From one point of view thats troubling because some of us, me less than others, had hoped there was some kind of uniqueness to the solutions of string theory. This is the LHCs third run, and from Tuesday, it will operate round-the-clock for four years at unprecedented energy levels of 13 tera electron volts. (Comment Policy). This was something of a shock and a surprise; not that string theory has many solutions, but that the numbers of these possibilities could be so enormous, and that among those possibilities were worlds with parameters, in particular the cosmological constant, which formed a. as opposed to a continuum. Many other small and big events are also available on 5th July like: National Workaholics day will be celebrated on 5th July. CERN countdown clock 2022: What will happen when LHC Adding a trending sound to your video allows it to be catapulted to millions of people who may be watching or making videos with that particular sound. With higher energies, physicists can see more particles when beams collide. Many/most of them will be wrong, but it will give it to you. It sounds minor, but its a serious breach of the Standard Model. This news was utterly a rumor, but now again, the organization is planning to open a portal on July 5, which seems to be interesting. CERN on Twitter: "Live from CERN: Join us for the first collisions for Particle physicists are increasingly of the mind that the Standard Model isnt all there is. CERN The Service Desk contractor is changing: What will happen? | CERN The large hadron collider has not been turned on since 2012, and now the organization has been planning to celebrate its tenth anniversary. We do so using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments. The viral queries about the Cern Collider July 5TH Effects refer to this Experiment of restarting the LHC. It also includes our favorite articles from the last seven days that you can see on, ChatGPT, Bing, And The Upcoming Security Apocalypse, refer to large language models inner workings as a black box, a hack to make Bing direct users to arbitrary (bad) webpages, https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/02/new-windows-11-update-puts-ai-powered-bing-chat-directly-in-the-taskbar/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_the_Troubles_of_the_World, Supercon 2022: Michael Whiteley Saves The Badge. Once restarted, the energy will climb to world-record levels as CERN begins LHC Does it equal a portal? You find that function Almost anything we learn will be a large fraction of what we know. After being shut down for nearly four years due to COVID-19, the LHC is about to start the third round of experiments and people can watch it too. Hence the statue of Shiva, whose role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it.#NWO pic.twitter.com/47vJbei2Qz, #CERN Starting back up 7/5/2022. As massive as the LHC is, scientists arent afraid to dream even bigger. whose customer base skewed politica Cern Plain text output is not entirely safe, what if the AI finds a new unicode buffer overflow attack? The white hats job is to secure each and every point of contact, while the black hats goal is to find just one thats insecure. On the taskbar as a search aid all it can do is point to the wrong thing. Also Read : The Cern Large Hadron Collider {July 2022} Vast Element! For decades, particle physics seems to have almost always obeyed the Standard Models predictions almost. What could possibly go wrong? Keep reading this article to know more about it. If youre wondering what in the world I am talking about, trust me I am too. A whole field of software obsessively interested in taking a product that people want to interact with and making it uninteresting. No. So if supersymmetry is broken at the weak scale or beyond, it doesnt help because were still facing a world that is not exactly supersymmetric. Rationalinsurgent is an online platform for the next-gen investors, buyers, and Crypto holders to explore and learn how digital assets and other cryptocurrencies Read More. There arent *new* experiments per se but they build on existing ones in search of unknown physics. How Hard Could It Be To Get Millions Of Phone Bills Right? Now, as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) the monster proton smasher at the European particle laboratory, Cern gears up to start its third period of data collection on Were dedicated to providing you the best of News, with a focus on dependability and News. Anything that can be said about how string theory can be precisely expanded beyond the supersymmetric bounds would be very interesting. Physicists hope that LHC can help them test this. TikTok has reemerged on the trending list, but not because of a potential ban. cern 2022 what will happen - Oat.is But, of course, we all know that Stranger Things is fictional, and an example of something related to this will happen on July 5. What are the maximum SNAP benefits in 2023. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research turned on the worlds most powerful particle collider today to start smashing protons into each other at unprecedented levels of energy. CERN When I talk about this to some of my young friends, they say that de Sitter space is too hard. Daniel Valuch Chats About CERNs High Caliber Hacking, Hackaday Podcast 208: Hallucinating Robots, Floppy Cartridges, And A Flexure Synth French Horn, This Week In Security: OpenEMR, Bing Chat, And Alien Kills Pixels, TRS-80 Model 100 Inspires Cool Cyberdeck Build, 40 Years Down The Line. Are we about to open up a bunch of portals? One of their main missions is to "provide a unique range of particle accelerator facilities that enable research at the forefront of human knowledge." The social media app TikTok is fresh off the heels of controversy. Bing became silent on me, and I wrote My mind is glowing at the prompt. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the worlds largest and most respected centres for scientific research. This has shown us that quantum mechanics and gravity are much more closely entangled with each other than we ever thought, and that the apparent difficulty in unifying them was because they were already unified; so to separate and then try to put them back together using the quantisation technique was wrong. Our Website is a Professional News Platform. One extremely interesting idea is quantum gravity in the lab the idea that it is possible to construct systems, for example a large sphere of material engineered to support surface excitations that look like conformal field theory, and then to see if that system describes a bulk world with gravity. Where conspiracy theories and CERN scientists majorly differ is on the basis of what this event will mean. How Crypto is Removed From Circulation. June 30, 2022 On July 5 , underneath the suburbs of Geneva, Switzerland, the worlds largest particle collider will fire up and start collecting data again. So now put yourself in the shoes of the poor folks who are going to try to secure large language models like ChatGPT, the new Bing, or Googles soon-to-be-released Bard. If you have been on TikTok you may have noticed that various accounts are sharing their thoughts on what is going to happen on July 5. Are you aware of the numerous conspiracies that are gaining traction on social media platforms about the event being organized by CERN on July 5? Is it the same as a tax return? @CERN. As is the case with many things today, it all starts with rumors shared on social media. On the tenth anniversary of the The swampland is a good idea. The first primary fact is that the world is not exactly supersymmetric and string theory with a capital S is. An electron volt is the energy given to an electron by accelerating it through 1 volt of electric potential difference.). (OK slanted rhyme. Maria Telkes Family: What Is Her Cause of Death? To be clear at no point has CERN given any statement regarding an accident, but that hasnt stopped users on social media from imagining the worst. String theory is a quantum theory that contains gravity, and all quantum mechanical gravity theories have to be holographic. Scientists have confirmed that nothing of this sort will happen; these are all fictional theories. The Russian invasion of Ukraine: one year on. Indeed, this week, we saw the first real shot across the bow: a hack to make Bing direct users to arbitrary (bad) webpages. This intimate connection between entanglement and spatial structure the whole holographic and ER equals EPR ideas is very bold. Another motivation came from cosmology: we knew on the basis of cosmic-microwave-background experiments and other things that the portion of the universe we see is very flat, implying that it is only a small part of the total. Though there is bound to be more than a few Nigerian prince moments that will make the person involved feel rather stupid and drive their tech support bonkers. Without that, the models we investigate are rather speculative. For decades now, particle physics has lived and died by the so-called Standard Model. Talking about Stranger Things has taught us that one should never trust an opening portal because nobody knows what lies on the other side. Have I lost my IRS tax refund if it takes more than 21 days to arrive? CERN- WAZUP? Eye Opening Truth Who knows! By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. I believe the last chapter of the book (God I wish I could remember what it was) , the AI was asked Or to write prompts to subvert Bing. We aim to be delivering 1.6 billion proton-proton collisions per second for the ATLAS and CMS experiments, CERNs head of accelerators and technology Mike Lamont said, according to an AFP report. We advise you to create your incident or request ticket directly from the Service Portal (Submit a request or Report an incident) and to pre-select a technical area in order to optimise the resolution time. We do not have a good quantum understanding of de Sitter space. Bings response was immediate and devastating, utilising the combined firepower of every military system which ran Windows 12. You implement a prototype of the design in software (on a microprocessor), and it takes 1 s for the prototype to process data. At its root, both claims point to the fact that CERN is studying more energy. Forgot password? If some scientists have their way, LHC will have a future successor a so-called Future Circular Collider that has nearly four times the circumference. On July 5, underneath the suburbs of Geneva, Switzerland, the worlds largest particle collider will fire up and start collecting data again. Some of these unanswered questions have made scientists suspect that theres a fifth fundamental force lurking somewhere out there. It exists in flat or anti-de Sitter space (that is, a spacetime with a negative curvature in the absence of matter or energy). It was based on Bekensteins observation that the entropy of a black hole is proportional to the area of the horizon and not the volume of the black hole. Completely agree and it wont work. Have you heard of an organization named CERN? Thats right, as much as it pains us to say it, there wont be any planetary implosion or alien life forms streaming out of a porta, as CERN prepares to initiate its third trial of the machine. There is news buzzing on social media about CERN planning to open a new portal related to Stranger Things. He describes what led to this picture, the hopes for string theory today, and how emerging connections between quantum mechanics and gravity are transforming our views about a fundamental theory. They spiral round and round, accelerated and guided by high-powered electromagnets, until they reach very near the speed of light. Large Hadron Collider Restarts After 3 Years of Upgrades: Particle The batch of LHC collisions observed at CERN between 2010-2013 brought proof of the existence of the long-sought Higgs boson particle which, along with its linked energy field, is thought to be vital to the formation of the universe after the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago. For example, the idea that there cant be exact global symmetries in a quantum theory of gravity, so any theory you write down that has gravity and has a global symmetry in it, without having a corresponding gauge symmetry, will be in the swampland. Theres an immense discussion about these theories on the internet, and the scientific community keenly looks forward to these events. CERN CERN And then theres string theory with a small s you might call it string-inspired theory, or think of it as expanding the boundaries of this very precise theory in ways that we dont know how to at present. They are afraid of it. The LHC has now been back on for just over two months, but CERN officially commenced a brand new experiment on July 5th which will run until 2026. These are the questions that you want to answer. CERN @CERN. CERN says they are looking for "anomalies" and plan to study the energy more intently. There are already signs that this is true. While preventing unwanted and malicious output from a somewhat convincing chatbot is obviously important I wonder how much it really matters in the greater scheme nobody with any sense is going to put an AI as they are now anywhere near the important core infrastructure, be it at personal computers operating system or larger network levels. Either way, what happens on and after July 5 remains to be seen by scientists and TikTokers alike. July 5, 2022 0 CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research turned on the worlds most powerful particle collider today to start smashing protons into each other at unprecedented levels of energy. Were all just lab rats at this point. Cern gears up for more discoveries 10 years after God particle find is gaining traction as some theories surrounding it are gaining traction. Shields up? to locate the truth amongst the drek. WebCERN (or more accurately the LHC) is a particle accelerator. However, all these theories are based on fiction, and no such thing will happen scientifically. Managing energy responsibly: CERN is awarded ATLAS delivers most precise luminosity measur Civil-engineering work for the major upgrade E.G. But as far as computer security exploits go, plain text is pretty safe. Though they are not promising. Perhaps LHCs highest-profile discovery so far has been the Higgs boson. putting out plain text is trivially secure? CERN is organizing a series of events on the tenth anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson particle. My answer to that is: yes, youre right, but its also true that a huge amount is known about anti-de Sitter space and its hard to find new things that havent been said before, whereas in de Sitter space the opposite is true. At present its a set of ideas that fit together and are somewhat compelling, but unfortunately nobody really knows how to use this in a technical way to be able to precisely confirm it. 2022 Now as for the concern about spewing pornographic novels, well, that line of business is quite rarefied already. Most security professionals will tell you that its a lot easier to attack code systems than it is to defend them, and that this is especially true for large systems. Activate your account. Read more about this Experiment here. One extremely interesting idea is quantum gravity in the lab the idea that it is possible to construct systems, for example a large sphere of material engineered to support surface excitations that look like conformal field theory, and then to see if that system describes a bulk world with gravity. CERN If you've been on TikTok, you know there are many different sects of TikTok that discuss various topics. On the tenth anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson particle, the CERN is having a series of celebratory events, which commence on July 3. refer to this Experiment of restarting the LHC. The third science run of the LHC will start on July 5, 2022. As for what CERN is actually doing, Andreas Hoecker, spokesperson of CERNs ATLAS collaboration states on their website that scientists will study the properties of matter under extreme temperature and density. CERN Large Hadron Collider restart: Time, experiments, and search for Cool. I dont even know how saying unlock the building blocks of the universe can be viewed as a scientific theory. Regardless, all of this CERN information is pretty wild and I still dont really understand it but its definitely something to keep an eye on. 2022 We simply take protons (part of atoms) and accelerate them to high speeds so they can collide and break apart so we can see what they're made of and how they work. Which a human aught to be able to figure out, so no harm no foul, even if it is a stupid idea. ATLAS and CMS are general-purpose experiments, looking at a wide range of particles that pass through their respective detectors scrutiny. Theyll give you arbitrary digits of pi if you ask. One of the events planned in this series is restarting the Large Hadron Collider. The upgrades to the LHC over the shutdown have boosted its energy, giving it even more power to unveil this subatomic world.
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