will remain on paid administrative leave until then. Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Superintendent Robin Ryan announced Whitfield was being placed on leave in a message to parents Monday. The high school has been categorized as one of the top 100 high schools in the United States of America by the Newsweek magazine's Challenge Index. Nine CHHS players have admitted to using steroids. "His diversity efforts have just been amazing," said student Samantha Zelling, who took part in Friday's march and protest. For nearly 10 years, she wrote restaurant reviews for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and her work has appeared in 360 West, Eater Dallas, Edible DFW, A+C magazine, D CEO, GlobeSt.com and Houstonia magazine. All four got out of the car. Lewis hung up. While at UT, Catherine served as managing editor of The Daily Texan, UT's student paper, and interned at the Texas Tribune and Houston Chronicle. Colleyville Heritage High School principal James Whitfield has been placed on paid administrative leave, according to Grapevine-Colleyville ISD officials. Lewis decided that she had an obligation to inform the school. District Calls Anniversary Photo of High School Principal and His Wife I do miss some of my friends from Heritage, he says.
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