The automated system is available anytime. Use our search form to find a dentist quickly and easily. Check ereferrals.bcbsm.com for detailed prior authorization information. Oral Surgeons perform surgical treatments, like complicated extractions and wisdom tooth extractions. Or, you can call 1 (855) 352-1604 for a free quote, Mon-Fri, 8 am - 8 pm, ET When is Cigna Dental Insurance right for you? The network is available through contracted general dentists and specialists throughout Arizona. This is only a brief list of the plan benefits. The BlueCare Dental HMO network includes specialists such as oral surgeons, orthodontists, pediatric dentists, endodontists (specialists in diseases of the nerve within the tooth) and periodontists (specialists in diseases of the gums and tissues). Dr. Michael J. Buckley, MD. Our plans include BlueCare SM, TennCare Select and CoverKids. Find a Dentist. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) is providing access to the Dental Wellness Center website as a courtesy, as part of its BlueCare Dental Connection program. Pediatric Dentists specialize in dental treatment for young and special needs children. However, the lower benefit plan level will apply and out-of-pocket expenses will be higher when receiving . Providers in the network are not available to provide dental services that are available under medical plans, such as, dental accidents and pediatrics dental services. 4202 S University Ave, Little Rock, AR 72204 1.14 miles. Nine service categories are covered by the plan: In addition, coverage for orthodontics is provided for adults and children. Anytime! Get health assessments, treatment support, and help understanding your plan. Heres how they compare. Periodontists specialize in gums and gum disease. You are going to a different website. . Dental Network Listing Augustyn, Mary TARA BOYLE DDS 10040 Woodland Rd Lenexa, KS 66220 (913) 768-6800 Dental - Preferred Care/PPO, Dental - Traditional/Choice Gender: F Accepting new patients: Y Ayer, Dennis 2301 West 143rd St Leawood, KS 66224 (913) 246-3000 Dental - Preferred Care/PPO, Dental - Traditional/Choice Gender: M Accepting new . however, available treatment will vary for each provider. 232 S Capitol Ave Finding a dentist in the Blue Dental PPO network or who has participated through Blue Par Select in the past is easy. Questions About Your Benefits? Delta Dental Il Employer Login . Individuals attempting unauthorized access will be prosecuted. This new site may be offered by a vendor or an independent third party. Facility and Special Programs BlueCare Dental Classic Basic3 In Network Out of Network In Network Out of Network In Network Out of Network Monthly Rates for BlueCare Dental Classic 6 Region 1 7 Region 2 8 Region 1 7 Region 2 8 Region 1 7 Region 2 8 Individual Member $59.64 $54.98 $34.76 $31.85 $21.55 $19.27 Diagnostic Evaluations 100% 4100% 80% 80% 100% 4100% , Find a dentist. General Dentists can provide many preventive services, like exams and cleanings, For services from dentists who are not in the BlueDental PPO (BluePreferred Dental) Network, What You Need to Know About the BlueDental PPO (BluePreferred Dental) Network, Those who purchased ACA plans through HealthCare.gov and need to access out-of-Arizona pediatric dental coverage. Members may enroll in the plan only during specific times of the year. Get access to your online account. BCBS FEP Dental is here to help you learn more about your oral health. P.O. There are no copayments or low copayments for most diagnostic and preventive services, as well as coverage for more than 300 procedures. Access Your Payment Options. Take Action. PO Box 385018 Learn how we partner with you and other providers across Michigan to improve the quality of health care through our Value Partnerships programs. as well as treatment services, like fillings and crowns. The automated system is available anytime. Some of the features used to display this website may not function properly. 1996-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. The above is a listing of common services available through your network of Participating Dentists. State and Federal Privacy laws prohibit unauthorized access to Member's private information. Choose a dental network from the list below to search for a dentist. Polskie, 24/7 online access to account transactions and other useful resources, help to ensure that your account information is available to you any time of the day or night. We provide dental claim and network administration services for Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans in Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, as well as . View our map (PDF). You can also talk to your provider consultant. If you have an EPO plan, it only covers care you get from PPO in-network dentists. Both benefit plan options pay network dentist at SMA; however, one plan pays out-of-network dentists at SMA and the other pays at U&C. TTY users: To reach any number listed here, dial 711. You can use our automated system to reach a representative to discuss your claim's outcome. Fully Insured Small Group Summary of Dental Benefits. view our International Directory. Not all Endodontists will provide endodontic services 1-888-826-8152 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. An independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. PPO Prior Authorization Requirements (PDF), HMO Prior Authorization Requirements (PDF), Important Information About MedicarePlans. Benefits are limited to a lifetime maximum for each eligible member, depending upon the plan chosen for your employees. To request a hard copy of Blue Advantage's provider directory, please call our Member Service Department at 1-888-234-8266, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven (7) days a week. 1-855-504-2583 We have several tools and resources available to help you make informed decisions about your plan and make the most of your BCBS FEP Dental coverage. If you're not a Blue Vision provider, send claims to: VSP Find a Blue Distinction Center. Box 68753 Blue Cross Blue Shield is part of the Anthem family of brands, which features a vast network of dental providers located all over the U.S. Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plans and Medicare plans from other Anthem brands can often cover a range of dental benefits. Detroit, MI 48226. Monday through Friday. He works in Olympia, WA and 4 other locations and specializes in Family Medicine. How do I submit a prior authorization request? Looking for a specific dentist or clinic? TennCare's current dental benefits manager is DentaQuest. Get access to your employer portal. Our nationwide plans are available to almost anyone. Southfield, MI 48075, 1-877-293-2788 The site may also contain non-Medicare related information. BlueCare Dental PPO offers an expansive local network of dentists with more than 13,000 access points in Illinois, and more than 378,000 nationwide. Endodontists specialize in the treatment of dental pulp and perform services like root canals, RightCHOICE Managed Care, Inc. DBA Anthem Blue Cross and . To find out if your plan includes pediatric dental coverage, please check your Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). Step 6: You will then be transferred to the servicing center for assistance. 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. primary (baby) teeth are lost by age 12, some Pediatric Dentists institute patient age limits, Get Emergency Care (Teledentistry) . The site may also contain non-Medicare related information. Blue Cross, Blue Shield and the Cross and Shield Symbols are registered service marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans. Whether you need help filing a claim or checking your patient's benefits, we can connect you with the right contact. Federal Employee Program providers and facilities: 1-800-482-3600 Referrals to the University of Michigan Health System and Henry Ford Health System Referrals to these two health systems require using specialty group NPIs rather than referring to an individual practitioner. Please note: The information provided by the BlueCare Dental Connection program is not a substitute for professional health care. Not Registered? If you have a question, please call Customer Service at 1-855-504-BLUE. Vision and hearing providers: 1-800-482-4047 , Tagalog, New Clinic Manager jobs added daily. Ask A Dentist Ask licensed dentist questions about dental care. To report fraud, waste or abuse, call our hotline: 1-800-437-3803 That means they submit your claim on your behalf to Blue Cross and accept our approved amount, saving you money. Other Adobe accessibility tools and information can be downloaded at http://access.adobe.com. P.O. It links network providers and Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans across the country and around the world. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan For more general information about coronavirus resources available to the public, you may also call the Tennessee Coronavirus Public Information Line at 1-877-857-2945. For Providers: Contact Us If you're a provider who needs to contact us about one of our Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Blue Care Network or our Medicare products, start here. BCBS FEP Dental has nearly half a million provider access points nationwide to receive in-network services, a customer service team dedicated to exceeding your expectations, online tools to make your life easier, and a variety of options and benefits to meet your needs. have privileges to provide services in a hospital setting. Free aids and services for people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as: Written information in other formats (such as accessible electronic formats). P.O. Most PDF readers are a free download. Blue Care Network 20500 Civic Center Dr. Southfield, MI 48076 Group number: 001243160001 Consider a Health Care Flexible Spending Account If you are eligible, you may want to consider enrolling in a pre-tax health care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to complement your health plan. BlueCare TennCare health care plan for many lower income pregnant women, parents or caretaker relatives of minor children, children, seniors and Tennesseans with disabilities See more TennCare Select The content on the Dental Wellness Center website is provided by go2dental.com. Research shows there may be a link between oral health and illnesses like heart disease, stroke, diabetes and premature birth. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona. Adult Dental Services BCBSIL and go2dental.com are separate companies. Grand Rapids, MI 49523-0589, Provider Inquiry If you have a dentist you like who's not a PPO in-network dentist or there aren't many in-network dentists near you, a PPO plan may be better for you. Say "another contract" to inquire on another contract. Just keep in mind you'll need to go through the prompts before you're connected to someone. Dental, Life and Disability are offered by Florida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida. State and Federal Privacy laws prohibit unauthorized access to Member's private information. The Member's share of the cost is determined by whether care is received from a Participating or Non-Participating Dentist. 1-800-344-8525 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. To view this file, you may need to install a PDF reader program. Individuals attempting unauthorized access will be prosecuted. Think of it like a credit union -- exists to serve its membership - NOT for profit. Detroit, MI 48321-2227, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Blue Vision providers submit claims electronically directly toVSP. This program offers dental plan members tools and information through the Dental Wellness Centerto help you make better dental health care choices. Need more information? Our web portalpowered by Availitymakes doing business with Anthem even easier. It also verifies that you'll provide quality care to our members. Register Now, Not registered? We provide health insurance in Michigan. The automated system is available anytime. Monday through Friday, 1-800-431-1059 A General Dentist will refer patients to an Oral Pathologist for assistance in Need help understanding our plans? Say "another member" to inquire on another member. Register Now, Learn more about registering for our web tools. , 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. If youre an administrative office of a medical care group, you have access to a professional organization consultant. We offer two ways to find patient eligibility information by logging into our secured provider portal or by calling Provider Inquiry, an automated response system. The content on the Dental Wellness Center website is provided by go2dental.com . For a step-by-step guide to Electronic Data Interchange, also known as EDI, read our FAQ on the topic. Call our customer service number on the back of your ID card to report information that is wrong. Physicians and professionals: 1-800-344-8525 When a ZIP code is supplied, the city and state values are ignored. When you have a member selected and then go to select a provider, the system will indicate if the provider is "in" or "out" of network for that member. This provides a quick, convenient way to get help in case of a dental emergency. General Dentists who don't provide denture services in their clinics may also refer patients 1-877-258-0167 You should not think BCBSTX endorses all views you find on this other site. Finding a dentist in the Blue Dental PPO network or who has participated through Blue Par Select in the past is easy. Call DentaQuest (toll free) at 1-855-418-1622. 40 Years Experience. During surges in COVID-19, we've taken significant steps to remove barriers for members to receive care while streamlining certain necessary requirements for our providers. The Customer Service staff can help with: For a listing of dentists outside the U.S. including U.S. territories and Puerto Rico, 1-888-803-4960 diagnosing oral abnormalities and disease. Gujarati, Oral health touches every aspect of our lives but is often taken for granted. The plans Schedule of Maximum Allowances (SMA), on average, is lower than usual fees. Monday through Friday But, because we often add new providers to our network, we can't guarantee all the information in your search will be current. If you're within Michigan, you can use oure-Referralsite to learn whether you need to submit a prior authorization. Nominate your provider for inclusion in our network! 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. To find out if your plan includes pediatric dental coverage, please check your Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). Physicians and professionals: 1-800-344-8525, Vision and hearing providers: 1-800-482-4047, Federal Employee Program providers and facilities: 1-800-840-4505. Dental Provider Services Contact our dental team to report changes to your practice or for questions about Blue Cross NC dental contracts, policies and procedures. You are entitled to obtain a detailed understanding of additional services or assistance that the To view this file, you may need to install a PDF reader program. Returning Shopper? We offer resources to support your practice in serving patients covered by our dental plan. Watch our videos to learn how specialty benefit plans offered by your employer may work for you so you can make informed decisions during open enrollment. Important Legal and Privacy Information | Important Information About MedicarePlans | Privacy Practices | Site Map | Feedback | Download Adobe Acrobat Reader. The content on the Dental Wellness Center website is provided by go2dental.com. When the plan pays non-PPO dentists at U&C, the employer savings are less, employees are balanced billed and their out-of-pocket costs are slightly higher. *Dental Network of America, LLC (DNoA) is a separate company that provides dental benefits for some BCBSTX plans. With BlueCare Dental PPO, members have the option to receive care from dentists who are not in the network. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Many Oral Surgeons also perform jaw and facial surgeries that are considered medical (rather than dental), Italiano, Cigna Dental Insurance Plans* google drive shared folder empty The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia Premier Plus PPO health care plans offer the highest level of benefits available. Box 68710 . For Michigan Providers: Summary of Utilization Management Programs (PDF), Provider Prior Authorization and Precertification Requirements for BCBSM and Medicare Plus Blue, For Michigan Providers: BCN Referral and Prior Authorization Requirements (PDF), For Non-Michigan providers: Referral and Authorization Requirements (PDF), Important Information About MedicarePlans, Your 10-digit national provider identifier, BCBSM PIN or facility code, The members contract number, date of birth, the spelling of their first name and their ZIP code, Member liability, including deductible, coinsurance and copays. For personal medical guidance, please consult your dentist and/or physician. Simply call a Patient Care Coordinator at (877) 872-0370 . to an Orthodontist for an overbite, underbite, crossbite, or tooth crowding. We provide health insurance in Michigan. Where can I get dental costs and information? Step 7:Listen to your claim's status, which includes the following information: Step 8: After listening to the claim's status, you'll have the following choices: The automated system is available anytime. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, PDF File is in portable document format (PDF). In addition, some sites may require you to agree to their terms of use and privacy policy. BlueCare Dental HMO offers a dental network that is one of the largest in Illinois. TrademarkElite is the U.S. #1 Trademark Search and Registration Service :: BLUE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS is a trademark and brand of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Chicago, IL . Monday through Friday, Care Management--Mail Code C355 Get access to your member portal. To find out if your plan includes pediatric dental coverage, please check your Summary of Benefits and . [Maryland and WDC] Offers healthcare insurance to residents of Maryland and Washington, DC. Blue Cross NC wants to make sure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information. Register Now, Learn more about registering for our web tools. Their online platform allows you to sign up in just a few clicks, find the right coach or therapist for your needs, and quickly book an appointment via live video or in-person. Log In to Availity Don't have an Availity account? Automated information is available anytime. We provide health insurance in Michigan. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, PDF File is in portable document format (PDF). Automated information is available anytime. Get access to your online account.Register Now, Not registered? BlueCare Dental PPO SM * BlueCare Dental HMO SM * If you are a BCBSTX member and have questions about your health care plan benefits, check with your group benefits administrator or contact Customer Service at the number listed on your BCBSTX member ID card. Important Information About Medicare Plans, whether the dentist offers evening or weekend hours, what languages are spoken by the dentist and staff, what experience they've had with physical or developmental disabilities, and more. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Once you have located the . Other Adobe accessibility tools and information can be downloaded at http://access.adobe.com. Dr. Buckley graduated from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in 1983. Please consider an upgrade or using a different device. Information for Brokers, employers, and providers, as well as links to consumer health and wellness sites. . HMO coverage is offered by Health Options Inc., an HMO subsidiary of Blue Cross and Blue . Say "date of service" to learn about a different claim. 2021 BlueCare Dental PPO (Mid-Market) Plans - Spanish. Monday through Friday. Box 33248 One Woodward Avenue, Suite 2020 Keep in mind Dental Services Dental Services TennCare dental benefits are handled by a contracted dental benefits manager. Verify patient eligibility and benefits , BCBSOK and go2dental.com are separate companies. Each account comes with tools that let you quickly and easily get your work done. Whether you're interested in joining our network or have already partnered with us, we're here to help. Just keep in mind you'll need to go through the prompts before you're connected to someone. Read our manuals to learn more about our programs, policies and procedures. The content on the Dental Wellness Center website is provided by go2dental.com . It's more than just business when you join the Blue Cross network. Get access to your agent portal.Register Now. Information on a wide range of dental topics, like pediatric care, prevention, treatments and dental diseases. Returning Shopper? like alveoplasties or cleft lip/palate surgery. Site Map|Feedback|Download Adobe Acrobat Reader, Learn more about a Healthier Michigan.org. 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Dr. Stout graduated from the University of Arkansas For Medical Sciences College of Medicine in 1995. 2021 BlueCare Dental PPO (Mid-Market) Plans. If you call before 30 days, we may not be able to check your claim through our automated phone system. Get access to your agent portal. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Learn more about our Total Care and Blue Distinction Specialty Care designation programs and find a designated doctor or hospital that meets your needs. , One option is Adobe Reader which has a built-in reader. Fully Insured Summary of Dental Benefits 2022 BlueCare Dental PPO (Small Group) Plans It's just one more way that Florida Blue is with you. After enrollment, members will receive a BlueCare Dental PPO ID card to present at their dental visit. Monday through Friday. Note:It can take up to 30 days for a claim to be processed. Call our Member Services department Monday - Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Not registered? The full text or spelling is not required for the city and dentist name fields. Pursuant to Section 1557 Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental does not discriminate, exclude people, or treat them differently on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including pregnancy and gender identity). Calls will be returned the next business day. Essential Vision providerssubmit claims throughHeritage Vision Plan. If you need additional guidance, read the Dentaquest Dental Manual (PDF). Vision providers who can't access their account or need more information can read the Blue Vision Provider Summary Guide (PDF) to learn how to: Submit claims, appeals and attachments Search AA Member BlueAccessSMLogin BlueAccess LoginUsernamePasswordLog In +Provider Login +Register For Members Member Info Forms You Might Need Your Health For plans with Part D Coverage: You may be able to get Extra Help to pay for your . Dental Plans. If your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) plan includes pediatric dental coverage, choose "BlueCare Dental SM " as your network. Step 2: Answer the system's prompts about your patient and whether you provided care in Michigan. A dentist may refer you Step 4: Say "yes" when asked if you have additional questions about the determination of the claim. Register Now. NEW CLAIMS SUBMISSION MAILING ADDRESS. Coverage for treatments varies depending on the member's benefit plan. The Member's share of the cost is determined by whether care is received from a Participating or Non-Participating Dentist. Deutsche, Check out our FAQs page to get answers to questions, or Contact Us with any questions you may have. Choose a dental network from the list below to search for a dentist. The site may also contain non-Medicare related information. If you are a member with either employer-offered dental benefits or employer-offered medical and dental benefits, you can go to BlueCare Dental Connection by logging in to Blue Access for MembersSM. Services from non -participating providers will be subject to the same allowable charges as those from participating . 1-800-762-2382 Out-of-network dentists do not participate in any arrangement with Blue Cross. Quickly find a general dentist or specialist. Credentialing is a verification process you'll need to pass before you can join our provider network. require a referral from a General Dentist prior to scheduling Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental complies with all applicable Federal civil rights laws, to include both Title VII and Section 1557 of the ACA. BCBSTX and go2dental.com are separate companies. here.Language Assistance Available: Espaol, DeltaCare USA: This plan is prepaid on an annual basis and has, among other benefits, no deductible or annual dollar maximums. Important Legal and Privacy Information | Important Information About MedicarePlans | Privacy Practices | Site Map | Feedback | Download Adobe Acrobat Reader. The search results will supply: The search may also provide their website, address and office hours. Step 5: Tell the system the date of service. As a Blue Dental member, you have access to a network of dentists who provide lower costs for the services you receive. Our dental plans now include virtual dental visits at TeleDentistry.com at no added cost. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana (BCBSMT) is providing access to the Dental Wellness Center website as a courtesy, as part of its BlueCare Dental Connection program. One option is Adobe Reader which has a built-in reader. Box 312599 The above is a listing of common services available through your network of Participating Dentists. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Targeted for families or individuals that want enhanced benefits, Premier Plus PPO provides a number of benefits before the deductible and . P.O. Franais, Marquette, MI 49855, Employee Inquiry Say "fax or email" to receive a copy of your claim's status. Grand Rapids, MI 49516-8753, Blue Cross Complete Claims 415 S. McClellan Ave. Register Now, Not registered? that insurance benefits for orthodontia can vary depending on the patient's age, so make Complete the form below to search for dental providers in the U.S. who are in-network for BCBS FEP Dental members. This new site may be offered by a vendor or an independent third party. Vision and hearing providers: 1-800-482-4047. Many Periodontists also provide dental implant services. You'll need to know what kind of dental plan you have; an individual plan, a plan through your employer or Medicare, or another public plan. Today's top 32,000+ Clinic Manager jobs in United States. Online provider search bcbsm.com has an online provider search that allows you to look for affiliated providers by first selecting the member's Blue Cross or BCN product and then viewing the network choices by type of care and location. External link You are leaving this website/app (site). If youre a professional provider office, you have access to a provider consultant. on primary (baby) teeth, so if needed, you may be redirected to a Pediatric Dentist. Get access to your employer portal. Since out-of-network dentists do not have contracts with Blue Cross, you'll have higher out-of-pockets costs. to this type of specialist. Contact the plan for more information. Fep Blue Dental Provider Login . The BlueCare Dental HMO network includes specialists such as oral surgeons, orthodontists, pediatric dentists, endodontists (specialists in diseases of the nerve within the tooth) and periodontists (specialists in diseases of the gums and tissues).
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